The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, June 19, 1877, Image 2

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AVIldSnolito. S. C. Tuesdty, J3une 19. ' '1877 't. MEANS DAVIS, Editor, JNO. 8. R!YNOLDS, Associate Editor 'rIIE Nrts AND HEaALD is aware o the fact that 'Oovernior Stone o Mississippi says that no one justifies the Kemiper trag'edy. Neither dc we justify it. Neither does an; good citizen justify any murder. I was a 'crime of an aggravate( nature, deserving of severe punish - mont at the hands of - the court of Kemper county. We do object tc treating it in a inanner such as to indicate a belief that the wholt South is responsible for it., and must 'hasten to denounce it for fear of having to shoulder the responsibili ty. Still more do wo reprehend the dishing up of the tragedy in a high ly sensational style, with a plentiful :garnishing of details, having allathc 'ppearance of exaggeration. Governor Stone apparently per. formed his whole duty in repairing immediately to the scene of the oc 3urrence. Ho found everythiing quiet. There was no pretext fom executive interference. The pro siding judge promised to hold an extra term of court to try the mur derers. What cause existed for i howl from the Northern press None. They should therefore have been simply told to mind their 'business, and hang their own cut 'throats and assassins. Mississippi can take care of herself ; and it should he presuimed that she will -punish crime until she has shown 'thai :he will not. Time enough then to vilify her. That is tfh< position of TiE NEWS AND IIEaALD. An election for Probate Judge of Richland comnty takes place The Democratic candidate is Andrew Crawford, Esq., a. young member of ,the Columbia bar. This is an ad mirablo selection. Mr. Crawford has the qualities requisite for n first class officer. The Radicals at -first nominated Mr. B. I. Boone, but he refused to accept the nomination. They then fell upon that chronic -office -seekor, Warren R. Marshal], so well -known to the people of -Fairfield. We should have thought that it required a greater amount o. cheek than even Marshall possesses to leave our county after losing al. hope of obtaining office init, and tc offer as a candidaite in anothoi -county before getting a seat well warm in'it. Since Whittemore left, Marshall is ,the champion carpet bagger of the State. He doubtless thought he sawv a good thing ir Rlichland, but he has failed. Th( Radicals, discovering that he is noi a citizen of Richland county, with. drew his name, and deternined t( run no candidate. The race is nov betweoen Mr. Crawford and a Captair Di xon, an "indoependent" candidat< 'of the "workingmen." If th< Demecmaoy of Rlichland do thein best, they wvill crush Mr. Dixon5 taspirations, and thus teach a lessor to all "independent" cand(1idaltes We have no time for such individu. .als, I'here is no middle ground Those 'who are not for us -ar< :against us. &A Demooratie Love Feast. :Four years ago, President Gran hhnd'juset-ontered upon his secon< term. .The Democratic par'ty, iude *thie lead of Horace Grooloy, had sui fored disastrous defeat, andl wa - completely domnoralized, shattered, . gone. Its funer'al sormon had bmeer preached by throo.