The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, October 09, 1877, Image 4

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TRI-WEERLY EDITION. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ti-Wookly Ono Year. - - - - 4.0 . e 4 six-months. - - 2.0 Three inonthi. - - - 1.00 RATES OF ADVERTISING. (Ono Hquare on Insortion $1 i-. For onalh wubmoquont inmirtion 5W4. Obitun rios and Tributos of tespect charged for ' n advertisoments. L,iberal discount made i or contract advertismmonts. -o -- JOH WORK. ]till feads, Lotter Heads, Envelopes Poseris, Cards, Invitationm, Tiokets, &c. netly oxeutod at this offiee,--011EAl FOR UASH. Contlinucd from flrut page. detect. Bewaro of the generous poplo who are going to give you soulothing for nothing ; beware of all circulars that omanato from Bond or Bloockor Street, and pay lno at toution to any kinl-of x; ativertise. men0t that hafts only a posgt- oficO aldross. The latest swindlo out is the Louisvillo Lottery Association, aided by Russoll & Co., 37, Bond Street. Look out for their circu lars, and if you have won a gold watch don't send for it. While no mail is imponetrablo to the rascals who makico bogis advortising a (aill ing, if what I luivo written shall savo a single otdAr from bheing swindlod I shall feel that I have not labored in vain. ,At seven o'clock last evening Miss Lizzio Graham, at most estimable young lady, died, after intense sufitering, andi at a later hour "Iis Ml-cCall was lying at the point of death. Mrs. Graham and her little boys 'alre all in the samo condition, with little hopo of their rocovery. Miss Lizzie Graham was a young lady of groat culturo and refinement, ha1ving graduated at Miss Etti A. Kblly's Seminary, but two years ago, with the first honor, and silce that time she has assisteodMiss Kelly at her school. Sho has a host of friends in this community, who are sadly stricken at her untimely end. Last night lb largo concourse of the afilicted friends of the family remained at the house to assist the four physicians vho remained, in minis toring to the suffering family. Ii consequceo of the death of Miss Elizabcth H1. Graham, the coroner requests us to say that he will have the analysis of the con tents of the stomach, with the stbmnach itself, the liver and other organs of the colored girl, poformed by Professor Shophard, at. his own -Xpens8 if necessary. - -AND Winter GOOd. J.F lYllYlster & Co. jlarge and complete assortment of -~ al ad Wintor Goods, just receiv P'rint4, Longe'lotha, E'taaid Ilome spuns, O)snahurg.s, Drillings, anid Woolen Flannols. Fronoh'and Ohanrlottexsvillo Cassimores. Bilankets, .Jeans and Kortieys. One ofthe finest lots of Clothing we havc ovn reeived. . Bloots, Shoes and Hast of all the latosi styles. All of whieh we are offoring very low for the cash. oat 2 J. F. MeMASTER & CO. * O08PRINTING IN ATLL ITS D)EPARTPMENTS DONE IF TIlE liE~ST STiYLE AND AT THlE .LOWEST P'R1CES. We aro p)rep)ared to furnish, en slher notioc, IIBAbIJ CHECKS, NOTES BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS ENVELOPES, OUS INVITrATIONS8, - - POSTEltS LAW B)LANKS, POSTAL CARDS, ETC., ETC Teraps for Job Work-Cash ou Dealivmr.c ELEOANT HAIR is woIMan's crown ing beauty. When it fades, she fades as woll. Whilo it is kept bright, her personal attractions are still maintained. By preserving the hair fresh and vigorous a youthful appoaranco is continued through many years. Thoso who griovo over their fading hair turning gray too early, should know that Ayers. Hair Vigor provents it, and restores gray or faded hair to its natural color. It is a clear and healtliful prepara tion, containing neither oil, dye, nor anything doloterious, and iinparts to the scalp what is most needed-a sonse of pleasant and delightful free d n from smurf or dandruff.-New Berne (XN. (.) Tuntes. Auction Salo. 1 will sell on Friday,th 2lth of October, at mpblic outcry, all the plerisoial prop. orty of' the lato ias. It. Aiken, doceased, consisting of a roinnnlilt of a stock of inerchandiso, Slioes, lnggiig, Coffee &c. Also, a lot of Ilouso Furniture, consisting of Carpeting,mureaus, Bedsteads, Ciirs, Solias, Silver-waro &c. &c., a part of which is very desirable. Ti-ams CAsI. 11. L. ELLTOTT, Hopt 27-txtd Adinistrator. Y E AST POW DER, OR makiag wholesome, light,digesti io bread of all kinds, try the Morn ing Star Yeast Powder. For sale at the Drug.Store of J. CLENDINING, 1ot and 81100 Manufacturer, WINNsitoRo, S. C. TIlE underKigned re spectfully arIo1nes to tho t?ctizens of Fairtield that ho has removed his Boot and Shoe Maniufactory to one door below Mr. C.1Muller's. I am 1epre d to manufacturo -111 styles of work inl i slibstanltial and ork'naiilike miannier, oit of the very best nu1terils, and at prices fully as low as the 1san1 goods can ho 11anut'a'tured for at the North or elsewhere. I kieol constantly on ium(i a good Stock of isole and Upper L:ather, Shoo Findings &e., which will bo sold at, reasonable 0 prices. Repairing propitly attiended to. Terms strictly Cash. .7..