The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, June 16, 1877, Image 1

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T R I -.VE K L Y.EI T I O N .J.W I NN.O RO. . . , A T U .R Y M O R N N G , J UN 1 T1I1 m EDITION.] W1'NNSIBOfO, S.CSA'u.tURI)AY MORNING, JUNE 16, 1877 [VO.. .57 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'ellegant. Crtis ai yle w1it:h hate 10 Cents ) lott paid. - J. B. 1 tIIx, Nassau, hiens co., 0w Fork. Revolver Free wi"h' boxarridge. -JA"iNS BUOWN & SON, 136 and 183, Wood Street, Pilttsburg, Pa. H A 1 Come Oil Chromo, 7x11, mflounllted, 'worth 25c., 1 Jyk. love ( at'ds, I kopi envelopes, I pack. Comte car4its, 1 park scroll, 1 24 page book Fun, all sent, for only 5 901-. stamps, Novelty Co., Miiddleboro Mass. See thin. Only $1.50 capital reliired BOO to start, clanvassIig for 3NARK TWASIN'S NIW% scIMAPARooK. Apply, t K. ilaflowell,rli CAN9.SSERS .East, Street, N. .' . TW1'FLING With a Cold :is Always Dangerous. USE *WEIiLS' Carbolir Tablets, -n -ure remedy Tor Cotugl1hs, and . all Dis - asuves of the Throat, Lu igs, Chest and Mucous M ombranu. PUT UP ONLY 1 : nUf'. nOXES. So!d by all lDruggists. C. T., Cahrr1 reroN,3 7Sixth Avenue, N. Y. The Black Hills. By 11. N. MAoUInE, who has spent, t2 years In tIhli region. hal -s. accounts of (told and Silver prosp'cts, Agriicul.uital and (Gra-/Jig resor-es, elilmate, hunt ing, 1ihing. Indians, and( Set ti' ndvc-rit.ures wit I them, min lug and vilil west ern hlue, the Waterfalls, 'boiling (vsers, noble sbtnery, timlense gorges, etc. With 27 tine Mlust ratleons, andl one malp. ,'rice only 1o c1ents. Sold by all newsdIealers, or sent. )pot--patti for 2 (ellts by DONNEz.I.Y, Lov & Co., 'liulishers, hicago, Illnois. .inTho'rip rop Packag li the larst and beatsenhgiggg DA A E til et~ P uto enhl rhid eui P'ei, bt of KlegatIt oet1i Stoe Sleevn nIutions, Oonts' a1 4) ocorgt. Dinnne Plnp, A nt,. thyst nEstGno Higti inut w44 gold, Ametiyit Shte Scarf 1i11, oul-plrted weddling ,tiig, Set nosobnml Enr. In ops, Ludies' Flowrod A silvered iail'Itn, Ladies' Fancy SNot P{ annd D~ropa. okld-platoCollnr litton, u.-- i~!ooMplat. 0 watelh Citaii and Sot, of T .redontd-plateiStuds. Thie entieLet set fettff ai./for 50 entr. fXT"RAORI}A).4'Y I'DUCRAi/iA'rs 70.4I(;trx ,. DRIDE, Cliton Place, Now Yor' LR f('r all. The Etiki jew. elry enlsk't contains I pact gold-platel e anf g r a v e d sletve, buttons, 1 set, (3) spiral shirt stids, I (Getyi. ' ilm. coral {)In, I iproved i shape collar ttyanne (:ents linr linlk watch 0 hain1, aund 1 .lles' heavy wedding ring; rite of I casket. colplete, 5a Cents; t4ree for $1.25; six for $2 l nd 12 for $3.50, all sent post )aidl by aati. Six d(ozen and a slid siiver weatEh for $20. Agents Can manke Ilpeney selling these Caskets. Sendi 5i0 Cs. for sa;lup(O and Catplogue. We have all .kinds of do(E"riiry itt low p)iees. W. C(0.01s & CO.. 135 Broadway, N. Y. (City. o?- We are this ''Originalns" i) t his business, , and have nlo ".,llti11 (olid" or "11rass" jewelry. "This Jewelry ('asket, Is re ('arkaliy fit rae .ive, and 1( ES & CO., are re-table dealer.';' - Ah1~xm Globe. j11110 1-4w SECOND GR.