The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, March 01, 1877, Image 2

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y, ~j~arch ,1, _ : 1877. It. *M DAVIS. . .~I JKO. $. REYNEOLDS, t dIt4p The counting ti' b o *Hayes was the Cro(w)nin infamy. is~testh rious.po liii~acitultdrcbR, let us not forget Sena ov1Thiiri a i,' )JiiI conhued_ to h1a'ribwd, 1A.t i ,kdi~$'Zii$ 0ofi ou on the r F i 4isivit. .The Commission 8 too mioh eind made him sick. Kornan of EN vFk ' uc ceeded himV" " n A.I. Turkey a ~iSery,1 of o(t i tIici'd atreaty ofpeace. '..&io for any Christian to cprp1liic them. Th -MC I Qpbos, ~p ideq1 ro war a~i~4st iQ $ R, eAsagqq n his empire has thawed out. The etowb are.,to. -3tep :ypt 'fbi.; hi& " mtvto The appointment, by Goveii~in Hampton, MW' 1;'I. liie , T~iykor ns Inpco q ~~ is cm ; 6t ,Qn,;CoL, Whylol, 'aa - dent of the State Agricutltural. Abo ,1 tar I. , 1e qSato Uf a Quo o . 9 , lecdigagri. culturista of the State,- ind' his, actil w$1efrcQpted wih'orlfidenie. Telditiuems~o .11ad 'a " hi ratte -i n of' $ 80;bjbhl tia'tin dowed the "John Wq14 " ,1enkexpial Professorship of tliei UJnive?i6 -'f Pei 7mmylvahia" hrh61!dbt otth'e 0pres4i= det1)'ti te' eiteia1 na q' PIa str dttish43d by, Cdntdhw peaut an f opcdrii b1 l gin toatu hots a wqrj, JIQ waIA T , $ ? .1t o touhual & I ithe' genly dorediteil 'o gr'* o,1f ~f: Has.h t datfi$ abd;~. b4ito rial dernandings tht., Q~itlert Grant' siioukd at once . 'redogr~i~e Pac~rc andc "troo sl td dh b the Nioholls govb}iiisibirt 'aid4 'puI down ' "isr~tp 1wihthe editorial claimed hail oustetd "in Louiijn. inob the "l4th' of Selo ber, 1874. Th'o recej~t "iiiWii ton 14 tbi) Wpparently otoial maui foetop4,the poiy of IayOsdovOlted. the corrupt element in Southern politics, the plainer, moreleg:, more .a. be n-eseeoure-wi-tr accept the ver i et of-to majority of tote oo le of" thy tivo disputQ. o. 4qt e in the 4 fs tio pi 'n pton a#( Omitting all other considerations forthe~prufent;- it'pies sufficibit ro show that tinW-at'e 'acid ft i(e's. .dential-elections-do not-116Veid~ on each.o te f t iniirsaliy con ceded that Hayes and Hanptpn ,)o, S,oi qghw' .Wei- the Canvassing Board counts thW Aec , 9r ;otpf th9,49gishattx&e deolhres e guberinatonal electior - and the ejgisty ire,dges of tie qualiffa tions of its own members; TMb ouvapsing ,Board's doclhatiton of the eleotio n oidgilitt rll 'Illegal and will be, disregtrdd. .;; will t i i iMr. ..Jayesi to permit the Canvassing Board to judgb ofbis-' e1'tibi aid the ogis lature to decidg t,.e qucstion ; of governor. He is in no way indebt ed to th6 Odnvasking'Boat-2 They acted properly in reference to iuj.' self. But ii illegally a sipig .,to ti c4e coiplMoein of 1 than Lo'isla turentbeJ osrbd>ommitt d it Aieirnus wrong, and Ir. Hayes canioaford to assyme additiptl burdern pqrattinug, the .results oA their' infamy. Unless he be an ttbatIone'd witblr; lMwi'll;AWkt'4ha a ivith dir Stat~e gfletrs ..! Even in Louisiana, Hayes and Paokard are sfotmutaAly delMd dent. The Rettfrning Board f.t $t te ha, p. elaps t>e, right toonv the electoral returns. But the provls. ,on oft thd'Lortiidaha Constitution ik to the Legislature apd goverrlpQ, -ip similar to ours. 1. The Logiallitute jiulga.vf the qualiicatione df itt own members and also declmrn e eledtloh of :erno . Tli 'ef.urn. ing Board, #ternpted1 trbald: usurpa. tion of power.