The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, August 23, 1877, Image 2

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WINNSBORO. S. C. Thursday, August 23, 1877. R. MEANS DAVIS, Editor, JNO. S. REYNOLDS, Assooiato Editor. DEMOCRATIC TICK'ET. FOR CLERK OF COURT, W. H. KER. IPOR 'COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, It. E. ELLISON, St., JOHN A. HINNANT, CORNELIUS R. MEANS. The conference of teachers and oducationists in Columbia, upon the snbjeet of the common school sys tom of the State, will doubtless ' ae coinplish much good. The present system as a whole is an ahnirablo one, but it may be modified in many particulars, so as better to meet the peculiar wants of our people. The experience and learning of thos whomn Superintendent Thompson has called in council give assurince that their deliberations will attend -.with the most beneficial results. The Election Ordered. . It will be soon that the election >for Clerk of Court and for County Commissioners for this county will take place on Tuosdav, September 4. It now behooves the Democracy of Fairfield to marshal their strength, make their organization 'stronger than ever, and bo ready to win a victory at the 1)011 . The pending contest is of an importance mot less than that of the general telection last November. On one side there is the Demnocratie party of tihe county, represonting all tiet highest interests of the people, and .on the other is the Radical party led by the same set of ignorant, venal and purchaseablo negro poli, ticians who figured in the haleyon days of Scott, Moses and Chamber, lain. The "Citizens' Ticket," we are pleased to say, has been with, drawn by its originators, and the issue now is squarely between the organized Democracy on the one side, and the awakened Radicals on the other. Tho RadicAl .party has been revived. Joe Thompson, long a leading poli tidian, has been made coun ty chairman. The "lights of the party are in constant consultation, and are working in all p)arts of the county. Whether they will get up a .ticket between this and the day of election, we cannot say. But it is none the less impoetant to have the Democracy reanRy (for any emer gency, and prepared 'to !pIut dlowni any opposition. Every township club should be at once put on a campaign footing, and b)e ready for 'orders. We must win this fight. "We cannot afford to lose anything that we have gained. Let us all, whai over may have been our for' mner preferences, unite in a resolui tion to elect the entire Democratic ,ticket. About Union Leaguers. There has been a good deal said lately about the appointment of "Union Leaguers" to oflice in this *co'mty. The charge-is laid at the <door of the Democratic County Executive Committee, that they recommended the appo'ntment of :throe menibers of the long-since defumnc't Union 'League. Trho per... .sons allumdel to are Trial Justice Mackey, Trial Justice Coleman andl Jury Commissioner Lee. Mr. Mackey was an outspoken oepublican until Chamberlain's 'noniination, when he 'announced his ~purpose tto cut-loose from the party sand do what he could for Mampton. How.much he accomiplishiel dluring the campaign we are not p)rep)aredl ito say, buit.we do know that he took an active part. .Me voted and can vassed for the DIemocr'atic State and ecounty itiekets, but likewise voteti for Hayos and WVheeler'. Ho never pronounced himself a Democra.. And whether he was over .a (Union 1Leaguier, -we have no positive infor mation. lie was summarily put out roason othor than that ho had takcon sides with the right, and cond imed the wrong. He was afterwards recommended for appointment by the Exceutivo Committee. Mr. Coleman wan the choice of the people of his section. As far as our information extelnds, ho has always given satisfaction il the dis charge of his oflicial dities. His specialty seems to bo in keeping down petty litigation, and inl saviN1g the county largO sums of money in costs. We have no positive infor mation as to his relatiois with th Union jelgnole. 