\ND J UltAWING1 'Ient1uelty (Cash )istribuition Co, Lou.Xille, Ky., Juno 30th, 1877. $310,000 CAS4I I N GIF T..S NEW OtGANIZATION, NEW ilCIIEME, N ' A1ANAG,*.EMEN''. FARMERSAND DROVERS DANI(, Louisville Ky., Treas. - T 1Kentiucky ('ash 1)istrihuton ('o., nuthor ized 1,y a Spenial Agt of Ihe l.egislature for t hebantlit of the 'iuil.0 SC0oolS 1i FiANKyOitT, will 1tavie 'ihe11 Eoln1 of the Series of (,,rand UnrlWings "in the C'ity of Louis' S;ilt, Ky.,Stirday, June 30th, 187 7, AT PUBMIIC LIBRARY HALL. $60,000. for only ten. m1ead the List ol' (li'ts. I Gr'aued Clasla G Ift, $60,000 I Crn li ashi~ ('1 (if........................$25t0 I (irandl Cash utic.................,........15I1E I (Irand Vasih (lit. ......,,.............lg 3 :Griand-' (,sl (litr, $5,000 (each1...,........15pOO 5 (lrant as of(51 (ifei, $2,I00) each1............,logo 20 (casi (tif ts, $1 O000 each.,...............2Oo 41) (2ash (l fts, $540 each..................20,0a 100 Cash (flts, $200 ch...I................2,lJo 500) Cash (f fts, $100.eac...................3,090 r110 cash41 (Otts, $510 Ofeah..................25p0 esi 10 Cash lits, $10 (each...............;.Iopo (1972 Cash Gifts amounting to $310,0) Whole Tickets $10,Hlalves $5,Quarter$2.50. .11 Tickets $100, 331-2 Tickets $300, 5034. Tic~ets $500. Drawing P'ositively Jup*o 301h, 1877. And Evory Three Months Thi ro ftor cI'RTIFiISATES (OF SUPER41VlSOls OP Dii Awl No. The present mauinatgmentO emphatically noi1tify' the pub~llic that the're will bo no postponoeoient of thlis dlratwing, as5 is .usualI in suceh enterprispSi~, but flhat it. i}}i ~posithvoly . and uneoquivocally take lafce on01 the 4bte namued. ,Th'ii., tho Second Drawing,-.will b)0 con ducted lMko thoe first, to the3 .flairness of~ hlave testilled : 110on. A~i~ iy uvall, late Chlef dast.toc suipreme Court- QT Kontitcky. - Jaints (I. Dp.dley, (.)9iQga1~n Beard of Schoo (1rant, Green, aoshIer-Far-lpers' Bank or Ky. * lon. A. I- M. jajr PSOUlC Printer~ State of Ky. 110on. T)lozrns .~ i idsay, I'zrosido.nt of 1.1ho lear.. mters' lank of I y. H~on. TUi1otp4,s (c.,Jones, Clerik of Stip. Cotr of K y. *. Jnldge It. A. 'is ompson, Prjpsiding Jndge Frank 11i1 C.Olht.y (4ouhrI. *.TJames 0. Crockett, cilerk Fvanklin coun,y entirt.. Rtenfitt~a ces can be magto by Mail, Express -lraft., P'. Q..Order or lRe lstered Letter, rxna' pyable to G. ,W. Barrow &Co. ickets pail promptly aIndl.itbon~ft dis count. Roliable 'Agents wantea. All comziutiniationsq and orylors for tickets . shouild be0 addressed to G. W.BARRIOW.& CO., Gen~eral Managers, 40ouridtr Journal Bu ing, Louisville, Ky. 'SEND FORl O~lCInmi l. -PUBTISILE) Daily, Tri4Weekly and 'Weekly --AT. .COLUMBI4, S. C. ---I-Y HOYT, E1LYN : McDANIET1, JAIES A. IIOYT, Editor. FrJ uE DAILY ,lIroISTE con tain( tholatest ..L news of the day, all coiniercial, political and other matter sent by tle graph, full local reports, editorials..upon all urrent tepics, and Grange and Agri cultural Depaatments. Tuse. T'ai]-WEEKLY 11-:oISTEn is issued every 'T'uesdiay, Thursday and Sstairday morning, ard contains 1'l the news of two days in one issue. TiHE 1 EIELY lKiISElI is an eight pag; pap cr, containimg fort.y-eight colummnis, em1 /bracing the en-am of fle news of each Week. THE R-:moir-rma is now the organ '..f the iato (range, and all m1 tiers of ,, cerest to the 1'p.trons of Ixusbandry will he treated in their appropriate depart me nt. The Agricmltural aund Giriuge atieles Will appear in u-wlh of our pullications- -Daily, Tri-WceklZ and Weekly. TERM ' OF SUBSCRIPTION: DAILY iE&q'LER. One Year, i37 cif Six UMnti's, : 5) Three Moiths, 1 75 'RI WEEKLY t: EInIgr ER. One Year. 5 (i Six lonth:;, 2 ;(( .Throe nAlaths, 1 2, WI:EKLy.nEClgrEE. One Year, ( (i Six Months, j i, 'I'hree I.Aonthts, 50 may '.'GtA L 00] K' NEW -OQDs ! NEW OO S 1-1 E havo just recfiveil a riock of SP LING AND SUMMER prints of the bes' brands at 84 cents. ---4 Canbrics at 10 cents. Centennial Stripes at 1:.3 cents. AzLeo, A full Stock of Shirtings, Sheetings and Drilling at low .igures. