The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, August 28, 1877, Image 1

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TRI-WEEKLY E DITION.] WYNNSIuORO, S. C., TUESIDAY MORN[NG, AUGT 28, 1377 NEW A 1)E0ll1T 1EMENT11S 8 'ANC' VAlIt all lewI ;t..i les witth 1n me1 1008s post-.pId.,I. .1. 1".JI'SM-A), Nil-sal 251Wit CtitIty, Nmw York. (Itseases of IIe sIin. 2>5. per I:I- hP\ ' e .s 70C.) Sent by n11ll, PrrIIIIlI on IcVit 01 IrOe. C. N. ClIt'rN.TON, 1'rop'r, 7 SIN0 AVeCM, N.Y. Revolver and Cartridires for$3,1 A til nicel plateil, seven shot., pocket. r Volver 1 1 1sto-C ati le. Smtl C. 0. )., or on receipt, or price. U. W. WiI.i.s. P. 0. tox 2,7 18, New York. N. F. BUfA NIAM'S "1874" Water-Wheel lt iseclareil 1ii, "STANDARl TVilIINEF." by Over 60' persolI4 Wito lso it. Prices eti-ilw(A New Inphlet, free. N. 1. BUaNiMAM, York, 1%. LADIE1Eogant Im, itation Hose Corni S ', Droactpln and r I rondant Drcps, Cent rostpaid to an- roador of this Paper'for 20 Citt:. Throo Gets for 50 COntS. III Cur rency or 8tam1 > 1)4. L. As TH M AJN, Otnhe,fw O:k. Wi,La Cold is Alwas D nuigerous. USE WELLS' Carbolic Tablets-Y a sure rojuedy for Cotghs, ant ill ])is eigVs of the ThrI-oat, lungs, ChcAt and Mucous Mutil:brane. PU C1 eNLY IN m,i1: 1;oyI.:". Sold by all Druggist.. C. N. CAnITTENToN, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. 1. ROANOKE ('OLLEGE, SATA.', VIRGI.\IA. Next ie alIon bcill'i Sep i(,Ihor 5. I-77. C(l legilat"0 4.leth 1'e .1u0 ptlep:ariltory voIr:q -:. En.. htiria sert Iut:11M . .\ nAIII n111 e'1111:1e. 'W ir.11 tnIil t v. .lve churc h in town. iMoIraI (1\114 iA l: oin 14 1 to .Z f I'11 00 1 . II u,lCTling~r to 14' tu,tt b )n I tlO., H.t . i -1 t. fNi , it I.n Wtat:, i ntII n Teritory, andr ale t T elov ,-;tu Itlnts from West vir"1111:1, h i or ElCRETAR. Ot ath re.1. tI .I P.;I A 8 RA T 0 R FJ't tinO .' d i t 1 of 1(11P I s I : '10 A n: , (1w -! ,l' , ollt'reil. WATE ;S, -a qulv . 1 up I LLght. 1h4n.%i Lt>ra (i 111S )E % *-t%v1I 'a vIII'lan ( madt'. 7:; 14 <0o s, u "2' 0l 1 (1 r'-a nt, : (: ), t top 5.x ; st4 tS, l a year, in IIrI et In -r%,M re L.oonal and Ira veln,4, agouls wanI lt I .& Iiu. I*;.. CatUalo-11tv iM allvd. A 11bwral di wc.n 1111 1 -) exh DANNEYNERGO OF FALL AND WINTER H,ALICOES, BLEAOHING, A EA ISLAND, DRILLING, FLANNiELS, 10-4 SHIEETING. N ~ CALL AND) SEE' THEM. NEW GOODS, NEW PR1ICES, AT R. L. D2ANNENERG's. aug 14 TOOTH[ J31US11ES. portetd to ordor. F"or olo aIt tho D)rug 3tore .of K j1uly 26 DRL WV E. A T I. NOTICE ! ' E inte14l to gradIally elmuig ur Ifok to (1roeric.i, lIea ])ry Goods, .nt,Alhovs, andt llt gmods nee..ded onl Ve thereforn offer all fancy goofl, suchN EIg inII*g s, Ri>bbons, JacoEt ,11nd Swiss, .1 .nee hIII livrehiefs, F"iII- ( loves, F l(11 ( I Colhars, Cuis Tcarfs, ndIal of he..,oods of 1his"hrcera n .T youl wlJn any kirl of Fanlev N41ions, iye u a call. ''he p rice shulfl sit you rr is L A DD1 BIR OS. P. R. FLHNW4 liiEEP$ 'onlstanltly 01. haind ai fulllul: ply of Choice FAMITIY G1(CERIES iuid PLANTATfION SUPPLIES. His stock has recontly ben replenished, and ho is now ready to supply the wants of al1l. WATERS'0ORCHEST~R TON Mhmes OR(GAI is114 the I~ l,no sen l Iril' l i II))~n ever' nuunde. )It has thecelebrated'~ C'oncera to stars,w wleh is a fino S Voice, and wo nud14 a hu alf Octaves of bolls S tunini pelIlrfect hunt-. noony with the reedse, and11theirefretiI sag. 