The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, June 14, 1877, Image 3

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aRAILuOAI) SCI[EDULES.-ThO follow ing are the lioirs at which the trains on the U. C, and A. R. R. pass Winnsboro; REGULAR IASSENGER-NIon-r. For Charlotte, 1.25, A. 51. For Augusta, 11.07, P. hi. AcconsMonATiON FIiEoT-DA%. For Columbia, 7.30, r. nr. Foor Charlotte, 10.45, A. M. Now Advertieomonts. Knights of Honor--E. S. Uljiand lcr, Reporter. The list of petit jurors drawn to Rorvo At thp approaehin~g term of the circuit contains the naimes of twenty white persons and sixteen colored. The entire tax in Fairfield will bo ten mills-seven for State purpoes and three for county. The Radicals used to levy front fifteei to oiglitopn. Somo difference! COUNTY OFFICIALs.--Tie following is a full list of the appointments made for this county by Gxoveror Hamupton aid confirniGd by the ,Sonate : Treasurer--Jas. Q. Davis. AuditQr-.-.I, N. Withers. Jury Commissioner-I. S. Leg. Trial Justices-T. R. Robertson, A. M. Mackey, B. E. Elkin, Saml. Ji. ,Johnstou, H. J. F. W. Coleman, Ira .S. Scott, If. A. Qlonn, J. W.. E va is, .J. P. Hogan. DENTAL NOTIcE.-Dr. Isaiah Simp son, Surgeon Dentist, Charlotte N. C., respectfully i iforns t11 citi. -zens and public generally that he will visit Winnsboro professionally, ,on t0o l9thl day of Juno, and remain .ton days or two weeks. Please call i ,early and save confusion at the last. Teeth .oxtracted without pain. ,Satisfaction guara'ted. J1ug 9-tx2w * f T HE CIRCUIT CQUT.-13y a recenit act of the Legislature an entire ,change }has Ineon vade in the tthes ] .of holding the tcorn of the Court ,of Common Pleas and Genop1l Sos.. .sions for this cons?.ty. The court will liereafter be -held on the third Monday in March, the fourth MLonday in June and the third Monday in ,October. rr'he .Jmo term is re.. -quircd to be devoted exclusively to 4 ,criminal busings9, with suich civil causes as doniobrequire the presence .of a jury-judgments by default, ,motions, and caseos og tho~cqgnity side of the court. In accordanno with the ne~w law the circuit court will convene at Winnsboro on Monday, the 25th inst. The -foljowing is a list of the *petit jurors dreivn for the term: Whit-1tobert 4. Nicholls, WV. B. Ford, ,Roubeni R. Coleman, Jno. D. McCarloy, j, ]. Stir~ing, 0. W. *Faucette, 4. A, Morris, Charles F. Colemait G. A. White, J. B. Glad *ney, J. 1M. Kirklahd, D. R. Elk~in, WV. H. Robinson,, 4. M. Timums, James Turner, W. D. Dayvis, Th~ozmas An. derson, J, A, Entzmingoe:, Jos. H, Cu~mmings, James RI. Sloan. Colorod--Aleck Hopkins, Sirypson Picket, Heonry B~ugg, Charles Harris, Dennis .Henderson, John Kennedy, April Russell, George Jones, George Kennedy, Jefferson Milling, George Ford, Isaac Bell, David C. Aikon, Michard Boulware, F~rank Killings, worth, Will Coleman.. The Old Folks' Concerti. The-ardor of those interested in the Old Folks' Concert, which had been announced a few avooks pre~ yions, -was no little dampened by the badj avethpr,on Tuesday. The prospoet ,jp the m~orning .was indeed gloomy. 