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ! We have just received a large and e om plete stock of Spring and Summer Clot. I thing which we will sell as cheap as any one. HATS.! HATS!! IATS!! Gents' and Yoiths' Felt and Straw ihats of all kinds and at any price. CASSIMERES ! CASSJDIERES !! We have just received a fuli~stock of Cassi-. mnerss from the Charlottexvillo Mills. -ALSO Twveeds, Cottonades, Jeans,.etc. .1 F. MckMaster_& Co._ SPRING GOODS To-day thle campaign's fairly closg1, Trho luolpy man is he Who takes his seat oxI tihe 4th of Mar-ch Our President he'll be And now the next best thing Just suited to omlr mind, Is wheire to get the,.cheapest goods Theii best of goods to find. My frionds and I wvent out ono day, Somc N4e w Spritag (Goods to leuy And we -resolved,befo wye wept, The difi'erent stores to try. Wo wandered Winnsboro all 4roupa Until our feet wore sore, And found the very placo, at last, T'was SOL WOLFE'S Now- Cash Store. Of Uats, Clothing uind Boots and Shoes, The:)atost to our view Tho very best styles of Dress oods, And Prints so choap and new. So then, my good friends, one and tnii, Nowv is yotar tinme to try .What Bargains you can get of rme Or, yonyneed .net~buy Qf SOL. fob 1'7 IMPORTANT -TO 1.titDE1J 1iMr AGRICULTURISTS ! 0 Emperor William Cabbage. jIJE best, 1r!tgest, hadjitiest and most - profltable vaiiety of wiTEgr. Annaii. known .it Etrope, and11( iiiloritel to i n count-y exclusively by the undlcrsigned, where, with little eulti vation, it iloutr islies astoiishingly, attai iii lit n e or - ima1 izve, arn .olling ill tie niiaikit at prices iiost grntifying to the p rocleer. In transplanting, great care should be used togive sutlicienxt space for growth. Solid head, the size ofthe iiuth t ot it flour bairrel, is the average run of this chojei Variety. One package of the .seed sent 1iost }}aid oil receilt of 50 entts, and one 3 cen post ago stamp. Three i iiekiis to one adduress kil (II andu two :1 enlit sattnps. Twelve puackages sent on reecfipt of - 3 00. :.iY llend what a well k (1wn (iarrett Co. Marylandtr says of the 4 .i'iaoi Wi. L1AM C(abhage: .lb1!omutxio-, ('amuR:v ('o., 111d., .lan .: :".. 1177. MRt. J.)1E as, t iunE1 ilc Fulton tit. N. Y. JDatr Sir: -1 it oght. sone seed toiin youi last spiting , aid it wits good. You Ji:m peror WYilliam CabitaIgo suits this clinnite welI. O In at ximuntait sci the seed you sent. me pirotdu.etd Cabbages weigliig thii ry pounds etnh. Very truly yours, ,JAMJ;s .1:tolyN. --o-- - '- 1 am1 Solo Agent in the U. S. for the fuinous Maidstone Onion Seed. front rFaitdstone1.-, 1Kent Co., ]?lgland, pro, dingiiix tles l:ost produicint;! tht tiust p rolific ati fiiest ltivored ( 'oitns known a:d4l viii iiting on suitable soils frou: tti to ( 0 hl shels per acre, sown in drills. Mtr. lI! -, ""y ('olvin, a large i-irok t tga trdet (r Itt *yrvatuse, N. '., writis, "Yolit l:uglism ( nion Seeti surprise ine by its large yield, and the d! Aieious Ilivor of the fruit. .1 could I vi sold any quiantity ir this inaritet it geii ptrices. .\ r wife savs shi will ha1i've noo theroy iatn.s for the ttlile in futu t. Sexi d u nsiuch as ilut eat for tlie enclosed $5.00." One pnckage of seed sent on receipt of 50 cents anti one :1 cent postage stcimap, three packages to one address $1 ()t an tiwo 3.cent stanpct. 