-fourths of th newspapers through the land, it requiem was chanted in every politi 'cal gathering. But suddenly cami the tidings of a great meeting ai 'the Manhattan-Club in Now York 'The leading Democrats of the coun .try colecd there, and over table groaning with delicacies, and <bo -twoon tho popping of ehampagn< 'eorks.;gave again the hand of follow iship .and ;pledgod .themselves t< ,renewed effort. WVho -meeting ,was . ridiculed by all tho -Republican ant .Jndependent journals, by and nman~ ..Deoortio h~ets.Naatprouce a cartoon in H!arper's Wekly rep resenting the Democrats as skole - tons in swallow-tailed coats, gibber ing and chattering and grinning over their sumptuous feast. But the result of that feast was the tidal wave of 1874, and the Demo cratic triumph at the polls in 187(. Manhattan Club gave another feast on the evening of the twelfth instant, and all the swallow. tailed and short- haired Democracy were present. Tilden, Hendricks. Itobin, son. ])orsheiner, Ingersoll, Parke Godwin, Dana, of the Sun. Clymer, Tarbox, Senators Kernan, Ihn(lolph. McDonald and McPherson, Erast us Brooks, Roger A. Pryor, Oswald Ottenlorfer. David Dudley Field, Chief Justice Curtis, Governor Bedle of New Jersey, and a host of lesser lights were pre:sent. Mr. Tilden spoke for the first time since he was cheated out of the presi dleney. His trum1pet gave forth no uncertain sound, and he showed that he had lost nothing of the vigor and acumen which had so eminently distinguished 1im throughout the campaign. His deninciation of the great wrong p:rpetrated 'n over four m illi' rs of votCrf: was most severe. But in conclusion. in ringing tones he bade the pcople he of good cheer, that the great wrong would he righted. Hendricks and other speakers followed in the same strain. and called the party on to victory There was no despondency at this meeting. All present were exultant over the bright prospects of the Democracy, and evinced the grcat est determination to n inl. This meeting is remiarkable only in having brought Governor Tilden and Governor Hlehd-icks out of their retirement. An active warfare will now he waged, and the Repub lican party will be made sick. As the love feast of 1873 led to the tidal wave of 1874, so this feast is the precursor of a sweeping Demo cratic triumph in 1880, and a per manent return to constitutional government, and consequent pros perity and happiness for the peJple. Giutsanormuas.-One d' llar per bushel is what the Iiiiiesota law allows for grasshoppers eaught in that State previous to the 25th of May; fifty cents per hushel from the 25th (of My unitil tie l1th of June ; taventy- five cents 1per busll l from the 10th of Jutne until the 1st of July ; and twenty cents Ie bnI ush-s el fremn the 1st of July to the 1st of October. Thlere~ will also be paid by the State in the~ same manner the sum of fifty cents per* gallon for anxv and all grasxshopper eggs tkeni and destroyed by any pers~on. The governor will alpointt a suitahke p)ersoni in each township, a resident, to performn the duty of mieasurin8 and paying all b~ounities. General Tom Ewing, of Ohio, ex presses some opinionis in an intei - view. He says the Republicans of his State will -nominate for govcrnoi a man like Taft or Hlowlaind to hold the disaffected. General Tomi is a Greenback D)emocra t and i nsists that the party convention shall taktc square ground( againist "'the schemt of forced resumnption, and tens ol thousands of Repul icans wvill j uml:i at the chane to teach Hayes that the peCople of Ohio want the green. 'backs prese rved and silver restored.' lie speaks bitterly of the Easterii Democrats, wvho "led the party to a surrender after victory," andl says it is out of their power to hurt thc Ohio Domocrats. L The Rev. Dr. Taylor, of thce SBroadway Tabernacle, who lms gon<I t<> EFurop)e. has liis orpne paid b)y In ci~ ongrcgaitioni and his sale ry oW $1.0,00 n) year continued, while'thc ladies of the church have made up a han~idsoml a pu1rse for Miss Talylor of several hundre~d dlollrs, thus enah-.' linhg bor to make puIrchaises in Lon ) (101 qfuto indlependently of hoi a father. 