The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, June 21, 1877, Image 3

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Tbn~o~mSommu~s...The fodllo.. ng are the h ours at which th trai:m 'on the (;. 'C. and A. It. it. 1. Winmlboro.: ICEOULAnt PAS5,ENol~n--Niourp. For Charlotte, 1.25, A. M. For Augusta, 11.07, r. a1. ACConaOMAouI[N FItEIOIr-DAY. For 'Colutubia, 7..3;, r. ,. For Charlotte, 10.45, A. M. Now Adverthsomontn. Masonic Moeting-Win .N.-Chand. ler, Secretary. Knights of Ilonor-E. S. Chund, lor, itoporter. Siimmons' ilepatic Compound... Dowie & Moire. Hon. It. W. Barn well, formerly president of ihe State Unive.rsity, las been appoint 'd lilrariau of that instibution. The Firen'ious Calico Hop 'as piostponed on aceount of the death of Mrs. McKenzie. It w.ill take place this eveliing. 'The prcsidcnt of the lire company requosts tlh.t all firmenen appear in uniform1. The ICf/ishr corrects the state.. mont it recently made, timt injurv had been (lone to the University buildings by thie negro students. It Teems there are only a few window-paves broken, and this was done so1ei. time back. The Independents boat the .Seventy-sixes (both juniors) a match game of base ball Tuesday after 110011, by a score Or twenty to seven, and thus got even for a defeat the latter gave them some timo since. Wo shall have anothergaine soon. A TERuIL: 1ALLin,.--Little David Fleming, the oldest son of Mr. A. H. Fleming, wtiet with at %.ery serious accident on -Tuesday night. He -was sleping'in the third story of the brick hotel, and, walking in his sleep, went to the 01o11 windok, and fell on the pavemne1t below. Fortunately, he did not fall on his head, but oil his s;ide, and escaped with only som very severe bruises. At last accounIts ho was doing well, and there is great hopo of his rc cover'v. Daniel Adams, a negro living in the iyttlkton section of this county, * as brought to jail on1 'Tuesday night, .chargod evith commnittin g ani~ assault, with ..orimninal purpoxe upon1 aL younig lady living in that neighborhood. This is the second .case of -this kind :in Fairfield within the past two or three months, and the repetition of this brutal and horrid crime is~calculated .to excite .both concern and indign~Aion 0on the part of the whites. We 'bring tihe -,Anatter before the white men of Fairfield, aind urge thiem to be on their guard. The present criminal law, doctored b~y dirty Rladicals to SUit bad negroes, is wholly in-. .suifllciont to check the crime wgc -which the aboveo ned negro is ceharged. It ought to be understood that the next .man guilty of such an outrage will be hung to a tree or shot down like a dog as soon as 1he can be caught. The ponitonttiary hsno :terrors for such a brute as isithe muan who would commI1it the crime in' qluestionl. And wher-e tihe law is thus poweorless, the meni of the community-should take the r sponsibility and visit retributiion, quick and terriblo, on the guilty.* A FALsE llEPOR'.-The Columbia -papers of the 19th inst. announced that Mr. M. L. 33rown, (the .wellenowvn proprietor of the Winns. boro ,Hotol, had (lied on the 15th inst. :Of cor-se, ther-e is no truth in the sfttoIpont. Mri. B3row~ is not only olivo, but is in unusually robust boilth, an~d we -wonder at anybody supposing him to be dead. The Recgiser makes the following .explanation;: A despatch lrom Winnsboro reached us last night announcing the fact that Mr. M. L. Brown of that burg was not dead. The despatch states that the aforesaid Brown "is -not dead, nor likely to die soon, .and certainly won't. ,ien wihi the noxt one hundred years, if he ean ht'lp -ii." The Brown referred to yesterday was M. R. Browi, of Watynowboro, N. C.-ani excusabhle mistake as far as the J? !