The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, March 20, 1877, Image 1

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TRI-WEEKLY EDITION.] WINNSBORO, S. C., TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1877. [VOL.1. NO. 21. NEW ADVER1TISEMEN'T'S. f2 FANVY CARDS,16 styles with name, 10ots. post paid. J. B. RUSTED, Nassau, Rens. Co., N. Y. TRIFLING With a Cold is Always Dangerous. USE VELLS' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for Coughs, and all Dis. eases of the Throat, Lungs, Chest and Mucous Monbrane. I'UT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. Sold by all Druggists. C. N. (nixTTENToN, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. $ 00 1 a month. AoUENTs W1ANTEn) ou* TaME ouREAT $2 noons. The Stol'y oS' Claticy RlSs, a full account of this great niys tory written by his Father, boats Robin son Crusoe in thrilling interest. The Illustrated InANI).OOK to all iELIoloNS, a complete account of all denominations and sects. 300 Illustrations. Also the ladies' medical guide, by Dr. Paneoast. () Illustrations. These books sell at sight. Male and female agents coin money on them. Particulars free. Jopies by mail $2 each. JOHN E. POTTRi & Co. Philadelphia. A L UCR A T i vE BUS INESS. AM- We want 50 I more first-class Sew ing Machine Agents, and 5,u) men of energy and ability to learn the business of selling Sewing \lachines. Compensa tion liberal, but varying nceordin to ability, char:aeter and qualitiaetions of the Agent. For particulars, Address Wilson Swuing 1achlinat Co. CiueAo. 827 & 829 Broadway, New York, or New Orleans, La. A HOME AND FARM OF YOUR OWN, On the line of a great railroad with good markets both East West. Now is thl 'I'Ill( to S cure it. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, best Country for Stock Raising in the United States. Books, Maps, full information, also, "TiE PIONEER" Sent free to a'l parts of the world. Address. O . 'g'. Davg , Land Con. U. P. I. It. . OMAHA, NEll. Wonderful Success Jr 25,5000 OF THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DESCitIBED AND ILLUSTRATF.D, Sold in I'0 days It being the only complete low-price work (770 pages only $2.5i, treating of the o. tire hitlor , grand buildings, wonderful exhibits.curiosities, great days, etc. ; illustrated, and $ ' cheap. er than any other; evers body wants it. One new agent cleared $;5:) in 4 weeks. 3,0E;0 agents wanted. Send quic ly for proof of abov !, opinions ojoficials,clergy, and press, sa )pli panes, lull description, and our extra terms. I HUnnAr Bnos., Puns., 733 Sansom St., Phil., Pa. Caution. Beware of falsely claimed official and worthless boo, s. Send for proof. n Gold Jewel ry combina. .:nn out. Con -isting of elc. a t w a t c I. rain, ladies. inn )s)om ..olk and Oar tnset sp)iral studs, collar button, heavy plain wedding ring, and gents' Parisian diamond pin. The abovo articles sent, post-paid, foi' 50 ets, have ben re tailed for$6. Bankrupt stock and must bo" sold. Solid . II ton Gold Watches, $10 eh, for . lpcuiltive . pr poses, goo d timers, equal intappearaine to a $200 g eni ine gold. "l'is repuntion for honesty, fair dealing andlibera'ity is uinejtaled bIy any advortier in thi e city. '-KNew Vork Day Book, Dec. 10, 1876 Postage stamps taken as cash. F. STOCKMAN, 27 Bond St.,N - Y. J. OLENDINING, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, WINNS4BORO, S. 0. THlE uinder'ilgned re spectfully announces to the U~ ~ citizens of Fairfield that lhe has removed his Boot and f$hoo Manufactory to one door belowv Mr. C. Muller's. I am prepared to muanufacturc ill styles of work in a substantial and orkmanlike manner, out of tho very best materials, and at prices fully as low as the same gooda can be manufactured for at the North or elsewhere. I keep constantly on hand a good Stock of Solo and Uppez Leather, Shoe Findings &c., whiich will be sold at reasonable prices. Repairing promptly attended to. Terms strictly Cash. $!EP Dried Hides bought. oct 12 J. CLENINING, Mit. Zion institute. THlE patronage of the olizens of Fair~eld is earnestly solicited for this tiuge hon'ored School. TruM, PATA1I .OND HAM QUARTERIT IN ADVANOE: 1st Grade pet Qh'arter of 1O weeke, $18 00 2nd ", "~ "4 "~ " ' " 200 Primary " , < , * J(I (HI A fow pupils *ill be received as bor k&a. in Lhe fatnly of the Principal, on ret sons bie terms, .W. M. DWIGHT, sa4 ~ rineih.t LADD BROS. WE have now Completod one of the best stocks of DRY GOODS, BOOTS itnid SHOES, HATS and CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, CROCKERY, &c. IN THE COUNTY. We will not be undersold. Let te say, however, that our best Calicoes are 10 cents a yard. We cannot sell them lower and have a uniform profit on all Goods. GIVE US A CALL. TO OUR (00O1.0fl D Fll lENDS As you have aways put confi denco in us, wO will state that yot may depend on getting goods at s regular oven price. -No baits held out to any one. nov 30. ]3AR-AJ2 JSs! Bargaills! Barills! -GREAT-~ IEI)UCTION IN E ICEs. