The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, May 19, 1877, Image 3

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RAuLnoAD SnImaDUIl:s.--1'e10 follow ing are the hours at which the trains on the C. C. .and A. R. Rt. .pass Winnsboro: REGULAR PASEXo R-Nrowr. For Charlotte, 2. 1, A.'. For Augusta, 1.13, A. M. AccoMarronA'rxoN FRuloIHT-).- . For Augusta, 11.45, A. aM For Charlotte, 1.00, r. ar Religious Notices, Methodlist church-Rev. J. S4. Connor, 11, a. n. Associate Reformed Church Rev. J.. 1. Todd, 11 A. ar., and 8 1'. M. Episcopal Church-4Rev. J. Oboar, services every Sunday ex opt the 2nd Sunday of tl4o nonli: at 11 o'clock A. M. Wo are requested to state that Rev. J. G. Richardson will pleach at the Presbyterian church toanorrow morning and evening. The Young Men's Christian Asso eiation will meet in thoPreslxyterian church on next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. There was a slight typographieal error in our report of the recent electior.. The vote at Wim isboro was 413 for Gaillard and 411 for Brice, instead of 413 for each, .as wiati stated. We acknowledge the receipt of an invit-ttioni to the soiree of 3lythe wood Female Seminary, which came off on Friday night. We sincerely regret that it was impossible for either of tho.editors of TIE NEwS AND HERALD to attend. The Methodist Female Collegc con eluded not to have their picnic at Winnbor'o, as had been announced in TrE Nws AND HERAXn. They wore afraid of monstes-of which there are a few casos in town, none of them scrious. SPLENDID PoiriIAITS OF GORDON AN-, VANeE.-We are in receipt of two magnificent line engravings of the statesmen whose names head this article. They form part of a series, embracing the portraits of the dis tinguished living Southern states men, which is publie1cd by that leading Southern hom1, W alker, Evans & Cogswell. They arie truth ful likenesses-speakinig im~ages of the great originals, and executed in the highest style of engraving. Thley are 1)oth splendid worlis of art, and destined to take their places in the homes of our' people, Messrs. Wazlker, Evans & Cogswell are publishing a series of splendid line engravings, embracing the distLii guished living Sonuthern statesmen, and havofnow on their list Hamp'. ton, Gordon, Vance and B. Hi. Hiill. Canvassing agents are wanted in every town in South Car'olina, to introduce these works of art. Some of the many paitriots who are anx ious to serve their country, and can not because too many are likewise disposed, will find a renunmerate em ployment in introducing these ~or traits. .Apply to Walker, Evans & Cogswoell, Charleston, S. C. Pico, each engraving, $2.00. AssocwrTE JUsTICE. r'he Domo"~ cratic meinbers of the Tiegislature held a cauons on- Thursday night, for the seleetioni of a candidate for the p)osition of associate justice of the suprleme court, rpade vacant by the pr1omfotionl of .Judge Willard to tihe chief justiceship. The following is tile result :First ballot--Mclvor, 27 ; Haskell, 10) ; Wallacq, 12; Ker: shaw, 12 ; T1racy, 6. Second bali lot--Mclver, 80 ; Haskell, 25 ; Kor-. shaw, 11 ; Wallace, 10. Third bal lot---Mclver, 87 ; Haskcell, 10 ; Wallace, 9 ; Kershaw, 9. Before the declaration of the result of the third bollot numbers of members changed thleir votes, until Mclver's voteQ reached 49-more than enough to dloolare him the choice of the caucus -and he was so declared, wheni an~ adjournment followed. The election on Friday resulted, of couse, in tile choice of Col, Henry Mclvor. Judge Mclvor is a- lawyer of unnanaflil ntIilityv tand ofnre.. prominence in theeastern section of the State, where lie resides. He was formerl'y circuit solicitor, and discharged the duties of that oflice with great oc~edit to hinwelf and honor to the profession of which he isa inember. He has nover token an active part in politics, and is conservative in rill' his views. He will prove an able and upright judge. Cheraw, hip native place, may well bo proud of him, and grati figa at his election. +fTns Sri UNIsJ~TYl.