- Dried Hides bought. ovt 1.2 J. CLENDINING. Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, &C INE Plo Sherry WVine, fino N. C. Souppernong Wino, tinv old Porto Port Winu, filn importod Clarut Wino, For tablo u e-'. ALSO, Fino articlo dry Scuppornong Wine, Otard's & Co. genuino Cognac Brandy. pure N. C. Apple Brandy, chlico Stono Mountain (Georgia) Corn Whiskey, puro N. C. Sweet Mash Corn Whiskey, My Cabinet Ryo-the best whiskoy in town, and ia full 'itock of all other good Liquors. Also, the celebrated 1I1dian Palo Ale, fresh Lager and Sweet Sparkling Cider on draught. Tho largest and btst selected stock of Havana Cigars and Cigarettes in town, Blackwell's geluine Smoking To bacco, Messina Oranges and Lemons for salo low for cash by juno12 F. W. IIABENIIClT. Ettenqer & Edmond, iIICHiMOND. VA M ANUFACTURERlS of Portable ann Stationary Engines andl Boilers o all kinds, Circular Saw Mills, Grist Mills Mill Ger zing, Shat,ing, Pulleys &c. AM EnICAN TURJBINEH WATER WHIEEL. CamIer'o's Special Steam JPumps Send for Catalogue. oct 10 C. WET { ALADDIN .& 0N8 lSECUlRITY OL, THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN USE, Warranted 150 Degrees Fire-Test. WVATERI WVIIITEC IN COLOR. Fully Doodorized. WiLL NOT EXPLODE. HIGHEST AWARD AT DentepinDaI Exposition For Excellenco of Mianufkretusro AND 111011 PIREU TEST. Endorse& by the Insurnce Companloi. Read( IMs fbrt(AteaIe- One qf Many. ITowAnn Fran TIVTAnAS Co. o~ RlAITMuoRn, Basilmoro, D)ec. ' id, 157.- Messr. C. WVesq 4 Ron. - (oehndne: liltinIg used tho various oils sokd ill this cit y for illumin atng purposes,l take pleas. uro in rec(lommending youIlr "'Aln-ldln securIty oil " as thucesq/et nwl best ever used in our houso hld. Yours truly, [signed] ANDREW REESE, President, DInnufnetured by C. WEST & SO1NS, fstltimoreo Try it, and you will use no other.,, WATERS'0ORCHESTRION ataa~ OAN a th mos btiftUl(tin no ever usado. ,It hua 6 ~ the cel ebrated Concer I to stop, which is a fino Simnitation of theliumnan - Voice, and two and n hnlf Octaves qf bell. tuned in perfect har.. inony with the reeds1 and their eect is mng. WATRS LARI. 7-NA, OROHIE8TRtAL CONCERtTO,L. VESP. ERh,CENTENNIAI, IIlIB, CIIAP'EL, and OOT TME ORIGAS in U e&~ French (On. see ce6 Ino PU (VOWIN sotth greal volumeoq /tone snitablefo Parlor or Church WATE R8 PIA?j,8, iei A RE TIE BERST lilA E ; the Tone,Touch WVorkmanshlp, and DunrnblWty Uinsuarpassed Wasrranted for SIX YEAIRR. PR ECES EXTREBMIELY LOWVfor ensh.Mion. shiy Installmentes received. lnstrnmente tI let until pala o am per eontract. A Libern Diseoun t to aelerMinisters,Churche, choole, 1t4 AG ENTS WA TED. Speeiaiinducemuent to the tradel.111 ltrateid Ontalogues llatted lecorndehand Instrument. at (IREAT lt OATNS.. -fHRACE WATERS & SONS Dnfieuer and Dealera. , O AS 34t T ..NSUA ,. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at oneo agree able, healthy, and effectual for preserv ing the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can re store the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and conAequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious sub stances which make some prepara tions dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desir. able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil w1hite cam bric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Praeical and Analytical Chemisa. SOLD BY ArAL DRUGGISTS NVERYWHERE. Sewig-ahe TRADE MARX , PAiD. JuLY 26. 1811. wE cLAIM FOR THE IMPnOVED WHITNEY SE WING MACHIN ES Tho following specific points of supe. riority: I-Great simplicity in Con st ru.ctn1. 2.-Dur ab i Iy. :3-Execeedingly Light Ruin nin.g. 4-Still R.unnnlug. Nosless. 5-Perforas all Varietles of Worik. 