The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, November 03, 1877, Image 3

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RAI ROA) SuJIDULS.-The follow ng aro the hous at which the-trains on tho (". C. and A. IR. R. pas Winnsboro: REGUoAR PAssENOE--NoT. For Charlotte, 1.25, A. M. For Augusta, 11.07, r. br. AccOMMODATIoN FuEOWT-DAY. For Columbia, 7.36, r. bi. For Charlotte. 10.45, A. H .Rolialous Notices. Baptist Church-Rov. T. W. Mollicham1p, 11 o'clock, A. 5. Methodist Church-Rev. J. S. Connor, 11 a. m. Associate Reformod Church Rev. J. M. Todd, 11 *. m., and 71 P. alI. Prosbytorian Cluirch-Rov. G. R. Brackett, 11 A. A., and 7}1 1,. m. Sabbath School 4j P. m. Prayer Meeting, WOdnesday, 5.1 P. m. Episcopal Church- -Rov. J. Oboar, services overy Sunday ex-o,pt the 2nd Sunday of the month: at 11 o'clock A. M. Now Advertisoomnts. Gordon Light Infant ry-R11. M. Huey, Secretary. There were several typographical mistakes in our local about the fur niturc recently purchased for Monnt Zion Instituto, and wo thorefore ro* publish the article properly cor - rectod. RIFLE TEAM.-Tho Fairfield Light Dragoons will sond to the Fair a toam composed of tho following named membors : T. R. Robertson, R. J. McCarloy, 0. M. Dantzler, A. M. Wallace, W. M. Hardin and W. A. Neal. These members wore so. lected after a compotitive trial. They will make a good showing in Columbia. The furniture ordered for Mount Zion School has arrived. It con sista of a imasoni Franklin school globm, with quadrant ; a geared tolhtrian ; a full set of largo sized outline maps; cloven indestructible charts, containing diagralms illis, trative of ratural philosophy and kindred sciences; charts of ponman ship and grammar ; and a set of mathematical iguIres and bodie The globe was presented by Mr. James B. McOants, and the other apparatus by the ladios of the Auxiliary Christian Association. The outfit is handsome and useful, and is a great acquisition to the School. CoIxrnA I-rmtus.-Tho trial of F L. Cardozo beogan on Thursday morning. The State is represented by Attorney General Cornnor, Solici.. tor Abnoy, C. Richardson Miles, Esq., and Leroy F. Youmans, Esq. Samuel W. Melton, Esq., is counsel for the accused. The jury is com~~ posed of four white and eight col ored persons. The trial will doubt less consume a week. The Democrats of the city are holding ward meetings, in view of the approaching senatorial election. It is rumored that several bills of indictment against Republican mem bers of the present general assoms will be handed to the grand jury next Monday. These spotted legis lators are at present in the city. Col. F. 3. Treutlen has beon ap pointed chief constable of the St ate, vice Col. Win. Butler, resigned. Charleston is at last wakinig up to the necessity of doing something for the State Fair. It would be a shame for her to, hold aloof on that occasion. TEN BABIEs IN FIVE YEAs.-The nmews of Mrs. T. J. Suggs having given birth to four babies last week .was brought to this city by a lady who lives near her in Gaston county and whose veracity is beyond ques tion. The story was a good deal talked of in the city yesterday, and doubts were expressed as to its truthfulness. WVe will supplement It : Havmng stated it at the timo of its occurrence, and having again, yesterday, referred to the fact that Mrs. Suggs gave ,bith to triplets' less than two years ago, wve now recall the fact that this lady gave birth, one at a time, to three children before the triplets woere born. She has been married now but five years, and is the mother of ton children-an average, if they had come singly; of one during every tix months of ber married life. We were informed, ye-1erd , by. citizen of Gaston, that when she presented her husband with tho triplets, Govornor Brogdon, who thon occupied the exocutivo chair of tho State, ptosonted hor with $300. Wo can believo anything but that, ald No 1101)0 the Gastonians will n1ot inSist uj)Ol Our 8wallowmilng the $300. His Excelloncy is an oloquent mini, and we believe him to be a sympat1jotic man, but ho is not the kind of a cat to throw his $300 bills around in any such style as that.