The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, June 19, 1877, Image 3

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R AIoa1) Senu .:es.--JThIe follow ing are the hours at which the trains on the C. -C. and A. R. R. pass W\innsboro : REGULAR PASSENGER---NIGHT. (For Charlotte, 1.25, A. M. For Augusta, 11.07, P. M. ACCOMMODATION FREIGIIT-DAY. 'For Columbia, 7.36, P. m. For Charlotto, 10.45, A. M. Now Advertisemonts. Notico-Ladd Bros. Sheriff's Salo-S.W. Ruff, S. F. C. Something New--Connor & !Chandlor. RoImenmber the Firemen's Calico Hop to-night. All firemen are re quested to appear in uniform. We were mistaken in our state mont that Joe Starke, .the thief who entered Mr. Elder's store, was un hurt by the gun set for robbers. He received the load just abovo the hip, two buckshot entering, and running around the body and lodg ing in his back. But for his posi tion with reference to the gun, ho must have ben killed. The shot cntered obliquely instead of from the front, and thus ran round his body instead of going right in. The shot woro extracted by Dr. Robert son on Saturday, and the priso er is now doing well. But had ho been killed he would but have got his just deserts, and few people would have been sorry. We only hope he will suffer the extreme penalty o f our far too humane law. Timm INTERnnANGE OF Cnicui'rs.--In -accordance with the act of the Leg islaturo providing for an interchange of circuits by the circuit judges, Chief Justice Willard has i:lo the following assignments for holding the circuit courts next fall 1st circuit--by .the judge of the 8th circuit. 2d circuit-by the judge of the 1st circuit. 3d circuit--by the judge of the 2d circuit. 4th circuit-by the judge of the 3d circuit. 5th circuit-.-by the judge of the 4th circuit. 6th icircuit-by L.he judge of tile 7th cirenmit-by the judge of the .5th circuit. 7th circuit--by -the judge of the It will thus be .seon that Judge Korshaw will hold the courts of this circuit -next fall. VANDALsM.-Under this head thle Recgister~ of.Sunday gives the follow 'We are unable to do so in this mornings issuq, but will on Tuesday give a full neccount of the doings of the gang of yound ebony--colored devils who hlave b~,eon disgracing the halls of the University of South *Carolina, at the expense5 of the State, for tile past year. Yesterday was the last day of tile session and the hlopeful cusses vented their anger upon the old institution b~y tearig dowvn the doors, defacing walls, breaking win dowvs and comnmi tting o ther wan ton d (estruction of prop)erty. Although there was a marshlall -(so-calkud) of tile -University on the ground, 1h0 seems to have been powv criess to prevent it, or was indiffer., ent as to -what :the scoundm'els did. Governor Hampton was notified of their capers last *)ighlt, and before leaving for the North ordlered a guard to he put over tihe buiiling. It isestimaited thlat several .thous4nd dollars damage has been done. rSome suspicious-looking -flogroes were strolling about tile streets on .$aturday nighut, and woero followed by Policeman Gilbert and a genllol man in company with him. Tile negroes would shako di~'orent store doors, .with the apparent ,intntion of entaring if they could. At last ~they stopped at a store and puUod .at the iron bar across thle wvindow *shlutter, andl when thle policeman hail ecd them they broke and run. Woe have not learned the .names of the parties. Tile frequency of such nets renders it necessary thlat tile police and tile .citizens ge o &ly be on tile ilert for thieves. Roibory is becoming too common. It must stop. The law punishing burglary withl doathl should be revived and should be -vigorouslyr enfored. To the Citizens of Fairfield Couity. I announce myself as a candidate for tho-oflico of (lork of the Court, for Fair.. field county. 