The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, March 29, 1877, Image 2

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SJhe M#mew and &.eAlc1 WINNSDORO, S. 0. Thunrsd4y.March .29, : : : 1877. s. MaANd DA4'I8, Nditoi, JNO. S. REYNOLDS, Associate Editor. Rutherford B. Hayes. was a post. humous child and never enjoyed the blessings of the paternal birch. Hence his present vagaries. Mr. T. J. Mackey is getting tedious. If he would sit down quietly and enumerate himself ho might discover that he only counts on.-New York Tribune. If we remember aright, so did Joe Bradley enumerate himself and find that he counted one. And he made Hayes happy. A few persons were somewhat frightened a few days since by the perusal of a dispatch from Wash ington, copied by a contemporary, to the following ofct: Gen. M. C. Butler sent a dispatch from here to night to Wade Hamp ton as follows : "Everything looks blue ; there seems to be no hope] for South Caro lina. It looks like another game of 8 to 7." Hampton answored: "Shall I come' to Washington ? Do you think I can do anything by com ing?" To this Butler responded : "No; stay where you are. You, can do no gool hore, and you cannot toll what ia day may bring forth in South Carolina." The insertion of this dispatch wrs rather illstimed, for some who read it, did not perceive its abnldity. That it wis a canard, a little re flection would. have shown. It bears all the ear marks of falsehood. All trustworthy dispatches from Wash ington were of a different tenor. Then, if Senator Butler had been blue, he would not have made this fact public. The sentence, "and you cannot tell what a day may bring forth in South Carolina," is peculiarly absurd. The Senator does not deal in useless verbiage, and would not have perpetrated such a weak and windy period at fifteen cents a word. It has since been authoritatively stated that the dispatch was false. But, for a time, it did harm. Uampton and Hayes. Governor Hampton has accep~ted tihe invitation of President Hayes and will have a personal interview with that functionary in Washing ton. The governor, in a character - istic and admirable letter, which lie writes as "governor of South Caro.. lina," assumes that the object of the president is merely to confer as to the most direct manner of establishing a single government in this State and of putting an end to military interference in local affl'airs. Gov ernor Hampton holds that further conference on this point is unneces,. sary. Tile means of attaining this result, so desired by all, is easy. All that is needed is to remove the troops from the State Horse. In visiting Washington, Gioverns or Hampton goes in the capacity of Chief Executive of thle Staito, consulting with the national admin istration for the best interests of his people. And if we mistako not, he will make it understood plainly, that whlile lie would gladly receive the aid of the Administration in restoring peace and order thlroughl out tile limits of South Carolina, lhe will remain governor, even in the contingency of a preservotion of the hostile attitude .of the authorih ties at Washington. Mr. Hayes and his Cabinet will hear some plain talking in the next fewv days ; and this, coupled with tihe irreproacha ble record of Hampton in his pri. vato and official conduct toward the colored race, should punt a speedy end to the shuffling policy hereto fore pursued. Hlamptoni's govern * nent, 4espite the thousand adverse circumstances confronting it, has *grown steadily ini strength sincee the seventh of November. JEven. the .ltuimore - Amria , a Radical paper, admits that ie foUhdatioh is: too secure to be overturned, while the New York Tribune is inclined to throit un the anonge for it. pet Chamberlain. The almost unani mous verdiot of the North is for Hampton, and Hayes is merely weakening himself by delay. If Hampton's visit do not bring Hayes to terms, it will be high time for the people of South Carolina to cease rending Washington de spatchos, and, resting satisfied that Hampton is the only governor of their State, to turn their attention exclusively to the growing crops. News of tho Day. Complaints of Indian 1iassacro3 come from Arizona. The demand for labor is increas ing in New York. Twelve railroads in the United States are to be sold under the hammer withii two months. The attempted observation of the expected transit of the AIow )laneIt, Vulcan, across the sun's disc, pro dicted by Loverrier, was prevented in America, on Thursday, by cloudy weather. The Niagara suspension bridcge has unde gone thorough examira. tion, and is pruoonned entirely safe. Of the 145) wires, constitut ing the four large cables, only ten Were found corroded, and these have L-eon replacod. Miss Eimma A bbott, the now prima donna, tolls a Toledo rcporter how. when she was poor, she used to borrow fifty cents an1 a dollar, and how, when sihe got some money. she toilegraphed r.ound the country surprising h( r creditors by paying. up the ummd lmllts. Dr. Mary Valker, the polf-an:de man, wats forcibly ejected from -the Treasury Departnent on Friday. She blad,ben in the habit of boring the olicials by persistent applicia tions for a position Acting runder orders, the doo -keepcr removed her by placing his arm around her waist-whercat the Doctor become u much incensed and had recourse to the combts. 