The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, November 08, 1877, Image 3

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LOCAL ITEMS. RAILOAD SCHEIDULES.-The follow ing are th hours at which the trains on the (". C. and A. R. It. pass Winnsboro: ItEoULAn PARSEINoR-NIoT. For Charlottt, 1.25, A. Ir. For Augusta, 11.07, 1'. M. AccoMMonroN FIREIoHT-DAY. For Columbia, 7.30, r. 5. For Charlotte, 10.45, A. A Now Advortisoment,s. leckling's Gallery. A fine Opportunity-B. Sugon heimor & Co. Knights of Honor--- E. Chand ler, Reporter. Wednesday was decidedly a cold day. Ice was found in the early morning. The Democrats of Richland coun A ty, in convention assombled, nomi natod Capt. John H. Kinsler for the senatorship made vacant by the resignation of Beverly Nash. The Fairfiold Fire Engine Com pany paraded on Tuesday afternoon. The engine was in.its usual fino con, dition, and the boys preented their usual handsome appear ance. It is rather a coincidence that the verdict of guilt in Cardozo's case should have been rendered on the seventh of November-tho anniver sary of the rout of the thievOs and plunderers in South Carolina. The Wheeler House, Columbia, has been roopened under the man agenient of Maj. R. N. Lowrance, who is favorably known to the traveling public; and visitors to the State Fair will secure all the con forts of a first.,class hotel by a topping with him. The meeting of the Gordon Light Infantry, on Tuesday evening, was well atten(ded. A colmnittee was appointed to consider the matter of uniform. Great interest is being manifested in the company by the members, and wo doubt not it will ultimately be one of the fine.3t mii tary organizations in the Stato. Wo trust the adjutant-general will soon be able to furnish the corps with the necessary arms and equipments. CAnnozo's TiuAL.-The trial of Cardozo was con tin nod on Mon day. Mr. Miles openfodl the ar'gument for the State, Mr. MelLon followed for the defence, and General Conner closed for the State. All the argu moeuts are said to have been very fine. A telegram received here on Wednesday morning announces that the jury rendered a verdict of "Guilty." M\r. Molton excepted to varJious ruilin;.s of Judge~ Townisend, and it is not unlikely that the ease will go up to the Supreme Court. Judge Town send's charge, howi~evor, .was clear, full, imp)artiaLl and, we doubt not, entirely correct ; so thore will be but little chance for the guilty ex. treasurer to escape the pon. alty due to his crimes. The Columbia Register favors the establishment of county courts. It says :"We wvant a cheaper tribunal to pass upon the minor offenses now sent to the circuit curt. The revival of the county court system will be urged upon the Logislaturo, and so will the enlargcmecnt of the powers 7 ~and duties of the trial jusltices4. Our priedilections favor the fo:rerv -y. tern, as calculateelI to acquire d~init y anld imporUitanieo by reason of its~ en larged jurisdict ion, con,pared with the limiited terrJitory of unde(lr mlag intrates, who) are wvithin the rndim, of small neighborhoods. ]1esides, the 4pay of one man to p)reid:e over a county court held - once or twice a month is necessarily mnore economi cal than to pay a dozen men for the same class of labor, when it will re quire more or less of their imo every month to look after such busi. ness." - Our correspondent "Lox" frankly admits the justice of all the comn plaints made against the trial jus tie system, but says it has not yet had a fair trial. We think it has had a full and fair trial. Of course, -everybody admits thipt under onr proenn ffVnr.Ob so of the abuses have been re moved; but many still exist. The truth is, the power of trial justices in greatly dispropor tionato to the grade of the offico, and it is impossible to fill the oflico' with men possessing the requisito legal attainmients to perform its duties properly. The civil jurisdic tion of trial justices is too wide ; yet it will in many cases be un profitable to take certain small causes up to the circuit court. The remedy is in the establishment of an intermodiatto tribunal, which shall take from the trial jus, tices the more important civil cases, and at