-in rejecting '-thy Democratic legi14tors and' giving bertificates to" the a flidas. . Tlhe Nicholls Sent,iAsa q uo2trnmi even of Returning Board' members,' while tAo House hr's it'qndrnm ofndinner elected, and asfull qqorun, ,papable, under the constitutioxi of judging ofthe eleetionrof. its inombors. ' The Nicholls Legislattire canvassed the vote' acording to y and declted Nicholls goyernor. The Packard Legislature has'tot dvein a-prdteid" d eiter branclu. i compo theeforo for gtr. LIpyes t~d assume that he is ebtitled: to ithe to~to of; onibiawtn avhle h thinee time (tQ sidmit th),the Legis1pture( which is'the day .thorized :lao:dy' ijsleyfndly~tdeclaqd aNicholls igy course he can pur;sye. It, therefgre i by no means, truo, A.t~ayes, ika1dan d Ohamberlain are bo~nd together. .Whi~IThe pebp1 of thebo two Stateg will do, if Mr.. iSayps %Ahoul4 b9p r gnanp a~ to on davor to foist two defeated cie hggeie'jthun thWii> It 'IA o the pr jg'mp tp qss2 Att9 agy that Wadse Mai tori po1iody, will be governor of~ tgli ce1dte'of58outfi Ciiolid.4 \hen the canoe of eolithbCh'?efii th ifw9 ho~xges gi . grops~ e ~t&i wer~e raised. anid thatcase wont objdetions de af'iddlc 1). That no le a .91ec ion was b ld h'da~uEh GM t 'f - tal that Stato EAJ aIhn n , tl1$ntijtt1id 'tho ' "fror giratbn, oltI ~ ord df~o h r6. 4l 9f buaf 7,', ' br ekla tate;oling rinetbpataheedte ofhtli 1xii0f i t . ' gl nag of no legal or free- election was or could be hold. dLhat, -at-- the several-potling' places in said State wore stationed "gnited States deputy marshals, appojigtp4 undor the provisions of sections 021 and 2022 of the United 8tate rvised sttutes, which pro pk or etdbonstitutional -4nd voi ; that said deputy marshals, exceeding over one thousand in mimb r-by lhoir unlawful and arbi ltr1ty a actiod,l ilk beliendi to' the, irnpropr .and - illegaL-instr-uotions received, by thern fon - the- Depart. -ment of Justico, so intoriferod with the full and free exercise of the right of suffrage by the duly qualified voters of said State that a fair elec tion could not be aid .was not held in said State on November 7, 1876. V hft'tteoew4s rot, ,from;; the 18B 6ftan iarf, 18'1, up to and ii eluding the 10th of December, 1876, at any time a State government in the, stptto ei South Carolina except a pretended government set up in violation of law and of the constitu~ tion of the:United States, by Feder l authority, and sustained by Federal troops. VEGETINE. Striltew ht the root df diseaso bf purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to, hi4thy1aotion, invigotttting the netlots system. Tegetino Is not a vile, nauseous ddmpound, which simply purges the bowels, but a wuth, pleasant remedy which is sure to purify the blogi,( thereby restore. tho hialth. Yegetino Is now prescribed in cases ot Scrofula and other diseases of the bit od,, by many of the bost phyidiah. owing to its great success in curing all diseases of this nature. Vegetile. Does not deceiv.e invalids into false hopes by purging and creating a fictitious appo tite but assists nature in clearing and purtfying the whole system, leading the patient gradually to perfect health. V'getine, Says a Boston physicion. "has no equal as a blood purifier. Hearing of its many wonderf tt cures; after all other remedies had faiteld, 'I visited the laboratory and pnvinced myself of its genuine merit. It is prepared from barks, roots and herbs, pach of which is highly effective, and they ale compounded in such a manner as to produce as oiiishing results." Vegetin3 Is noknoivled ged and recommended by physicians and apothecaries to be the best 'linrifler and cleanser of the blood yet discovered, and thousands speak in its praiseo who have been restored to health. WHAT IS NEEDFD. BosTON, Feb. 13, 1874. Mn. H. R. STvENs: Dear Sir-About one year since, I found myself in a feoble conditiori from gencral debility. VEGETINE was strongly recom mended to me by a friend. who had been iuchi benofitted by Its use. I procitred the article, and after using several bottles, a'va restored to health and discontinued fA'use. I feel quite oonfideit that there is ?o medicine superior to it for those comp)1lain ts' for 'whiceh it is especially pre pasred, and woulId cheerfully recotniend it to those who feel that they need somue thing to restore them to perfect health. Respectfually yours, - U.L. 'ETTNGII1L, ,Firmn gf S. M. ?ettingill & Co.; 10 state St. Boston. FE~EL MYSELFi A NEW MAN. NA TIc1, MASS., June 1, 1872. 