'NA, O1fCIIEST;HA L, - - 14' CONCERIITO,, V'ESP.. ER1,0ENTEPNNIAL4 CIllDlIES, CIJAP1'lT, an d CO)TTA4OE IIIt0ANS, in Uuulque F~rouee (Ca e oiniblueo PUJLITY of VOICINO :ieith great \V1orkaunnehip, and Dumrnh)iIty UJnurpassed. 11Varratedci for l4IX YEARRS. P'itI( ES EX 'TREIELY LOWIVfor eneth.Don.. tly Inst4n lhlIentst r4eceived. I nstraiueto tQ let until pid for ne per& contracnt. A ib,eral Dlicont to R1aahers. M iniaster$,ChulrchieI,,'khool, etc. AGAENTIS WIA NT ED. Speehlnldee,nents to te Iiindea.1Iaustrasted Onatalonne, DInuited. I1econd-handI JiIsrumn at-(I NEAT hAl1.e IAAINM.. HOR11ACIt WATERIS & HOS DhIIanetuarers4 and Denle'rs, *. N, 40EASdTA34th ST.,UNION SQUAIIE,N.Y,, D)UE WEST FEMALE COLLEGE. N EXT collego year opens October lat. ..L''aculf.y siamo as .last year--full. ir.44.-clIass tenehors17 of music, dr1Iaw ing, anid )Iinting. Liocationl retireid and heoal thy. l'uition and board, includinag fuel and .vashinig, for coIllegcI year, $'77. Extras it reasonaiblo rates. -For circular 8ondt .0 J, T. JIONNElt, President, AUousr 1st, 1877. Duo~ WVest, S. 6'. tug 21.-vis JUST R_.1LECEIVEDl,i One car load seed Potatoes, 011 -" " " Onis. - -ALSO, A full lino of Plaiiation 1ard War1e, Coll4i sting of Lay 1roli, Plow Steel, Steel Ploms, Plow Moulds , Spades,. SL.avels, ,j, If keep consl5fitly oil hland a hill il'~A'1''T0Nandi'MX I. haive oni i1d sever-:1 I'llI'ids of firsit,bns F Ej 1T. I i 11i E R s, which ill be o).rld lo ell fo (cvs.41ol. oil ltie ANithl wvoll 1 i.; l i(,, oil S V a mionley basNis., oru AvIth 'I .,ot tol o ti-C . . if - All parfies in want of d filiers will do well to Call onl il before isit chasis1. FET.LIZERS. fob ),___4 2(): whc li mu ;t lrcmeied a rock of SP,11ING, ANI) SUMM.11,'I phnts of the best werlnds at, 8 0:t. sec(' 1brie s tainey. bai) (rwith. A fll parties in uat of~~t Fietilizs wi die wuel ro cal a e beAfrnt e NEW1 OA DN A ! WE have just receive d .ai stock ofCtij purns of.11 the best brand at 8xvl cets. ALSO We Fav jutWeeivelre &n C o m Bitestko Sin ~hand pnerClt bng whic w wIl el as\ hap asI any ATOMHTSATIC! Sent oSwi n StawhiIneso all hins and la any pric. Wte huaesjus receivdes 1d a ll kosi m314er fro te l ar e, iuu'evill Millsee . 3 Teedrsy, it n;s, ean, etc.IlOoIe to Wrbe st is Ohr earprieLst,st NEWA:X WILLCON & GilM.s O (Citon, aond msit. 6 he eb npd st., notwth ntayI6liyh ag nueet fee 9 Belr4 fn iy,I r -it nn ,i o b e om ,tW TIE I jAN I) 01F I1IA I> JM ikS. A I'ERiY IT.IElit -);. An Irshimia's Loctiro on '.iboria--Tio Phwe to ot Your Money Itck--A Vivid Description ofn the Produet. of the African RepUnlic. Everybody Who has traveled over the South (arolijna Iailroad must know Pat Wright. : not t,o kniow Pat WrighIt is to ackinowledge a degree of ignorance which no Lraveler wou1d allow himself to be sispected of. Pat Wright, is a train hand on the road-a 'Milesiall gen1tlemian of very good part s, (not to ay a iiitd k011( lmani) and a follow of infinite wit. ii the oldvi time, before the South Carolina Railroad had reach (d thie pointc of plttinlg Sleopers oi dhie nl;'lhit train!. Pat Wright.ix used to 111lp many a, IN.!y- N\orl. tra* cler to beguile tht long 'weary holis. .H is <iip: and jokes, told vith the twanfg of tho ri'h. lit-0ali brognlc., li-; (plaint, sayings allI bright wit 11111S are known through the len-th and breadtlh Of the land. All old tra\d ers who go over th South C'arolinla Railrd ilever fail to ask the first thling, -Is Pat Wright aboard !" Pat Wright was aboard of Conduet 'or D,;,ier's train on Saturday last. on which a reporter f( ih1e , nIM1 ' (/u'ere was wening his; way towards Cretillh. hou ted Pat, as the trail rifld up O I!c depot of that clas-iI and :nieicnt city. 