The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, July 17, 1877, Image 4

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TIl-WEEKLY EDITION. TE IMS OF SUBSC1tIPTION. -Ve'o ly One Ye'ar. - - - - 1.00 Six-nonth. ---- -- :.01) ' 'hrev montsli. - . - - .00 R.TEiS OF ADVER'ilSING One sqlturo oie insertiol S 00. For aeh sulequen t sertioI 50 0.. atmi rios and 'Ti'ritiute.s 41 iispect charged fur as ad~vortisung..tsi. ~iberal cliscoutit madne or coutract ,.ey3}ttiseomeonts. --0 ?O1 WORK. Bill IIlds, Letter 11MlaS, 1 4velopes Posters, Cardl, Invitations. TIighpk~ts. &v. neatly executeg at this oflice, -.CI;P1' OR CASH. - ---Co,1uuc 1r1 01-st pma. peoplo 1ho receive money by tele graph. "I'm lots-king for fivo hluni(dred dollars, frou Billy Ralsi.onu," said Martin. "No five hundred dollars to your credit horo," said the haiakor, "but there is ten thousand to Warwick Martin." Ten thousand?" gasped Martin. 'Yer ; ton thousand dollars !" "Woll, 'taint me," said Martin, sorrowfully. "It's some other Mar tin, 'tainb from Billy, after all. Just pey luck !" amd W arwoiuk drew hit hand acros, h; jaovw, and sighed with disappoiIntmellt. "If your name is Warwick Martin, you can take this tel thousand dollars," gaid Mr. Loos. "By Jupiter !" said Warwick, as ho narratenl the incident to Mr. Goold, "I didn't think 'twc n;ilo but I thonght of Betty--thought of the dress I promaisel her; and then took the money and sneaked home like a culprit. I handed it to Bet ty but I never smiled for two days, I was so afraid the mistake would be detected. But whe(n I got a letter l from Ralston hiinolf," said Martin, "I tell you tLre was a high old celebratio{ in our house !" "Did 1-alstop have a great funeral when lie dio4 ?" I asked Mr. Goold. "Funeral, sir ! 1 should say ho ,didl. Why, I .was in tIhat funeral pro cession for four 1{ours, and never moved out of my-tracke." "How was that ?" "Why, tho head eam to a hgtlt be fore the tail started. It was the first procession over icon in San Francisco where the tail procesised four miles without mo:ving." 'TILE WOODSTOCK LABYRINTHJI. WHIIAT 'I!UIRLO1' WE TiNKS ABOUT DIXIE. .The South and the Southern Policy--A Kunotty Question---Much Smoko, but Little 0186. A reporter of the New York licrald recqntly interviewed Tihur low Weed, to ask his opiniop of the Blaine-Chambherlain attack on the Administration. Mr. Weed c:om mented briefly upon the fact that Senator Blaine's speech wvas gon fined to the one question of tile Mexican boundary, awli. h elt at longt.h upon Mr. Chamberlain's utterances. He referred to th~e ability syhiqi .charaictorized Cham .berlain's 8.sppgh and said: "I bg4 long watched Chamber lain's career in South Carolina. I never 19et him ; but I had a marked imlpression as to his cap)acity and his integr'ity as a public oflicial. I -felt deep regret that eyeints should make it seem that the federal gov .ernnient had abandoned hin.m. I felt that ho was frying jo w91rk out, h~ gg problegi of good ,govern .pment fqr the people in South Caro lina. Mut on the other hand, I had .approhongions." Rleporter--What of the apprehon sions? Will there bo p~acificatio~n so far as the South is concernedi Mr. Weed-A