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS OF FERED FOR THE CASH ! Eoffer our Stock of Winter Goodi at greatly reduced prices for the -CASH.-. Wo will receive in a few days a lot o SPRING GOODS which can ho bought V'..R I We would call the attention of planteri to our Stock of PLANTATION HARDWARE onsisting~ of Iron, Steel, Plows, lBellows Nails, &c., &c., which we oJder LOW DOWN. McMaster & Brie. N B.-Spoecial attention to Gonts' fur nishing goods. fob 17 New Fainily Grocery. lHE undersigned dlesires to inform hii friends and thei public that ho can bi found on the east side of Congress stree with a fresh Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, Viz :Meal, Grist, Flour, iUncon, Sugars Coffees, Trens, Crackers, Ginger Jiread,Sida, Spices, oto., etc. Oranges, Apples,'Candles, &c., all freal and cheap, TOR CASH ONLY. ~ J E; dATiUCAIIT, Opposite .f. II. Oathcart's ol 1B ta nd. IMPORTANT -TO &r - I . 'E "r3M . s -AND AGRICULTURISTS ! -O Emperor WillIam Cabbage, RIE beat, largest, hardiest and most p...L rofitable variety of WTEIrrn CnnAG. known in Europe, and imported to this oountry exclusively by the underdigno , where, with little cultivation, it ilour. ises astonishingly, attainmng an -nor. 1oussize, and selling in1 the muorket at prices tost gratifying to the producer. in transplalnting, great care should be used to give snticient spaoo for growth. Solid heads the size ofthe mouth of a flour barrel is the average run of this choice variet . One package if the seed sent post paid on receipt of 50 cents, and one 3 cent postage stam01p. Three packages to one adlrcss Si 1 0and two 3 cent stamps. Twelve packages sent on receipt of $3 00. T- Read what a well known Garrett Co. Marylander says of tho E: .uEnon WI. i.AM Cabbage: Br.oosur1ToN, GannE-r Co., Md., Jan. -:2, 1877. 'MR. .TA 1Es CAMrm-.LL, GG Fulton St. N. Y. 1)enrSir:--1 bought some seed from you last sl.ring, and it was good. Your Em peror William Cabbage suits this climate well. On a mountain side the seed you sent me produced Cabbages weighing thirty pounds each. Very truly yours, JASIES DRliOWN. .ra' I am Solo Agent in the U. S. foi the famous 1aidstone Onion Seed from Maidstono. Kent Co., England, pro ducing the most producing the most prolific andi finest flavored Unions known a1ndh yielding on suitable soils from 800 to 960 usl'helN per nero, sown in drills. Mr. Henry Colvin. a large narket garden. er at Syracuse. N. V:, writ.- "Ye-111ny Enighi~l On ion Sexed surprised mae by its large yield, :and the delicious flavor of the fruit. I could I V soldi any qantity ir this mar -et at good prices. 'My wife says she will have no other onions for the table in futore. Send me as much as you can for the0 enl~oNed $3.00" One package of seed sent on receipt of 50 cens and one 3 cent postage stamnp, three pact. ages to one address .$1 001( an.1 two 3 cent stamps. Twelte'i packages sent on receipt of $3 00. \.y supply i. limited. Parties desiring to seeure eithuer of the above rare seeds, should not delay their orders All seed WARRANTEDn1 FaII:s11 AND TO OEnMINATE. Cash muui-t a-company all orders. For either of the above seeds. aiddress JAMES CAMPBELL, mar 1-xl (ha GG Fulton St., N. Y. 1F7.EEPS constantly or hand a full sup ply of Choice FAMILY GROCE"RIES and PL ANTATION SUPPLIES. Itis stock has recently been ret denlshed, and he is now ready to supply the wanis of all. oct12 To thei (itizens ef' Vairflold. IPF you want a puro and unfacdulterated -artice of Liquors for medicinal or famnily p~urposes call at the Centennial To the Farmn r.q anrl Plalit eras of Fyou want any Liquori' for your Ia boor or lantationl putrposes, call at tho Centennial Bar, waere you can bya bottom prices for b y a -CASH. F. W, lTlBENICHlT, fob :22 F.raprietor. S3IAVING