'T'winly liiiiutes for brleak last." 11 hungry p1wien ges bolted from lthe tn-,iin, into the ineat aid cozy ti iing-roo. , where t-hey bol t ho m.11uali.3, fried chickei heefncak, fr:le wa'k r, ad Condilleiits. Pat, Wr'ight handed out his baggage. arreg1 it ill order, closed ny1 the bgge Carl, lit his pipe (1not b)e,i) ineh ad dicted to brealikfast.) and lollnged around the platform to sec if therc was any funl in sigt. An ohl seedy darkey was hli up i the "ide o thi Iele'1-11 of , a-l hii Pat, tackled. Ail ani te convet-sation betwe(n tle Cwo soon att rated abou.t a do/en wrdof lie nation, who had bet'n just. loaf*11 aronn.111 ' proim -1uNi. and seend of the passtegers, who, havin" by this Lillie cleanlet uit Co omel Caiioll' dining. rool, wer (n11joymin a p -praidiall . o elek cig:ar. 'he -u e of 1,hie con -a i 1'.\:cti Pat. V.jgA id 11 the darkey was As Zoon, liwever, as Pat hia( stured 11an audieice, h0 I.r illhel oil into t regular letulre, which was take (It) byV) the rpor3 t er. ml i as t he short-hand nloteCs taken by a' .Mlilesian) repo)rtr PCian) catchl the eC. gJuisit(ely rich Italiian Ibri,gue in winch the lecture was delivered. Iti seeins t hat wVhen1 the idle: first strucik himii to dliver the leturo, P'at had lbeen expa1tiating~ to his soigle dusky hearer on c3amulor.s. Hill continued w'ithouit brieakinig ofi. "Cabba)11ges is it? Philow~ ! why, yez 31s oughter sCe thnim in Liberia. Be gorrah, all ye have to) do is to go into the field1. 1 tell yez, man, they grow wild. No cookinig to be1 done). Ye jist take yer' knife, go into yt3r garden (A v (coorse when yor hioongry,) pick out a~ good lookon enbba)2ge, and th1ere1 yez. havo it." A dartkey--Wa dis yahi? Hie cook ini do field ? "Cooked is it? Ah man ye don't; know wvhat yer falken about. I tell yiz the enbbal)iges grows up; airedd y cooked wvid a foine Iliteh uiv bakini in the middle11 ov it, and thetro y(o have the( mu1rp)ries and1 tihe pratlesC (aill (cooked, mind ye) laying aroundI thme bottomn jist a be)ggin yez to ate (11.'' [A general grunt of satisftuc FLA P' JACI{S ANDf 'ORLTAssI. "Ruiit" conitinuied (lhe imip(orturba blo Pat, "Av ye don't like kebbiges (bad luck to yor' if' yez don't) its all the same11. When yez got up in the morinug all yez got to dlo is to go to a tree ini the yard, raich out yoz~ hands, hold upj yorI tini plato, an1) scoop1 inl the flap jacks smiokin hot, give them a flip, take yoi.r knifo, shfiVk it in1 the thrunk of the 11roo, adtLoero yO have f'or inorlassies. Ye rie,. me hon ien, hot find tanka amld moases they aill grow oil one troo so as YCZ sv yez the trouble of walking. An thin there's yor coleshnnhot, wid milk" and, runi right by do house in "Mebby you'd like to havo A C(ooN OR A POSSUM. o have it already cooked. Bovaise why ? Wh donl't yer see, the coons i( the Possums they all run wild :'ooked." (At this one of his liston ers gul aI's it somethinlg which ho bid tried to swallow had choked lum. [at 6oticd the action and it onco made Ia dead set on that larkey.) ".1 tell yez it's a fact an no lie that it 1i11lle Ye. Tlu posum1s1, all go 'uked - v yo want, i baked pos,;uIIl, all ye havo to do is to tako a lightood knot ald look out for a reolkw with a lg tail,knock him over, Ind