'Twelve packages sent oi reet Ut. of $3 (It). ly sci uply is Ii itl. rarmiies destring to secie eit her of the above rare seeds, should not delay their orders ,All seed wAnitiANTED Fci:uis ANn To (iEMIlNA'i. ('aslt must aconilpany all ord,as. For either of the above..<eeds, address .JAM S (AMPEJ AL, iar 1-xtim G Fulton ,t., N. Y. d. CLENDINING, Root. andI Sho0e MlintIfg tye1< .r, WINNSI1olO, S. C. 'ITlE iunderligeird re sp~ect fully an noaunces to tht @citizens ot I'aitiriel jhat nh has remitovedl his .l )t antd Shoe Manutfade.r-t'ry it one door below Mr. C. ltller's 1 amti ptrepat-tredt to mnl)ufaeturt -i11 styles ;f work in at sul stautial and orkuitmnlike mttitetr, out of the ver'y hlx),L ntterials, at1d at prices fully as low as Ihe sate goods etn be imaxnuatlurtd for at tt North or else-where. I keep conistantly ).n htntd Ip U go id Sttck of Sole at i Upe Leathter, Shine Findinigs &e., whichl will i< sold at esonabtile prices. ]eairning p~romptly aitt einded to. TPerms strictly Catsh, p-'r Dried Hides bxoughit. otis 12 J. CLEND)INING. J USTI C RECEIV.1 A ull stoek of Planz cand Fantey~ Gro eericr;, wvhichi will lie scod aiit lou dt prico for 1he Caish. A fitie stock of liquors, such asn W HISKEY, BRANDY, WINES in great variety, I3EiER, *etc.,.n 'The paitronage of the publicw s solici B, ;ROSEJH EIM. :foeb 10 MYere~hant Tailoring. JJHIE undersigned :informs -the citiyens of Wainsboro and the coupty generoIly, that h as jOod a Ta'iloripg ]fstablish.. meont In theo storo nt;ct to 14Ir. JT. (Jlendin ing's. Heiis proprodtto dojall kinds of work In )1Is shlxio at s hort notico aind on ,reasonable terms. A full lineo of sam~ples 'kept constaintly opi hatuid, from which .nustomers may mako selhectionst. Snpeeli A NIGHITOI I(AR Rln 11011' A I)S'' Co. TT.V ''i' 1 i s StCIM) IV TIll oLDE .1) IE T1.\ls. Frs.tB of Fanaticism -Blood Curdling Falsoiloods--Breaking down Barriors --F'iing ov* I WVonatn--A Flight in tho Night. It sees111 appropriato that just while the Pharisees of theNorti aro howlinig over the Kompor county tragedy in Mississippi, a book should issue from aBo: ton publishing house giving the details of the sack (g and burning of a (Caiholie Nun'. lery by tho truckien of Boston on the 11th of August 1834 The nar rativo is written by IMrs. Whitney who, as Louisa (udduard, was a pupil in the Cionvenit at the time of its destrlction. 'he truckinen, it will be s<.en, fired upon the Lady .Supieriov, berides gut ting and des troying the buildj g. Tho most striking points of the bcok are given below. The convent, which at that time was the linest iii New England, was built as a boarding school for the children of wealthy parents, Proios tants preferred, and it was quite suc(cessful in ut.tractisg girls of that class. not only from Boston, but froth1 Caniada and the South. During the winter previous to the time here reftrred to, )r. Lyman Beecher had dcllounce(d fiercely "tho Devil and the Popo" in at-sericr of lectures dc lverel in the city, and inl his sweep. ig acensations hO hmd included Catholic convents, At the same time, agirl who had been in this institution as seamstress undcrtook to mlake sensational capital for her, self, and succeeded, in a hook enti lled "Six Months in a Coilvent." Ot er influences also conspired to W4: upon the passions of the igno rant