-Tlio foli lowing-named gentlmne have been elected trustees o We University : Rev. E. J. 1Ieynardie, R. W. Boyd, B. F. Perry, James IT. lion, F. W. McM.aster, C. H. Simonton, J. D. Blanding. Governor Hamp ton is ex ,officio chairman of the the Board. The Legirlaturo has male a most admirable selection, and the choice of those gentlemen we regard as the first step in the work of restoring the University to its former ppsition of honor and use fulness. The first act of the new Board should be the removal of ai the prest.nt professors (?) and the election of persons fitted, by educa tion, talent and character, to fill the different chairs. The University, as it now .stands, is a disgrace to the State and a source of disgust to all decent people, and the Sooner it is reformed the better. Wu favor the inonedialc removal of all ihe present, faculty, and the vacating of all the University buildings by the whole crew - professors, students, "school marms" and all. By the opening of the next term--October 1st-the institution should be ii. a condition to receive the patronage of the people. An entire new faculty should be elected, and every offort madlo to place the University as high in the favor of the white people of the State as it was before the Radicals got possess;'.on of it. COPATEl'ERSiLP NJ UICE. -0 r 1ilE undersignedl ha1ve asstociattedl teinselves for tho iriajtie of medi (ine and surgcry in Winunsboro and its vieinity. JN 1. C t. M I IT.WY, .\. D., .r Olice, No. 2, Law Minge. roar of iCourt I11U3xe. mary 17 -1m1 Photo: aphis ! P hiotegraphs! (1 I EAT redne1(tionl il l 5ies at the new SIihotarn ph Giiallery ini rearof Morris' I loteli 1 amii n0w readly for I lusiness5 inl Wv niew and splidely lvi arranged a bll 2ry andi at the fol lowinig r'ediucd ratiS "iu"ilId I dozen, :3.50. Frtye,3 for Si 00. may 5 A. 4. MORRIIS. lYJORRIS' HOTEL Ij havie just finished painting. papering -and thoroughtly renovatmng my Hotel fron,, topi to bottom, end now have it ini first. elass ordier and ailn prepared to enI tertaini miy guests with much mlore' con v' ince en fd comlfert th ar, heretofore. 0ll1ve onl tirst floo1'riand oping on main street, with'. iinig r'om' and sample roomi adjoining. Every' etl'rt wiill be madeoto make miy gus(ts comfortable. Hjti otel lonated next dloor to F. Elder's large gr'ocery and( dry good stores. and ufn( thlxcecnt raland b usiness portion of town. Charges to suit the timpjs. A. A. MOJlRUS, apri1'l-21-t~f -Pro~pietor. The Stato of South C'arolina, COUN'I#Y OF FAIRFIELD. Bly 0. 16, TII0MP%0X, Iv'4.', Probale Judgje. WHJEREAS, Sep hen Crosby hath mnado~ suit, to mie to grant hinm letters of administration (ot the estate and elWect~s of D. C. Crosby, decased: These uare therefore toecito and adna ,nish all and singular the kindreod anud creditors of tihe said D. C. tJrosby, deceased, that they be andI~ appear before meO, inl the I 'ourt otfProbate, to be held at F.irfield Court lionse, 8. C., ont the 20t11 day otf May next, after publication~ hereof, at i o'clock in tile foronoon, to show cause, if any they have, Wyhy tile said adiministry, tion shiould not be granted. (Given under my hand, 6his 14th (lay (lay of May, Anno Doini 1877. nuay 15-tx1aW% J. P. F. C. Admniinistrator's Notice. A LL persons having claims against the~ estateo of Wmn.Dawkin~s, (decased, late of Fairfield county, 1.4. C., are re quiesteod to presenit thomii to nine at Spar. tanbuirg, 8. 0., iprop~erly atteste 1. All personls indelbted to the same are *eh quetedl to make imnmeditpann. A pril 194 t dnnistrator. 