The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, July 24, 1877, Image 4

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TRIWEERLY EDITION. TERlMS 01F SUBSClIPTION. Tri-Weekly One Year. -. - - $1.00 "< Six-muonth8. - - - - 2.00 '' '1'hreo moUtlhs. - - - 1.00 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One seunre one insertion $1.00. For eacht stluselptent insertion 50(x. Ob~iuitn rios an l T1 rib"ii of oisj)ec(t char1g(l for as a(lVertisemnlhtsi. Lilerftl discotl nuido kor con tract advertiseimts. 0 JOB WOlRK. Bill I1eadls, Letter lIfends, Envelolies Posters, Cards, Invitations, 'Tickets, &u. executed at this office,-CLEAP FOlt CASH. LITERARY LIONS. The Meagre Reward of Pencraft--What Somo Amorican Authors aro Worth. I iom the P'riters' Cir'cular. Longfellow is independent in cir conistances--p'obabI ;ly worth 8100, 000 to "4200,000( ; but the greated part of it has c(m'15o to himt through his Vife, loung sinlco (eceased, u who was 1i c in her own right. Eiunrsoin has not nmdo from his remark.blo littlo voliumes over 820.000. lie has gained nearly as nmch mor( by lectining ; and yet by cxcell ent, mnuageint, wi ehich one might iot eX)cet from the high idealist, and by a serene lIilOsOp)hy of at )ractic(al so'rt, he colLtinues to live on his small property. Bryant is often cited as an in, stance of a rich author. H1e is rich but not by uitlhoiship. All the money he hats directly euied by his puen, outsido of his journal, would not eOxceed, ill 11llprobability, 825, 000, notwithstanding his estato is estimated at 8500,000. 1awItlhorn(o was poor to his dying day, and might have slloriled hInt for his appoiltlont to the consull ship at Liverpool by his friend President Pierce. Lowell is independent in circulm st.aneces-no thanks to his iinc poetry and1( esays, how\eveCr. Whittior, like most thrifty Now Englandors, owe1s his Own house, and beneath its hunblo roof, it is said, le has solmetioies subsisted le is a bachelor, you know--on .500 ia year. hnolms is w oll off by the practice of ,ho meiodical profession, by mar ringo and inheritanco, albeit not by p0e11s, lectures, novels, or "Auto cratb of the Breakfast Table." All that he has written has not brought h im1 825i,00. iUzlnyd .Uaylor, although lie has mado100, )0rhaps, 850,000 1 by his writing:;-his books of travel mvin Ibeen very jpiopla]i r--!has not ui,11 c"ient, i'leomet to sus;ttain him wiithout 'egilair labor. J. U. Iolland is frequently nmuled 11 an11 author who has amassed wealth. His books have sold as5 largely as those of any Amierican writer, anid whatever may be thought of his aibility, lie still hss -a vast conistitUOne~y. He is not ati all rich in the Necw York s01180 ; lhe maly 1be worth 8200,000, but most of this he got by his partnershilp in the Springfield Repubid/ie'an. George W~hillim Cur11tis is depend5( 'ent onl his salary' from the Huarpers; so is Mir. William D). ilcoweils de p)1enet upon01 his editoripj Of the .Allai/ntic;, Bret Harte, T1. 13. Aldrich, James Parton, Jf. T'. Trow bridge, R1. 1H. Stoddord, TI. W. Hig-. ginonmainly upon fugitive writ Modesty. . Miodesty is only another word for halbit. The Frenoh woman dlisplays her stockinigs on1 muddy pavemnts im a way that makes English and American women hanmg their heads with sh ame. Tho English woman hidos te r stockinlgs, but sho exposes -hor bosom11 ill crow led assemblies with a freedom that strikes the French and Americans with disgust. The American bides b othl bosom and1( ankles ; but very young girls show themselves freely alone in stree ts, 'onmuibuses, ears, and ferryboats in a wa.y that fills Europeans with horror at their imnmocdesty. 