The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, March 01, 1877, Image 3

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1tAtJuQAD SCHEDULES.-,-The follow ing are the hours at which the trains on the C. C, and A. R. R. pass Winnsboro : REGULAR PASSENUES-.-NIOIT. For Charlotte, 1.10, A. M. For Augusta, 2.33, 4. U, McoCxoD4TIN Ji$I lo-w-PAY, 'ot .g'tta, 10.26, A. W, For Charlotte, 11,33, A, M, New Advertisements. Citatjon--O. It, '.hompson, Judge of Probate. Emperor William Cabbage James Campbell. It was stated a few days ago that the thieves' organ in Columbia, the Union-Ilerald, had gone under, but the dirty sheet is still alive, Governor Hampton has appointed MI} John W. Evans trisi jns~ice for 1?airfield county, in the place of Ir. Mir. James Aiken, removed, The collection of the Hampton Contribution still goes on finely in Fairfield county. The amount col lected up to four o'clock on Wed nesday afternoon is $3,729.63. Agricultural liens of all forms are kept eonstantly on hand at the office of THE NEWs AND HERALD, or sup RilSd af shdrt' uoticb. Satisfaction guaranteed in this line of work Prices as low as the lowest. Mrs. Thos. L. Rosborough died last week at the residence of her fatler, . J. B. Cloud, Esq., near Ridgeway, after a lingering illness. We tender our sympathy to her bereaved husband and fanily. Trial Jnstices cam furnish them, selves with the necessary blanks by applying at the oflice of TiE NEWS AND HERALD. A full assortment of these blanks will be kept constantly on hand, or supplied at short notice, Prices low, work good, and satisfac tion gua t&ed We heve had the .plear ne of meeting Mr. B. C. Logan, the gener al traveling and canvassing agent of the Charleston News and Cou rier. Mr. Logan has many friends all over South Carolina, and he may be always sure of a, yann 'lcome from them. The paper he repre eents is by long odds the best in the State, and bids fair to increase every day in .populari~ty and usofulness. The Supreme Court still wavers on the decieion of the gubeirnatorial question, On the meeting of the cotrt o'g Twenday. morning, Judge Willard said :"In the case of Tilda Stephens, alias .Tilda Norris, the Court was in hopes that a decision would be rendered to-day, particu larly'in view of tihe great interest takeii In the -case. I leave hopes, how ever, that a decision will be reached in a few days." Gret efforts are making by the Radicals to influence Justice Wright to decide in favor of Chitmberlain in the gubernatorial question. A tremendous pressure is being brought to bear upon himi, and every appeal that partisan malice and ingenuity can suggest, is . made to him. There is a general confi dence, however, that Judge Wright will resst all these appeals and decide according to law and justico. DENTAL iOE.-D.'isaiah Simp son, Surgeon Dentist, Charlotte, N. C., respectfully informs the citizens and psiblie .geneally> thate he a will visit Winboo' pofessiolly,1' oin the 19eh day of Februiarf,'7f, and remaini ten days or two jyeoks. Call early and save time and confusion at the last,' us tiwmin ldoney. & T.leeth extracted without pain. To as cash. Satisfaction guaranted Febi'ary 14. Tati '$ T ~EL EDITToN,'...The tri-weoedf 'ellition~ of Thu Ngwo ANID NiER AN.ui)OW' sent to gll porg g~ wioe ine4ghe; book of the old T.l. Weekly Netos. Should any