/ibo. is conoerned, thongh we had no iitei tio;i of killing friond Mark before his time had arrived. DiEATu oF Mlas. A. McKENzIH. -The announcement of the death of this estimable lady, which took place on last iMoniday aftornoon, was .received with universal iregtet. lMrs. McKenzie was a native of Charleston-which place sh1o left early in tho war, on account of the then threatening attitude of the Fed, oral fleet. She resided in Wirns borough for about fifteen years, and had during this time won many warm friends, and had constantly grown in their good--will and all'c tion. She was of a geuial nature, a kind hear.t and ominently charitable disposition. There was no work of benevolonce in which she failed to do( her full part She was ardently devoted to the chureh of her choice, and, leading the ife of a sincere Christian, she was always doing s omething for its good. In the affliction thus visited upon her kindred, they have the deep Nympa - thy of all who knew her. Her re mains were interred in the E'pisco pal cemetery on Tuesday, the lunei ral services being first held at the cI arch. Soc;ri CAnoxINA Moxurar Asso cIATIox.-The board of directors of the South Carolina Monument As sociatioiu beg leave to announce to the ,public that the monument is finished and will be erected as soon as the amount guaranteed to .the architects can be obtained. They beg their friends to make known the fact that it is not .a county but a State monument, erected by tls women of South Carolina, and will bear an inscril)tion to that ofect. Penny readings established by some enterprising friend monthly in each county town would, by the accumni lation of small sums, relieve the association of all embarrassment. When the work is completed, a statement will be inado of receipts from each county.. Sincere thanks arec returned to the following friends for contributions since March, 1876: From managers inaugural ball, $97 11 ; 1\Mr. Van ]3okkohn, Wil mington, $6 ; Mr. Craig, Black-. stock, $5. Through Mrs. Chiafee, Lancaster, $94 25 ; Mrs. Farrow, Laurons, $16 90 ; Mrs. William Adger, Charleston, $72 10 ; Mrts. Heinitsh, fpartanburg, $77 .50; Mrs. McIvor, Chesterfield, $20 60; Miss Heriot, Georgetown, $1 ; Miss MoiTott, Charleston, $4 35 ; Miss Wade, Choster, $10.; Mrs. Glover, Greenville, 875 ; Mrs. Wmn. Adger, Charleston, $2 ; Mrs. Darby, Ne w York, $13 ; coiicort Professor Gon zalcs, $4 80 ; eight penny readings, Rtichland, $169 27 ; penny reading, Laurens, through .Mrs. H. L. Mc Gowvan, $1.2 10. ITEMs FROM 'COLUMmA.--The Sni prome Court has decided the case of Buttz, the would1-lb solicitor of the first judicial circuit. It is held that thme office of circuit solicitor is ins. compatible with that of congress .man, and that by accepting the letter, Buttz abandoned the former. So, good-bye, Buttz. The joint committee [of tihe House andl the Senate, to in - vestigato matters connectedI with the public fundsl, the sinking fund, and the election of "Honest John" to the United States Senate, isi now in sosslon1. The case of Peter Smith, pardonedt by Chanmblerlain-ini which, it may be rememberecd, Judge Carpenter docddd that Chamberlain was governor holding over--has booen settled by3 the Supreme Court, and the pisoner rema~nded to the poni ten tiary. Tho contempt case against the State Board of Canvassers has baon ,roviived again,, the Supriemo Court having passed an -order requiring Cardozo, Stone, Hayno, Purvis and Dunn to showv cause, on the four th Tuesday in November next, why the judgment of the Court, hereto foro rendered, should .not be en f 'cod againat ach of thm. 