110 voted for Hampton. Israel Lee, the jiury en,:nitissioir Emio out for n1ptont early in the [mnllpaigni, anl"d did good wor:k among thO (olored )0le)0. His 1ppOinit - 1nent was in fIultilbient of the pledge of the Dem iocracy to recog nizo the colored man's poltical rights, and in recognition of his faithful Fervices during the (am paign. We think we h:tve clearly vindiea, Ltd the courso of the Exeum ve comnitteo inl ll:tking tho appoilit. m1ents abovo mentioned, an11d we hopo to hoar nothing more about, the matter. Withdrawal. MebsSrs.Edor: Influeiced by a desire tv promliolie bio wveare of tho conlity, and to restore, as far as is in ourt. power, turmony among 1our citizens, we 4 terehy withdraw the "Citizens' licket." ORtIONAT-o1S 1OF TlE TieR.T. A Reply From Mr. M. L. r rown. M-e ssrs. E'ditor s.: In1 Tm.: NIs .%n of the 21st inst., I 11id 'a colnntnieaton iddressed 1o you by D. It. Feaster, Esq., asking what had becomne of 110, and also asking what was tihe p)Olitifcal complexion of the "H0ash'' ierved up at ily Hotel. As I have voul permiss.on to answer for myself, I will do so by reminding my friend Dave that my understanding of a Hotel keeper's duty is to try and pleaso the taste of all his customers. It has betn1 so long since I had ite pllsure to servo '11s".Hash to Dave and his Dark -Ct..rner palty, bhat I have almost forgotten whatl ,casoning he likes. My recollection s that when last with mec. Diave seasoned with conservat ism,. or iomething that coniunenced with a D. Come down, Dave, and I will season as you like, providetd yon lon't ask mec to season with any of y'our* Execeutive Conniait tee's Union Leagno apJpointees. Resp'ectfully, Tui Pu,m ~ M. LA. Unws Tu enescaoo. ss:M.--Uponi Ahe invitation of Captain H11ugh S. llhomipson, State suiperinitendenit of lucat.ionu, the following gentitlemn viil meet in Columbia ti s l ming for purposes of consuilta tioni uponi the conumnon school svstemi of t his Staite. to wvit :Prof. ,Y. H. Carlisle imd Hon. Charles Pet tv, of Spar 'mburg ;Prof. Wim. Hood, of Duie West, R. W. Boyd, Esq., of Darling. ton, and R. Means D)avis. Esq., of W~iunsboro. The session wvill pr'oba bly last three days, and thle consul lation ill b)e devoted to a revision f t he laws relative to public schools, with the view of making suggestions to the Legislature for its improve ment and adaptation to the needsi ofur people. The character and1 Kl:< r'ont o of the gentlemen engaged un this work are a gularan)tee that praeic tical good will bo effected, and we will loo1k forward to their r'ocommnen dations as embodying the results of enlarged exper'ionce in the cause of eduication).--egihn/', 21 e inst. InE JHoUsE Judiciary Commlittee has beeni ini Session at Greenville for the last ton (days, .engagedl in the revision of the Triail Justico system. WO learn that tihe recommiendations of the Coniuittee .ill likely em brace a plan for the organization of County Courts, sup)plomonted by the former syslem of committing magistrates wvith limited j urisd ic tion ; and also a plan for tile conl tumnance of the present system of Trial Justices. The donenral As semUbly will be ealled upon to decido between the 1)1an1 .submitted. The Committee will direct sits attention to a revision ei the law .rclathig to publhc roads8, and perhaps other matters of general interost will bo dliscussed, with the view of prepar ing for'legislative work next win ter. --Rier. A Winnebago Dirgo. Sonator Calmeroln. like llm vado, talks freely with tho uewspaper in terviower ind takes iiothing back. IHe has been Imlilked of his tholights by a iembe of tho New York Sun's staff. Th1e old m1ian1 tiid the Replb licanls inl Peinlsylvanli:I OxpeIote Ohio to go for I Ile