-Charlotte (Y. C.) Observer. Attition ! Gordou Light In fittry. A TTIND the rogular bi-monthly meeting of your corps, this (Satur day) evening at 7; o'clock, sharp. R. M. IIUEY,. nov 3-t1 SecrotOry. W~ E will exposo to sile on the first IMonday in Novomber next, in front of the Court Ilouso in Winnsboro, So. Ca., the following propurty, to wit: Two one. horso wagons, one two-horse wagon, one buggy. All of the above aro new, and were put up by a first-class workman. Torms: cash. BROWN & CO., Surviving partnors of Brom, Brown & Co., Charlotte, N. C. oct 24-t2rW30x24&31 l\T OTIO-ED.. A LL persons knowing themselves in . anywiso indobted to the estato of Jisepli Lauihon deecased, or to Lilion & Kennedy. must come forward and mako p -yment., as longer indulgence cannot bt. given. All persons holding clims against said estate will hand them in, lawfully attested. E. W. KENNEDY, oct 3 1-x3t. Executor. GREAT REIIICTION - AT DANN ENB ERG'. My large and well selected stock of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, TRUNKS, ETC., ETC. *Will be sold at groat inducements. We must have money; and money wo will have. No one need( go to Columbia, as we can and will soil goods as low as anDy house in Columbia. COME AND SEE T HE Leader of Low Prices, Dannenberg. oct 30 Dest is Chaa post NEW WILLCOX & GIBBS Silent Sewing Machine. Lantest Invention, Producinlg Marvyelouis Results. Its surpassing merit latces it beyondl an1 comn petliltin, anid inakes it, the0 cheapest,, not.wi,h standilng the larg lI(ilndcmnts offered by siti, le of ni hach- l ining, t,roublesomec, two Only Maichine in the Worhld witl, Automatic Featureos, andI( with no0 Tension to -Manage. Write by Postal Card for Price List, List of Off1lea, &c. W1~LCOX & (AIBS 8. Mi. (0 (Cor. M3ond St.) 668 Biroadwvay, N. Y ma'y 15-1y MONEiY WANTED. r [1HOSE who owe us for goods pr 1.chased either thIs year or previoits years, are requested to rieembor us whon selling cotton. Part payment is better thatn nothing. oot 25 MaMA STER & nnTrm. SPECIAL NOTICES. Now in Perfct H[ealth. NE-Au MARIErta, GA., March 21, 1870. 'I6virs. IIm. Roolt &.>aa. - - (etloni: Some months ago I bought a bottle of Bradheld's Femalo Regulator from you. and iavu ised it inl my family with the utmost satisfaction, and have reconmnen dcel it to three other faiihes and they havo found it just what it is recomm1nCIld. Tho feiales who have used your Regula tor aro now im perfect hoalth, and arc able to attend to th leir housolhold duties, and wo cordially recommend itto the public. Yours respectully, oct 23-2w REV. 11. B. JOHNSON. THE ELEPHANT -HAS COME With a Fresh Stock of' Fall and Winter Uoods, AT THE DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND Xillinery Bazaar. 0 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. E tako pleasure in announcing to our friends and the public gonorally that we arc now opening the flu03t aid most omlp\ete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, including Millinery and Fancy Goods in all the latest styles and novelties of thc season, such as are generally found inl a first-class Millinery establishment. Fan cy and stalo Dry Goods, a beautiful stock of newest styles of Dross Goods. Buttons and TRIMMINGS. A full assortment of brown and blea-hed Mushilns, Poplins, Calicoes, Ginghams, Gents' Goods, 'Notions, CorsetU, Gloves, Hosiery,1ust les,.Shirts, Shawls, Cloaks,&c. Meni's anud Boys' .Iats. Boots and Shoes for (tents and Boys, Shoes and Gaiters for Ladies, Misses and Children. A FULL STOCK OF Frosh Groceries, Con fection cries, Cakes and Cracker, Cheese, Mackerol, Flour, Meal, Grist, Soaps, Starch, Candles,Kerosene, Crockery, Tin and Wooden Ware, -Furnitureand Mattresses, LUMBERFOR SALE As low as the lowest. Call and examino my stock and prices. Jj 0. BOAGm oct.3 Oh !Ur-r-I Say!i OYSTERS--Stod I OYSTER S--Friedi1 OYSTERS--A lab mfode! OYSTJERS-On the half shell ! Breakfaists, Dinnelrs and Suppers Served up in excellent style, and without delay. All that the season callsi for can be had at "OUR HOUSE," where a hearty welcome, satisfaction and a jolly evening are guaranu teod by the host, J. D. McCARLEY. Billiard and Bagatello room adjoining. Selet st 'ck of Rye and Corn \Vhiskey Brandies, Ale, Beer, Portor, Soda iWator &c. Fine,assortmlent of Cigars, he wing and Smoking Tobaccos. oct 25 J. CLENDINING, Uoot and Shoe Manuf'acturer, WVINNSBORLO, S. C. THlE uinderdignod re spectfully anlnolunces to thoc SOM Ecitizens of FairfIeld that heC has remloved his Boot and Shoe Manufactory to on0 (1oor b)elow Mr. C. Muller's. I