The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, May 24, 1877, Image 4

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ri- \V e 1 y Om ( *' . - - -- - " Si x-II tun t . '!.11o " " 'I'bre'. n t hst}(. - - - 1.111 RATES O(.f f/ I)VEITIKSING. One iq1:aro one it.,"rtion 51.1)0. Fo'. eItch s(1i'l ege t ins( etion riws midt Tr'it,1,te.s of Rrs-(4n(tel rns as asivertise(nyt11s. Liberal dtiscou- nt nungi~ i r c ontrac tit ]i v'rtij(4iIe ints. .T013 \\ UlIK. Bill IIT :1(1, Let tr II e'ails. En velop"s Poster", (.1r1i,1. Invitations. Ticets.,\rc itII ly exe4'cu1ttJd ILL this olic';, --CllEA ' IL R:ASITL too ready t0 be led by sIt Sign mil"! and lnl)rincipledi men011 who her:une - by force of superior op ortluniti' s their loaders. When I say this, I desire pairticlalirlV to add t.hat I (Io not cast klioro blame uiponl the color ed tian upon the whito leaders of the Repuhlicani party in Sonth Carglina. U1)1n the whole. I think imly Own r h1100 1 aI is nileh to ansver for in colnection with bad led er shipl inl that State as the coloredl ia'o. The it'IllI is the samec. I1 l lea(lelrs ald .ignoir:iant tol lowers c'old not work: out the p)rolemrt of gooI goverm nlilent. This !.as ibIeen the great olb stacle and hindranee to the success Of the Republical) paurty ini the Soulther S itate. and it mayt he set dovl as the principal Caus'o of o0ur overthr'ow. The ditielity I was that a majority of those wh'o mi.tlortook to lead tho Rhpublicll party in South Carolina made a pro fession of politics an1d lived accord inglv. Upoll the sllbjet of the resources of the State, Mr. Chlmbehrlain u.-cd the following langurage "I have had political dift'rences wit'h the people of South ('arolisa that were wide and deep, but upon ih; subject of the reson rees of the Commonwealti, 1 have never Cuter tained a doubt. South Carolina oilers the most inviting inducements to the emigrant. He[r res5ources are almost indescribable Her cotton, long staple and upland, her rice and corn, her facilities for productionl andi manUfact uro, are absiol utely uin surpassed. I had 11 iream11 of iden tifying myself With the developminent of these great resources ; not, if you will allow me to say, so much as a itiattor of piersonall aibitiol as of satisfaction at seeing a State cap)al)le of taking hecr place aimong the great productive agencies of the I T ;1 11 but the rtipn1 -is past. I have sought oth.e. ; f1Pd , adl probably Shall hind miy future in New Yor. I should havei) bcit glad to have p)arficip)atled in tie re1sults that miuist comIo from the eniergy, in duistry and growth of South Caroli na, for she is Massaichuiset ts, Alas haman1 and Iowa rolled into) onol Sho has greaj variety of cl iimato and isoil. Sho has a traetahic and adlaptivo laboring populationitiand withl good govermnoon a self -reijance and thon disappearance of - potical dissensions herV future seemils to ho0 as5 clearL andii prlomlising ais her most