011jent, all womienl hide their faces for their miodesty. In the (lays whenu broad bandeaux of hair were worn it was immiodest for an car' to be seen. A fashion .article, in an American puliicationl of years ago, asserted thait 110 modest wvoman could feel at ona~owith lher hiri behind her Car's. Ai'rican travelers, who only see the hr mamn Iigure ini its natua 1111condi Lion, allirm that thle sight of the naked form of tho native wVomen has not the slightest disturbing efloct upon the imagination. But only let those same forms b)o patialhly drossod, and1( the immIlodeisty of the reovealed portionls is as evident as worle they exposed bly civilized wvomon. The habit of looking coni. tinually upon01 the humani figure by the ar~ti st robs it utterly of the im purliO associations thait haunt the recless student of thlo 1I7eolo; res J39(uux Arts forgets the naked woman in tho beautiful lines and curvos and color of tho model be fore him. That mo~osty is only habit, the innlocence of children, whot have no modesty till they beginl to loso their virgin innocence of thought, plainily showvs. VEGETI1NE -IS MY FAMILY X C131 W 33I WISH NO OTHER. PnoviosxCi, A v.'1 7, 1870. Mnf. 11. i . ~ri 's -Ih'air s'ir: W heat I \\'1s 2112001. S 3t':I1: of 21.t? 1t llllloa' broke out Uponu 1111, wlikfll 101 tlot her I~'l' ce etOctro by givin0g lit' e el) I(':15 :11111 aill o11lir su 14 e~('l('.-l its Situ I1'W of, h~i. It ('0111 iited to , ruff worse4., 1t11l1It 11118111" she l'0lwd114 i I)1131211.11111 ant he said I hiul the salt1 Irheum112, 12124 't.oed.( llt' bor I111 ('(4111(1 no0t be pcti11221l.y clr' ax; tihe disease otr.'tiiate'd In tte blued(. I I'eltlninll a great Codsiltr ('or 2Sj132l!tlt vo8(1 111(1 1 ytl, n" I heard of1'and r211440 11s 11 humo (1 midf 1 V.01111 alo 1111 It0 4 (101"(01" lilt'e tWuld1 clue 1W. 1141141 sio, ad 11(1 11" ol' - II( 1 (t4 c1 astl.I' ap(l'al'd aitatli 111 a 101:; 101111 111t,11 everi, 1t1 l'anrl nst)I Illll 1 .01 1113t I lll2'-s, I toat :111(1 headl4. I 2.212(''1 Itill 110,1- I c ilihe pipit, :4114(1 I 11('i"(' }:("'111'11 14i 1441 144 '('11'('' , ;114 ily13 (' 1\1(841811(41, '.V1i1leatul .1 net 11''.2p2l', 11(11-124, \o.364'1, AtIl ts i-I1141. 501 tH ltaloll 1llltl 11'3 I IeIIt e l*'2el it' A11.l1 ha1d44 l22(ll 1 I I'(' 10211 Ie '11 2'I('4'i 2 I 01o r - I li l 's low 114' (1yd 3 till (.4 I 1111 wa ll v X84. ['41121 i'(t 1alii 113*ar ti'.1114 fur aS2 al' Aett'l 1)1;1(1111',4boll 221 2412' itti' si( 1()2111ake t lit' l'l'.'it'1111 I hadi. 111 1011t (1111411 '2 1)1 41 ,13li :1111 I lI. ltg .2'14d Ill 222241 I (14 41'1 1211 ' l'4411(1122'2 1 I he alr 11''2, ,(d(t4iall so1 e. 1 to3 hl'21. I e~a 12 e(1 '(It 2 lnit" .1'' I t};lll lit 221117'2 1a':112'l 21 0)It, 2(12 111'11111 111"' I'1'sx1101 't. At JOY e 5(2112, l I'i'0 td.l.', Ia. I. Is b tte 111g.' 01 4110'lt'' ha W ~ ll si e (, 1 I l11, lat (1.11'hd The 1 ('(lS ileth Is. \Il'4'2 help1ed 14) 1(t ', :11(1 1 mu.s(t' 1112122 l 12113 '41It''atlii 11 1o'tc ( a l al I 1(1112 21113 oItel' 11122), liens ptoI'I liorea( a2 i(t 111' for1 o2111r tl ct's. an (tl4 121 1 I -s thell' i lla 111(1 1 011,lndn Neltga2(13 nuta use 'IL aIlly 1 2111 2111 111111111212, andI 113s'11 ; 14 4)111',ii 3lltl I412 No.S'2,1 ilty211 o blaldelia'(', Ieuc It. 1.3 i WtIh itit ) g 1411114in'i412. lh (4g'1 ll 1321 11141 Ai t islllla t Wlllll 'lI 1 (11 1 Ily 1 ii 1' i ' of". 