The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, April 19, 1877, Image 4

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TRI-WEERtLY EDITION. TElMS OF6SUBSCRIPTION. rri-W o ly One Year. - - - - $4.00 Six- tpt. - - - 2.00 Throe mo iths. - - - 1.00 RATES OlP ADVEITISING. One square one insortioni $1.00. For each subs('. uent insertion 5W. Obitua rios and T'ribnites of Respect charged for as advortisoments. Libnral discount made for contract advertisements. .--.0 JOB WORK. 13111 Heads, Letter IIeadR, Envelopes Posters, Cards, Invitatiots, Ticliets, Mo. neatly executed at this onfice ---CIIEAP POR& CASIL GENERAL GOSSIP. The jail at Conyers, Ga., was burned recently, and two prisoners perished in the flames. T lo -new .e jpf the First Pros bytesi4 hliJ1i Atlanta is to cost $ , 0. Judge Cloud lass been indicted in Surry county, N. C., for an assault on the clerk of the court of that condOtf.0,; . ("I'Go r Long ',root b~oonm1o a mori of Ioiinm .at'holic Chu t No lcan icently... Two hangings in Georgia during this month. Wii. Meeks will be hanged on the 6th, and Bock in Chattooga on the 27th. Both whito men. The work of rebuilding the Devonport Female College at Lenoir N. C., which was destroyed by fire a fow weeks ago, has been con inonced. Princess Charlotto, oldest daugh ter of Crown Prince Frederick Wil liam of Prussia, has been betrothed to the hereditary Piince of Saxo Meiningen. The New England Methodists have passed a resolution of thanks to Mr. Hayes and his wife for ban ishing liquor from the White House. Somebody wants to know if the ropresontatives of the "effoto mon archies of Europe" are to be deluged with milk and tea at State dinners. The president of the Ohio Fat Men's Association has just died. His name was John Templeton, and it is asserted that he weighed five hundred and five pounds. His wife, who survives him, weighs only ninety poilds. The Young Meii's Christian Also ciation hi the tJnited States num.. bors 03no haindrqa thousand mom - bors. Until recently there were but three Associations south of Wash ington. Tfheroe are now almost two' hundred, some of them very flotur imihing. A wine cask from the cargo of the steamer Frisia, containing a large amount of dynamite, was found in the Appraiser's room, New York, addressed to a person in Hunting don, Illinois. An accident in handling the package in the store, where somie four hundred persons * and a million and a half dollars of p~rop)erty were gathered, would have b~epn most disastrous. Tihe package was romoyed to a vad1nt lot.* Geneorali Robert 'odmnbs dehies. * that tho'fourtcenth and the fifteenth amendment gave increased repre sentation to the South in Congress. The Constitution provides that all free persons shall be representecd, and it wVas tihe thirteenth amend mont which abolished slavery. . To this amendment is due the increased weight of tile South in tiiU National icouncils. povernor Hampton and the Radical Claimants. On the 14th inst. Governor Hamp ton, through ibis private secretary. Mr. Manning, addreseed a letter to eachl of the Radical contestants to the State offices, requeating them to paeoleo6e hm e'ascmi sindpedging Himnself to recognize ~hoseo may be hokeoafter declared ~looted by Wp Supremne Court. Tile Lettpr gontaiadani intimation that ~n any event [these. Radical conttos-, tants will not be permitted to exerreise furtiher control of the arelhivos apd State property now in their respectivo .dopartmeonts. On Monday, Elliott, T~jlbort and Kennedy addressed a joint letter to Soorgary"' ddcljping to vacat0, on th~o score bhat they are the lawful possessors of thleir ofmoes,..and