Deimocracy. Hoe is of opinion thiit. the President vill gtet, only aq aililied en,lorsoment -in the Koystone :-ite, if ally. T.rhe dissatisfact-ion o the Ponisylvania llopiblieanls, h1e obse'Ved, arose 0 bV vaustio thmy ..spi!tlit largo share of blood aIId saerIil-ed muchell treasure t,o put down tho rebellion, and the, people are nlot. prkpamretd to sco tile fr-clits of t.lhe itRy1 they won on the field of batte aIilt at the ballot 'box turlnedI over. to Ohe mlen who attomlpt, Cd to destroy the go, veirnmenlt. Jist how .lI.. 1'haves 1haH doollo a1-lythiig of the sort, Mr. CIamIieron did not deign to explain. He considered Stanlev MAllitt-baws tio evil 'eniuts of the Wihite House and i niich over-rated man. 1e thinks John Shurmal tho incarna t-ion of self, mld does not seo how emP'is (an h4 won without money. '.uol'n from polities, he spoke Of thle 'hsiness prospeCet as the wmrst. he lnd imnewn sileo 18.20, whelllicarly eveiyNboily ill "Pelnysvl V.tlia was Undlr 1 if. sheiit's 111111 mer. The WiNNliebago (Aiof is evi IetlytV in a lChf11101oly 1110od, and well he may be. lie is on1e of the I adiit Spirit. who vuIlsed the ruIlp turv of 1860 and the "results" f bat he is now be.--inning to feel and dread. Ikew B!aineo anld Mortonl, h e p r cfers the "-i th u n1d r K el leg. 9 and Chamlbvirlainl rather t mn Nichills Hlliptoll The ealu of dishonesty and at teplilts to vireinvent, God suited him11 exactly, :mtd Ie is not pre, ired for aiiother regime. It 'is rIther. late inl the day', but we ad Vise tho venliable ex-Senator of Penilsvlvania to pirepare for reap im., tle whirlwind and to expect his shimr0 of the colseqluences of the storm111 le Ias sowed.- -.chonirle and Constitultodidt. The Tables Turnod. The followinc (11110is ineidlen t oeviurried reecently not a clhou.;,and miles froi AguIsta Inl a certain justive's court a civil case had just been tri'd :ld judg ient renld.1ered, w% heu t le court, the COnstable and the attorneys conclu ded to vary the w.ith : four" handed g.nt of "auetou p.i ch." The cards wce soon prodc'ed and the qu:rtette engtget in the mys teries of "1sevenl oudl." While this interesting little plfoIllmeo was i tn ~in t he 'oflice a coloreA prisoner in the next Ioomn bethought hinli (of I plan to make his cseapo. So Ibsorb-d were the four i in "high, low. jack and the gann" that the fiftec.n1th aiondmliet sliped oft un nlot icetd and midite his~ way to the c'ity (thie inc(idenlt occtu'rr.t. in the ('tlmi ty. whier' hli initerviewed the count.] ,in dge and asked that a wvar rantI be issued f'or the airrest of that uncci eouis quiartet.te oni the c'harg'le of grunxbling. The nmtter was ama (cably adljulsfd, bult that crlowd will nlever' hear thle lad. last of the joke. A R.Ar Wuom J3AFF .U: Hi PJTsL'EIs. -A grea ~t e'xcitCinenlt was eaused in Fuilton street last tersing" by a' ebase aftr ai l rat ini Kennly& Myris'i' pibinug estalishn~m,nt. The aforoe said rat ha ie l.iinbere'd upl oni one1 oIf the shelves and hadn knioekul down and brokten abouit live dollar~s' wor'th of p'lissware. Th'i- was con)lsidered sutlich nt (enns5 for' his "t .king off," and14 bienie a number stam te(d in pur' suit of hiis ratship, following him upl withi as) much ardor as they would have followed ai wild boar or a buffalo. The little animial linally escaped into a hiofe ini theO side of a ba1th tub and( roaine d .perfectly safe, though trembling with fright be)tweenl the wiooden .cxterior aind the zinIC lininig. A long pice of 1pap)er was lighted and stuck in the 1ho0le,tbt failed to start thme game. An eager'-eyetd dog was placed at the hole and watchetd there with pafinfull anxiety for about half ain hor while his dillies -poinded on every inch*l of the tubl inl order sto star't out thle verm'inl. Th'lat r'at was too wise. Ho romaiuned there unitil hiis purisuers woreo Lirmed-out aind had left, and thon camIIo out.