The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, April 26, 1877, Image 1

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The Story o1' Cloan'lei Ross, a full account of this great nyq tory written by his Father, beats Robun son Crusoe in thrilling interest. The illustrated UA~n-nouo -to all RE.ltOIONH, ai comuplete account of all deeominatios ladies# 4ahj m t sight. Male and female -agents coi . ioney on them. Particulars free. ;0piit by mail.$2 each. Jouns E. Pomnran & Ctf. Philadel phia. A HMEAND FAR OF YOUR OWN, On the line of a great railroad witly1 od - - -1 markets lmt1J WalWatu Y Now is Elio ginu-te18 t Mild C(limate, Fertile roil, best Co.intry for Stook Raisins:Majh:NAktikBtea. .Books, DI s fril nf uitig also, "T'H'iE PIONEER" Sent free I6a ir&4 e*'IyrA' h hfd.l Addresst r Lau orn..P. Rit. T A E ENT r. A n Pkagecn the 1V0 oit. t coatq ln. 1 .0806 nmem. .ui mbiaor,I raionp a 131 oc o f labio teeiry C mpltoto enni lo at to d al to buttons $I. Full. t:),td Pa"n'E,uI er ilolt fiee lit gll ets. BRIDE & 0,., 78Bradway, N. . artlcsn one. r tho. tu Y i enItIIiATIO . ie r a r i bewbe need ai Puc .rnloidir eket 1Pin. Eraser, - enktifo. Fnvainpo nlsssor.Pst I'ervtltter Jitubiar. ~NItw g )lsciina 'Thiread Cutter. tffs for Smpptiag Roant Cutting air Ilonks.aci 5yos, lint tails. Erauleg stlints. Ac. tt:oo1 conmmon poondt. 1, hea~vily usictts plated, an " Il but a liroitio. Agent, arc coining moineyc aind au, " I ith hest to1ttng arb o ont. Sa -amo 20 cents, Six for n'I Extr.erciimitrytiducimeisj in genis. Send for sassiio htsaif(dmcsn anmd csta .r you r BRIDE & CO. 700 Eroadway, N. Y. 789 Broadwl r, M. "Y. sept 3 lliira forl tol!am ! GRAND SPRING OPENING, -AT Till DI) y Uoouds, Fancy Goods, Ands Millinery Iiazaar, ()\ Pa beautifal and full lina of latest \fnvlties in Spring and Summer Millinery antd Fancy Goods, consisting i4 patosiad ies', ~ss' and Children' Ncbs, &c. A large lot of Ladies' Collarette,Fich and other fancy articles. Inspection o~ the Ladies and 11j~ lly solicited We will en lar mnost fa soc for yourselves, and give us a trial. New Spring Prints. Centennial Strip Dress Goods, ulhteGoodti,Dress Imnprov ors, Corsots *Hosielry, Gloves, Netionsj Clothing, JJataw hosar bo Agent for Bntkeriek's reliable paper patterns. Ladlies', M issea' and Chl)dren'd new patterns in store. $1stllautpwzt45 4qs5ipee onj fectionaries and al FLTt@lyrbc in a first cla shu*a #~f~4, A lot of Furni'#f 1%ith, gh Lunmboilosy'fo Osinedui J . -b al(~ t You d4nflS at76'1re1~ ( oni: 41Oaa ? -aa qb w. april ,14 o NO'l'N i YJ TO1f/ITR A. M. L ~O LWief'ot day of March, AU. 7'flI JA.adwelil aq espQ$pifo 1le Broad Stree OlT f before the 0'ithf7 f anI 12-txlaw3 Refr. fn'c l9pa Mlpct Potatoes, - it O. i " "Oats. 1 l r'. I 1 " 1' ;it( "11 "1 A fuoilinosof IPlanation Har, al o)o~ Stool Plows, v.! E Pdv4videslde, . ih'vo ij { * ii ..*. .. jb sol low fr -CASH. I keep constantly on hand a full supply of PLANTATION and FAMILY ! 1 4'04 eni o hand several U3rad o, first class FERTILIZERS which I am prepared to sell for Cash or on time with well approved securities on a money basis, or with a cotton option if parties desire. All parties in want of Fertilizers will do well to call on me before purchasing. feb 20 RA A- so , a sti WR OLAIM 1,011 THE IMPROVED SRWING. The following specific points :of sp~o.. riority: I-Areat all dhi'lty In Con.' tructll gu y tight Vi$n nanmg. - uui 4-seiliEtning.Noieex. Work. EJ-JBeay of Finisia and 8ingle Machines sent on orders direot from the Factory, written guarantee wit1 each Mlachine. WHY PAY OLD PRIOESI pfr~end for circulars and particulars. Addresa, Time Whaitney Rf'g. Co., fob 17 .,.. Paterson, N. J. F. W. HABENICHT BEG~ leave t15 fA~i his friends and ..Jcustomers generally that his. stook of [mported ad ~on.4e614 adndWibo anf~l and the purity of i randted/.3 OJi~dK and genuin~ Durham SolVTbacco, CIgars an Oigaretggpt rad. ug e0 nI~j9 i Ar IMPORTANT --TO -AND AGRICULTURISTS! ---O Emperor William Cabbage. NN~ be8t,-argeost, j arliest 511(1 most profitable variety of WI\rren ucAn1Aan known in Europe, apd, imported to this country exblusively'y the undersigned, whore, with little cultivation, it flour ishes astonishingly, attaining an engr Jggs sp an1 1i g ing ii the mariet at prces most gratiy ing to the producer. In transplanting, great' tare should be used to give sufficient .space for growth. Solid heads the sipo qfhe mouth of a flour barrel, is the avergAe 'un of this choice variety. One package of the seed sezt 29rtpFA eApipt ot00 cents, and one cent postage stamp. Three packages to one address $1 00 and two 3 cent stamps. Twelve paues sent on receipt of $3 00. - - Read whp A .yef} known Garrett Co. Marjazder .i bl the EIPEnoi 'II. LIAM Cabba e: 1:' .ool1akh4 b$, R1nuRET Co., 14 N., Jan. :12, 1877. Mn. JAMER CAMPBEIL, 16 Fulton St. N. Y. Deaf iSr:-I boughtsourt Heed 'from von last spring, and it waitgood. Your Em perpr 3.'7l ian Cabbogo suita this climate well. Op,a.,aoyn4is '4e the seed you selit me producel - .ages weighing thirty pounds each, Very, *uly yours, S. .JAMES UREOWN. ---- - 0* I am Sble Ae ialt the U. S. foi the famous Maidstone Odion Seed, from Maidstone, Kent to., England, pro dncing the nost, produling the most prolific and finest flavored Onions known and yielding dn suitable soils from 801 to 00 bushels per aere,' sown in drills. 4r. Henry Colvin, a lprge m'irket garden er at Syracuje, N. Y,, writes, "Your Fuglish OQiion Seed purprised me by its large 'iqld, and the delicious flavor of the fruit. I could h ve sgli any 1 uantity ir. this ,mar et pt good prices. A y wife says she will iave no other onions for the fable in future. Send ne as piuchus you can for the enclosed $5, 00." One package of seed Rent on receipt of 50 centsand)one t oent postage stamp, three packages to olie stidress $1 001' and two 3 cent stamnps. - Twelve packages sent on receipt of $3 00. My supply is limited. Parties desiring to secure either of the above rare seeds, should not delay their orders All seed WARANTED FRESH AND TO GERMINATE. Cash must accompany all orders. For either of the above seeds, address JAMES CAMPBELL, mar 1-xtflm 06 Fulton St., N. Y. Publishers and Printers Can buy direct of the Manufacturer on favorable terms. "'nr. AsoN HARYn CUTTINo MACuNES are 'he bes. and cheapest low priced machine made, and have a national repo tation for utility and durability."---. The Mectrolyper, Chicago. Tuz ANsON HARDY P.AnR CUTTER i8 by far ti e best emachine wh{leh can be pb ;tin d1or4 16sg iice thah one h uilyred 0lola ; s4t-4 of greatestrength. 'These rnachines have always taken the highest stand. It is the only lachine to which is applied the Pot 'nt Movable Cutting Board. This device has a reputation of itself: by it., the cutting .board can be in. Rtanltly aind accurately tuoved, so that a pierfect out is insured. '.lhis is a very imu p~ortant point in the iuachine, and 0one that is possessed by noe other. It gieeatly reduces the labor of preparation in work. Ing the paper~ backwvard and forwvari. We cannot too strongly recommend the advantages of this patent mnovable board. Lt is worth the price of this machine, aind purchasers should fully understand how highly it is. to be valued."'-Geo. P, Rowel & A>. 's NeCwspaqj Reporfer and1( Priter'. Gqzeg TulL LATEST IMPRIOvE.D IlARDY CARD CUT. tite e et,0 t f ibig o1I e. 