of these dqsireg 'lo~ i s, transf~i-kf Yh' No)' of the weekly edition, anddlaM 'i those now reeiving the latter wish to eilange for the-tr-Weekly, they, will - J t4 j The trial justice practioe ip iri creasing, both in the number and the importance of the cases brought before the courts. Justice Robort son had quito an interesting case before him on Tuesday, involving some. important questions of lay and a considorablo awount of money, The plaintiff sued for $55 and in torest, claiming that sum to be duo on the purchase of a horse in the possession of the defendant, A judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff for $35, with interest and costs. A compromise was af terwards effected, and plaintiff, do fondan, justice, witnesses, lawye s, horse snd all went on theim way .. Jgicino, _______ .$UY. ONLY THE BEST.-It will be a waste of time and rnone~y fot farm ors to bily inft'rior fertilizers be pause they aro seemingly cheap frora being low priced. Use only articles which have been tested for years, and have proved -adapted.- to the ain1kiiig of corn and cotton. Such an article is the Wicox, GIDns & Co.'s Manipulated Guano, which the manufacturers offer, through their agents, on very liberal terms, de livered at the depots in the interior; payable in Middling Cotton, at fifteen cents per pound, delivered at planters' nearest depot next Fall WHAT GOvERNOR HAMPTON THINKS. -Governor Hampton has expressed to a reporter his judgment as to the course to be taken by the ]Demo crats in view of the decision of the Electoral Commission. He. says: "I think it not advisable to" throw obstacles in the way of the deeision of the'Commission. We submitted our case to that Tribunal, and, if we have been deceived or betrayed, we can better afford to suffer defeat which brings no dishonor to our party than to incur the imputation of acting in bad faith. Other legitimate means of redress are still open to us, without resorting to parliamentary tactics, . which may imperil the peace of the country, and would surely place us in a false position. The interests of - the whole country demand a peaceful settlement of the pending ques. tion." DEMOBATro ORoANIZATION.-TIle Demoeratie Club of township no. 4 hold a meeting on Tuesday night, when stepa were take to restore the orginization to that condition of discipline and efmciency to which it had attained just before the election. A reeeting will, be held on next Tuesday 'evening, when important reports from committees will be submiitted. We urge upon the members of the Club n full atten4 anco at that time. All must see the necessity of maintaining the Diemo cratio orgenization in this county, and the citizens of township no. 4, who did such fine work in the eatn: paign, should not be slow to take such steps as will rebbpre. their loegl organization to that ie conditiov in whiceh it.wavs in kilovember. . Am the *siine may be said of all the (SubI in the noun&ty. It wifllndt Ao- to iat the organizotion fall to- piees8, and it may be kept up with no great trouble. . An occasionaT ':m'eetini during the year, If fuly attended, will serve the end desird4 Th.e need be no great trpuble Qr.olassof time. E]veg nun, wlhatever his oi cupation or condition, can without an~y sacerifice of his interests spare time egog~gly'to giyvp a regu~laz at tondanf'9 upon the