havo entered the courts merely to protedt thomselves from intruders. ,Thoy hold tilat a r'etirdmnt at present woulit be a virtual abandonnent of thir ofices. Cardota and Hayrio wrote indi ijrni answer. Them..r...,adres os "Hon. Wttdo -Hampton" and ox presses great ..su1rprise '-thn4 .tho latter, aftoe l is assurances' mado to Hayes, is thus -early resorting vir tually (to force. Ho declines also to vacate, and adds in conclusion : "I do not recognize your right as governor in any manner to pass upon or agcide ay ,iglit to my present offico, and I cannot comply with the request contained in the lotter of your Private Secretary." To this Governor Hampton rjoined that the tenor of his letter had been mistaken. His request was that the "room" now occupied by Car doza was tlic "oflice" to which he refoei'od, afndi not Clio treasurer shili. ie announcell that he could no longer suffer Cardoza to rotuain in the treasurer's room, but ox prossed. a willingness. that tlto .doors should bo scaled up, to await the decision of the courts. Hayne exp1 ssod a willingness to turn over his office to Col. Sims, when tl4Qoourts shjll have deci4o in favor of the latter, but not before. At last accounts, Governor Hampton had taken io further steps to securo possession of tIese do partmonts, but it is thought he will eject the present occupants shortly. PURIFIES THE BLOOD, Redno ate u s i terative, 'T'onic, Solvent and -Diiiretic. VjE TIG''NE is made exclusively from the juices of carefully soltyted bh ks, roots anl herbs, anl 5o strongly coneen t.ratedl, that it will effecltually eradicate from the system every taint of Scroflula, Scrofulous lumor, umors, ('aneer, Can cerous llumor, Erysipelas. Salt .llheum, Syp hilitic I)iseases, Canker, Faintness at. the Stonmach. aitd all dise(ases that arise from ilmpuro blood. Scianca, .lntla.tistory and .(hrort c .Rheumatjanim, Neuralgia, (lout and 'pinal: Comnplaints, can only be effcetually cured through the blood. For Ulcers and Eruptive I)iseases of the Skin, Pustules, Pimples, Blo6tches, Boils, ettter, Scald-head and Ringworm, V 'oEan 'rN.E has pever failed to effect a pei;na nent cure. For Pains in the Unek, Kidney Con pliaite, Dropsy, .1?chal, Weakne s, Leu corrlwoa, arising front internal ulceration, and uterine diseases and (ieneral )clility 'E'ruoETI3: acts Olilectl y a pon the cause of these Complaints. I invi goiaty's and strengthens the whole syaite'i, acts upon the secretive organs, allays inilamnation, cures uleerat ion, regulates the Bowles. For',Catatrrh, Dvspepsia, Habitual ('os tiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Headache, Piles, Nervousness and Gene ral Prostration of the Nervous System, no medicine has given such perf'lect satisf'ac 1.1in as the VE(3ETNrE. It purifies the blood, cleanses all the organs, andl pos sesses a coritiolling power over the ner vous system. The remarkable cures offected by VEGE TINE have iiduced ninny physicians and apothqearies whom we know to prescribe and use it in their ewn familios. In f'amt VEGEI~''NE is thaei'bst' remedy yet dliscoivered( for the ahove udiseaises, andie is the only reliabale BL4OODI PUltlFIER yet placed befere the public. THE RIEST1 EVIDENCR, The following letter from Rev.. E . S .est, P'astor of' the M. E. Church, Natick, Mass., will 'be read w ilta interest by many physicians. Also, these .suffering fromx the same diseause asa atliited the son of' the Rev. E. S. Besit. No personl can dloublt this testimony, as there is :1no douhbt abouat the curative pow eii of VEGET1INE: Mu;e 1. It. 31TsvEm: Den r SIr-\\'e lhave good re'ason for Ir'egar'ailng 301t4r V KE'lETN K a