6-Beauty of Flinish and W~Voruaansihlp. '"/--GREAT REDUCTiON IN Singlo Machines sent on orders direct from the Factory, written guarantee with each Nacheline. WH Y PAY OLD PItICES! f&Send for circulars and particulars. AddreRs, The Winitnecy M('g. Co., feb 17 Paterson, N. J. SOMETHING NEW. I have just received some very fine ol Corn Whiskey, P'each antd A pplo Bran (1y, ;fromf Stono Mountain, Georgia, and Lincoln county, Virginia, and various other gratdes of .Western Rye Whiskeys North Carolina (Corn and Rye Whiskeys Domestic - and Imported Winos anc Brandies. -ALSO A large stock of bottled goods, consisit ing of Champagne, Lager Iloer, fo: family use, Ales, Porters, Soda Water &c One barrel fresh Newark Cider on drau ghi Ciool drinks of all descriptions. Toba occ Cigars, &c. -AT OUni Hous. ,J, D. McCAll LEY, may 3 Proprietor. MORRiS' HOTEL. I have just finished painting, paperin and thoroughly renovating my Hott from top to bottom, and new have it I: first class ordler and am prepared to or tertain my guests with much more col vieneo and comfert than eretofort Office on first floor and opening on mnai street, with dinning room and samp1 room adjoining. Every effort will t madeoto make my guests comfortable. if" Hotel located next door to I Elder's large grocery and dry good store and in the central and business portion.< town. Charges to suit the times. A."A. MORIS, april-26-ti Proprietor. DUE WVEST FEMALE COILLEb] N EXT collego year opens October 1 Faculty same as last year-fum First-class teachers of musie,drawing, am mitn.Location retired and health 'utinand board, including fuel am washing, for college year, $177. Exti at reasonable rates. For circular ser to J. L. BONNERt, President, AUGTs-r 1st, 1877. Duo West, S.O aug 21-xOw FUIIAN] A&- Save high bills by purchasing A NEW SUP RUsTIO WINow SHADER, Low in Pric will novor get out of order, and will la MATTR' Spring Beds, Picture Frames, Picti Carriags. LUM And Shingles at Pric IREP.9 Neatly done at modorato Price UNDERTAKER I keep on hand a full supply of M< and Collins of the finest 1inish. Also, September 22 OLD TliiE PiC AT THE CHEAP 25 POUNDS FINE FAMILY 1 MEAL, $1.00 PER BUSHEL, ( SUNBEAM FLOUR ALWAYS PRICES. CHOICE SUGAR AND COFIi HA D TIME PRICES. A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL I WIIICH WILL BE SOLD AT TH THE S H OES A 1 PLEASE CALL AND S aug 11 Mount Zioni (ollegtate Institute. TH'1E fall HessionI of this wvell knowan Institute began on 1 Monday, August 27th. Tecourse of instruction embraces Mathematics, the .ClasAics, Seience and the usual English~ .branoces. Special attention will be paid n to elocution, reading, spelln and writ e ing, Pup)ils wvill r*eceive thiat careful o drill in the rudiments which is essential to securing a thorou gh education, Black .board exercises will1 enter largely as n 3, method of instruction. T1he college~ yi building is commodious and conveniently located. Tfhe Princi pal hopes, with the~ political and material improvement of the State, to secure a liberal patronage, by .. means of which the Instit-te may be re S. stored to its former pop)ularity and useful ness. t. TERMS : II. Ld Classical department, per session y. of twenty weeks, - - $30O.0( Id Intermediate, - - - -25.01 as Primary,------ -- ---20.0t id Payment to be made quarterly in ad nee. IR. M. DAVIS, Principal, aunn 14-tfr winnhem.a ra.r TUE, Arrived and to arrivo, con sisting of Walnut Chamber Suites, Painted Cottage Suitos, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Safes, Book Cases, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Cribs . Desks, Towol-racks, Wash stands, Lounges, Sofas, Hall Stands, Hat Raoks, Coat Hooks, Corner Stands-for Design and Workmanship Un equalod. .T HOME. PLY OF o, Durable and Convenient. They st longer than any other Shade. ESSES, tres, Brackets, Mirrors, Children's BER es to Suit the Times. ILING 4. Furnituro made to ordor. S DEPARTMENT. talic and Rosewood Burial Cases a chepa stock of CoMlins. W. Phillips. 3S AC AgIN pf IlW& 14EIsl\ SH STORE OF __co LOUR FOR $1.00.. )R 25 CENTS PER PECK. ON HAND AT LOWEST CASH EE, ALWAYS FRESH AND AT 'AMILY OR PLANTATION E VERY LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. D BOOTS -o D? EE FOR YOURSELF Best is Ohoapest NEW WILLCOX & GIBBS3 AUTOMATIC Silent Sowing MVachines. [Latest Invent ion, lroucing Marv<:lous pets i srpa NIg ine -L ~le It. beyond<l corn Ke11 OIHi noisy, bard-ri n t roubl en, Lwo L,hrentI, If.Sflten i che. Onl y Machine in the World with AutomatIe Fe~atures, and wit it no Tension to Manage. Write by Postal Card for Price List, List of Offices, &e. WILLCOX & (GUJBS 8. M.0C0 (Cor. Bond St.) 658 Broadway, N. YX ma~y 15-1y*