The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, October 16, 1877, Image 2

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WINNSBORO, S. C. Tuesday, October 18, ; : : 1877. U..MBANS DAVIS, Aditor, JNO. a. REYNOLDS, Associate Editor. Tus CArut contest is waxing hot In Georgih. 09:L. A. O. HASKELL has dissolved a law partnership in Columbia, for reasohe highly creditable to him self. A number of times, since the recent prosecutions of Radicals, the firm of which he was a member has been solicited to appear for several of the. defendants. Colonel Haskell, while holding it in the line of the regular profession of law to take anch cases, nevorthless deemed it Incumbent upon himself, owing to his positibn as Chairman of the State Democr4tio Executive Com mittee, to refuse to receive as tlients any of those whom he, in him politichl position, helped to bring into their present extromity. He deemed it just to his partner to leve him untrammeled. Colonel has Haskell taken a high stan d. mNMPuLL, of the Abbeville Medi um, has perfected an arrangement by which all4he prominent men in the Legislature are to be made happy. It is this: Speaker Wal laeo is to be made judge in place of Northrop, and Colonel Simonton, of Charleston, is to succeed to the speakership. Then Lieutenant Governor Simpson will be made associate justice, and Swails will be kicked out of the sonat. 5imonton will then become lieutenant-gover nor and Sheppard, of Edgofield, speaker. Then Patterson will go to the penitentiary, and Governor Hampton to the senate, Simonton can then be made governor, Shep pard lieutenant-gov ernor, and Robert Aldrich. , speaker of the House. This is Hemphill's scheme. We suggest Hemphill for State printer, and.then the State will be safe. Stepping Down. The Regiter of Saturday con tains the welcome tidings that the Hon. Beverly Nash, now generally known as "Brick" Nash, has formal .ly resigned his seat in the State Senate, a position he has disgraced since the first year of Reconstruc lion. This action of the doughty Senator was not prompted by anotives of patriotism, for he has bh.d an olfportunity of taking a similar st.p at any time during the past eight years. Truth is, the Investigating Committee got after S,hilm ; and Nash, like Captain Scott's * coon, prefefred to come down with out waiting for them to shoot. In addition to resigning, he has made restitution of a portion of his ill. gotten gains, and has also, it is said, divulged some additional testimony highly damaging to that CJhristian statesman, John J. :Patterson. II' Nash has not been promised immunity, but he evidently thinks a private rogue stands a better chavice before a jurry than a bloated senator would. The nature of ?NaslVs erinaes is not given, but he is a general. criminal. Hie has robbed the charitable institutions, takefrbribes, and outraged decency in numberleas ways. His punish~~ mnent Is deserved. ~Ii Nash was the Ajst colored man in South Caroline to como forward prQ:4ne4y i pol.(ties. He b*gan by anaking a conciliatory speedh at a meeting in Columbia just after the war, when Goternor Rlampton and others spoke. He also wrote a letter denouncing Sherman's acousa tion thai Uampton burned Cohun bis as A e apid was profuse in his friou4Aip to the whites. In a few monIhuke became bitterly partisan, and , bkAR aiA career of crime whig *ak juset ended. Nash was one of tthe'Hayes elector., and told a pretty story laasi spring about having indignantly refused a bribe 0f *100,000 to vote for Tilden. thans no doubt tha# Q I,r 'the negro senator fr9mk even now reported "that he hasf North. Taft, of Charleston, will follow, for the reason that tho November election wias ille:p:1. The Senate already stands seventcon Democrats and fourteen Republi wins, with vacalcies in Richland and Marlborough. By the time the other vacancies are mado a1d 1illed the Radicals will not have a corporal's guard in their former stronghold. TUMI WHIPPING-POST. What would be the effects of its re establishment. Mesars. Editors: I have road, with much interest, the expression of opinions, as utter ed by the press of the State, as to the re-establishment of the whip ping-post in South Carolina, so that flogging can be substituted for imprisonment, as the punishment for potit larceny. It is said that "the certainty, and not the severity, of punishment prevents crime," and, it may now be added, with much force, that the modo or mannor of the punishment is as necessary as the certainty. The certainty of punishment will not prevent pilforers, or petty thieves, from committing larceny, unless the modo is of such a char - actor as to be a sufficient