SAL~OON. r IllE uderignedl takes this o~1the6 of ...i~fiin th'o pubHio thaE:h6" has opoed( a having and Itair-Ouettig $aloon in the rooto two doors west oftioh post-nillee, where he will talte p1gasure in serving all those who' may,' favor '1im with a call.' ',Eyorthinglin his line'dbbe in the latent and meat fsinhaaea TI{E GREAT STAPLE. THE COTTON PLANTER'S OUTLOOK The Crop of the P st t .vo Years--What to Expect this ictr--Good Advice to Farmers. The cotton crop of 1875 was 4,669,000 bales. On the 1st of Jan uary last the crop of 1876 was esti mated by the knowing ones to be at least 300,000 bales less than the crop of 1875. During January theio was a short receipt which seemed to confirm their view, and cotton stiffened a little in price. But in February there were 41,000 balos more forwarded to our ports than in January, and hence the reckoners tell us that that in all probability the crop of 1876 will prove fully as large, if not larger than that of 1875. From September 1, 1875, to Febi uary 28, 1876, there were for warded 3,405,000 bales. From 1st September, 1876, to February 28, 1877, there were received at our ports 3,491,000 bales. During March, 1876, 352,000 bales were received. Were we called upon to "guess" from these data, we would say the crop of 1876 would exceed that of 1875. How much of it will reach manufacturers before Septem ber 1, 1877, no one can now fore, tell. We all know that for tie past three years cotton has been gradu ally declining in price, whilst the manufacture of cotton goods and the production of cotton has been steadily on the increase. During the past year the manufacturers had a surfeit of stock on hand, and all kinds of cotton goods were very low in price. Factories reported heavy losses because they had bought cotton on a declining mar ket, and, with a heavy supply on hand, were compelled to manifac. ture for a still falling market. All this condition of things, however, has changed, for this accumulated stock of goods has been disposed of, both in the European and American manufactories, whether at a loss or a profit it is not our purpose now to venture an opinion, and doubtless most of them have been constuined one way and another, so that the manufacturers enter upon a new year with their shelves empty, the supply small, the demand good, cotton low, and cotton goods ad.. vatnemg mn price. If there be no war in Europe this year, which the sages tell us .there will and there will not be, and if our Presidential muddle, which appears to have been settled for the next four years, gives us no trouble. it seems clear to us that the cotton manufacturers may anticipate a prosperous year. Can we say the same for the cotton planter ? Obse v.tion, judgment and expe rience teach us it is not a matter of vital concern to the individual planter whether the crop is four, five, six or' ton milliops~ of bales. If there is a large crop, cotton will doubtleais be low, and each planter will rece vs less for his crop. But if he is out of debt he will find that his money will buy as many necessaries as the greater amount would, wvhich hie wvould realize by selling his cotton at a higher price in consequence of the general crop being small. If the general crop is small cotton goes up, and everything that the farmer saould feel comipelled to buy goes up with it, and hence he is lhttle better off.. But it does concern the individual planter wvhether he is growing a large crop of cotton to the exclu sion of everything else, The cotton crop should be taxed for the neces sary supplies that cannot be grown at home, Jor schools, church pur poses and the annual taxes, and the residue should be a net surplus for investment. Are the farmers pitching the pres ent crop with this idea in -their minds ? Have they sown wheat enough to secure them their bread ? Will they buy molasses next year, or are they going t~o plant sorghum and imake their own syrup, and save seed and fodder enough to winter their stock hogs and dry 'cattle upon ? Have they sown at least five acres of oats to the mule so that should they fall in a corn erop they will not* be obliged to cut tivate this and the- next crop on botight con hc ssure to make poor mulesidsec onte a plat laid off upon. Which to plant pea. to make- hay enough to winfer his milch cows tikt witer, and by this means make his -own butter anul drink his own milhi? ' ' Or has each onebgefek~ W roun upthiose. beautiful Oo top ad.adto aanaa a mn those balcs 1 o will roll out next Fall I Fu an himself is not icre dcedp tive than a prospective cotton crop. We say, then, beware of it. Cotton will doubtless bring a good price next Fall, but this will avail you nothing, if you have to exchange it for all other nocossarios, 'which will be equally as high priced. --News and cou'ier. The Mormon and His Wives. "Among the gentiles," asked a re porter of a Mormon in Silt Like City, "oven one wifo is often roe iri ed as an expensive luxury, H.