The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, April 26, 1877, Image 4

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TRI-WEEKLY EDITION. r e i i 3 , a " " Six-months. - - - - 2.00 Throe nionths. - - - 1.00 -* AINR''YI One square one insr pi 0 A-p each subsequient insertidn tick. 'Obftua ries and 'rib ea of Rj npcgt barged for as advertise Li ra 1d nt de f or contract adv tiinov.t.s. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes Posters, Cards, Invitations, Tickets, &. neatly executed at this office,-CHI * POR CASH. -. . .% GA t i ro u n ttpr .,i.,, journals, where all the forms are strictly carried out. Mr. Patki the p ent hief a j it ednpf ed his fiftieth year of official i . after passing through all the gr tiors of office. The venerable Law Canadian civil ,eerjce .system. Once in office, 6thb niuAlienf i there for life or during ood beha vo Hed ai bad conduct will wrest it from hin. In fact, it is to thr-adek-erity of the Canadian office holder, from the highest to the lowest, the jeal oue care with which every dollar is accounted for and the safemuirds thrown around the ballot bM~lit is due a forni' of govelmifent that mna ih b -ry Canadian proud of his birthright, and in -many 9e pa cts set an instructive example to t o people scuts;S i gli Sftdiad, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1877 SEI l1.) 1A4C1' - The Senate was called to order at 12 .11 b aptil g ije ont l A. Sw . x-$rset eae. ei delivered a short address, in which he stated that owing to the decision of the courts, and the action of the president, he resmg 1ili cleiting to the position. On motion, Governor Hampton was notified that the Senate was or ganized and ready fezolupiness; n A motion was made to notify Lieutenant Governor Simpson of which elicited a spirited doebate as to taking the oath of office. On being conducted to the chair, Lieu tenant Governor Simpson positively fiied(tO' tekce(AWy ; ddlitional -oatJ '-havingas ' boonaprted, 'lVeady the g o "Having 'been elected lieutenant governor, and havidg 'tualifieduI am ox-officio president of the Senate, and am here to assume that position and to enter upon Ithylischarge gi its duties. I am in hdbe, ;nMt,~ tfmat the relation which is about being and to this end would invoke the c dial 'co operation of the entire duty to enforce the ruly which yo~t may adopt fory~ur own governmen . In this respect, I am but the orgai of this body. I shall endeavor to perform the duty firmly, fairly and with perfeot impartialy to each and and it 4ol-W rb Iif fto attempt to use m offii position for the perqp i ning yodrt deiertd 'ith6 lghtest de gree, and I shall take care not to hesitation in saying, however.. at as a oitizeni I feel a deepS*Rid'abdent lnterei 6 i'$, ,1A fg iyelfah of 0h comm n mo ueur eloved Sout Carolina. .4e~*uld rejoice to see that proud positio~ nehrsamid the galax * teuand whioh may be agai4 by a wise and judicious course o$ *the part of her people and official , I would rejoiohI. her rise froh ber prostrate condition and algait take rank upon that acoustomed .Jfnd~ obeis uli thak, 4isaf,'eeI caabedonIe wil be dqp, j~j~ the consummation of ti s great, this Bar wygg Xnk urens w39ro : d m axw .f. unts S IddI( e that ti olrk, reading of amid- door keeper will retain their positions. Without transacting any important silo ,tho p ajo djourned. .O'j TATIVES. The House met at 12, m.,'Speaker Wallace in the chair. Mr. E. W. M. Psqlydho-9,leader of. .bg.'AO tyli,. can House, made no opposition, I ftepcalling the roll, the House a jour'ned. PURIFIF ' THE, 1BI OOD, Sen alt and Invigorat s the hole System. 