kniotty question!I A gentleman of great ability, a retired merchant of this city, said to me the other day in view of Pr'esi dent IHaye#' oymthorn policy, "I 'fear that w~e are fqrgiving those who will never forgive gms and who will despise us for. fagp~ying them." I knew t~hiat the tim mlust como, .sooner .pr lator, avlyon the federal bayonoit Jnust be wthdr'awy. The genius cf.our institutions dpmuanded this. $4t it is aj diflquit and ,delieate qupgion. It. was Iliard tQ ,say what avaa for th~e best. ,On theo one side wvas the question, of the .goveirannnt of a State unrestrained :by pressure from the general gov ,ernmeonts and on the otiher side ,were the apprehoensionis concerning the exporppont which caused (Paokard's add Chamiberlain's down fall.' }\y vitpolitical opinions of Southerm d~~qors, continuedI Mr wnnad wein. rgoiy fo,.mnO among other elxperiencsC, from my life in Vasliing ton. Theo I met many of the forenost ment in the matter of Southern sentinment and policy. I know the grandffather of the present (overnor of South Carolina. ''he grandruather's 1tmo and title were also General 'aide Hampton. .I r'tminlbcr in 1812 his being sent to uiotintand the army then t hreat ('ningq the Caumdiati border. Some how, and I omly speak of it ini ('idoitally, the North then dlistrust ed thc S;ithern armay leaders, and there wI\a anl expressioi of opin ion at that tinie, emlphatic inl somle (ptar~ters, Htt the) Southernt genert a1s, iiIplotoi and Wilkinson, did not want to take Canada and there hy increaste free territory in the North. But to return to iny cx periences ill the South. ! never lived south of \Washington until 1871, when for a few months, for the benefit of my health, I resided in. Aiken, S. C. The feeling of the citizens, 1 found, was intense agalinst the North. Ju tding; from what I then saw, I fear the work of reconciliation between the South and the North is a matter oi waitting ant rather slow growth. It will coimo in 1imt, however. l4porter.--Do you an3ticipate any split in the lepublican party, as indiented by the Woodstock move ment? Mr. Wood--1 am not, prepared to say. I Ibelieve thmt. h the President is carnestly endeavoring to servo his count ry.m11 L nl his party, and I earnestly ip p dhat his efforts will be successful. Seven hundrel Morion in. migrants arri\ :)d in New York last, week. Ticy w.'re from all parts of Europe, w , re( sturdy, healthy anti industrious, andl most of them had lee'n Luthraitths previous to con, version. m'lyt. had not yet adopted polygamy. VEETINE -IS MY FAMILY IT'E .T iI C II JE I WISH NO OTH 11. Puov''iN ex:..*\ irll 7, 171. Man. II. lI. s'r-:v yss*--I-r utit : \l 'hlen I was abandti S years of alge a innor brotk"eotit, upon11 Inl., wh'leh mly mot)luI hert ictl I, e'llt by g sving; lin: iterb teas anti all other ste>' remtetlles a she knew't of, bum. It contintuld to row wormt, until tlilly she ostiuliti a phslet n intl he s:tid I hati h s:li l t rhetlil. ane dtoett itn e I or, I hat coinplaintl. 