aneetings. We hope t.yrechive from every eac'Lion of the co~unty thp at~teienq it eye&'y Club has ie1 its nieeting and put its organizatibu~ in thorough *0or" -ing order, Exdra Deutble'BJrown Deer,. RF ED expee for sotlng:I Berased k er., e. m. ush eiekDsobu o rpom eitcat u s *~~r teae giys fui f -a TO OJR WAJST@MBRS T O a - '---- - - - HO are indebted to us for ?ROVIH. IONS or PHOSPHATES, we would respect fully call attention, that your bills are du< on or before ther first of Novem1>er W. are depending on you for payment Al ONCE, to enable 'us to meet obligationi made to assist yon, a ad wbic ire dej a that time. In order for us, as well as you, to main tain our credit, it is necessary to-med M promises promptly. . Beaty, Bro.d Son oct 12 LAID BRO EW havey now .completed ong d the best stoekso of DRY GuODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, YANK NQ IONS IN THE Q~y say, howeven, thet ppr4)es Calicoes ato l' cents a yard. .We cannet:, sell themewp : ufo and have T4"' tmfr p~rofit on .Jl.Goods. NJ ll ) US*. i4I~ A1.1 a 'a.-. Jr at~ sw e T AL~WAYS 0 3 KA (l.'l --AT The Cheap Cash tore -OF B$luilfe1efl r & Co. ft Ir'rW4 41 uI SUGAR, COFFEE, CABBAGE, CHOCOLATE BROMA,- FLAVORING EX TRACTS, POTATOES, &o,, &c. --0 - P 'r .o -OD S, CLOTHING, Boqa and Shoas feb 27 Sewin-anh~o MARk -e r oritA _" _ NOIabueu a e Vn Misamg. WVork. O-~U)3 Y/oII1*4I.IiN and WiprkaunnsIalp. -d 7)---,IGREAT Rit DEICTION IIN froin the Faoctory, written gur 4atee wit each 1' wat WY X Q.LDJIOE11 o *$Send fp e roIp n~ ,Igigeg eb 17 expon - IB - i rnsiiE unders%n r~~~'$ found on the east aide o~h~h rean Orangces Ki es adID .a., alI-frmh J, t ld A PE' ,xij mu - rn1. df)" "td n o troon1 giin errnM inu 'r: 0 t 1 t4 r! rs _NP- TRIAL 4 ' A1f1.,i# inose enCru4ej , f 4 ": Jiii'"ta )ither onpaoity will roooiVo prom t lt en ,ion _ _ ',no4 "ctT it. jW'.+ta Office on \VaS ton M614--t, one door mat of WinnabdtaJIotsk!''1' " 1. A .8r il'i.i i '1 J ifd.ttslii rxta4ns, gr r") r. fry A. 4I 4CKEY, etttprney and (3opnael}or at ILaaw, 1 ' t' 1{/itlud , 0:1 1,n' ,4:1e;tL,)' ot pp "t ,pq.-, ,., s " yNk olleotiou of claim,. Willpri the courts pf thilt But, G- h Upi id .$1 A ,1 i':: ':It ', V 1.J. :t( s:f(tsh L2 1'li ,t. r "tli,)f r 4' r .r yr; f" "i .:tt". .. v: T .r ,i f "f " " sT. 1 iT u f 0'! 'rrf:itil i:.{ (s"rs ti L'+.t 'J iprinl Prints Winuiutta, i*i iod ho" Looms N. QlcY,. tll4jl . Long; C loth,, big 1 )cat,("Cm[ hle,: d41 fit{ qI) }ri:< urid ttl iuu litQtzlln> au Q }('t' i)Eli :'. 00 o7e (1:11,1 I tJ "1' :'' )'Lu i :lltr! ti"]'r: .t)At3tntiIto ii:)a( ",r3 1.ifiir.u.r Q1 .tits)r' oil; tiilij 1,1i1c)'{r oil id-gw'01 lt: i a ovnd oW - : snirt. o'ji bocV i 4 J of."iahceie wiil d"1r ltliitp tar'o sb; i3T 1' 'R"c3l 4 9 4fiQ V' tRM'tfl* 1eiwborb, uR t:;oa 14.1 pyp'i,{u. iiitq aril +fc. t ni t' i+ t7 !i ' . 17 -r 1 7] Ci l'Sd 1 M * i 1 odk 'of'f' Buist'rl Qardep Sceda, which we gusranteo to-I ert abS'rrrc" rir(.t ,J.iri4(dA. itCLAI, LL4$AA,!?+f) .L.t i3 :ri1./?rtl lit ' tTil- "r; .'}f, f,6 ! " j')-,I /4ili "iln+ii"i i.Ui:t2 PlI3'f( --+a:3 l; i -"- 41iIU siiLL_ _.,t .? :t' [LTUA t9 t'!1t' :'. CONRM ,t ::. i , (. jH /; ' i i'.U<l 8L ei"7R1 f. h -.r i"'" QAI+r A' ' 11214 Ioxc, ):t' , i } , ,. 1 . ..'i :t ".f ti: {ir'i f, l.:llr l i( 't ,, ia .i , ' t iypranrarooetat r lat[wn l ybt{W aavyyyan; n+rw tv.:arvr..r TO '1 iiii NEW STUCK OF.