'Ih1o followving named greultlctoin Jhave ~eci ap)pointced by thle ~over 11o1 fl:; r( cents of [lie silate Iiiiiit' a:;yhiili, to 1 C)v O'for 1Is1( yelr:; ro ..Prestoni. W. P. SItaiilty, J. AlI. Smith, Dlr. B. W. Ta'Iylor. C. II Mansiion), Ili'ly :Davis., .J oli '-l'. Rliett, 1Win. kWiilhice, D~r. C. H. Mtiot. '1'111 looks like restorinig the board to its (antebellumn standard. The governor has~ m ado most excel lent AelCetiofl5. Wininsboro Lodge, No. 11, A. F. 11. r i~IE rfellnr fl)Othll Cnnunication .1of tisj i.ndgo will 1~o lield this evo nillg,21s t inst. , nt. qunlkor last R oicloek. W'Ml. N. CHIANI)LERl j un.e 2.1 8ecrcrtntry. Truo J3rothorhoocl Lodge, No. 344 Knights of Honor. A ll t(l':lae 500ISt." r4tI 1.'.'b l t.e ilitia htc lulo 4i1(C4I (',tr 1~l o euuitl; iig I el-n Iv i he l.. -S. ("iDA N1)1.E.;it. Junto 21I At IdcioI ter. LIVER '1 ].:X I.AAMILY SHOULD1 USEl" AND Ejkeep it 1(1 limo!s, i-ale~it, of its MIl Jpt'riori f ' overal 1.i " ri Mifticirln 1(r 1 ~i vr l .'go latrxr. O l orates without Naiisea or Giinllg. Nut lwpleas"tu lt s taket It ( 'tu':s J)isca's of' tI:e- Liver anti i reinovr. a Merciirv frent 4 Ii SystemJ. It is the onlily MU1lj i111. Inuwnl that ctllx' ('oul'.i itioli. It, t:Ires N. uralgia. 'iicn I~citli] an(] It is .iu excellent ILxative fu.r (IeliuzitL. jfein iii.s. The o011 an er yaft bt o ii. the smlle11r the (1054t -tilt i.ei~y opposttite t all othe Pur-1 It is ltlta s~ifl~ lrllfl for uste, a ti niever It, is the Iest ot'l 'll irgt ivex for cl All persons sliouhtl ise) it. Wile are itillhice1 with 1Piles or Couii-Aija(ion. --FOiR SALE, BY - E.~~si A . I ;N 4 \' oi d yuia *'s. S.C I)OW\IIE & MOISE', l'i'sprieturs, SkYE YOUR 140NEY __640 1I10 JUST :.E 4 FULL STC 'SUM MER WHICH WE ARE S BEST PRINTS, 12 YARDS FC WHITE PIQUES, 121 CENTS AIT D .A7[IJ... Q '.L VERY ( -Al FRES PRUNE, 10CEN FRESHI' TOMA.LOES, 20 NICE FRESH PICI(LES. AND ALL OTHER AflOVA~t., CJHOCOLA TE. GA AR)EN -VER Y SHII O E S A 1 PLEASE CALL AND S way It NO TIC TE! E ulenid to gradually change our 1Ioots. Sh~oes, and( fall goods nied(1(0 O2 WeY' therefioo offor all fancy03 goodst, l~'tchI as Vt'Iilngs, ,Lace lan d b:erchi i oft, ('assimo-res. . Cllar~s. 8eo rfs, and i other goods of &h.lis chmaractor at and B3ELOWV COST. ,Tf you want. any kind o'f Piancy Notions, give uts ,a cnll. Thlo prieo shall suit y'ou for the -CASH. L AIDD BROS. juno 19 ~TOTICEj. AJ L1persons hoiling .school claimns for thce schtoiastic year commencing No vembotr 1st, 1873, and ending October 11, 87,are hereby not-ified to present th~o nme to the undrigned~s for .audit and registra~tionl, within thirt~y days fron th dato of this notion: WILLAnn RmunrJIAR8N [Mn &VMO COEBJIV~E3D, CK OF NICE GOODS, ELLING VERY LOW. R A DOLLAR. A YARID. NHEAP, So TS A POUND. nid 25 CENTS A CAN. SOLD BY THE DOZEN. JOODS VERY CHEAP. F'OA,, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, J TC. S-0-. S EEDS, CHEAP. FD BOOTS, -O OF-. EE .FOR YOURSELJF. L6 O O K 1 ]~W (CODS KI N1EW GOODS I ! Ehavo just received a stockc of SPRING AND SUMMER prints~ of the best brands1 at 8.1 cents,. I.-'I Cami,,:ies at 1i .elnts. Cenitennia.l tripeg at 123 ce'nts. -A]~-SO,. A InI. IS -tock of lhiings~, Shietingf angl .'rib;ing atL lowv figures. .OILOTHIING ! CIOTXHNG! ! WVe have just. received a large and coin 1i.4 stock of S3prinig and Summner O!oth timg which wio will Hell aischeap as any HATS ~! HATS!! I;IATS I!! (hent' ans1 Youths' Felt andi Straw IUIpts of 11 kinds and att any price. CASSIM~ERES! CASSIME4RES !! We hrxve just. recetived1 a full stock of Cassi. mierss .1romn the Charlottesvillo 3[4ills. .--ALSO TwVeeds, Cottondes, Jeans, ,c. JL F. MclMaster & Co. 'Best is Choapest .NEW \VULLCOX & GI1BS AUTOMATIC Silent Sewing Machine, Lest Invention, P'roding Matrvelous Results. eti i tarpi ing: nirIL Jlaeeq i heor al coe , elesof noisy, har-rut o onobesmto Li4read, teumion machinets. Only Machinei in tlhe World with Automatic Features, and with no Tensi on to Manage. Writo b~y Postal Card for Price List, IAst of Offces, &c. WILLCOX & G[BBS -8. M. CO., (0or. Blond St. 668 Broadway, N. Y', may 15i-ly EG A -o''iin a.