2111i2113' dieases \.11l101 (l. 1, 1'r fal I 0(11 80lll lr gI'.(vc12; 13 1 '11 1 111211. 1( l~ie I12 m e l Il Tl2 Ia eti l h1)1 it olisuass, (eilartbilty ll to t 121 1 2121 21113 other than 1.1tile2l prl'12l4~:cc r I 111 ',211111I II. IS 12111. 't'hese1 dII11111asi1' tor' 20111k ll'4and 11l4 erupt llll (11;108 i(t'8 n ('1114 lIheunllllI 411 tl 11 114X1'algr2 an 8'~'t 111.11 122' 1114121nt 8e111 1110 12('4'l4' glr system; 122!11 f 11 'let's,-t1all "32 i'l'2i 'lls-l vases,' K) ill'y 1131412ladder g.'21214lii'tlti' I li wle tlllt ot 11221)1 2'l.,ril'liil 11"(4'1 :mi1 go'it) IIy n0 ll1 c t A111(1 a 4141151 11: 4112 1111lI 1111.11'(2.1113 g4)ravs 1W 'p,111 a 1 II4(1,3 (ivla, vernagl 11141'1 o10' 211111 I 404' t a'124I 1Ck, l 11141 121) ('2112113 , 11121. 1 Islialn 212 N1crll~ltiSt'ts 1In.ablitoslc't' tine 11I1 Iells Is It lo t41nlaiI0 tils fel taha ll; 11 II lI 1 i. PI ')i' a t 1AI 113l 0111 81111~. 10 1, ITI;.0 112.It 1111. 'lanI 11 1 wc In 011 2h'llt If Otmx' iI1.' r 14)gc ic 10 ay 'I h :ll . I hol run o11 f2 I 1 I ,14' I l 11111081'1)\' li ra ill l1 1lll''41 Iol every144 (I 1n1'13' 110~ 1111th Ill'1~ i el ' (01111g 'or0 41111 ll13 '11'. 111 41'i'1Moesi' 1 4.' ('lla It. ,I"111)2 bitesf tl'1lle so 1n1 lll'lrlIe 11 I11' 11114)1'1)t I1fitl 1111(1'l Ilit 1111 II lI11141 ,1142111t1 Iit3 m412111 ill'll(1 I,1111 d i th 111111 In 4t11 141111Ic blilidet' rll. of1 11(1113 thelx N. Y, ial'.ii ItwelI 1101.01 211(1Ithura0,b l.4.ikewis (or , Whole 122121 1 tl't-kof aliIIdes1Ps ilFIk'U 111( 1) ) tA'- 1 ta.I Deel i- (1.11' i 1O(1 ut i o tha l waig s 1111111 foil0 to 11(11 11 111 1 11(422I'll ( l y a t . hat's d 411155 O rI.Icll 1)111. 010 ired " to Iel ofl1111'01 11011' . 1 "1"11' 2('i"lI e itt lie 1111(1 101 1 011111"131 1111e(1. ('omnfcrtall thal' IrtfIt. bestc n lii'st flor ttd)pl'l of the on)1111 sTtST JO~E A FULU ST( SUMMER WHICH WE ARE E BEST PRINTS, 12 YARDS F( WHITE PIQUES, 12.1 CENTS ..A. ]T D ._ O '] VERY 4 -Al FRESH PRUNES, 10 CEE FRESH TOMATOES, 20 n NICE FRESH PICKLE'7S, AND ALL OTHERI UROMA. CIOCOLATE, G ARDEN ---VERY .A .,a L 31 .: SHOES AiTN IoivmE .A.LI. 1 PLEASE CALL AND S may 14 Sewing-Machine. TRADE SE/ I m. J::L, 25. lbf. WHITNEY SE WING MVACHIIWEs I--E4scat dilajplicity lIn Coin I iris 1 i013. - -Exceed1ingly Ligha Wuun inaig. 5 *Peri'ornas all Varietics of 4; Ieanugy ot' Fimnisia anid "/-- EfaitEAT' R1EDUCTION IN RII 41E. Single Ma1chines sent on ordora dircot froa the Factory', writteni guairateetc with achAtch ine. WilY PAY OLD PRIUCES! pf'-Send f or ci rculna anud part icauar. T'rcmW laitney iH I''g. Co., feb 17 Paterson, N. J. D. R. FLENNIKEN IiEPS conistantly or. hand a full iup, ly of Choice FAM~ILY GRO~tClES anud PLANT1A TION SUPPLIES. IIis stock~ has -ecenttly beenj replenishied, and hoe is nowv coiidy to supphly the wanuts of all. oct12 WRAPPING PAPER. M RCANT .ae rquetedto comn jin 8 uMASTenn s&1UC.0 IRE& CO ]0BJ1STBJD, )CK OF NICE GOODS, ELLING VERY LOW. )R A DOLLAR.' A YARD. ~J~ E6zj G-OO.D S 1IEAP. ,SO [TS A POUND. nd 25 CENTS A CAN. SOLD BY THE DOZEN. 