- Troy P'ress. ERSK1NE COLLEGE, DUE WE1ST, S. C. ()NE of theo oldest institutions in the State. Esotablishied ini .83). LocalityI r'emiilrkably hiealthyi. Fahcullty compfleto.I Se'.ion topens Octomber ist. closes July 3d. TFermns $ 175 for tile entiro scholasie y ear, mncluding board and tuition. .W. M. GRIERI, atug .131- xl ii m .residlent. 1N OTIC.TD 'ALL persons are horeby -Warned ,X againist eutering or in alny way tres patssinig onl the lanida, whether encelosed1 .'r unen'felt)sed, now occulpied by mec. 18Ula m(Iiatregardinig this nioti~ce will be deltiwih i ml,u3 J. A.L.. ET4 ANNUAL MEgrING. OFnul O N'', CoM MImlIol Els, FAlnFIEin COUNTY, Wlnsboro,'S.,C., Ang., 20, 1877. rT i HE annual meeting (if ihe Board df County Commissioner will bo hold on Tuesday, the 4th September ne(t, -as required by 'n-w. All porsonH holding clim nccourit gainist 'the coliity will hand in the saIo for exaiination and adit-on or before the 1st-Soptomber, in iorder -hat they may be acted upon at said annual 1neethkg. HENRtY JACOB. aug 2l-t.seplxt Chiirman. Winnsbom' Hsotel. .L l-: itiesignedt ftakes -uIeasutre iin intorming his friends aid Ithe 'publio that lie itis removed to that large alny eomumodious Brick llotel, located In the centre of busiiess, where ho-is prepared to accommodate the public with clean and well furnished rootis, inld a table 1up. plied with the best that -the market affords. lit! intends to deserve 81"1 hopes 'to reettive the public patronage M . L. BROWN, 'January, 8, 18'7.-ft Proprietor. Notice to Creditors. dN -TIJ PRonATE CounT, .August 10, 877. PHlE.creditors holding clailms against the estate of ERnn,l% M. M n-. eIuy, decensed, aro treqiired, by orer of this court, to establish their dIIands 4bofore 1u0 at Fairtiodd Court lorse on or before the 10th daly of 8eptcietbelrext. 0. R.TH PON aug 11 x 1 w4 Juilgo of Probato. S4{ EltiFWF'S FA U E P Y virti e of an exoctidl t" tue lrent 1 .i) ed I will offer for sale-before lit. Cour Hiouse door in Winisiboro on tie firs Monday in September next, within th legal hours of sale, to the highest bi. dor fo% CAS1i. thf fOllowing described prome1.ty, to-wit: All that plantation or treet-of lhnd lyinc In Fairlield county, contalliig Em'nTY FIVE .wAs, more or less, and bounded by 1(nds of Atlexandre 'lder, Mrs. -Polby, ,. B. Montgomery aid others---levied on its the propert.yof ,1. C. Meckorell at the suit of it. ,J. McCarlte. S. W. RU1, Sheri"f's Oilleo. S. F. C. Winishoro, S. C., August ii, 1877. ig0 t1B2 CHRAP GOORs! W E-would call the attention of the public to the great redution ,we have unide'or. LINEN LAWNS, PACIFIC LAWNS, 'ORGANDIES, -BRILLIANTS, ..PIQUES, and other Whlpte Goo'ds. ALSO, li te facet that we sell D)ext er's Kittiig Vottonl, att 5 eenits per ball1, and h-tIP dozen SH1lIRTS, warranted to-fit Andi imiade of Wamnsutta Miu din,for$7.00O - McMYaster & Brice. july I-1 Ettentier & Edmond, Rai nuMOND. YA Mv' ANUIFACrURERS of Portablo annt -Stat.irv Enginea iand Boilqrs o, all kinds, Circular Saw Mills, Grist Mills Mill Ger .ing, Shiarting, Pulleys &C. AMEEr: CAN .TUnBUINE wATEnn wIEEL. CaImeroln's Special Stea,t .Tumps Send .for Catalogu.. oct in TCJIL'HJT -SOAg= JUNT REQF.IVEp, NEgross af .the genuino :Brown Wi ndsor Soap4. -ALSO, T[won ty-five dozna assortoki Hoape, at the Drug Store of april2 M DR. W. E. AH INN F URN[TUIR E, ~A INDOW Sha'des, 'Picturo Framos, .,' Children' Carriages, Lumber and Shingles. U8e oconou.y by buyIng the best, and buy wvhere you can got the oheap6st,. .amril 211 'n nr nuILLIPS. -1OS R. Rn'D'MTWX', .AftbrneY-t Law -AND )TRIAL -'JOSTI19. p-6 All buisness entruAted 'to him li lthfr eapavity will reivwliroiptawttn. ion Ollice on Wasiinjgt6h tiedt, '6ne ioor 'ast f 'Winnsboro MOtol. II. A. GAILF.AI1n. J1o. 8. 