then yol have him But av yo Wantl a Stine(t possim, yo hait've to look out for wol widout t tail them's the stewed possims. Oh, 1oys but its a grieat counthry to ivo in. Dy'o mind ? There's mRV:us Or rOTmmI'11N, [ m11:m1 good corn and ryo fishukoy, a i1mnen ill trouigi tho land. All yo hIavc t) (10 is to got your clip ll' co'p it up out itv the the river hat ruis by y-6r door. But thin ve iv, (:as he detected another datrkey villping,) "av ye want a mixed 11irink, atV CoO ye havo to carry ver fishkey to the har room, an' git he swiateims an' lixins put into it" (Oe of tihe audieneu here askol, with i a puzzle-1 look: "Look yor 6o- , way is de M A1L, AN II\lA IN "lhe mal. man !" answorod tho le(I't ne-r, "lis i tie male an the bakin ? Sure av ye want ma1:1l0 yo cnIU get it tis(y enough-Ji. Male it grows on stalks like corn, and euro the pigs, bleSs their sowls, they all 1,. Around tho woods cured and cooked. An, whist! I'll tell yo sooithin eb:e. If a ship coies to trade wid yez, and yO wait to buy a Iit 0' nli(o f n d'ould 0men or m10bbe a shiiinnon fite dc swatchart, (for I Wol'nht tell yez a lie, tliml things don't grow on the treeq,) all yo have to do is to go the graneback troo an pull down the money by tho buIsIeis. There ye havo it. Oh, bt rue sowl, but its a great couuthry. 110w ' GET TO LIBERIA. "h ," ~queriod the old darkey whom Pat had first tackled, and who had ben gulpin-g down every word if ile leluire, "H1ow wo gwine git lay" "Al1nah, mnan, isn't the ship dready built, to carry yo to lYheria ?" minswered Pat, "an' a Iighty puti-ty ship she is, too. D've ufind; no top, no bottom, all Aes. Ff she turns over in tho say, yoz go right along widout throuble, becaise she sails as aisy i the 1top or tho bottom, an' it makes no diferenco to tho passon 'rs. he has two sils on top and Louri (on the~ hot tomi, an' " "AlIl aboar'd", shioute.l the eon, ductorii. Th'le pa:ssuengers hioltedh for the Iiraini, Pat jumped)eu aboati'd, andi 'u the triaini miov(ed off andi{ rounided the cur've, heaving Blranchville hid ini (1ho rustling pines, cight dusky coun1)tenanices, eight .opon1 mouths md eight of shin ing eye--balls wero the last sight that greeted tho vision of the p)assongers, .who settled iln their :ats while I at re soned0( t.ho work of cleaning his I:munps to the tune of tho "Wido a[achree." o An army oflice( r stati oned at, VashM nigtoni is auithuority for' the staitemient thait at no0 distanit daiy the President will r'ecivoa petition, numerously signed by reputab.lo army offioors, equiesting thait a board of inquiry be detailed to inq(fuiro . atnd reo'. 'or't whether01 Glen. Babcock is guilty of the- mnanifold iniquities chargod ugainst him, and if so, that ho mafy b) (oi'trt-martialecd as unfit .io hold his; po0sitionl as an armiy oQicer. At the r'ee'nt mktiig hold ait [atosh)ii'g in thi inaterefit 6f the pro posod . county of Thptlerj Captain Water's shiowedl tihat E(lgCIld ioun-* ly isi equal ini sizo to thiri'ten .of the mniallest coumntion of Georgia, 11d( to fito of the smnallest conn tion of .Ponnsylvr.nia.' it is. as largo as twvo of tihe largest .and nine of tho smallest conties of Yh'iniai. [C in twice ih i' f"h tt'o Delaware and thro'o timoi as laiifo nis Rthode TIland. Nlo wonderdho-polls thrpo tho0usand~ JDemocratic mrujorltyl Thoige)rs. Qr ho iim a~~ fi'oin thle coyntjies friteresRte fr4 p>be itddoit iiihimoihs ini -bpb~Ai1 theuir divi'alrn into daew'counitinoa