montal or corporeal suffering in its adminis, tration as to overbalance the en joyment of the fruits of the larceny. We may have the certainty of punishment, but the manner of in flicting it may only make it such in name, and not in fact ; and it may become such as to remove all fear or dread of breaking the law and become a premium awarded for pilfering or petty stealing. The great or main cause of committing potit larceny arises in our State entirely from idleness, laziness, and an aversion the thief has to work. There is no one, of any- class or condition of the people of this State, who cannot make al honest support, with moderate labor or even tolerable industry. You will invariably find that these petty thefts are perpetrated by persons who are in the class of street-corner loungors, "big road walkers," loaf ers, waiting about for light jobs, or engaged in hunting up something to do, to keep them from working in the hot sun. Now, to put such a follow in jail for committing petit larcency is a burlesque upon legal punishment for stealing. Tre~0 he is foci and lodged, at the expeoI8 of the county, to the injury of thme honest taxpayer, and ho finds there a convenient place to indulge his lazy habits. There he is generally pormittod1 to converse ad libit um, through the windows, with passers by in the street, and he rejoices in making light of his situation. And when he comes out, ho enjoys a nine days' notoriety, in being lionized, and loses not one iota in social position. The p)erson, on the other hand, whom ho his stolen from has to bear an increase of taxation to assist in supporti ng him while in jail. Such punishment is burdenaomo to honest taxpayers, and does not in the slightest degree reform the thief, for ho will, as we all know, go forthwith and commit another theft. Ho laughs to scorn the majesty of the law and the dignity of the State,. and seeks the jail as a sanctuary to protect him from work and to screen him from the heat of the sun. The thief dreads the lash and abhors compulsory labor. Nowv, establish the whipping.-post, and so change the lawv that each and every person who commits petit larceny shall either be whipped, or be comn-. pelled to work, and you will see that these p)etty depredations will be greatly diminished, and a groat reduction in the aggregate amount of county taxes will be made. Lot the county commissioners lot out by contract certain portions of tihe public reads contiguous to the jail or otherwise. Permit the con tractor to hire the thieves to work the roads. Place the thieves in chain gangs of from five to ten, .and one contractor and one reliable guard, with Winchester Rifles, can keoep from fity to one hundred thieves at work, and prevent escapes. Where a thief is sent to jail for five 4or loss, substitute ten stripes a ~&h day of the time he is so com inittek1 and where the commitment Is, more than five days, put the thief to hard wm-,k.a ot su -e sons es are liable to work thoso portio,ls of the roads as will bo lot oiut. to contract and worked by the thives, pay a sa1:0l tax in lieu of WorU'king tho ads. By adopting this pli, in my humlo0 opinion, the county tlxes will be greatly redwed, thu rlads will be kept in better condition than now, and if the thiev,cs ar not reforied, they, in their labor ;onw dored, will be a sourcu of ro'vonuo to the county. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. The grangers of Donnaldsville, Abbeville county, have established a co-operative store. Considerable sickness prevails in Marlboro couni y, and several deaths have recently occurred. All the mciilers of the Graham family who were thought to be poisoned are i'w out of danger. All the Radical county ofj(i:cls of Georgetown have vaated their offices, and are now praying pardon for past offences. They are still having railroad meetings in Anderson county, and the enthusiasm is nowise abated. Mr. Alonzo Monckto, of COlum bia, while running a cottn gin in M%arion, mot with it sovero accident. 01)0 of his arms was dreadfilly lacerated by the saws of the gin. Since October, 1870, there have ben Olle hundred and eighty-five biildings destroved in DIarlington comty by fire, inlldinlg lbarnis, gin Iouses, stores and dwellings. 