entusiastic son could desire." Speaking of thie pending Presi dlential policy, the Ox-governor ex pressed himself in the following teorms: THEf PRESIDENT's POLleY. "You are, of course, aware that I did not iqpprovei of the action wich President Hayes took with refer (once to South Carolina. If. was1 anl Cxper'imen~lt, and timoi 1a1011 can * vindicate is sjudgmnent. I think that as a prime result, he will find that the D~emocratio party will de rivo all tho protit and that the Republicans in South Carolina ~at least will remalin ini a perumnent * minority, having little or no influ en1ce on public affairs in Ithat -State. So far as the nat~erial ag4 financial intereats areO Icoored, tioe Demo * . coratic party b gs niore: wisdom, mfore OX >crien n~ld a miiro repre sen1tativ3 ohtratier to the discharge of Ioe duties of the admllinistraftion, and I cn readily helievo that ulidor these conditionls of General Hami~ p tolls adatpinistrationl tile peole will bo satisfied. Ho is only doin~g what Icould and1( shiould have donei wvitli the samr inflllue nce roundi~ me, anld therefore I shall heartily rjoice in I he luldie debt, Mr. ChamberilaOhif pult t it t dI 00,000) in consolidated bo0t1d4 . with 01.700,000 Ftill to fund, 1-oo tha(t linterest will be paid. IH' denios thait alny of thet conlsolidatedl says' a co:finpletot registry of all chaniiges has h)oon kept, whieh can bo coforrold to att aniy miomgrt;.. ,. Milr. 01C~ 'iag mlun conled1,~ his uiterview widih. tho loliqwvipg tribute to South CarolinnW: "I hope yon will allow mec to say fui ier,., -.iU uij~t~ - t~liggo ,ton fr1tii yourllf, tilit 1 11old to 11Il Nviews of, evens i , Od "pas~t 1i"~ well is t.1ito 1re~ct't with czntiro (leferefl(( 1t) thlose who1 are known tot d.1f'r NVi Q,_1 :111u1 atIliirition for the +oud/li(t toild chiaratvtt ii, Ih )1'.11l11l of Ilse nilsy.' of the R epubl lican~ Pr~ 1(K%' of Son (II way of I lic'ii SU(e('; haw-,( been iIile-I i'eiif. M'I, (lIi flcstilfli withi the c(A ele(~i4 tIWIl I hutsiJ)O tlir'. 1110 ntolti)b 81(1 S'a fe fut lire heforo themt.i'r hi;h (("I'e of 1'etieh)1(u1,c a large allowance forl the di fl'er'euiee of tri~inig and etltit':tt ion1, 1111(1 1 :111 wvilling" to (coeiCt! tht theylP) Iia e~ :10('f., for' thll It)i. p art . ill oh eklielwti to wrhat t hey liitv"( il ,'g Ild 111the I ost iut (!ci'Cs of the Staite. I have 110 pJi~i'il of feclilig . lhat -will e.VOe pi't'v&it 111 fie lid i rejo~icing; ill 111) " tinier1t I )eiioer atic tle ill Soth (Caro'nlina.' VEGETI E iiitit . 1t'll ii it. 1"' 1141 qr , 1 t.(lil ti' t :Vt t"l it] Iii ta 't I I & d s" t titt Itt liii-).S1VI'L , lill. 'tltrtiI et11"1 i(itt Ittii;.1 it :hItilt la\e t:141.) : ;e t !111\'i. (1t ,"i1'. I \:. ST 1'1':.t N :1H1tl~ 11, 10 11, :'11X7. l vi Iir 1eg't~n 1: Wll( \'4t'l 01- I r(s\'iiI) . 111I1 Iltlio. t11 th:11\'stt stl i i \tin theiII fir 1\ose, it nol' d u ' ! 11 ' ; t .1)e I i l l t -et tt \",li 12th M tiitu l .lit,: .