'RYM0Lj)&. ZTAILLAII'D NODS M.'TORNETS AT LAW NO.' ,A ,AVl RAAG'P,,. A. M. MACKET) Attorney EddI(Coune'llor at La*, No. 1, LAW RANG11, Winnsboro, S. C. TeV- SpeCial attention mid to the spel01 1ollection of claims. Will practice in all the uourts of this-Stato and the Utittef iates W ines, Liquors, T(o ba eco, .&c. . 13 'ant 4herry Wine, flno X. C ,Sonppernong IIne, flne old Porto P1ort Winle, fine 'imlpoirted Olairet Wineu, i'or:taUle uie -ALSO, R-ine articltt ary 4dippotidhg Wino, taril's & Co. genuine Cognab Brandy, ure N. C. Apple Brandy chei4ce Stono Nlou1ntiin (Georgia) Co#n %rhiskey, pure U. . Sweet Maslt Corn Whiskey, My abinut Rye--tebc-be.4t'wlii;key in town, md a full stock of all other good Liquors. k1so, the celebrated Indiain Pale Alo, reSh .Lager and Hweet Sparkling-Cid drou iraugli.t.. The hi.geSt -and .best selected tock ofavdn-igars and (jigaottes in town, 'lackwell's gdnuinc Smloking 'To. maco, Messina Oranges and Lelions for ole low for esh-bv j ne 2 P. W. If ABENICII T. Publishers and Printers Can buy direct of -tho 1fanufneturer on favorble terms. "Tn ANSON HAnRM 'CTITTING 'AAttilr.Id ire the besi. ind cheapest low priced imachilnei'mtide, and have-a national repu tation for utility and dturability."-T Icetrotyer, Ic<uo. TiE. ANsoN HAlnY'PAInu'uT1n 'is *by fNr the best miachine which cin be ob taiped for-n less psico:than one hundred Jolhlairs. It is of great strength. These machines have always takenl the highest itand. It is the,only machine to which hn applied the Patent Movaile 011tting Boad. This device has n ireputtkin of itself:y it.-the eilting board can'be in. itantly iind Itecnrattely uoved, So that a perf[c-t cut is insured. This is a very in portnllt point in the mllilchine, and ono hiat:is possessed by no other. It greatly reduces the labor of preparation in'woi k ing the paper baukward and forward. We cannot too strongly recommend .the ldvan tewofihis,patent movable board. Sis wot the price of this machine, and ptchasers should-fully understand how highly it is to be valued:"--seo. P, Rgoell k (h.'s XeusMper Reporter and 'Prin(er' G(Azelle. TiiJ4TEsT IMPROVED IIARDY CAnD CTyr iEi is pronounced the moAt -desirable Card Cutter in the market, for the general tises of a printing 4tice. The well known RuoGLEs CAnn CUTTFn, ith my latest improveiiwnts, is still pre. ferred by many printers, and 'holds itt h'voritinm over other umachines. None genuine but-thase having my full Iadress lettere'd in the easting. 4pO".Newspapers in want of advert ising [~cm fint .parties should send for ray iircular. T. A.IIA RfYr, A lIhUlidaIe, Mass. I will buy of those.that buy icc 14 MVORRIS' HOTEL 1~ have jusit finished p)ainting, p)apering 1and thoroughly renovating my Hotel :rom top) to bottom, and now have it in hrst.e)tss order and ami prepared 'to on ortain my3 guests with umuchi more con nence and1( comfert than eretoforo. 3flice on first floor aud.opening on main mtrent, with .dinning -room and saillo roomi adjoining. Every eftort will bo nado to mnako my guests comfortable. ra IIotel located next door to F. hlder's large groery and dry good stores, indl in the central and business.portion di own. Charges to suit the times. A. A. MORRIS, april-26-tf Proprietor. NOTICE TO TRIESPASSE1RS. Ilerby forewarn till persons, Vliite, blc, D. lh,.rish or mulatio, fronm hunting deer, fox, opossum or any other pime, fishimg, or tresspassing on my landi ij any way--whether fenced.or not fenced. I'he law will be strictly enforced. July 24-tx1Cw TUOMAS .U. DAVIS. Shirts!! Shirts1I Shirts! AMSUTTA Muslin and 2200 Liner, IVat $8.00 per half dogon ' Pe?iealoanid Calio,antS6.00 and4$9,00 por lialf dhozen. mar 22 .1. F. MoMASTERI & CO. .LAMP <CHIMNEYS. 50p d*oz"en C--ey ofalnds jan - received, and offe-red at redluce rates, by 4the doeon or b.'if dozeon, at th Drug Storo.of juno 9 P1E. WV. E. AWKEN. UST RECEIVED, A lot of Flour, to se~jl r on ommiissiop ~which we are offermng very low. July 23-1x1 J. F. McMASTERL C0. HOISE-AND CATTL.E POWDEpR