0 General McGowan hts been s"lected to deliver the cust omarv address before the miliNtary in Ca1:r. leston on Wash inl"gton's Birthiay. The choice was inado by the Wash ington Artillery, of that city. The Darlington Aems is informed that the "lill-polld fever" is raging to seh an extent in one -ection of the county that mnI.y families have been compelled t') fors:,'kc their crops and leave homo' in1 order to recover their liv..ath. A man nam-l \nhih was knocked olf the P; I . way to Au,i~gsht1" '.i~* ,~ and injud 11 110u, th"t i.o diedI Soonar. T liw. running a!, i *.h time, and it coua e in time to avoh! .h neL.t. A war!i: hi th In ad (Co/.. rier nonmts M. A.C. fstl for the pot- of aO, te ju.nice -a pofi;tioll !A1kely to be lale vacant by the imipenI iluemet .of Wright. The (,ews (Id ourie warmly endorses the suggestion. Six negroes woro put npon trial last week in Darlington, charged with a conwpiracy to burn tho town of Darlingt on in Jlanunary last, when several houses were destLroyed. One of the gang confoessed the con, spiracy, implientng the negroes nlow on trial, and showing timt their pllans wecre well :onceived and skillfully carried out. The gin -hIoIuxo of M[r. Jochn C. Seoger's, a't Gre'en Hill in Richiland county, wa ; destroyed hv fire on Friday noon, together with two cot ton gins, two sets of illh stones, tibouit five bales of seedi cotton and a c!ottonI ser'OW. The lire wats caused by a pr from the engine which was running the gin, thierefore its origin was aceidentalI. The uma chinery wais also damaged. Mr. Seegers' lossq amounts to about $3.000 ; no insurance. On Friday miorning last, the chief of police of Augusta atrrested MesHI's. E. R. Al len anid L. O'Brien of Barnwvell comuity onl the charge of intendling~ to figh,t a duel. They were brothers -in- law, and had1( hadi au encounter in which O'Brien was worsted. Ho-I p)ropo(sed a duel, which wvas agreedl to, and both set off for Sand B3ar ferry without seconds or surgeons. They3 were bound over to keep) the peace. A commission, duly appointed by the governor is investigating the indobtedness of York county. A ques tion has arisen as to its poweor to investigate tihe bonds, issued by thsu county commissioner iln aid of the Chestor and Lenoir railroad. Those opposeCd to the issue claim that such ingniry is withini the scopIo of the committee's jurisdiction, w"hile others think differently. Feeling waxos wvarm, especially on tile part of the "bloated bonidholder's." Mr. Rober't D. White, of Charles ton,|hats just compIlet.ed a monument for the congregation of Bethel church, to be erected to the memory of their hato pastor, Dr. Fleming. It 1s conistructed inl the shape of a pulpit, upon the top of wiich rests a Bible op)en at tile Book of TIimo-, thy. Tile marble border to be placed around the grave is very handsoely carved and( finished, and tile foot piceo is surmo)untedl ;with a wreath of flower.o and f'liago. The marble is spotio.lXdy white, and presents a very handsomie apear. ane( Prson desiring to obtain the opinion of 1a eco11:1ittuo as, to the Coitparativo merits of their babies, C1.n1 hao1 an op)o rtunity of doing so at the coiing County Fair in Mi derson and if each ono's opinion tiat he h1a: t.1 finest baby in tho wN1'd proxe, corroect, his jiudgmo,ent wil berea radby the presenta tiol of a haIse' b ev.,!ia"e. This show wilI doutbfcs h3 very in termeting. 110re the way they raise ionev for thw -O..: *en in .\)d, i.-on" : " n M1Lis,ion:mrv G0rn1 Pters of the Ander1*6on BapAi.4t Xu-iay beholol ae requtested to briing in their corn on Saturday next to tho Masonic Hall. by 3 o'clock, p. im. Tho corn will bo weighed, and the pIizC ailwided to the O1 r1is'ng the most corn from tho fourteen -rains is sued. The whole amouit of corn will then be it up an11ld sold to the highest bidder, proeecds to go to IIIissions. A. 13. Knowlton, a cftipet.-bagger living in Orangeblirg Pnd once an aspirtnt fur iho jildgeship of the sixth jiicial vircuit,. has got into troublo Having used somle very (lisres)Octfull laniguago to Juidg.o Cooke, his folor lil him to shwm canse why his namo should not be st ickenl fromt the roll of attorIovs. Sulequently lhe a.costed the Judgo, out of court, inl It ialost insilitimig u,inlier. H1o Witas then taken before a trial justice, and bound over to keep the peace. Tihie cicse camo ip before Jdgo Cooke on Friday last, and.after a full hlearing,1o Suspended KlIovton from practice, and hold him to itail to appear at; the n"xt teri of court for tho offenso of assanit. Lowest Prices for Cash. I HATE just received h large and well assorted stovk of Groceries, which I oi'r cheap for CAS H. 1 am selling out ily rtock of Boots and Shoes at COST PRICES. Triumph and Lynehirg Rye,and Stono Mountain Corn Whiskies. Fino Brands of Tobacco and Cigars. Hfighest prices given for Cotton, ait I J. McCAIRLEY'S. TII LELEPIANT -HAS COME With a Fresh Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, AT TH1E DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND Milinery Bazaar. -------- IMPORTANT.ANNOUNCEMENT. V\E fako pleasure in annou