'TPho following aro my reasons for smking the ofllee: I havo a largo family to support, and children to educate by my owea efforts. I lost an aria in the service of my country, and the oflico would at least be a 'great Ihlp to a manl in my situation. So if no other man-offors, whoseoolaims are botter, and you will elect me I promise to fill the ollico honestly, and to .the b est of my ability. juno 2--tf R. II. JENNINGS. SHERLIFF'S SALE. I Y Virt,u of a nortgag and power of seizure and sale herein contained, executed by W. E. MeNailty to [ohe; & Durham, I, as agent of Hohnes & )ur ham, will offer for sale beforo the Court Htouso door in Winnsboro on tho first Monday in July next., within the legal hours of sale, for Cash, tlacefollowing de scribed p roperty, to wit: One bay Horse, one bay Mule,one milel Cow, ono Buggy and one two--horse Wagon, the property of W. F. McNulty,at the suit of Ilolms & Durham. 8. W. RIUFF, juno 19-f 1x2 S .I. F. C. NOTICE! W Etend to gm n, ugA our tockto Giroceries, H-eatvy D)ry Go.ods, Boots, Shoes, and a-il goods needed on phantations. We therefore offer all.fancy goods, such as Edgings, Veilinga, Ribbons, Jaeonet :and Swiss, Atl pa cea, .laace lIandke~relaiefs, (.assimi--rs. Fine (.loves, Collars. Cuffls, Sica rfs, and all other goods of this character at and BELOW COST. If you want any kind of Fancy Notions, give us a call. The prico shal.1 suit you for the -CASH. L ALDD BROS. june 10 The Automatic Fly Brush. AN ORNAMENT. A COMFORT. A. NECESSITE. LONG SOUGHT, FOUND AT LAST. Ever'ybodly Should lave it. (COME AND GET ONF, ONNOR & CHANDLER. juno 19 ihirts I Shirts Shirts I AMSUTTA~ 1luslin and 22Q0 Linon, vi at $8.00 per half dozen. Porcale and Calico at$6.00 andl $9,00 . >or alf dozen.. mar22. J" Mau~A8Er~m & Cr. CONGUIESS 3TREtIET N E w G 0 0 D WINNSUORO, S. C. NEW GOODS AT U. G. 11)ESPOR{TES' AND BARGAINS IJN DUY1, GOODS, CLOTHING, IMOOTS ANO-SHOES, WINES, LIQUORS, Etc., Etc. feb 3 LIVER CURE. NUO is thi' season when thie Liver he .comes torpid, refuse-; to do its share of wVorkc, aial cautsest distress to the htnan svstom. ''alke Sinnons' lepatic (om. poiui l or Liver Cure and all will be well. The old adIage, -"'Preveition is B-tter than Cure," eannot he more liractically illustratel than now when the sickness usual at this: seasOTI can be prevent ed i I the use of ;;I::lMONS' HlPATIC COM PONDIT , .vhieIl, by remnovlng the bile, cleansing the stomachi anl bowels aAil purifying the blood, enables the syste to rvect Iaalarial poisons anid gives tone andl strength to the whole body. SlMI MONS' IIEPA'I1 COM'POUND is all Vegetable, pertectly harmless and won derlully effective; can he used at all times and at all ages, and sloes not interfuro with one's daily pursuits, but on the eon trary, onables us to pursue them, with renewed vigor. It is simpler, better and cheaper than any similar pareparation ovqr offered. For sale by W. E. AxxEN, M\c'run & Balen. Wlinnsblor'o, N. C. WVoodward's, S. C D)OWIE & MOISE, Proprietos, may 31 Charleston, 8. C. JUST ).ECEIVED, -. dozen unlaunred iready ,mado