10 rlievI'l etl IneV sme,. but said I t'ouild not le permtanetitlly trttel as the lisease ttriglinatetl Il Ili' tlotod. I reuiatned a great anllerer" for several ye'ars, util 1 heard of aunid consulted a p11y stlan, who sat( I hald ie sero fIulots lutnor aul If I would aill(w him to doctor il he wtlid ct're ime. 1 tlid so, ant he i nt Iiteed lealing lly my s5)11 atud steteetld in eTeting liln exterel t'lit', but In it short t lue the dIsease appeared again In a ni rse lrli t hau ever, as enantcrotls hillnitr ilpoln lly Ilumirs. I lrtt antI heat. I siilTered the l i ost trthilbie {:tin, aund there seeedt-iI tb no r"etnetly, 1 m1 Iluy tirletis Ihought- I mutist soo tdie, wh'enl lily at - lntilo was citlletl, while r" attllig a Inenl slitper, to a \F1tEIl'INE tetIltucntal oif \tr. wuter houshe, No. tlI-. Athens)1 street. situt iioeston 1tual I, fritn te' ly htlge 1 ,11 o I i l i I Olultdti a1l helngi personally u'ei lallei l ith helr i(ard k ow hng h tr rm t1eb.l.h-al h,', I i on lt l.anl ft would try )tihele' n. an A ll ier I had taklle Iftwthtlie il 1 s't mell't; 110;1' e l I It iS re 1113 of11)3 itytytie ntI !ist hii reig ors n1ty'ar 'imeh o tae ohf dlegt'ine ult'l 3 ad toaken ll abotec 0% hol l e ln, l i l itIprolit' aitllt' the it'i' al ro i t e ' i li colo i t 't0 t l thlt'fy t h a ie atasl theli 'Ire 1to't ell nen nc a e diflz Ia igtl Vase.l\Ithit'y d atul h ntued i ost'a iti' ie ii ll tini n Iititt I ves r h I h1011 int Itwtas ait V)'lOgel,tlin . i lihat'hll mire ofu SI liIu lit e-. 'it tlllressn nenI ilt. 10f3 li slferi, 1 'e11ecIsll a frdit'als. I lai'he alnitilserer 111f'ounl lt rem dy;h'l 11 l t ts t'' s m y l itk ail me~~ptllti i shli' noii'l Ito ni i lt her. A't l' I 0. 1t. ay let MaPe a li Nlie fl ,t Ji y t sis re (t Pri'videce t.h The rane of i orers~tt- hichtit yild the In-l't grenatr'hat anyl i't'l he ilg IetIe n. 'il hs any utne il'Othnt t i prprietl af utine periac tiosif~ftrum.'t Tiflit."1e telseas's w el hand a'lllettptive ul isea ese Tflirs ilihttlc aiti ost Ghonlet, i Neurallt It 1d sinmal Ctompaiits and'' al l wto fllev t ri If paiuls" diodr wh eho geff'tne-, 1r11ly Itillest A o trlin womy , and11st hellt itrr annually thou~ii~i sati ft.atts, fi themtpraur palaves; nyshi la,' that. uinivesa elfs.o stial'Ion, tN'e r oslIalt y to leeth , at 'fIlte his i a fortabl out of m a lidmenticfo any igl mtedle'inte toi it ekrsieia til 3tak and's iti''o s 1403 fbalet thati anyk' Ate atil befO 01 them btexep f Vegtino I'gtiays(lhe axlleo atte ul.tiofI thertI Ire o d t'isese y bir It. Iininttin th cry imiiltitiy frm tI hl'urtc i le bloodtngth thteretIs pnin the Ipore, ns-houleat escape lvolesof t. t (lem--invirt igtheier t Mr. fullrand)1i na tllaon cetn the1( hsomaeh atu.11 C IhstreN.heningivetin Tis nu Ieioplit shedl~y o the sdyathepr is'nVege mie sheod fact alm bfreggithe payl -4iswaeoithnsl. JUST E?. A FULL ST SUM MER WNIHICHL WE ARE E BEST U..INTS, 12 YA]vDS F( WHITE PIQUES, 12. CENTS .Ai]sED .ALL O VERY A -Al FR.11 PRUNES, 10 CE' FREJH TOMATOES, 24 NIJY FIiESII PICKLES{ AN) ALL OTHER .CI OCOLATE, SEA GA RDE --VERY .