4FINAL DISCH[ARGE. XTOTIOE. is hm-oeby given. th& te urn 1Ndorsigned wuill make applii.tlon to the Judge of Prob'to for Fafe Id 0 cou~nty on Mondlay the 2 st (lay of May, IW?7, for at final discharge as Guardian of MAnY I. April 17-l aw5t CALVIN RRTCF4 JUST RECEWVER"! One car load seed Potatogs, One . " " Oats. -ALSO A full lino of Pltiatiorn Hard . vare consisting of Lay Iron, Plow Stgel, #$tol .lows, PNOW Moul(Is, Spades, SL.ovel s, .Iraces, ia mihes, Clevices, H-eel Icrews &c. xvhk.1h 'will be pold -low for -CASH. I keep pmstantly ol banl a full sppl)ly of PLANTATIQN and FAMILY G-tcoco E JaI 34s I havo on haid sovcral brands of Iirst clagi FERTILI ERS lwhicl1 T am prepared to Fell for Cash or on time with well approved seenrities on a money basis, or with t cotton option if parties desire. All parties in want of Fertilizers will do well to call on me before pur14chasing. F1 ELDER, - feb 20 WATERS' ORCIIESTRION gimau ORGAN is the mioutheinutiful in style and perfect in io mc lne ever umande. It as~ lhe cel ebratedI Cnmcr to stop), wiclh is a fino imit ther'lluma Vcea<two ainda enT aFlfyng. WATES'WATEO RanSq~t0 ARE INEBES fA,E (thIE TueTRALe, ICOTTAG EXTREA~l, in Unbfor FrenchMn (lel combninol ReIT d of VIN witrnett l umi tone uiibl for P e oior or Churh. ~4I~t.IAI WATERS ANSSmNS Workmanip, ad DunraiiyU, rn~d Waratd0 o AS 45 XVW YASUlEN oletunil ior a& per lna.Liber A AENTSWATD1renlIOnueet 10nfnters and Diers, '~g~dfF5rmn GLASSWARE, Iapqsially their Berry, Friuit and Preservo I 'owls. ~-AI4isO, To their variety of LAMPS, which, for. beauty anld cheapr'.esu, excel, in.-ALSO, 1'o thoir large stook of CROCKE.RY, whiolh they offer at low prices, to clao out their, riOnr4 in thse line, TUST ~ A FULL STO SUMMER WHICH WE ARE S1 ZEST P1INTS, 12 YARDS FO] WhfITE PIQUES, 121- CENTS A A Q -.4Z OT VERY C --ALA EllESI PRU'NES, 10 CGEN' Y' FRESlH TOMATOES, 20 av NICE FRESHI PICKLES;, AND ALL OTHER j URflOMA, (JC JOLATE, 81A ] GATIDEN -VERY ( . ; -z 3:.XIl SHOES AN A.L'E I PLEASE CALL AND S] may 14 Sewing-Mankhno. TRADE SE MARk ~t1, PAYo, Jup' 55, 1811. wE CLAIM FORl THE IMPRlOVED WHIT1NEY SEWING MACI~flw ES The following speciflic points of siupo. li--Great s'inpIIty1~ in OpiaR 3 E~xceedin1gly Liglat pinni nian1g. 4 -NiIlI Ilunnuuing. NoIse e'14t. 4k-R3eaut~y of~ Finistal andi Worskanassis 3). '7-- ?rltEATA II EDIUCTIION IN ill I E. Single MchCinesR senIt ols QFrdem djrect from the Factory, written guarantteo witjh ach A~achinie. WJ1Y PAY OLD PRICES! .f~iT8erid for circulars and1( partiulars. Addres1 Time WVIutnemy Mr'g.0Co., feb 17 Ptetrson, N. J. R. J. McCarley b )EGS to caill ottentiatu to 1his now Stock of i1oots a(nd Shoces, all sizes 11nd styles, at unprecedeitodly low prices. ALSO, in entirely now Stock of Groceries. igar of all grad(es,Coffee, Rico, Hiominy, deal, NMap, Starch, Soda,Pepper, Te'a, etc. Fine 80ed Irish Potatoes. Chsoicest Brandaj of Plour. Rest Corn and1 Bye Whiskey in town. 'ohaoco and Cigars, Molasses, Lard, }pcon Hams &c .Lowest market pidos or cash.) war 3 R. J. MNCARLE' , WRAPPING VAPER. RCIIANTS are requested to com. . are our prioes for Paper sad Paper. %ag,withu thoe p aid elsewhere. jan 8 MMASTER & Mt1 $5 ''1 ET youir Job Printing dlone at the Nzwa~ HasPA t OFFxiim. [MEI& co.n GIE~VED, DK OF (ICE GOODS, 'LIN VERY LOW. 1 A DOLLAR. YARD. I' MEooDq IZEAPa 10n L'S A POUND. A 25 CENTS A,9AN. OLD BY THE DOZEN. OODS VERY CHEAP. OADI, Ib IAACT TC, SEEDP a.e I E - J , 'HEAP. D BOOTS. )F-. ?,E FOR YOURSELF. - TE 13ALL STILL ROLLS Oyj --AT TUE GRAND O'flTRA Dry Goods'Establljs engt POLyJMB3U4. 1L r-JiiHE Ruc e tg$he disposal of .1. our .JAAGNIFICENT s~'oeg, which we pu$ upon the miarket enrl this season at such low nuroR, cohvino'$ u that the 'publi. ajpprciat e our etforts to supply themn with~ the newest and rnos4 stylish goods. Huvying as~ we do from the fret hands and torcA~su, 'nabloasus to offer supiERYOn tI900iMENTs. Wo a vow receiving a hew and elegang 'stock of 9SRIN(G ANID BuMxBa BOOTS, SHOES, which will be sol(d Mithe same low rylin popular prices. Wo expect t6 do' ar PJI:HN() n)5l14ks, and ~bargains will'he #feored daily. a' "A word to the wjse $laagfilient." .$O' Samples sot o, applicatidi an4 expressaggo paid on' bil e $10. McOREEU & RUOTHER, Grand.Contral Drf Geg~da Es~tabish~1me T1. A. McCasanrt -i B. Me~nn iar, B. A. RtAw . ' WVx4Hoa. fob 20 F. W., H ABENiIHT BiECGSleavo to inform hie friende ac ...4ust~ors generally that his stoek 4 SJortest and Domestic Tqyuors and WizGa 11ul, apid the purity ofhsgod a ALSO, A full supply of Obeweg and genuine' 1am Smuoking Tobroo,' ?igqgs an4 garetteg. Soegers'- -Pnre Donble Stropg Brown~ Lager B3er, alway s fresh do draught AT CENTENNIAL BAW