Shirts, guaranted to be made of best niuslin and 22-100 linen, vihw e at tho very low price of half dlozen for $7 the cheapest and best shirt in thec market. WVo continue to sell thme best Cm~liecmes at83A cents per yard. Piques, at 12)% " and1( upI. Dexter's Knitting Cdtion fl cents a ball and manny other frcsh and( de(sirablo goods at prices to suit (ho hard timeqs. McMASTER & BICE. june 7 Etener & Edmond, JRxo~oMND. VA. M ANU A CTRERSof Portable ano Saionary Engines and Boilers o all kinds, Circular Saw Alillb, Grist Mills Mlill Goaring, Shafting, P'uloys so. AMEJUOAN TURBJINE WATER WHJEE.. Cameron's Special Steam Puunpa oc 0Sopgd for .Catalogno. Fruit Jars I JFruId ,Jar's! T UST reeived, a lot of famon's celebra ,) ted Fruit JTarz, with D~y d's poxeelain lined covers. Prico,half gallon sizes, $. .50, per dozen. '' qart mizes, S2.25i Ir dozen. mnay24 .0 Au Mcm 'rm R&rm JUST RECEIVED, One car load seed Potatoes, One " " " Oats. -AIjO, A full line of Plantation Hard ware consisting of ).ay Iron, Plow Stcol, ,Stcol Plows, Plow Moulds, Spades, SLovels, Traces, iames Clovices, JIicos, Heel Screws which vill bo oold low for -CASH. I keep constaatly on hand g full supply of PLANTATION a=d FA1MILY I have on hand aoyeral brands sof first class FERtTLIZE0RS whidh I am prepared to sell for Cash or on time with well approved securities on a money basis, or with a cotton option .if parties desire. All parties in want of Fertilizers will do well to cat! .on me before purchasing. feb 20 F. "IIDER. TO OUI CUSTOXERS HOA11 j4o indebtedi tto -us for WI. IONS or PIJlOSPH ATES, we would respeet fully~eall aitaention, ethat your bills jiro dho on Qer before .the firqt of Novemibqr. ,Wo are dependjug on you for paymrnt eiT QNCE, to enablo us -to meet obligatiqua made to gesist you, and ,which aro (po at that timeq. In order for us, as~well as you, to~maiji tain our credit, it isecesrsary to n4et opr prontines promptly. Q0t612 Administrator's Notico. Jthe estatoof James JKina, deceasetl ,or knowing themselves to Ie ind(ebse thereto, 'will present their clai m orolaims, properly attested, or make payment, to' R. 8. DE,PORTESAdr. inne O...4f 1 ?Lidm.a~ 8. n SAVE YOR1ITEY -00) T4.-. DANNENBERB'g. J.UST RECEIVED, A boantiful -lino of I, dIos' and Gents' Notions. 1,Iatubtrg Edgings aid ,Tasortions, ao 7ets., 10ets. and 121 ots, por yard. HANDSOM35 ASSORTIMNT OF Whito and .Stiped Rosiery, ,at~al prios.. PARASOLS, SILK oa4 COTTON. Gonts' Unlauiudried Shirts, 'Wamsutte Mills, $12 per dozoap. Porcato Shirts, $1.2 .par dozon. RE]AUTIF'UL DRES GOODS, Only .121 cents per yard. CALICOES apd BLE&THINGS, Always in great v ,reoty., TRY ,OUR P4LTIMO;Rfi N4T D EACH PAIR YA RATED. Donit fail to Call og the.Lq or cf Low PRIQES, april 1 . . * l.e. J EE~PS constantly ,on -hand a fullag~p. :ply qf .Choice FAMIM Ql3Q0)l1lj and4 PbNTA,I'IQSUillPLIES. :Histook hop recqptly been repiqnjahed, andI :e is now ready to supply the ents of ag oct12 Eptabialad 18568, iCHAMRIES gjUL~igg Hlaageovedoy to the istoro :nex~t to Franoe Gerig's. TATCHF,8s, Clocks aia Jowelry re topevr od, and ersfaca ion guaranteeg1 Those indlebted to y me for work op jewelry will pl990o.posy at onco, for *Iagnptona As Elected. :fob;3-tf O R.SM LE4 FURINLTURE ,8DO hades, Riotxr Frame UOhde~pn's iby but~gs,' bert aus -buy whor y(Je ca gy gb best, an aprl' 26 B. W. PHILLIPS. I&MP 5ORIM)EYS. 50 Cie*'mn.eys of al kindsjs rtes, b~the dozen or hait dozen, at iAbe )'we 9 .D. W. E. AJKEN.