^. om ga ShOES A~ .A.I.I ] PDAASE CALL AND E may 14 CHVAP 0 8OOD8! t plc1( to the great, rcdget~ion we have tuade on1 LINEN LAWNS, PACIFIJC LAWNS, ORGANDIES, BRILLIANTS5, and1( other WVhite Goods. ALSO, to the fact that wp sell at.5 cents per ball, andl half dozen SiHIRT~S, warrapted to fit And made of Wan.putta ?aluslin, for $7.00. MYcMaster & Brice, july1:t JUST RECEIVE4I Afgil s'tock. of Plain a d -Fancy (G ro ceries, which will bc sold at lon,.st price for the.Cash. ALSO, A fine stock of liqluors, such as WIHJSKEY, BRANDY, WINES in gecak variety,1 ALE, etc., etc. Tkc p~atronftg3 of the public a solii ted. B. ROSENHEIM, feb 10 Fruit Jars ! Fruit Jars.! JUST received, a lot of Mason's celoIara ted Fruit Jars, with lloyd's porcelain lined covers. Price, half gallon sizes, $2. 50, per <1ozon. mAsusizes, $2.25 per Eozgn. IIlI& Co. 3CTED]V~E , 3)0K OF NICE GOODS, IELLING VERY LOW. )R A DOLLAR. A YAD. C' HE R go-001oa:s CHEAP. iSO 'TS A bOUND. and 25 CENTS A CAN. SOLD By THE DOZ''N. GOODS VERY CHEAT. F'OAM, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, ETC. -0 SEISDS, CHEAP. TD BOQTS -O OF E.INT3ET EE FOR YOURSELF. TRAD < uL1 SLW% PAD. JU 1 5. 3811. wE CLAIM FOn THLE IMPROvED The filowing speitic onso ne riority:cpit o no 2--'DuraaiIlt .. S--Exceedingly Ligli n ning.^- '* 4-sill Run inug. Nois8e euu. 5'-P'er forn s. iI Variet les of & -Beaiy of .JFintsla gnd */-GAREA TAEI CTION ,IN R I u1:0 Singjc VClacns se~ 6. Qn ord rs direct fromi the Factory, wri' teni guarantee with eh Naghjpei. WHY PAY OLD PRICES! piTSend foy circulars and partieplars. Address, The WaImgn ej Mf'g. Co., feb 17 Paterson,4f.. I a~ utE~~ie sorge ve~y ,fge old ty, 'fromf Stid Mountain, Georgia, and Lincolh coupt, Virginie, 4nd *i ious other grad es of (Western R{go' Whjh'kys, North Carolinp. orn andl Rye Whltleys, D)omesftic apyi' .ImpoefWpf'a Brandiips. an -ALSO .A large stock of bottled .2oodO,.coDsist-. mng of Champagno, L eor l3er, f6r family use, AleAr;Porters, sda Water &%. One barrel fresh oewark Cfder o$ draught. Cool dlyinks olall descrpin.'Tbd, Cigars, &c - pt 9s. *.bad - Oun Hgg6E. .J..D. McCAR LF4Y, .__.:3 Pr,opyiotor. Shirts! i hirts;I Shirts!I W^"""TTA M"slin nd 220.Lsne, Perealo and Qalico at$6.9,0 e.nd1 $9,00 per half dozen. . mar 22' J. P. MoMABTER ,Q., NES A llERAll WEEK JY EpITION, Is I OgHUED BREBf WBDNEsDAY L WIv1 4 8 B q o 0, S. G. , JVINNSBOIl) PUBJJISHING CR IT CONTAINS 4 SUMg ARY OF T LEADING EVENTS Ot TILE DAY, State News, County Npys, 1p1ipaI News, Efg. THE EDITORIAL 1gPARTMLNT RECEIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION. THE LOCAL COLUgg Is well filled with town and countr news. The aim of the Publishers is to issue a FIRST-CLASS FAMILY NEWSPAER. .Terms of Subscription, ayable invaria bly in advance: One copy, one year, - - . - - $3.00. One copy, six mogths, - - - - $1.6K. One copy, three Woths, - - - $1.00. Five copies, one .oar, at -- - - $2.7. Ten copies, one tear, at - - - - $2.0. Twenty copies, ope year, at - - $2.6. To every person raaking up a club 'f ten or more subscriber's' a~ cojy will b'o sent free for one e~ar. Th :ana conti~ tuting a club need not all be af'the sam'o post-oflice. *~* .. 1 JOBfP4NTN g dLL ITS M~TEN~p N THE BEST STYLE AND .LOW~EST PRICES. Q~Ve are .repar1 to furni nort notice, UANK( CHECKS, BIL~L HEADS, ENVELOPES, INVI.TATIO Cs LAW BlLANKS, PO 8'ES '' POSTAL CARIDS, ETC., ETOJ Torts for Job Or--sho All bgp~iness comngunIcAtionhl should ddressed to, the - -innipmUakdng fomkang egenosoB. c.