'Ai'%~i~inown IUOOLs 5 ARD TT -ER, with my latest improvements, is still pre ferred by many printers, and holds its favoritism over ether machines. None genuine but, those havin'g my full adrsslted iputhoe e i ad; N1rtasApe'rulin wafl 'o avrtising from first parties should send for my circular. F. A. HARDY, A uburnudaie. Mass. 1wh11}9y of tIpose that pyo ie. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, P1 THE undersigned ro. speetfully airfineld to the citireds of anones toat he has removed his fleot and Shoe Manufactory to one door below Mr. C. Mul,1er's. I Mipepared to ipanuf tiure d1i tti16# of .~oi hi u l t t orkmnanlike'Mainor, 6fi oft6 v4bi&4 materials, and at prices fully as low as th4 same goods can be manufactured for at the North or elsewhgr' I.)keep consfantly o hand .a good Atoeft of Solo and Upper Leather, Bhoe Finidings &o,, which will bq %.470- rddHides bouight' ' . oct 12 J. CLENDPI$Nfa, THE CANADIAN COUNCII. -0-~ A OJAPT(C PRY SK TCIit 'F l'[1C 110 USLE OF 0MMONS.'Y Forms dibn'aeremonies--thbde' rou tene--Oatec41lsug the governme0E The operations of civil service. The difference between the w*ay of Brother Jonathan and John Bull are nowhere more strikingly., dis played than in the legislative 1asom - blages of the respectivo nations. While Canada, in many respects, comforins t0 the habits and cus toms of the United Stater she still. observes in tlio house of' Cgnmops the 'forinslitiis, obser4od' " the. liother Country. e d'ent of theroNeo a kc f,4id re cently' visited t iaIt bo9 thieli is how in sesion lt Ott wa h'o capi tat of the Donlinioii aia' her gavo a graphic description of the mannbr in whidh legislation i's th&ee con ducted. All the discussions have referenco enth-e to local interests, and soine of the most insignificant of subjocts hi4e occipied hours of useleks do bate. The appointment of a fight house keeper or the- addition of forty dollars Po a salary is appareilt ly treated with as much pavity as an investigation of the public c counts. Every opportwnlty' is cin ployed- to disooverwweak-point -in the arigior ?f ti1resppotivL parties, and not a quistioi is 1roseltoJd, no matter what 'na be its magnitude, which does not develo .drog partisan feeling. MembA 1d6 ?t1e two sides may dine frai lally an hour after a session,-but while they are aligned a' opponents on the floor the limit of parliamentary po 1 ~e se is oftp1 rof~4, (1( ed .: lil v1'ntiyI d s 9ot -y- the bue ketful. A goodly proportion of the seats are left vacant during a dull day's session, and it is only when the electric button is touchcd by the Sergeant-at-Arms to an nounce a "division," and little bells tingle this warning in overy saloon and smoking room of the vast edifee that the Commoners come huriying in to resume their pla es. It is now that the House is soon to tts best advautage, with its fine col leetion of physiques, strong fares and intellectual heads. The style of debate is essentially practical, and without effort at oratorical effecp; in many instances there is a. hesitation half stammering, a ."AIr1Speaker, I uLre irrer" pl g, as if the honor able memi e pas were in a panic and jostling each other in frantic endeavor to get out of his mouth, but in all cases there seems to be a pride taken ip ,tihe, pie. Vf choice language and -raini tic i construc tion. Members are not allowed to road from written manuscript, and when owarpl the late hioure of the yng9gi, ng there. is .an evident talk for buncomnbe nd a speech has1 /come tedious, acwsharpe aire played, chairs croakedblue boo~ks tossed about noisily and ,other,. gentle manifesta tions of jolly impatioew9;appear. The rules