The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, September 11, 1877, Image 4

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T1-WEEKLY EDITION. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Tri-Wookly One Year. - - - $4.00 44 "' Six-months. 2.00 "o Throo imonths. - - - 1.00 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square one insertion $1.00. For oaoh subsequent insortion 500,. Ohitua rics and Tributes of Respect charged for aH advortisomonts. Liberal discount niado f or contract advertisomonts. -0 JOB WORK. Bill I1eads, Letter Heads, Envelopes Posters, Cards, Invitations, Tiokets, &c. neatly oxecatod at this offle,-011EAP FOR CAS11. BRIC-A-BRAC. Scoretary Evarts will introduce to Washington society, tho coming winter, eleven beautiful daughters. Mrs. Gaines has offered to con proiniso her claims with the Now Orleans authoritie s, A man in a Western town has named a hog Maud because it comnes into thb garden so much. Tho Stato of Vir ginia wants >o scalps of foxes at the rato of one dollar for gray and a dollar and a half for red foxes. The Peruvian govornment wants to borrow $24,000,000 for a few years, and will securo the lender with a bank of guano one hundred and fifty miles long and a mile wide. In the pampas of Buenos Ay.-cs there are 12,000,000 cows and 3,000,000 horsos that havo owners, while thoro are also great numbers of wild herds. Steam sooms destinod to super sede horses on the street railways. Brooklyn has just adopted the dummy engino on ono of hor stroot line,s and it seems to give abundant satisfaction. Bole Boyd, who figurod so ox tensively during the war as a scout for the Confedorato forces, is now living at Calvert, Texas, and sup ports herself and sister by sowing. Last week twenty-three tramps wore put off the train betwoon Nash ville and Chattanooga, a distance of nearly 150 miles. They would got on at narly every other station. only to bo put off at the ncxt. Among the inmates of the Vir ginia penitentiary are a man and a woman who stolo one hundired dollars from the lattor's mother upon which to got married and sot up housekeeping. Those men who expect a minister to give them $1,500 worth of grace for $300 salary are the- same ones who demaud local notices from a newspaper for nothing, and do their advertising on "novelty press" hand bills. A pair of lovers were wandering in the moonlight. "Alh, love !"' she murmured, "why (do summer roses fadeo?" He was a young chemist and practical, and he replied: "I suppose it's owing to a deficiency of nutriment in the, soil and an in sufficiency of oxygen in the atmos phere." The Haokeye~ notes the fact that the boy who does not kcnowv that the gun iA always loaded is nevertheless always to be found at the safe end of the gun. Providence ought to look after this little arrangement and reverse it occasionally. John W. Young, the Prophet's son, is a pleasant, modest appearing man, who might be taken for a busy, quiet, bank cashier. lie dresses plainly, is unostentatious, but wears a heavy watch chain, as San Francisco men do. The voters of Connecticut, onthe first Monday in October, will pass uponl twvo proposed constitutional amendments, forbidding extra com pensation for publicoficers of all kinds, and also prohibiting city or town aid for railroads. A very pretty bonnet of silver gray straw is hat shaped, projeting over tihe face. It has a broad bind, ing of gray velvet and is lined with the same. The trimming is of gray velvet, faille and an exquisite un curled ostrich feather, which sur rounds the whole. The death of Boen De Bar, the actor, afforded a beautiful illustra tion of simple faith. His wife and daughter, who were at once at his bedside, testify that a few minutes before his death and after he had ceased to speak, he raised his arm and pointed his finger upward, a smile' at the same time wreathing his face. During July there were thirty tw~Mureg 1in New York city in w osealies amounted to $2,071,488. In addition there wore asinmen an,1 adjudiatins, in bankruptcy which swell tho total indebtedness to about $2,520,000. The number of failures wore the same as for June, and the liabilities are $20,000 greater. Tho Louisville Courier-ournI says that in Forrost the last great cavalryman will go to his grave. The Washington Capital suggests that Fitz Leo and Wade Hampton are not dead. True. If Shoridan and Kilpatrick and several othors who could possibly rido a horso woro only alivo now they might be montionil as cavalrymen, but not by tho (.