The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, April 07, 1877, Image 2

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WLNN3UOR,). S. C. , Saturday, April 7, : : 187. ZR. MEANS DAVIS, Edi .Jj 7 JNO. S. REYNOLDS, Absociato Editor. "T rr rIrfor RatptofTl From the opinions on the sit. tioni expressed elspwljore, it. woulyl sooth(& fsd ii gl<1g ilcals ;have al sUosr,tyngj~ thealue-gltas. treat-4 me$t andrit doen't agreo with tlenim. EK-8.nator Robbi'tsdh was one of aN6st pronikit meinbdrs ~ of the COmmfittoo appointld by the citi*ens .of Columbia to receive Governor iH'mpton at Charlotte. Seuiatbr I beitson has .bgen of 'iii calguf>$ bniefit to Soutih Carolina duripg.. the, present -'Complication. Known; as the- only decent Southern Repliblican in Congress, and pos, sessl tbp oonfilpeie of the powers that be, his testimony was of groat weigihtWith:Mr. Hayes, and it is al)pOpriato that 110 shoull be among thp first te welcome Caroliia's Governor on his retin from'hid4 tritinph:int vinihaition' of himself and, his causo froiumh slalntdtrs of Radi^:al segutndols, . Jiudge Carpynterm ma~y soneno a litting opporh.ity of' priovtin that his doision in the'gu Ibei nuta ri al question was actuated by wh .t. ho colisidcred sounl law, and had no origin whateero in im prope r political considerations. The action of thb Supreme Court in recogniz ing fade Hampton las govuonlor, revoked all contrary deoisions of inferior courts. Judge Carpenter. in obgdienco to the dictates of a superior tribunal will not hesitate, we imagine, to grant Governor Hampton a writ of ejectment against Charyberlaiii if the State House contipues to be occupied by' the usurper after the removal of the troops' It is rumored that Governor Hampton will order an extra session of the Legislaturie in a few weeks. While deferring to the superior wisdom of others, we see no pressing necessity for a legislative session at the present tine; while the attend ance in Columbia in the busy season by the Ytogislators, most of whom are engaged in agriculture, might damage the material interests of the State, or :cause the Legislature to act unnisely in hurig1hog th nessary w~ork in order to reach home. ,.-It is the first step which counts,- and the first acts of legisla tion under the new regime should be well miakurecl. Besides, no tax can~ be levied nowjuntil auturun, and an appropriatiod bill would be of n ' use. Tb tate is pro'gressIng so) smoothi in hier frsent ,e'nslition, that it teigh i.ot be untwise to try the experimet of cheap government a while ldiger. It is roptiled tha~t Ho nest John Pattesa appenes his deterkiina tion not-te renoit "to any factions oppositidh to "Gbveindr' 'Hdmnpton. John enjifsdangi ini tlhe breeze. He feels-that. .were- justice mete'd out to him, his seat -in the Senate would b$ exaged for a cell in the Penitengj~rg, suinopes that a sub-. stitutioil 4f 9baquiQous fawning' for the arieg nt1.sumption he has heretofore exhibited towards the tapayersy ! thi Staite .will secure him im-imunity from . pun is.hmen t. lie dehideshimstlf. Pat terson is a political'Pdviiah.. "He mnnt bhe pr linai, un 1r Haniipton's benieficen t administtmnu, 4a wi '' be broa31 natives gpf ;te Stato and all honest inniraats. )3ut" thbe eiA no roommt'efo for ThattM-soi~ . Je must P . P g.. h Democraqxm96999.-60ond Aou have him at auf prketI Ad n~ Ptfe4un is, evn , It'mi 6" kl~~in thec opposes QV'rtSebpte 9t Nat ing-inseid,4fklin : 4 It is interesting. togather the respective views crltertained by the diffrent fladie i lqado~i upon the ko oval f the rol on JohW P rat ? tho hero of a hundred steals, antlio mouth .Jiomai1 andakbone, in Xashington, of the thieves, &i 't tlskkti hetp )Till mako no factious opposlton to G: Og(3o'vpn, tje I1t hi 44 q4chM pf 'dr enston 'adicaism, the bold est and yet most wat'y wire-puller in he State, has also caved, it is said. to hits Imd Chaierlaii for years, but has atliiikt'M with'hini for sever 4l month fot' the 8lame reason that draws foot pads and highwaymen into friunsly. intercourso. In the latter's adversity, Bowen loaves him to his fate. ,Mayor (Junninghain, a. shrewd hnd inftlIe:tii l It licl., an I a lo i:.i'.i,iu , e:arleston, coisiders the question settled in favor of Hampton. "to belioved that. ;all the Repubiical is would .peacefully acquiesce in it, and ho ndviseol the colored people to ao cupt tho situationi and go to .w9rk. In his o iion the' Itelpiblican. un ehine- is irremediIbly smashed, and it wiIl novel work again. lV.dical ispm 'n the S at~y is doned. .Solicitor iButtz. a sweep-sectod Cem p't h r, whoso line:almeuts uttmp hiuisas a tickcet.of-iBave nm: i or gra~voyard, deserter, and whomso chi''t o0'enIpt.t i.2 in1 the ;State ha' bpe;t the bst-rmtction of tloceotirue of in thel tirst circuit, is sbno v. hat diagntitle-l. -He claims that ilit. hts ba;rg.ained oil tho So ith r:-m lkep:ihhcais for his oflice. He sa's f lurthmor t fhat, so far as he is e oneQl ne.l personally, he h 1 -itse fir Cliomberla:in as an' individual, an1d regards him as responsiblo for all the poiticl In isfortunes which have befallen the 'Ro ubneai' prtr in this State (By thy way\ how. natural it is for thieves to fall out wvhen honeset muen have them~ by the throat). Btttz is cheerful1 believes that the Radiel Seiate will ihke honors even and tricks doubtful, and thinks the Radical party will bo stronger next .tine (!) thougm t-le Democrats will; gain' tacessionS' of strength from the colorod tote. ' United Statos Marshal Waillace, who dra -s about, innocetit wlhite men n1 prisolnersat Corbin's bidding is cheerful and frank, .H' gives up the R1dical ship, and believes that no resistance will bb maide to GIo Hampton, and admits that such an attempt would result disastrotisly w.thout the aid of Federal troops. le thougl-t that all that was left to the colored people of the State was to accept the situation peaceably - and his advice to them, while not abandoning their party, to go to work and make up for lost time. In answer to an inquiry whether he thought the material interests of the StLate wvould be built up and in, creased by the establishment of the Hampton Government ini this State, the marshal said that he thought it would in the northern sections of the State, but the jealousies existing in the southern counties ho thought would prevent anym imimediate prs perity. Timothy Hlurley, the political Hiar~eqii, conlcedes that Mr. Ohaun berlain has come to grass, nd not only beClieves that 'the Republicains will accept the situation, .but hints that they' mn~y clamor for admittance in a body ,into the Demnocratic fold, so. ais to revage themselves upon the Naitional Re.pubhlicanms fgr thus shamlJolessly abandloning them.. 41r. Hur ley statedl thiat it was his opin ion1, and1( the oIpinioln of all he had conferred with, that the. Hamupton government would b~ring~ peacee anid prosperity to the State. That the Democratic party could do more for thein, and wonid go farthie to seN cure them all their rights, than the Republican party had done 9r,go.uld do. His advice to the colored peo pie was to let by-gones be by-gones, and to give Governor Hampton a Unanimous suJport in order that the full benefit of his Administration muighit he felt and obtained by all classes, Hie t!)ought that there was a strong prevailing sentiment on the par1t of the llopublican party of -the State to) let iaolities go to graiss, lor' tile next two years at least, and to co-operato with their own ppople to ,build up the I ctority pf th q State, The haI~Ymd come to uinders tand very Lhooughily, he said, that hogestgov. eornent nwant, for them homes, schools, education arnge'pmfort. P l~. J.M 3oses. ;3r. the "Robbei ~Governor" coinoideo t in., 'Dim Hur H'y~opioqpan also aisserte that a : trong spovsmient ia on fdot-to call Ia couvenindpnnii h Nj ational .tppublicens and seeking alliance with Southern Demokrats, *h6 du as a class, dof mo~re fdr the Ex-9hert 4&,..Jones, txnoiety otbthe 1appmbien.Printing .Uom' pniy, th3 ,viljjig hy; Whoseordes' Feder a o.ts exeltaed rpemberi bf th~ 4 . isp tum from..the- StatE ,'a bn oceqpation will be o it giahtiea o h his iovements, as a general thing, p: H all understanding. He on ji 6rs ti4 . contest for the State virtballfend1ed, and that the best Sli' f t ltepulican par dif 14 do'e' t hold a mlt *g an r honice 'their alleoiancej te the National party and offer their sulpport -to -the Democratic party. 