>w is it that among the Mormons a poor wan is able to support several wives?" "Oh, that is easy to explain. A man who joins the Mormons gener ally makes money by it. Let us supposo a icase. Say a European po:sa.nt comes over here with his wife, having been induced to join the Mormons in Utah. Ho i;nueli ately t.akes possession of 160 acres of good land under the law of Con gress. Now, this is a groat thing for a man who has probably neter owned a foot of ground before. The land out there, you must remember, is very good. The soil is rich and deep, and the rain. fall has increased, I suppose, about one hundred per cent. in the last fifteen years. Still, the land has to be irrigated to some extent. Well, the man goes to work and puts upi a little hut made of slabs or logs and mud; Then h, gets a cow, raises crops, and pulls through the first year. He may h tvo brdight over a peasant girl to work for him at say $2 or $3 a week. He sees that he can just as well marry thq girl and save the iwages he would othorwio have to' jay her. He a baby after a while, and the next year he puts this now ,wife of his with her baby, upon another lp~ acres of land. Perhaps he hais boen smart enough to build his hut just on the boundary of the farms, so that by putting up an extension the new 'family' can live in the same house and got on another farm, Then as he extends his domain, he will marry more wives, and each of his additional children he puts upon another 160 acres, Now, you know, after the settler has occupied a farm for five years, built upon and work-, ad it, he gets a full title to the property from.the Federal Govern ment. Each of his wives, after he has lived on another 160 aero3 for the same time, can swear o ut a clear title as 'head of a family,' This has always been done, and is done still. And thus the head of the concern, who cane into the country a poor peasant, often becomes a regular patroon, living in ease, in the centre. of his domain, while his wives and their children go on increasing thQir numbers and his wealth 'Now ydn know just lion it is done." Fashion Notes. Now galloons are from one to three inches wide, and are in flower designs, showing. ,tWyo ox three ," colors. They are of silk for silk suits, and of mixed diflf'and wool foa'' wvoolen dresses,' '1hey; eost fr'oi" seventy-five coiats to $2.501 a yard. For trimmuing wvaal1 drgsans &we , bands of wvhit~e muslin wrought in, Greek and .Smyrnaf~itteihs min bhuo or scarlet, or .elseWith heavy scallops of color.' .'he' 'ambut# embroideries are no, .shown in thick work as well asjp' the ope~ patterns so long id ii..LE~z&d The fringes just imported are as elegant as lace, and qiute 'as expen sive, some of them b6lhg'& 1.igh as' $8 a yard. The nettediheading sis, as broad as the drooping 1frigg, And'' there are "flies" or d ble $ppsels,, of crimped silk caught irow'ghtgg of tassels, and these 'are aspeeially . liked in rich silk for triraming silk wraps. For the. awoolen Dolnrms , that will bb worn in the spring in gray and brown 'shades are' wool64 fringes to match, in pries begin nling as low as sixty cents ayarth and.' extending up t~o $1.20. Theseo wdl.i be considered moroappropi'iate than the more expensive si1k fringas for' hI wool garment. Morning jackets for. dressing zor ~" for breakfast ar pi .$wIlled wqol)., ~ and of flannels of pajo or of dArk shades of blue, rose oi- dardinali, imnd': are ermbroiderod lightly -with' #hite flosu. They are reade with * deep" sailor collar, apa tire sli~htly sloped. z in with the *1gure. Opera.,Aannels ,* are also ttsed for -this purpose, .afia are trimmed with *pinked1 batids*le"t with bi~ ande piped ,or oor4dd'I wiU49whi. These wem op4 unr, maude withe ermnbioidery s omn point Russe and'dani doa butoshai' l 'or those who do not' use n ww&. ha ihenalaia *nnmaaa