'TIhe rain fell in a dull, steady pour, the wvind wvas east, apad ift neededno x venthor-wisdom to see that it wvould not clear off by night. But there could boe no postpongguong e-verything had bpen firranged and the concert must come off. So the "Oldo Folkes" made up their minds to brave the elements, -in the confi dent .hope that thecy wvould have a large following. In this they wvere not disapppointed. By the time the perf'ormaann commened, ir9,a t goodly gathering-quito as lprge is the average audience given to public ontortainmients in Wiuns loro. After a short delay, the singers, 'Ifmenfno" and "wlolmmolnlo," marched lit') the hall to the tune of "Hail Joluinbia," prforlned by "yO blow >rs and fiddlers." The novel ap poaranee of the procession made a lino impression, and ore the singers iad reached the stage the building hook with applause. The Costues voro all in good tasto, all quaint md in inle imitation of the dress of :ir forefathers of "yC olden tyme." L'ilp opoping chorus, "HarJ o yC larke," was admirably rondered, bhe tile, being excellent and bile voicos all it} perfect accord. We cannot go through the .,tiro programmugu. Somo of the piOcos, however, deserve special imention. 4"Giles Scoggins' Ghost" )y Naoni Scroggimt, wad} wyell ron lored and was in particularly good ijitation (f old-time d1ros upio mud Ipanners. "Scotia," a solo "on r3 Harpsicordo" )y [Dorcas Dociittlo, howed that the fair pianiste had nastored her subject. "A Li fe on e' Ocean Wave" was rengarkably vell sung, for land-lubbors. "Auld [obin Grey" was sung in a clear wect, bird-like voice by Jeanie Jadwalladar, and was loudly encored, in response Jeanio sang a stanza of ho song that h1a<l just pleascd the audienco so well, and was again odly 4pplaulcd. The duct, violin mad piano, "Ye Calif of Bagdad," by kIynlhoor you Schmidt, "lately ar rived from foreign parts," and Dori eas Doolittle, was most artistically )layed. The foreigner lyad the mis 'ortipo, riglt in the nuiddle of the )iece, to disable his fiddle, but lowise disconcerted he got another LndJ went ,on his npisical way just as f nothiug had happened. The Ludience were not to be satisfied vith such a small amount of such ino ngusic, and in response to requent enlls, Mynheer playod P, olection from "Zanpa." "Kathleen Iavournoen," by Ruth Penn ("no in to William," the programme aid), ivas bautgully sung, the iotes being fill, clear and true, m.d the expression admirable. &u encore Dade it necessary for Ruth to come forivard with another 'erso, and with this her hoar9rs wore me less delighted than with the >thors. ."Mitrimoniel Swveets," a :omio duet by Ebonekor Cruik. tha~k-s and Jeanio Cadwalladar, was rery funny indeed and brought lown the house. Ebonozer, though straight -laced looking old fellow, thowed a keen appredation of the mumorous., and sang his part most tamiirably. Jeanie played the 'old woman's" p)art to perfetion. L'ho "..Battle .of Pyagno," by Nancy ran Twiller, was rendered in a style hbat showved fine musical taste, cor 'cot ear and good cominagd of the in trument. "Johnny Sands," a seio ~omic ballad, was .quaintly and ofrec iigely sung by Ebenezer Cruik. hanks, and of ecnrso afforded much merriment. *AuW Lang Syn~o, by 'alle yO Singers," wvas given In a style dlike novel, impressive atnd arnusitig. At the close of the pofor~nanco, the *young people indulged in "ye iow.v-figledl <ivorsion of y0 dance," md kept up tlOir enjoymenit till a late our. Quito a largo party remnaineod o particip~ato, and the app~rovin~g resenco of a number of marrjed oople added no little to $the young folks' pleasure. All in all, the 0O(d Folks' Concert vas a very creditable affair, and tlimo liffo~ent perfoni.gers arec to be con. ~ratulated 9fn their success. We mayo not yet lonaped what sum was 'oalizod, but have no doubt it was m goodl one. The proceeds, aifter maymmg some small oxponsos, go ;owards tile p~urch~ase of uniiforms ~or the Gordon Light Infantr. L'rueo Srotherhood Lodge, No. 344, Knights of Honor. Nextra mocI of this Lotige will bo 511 at, a ll o rday Ovening, lAWe 5t Inul, at. 8ndan~c, l res.d jutie 18--1 