4tKettinab7il'bpef> eard%. terative, TI'onic, Solvent A .and! Di ktett .v I f EGETINE is made exclusively from the juices of carefully selected barks, roo s and herbs oans stron 1 ceiin , th1e lou '.t ' t ; S ecrous Hiunor. Erysipelas, Salt itheumm, Syphilitic -Dis ases, Canker, Faintness at th'e~Mtomach, ad aall diseases that arise from imipuro blood. Sciatica, Inti unatory non Neurure. s1reto Back, 5, idn Comi a t, D y Fm li he bL an uern d iseases arG raIchity 1em , t u r rinm TINE has never iled to rffeet g pertwa nent cure. _ -419 r4 jwi -,4bo hack, K idney0 Comp~ pliiltt, Dropsy, F-male WVeikiiei.s, Lou. orrhea, arising from inte rIa ulceration, tetnesse alpitato n of the Hiat, HeadachPiles I Nervosnevigoates ane l r rngthens the Whole system, ayts upon the sec(retive organhs, alilays inilamat mu, cures iulceration, regumlates thme Bmowles. For 'atarh,])yspepsim, Ibildt mial Cos Hecadachie, Piles, Nervoumsne(ss and( (Genle. sail ?ro. rt' It 1' i~h Nervous System, no m iQI b ti .chi perf.ct satistac tlO s' tat E. It purifies the blood, cleanses all the organs, and pos - es t oPntrollingpqower'over.;the nor 'us system. The remarkable cures effected by VEGE: TIN have indlu(ed many physicians ndl apothecaries wiom we know to prescribe hts ' .5 i gl1[ Wnt fami'ies. XIn Taat V ''TIN E is the best remedy yet discovered for the above diseases, a1nd1 is the only reliale BL OI). ,?UgUFIEE yetlaced yetro 91o u icj a THE BEST EV IDENCE. The following letter from Rev. E. S Sest., Vastor of tlhe M. E. Church, Natick, MpntsI., will' he read iith interest by inany physicians. Also, those suffering from the same disease as afilicted the son of the Rev. E. S. ]lest. No person can dopbt 4tlhs' testimony, as thero is ,no doubto oit the curative. powers of VEGETINE: NATIcK, MASS., .Jan. 1, 1874. t Y i ' good last, r tee r n ur jat h s18i our son'm his leg, caused by a scrofulotts uftiion, aul waor so -far reduced that, nearly alli who saw huim t.hougfht his recover'y ilIapCosile. A ('ounclli or phsclans cold give 1ts buit the fauintest, hiope of his ever rallying, two of thei nuumer declaritIg that, lhe was beyond tlilea oft 0 hymn rehie die C~a Men;amnputation could not, save him tii. *Tht.dia #tConuf inaj m a lately rosu~ied his stdi. Ithrown iaway hi.4 crutcihes and cane. and~ waul -s aibolit, chieerfully' and st rong. 'C'heugh' thiere ik tillisme dilscharige from the openling where the limb11 was hanced. we hiave the fuillest, -couhienue t hat ini a little time h'e wvill he perfect ly eutred,. lie has t aken about three cloz.en hottles of t, ii ely-a i t t1 t cin.i. be tain ,md.-. Resipectfully yours, A 1 Useaesofthe Blooe~ If V EOETIINE wil relieve ialcleanso pulrify and euro si ch i s, restorini , the paitienit to perfect hdIi< aftter tryini - different phlysicianis, many reamiedie -~ sniforing for years, t not conlhusi ye proof. if von are~ s rer you (can bog cured ? IVhy isbA med'Cicinme perfommin such great e ? It works ini the bloot , in tho sjem cu~ g fl ud It can truhy be caille U~GREATV BLOOD P'URIFIE.4 grenai'L sourte ofl diseaises Originates iii blood, and nlo med'einie tho 4 om net act directly upoIf~itt1.1Mific~d 94 . vate, has any just claim upon plubiju. attention. oUTH1 lIOSTON, Feb. 7, 1S70. Ma. S'i'va~s : lDeamr Sir-i have takeni sever~ I bottles of your VEuETWEK, anid am convined, it is a valuablei re medyl for I)yspe >sta, Kla lsui Ates t rect,. --PIEPARED BY H. R.gjEVENS IfWI I AM s. Vegetine ls~old by all Drugglsth. mar 31 tmffyyp to the storo next toFrnl Gorig's. Frns ACHES, Clooks and( Awidry re. TpaIred, and BatisfactioiiSuarhnteca1 ro everybo1 ,,. Those ieM''thM ~'~for work oz Ijewelry will please pay at once, for s l pd n-i. > bf hea IHIl f/ -. - -. TO SAYB. YOUR Iox T! - d 1 - JUST RECEIVED, A beautiful liho of-Ladios andfG ti' Notions. H1alubgrg Edginga and InsoptionK a} 7cts. 1Q9tac arid. 121 et yard. HANDSOME ASSORTMENT rOF Whito aud-StrpceI4HAspry, at all