\1:1:1:"1',It:( o11i 1tit'l f Iit i\ t i tljliii iL Mr. (II . I. 8'1-l'i:NS:1 \tIt d Ta; ylte 1110 l'4 Ns at 'tI ii in~l d il'li 1,1'l7(0 tl' Il l'1 (:111 (it it Vlg. t'ep.i iti' isi tha " ..H l it-l (h' (11 11ll t ,l (111 1)01 11( \'.ii ltlt 4. 't"lg I hut'1( Iltls 1111111 igthl 'ljllt'tIiliS, a l ~ i t e kllx I( 1" 0 i (1I o S.t0 1;1 'ut. itteivui 10"11 ti tIl I il''l '. i tl ' I , :11i1 l o il tilie tI; talk( vtic. n tlt'h)i 'i lit' i\t' tlilt: s ilil ili'tsii sevureas 1;.1111 ' i e lt iltt it, l'i l- ti rea4l 181ill Oll(V 'setsu. ltItuulJ54 i rnlS de-ir't till \1 SlijUR E.i t i ()t' ill iu~' hI.~ etllind(t1 t tryi lit.y~ At. th ti leI was ii tl'ri 111110 ti ;1l litit'.71d~li Jt riu an ie ltl~si It'tt ttki I iat s1 11 - giithtmt''ti o iiiovlltd to'i Pill't oh: my\ hd")'. t I S I tt1 to tlet irs o ss 1iitl lid n it ic I(ii lt 111 thuin I shll ittIld t~ti ' liciut iuktumor 1ltt'1t1i uc sual, 101t111 11it i 1;1ct(111 It'('i111.tii'i 1 h~ o 11t \' 1(1to tetll~ 10 adv y"out'10 h Il tls I" 111051e~ llttili tit'td i ('1lP-i~t (ill thelIui otisL h1atl C1111 di H11 . R"g~t~. S.theVENS, utdi'Il" J USr T;6J A T!' l'LL S'1'( 11'J [ICIL 11E Al E S tknI,;S'll l1TI1N'V'S, 12 YAlH)S 1 ( ~YJ~TE 1~LQUS,12)J C'N'J'S A W : D .AXLi Q'] V RY 4 - Ai i"1ESi[ PRUNES, 10 C.E ,, FJ!'.S]f To M)1ATOE:S, 20 n NItiE VFl'].SIl PICKLES, A\NT) ALL OT]ITEI 1i IA, ('I IOCOLATE.J; ( A AI)E Lk -VE:RY L'1LIA.I'; CALL AND) S may 1. Best is Gheapcst!1 fr~i! R, I'u iii T. 1h . )CK OF NICE GOODS, ESLLING VERY TLOVW. )11 A J)OLL.A. A YAIRD. -L \ POUN. ,111 25 CENTS A CAN. SOb]1) BY '1' I1)OZEN!;. L1OO1)S V1'.PY ClLEAP?. t'()A Af EXTR'ACTS. FT'C.f S:-'iT IS, OF E"E FOR YO~3Lf T RrADE.. ,i*JsEW 3 may. THE BALL ST'ITjL RO.JLS O~ --yr J1 GRAND, VENTRAL Dry Goods'Establishrpent MoCreery & Brother I 111h; snes ritteniiuiig thlo disposal or. . MA(;N1FW4eNrwrIc~K, which iro put* uponl the maurket cnr\y cliis scnson at such low igu res, con vifl(e.'!4 us that the public tj'rwtvitttti our ctljh~cls to su~pply thlem with the nu'eet nud ist stylishl goods. Rtuyu tug asI WO (lb front time lust Manle rnd for iA- sn, entqli us to offer We areo now receiving n new and olegtnt Stocsk of BO(OTS, S.H(4, whiich wiih e Sould at the s uuue lost ruling p)0I~uuIar ltrict~s. 'We oxJ)4 t to do a "r~iva 'CXII Nc ,?ssiN:ss, aind b~irghsns wvill ho ,qworol to the wise is sHtliiioft." )amplc s t'uit oni appljuication and .xl)rc.9ssngo paid n bills over $10. MeClItEERY & BWYV1 lrrtird Central D),ry Goods L:Irjisuuauent ref.', ) DOWN(1\ ihndo+!, IPicturo 1.auae , 1' Children's ; ui'in'es 1uuulL'rai~ Us toionmy ) b ;'111; thle be t, nni4 muy where , ou c oil got the chtet. y npvril 26 It. W. PILLIPS. SOMETHING IL l:: a jus. reoeive$ sohe very fine old 1''r hiky li uund 'Apple. BIL au .VOH Xtono Nt.-intain, (4c'iziin; atnd [ iix-eolh County, Viiginliuand11( 'var')io )tlhur grae'iu of t&'ste"4rn Rye' \Vhikeys, Di'nustic an ad lj~ap )it ed incas andi luan dies. ''.