-c. or the Capital.-Arew York Hlerald.] From the way Kilpatrick (usod whe Hampton got after him in North Carolina, there is no doubt lio can rido a horso. FURN ITUR E, W INDOW Shades, Picture Frames, Children's Carriages, Lumber and Shingles. Use by buyin, the bost, and buy where you can get the chiapest. april 26 R. W. PHILLIPS. ]POR SA]TEE, A now Piano, made by one of the lead ing manufacturers of the United St ates. The inistrumjienit has a comlpass o seven and one-third octaves, andj(I is finished with all the latest improvements. It can le bought at, a great reduction from retail price. Apply at the offico of Tun NLws AND IIIAun). june 23-tf J. CLENDINING, Bot an1' Shoe Mainufactuirer, WINNS1ORO, S. C. 1rTIIE undersigned 're speCctfulhl annonneeis to thle citizens of Fatirfield that Io has removel his poot and Shoo Manufactory to one door below Mr. C.Muller's. I am prepared tti nmlnufacturo ill styles of work in a Hilltatfial and orkimanlike manner, out of tIe very best materials, and at, prices fully as low as the same goods can be mamnufactured for at the North or elsewhere. I keep constantly on hand a good Stock of Solo and Upper Leather, Shoe Findings &c., whielh will b Sold at reasonablo prices. Repairing promptly attended to. Termis strictly Cash. ,p'I Dried Hides bought. oct 12 J. CLENDINING. DUE WEST FEMALE COLLEGE. NEXT college year opeus October 1st. ..- Faculty same ias last year--full. Firist-class t eachers of mui sie, draw ig, and pain ting. Locat ionc reired anid healthy. Tulitionl anid board, including fuel and1( washing, for collego year, Si77. Extras at reasonable rates. For circular send to J. I. IIONNER, President, Arouwsr 1st, 1877. Due Wcst, S. C. aug' 21-x(hw OHEAP GOOD31 WE wuuld call the attention of tihe public to tiho great reduction we have made on LINEN LAWNS, PACIFIC LAWNS, ORGANDIES, BRILLIANTS, PIQUES, and other White Goods. ALSO, to the fact that we Bell Dexter's Kfnitting Cotton, at 5 cents per ball, and half dozen ShIITS, warranted to fit And made of Waimlutta Muslin, for $7.00. McMaster & Drice. july 14 SOMETHING NEW, f hiavojuist rceoved somne very fine old Corn Whiskey, Poach and A pple Biran.. dy, fromn Stone Mountain, Georgia, and Lincolnecounty, Virginia, and various other grades of jWestern Ityi Whiskeys, North Carolina Corn and Rye Whiskeys, Deomestie and Imported Winos and Brandies. -ALSO A large stock of bottled goods, consist.. ing of Champagne, Lager Beer, for family use, Ales, Porters, Soda Water &c. One barrel fresh Noewark 6ldor on draught Cool drinks ol all descriptions. Tobacco Cigars, &o. -AT Oun. HOUSE. * J, . McCAropret, gIAT T lD T1llE Pric AT THE CHEAP BSE 25 POUNDS FINE FAMILY I MEAL, $1.00 PER BUSHEL, SUNBEAM FLOUR ALWAYE PRICES. CHOICE SUGAR AND COFI HARD TIME PRICES. A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL] H WILL BE SOLD AT TIJ THIE SHOES A 15 -o-vrsm A.E.m 3 PLEASE CALL AND S aug 11 ' Sewing-M lachino. ThADE. iL, Pa~o. JLL.V M. I11. WHITNEY SEWING DIACHINJES The followi.nag specific points of supO.. riorify: I-(4reat simpjliclty In Coin t ruactlon. 2-D)urabillty. :S-Excceedingly LI gli Muun nin.g. 4--Still Etuning. Noise ess ?5-Pecrfornems all VarIetIes ogi Work. 6--IBeauty of Firnista and 'Y-GREATr RIEDUCTION IN RII ( 1:. Single Machinosc soent on orderM dirnet froun the Factory, writteni g2uarantoU with ecf(h NaGhnel. WHY PAY OLD PICES! pkSend for circularsi and particulars. Add ress, Thne Wltuney MPfg. Co., feb 17 Paterson, N. J. WATERS' ORCHESTRION chimo ORGAN ha0 o'0ver oadI has to sp y ic isr a le "ai^4ElaTvo. ofVEs AR E TilE BEST M D vitl the nc ,a PR ICS EX R nEi ti.0Wfr I untltaln ette r c al os e aitr c tr iline . GAIN. loRCHWATERS~ &~Ai OS, NA,IOE TlL dayth 11NThNA Septanbor, 1877', and n tinusuo in sosio ntil e roerty a~msre exhibted b therseturns ss hav. ee equrrlissedfrMXYAt4 PRIC114 IX'lItflI1 I.WfoTinRS,Mn tll aln usta r ie. uss ri..,ts..o UMLE IN ES BACK AGAII CASH STORE OF I M W . 