3 M~rs. Harriet Beecher SI owe t writes thaL. in presenting thme char. actor of Uncle Tlomt she did nmol describe Rev. J. Hednson or awn - other one peirsoni, but comnbine'] a traits and incideilts in the lives of various p)e(pl)e. Mr. Hlenson repro sentedl himeol f ab~road1 as fthe original a Uncle Tiiom of "Uncle TJomn's Cabin,' --. andsynt money in his purse .thoreby A'Now York Stato tramp wvas throwing stonos at a train of' care when an engine camne along and1( divided hm into sixteen pliccos atnd a bunch of bones. BRIC-A-BRAC. iill Rin Russell will run for Parliament. Sheridan's twins havo bocn bap tised Irene and Louisa. General Joe Johnston is received with great otith'usiasmn in Texas. The Venus of Milo having had her arms restored to her can now scratch matches. Alexander H. Stephens finds lis ohituaries a greatt help in writin g 1his autobiography. ]3illard Smith has been mlld inain gingr editor of the New York World and D. A Curtis city editor. The Hon. Matt Carpenter's law practice is reported to profit himt seventy-live thous:uid dollars a year. General Pry-o. i1 ging to delivor an oration on 'atrick Henr% before the Long Ishad historical Sucictyv. C(i:uk' /' :"'e can't all be born ill Ohio, but We can euss those who are. Senator Conkling's recent invest. mn(lt in WVashigLton real estate was :6,000. A Canada woman cut her throat with a chip, ani so had the dead wood on herself. Te Ph lilalph ilia T inm'e.s mourns because the Iorimions did not kill Elijah Perkins. The Grand Duke Nicholas savs he sli)rtly hop es to have a b'erar in Cons tanitinople. Secretary Thompson }e necepted an invitation to ta;-- part in an1 old fashioned '-possum" hunt in Cul peper county. VIa., next autumn. Mr. William H. Vanderbilt re duced the rent of one of his railroad eating-bouses fromn 80.000 to 8L.500 on the lessee pronmisiig to give up his bar. If you want to find a Newark pulicemn:I strike the first trail of peanut shell i you coma across and follow it up. It it rmnored that Ilichard Grant White, the great graimmarialn and iurist.will beo mue a profenor in the College of New York. Jonah, we feel constrained to declare. was certainly the first andi a great. Success in the emetic line. - l1bfulo E-jirm Fleming, the defaulting quarter master at San Francisco. says it was his passion for gambling which wrought his ruin. He played mum hlety peg when on'l-y seven years old. Czar is pronouneed as if it were snclledl Chiar -( W;nn t X7tir-. 'Then his wile is nothing 1(mre than a chiarwomanltl.- (Ciinnrtat~i (< zc.tte. G(raml ]Lorine, nowv of the withi the ordlers of the Medljidlie and O.siitllit. which are especialliy swell. i he had only stayed .:t home and1 gone into the Centennial bus1iness5, lie miighit have got a whole lot moure. A dog with a tin pan attached to his tii is rarely vwilling to depend on thme slow pro cess of evoluitio~n for progres. HeI will usually take the mwIhil of the road and1( spreadl him self. no0 atter what lmappenus to YtineeO or toi the basin. -Rone c SentincI. .That Mauvyland tramp) who stalked and demai~nded dinner and a suit~ of clothe5 dlidni't se thme tog. Thle dog saw him, however. The dloctor reportedl twenty-eight different bites andt considerable denuidaition of the A niother legal decision on ritual is annonnmeed in England. The judicial commitiltee of the Privy Council, in thme RIidsdatle appeal, has givenu judgs munt colLdemining the eucharistic vestments and theo use of water b readi, bu11t allowing thme eastward position of the celebrant. Colonel Pat D~onan, who