medilN cl1:'' of theo g re'ate .t value. \We feel asiiurlt Iha it, has beena t ho moeans of savinlg our sen's life', li 110W owventeeala y'alrs of age; for tho last two ye'aarsh h as sttilferedl from necrosis of his leg, claused by aiserofuilouis alfact lona, and1( Was sot far' reduaced thlat araly all who saa..tfm t houlght his recovery lialaossile. A eot eil of ph1y5llns cou1l14 give tis batt I hae,, I1es hf111p o4f his 'vra rallyaag, twa) of the' nlaa Ileelaraintg t hait ha was boyonda thle r'eacha of lfit'mi re'me d1i4s, 1 hatl even' amlapult at ion cotild taot saui 0 him33 ais he 1had4 not vigoa eniough to ir ae the opaera tion1. ,Just, t.haen we commi od givinag him i'EUEIN K, atai fr'oma tl tl, ti 'to the presentf ha ets been'i coanioutsl5 fimprovinag. ife ham lately resumedt'a his*.tuIles thirowna away his Cr31chies anad cane. (and waliks aiboult chearfully and14 stroang. 'I. Tihougha Ihere st ill some discarge from the Onelaing)-wherv. tha' lImb was launera. we have ilheflet tealanthle,thait in a little time hie will b perfcit rd. lie las laken' abouaat, three dozeon bottles of V'E*EIN . butl, lately uses hiut little, tas hie declares that. lhe Is too well to be takIng medl eine. Respect fully yoursu, K. 5. R EST, All IUiseases of the Blood. If VEGETINE will relieve pain,leanso p~urify and curo si chi diseases, reAt Qring t~ho patient to perfedt health afteor't ,ing dif'erent ph13ysliansa, manmy reimed is, sufferinag for years, is it not conclusive proof, if .von are a sufferer you can be cured? Why is this'medicino performing siuch great cures ? It works ini the blood, in theclti ft .~~ountI The great source of diseases originates in the blood; anid no0 miedicine that dloes not act direct-ly upon it, to, purify and reno vate, hans any just clim upon public JReCOmmlend it H eartily, soUTH ItesToN, Feb. 7, 1870. MR. st'ivRNS : 1)ar Sir--I hlauve taken severat hottles of your VIEuETINE, and amn conivlined It, Ia a vauable remedy for D~yspepsia, Kitfdny Complaint, anld general deIlllty of the 5sstm. I can heaurttly reOcommi'aend it. to aull suffcinig from t140 aboye copana oursesapcect.ully, 886 Atliens Street,,' s.-PR EPA RED BY H. R. STEVENS, JUOSTON, MASS. Vegethne Is Sold by all Druggists. inar 31 Oneo car lditd hiellPbt ao~es One " " " Oats. --ALSO, A full lino of Plantation Hard ware consisting of j Lay Iron, Plow Steel, Steel Plows, Plow Moulds, Spades, ,. SLavel s, T1racos lHam111s, Olevices Heel 4oro s, &c. which will be sold low' for --CAS. I keep constantly on hand a full supply of PLANTATION and FAMILY I have on hand several brands o hirt class FERTILIZERS which I am. prepared to sell for Cash or on time with well approved securities on a moneybasis, or with a cotton option if parties desiro. All partes-n want ' i a i will do oell to call on mo 1 oro purchasing. F. ELDER. feb 20 IEEPS constantly on band a full eup ply of Choice FAMILY GROCERIES and PL ANTrATION SUPrPLIES. His stock has recently boon . replenighod, and- ho is no~ roadty to supply the wants of all. oot12 J. U). IcCARLEJ I3EGS to inform the citizens of Winns boro and the pubii. ir 19 gener~l I ho h4 on hand the lat-Ost ad d best .4electod Atock of WESTERN RYE, and N. C. COI}N, in town .