3 00DS VERY CHEAP. F1OAM, FLAV(.)Ri NG EXTRACTS, ETC. SEE1DS, CHIEAP. ) BOOTS -O SJ'TT . S OF EE FOR YOURSELF. A (:REA' ' WANT SUPPIdIEI). LIVER CURE. I H OUTLD 1be preferred1 as a correctivo L3 and alterativo to every other medi eine in use. Firstly, it allays fever; sceandl~ly, it cleanses the bowvels without violence or pain; thirdly, it tones the stomach, fourthly, it regulates the flowv of bile; fiftlv, it p~romnote4 healthly perspi rat ion; sixthly, it relievei the system tromt unwholesomec humors; sevenithly, it, tranq iuilizes the nerves; eighthily, it acts upion the blood as a d1epurienlt; and lassly, it formss oune of the miost certain LIVER RE:OULATroltS knowvn. It will remiovo windl from the ho~wels, anid henee a few drops given to a babo is 'bettor than a dozen cordials to relieve and msake it sleep. Containing no Anodyne. It will euro Constipation and1 keep, the bowels regular, It will also euro the worst case of Summer Complaint and IDyse utery. It will euro Saur Stomach,Stimulate the Liv~er to healthy ae'tion,rel loe 11eartburn, and act as a general regulator of tho systom. -Fon sALE BY W. E. AIREN, MMhs'ren & Thnicn, WVinnusboro, S. C. it, W. Bares & Co., WVoodward's, S. C DO WTE & MOISE, Propriotors, _july 17--2w Charleston, S. C. Wie,rJ Liquor's, TIobacco, &c. ]7INE Pale Sherry Wine, fine N. C. .- . Huppernong~ Wino, fine old Porto Port Wino, fmno imported Claret WVino, For table uso: ALSO, Fine article dry Scuppernong WVine, Otard's & Co. genuine Cognac Brandy, p)uro N. C. Apple Brandy, choice Stono Mountain (Georgia) Corn Whiskey, pure N. .C. Sweet Mash Corn WVhisko.,, My Cabiniet Rye-the best wvhiskoy in town, anud a full stock of all other good Liquors. Also, the celebrated Indian Palo Ale, fresh L~ager and Swvcot Sparkling Cider on draught. The largest and1 host selected stoek of 1Havana Cigars and Oigarettes in townt, Jlacwe1 ll's genuine Smoking T1o.. hae-co, Messina Oranges and Lemons for sale low for cash by june 12 F. WV. HIABENICIIT. A'now Piano, made by one of the lead ing manufacturers of the United States. Tho0 ins trument has a comnpass o seven and one-third octavos, and is finished with all the latest, improvements. It can be bought -at a great, reduction from retail price. Apply at the office of TuE NEws AND HIann TIRE NEWS ANl IIERALDi WEEKI.Y EDITION, IS I UBLIsuED) EVERY WEDNWWDAY AT WINNSB RHO, S. 0. BY 11:111 WINNSBORO PUBLISIIING CO. IT CONTAINS A SUMMARY OF 'ILIE LEADING EVENTS OF TIlE DAY. 1State News, County N(ws, Political News, Etc. THE EDITORIAL .EPARTMNT RECEIE SPECIAL ATTENTION. TIIE LOCAL COLUMN In well filled with town and county nowal The aim of the Publishors is to issue a FIRST-CLASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Terms of Subscription, payable invaria lily in advance: One copy, one year, - - - - - $3.00. One copy, aix monthR, - - - - $l.c. One -copy, three months, - - - $1.00. Five copies, one year, at - - - - $2.'75. Ten copies, oneyear, at - - - - $2. 0. Twenty copies, ono year, at - - $2.50. To every person making up a club of ten -or more subscribers. a copy will be sent fre for ono year. 'Theiiuies coi.sti. tuting a club need not all be at, the sa. post-oflice. JOB PRINTING iN ALL ITS DEPARTMIENTS DONE I: IIE BEST STYLE AND AT' TIlE LOWEST P.RICES. W~io aro preparea to furnish, on shio; -notico, BANK CIIECKS, BILL hEADS, NT ENVELOPES, CA RD; INVITATIONS, LAW B3LANES, IOTR 1'OSTAL CARDS, ETC., ET< Terms for Job Work--Cash o Deoliver'y. All buiiness comimunications should addressed to the Winneboro Puibllshing Company wrVNNnnRO H. C.