ought to know from experience what a hum b~ug is, says that Proctor Knott is a humibug because he deliveredi inl Congress a speech written lby DIonan. if Knott has over spoken such a picco holi must p)lead1 guilty to the hmbug charge ; it is a plain case. After Alexis (departed a brief' man~luscriput was found in his stand drawvor at the hotel. It wats apl parontly addressed to his valet, and ran as follows: "'Owtan jollitimely' ad inci tooleyc ov imiohlad! O (wnta memrritcovive bin Iv'esponta umnwful pioev Li n! I ammsorri toleivamjiitnow, ]u it inn d igosh "n jinrgo vowt, TIhetu r kish war iusItavatstoi utelo graiphiritofl' topop.'" "What,' asks an exchmange, -"are the causes of dIrunkolmess ?" Well, we can't r.nswer for all of thomn, but we beOlieve, whiskey causes a great dleal of .it ;whiskey, sir, resolutely stuck to .mill cause about as large a drunk na anything we knowv of, tthiomughi a judicious mixing up of Ivarious drinks will accolorate maat fT1IOS. B. *B1OB1flI;SON, Attorney at Law 'AND TRIAL JUSTICE. ?.:" All bu1sinOess i'ntrustvil to him in eithetr iplaeitv" will rece"ive proi pt ttti tion Otlice on Wa'ishiiitlton street. onie door cast of Winnsb~oro) Itotol 11. A (3. .\11.1..1. . JNo. S. 1::1'oiLisa. GAILLAflD 4 REYNOLDS, AT'L'O1I\NEYS AT LAW NO. 3 1.i It RANGrE. A. MI. 3MACIKLEY A~tM'a1 )7 aut (I Counsllorm at Lawv, Na T,, ii.;or'l. S. C. Spiei"1:il Ott ratioi 1' 1i-l t(1 tlii .S '1''(11 volU"'titli (t t'Ili:i'L. \1Vi'l j1 't ct ' i :III Of t he iour i*~ of. this State ;timd the" li it (i NE ofiem till IeIii'lue1,i'o\ 'imliusor Sean. A LSO, TIt t-tive ti' .'.ii CtS01 iC 1 S 'aq satil Diug Store of MORRIS' HOTEL. havejus tii~l(,t p.iot ncr P :t10 1 i111 firs It 'la, Ll l, :ut~ iii pii(i)Iird tol (n thA llt 1\ 1;1h1-."s t" iIm . 1111"h ii l '11 1 p) ii -'tl 1 - ltt-tm.t Ii ii : '1 111::11 1' 1a i iiiihLj. T~ \t1 iki,1 \ll'aur I1( Il ta t 1 111:11 111,' i ' 4114~ t t l ngo aiid-" tl ilIilti ctilrI bobs.I iii it ' je )11111 ji. 411;1 i ( iiil i t i t o qit tll :a t *il:. iai A.A.Vi(i-.TS tIi il-ttui-t t i 'rye o ii r1 hii t o (1 iiiA' rection iii (l niees i thn mini at hlio tltsw iig ictl' l toi1th iog o Cl)1ii u (lltS hl i 10/l Ill. 111(4 ii Vu I t )'(t O'/ VS-;, W V- .C is1. "(50. '1( (U 'in1il 1,[:' til pubic i th (it;1.;1( titll 'l I-,i lt haIlt(Il , :1' I /iI i t .00. ',1l S4iizg Ouit) ill( (I t : it ]1t': N'ESA1 HERALl WVE'EKLY EDITION, 191 1UDI.!iiIill) 1\E LY wEI)NI*DIAY'T W I N N S 110 [I 0, S. G. WINNSBIW PUBLISIIING CU. .I' CON'l \lNS A SUIMAltY OF '1I11: LEADING EVENTS OF '1'IlE DAY. State News, Coluity News, Political News, Etc. THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Fl:CELVE:; SPECIAL ATTENTION. THE LOCAL COLUMN Js well tilled with town and county new. The niin of the 1'ublishers is to issue FI1'T-CLASS FAMILY NEWs.p1'Ai:;. Terms of Subscvriptioni, paiyalble in aria lbly in atdvanee: One copy, one year, .. - - .. . . :::.0 One :opyv, six ionthis, .. ... .. - SI. (i. copy), threet' mionitle, - - - Si. 00. Five copivs, one year, at - - - - $2. 75. Ttn (.Opies,.one yeari, at .. .. .. - $2a. . Twenty copies, One year, at --- $2.50. To every personi inaking up a club of tenl or more subscrib'ers, ai copy wvill bo nt free for one y.ear. The namles consti. tulting a club need not ail be a .tihe sanilc post-oiice. ~JOB PRINTING L b I TIS DEP~i'l MENTIS D)ONE~ 1R .LOWEST .JRIICES. \ are prepared to iiurnishi, on :ho niotiee, BANK ChlECKS, Ellb .JIEA.Di, NOTES .ENVE LOr1E, .!bL'.TER~ .hEA DS IN VITATI2ONiS, ,QAi1{DS, LAW ]3LANK~s, PSE lelivel'y. All brasinessI UOIinunicaitions shlould la ddressed to the Winnaboro Pulblishing Company W Jn~nnna~w