am prepared to mnanufaeture 'dll styles of workI in a substanitial and ."orkmanlike mlanner, out of the very best materials, and at prices fully as lowv as the name golods can be manufactured for at the North or elsewhere. I keep1 constantly on hland a good Stock of Solo and Upper Leather, Shoe Findings &e., whlich wvil1 be sold at reasonable prices. Repairing p)romplltl attended to. TIerms strictly Cash. $pd bried Hides bought. oct 12 J. CLENDINING. MIO R RIS' H OT E L Thave just finished painting, paporing .. and thoroughly -renovating my Hlotel from top to bottom, and now have it in first class order and ami propared to on tertain my guests withl much more con. v'iceo and1 comnfort than eretoforo. Office on fIrst floor and opening on main. street, wit,h dinning room andc samp~le room adjoining. Every effort will be made to make my guests comfortable. ~W Hotel located* nnxt door .to F. Elder's large grQcery and dry gooestores and in the central and business pot(on o town. Charges .to suit the times: april-26-ti 'Prohrjeto. . FUBNI BE- Save high bills by purchasing A NEW SUI RUSTIC WiNDOW SHADEs, Low in Pri will never get out of order, and will h MATTI Spring Bods, Picturo Frames, Pict Carriages. LUMJ And Shingles at Pri, REP. Neatly done at modorate Pric< UNDERTAKER I keep on hand a full supply of M and Collins of the finest finish. Also THE LATEST BEST AT LOWEE HAVE just returned from the ma: soniest, largest, and best assorted st< the especial benefit of the citizens of invite their attention. To the Ladies who would have GLOVES, LINGERIE, and the very To the Gentlemen who would get tl CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, BOO' To those who are in need of goodi variety TABLE LINEN, HOMESPUNQ DOYLIES, CHECKS, TOWE,LS, TICKING, BLANKETS, BLEACJ -THESE MAY B] S4 CONGRESS STRET N El w G D WINNSBORO, S. 0. 500 LUS. NEW YORK FACTORY CHEESE, Just at hand, and warranted to give satisfaction. U. O. DESPORTES. Sept*18 ESTABLISH ED IN 1859. CHARLES MULLEIR. NTATOHES, Clooks and Jewelry re. Vpaired, and eatisfaction guaranteed to everybody. N. B.--AIl who have left watches mn y store must come and got them, or I will sell them for.cests in-thirty 4raya. sent 181 ' CHARE2 M?TJTL.P. [TURE, Arrived and to arrive, con sisting of Walnut. Chambet Suites, Painted Cottage Suites Wardrobes, Sideboards, Safee, Book Cases, Bureaus, Tables ' Chairs, Bedsteads, Cribs Desks, Towel-racks, Wash standp, Lounges, Sofas, Hall Stands, Hat Racks, Coat Hooks, Corner Standso-for. Design and Workmanship Un. equaled. AT HOME. "PLY OF -o, Durable and Convenient. They 4st longer than any other Shade. ~ESSES, ures, Brackets, Mirrors, Children's BER cse to Suit the Times. &IRING ss. Furniture made to order. 'S DEPARTMENT. 3talic and Rosewood Burial Cases a cheap stock of Coffins. . W. Phillips. ARRIVALS I GOODS T PRICES! -0 eket, having selected one of the hand )cks ever brought to this place, for Fairfield, to which I respectfully the pretiest styles of DRESSES, daintiest SHOES Call on SOL. WOLFE. ie very latest and nobbiest suits of 'S, and furnishing GOODS Call on SOL. WOLFE. of il kinds, Notions in dreat HOSIERY, BUTTONS, HAMBURG EDGING, ING, VALISES and TRUNKS C FOUND AT )L. WOLFE'S. NEW, CHEAP, -AND ATTRACTIVE 800D81 Ecall the attention of .he Ldo . fleu nw stocl of Bib ClasOtr Linen Collars, Silk Ties, Hathbu Edg.J ings. Berlin and Kid Glovde, Osery& - Handkerchiefs, Ribboos, and varit other goods which we are offering as low as any~body~~ . cts Birown liomospun from 6 to 10 centa Iclaphedl Homespuns fropn $ tq 13j Chooked Homespuns 'ro' "10 ~to 1f2)( cents. ' Ticking from 10) to 25 odn4s, ' ~,, 10-4 Bleacked and Brown& Sheetig~gs, very low. A nco ssotarntof Dross Oq6de and Fanc,Drss uttons, Sal,fde"d Misses' B3oulevard Skirts, .white, red and .5 said, Flannels, Jeans, Cmssisqg ,a.s ,j Our Gent.' Department is full- and con plete. Everything from a paper collar 19 an oveoccat. A good assortment of Oarpets on hand, very cbenp. Our stock of Shoes and Haz'dwaro is comnploeo Call and examine our goods, a'nd-~ will convince you that we don't Itend to be undersold by anybody, anywhere. McZMASTER & BZC0fl PROF. N. 80O1MITT, Pa'io, Malodon sad Orebut Tuuer, 238 Main Street, pioenibia. 8. AVlGan experlenee ef 4xty4,e yasin iunipg?4~ Pianos, Melp'deeus, 4 ,, Mus Isrn tqs tion, or makeioot~s hi~ef b