40 hivl:s jiat Mr l; Hayes ifaelbitelyf too good for hiingty ailconddo~ra, MF3I. Chamberlain weals and v(t cilla Ting. T'g/ Vi 4 Ex-Adjutant and. Lujspoetor Gone ral and ex-member' oT the State .po -i~i gmsgepdeurvis swas pre, ean c uriig this conversation, and coincided with the views of his eoad nitor Cltr ii G, - Yotidn )0 remarked that in his judgment "outr poople were jumping to conclusions to rap)idlgl." . f Ting 1uticy tra authoinfy, the Collector is not in that condition of mlinti denomtinatedl '"h-ippy," and frequentlyjhas visions which inake mundhane existenee any tliing butt c6 fotable to a soul full of reinorso. -Ioover this may be Worthington is evidently shy of 1bcing interviewed just now. He is prolbally coi-king down his manly iunigpaA ;on against President Haves in- the hope that his official neck mir escape the giillotine. . x-Lieut. Uoy.R:uisior advises the. c m:uke no factious opposition to Hampton, but to go to \Y'irk. vroimf thi' collation of individual op'htioni it Mill'Ue seen that the iladical party as a wholre, is in a hied way. . hto3U the leaders tire thus demoraiilod, it is natural th: t the rank and file b-como completely "squandered," Verily the Radical jig is up in South Carmlina. "Hurrah for Hampton." .Bag cot 6H. g r. dcAT The Parisian newspaper, .e ]'Igard, has declared -a dividend, showing a profit of $'250,000 a year. On Eniter' *icdii {here was a Tichhorne meeting in Hyde Park. The members :wore on a ribbon aboht-tlpeir bats the legend "Release Tich borne !" I'le, American . artists in Paris ha-e presented Mile. Albani with a splendid album this week in recogni tion of t he gr'eat vocal triumphs of their youn g. countrywomatn in the most en tical eapital of Europe. The government will send a summer expedition to the mouth of the Tonesci River in the hope of discoveriung a direct passage though the Arctic Occ in to Europe, Maundy Thursday was eelebrated in London after the ancient custom. The Queen's bounty was dispensed to fifty-eight old mlen and women in the chapel royal at Whitehall, the number of bone cisries correspond ing to the years of Hoi Majesty's life. On Good Friday, among thme Portuguese and Sp mnishi vessels in the Lomndon docks the time honored cnstom of flopging, pin eg~iy . of Judas tsearwii61dmng -from the yard'( arm1l was fully' indle nb the sailors.inb Capa1 Nrea. ' jd 1 per- , - fore the Londiog q, hi ad ty, givnig it- as 'nis ~piio )i tha unless the boundaries of Greenland tr-end mnor'e to the nor'thwar'd than the~y are supposed to do nio ex plorers in thme fut ure <iG etietain gre'ater proximityv tothPoe ha hitherto.thPoe ha Couint Wilezeli,"a. wvelt4, Hunm garian magnate,, propo5s to Rend Mesats. Payer mmdi Weypm'echt, the leadlers of the "late -Austrian Polar ex.pedition, out in charge of another expeOdition to the Pole, and agrecs to pay the Aus~trai'fi share of the expenses. Herr Petermtan, the celebrated geogmipher, hasmeritten- hh fi~thil to the- C~ognme Gspaeet in giichghg speaks mn'the'higliest termns of the Stimley who has a ?m <nd. gf the A fie'a'n ek)M , e On h y the New' York Ilei-ald and 'London Lhailt/ Telerap'A. The' ieitific world, hei thina,' ' will 1e .gresm.tly indebted to lNnf and his p)rincipal M nt. nennett. . tAit diG-e1ko.f St Bartholomew~ the 4reat, ir 'Lbcdon, alted thec G~ood Fr'iday serviceh en' eld "iind curioqs endtom wits repeate1 Ac cop~ing to t16 pi-ovisions of an an ptwill the rector pr oceeded to t~pigrh~r 1twe tet%4rix as onoi o wienty. omes'dows, the conditions ,being hbat , the poor iomnil absolutel~ 1npeAQ4 th,nAoges azl41were not to( t~,in.their jciints tb-stoop aund flic I 1aIttel, the Ma - u'se,<e tWie' Mdrqums.' Ee has ~Written m hIt.N2-udier', offerina sea refused .anald~onined- the wilful little prima donna that he lays his pros poctivo damages at $100,000 if she does not fulfil her engagement. )for h sioian advises hQr to retire f o stai foethe coming sot it - iot e1early known wh itt will be her plan in 4this onior gency. 'ho alarming rumors regarding the Popo's health that have been enrrert-ir-the ooTontlotittids durint ho past eek ae siuply exaggeratio)ns. .