nc'ing to our friends and the public generally that we are now opein g the linesit and( mfost comp11lete assortment, of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, includ ing, Millina~ry and Fancy Goods in all the lates.t styles and novel Iics of the seas-on, such as are generally found in a Iirst-class Millinery estalishmennt. Fan cy and1( staple D)ry GAoods, a beautiful stock of newest styles of Drens Goods. B3utt.ons Iad TRIMMINGS. A f'il assortment of brown and1( bloanhed Alusl ins, Poplins, Caricons, Ginghams, (1 entls' (Good:;, Not.ions, Corsets. Gilov'os, IIosiery, Iu;st les, Skirts, Shawi'ls, Cloaks,&c. Aicn's uand Boys' I lat.s. Boots andl Shoes for Genats Iad Boys, Shoes andl( Gaiters for Ladies, Misses and Childron. A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Groceries, C'onfectioneriesq, Cakes and Crackiers, Cheese, Mackerol, Flour, Meal, Grist, Soaps, Starch, Candles,.Korosono, Crockery, TPin and Woodenl Ware, Furnituireand Matt resses, LUMBER FOR SALE As low as the lowest. Call and examino my stock and prices. J. O. BOAG, oct 3 SPECIAL NOTICES. Will You Believe It I WoNIAN's lEST FitEND.--To relievo tho achin)g heart of woman and bring joy where sorrow roignel wiprem!o, 1. a mi sion beforo vicli thi siniles of kings dwindle into uttor inisignifieatuce. To do0 this' is tho pemiliar provinco of Dr. J. Bradfield's Femae Itegutlator; v Iich from the ntumberless cures it has accom lislied, i appropriately stylod Woma a i -.t Frio)d. * ie istressiig complaiit hniwn as the "'whitos," and tho various irregularities of the womb, to which wo mntit is subjet di-apir liko magic ho foie a -iiglu bottlo of this wonderfi Com1pomd. It is propared by J. Brad field, tlanta, Ga.. and sold at $1.50 per bottle by Di. W. E. AxK;. Physicians pre-srilbe it. Its action its prompt, suro iid decisivo. GBAND INTERNATIONAL Exposition. E could find no other a' prol>riato heading to indicate the largo Stock of DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, &c. &c., that we are now daily receiving. We timought of Headquartqrs, Empo riuni and Bazaar. All too tame. Come One I Come All I We are determined not to be un dersold by any houso in South Carolina. Tho Best Prints in Town at 61 cts. The very best made at 8& ets. Coats' Cotton, all colors, at 75 cts. We intend to try to please you in prices, goods and polito attention. CALL AND SEE. LADD BROS. oct 9 $100, 000 Qo hundred thousand dollars' worth of Merchanidise! s&d( with a view of stIipplyIig thc wvants of all t:he people yisiting Columbia during theo Fair, consisuing of DRY GOODS ! Carpots, Oil Cloths, WVall Paper, Window Shanes. Ladlies', Gents' and Chiil dren's Fine Shoes. Jones, Davis &% Boukmights Offer In all their various dlepartmenmts an ox traiordIinary collection of the latest, novelties ini DIRY oOODs, FANoY (SOODs AND suoES. We call special attent,Ion to ouir ilmno stock (if D)ress 0(ioot. In outr llosiery departmlent yott will find ceieytlhting you wimnt at, imoderate prices. Wo keep aiwamys on hand a complete assortment of a orris' senmiess Kid (Gloven,; also a superb ar I iele of i.wo-b,uiton Kid( (loves, all colors, for one dollar ai par. (Oir liphoi A'ery denairimient is stioed~t with a flil aMSOr'imiicar of (:arpel s, olii tlithms, liugs, dow i4hades and f,ace Curtal i. Stinager.. vIsliIng (Colhmbia will flnd this (e1lstlismnt (h-eisdediy thle mnst attractivo pla0ce in i hIe city. and1( we e'xtend a cordiai Invita, in to) every one o pa usaI in visit. Orders fr-om the country for goods or samples promptly atiseul to. We prepay freight on all cash ordlers of TVen Dollars andI upwvards. JONES, DAVIS & BOUKNIGHTS, (successors tQ I. C. Shiver A Co.,) COJE..1Tl''EBI.A., s. C. oct 9-3L1 WATERS'ORCHIESTRON alun OROAW setioneouteaut ulsin style and per feet in to-n 0 win ever masde. lIths -aIheselebrated Concrer to stop, which is a flne 1 ~ imitatione thclumman tuned in perfect harm mony with the reeds, and th iefe a mnng lent andl electr-Ifyiun . WATEItM' (LARI11 a NA, OROllBTRIAL, CONOERLTO1 VESP-. ER,CENPTNNJAL CIMR, CIIAPEL, ainud OTOTTAOE ORGOAN, in Unil no Frenets Ca me, combine PURITY o/ VOIO~JINGl mofth great volume oftone? suitable orParlor or Chmuych. ARE TIRE BEST MIAl ; Ithe Tone,Touch, Workmanship, and Dunrabllity Unsurpassed. Warranted for 8iX YEAIRR. PRICER EtXTR'IEMELY LO0W/or cash.Mon. thiy Installm:ents recetted. instruments to let until paid for as per contract. A Liberal DIscount to 2tchere finisters,Churaher Behool., etc. AGENTS WA N'fED. Speclilinanemment. to the trad.llustrated Cataloe M Railed. Seeond.hand In ramente at4u & T DARI. GAINS.. IORIAG WATERS dp ROlNS. Manutscenrers end Dealrs