ayu( bigoted. The father of Mrs. Whitney, or Miss Goddard, was a Unitarian, aind he resented Dr. ]eecher s itetmnperate denuup;ations by placing his daughter it the Ursuline Convent immediately aftor the sunmner vacitj(on, and in c harge of the sisters, a body of Irish nuns edusated in Fret ch convents. Pro-, vious to that the. startling story had gaimed currency, that Sister Mary Johun, a. 111, imprisoned in the 11n der-ground coils g f the con.;ent had at last escaped, but had bun fol lowed by the Superior to the house whm;( she had taken refuge and carried back to the convent by force, in spite of her desperate resistance. The truth was that she was stiffer from a severe attack of fever, and in her delirium i had run out from her room, through the street into a neighbor's house. PLANNIj'G AN A":CLK. The Boston truckmcn were then a welhl organized guild, andl 1md( warmly (spoulsed the cause of the author of "Nix Months ,in a Cons. vent." Findjug her' story fully con firmed, as they believ (1, by the escape and capture of sister Ma'ry Jlohni, they held secret indignation meetings, and mnany personIs be Iieved an attack on the. convent to b~e impenC1dng. The excitement way~ so great that 1i selectmen of the town v'isited 4ho supleritor and re~ questedt that they miight eixamiigo the convent, so as to annomec auithoritaltively that it contalined noI dunigeons in wvhich to iammure heretics. T1he Superior, wihio comp b)ined French anid Ii~i blood( on her vine, was so hughty and1( imperious while snfioring the convent to be exmained, that the .seletmien were biulfed off from 1. heir pacificatoryi purpose ; anid thle excitement be camie still greater. The Supprior, however, ncou tedl at all the warnings sheo rce.oid, and met anger with aniger. A sCENE OF HYoRulOR. On Sunday night, thme L$th of August 1834, all tihe girls went to b)ed at 7:30, as usual. Miss God dard, who had been alarmed by the r'epo)rts, had slipped on 110r night gown ,over ithie r'est of her clothing after taking off' her frock, andl had not b)o01 discover'ed by the nu in chmargo of .the (deformpitory at retir-, ing hmour. The convent fltood1 so high that she seemned lifted up among the star's. So cooling and soothing were the brieczo and sounds of the night the child's hecad drop pod0 lower and lower.; she yrado an effort to wake0 herself, and opened her sleepy pyos to their fnll width to sco a bright falling star curve dowrn to the hiorizon For am instant sbo watEched it;: the uixt was tho ne momlnint in her life that shp realized the meaning of the word "appalled." She heard ia Fomid, it shout, a cry, a howl which, child as 110 was, she recogn ired . It came fron more that a mile away, for the mob gave one( roar as it crossed Charlestown bridge, and:then observed profound silence till it reached the convent grounds. 'there was so protracted ia silence that she almost itiatigilied she had dreanod, when sapldonly A HOltRIBLE YELL .arose within a few yards of the window, and a host of black figuros rished into view, rolling over tho groiundi, as it seemed inl the dim starlight, like a cloud. Sho ran to a companion's bed and shook her screaming, "Wake up, wake up ; the mob has really come." All the girls suddenly wakened, screailing in concert, a1111(1 ich aL scno of confu .siOn its can be iaiigined ensued. Now they heard two gun shots fired in rapid succession outside, and simultaneously loud screams from overy dormitory. Some one rushed