'LOUR FOR $1.00. )R 25 CENTS PER PECK. ON HAND AT LOWEST CASB 'EE, ALWAYS FRESH AND AI PAMILY OR PLANTATION E VERY LOWEST PRICES FOIl CASH. ID BOOTS. -O 3E U TS S OF EE FOR YOURSELF. Ayer's Ague Cure, FPor evor and Atuo Intermittent Fevei, 1Poriodical orfBilious For, &., and indoo altho atreetions which arise from mialari ous, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. This is a compound remedy, prepared with Pcientiile skill from vecgetable ingredients, which rnrely fhils to cure the severest cases of Chills andl Fever and the concomitant disorders. Such a remedly the necessities of the people in nmala rious dlistricts dlemand. Its great superiority over any other medicine yet discovered for the cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no qui nine or mineral, and those who take it are free from danger of quinismi or any injurious effects, and are as hoalthiy after using it as before. It has been extensively employed during the last thirty years in the treatment of these distressing disorders, and so unvarying has beeni its success that it has gained the reput ation of being Infal lible. It can, tnerefore, be safely recommended as a sure remedy and specific for the Fever and Ague of the West, and the Chills and Fever of the South. It counteracts the miasmatic poison in the blood, and frees the system from its influ ence, so that fever and agne, shakes or chills, once broken up by It, do not return until the disease is again contracted. The great variety of disorders which arise from the irritation of this poison, such as Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gont, IIeadacho, nilindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal pitation, Splenie A ffect ions, Hfysterics, Pain in the Bioweiu, Colic, P'aralysis, and dlerango of the Stomach, all of which become intermit tent or periodical, have no speedier remedy than AYER's AoUE CURL', which oures them all alike, and protects the system from future attacks. As a preventive, it is of immense service in these communities where Fever and Aguoe prevails, as it stays the development of the disease if taken on the first approach of the premonitory symp toms. Travellers and temporary residents are thus enabled to defy these disorders, and few will ever suffer if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity, it is anoexcellent remedy; It stimulates this organ into healthy activity, and produces many remark able cures where other medicines fitl. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemiats, LOWVELL, 1MA8, SOLD BY ALL DRUGoleTS EVERiYWiJREE Mvierchant Tailoring. HUE nndorsignod informs the citizens that ho hans opened a Ta'iloring Es4tablish.. mnent in the store noxt to Mr. J. Clondin in)g's. He1 is p)reparedl to (10 all kinds of work in his lino at short notice anti on reasonable te-rms. A full line of sam plot kept constantly on hand, from whilh cusitomners may nmake selections. Special attention given to CUTTING. feb 24-t x6m W. 0. RlOOHE. Ettenqer & Edmond, RlICT1MOND, YA M ANUFACTURERIS of Portable ano Staitionary Engines and BoIlers a all: kinds, Circular Saw Mills, Grist Mil Mill GetAng, 13hating, Pulleys &o. AMiERICAN TURDInE WATUIR WhEEL,. Camerok's Speclal Steam Pumpsgr Sena ffor Catal1og.o. nOt 110 NEWS ANI HERALD WEEKLY EDITION, Is I UDLISH ED EVEBY WEDNESDAY AT WINN8BOR.0, S. C. DY THS WINNSBORO PUBLISHING CO. T CONTAINS A SUMMARY OF THE LEADING EWENTS OF THE DAY. State News, County N6ws, Political News, Etc. THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT RECEIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION. THE LOCAL COLUMN Is well filled with town and county news The aimi of the Publishers is to issue a FIP %ST-LA-S FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Terms of Subscription, payable invaria bly in advance: One copy, one year,------ $8.00 One copy, six months, - - - - $1.60. One copy, three months, - - - $1.00. Five copies, one year, at - - - - $2.75. Ten copies, one year, at - - - - $2.60. Twenty copies, one year, at - - $2.50. To every person making up a club of ten or more subscribers, a copy will be sent free for one year. Themnamecs consti tuting a elub need not all be at the same pos8t-oflco. JOB PRINTING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS DONE IN THE BEST STYLE AND &T THE LOWEST PRICES. We are prepared to furnish, on short notice, HANK CHECKS, DILL H EADS,NTS ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS1 INVITATIONS, CARDS, LAW BLANKS, POSTERS POSTAL CARDS, ETC., ETC Terms for Job Work---Cash ont DeliVety. All business oommunicoations should daressed to the Winnmboro 1'ublishinug COompany. W1iNBBOUo. S.