the same time relieve the circuit courts of the smaller. The same reasoning applies to criminal cases, but with much greater force. True Brotherhood Lodge, No. 344, Knights of Honor. T IIN regular ieelting of th1i. L,o'lgo w%*III be h"Id IIa Masoilo Hall on Friday evenhig, the Jth Inst., at, 7 o'clock. E. S. CIIANILER, nov8 -it Reporter. A Fine Opportunity. r H11E undersigned offers for sale or rent the line store building now occ a i.i by, . mnheimer & Co., and known a." Caticar"'s Old Stand." This is one of tho very best bnAiless stands in Winnsboro - tein; centrally locited and surrolndle*d by cotton buiyers. Tho bluilding hars recentlyI been put in first rate cond ition --repainted and otherwise overhauled. On the same lot, is a vom fortablo and warehouse which will be disposed of along with the store building. The store has alunys attracted one of the best trades in the county, and is altogether ono of the most desirable in Winnsboro, Terms very accommo dating. D. SUGENHEIMER. ALSO, Along with thestore above montioned, will be sold, if desired, the stock of goods in it. nov 8-txm B. SUGENHE iMER & CO. T O LET. I-E privato dwelling of the late Jas. TI. Aiken. H. L. ELLIOTT, nov G-tjI Administrator. A LL persons having claims against. A . Ja . It. Ai-4en. deceased, aehrb requestot to presentthe smti, properly attested, o4g or before the firt day of Janiarv next. And all persons indebted to Jas. It. Aiken, deceaso I, are hereby ntiliod to pay up on or before the first day of Decem her next. H1. L. ELLIOTT, nov 5-tjI Administrator. Oh Urriml Say! -0 OYSTrERS--Sewed ! OYSTERS-Fried ! OYSTFRS- l. a mode i OYSrfE RS--On the half shell ! Breakfasts, Dinni. r's andi Suppers Served up in excellent style, and without deClay.. All thlat tile seaonf calli for can be had at "OUR HOUSE," where a hearty welcome, satisfaction and a jelly evening aire guarantceed by the host, J. D. McCARLEYW. Billiard and Biagatello room adljoining. Seke~t st iek of Rtyo and Corn Whiskey Biranldies, Ale. Blee.r, Porter, Soda, ko. Fine.assortmIent of Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos. oct25 Ii. CLEiNDINING l100t ail Shoe Man ufatctur'er, WINNSBORO,0 S. C. THiE undersigned re spc ful aaac(s to the 618* aW it.iztiis of 1"ail~icld t.hat ho S hass removewd his iBoot and( Slhoo lanu)ifactory to one door bolowv Mr. C. Muller's. 1 am p'r.aparvl to manufacture ill styies of wor~k inI a sutanSlltial and . -a)rkmal,nike mator, out of t,e c ry host materials, and a:t prices fully asi low as thlt Northo lewere I keepcotalyn hianrd a goodi Ntock or kol- airl U >e stlh at r' ,.O)tth& le pits. j'a-pah-ig lI!proptly attE,ndedl t. Term'atrie'ly *.P rielisbm;. act, 12 ,t( CLNJD1IN 'N.. 20tlllt ZiIi /100 lbl' t aiLi.; 'd : Monl AugiIai0ust h. i i Class i5es, Scien.ce and the asual E'ngl Iish, branich s ~i&~.ipecilatitent ion ill bo p;:t;d to eloction.i), ro'.lintg a pt'liing and( wr'.t. in1g, Pupils w.i Ill rtceir that ca reful drill in the radiments whliob Is essenitilI to scouring a thorough education, Black board exercises will uter largely as a method of instruct.ion. The cole building is commodlous and conveniently located. The Principal hopes, with the political aind material improvement of the Stato, to seoure a liberal patronage, -by means of whlich tile Institute may be re stored jto its fornmer popularity and useful ness TERMs:t Classical department, per session of twenty w%eks, - - $30.00 Intermediate, -- - - - 25.00 Primary,----------- - -0.00 . Payment to be made quarterly in ad e*aa 14-ttwinn.JtQ -n SPECIAL NOTICES. It is Founid at Last. So-FETIrNO N;w UNDUR TI SUN.-A now ora i dawning nv;on th life or wo man. l[itherto sho ha" b?en caillcd pon to sumer to ills of umn' ind andt herow beAidet4. Itho frequenic mind distresing irregularitic peculiar to her 4ex haivo long buen to her t-o "direful spring of woem unnumberA(d." In the mainsion of the rich and in the hovel of poverty alike woman hus been t.ho constunt yet. patient victim of a thouslnd ill nniuwn to ftian--nd thee without a reioly. <Oh1 Lord, how long!" in tho agony of her rol, hath mho cried. But niow the hour of her redempt,ion iH como. Sho will suffur no more, for Dr. J. BrafIlold's Feal e'u lator---Woman's Best Friol-- is for :.alo by Dia. W. EI. AIxt at $1.50 p-r bottle. Iov 0.