r.I0. s.rV HA. LAMP CHIMNEYS. O doson ohiamnyofllipsj8 Li.rceived, .nnd offered1 at rodchmed -atos, by the dozen or half dozen, at the Drug Store of .iuno 9 ' nn. w. a. mTE LADD 13ROS. W 4i havo nov completed pilo pf the best stocks of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS niod CAP-. YANKEE NOT'IIONS, )RQCKElY, &-c. IN THE JOUT Y. Wy0 will not be undersold. Lot us say, however, that our best Calicoes are 10 ceitb, a yard. W\Vo cannot sell them lower and have a uqiformi profit on all Goods. GIVE JJIS A CAJJg ------0. TO OUR COLORED FR JENDS As you have always pg cong doneo in us, wg will state that, you may depend on getting good,; at a regular even price. No baits held out to any onp. nosv 0. CO; GIESS ST$ .FT N lw I DNE.GOGDS, IILOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, WVINES, LIQUORS, 11 .EEPS constantly orn hand a fiwlisp ply of Choico FAMILY QROCERIE~ apcd PLANTA TION SUPPIES. His tock has .recently boon replenished, end ho is now ,ready to supply thie wanta of all. JUST REEIYFD, One car load scud Potatoos, Ono " " " Oats. -ALSO, A full lino of Plantation Hard varo consistin of rlay Iron Plow teel, Stepl Plows, Plow MouldP, Spadps, S3lovels, Traces, flames Clevices, Heol Screws whichi will be sold lqw for -CASH.-. I k'eep constantly on hand q full mphL)ly of PLANTATION and FAMILY I have q4 hand povorigl brandy of irst class F' RTILIZERFS which I nn prepared to sell for :ash or oi time with well approved spoicritips op a Iasis, or with 1 cotton option if )l'ticty desire. .11 parties in waub of Fortilizors vill do yell to cell .on )10 before Lmrchlasi}G. F ELDER. 'o OUR VUSTOYERS 40arc inxdobted to us foy -PRiOVIS EONS or IMOSPIIAT1ES, wc would respect ~ully call attentiqu, that your bills aro due mn qr before Llge flrgt .of November. Wo tro dopeeding on you for pa-yment AT )NCE, to .ogablo us tg meet o}ligations nado to assist you, and which ar~o due at hbat Lime. In order for us,- as wvell es you, to main tin our egedit, it is necsspry to moot oum pro)ises pyromptily. Bpaty, 92O.4 Boga, oeL 12 A dlmliulstrator's Notico. A LL persns having clisagair at >r knowilng themselves to te indeb ed( heret,, w ill present their a limi or claims, (;operly at eted, or mak amont, to ~2e 9 - D R -m, SVYOUR MONEY -GO TO DANNENBERGS, JUST RECEIVED, J\ beautiful lino of Ladies' and Gonts' Notions. laniburg Edgings and Insertions, at 7ets., 10cts. and 123 eta, per yard. HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF Whito and Stuiped Hosiery, at all prices: PARASOLS, SILK and COTTON. Gents' Unlaundried Shirts, Wansutta Mills, $12 por dozon. Percajo Shirts, $12 per dozen. .EAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS, Only 121 cents por yard. CALICOES and IILEACHINGS, Always in groat variety, TRY OUR BALTTIORE MAD EACH PAIR WARRANTED. Don't fail to Call on the Leader of Low PRIDES, april 17 COlliOr & .Chu~ CJ4LLj ATTENSTION of1O thoir, largo and elegant nsomtmo. QLASS\VARE, I' 1peeially their Berry, Fruit jend 1'reservo -r-AL~SO, -To their variety of LAMPS, w ioh, for beauty and ohsapneoas, eoi. To their large stock of CROOKERY, wvhleog they offer at low pricos, 19 olose out their GOODS in this line. Establighod 18sO CHARLES MULLEl} Has reinoved to the storo Fraio y ,Gerig's. W TATCHIES, Clooks and Tpw y r Vpaired, anal satisfaction guat to itp overybody. Those ~ ndelbted to; n m for W4rkC ,o jeowolyy will please pay 4$ opeOo, fo Mampton Is Elect4d, fob 3-Lt Fruit Jars ! Fuit I a: TUST r.'teived, a lot of M1ahon's oolObrkI. p)ted Fruit Jars, with Boyd's -porcelaijg )ond covers. 1iice~balf aallon sizos. 2.50. nne .yoan