$ Po .i not sufforing from epileptic fits, as res ,poatodly isttled, but only rhou rlatisn in his leg. Speculations are life in Rome, as to who will bo the next Pope Mr. Trollope, in the 8tandard incliggs to t14o ,view that an Italian will be elected. His opinion, thus expressOd, doubtless p ows out of the fact that for con tut ies tho Iopqs Iivo beein chosen fromr Italy. 'H eretofo'ro a reason or this has existed in the fact that o exorcisod temporal as well as spiritual power in Italy. He was ruler of a nationl as moll as head' of a church, and it was inaVoidable that an Italian shond be selected. Now, however, that the temporal power of the 1ol)e has b ou broken, and thafd Y14tar Emanuel derides and deies thie authoiity of the Vatican, tie excuse no longer exists. On the other hand, a departure from the customn wouldscemn to in dicate that the conclave recognized the fate of the Church as a temporal Power in Italy as aegled. Established 1" 59. CHATLES MULLER Has rehinbel to tlho store net to Francis Geii A1 TI1JB8. C iks and Jewelry re paired, and vatisfaction guaranteed to everyboly. Tlos' intlbll to me for work on jewelry will pleise pad t ogoA , for Hampton is I-lecteil. C114 ES MUIL tLR. fob S-tf TO OUR OUJTO1ERS H \ are indebted to uc for PRO VIS. IONS s: I ~. it . IIATES, we would respeet fully call attention, that ,your bills are due on or before the f .I of Novemnber. W0 .rc( ing on you for paymecnt AT to enable us to meet obligations made to assist you, and which are due at that tune. In order, for us, as well as you, to main tain our credit, it is neeessary to meet our promises }fromptly. *- oct 12 undrsinedtakes this methed o [ ormn the public that he 'aa a >enetl a shaving and I.air.euttin 8aloon in the room two doors west of th *, post-9ohiceIrb1fll' *ak8 leaar&, W Hoetpg- alL ti0hOI 1o m , favor bitr with #alalsF.ZiVerythin3 11 his line, doni SAn~hq latest and most fainab1d a l'e. j &l14 lY~'OE THOS. R. ROBERTSON, Attorney at 1. aw AND TRIAL JUSTICE. Om All business entrusted to bn in either capacity will receive prompt atton, tion Office on Washington street, one door oast of Winnsboro Hotel. II. A o.A.I.AItD. Jro. S. RI:Ysor.ns, GAILLAR'D & 'NOLDS, ATTOlRNEYS AT LAW, NO. 3 leA V RANGE. A. M. MACKEY, Attorney end Counsellr At Law, Ao. 1, LAW MANGE, Winnsboro, S. 0. fO' Special attention paid to the speedy collection of olaims. Will practice in all of the cour.s of this State and the United States, LADD BROS. W E have now complotod one of the best stocks of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS and CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, CROCKERY, &c. IN THE COUNTY. We will not be undersold, Lot um say, however, that our best Calicoes are 10 cents a yard. We cannot sell them lower and have t uniform profit on all Goods, GIVE US A CALL, n TO( OUR COLO~LD FRIENDS As you have always put confi. dence in us, we will state that you Imay depend on getting goods at a regular even price. No baits held out to any one. nov 30. WHITE LEAD, OILS, MIXED rAINTS, &c. FOR sale at the Drug Store of DRi. W. E. AIKEN. T HE above materials are offored for sale, os URE AND UNADULTERATED, and any purchaser not satisfied with them can return what )ias not- beers ised, and pay nothing for that used, if they be otherwise than e6adtly as represen~ted. I wish the con~ntry no lhoqer wnrrr.. wAsHrD, b4t paintd up, mar31 JCLENDINING, B00t and Wboo Rapufa04rer,. W1NNSDlOflO; 8~ TifRE undersigned re. ap ectfully announces to the citizens of Fairfild that he has removed his Bloot and Shoe Manufaetory to one door below Mr. C. Muller's. I aim p repare3d to rmanufacture 'll styles of work in a substantial and nrkmanlike manner, out of the vei-y best materials, and at prices fully as low as the same goods can be ruanufactured for at the North or elsewhere. I keep constantly on b~andl a good Stock of Role and. Upper Le'ath~er, Shoe Findings &iC., whieb will be sold at reasonable prices. liopairing promptly attended to, Terms strictly Cash. JtDred4dos beught. ot l2 J. OLEN~DINING, ONION SETS, HIEand *i- On'ion sets, she, feh Garden See jag t rey so Herb an~d Glower Be ds. Also .a lotof Liens and other Blanks. __ ~ (oMASTRBa 300. tthoe a n