prices. PARANY* . SILIi $J TON. Gontg' , Unlatundried Shtrta, Watus t Mills, $12 por dozen, Porcale Shirts, $12 per dozen. BEAUTIFUL DRESS' GOpps; Only 12j-cents per yard, CALICOES and BLEACHINGS, Always in groat variety, TRY OUR BALTIMORE MADE EACH 4 AIR WA1RANTED. Don't fail to Call on the 'Leadbr n I ow PR ICES, april 17 asassiereme Cassimezeo JUST IN! JUST IN! A lot f neoc natinre r the cte brated Charlottesv'ilie Woolen Mills, JUST RECEIVED .F. Mcl 1t r& -SHOES ! SHOES! ! NROES!I WE hiave j ust oc ofil~( %toLCO1 hand and1 uachino newed Shoes. ~Iddies' and Children Shoen gi 4i1id. N*o havo-o 4MDAn'It Mhi 'to 'f P1intai, leaocd and Unbi1leaphed Homo&.j t4putia, Drillings, Oanaburgs, etc. And all .othor gepI11l JqallyIrfpalT ib a Ilrst chaDto1e Wo can 'makevl.itrbug dtttwat'ag6, t'o givius a onl1.iaef&o paruhnsingrdla}. where.... . *. ;a 9. p - ' -trf! ifl apr1 7 -,- -, - / , '.1 m3 y1 a . ?t!') n/i. s t&ecelebrated Cone o spqael aen4 - -and fo Iter effbeg)sin MNE M HiX lealad tiy to he waimi?'meO tswouxxw.. raN it +1 1t t7 ;l ; I l ( <'i f f ji 'i1 jaii All Peon at a dista J cA , dbb4Kmi1:VWh1 llot 80904OL1 )de to WWJ tt Slrt: t j.""")"J , arttr " fi . f JI } un rr all s d Et .(1b 1IsAt1.>8hQW,1 Aar t i1 cR$l l q$ l S r:; . "f J'( t [ l r. Tr)J U w ( oa diQo riot i fi 0oi ic'l s d 1' I. " ,". { 'r ill 07 ", t fAtii 1"'-" 'y tEsm et ,t " KmI Dakar Isfehi 8la' 'rvri 4+tA ft' A t 'P ir' " th iam; ,1k1I11'Y;of tatty; pal, " h1 IC e4 x npt tic its b " M411. 1'lousp tr wbtc s Wr!to nntl dafsoi lb4i- ofUY (h4 )I Ai5d1i why? f 1{ttovai ) I j l'ronaun r I g ; t ttr' "0. " "1i cH b 'ltl tf ,. l "atr ' U t'Iaa Lo Orr 44th" r,;soxs2 lfl !I nkq 1Nllt road fMA toIhVIt:o(t ttr)f hAt Sty+o'c li edt 11Q 4eauE ful1y Illrl tra r and i uu w oir". fl cr.eent-free. u driy' low, 1t Y1i1tA (if1s 1'" , tr. r4 'j(11 "it)' .bl;Cllll:lfq g A AT gilt. i t1!tll t tlll 1 lloI r brit tMy'll tati)[i 4r the 11111 'ti 11ItHOUA1i71Nt -E TO ttte ubr nolini t7tth F CU i(1:, Cyuul s, (,'urls, I FbflellIlti Tit1,ea. ,:PJPQhorirt. " 'sumo it liap Ox , ltt4tre 4J ourulKhtand nea "ly nil as wo"w 1l1 r frcc an othor ev Re. nttt cl9 lt Yi ,tr h 8 E when all f errome(il a ure. 'hnvbcure lyil.,t 1 of 4 , K9 lcar 1-f -4 CONSUMPTIONciieiei4- (irbAq ,i oagcs, some oi.-thOh) PON bol tohj d r lip >)dicdn4 Of'other s Ayala. ul P.J r S I A \P i": prrtCyl r;o. on st ntp " lsgaheo CURT. Lt "oi" and ICirl- tton "is n Llte VIrnhaskigge neycohipialii{snrcefec- over th"o-tltlr sir oxw tdaliy roadhod '1 " Oay- I l'Y ci At ho trenntod Ur: " c. .a arr t"_i:Y r tir' c. .."~at :. '"!:' ' wi M'. I fr.4Yr ryF arrr'. ... " '"1. flfA) .8 A'----w uoli to IEW nAhl u IiA eiiioJd .A .A---folokI .u(iittitt I W A--ml;11ty-o, tnxtfI I uoiM { crv,, tenniW}}i-xof 1. ,J; Wja]OAmw /t )O lt;t'ilf' R F:: tt'Vf( :Q 'r13tr1 lt:_ : c!it. xi ": 'Z'Ifri r)ei "f)t"!( .VSTa ,t . la;,, f(A wdT .yJt1;-o;; virll Yo! "tr"l,., ." dIML'SX ct;r ,r fTdd l 7 siEw I .rtl!" ',t! ' ' I1":7 3!fi$fir l; # 3 Iii SY Y3" Mtlx ' off Isnaf &1111c1O 'sfuNsi! ID 4,01 to MDaw7cmpai hwvA I. .on$ x[+{"iume't Ili oiama 16; !M"N 0 uiq 1 esu1 S swc;{t '14) vw"t whi;,{ "di zf t 9af i$ f :3 4 Iu "r " f; i.' Lit ai q .u Jmq ovsid w "n- " ..' . "fi 0,90 SG., coo i.ndt V{':rfc'cr)1 !liftlr f" tl, YqA } . U rnt t{ : . { ' zt;!? :'o 1 1 ' .... 7tJ -10 ;-V4) ITti f f rl ma-i 0 1I '11 c N' 1R 'xf sih ' .KA ()0 THE t'AAI)141 r fil!:I t Yt? f T77 i i.fJ)!i .11E (t5(J v78 " County News, evrA S i 'tc wo1 J jitic7t c i j1'S Etc. CA b1o c)rt S(A) f ssisi, ,tict, "t t1J ,.iutiRlitf ) iT ; J;!: z bEty , trl.' s dctf:,oEYdf tsrL4 " . "iNT rlt I i f J'b'FiDIT,[O:v A 3V OOAakl? 1804 ? ZJ ! 41:1-i l y. THE, ISOCAI -COLUMN f .i. .ti.t TtJI't.': It )):t '; 1 >{ wel fillod ,wi 11 to "!1 1 n 1 ef) inty ao j"f 1110 Rini ot 1110 1'lil "hers J? to ppa><to a (FIRSTiS 430 '.