with refoen'ce to debate are very strict. No member can speak except to a motion which is in regulariform' befo /the House, and when lhe rises to address the chair lhe must uncover if lie has pre viously worn his hat. Should he in-. advertently say "Gentlemen" instead of "Mr. Speaker"Jie will-be called to >rder, though in the Senate a 3p'eker addresses himself to "Hon THE ROUTINE OF A DA Y' B UsINEss s somewhat as folws : The House meets at three o'clock p. in., when the Speaker, clerk, alerksaseistet and .seetny4 c~k's uistant, all smyed i uill i gowoas andlels dr e(tile forlaer eagog a cocked hat), .p ynede0d -ky e Sog hi-4 g 4 g gce, file mnt6 the cham bor. 10 miace, a~ richly gilded instrument, suruidfdtk ed by a crown ,is d pop' od on a Bilk cud1AN' ~i6$ ifid of the Clerk'g table, and thoro ren' is removed' .It. .m often addked, m' ojit, ,a ha anters and hewatsho Ch amber, roep q; Il salutes 1t1re same and the'r dfiwith a bow. The de rearramlaged tIad/pr7 otf areolwadjiuouly efriugb 'a a Englishrchurch pervica A soon as thie doorl care 'i M Wt&' thtf jiblic havei boon admittod'"to the .galleries the first, Imni!)no8 in ordp3;j3. the p~reseltation of...petitions. This is *.n~uIallyra t lgc lpxoeeed v, , ut loss olijectionahllo, bq~aupo it is t~a ,Qalo to react only thie' rdorsoent Qn the buck of eachr''It i~ *bt~t "f 'n'ote that no petition ,a ,'1 ruohi t' which asks~ for -for grants of mioney Qr any l)6Ou1niary colzipendti~h, :oil' the l'lliR1ciplo which only allwd the govoruwiqmt to initiate IIoflyt 1fq~g5' the lpro(3 sings &)? the previous day, an1(1 a papecr containing thus "Oird~rs of the Day." 1hi tL fortner aro publi~lieil the ' Q~fehtid6i&s" which miembors hiavo annoipwaed-rthpy, ' fo jap~t9 ask ~pf ti~gvI~ O~)!,n q is, of the goveLsnw.otL have meoanwhile *'1q , ned" ;theulselyes 'into Bc~ndi tiq to answer . ,pyer y, , ec;vil le coniiiidrum ta ~}netogt' f 'filozn the :,prhe A 'h oa if"i'i& fn British Columbia'to the qtudltty" of the mnucilage on a pOst~g0,LW11a), proceed1 to fire .off. .the desired in forination. These replies are'tilial.. ly brief, soul cntious uci . ep.,i timnes s poy. It }}s ono of the dli htI of tlgeo ppos tioni td stifl 1nt'irr~gato. -iy piis1 4nto' tlio lnidtdrs and 'make ,thli squirni. Aft(#r this dbbatu may follow on. theo qucrtipus concerning which notice 17as boon iven. Speeches aro i1 adt(o in 1ri9no i as well Rh in'- English, ,Af "aa'bile f1 the clorkslas rocltlired by Parliamientary .l. ,rea.l in ! h h, i )wkuter ofleig? iip~s aN0 rea~ i, Z;nglislh. Th& Mo are :also ~uloat s of thio pro, ce3Qtngs fin Ej'e~ich. *' A *Ardivision. bf;theA1duse~is; m'ader certain , cfqntamgees, . a oritioa1 period iii the- history of. the ad14nu istrhtion;.foi npot tli?' result may s30nfideucv which . iniiy strip' every Minister of bin, , power; leoad to the ' rorogatiom. of 1JVa *..?o: ho o) izultt~bta no~v $lmtr) andt the order- for agenbritl nlew eleotion by the people. *In .Washington; .ss is well kuowvz, the members ;aje called from printed lists by: tl e Clerkc and reply 'Aye;' or Nt"% In Canada the praecice 1s 'fdr -the Ohief Clerk ,to chock. off the ,,naine 6f each member who standp. qp, nd' is called by tihe Aaaietant Olori. It follows ,that, the: ,latter muilb know thlq faeo of every oie 9f. tLhe ,6 nomlber s who m ake u1 th? Coi~ mons. Thd least mistslce 'in"'A 3iiiii -is 'vc'y.ombarrasuihg ; 'bdt 'itwo'il4 be flilJ,. &wo-]Roi ?pexJpg . ! . the S 'eaker~ac st~i m },4m mnembi' O6r ainifruTht b'ti~o 'lt Ea. "no sgoli diflleulty *"lias, or cuhted, to,,etllQe s to po rO votes rhaQcs tiincp bo~~n hake ~ Im t)o,cp~t},q ;9f libui: sIlt i'uio to h i'emfark lbid qitalit1e of tf "AUE..