in crying. "They have shot the Superior ;. she wenl t to the top of the igh step r to speak with them, and they vouldn 't listen, and they shot her." Sister Mary Autstiin sank back in wild hysterics, whent a tall girl came running in, crying, ."The lperior 1s not lur t ; they shot at lher, but did not hit her. 0' sister, do stop crying so terribly.; do hear m11e Shio is just Us s'tfC as you aro!" and thus conjured the poor sister sat up, her veil drenched and her linen head-piece half oft, disclosing Jer round, shaven poll. A noient later the Superior en tered, sur'rounded by a crowd of trembling juniors, who, forgetting their awe, clung to her desporsttely. She had her usual grand air, though excited to the lighest pitch. She knew nothing of th 1vorld, and was utterly lacking in tact ; she had been used to command all her life, and looked upxm the jn)b with lun mneasurable coj temnpt as canaillc, as creatures to be cowed by threats. The mob saluted her vith a stqrin of objprgation, which she bore without flinching, interrupting them at last in her loud, clear voice and inthpat ing her desire to sppak. Curiosity as to what she would say mado a suddon silence, and it is po:siblo that had she knwn how to adtiross the Uiob, it m1igit have dispersed. But she answered the rioters in langpage as violent as their own, delivered with the uittpost arrogance and iiperiousnpss of manner. "'Disperso immediately," she said, "for if you don't, the Bishop has 20,000 Irishmen at his command in Boston, and they will whip you all into the sea !" "Think," says Mrs. Whitney, of the efiect of y such a speech as that on the a body of American t ruckmen and mechanics I" Breaking the silence with fierce yells, they fired at her twice, and the nuns pulled her back by main ien and barred the door. There was een then a long wait, but pres ently there was a faint inkling and aL speck of light appronobod-the Charlestown fire engine-but at the top of the hill thoe firemen parlayed with the rioters and wvithdrow'. Their slight oppesitiop kindled the mob to rage ; a barrol of rum had been broached near the bonfires, and tihe crowd HIowiJD AND ;DANCED about them furiously, till suddeoply sonmc of the npmber snatched brands from the piles, and whirling them u(doft and calling loudly op thie rest to follow, placed themnselvesa the hon~d of fte returning tide ,of rioters that nowv surged back to war'ds the convent wVithl at hoar's roar. Thle Superior did wha)It she could for the protection of 1her charge.; hbut the mob w~as at the dloors, anid a moment later the nuns camno flying to heir to say the r'ioters were thronging ,into) her room through tihe .windows. At the same instanlt came the crash of the win dows all along the front, smashed in wdh~ volpys of stones. BidIding~ the nuns and such girls as dareog remain with her fellow, she led the way to a door opening o~p a sunling piaved court leading to the garden l'ho mob had stopped to plunder hecr roomi, where was a large sum ,of noney just received fro;p the pup)ils, and she esca~pod to the 4bottom of the garden,' whoL'o tihqir -progross ~vas stopped by the subsantial board fence. There she r'anged her flock on the grsss border of ,the walk leading past the ,brick burial ~vault. bidding them hide thoerpsplvos as much as possible. in iip Qbushes and shadoW. The tnuns .clvestered round her footo-the girls ilay m. tiophoss in .various__hopeless atti'i Cant Inned 0)n fourth pagm.