4 Mics Bertha Von Hillera accom plished the feat of walking fifty mnikc a in eleven hours nnd fifty-eight minutes, at Providence, R. I., on Saturday. The freedom of her movements and the fair and "nly" style of her heel-and-too walk were a revelation to the spectators, who cheered her en thus;iastically. She walked to the tune of a - band sta tioncd on the platform, and rested but twice during the day--twenty two minutes at the conclusion of t' e thirty eighth round, and seven mn1inutes at the forty-second. Her final circuit was made in the pros. enco of two thousand spectators. Considerr ble excitement has been caused in Newv York over the dis. appear'ance of ox-Mayor Oakey Htll af that city. He left his law office F'riday evenling a week ago, and r~o clue has been found to his subsc rinnt movements. Vai ous theories have been advanced in explanation af his disappearance-one, that be has fled to Europe to avoid testify ing in the suit against Sweeney, tile T'ammlany tief ; the other, that l~c has boen1 robbled anld murdered. The latter is the very generally ac eepted belief, as Mr. H-all was neOver proved guilty of any complicity in thle T1ammanny frauds. Two years ago Mr. Hlall went upon tihe stage, but, not succeeding in that role, has Bince been engaged in tile practice o! law. Ex-Governor John C. Brown, of Tennessee, who has acep1ted an ap pointment on the Louisiana Com mission, belonged to the WVhig party in 1860, and supported Bell andi Everett. He was a Confederate sildier during the war, and rose fo t'ie rank of Major Generaml. In 1870 he wvas president of tile Constitu.. tional Convention, ard was liberal and nation.l in hi:s s01 ti:nlonte, zealously favom ing tihe enfrancehise, mnent of tile coloredi peole. He wa a elected governor in 1870, and was re-elected ill 1872, serving until 1874. He wvasa delegate to thle St. Louis Convention, anld supp)orted Mr. Tilden ill tihe late campaign. He is now 0on0 of the vice-presidorsts of the Texas Pacific Railroad Comi pany. _______ Ambrosia is mlade by placing upon a glass stand or other deep vessel alternate layers of grated cocoanut, oranges, peeled and sliced r'oundl, and a pineapple sliced thin. Begin with tihe oranges, and use cocoanut last, spendinig betwoon each a layer of sifted loaf sugar. Sweeten the cocoanut milk and pour ovei it. Trial Justices can furnish them, solves with the necessary blanks by applying at the office of THE NEWs AND ERALD. A full assortment of N'Iesblanks-ill bis k'ept cortetdily on hand, or supplied at short notice. Prices low, work good, and satisfac tion gnaranlt4ed LADD fRIOK VE htvo now completed one of the best stocks of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, IAT anid CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, CROCKERY, &e. IN THE COUNTY. We will not be underscld. Let us say, however, that out,' best Calicoes are 10 cents a yard. We cannot soil them lower and ha:1ve ia uniforin po .lit on z.l Good-. GIVE US A CALL TO OUR (Oi.OtEU imLm As you have always put eon ii denco m us, wO will stato that you may depend on f.;citig goods at a regular even price. No baits hel out to any ono. n'v 30. Now Family Grocery. ---o -1 E un lorsigned desirrs to inform hin friends an 1 the public tlat ho oain bo found on the east sido of Conigreen stroot withi a fresh Stock of F iMILY GROCERIES, Viz :Meal. Grist, Flour, 1icona, Suero, Conle n, Taens, Crackers. Giniger' liread,.S ia, Spice~s, -ole,, etc. Oranger. a, Arn les, Crndier, Ac., all fresh and chteap1, I"F CASH[ ONLY. J. E. CATIICART, t>')).I -'K DR. B. 13. HANAHAN,,D WINNSBORO, S. C. F CBin rear of J. F. MeMaster & Co.'s sto~rd, up stairs. mtrl17-1r d. CLENDINING, foolt and Shioe Maniu facturer WVINNSB3ORO, S. C. TH II i~ ndlersigned re sipeetfally : nn)atnes to the ---'citizens oif fair:icl.1 that heo - has r?:movcd his Boot anad Shoeot anfctory to one door below Mr. C.Mutiller's. I iam p)repared1 to mltanufactutre all styles of v o'kc in a subsinntiatil andi arkinilike nam~eer, out of the v'ery best materials, and a.t prices fully as low as the same goo Th canl bo0 manufactuired for at the North or elsowhero. I keep constantly on hand a good Stock of Solo and Upper Loather, Shoo Jindings.&c., whtich will bec sold( att reaisonab'lo prics. ilpairing promptly attondod to. Terms ntrictly Cash. ie Driod Hides bought. oct 12 J. UILENDINING. Merchant Tailoring. HEIF undersigned Informs the citizens of Winnsboro and the county generally, that he has opened a Tailoring Entablish mernt in the stoe inext to Mr. Ji Clondin ing's. Hie is propetred to do all kinds of work in his line at short notice end on realsonabje)(nm.