-( Brown Porter, Cream Ale, and Cooknoe' Dolight, AlfT and 'Aif. Smoking and Ch4w" ing Tobaceo, CIGARS, &c. J. C. SEEGERB' Palo Beer always fresh on dIraught. --ALSO A lot of p~atent 'ALARM CANDLES kuitablo for faily uhe. CALJ. ANI) 14RR 'PHEM MAILJ .All Persey aft s} tasetroolre od by Mail witha Pe4-fo nopou bs 4 soi-ibi tt~ioir Sim me Dr. Townsend showing manner of ihitngr (Sond for our largo and boautifully $ustratod Iapet', soot free to anty >addre5 ) \Vy,~oslhit " PATAR O 'Iill~ sonlbH fes(tn1h actbd; and Uatarrh + 1. .f(OasooftbeAhqut a WI: MAKE A SL' C- ges ofthe lot~d se LIIY of treatin I'a- thiaTrbatiogA $i tionts by Mall. P easo direct which isonsy write atd descrIbo your dnd pl ihant,and We syinptoms. guaranteo a poifoft cuns of Catarrh. " \\Thy fort he sanmo ~ronchins ! oec~elrnIt tors to ar ArJ, PARSONS THAT hencoI thnatJ road this acInvited to mnystgorliroottot~ho. Bond for' dtr larce and eatof~ tiid 'disease,' bcauitifuilly Illustrated amid if yot~r un re oAn o 04 11 flol. id res. we e Brat to to A STH MA! m* euri a andn ui 1e wi d bot and 'wher alaot orros Curo. h ave o r fail. pt of 2O years Can bq cured. Why ? O flMOIIDlTI because We have NUfU I i cured hundreds- of oasessOme of-then being given. over to dio by alI-piysiclras - of other schools of >ractico. Cdnsunp URELivead i on. Is a diseaso o the Air passages and noycomnplalntsnre fec- over two-tirtrs of tually reached by Oxy- t Acrs.s a~O caused ?ueitatqd Air. Catarrh. We gualantbo 'a cure if you will come in soa Dr. Townsend- Ox.. DISEASES jo~net aird th im C A N C E RS g oe isse:ca. -AND- - as it Is forc~td intd* tio ofthoeat. All TO M OR T S thohiood Iioarvoint rtu th boI ghohdar CUltEDwithoteutting andi forcedl froiyt the, or drawing bloodI wii heart otheo-lunge, v'ery littlo or noi pain. andl tho more Oxy An vperson troubled gen >ou Inhalo intd with ito tandituhame a tiioniase& rr pat- whu Oxygen comes tients cuirod. Wo wa ~ntact with the rant a perfect cure. hk c.ars >lit the __________________ an hu1s,0 cang .i M. PAR, M, D., e bd, a "s - Late of the onl Its revoiu ?4cCLELLA N U.* S. A. 1 1hou o teW I lospitai, P'hiladelphia, our cn) tb si. e f la ei tion I~OUCVYat lole url nglan in tno core o~ tsoutofthebmood takesve rgeof thisuei rif)'ttobi editon Address h1'it to'asie'orer; E. R. TWNSEND, M. D., ..12 Hh Street, Providene,1 R f. Physicians wlilling to lodatl t 'i town -er city in this btasiness, beo furnished with torioyan d our lilstratedlp 6% ff6, advers tlslgt e m amne, by address g as above. Tal heare unil ar at0 h tIOt3 LIQUIDand ftoaMital as MYTLAT 611 hik Ilh i o enuaine uinls th wors Dit. TOWN8E '& YGE TD A1R" 15stablished 1850g CHARLES MULLER Has remioved to the store next to Francis Oerig's'. W ATCHES, Cloea and.Jwey, %oy. to oorybor. t m vk jewelry will pleatte pay at6,.009 fot IOHARLES'MULLER (ob 3-4f . NES NDHRAD WEEKLY EDITION, ir 1UBJDIOID E EtY WEDNEADAY AT IN.N 8BOR 0, 8, C. 'VJNNSB0B0 PUBItIIrNi co. IT CONTATNS A $UMMARtl. OF THE LEADING E VENTS OF TLE DAY. State News, ' County News, Political Ne* , Etc. 'SHE ESDITORIAL EI'ARTRENT RECEIVE5 SPECIAL ITTE TION. THE LOCAL COLUMN Is well filled with town and county news. 'rho aim of the Publishers is to issue a FIRtST-CLASS FAM.U4Y _EWSPAPER, Terms of Subscription, 15ayable invaria~ bly in ldY~ic: Oq9 copy, one; year, --- - - $3.00. One copy, six months, - - - -$1.60, One.opy thrcp, mUopths, -- - *1.00, Focodes, ono year, at - --- $2,75. Ten copies, one year, at - - - - $2.60. Twyenty cop)ies, one year, at - -$2,50, To every jbarsokW making up a club of ten or more subscribers, a copy will be sent free for Otto year, 'Tielnames consi. tuting a club need not all bo at the 15ame3 *postoflice, JOB PRINTING IN hIJ ITS DE'ARTME~N'IE DONE IN( SBBSTP aYLB>AND &T THE LOQWET, PRIIOES, Wear pedfhred 'to furnih, on short ?BANKJ cHfEOk ' ~ H1~R~,NOTES %JT'rE1 HEADS, E~yJ~OJ~.CARDS~ UWqITATIONS,. 'IV. I ,pOST, LW 1iLAX 8, -ES * OSTALA1RDS, ETC., ETC. TernfA fbi. Job Wol --Cash on lii 'ielIvery. Al'business oomun anica ons should be Wismabo. blibhing Oompany.