-2w L I OUT ! L OO K OUT! AND WATC-i FOR GREAT Price List. IT WILL ASTONISH CONGRESS STRET G D IWINNSBIORO, S. C. J)ait. at haas andiI e&rr.mi,cd to give maifac.tion. U. 0. IDESPORTEIS. Seopt 18 A\. LLprosnwn themnaolves in Josophl LAnhon decolnHed, or to) lfLauon & Konnedy. n.ust some forwahl and maitko p'yment, an; longer indulgonce cannot be given. All p6rHons .holig claimA oalnat paid estate will band them t o, lawfung atteste3d. * * W.E Z hTnVUDY FURN] ~W XW- Savo high bills by purchasing A NEW SUI RUsTIO WINDOW SIADEs, Low in Prit will nover got out of order, and will la MATTR Spring Beds, Picturo Framos, Pict1 Carriages. LUM And Shingles at Pri( REPj Neatly done at modorate Price UNDERTAKER I koop on hand a full supply of Mc ,tud Cofins of the finest finish. Also, R,~. THE LATEST BEST 4 AT LOWES HAVE just returned from the mai somest, largest, and best assorted st( the especial benefit of the citizens of invite their attention. To the Ladies who would havo GLOVES, LINGERIE, and the very To the Gentlemen who would get til CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, BOO' To those who are in need of goods variety TABLE LINEN, HOMESPUNS DOYIJ.ES, CHECKS, TOW1E LS, TICKING, BLANKETS, BLEAC.l --THESE MAY B] S( L.IVE R CURE. ISfa scientlingpreparattion of' the rnost appro'ed miedicines~ in the vogetable woild. It will cure live com001plaint, howel affect ions, skin d isonses, kidney affections, bill ious and ma.larial fevers colic, jauindice, indigestion anti dyspep 51in, ind many royard it ats a ''Family Theilro is no medicino niow beforo the ~pepl thn i give:4 suchi universal salinfac tion;. No one who has ever used it but gives ii the hIighest praiseQ, and1( is read(y to t 1tity to its4 meirita in on rinig d1yspopl 41a, in! b .'twcn, con.Lflstit i ver comn pl; nde. nd. , calic, bill ions antd re *&iv r0 fever andi. agn41, and all t.,'. a~" f n 'e,nd genorald debi lity'. 1 I 1r ; vi ig in malarial d;it.ricts ii ahVi.b hei ni a.c'.vanting its' poisonousl .0 fl r ii . unny. It hoPS been itued wAI 1 ~ n 2 una. 2tag sunl mOh-I all clit'es, ca ni I '. an ini' a2 l 1nn4 of weather. One' Ii ril w'il! (1 Vo vince. moit. increu( - eo f it. laliue. W. r;. Anumi~, R, . Unnric: & Co., ' DWIE& MOTSE, Propietors, nov 0.-2w Obarlesi,on, 13. (5. A. M,. MA CREY, A.ttorna3y andi Counse1Ilor',t~ Law, Wilnnsboro,f4. 0. i,he courte df this State and the United iri Isdiie. &. N'OW is the time to Insunre ~ IN Dwelflngs, Barns anid GIin H1ou9, Ample security offered in the OLDA represented at this Ageno . ApplyO to [TURE, Axrived and to arrive, con sisting of Walnut Chainbei Suites, Painted Cottago Suites Wardrobcs, Sideboards, Safes, Book Cases, Bureaus, Tables Chairs, Bedsteads, Cribs . Desks, Towel-racks, Wash stands, Lounges, Sofas, Hall Stands, Hat Racks, Coat Hooks, Cornor Stands-for Design and Workmanship Un equaled. AT HOME. PLY OF :*, Durable and Convenient. They At longer than any other Shade. ESSES, iros, Brackets, Mirrors, Children's BER es to Suit the Times. LIRING s. Furnituro made to order. S DEPARTMENT. italic and Rosewood Burial Cases a cheap stock of Coffins. W. Phillips. ARRIVALS I 3'OODS T PRICES! .--. 'ket, having selected one of the band cks ever brought to this place, for Fairfield, to which I respectfully bhe pretiest styles of DRESSES, daintiest SHOES Call on SOL. WOLFE. io very latest and nobbiest suits of 'S, and furnishing GOODS Call on SOL. WOLFE. of all kinds, Notions in great , HOSIERY, BUTTONS, HAMBURG EDGING, iING, VALISES and TRUNKS. 3 FOUND AT )L. WOLFE'S. wWite Goo&s. J. F. Icaster & Co. A.largo and completo assortment of Fall and Wintor Goods, just reciv od. Prints, Longclotha, Se'a Island llomec Plin om#espuns, Cotton, and WVoolen Flannels. French and Charlot.tesvillo Cas.imeoros. Bllan kots, Joans~ andl J(orsey.. Ow, of tho tinent iots of Oohing we have e.ver received. Boots, lShoes and lHats of all the latest, it,yloa, All of whieb wo are offoring very low for the cash. oct 2 J. F. McMIASTER & CO. oNE ross of ,the gerino irQwn ALSO, Twetnty-five dozen assor'ted 8oapn,at the Drug Steo of. -MA?MA,D & RgIgNOLDg,