- A full line of sam ples ad 0miQti # . hand, f rogj which customers may nheselections, f4'ii *ttenition given to 0U'sTfNG. SPRING GOODS -FOR I077. To-day tho camnaign's fairly closed, The lucky man is ho WV ho tal'es his seat on the 4th of March Our President he'll bo : And now the next best thing Just suitsd to our mind, Is where to get the cheapest goods The best of goods to find. My friends and I went out one day, Somo :New (V pring (Gsi#dci to buy Anl w resolvo .1, bforeo went, The different ictores to try. We weanderod Winnaboro ill around Until our feet were sore, And round the very place, at last, T'was SOL WOLFE'S New Cash Store. Of IIats, Clothing end llo->ts and Shoos, The latest to our view The very best styles of )res G:-ods, And Prints so cheap and now. So then, my; good f'riends, one and all. Now is your time to try What Bargains you can got of mo Or, YoU nood not buy of SOL. f - 17 Samug-Machine. TRADE SE-A -MARk o1,e rID. JULV !S, 1611. WE CLT.\IM FOR TILE Ii!PRIOVED The following specitic points of supe riorit : I-d r4eat simar ,lCeity in (on. :3- Mac(edlagly Ight Rl:, n n3 tg. 5--Prfor sall Varietics of G--i"1a ny of Falish i ane P4 EC'.. Single Mahi ien seni,t on ordersi diree frcini the 23( atr, wrii tte urne i WilY PAY OLD PiUCES! Sa?--en d for ci rca rs and particultars. Address, lae '& lait ney illC'g..Co., fob 17 Paterson, N. J ALfull Rtoc'k of Plain and Fanny Cro ceries, which will .u soldl at 1o i. dt pioe for the Cash. .1 fine stock of liqjuora, suich as WIHISKEY, BRPANDY, W.INES in great variety, ALE, BEERI, ote., ete TPhe patronage of the public in uolici ted. 13. BOSEIEH EIM. fIb 10-If Shirts I Shirts.! E hirtsl! ~AMCUTTrA Muslin and 2200 Linen, at$U.I.0 per half dozen. Pereale and Calico at $3.00 and $0,00e half' dozen. : mar 22 J. F. MoM4ASTER & CO. Es.tabUshed 1669. C1IARLE~S MULLER Haes removed to the sto next to Franoip TTATOHIES, Oloolks and Jewelry re Vpaired, had entisfaction guarenteed 'to everybody. Those inadebted to .-re for work on jewelry will ple~ase pay at once,. for '; -Hampton Is kectedL.,, 'CHIARLUB MULLUR.' fah 8 If oC a e t2. a TIHOS. R. ROBERTSON, Attorney at Law AND TRIAL JUSTICE. 7> All bu itgegs -entrusted to him is either capacity will receivo prompt atten. tion - - Oflico on Washington street, ,one door east of Winnsboro Hotel. H. A O.AILLAnD. JNO. S. R-YKOL.. GAILLARD & REYNOLDS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NO.3 1A W RANGE. A. M. MACKEY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, N o. 1, L A w 1A NG., Winunsboro, 8. 0. D- Special attention paid to the speedy collection of claims. Will practice in all of the courts of this State and tho United States. EEPS constantly or hand a full sup. ply of Choico FAMILY GROCERIES and PLANTATION SUPPLIES. lis stock has recently been replenished, and he is now ready to supply the wants of all. eet12 SPRING AND SUMMER GooDsi W E invite the attention of the public to ous new and assorted stook of spring and summer -GOODS. Spring Calicos of the best brands and prettiest styles Perenles and CanbricR at 121 cents. White Pique. from 11 j 0 per yard up. Linen Lawns, and brown dress Linens, very cheap. Nainsooks, Irish. Linens, Towels, Pique Triummings, Edgings. Insertings, Lacre, Cotton Trimmings, Sheet, ings, Bleached anl Brown Ilomuespuns, Ticks, Cottonades. Ho iery, Notions, A c., &., &c. at prices to suit the hiar I times. Our stock of Gents' Goods is full up. We ok special attention to our line of Cassimear 5, which cannot be surp~assed in prme, styvle anid quality, anywhiere. KEE'P'8 colahrated partly made Shirt. on hand at $d5 00i per dozen. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! A full anid compie assortnment of Shoe. dlways on hand. .~ Y have a~ splendid lot of Lad ies' and Gents' Finis Shoes which we will sell low';' anddwhlch we take pleasure in showing. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE!I A full line always on hand. ma 2McMAST IR & BR ICE. 10ew Good! ! 0 arrive at the Dry Goods, Fanoy IGoods and Millhiey DAZAAR. Now Spring Prints and other Goods cx, pacteud dlaily. INSPECTION of tihe L..dios and pubic genorally so. lioited, PRICES and goods will compare favorubly witih any in the market, AGENT for Buittoriok's Paper Patterns, Ladios' M~Isses' and Children's Patterna in Store. ALL WINTEIt GOODS marked down In pries to olear tIli og as much a possiblhe. ALWAYS REcEIVING fresh and choice Goods lin the Grocery Department. THE PUBLIC are aware that my stock consists of Gene, ral Merohandiso y t 4berefore takes ton much time and splico 'to imize. Suffice it to say, yonI 010 11nd all you want at Fine Early Ros~e Potatoes and' lersh Gar~iern 8eeds in, at Furniture. Lumber,. Shingles, Ao. fop sale as low as the lowest,b OA fab ~