'ia. HI. R . STEV.ENs; SDear Sir-Through the advico and earn. qst persuasion of Rev. E. 8, liest, of this p1co, I have been taking VEGET1INE for i?3sepsia, from which I have suffered for t'I hdave used only two bottles and already feel 'uyselt a new man. R ~lespectfully, - IUn , , ART.ER. -PREPARED BY Id$SdN, NIASS. Egtineo Is Soltd by all ui,~Is -,. CoDN 'Py of~ JFARFIELD. .Ajy, 0I.L110Mb90Ns, Esq., Probate Judge. made suit to meo to grant him lter of ad e ed ~)sta and ~ Aie are, therefore, to cite and adnmons is and singular tho kindred and eredi r% of the said Richard Dove, Sr., do 4ese that he be a pp PrJ~4 ~ijld Court house, 8. 0., on the' 16th ykf Mairoh next, after publication uiPat 11 o'olookc in'. fOYhodtn, to sho~bause, if any they have, why the said diatration should not be granted. OiS ,-n0. R THOMfPSON, a~H~frm of JO1 'Q)g4 ?1mgUI. U~tjW Is this daydhsolved by mutual 66nhut. Robeyl ..lti,rew.. a--herby Et~u so isett.e the bu ro ~ hi s ereoF AAb~it t erm-of JI0 'Xe rgquetdE4 th r atorne efeb20mI .~. oant astama IMPORTANT -TO S.TnRIST8S -0 -- Emperor Williin Cabbage. r HE b1ut;' larhestardiest and most a. p rote etvaqty, of witeri: CAsBAoE known in Europe, and imported to this country exclusively by the under.signed, whore, with little cultivation, it flour ishes astonishin*ly, 'ttaining an enor mous size, and selling in the market at prices most gratifying to the. producer. In tran i>.ting, great 'care should be used togive suticient space for growth. Solid heads the size of the mouth t a fiojir pirrel is tho'aerngo run' of ,this choice Vafity.. One phokage of the seed' sent post paid on receipt.of 50 cents, and one 3 cent postage stamp. Threo packages to one address S 00 and two 3 cent stamps. 1' I} 4 es spit qp reveipt'of $8 00. a: 'a n ii weil known Garrett Co. a':y endor says of the E\iPERoit WI. L1AM Cabbage: BLOOMINOTON, GakInIET CO., Md., Jan. '-2, 1877. Mn. JAm.Es CAaligLL, 66 Fulton St. N. Y. "Der Sir:--i bought some seed f rom you last spring, anid it was good. Your Em peror Williitiii Cabbage suits this climate well. "On a toiiitain side the seed you sent me prdlioed Cabbages weighing tirt?" pounds each. Very truly 'ours, JA-IES BROWN. IP I am Solo Agent in the U. S. for the famous IYIjdsono Opion. Seed from Maidstone, Kent Co., England, pro ducing the 'most producing the most prolific andIlnest .favorcd Onions known and yielding on suitable soils from 800 to 9110 bushels pey aero, sown in drills. Mr. Henry Colvaii, a large mrket garden or at vryuse, N. V., writes, "Your Eriglish Onion Seed surprised me by its large yield, and the delicious flavor of the fruit. I could h: ve sold any quant-ity ir this mar .et at good'prices. My wife says she will have iootheronions for the table in i Lture. Send.on as much as you can for the~ eticlosed $5,0(0." One 'p'ackago of aced sent on reocil:t of 50 cenis an'd ono 3 cent postage stamp, three packages to one address 1 001' and two 3 eent stamps. . Twelve packages sent on receipt of'$8 00. Mly supply is limited. Parties desiring to secure either of tho above rare seeds. should not delay their orders All seed wAitIaANTED FIIEsi AND TO OE1MINATE. Cash must accompany all orders. For oitler of the above seeds, address JAILES CAIPRELL, Imar 1-xfGm 66 Fulton St., N. Y. r 1IRE Commissioner of Agriculture, in his report for the fiscal year 1875, speaks as follows: "Thore can be no doubt of the general adulteration of all malt liquors. i Eng land and other counties, where heavy penalties are imposed. and an increasing vigilance practiced to detect and punish such fraoi s, by a system of inspection of all mnit iquors rn uflctured before ex nosed to a"idt, the practice is very colm mon. How much more in this country. whore there are no laws on the subject, and no oficer to carefully analyze the products of' the brewery ? Some years ago, Professor Mapes, of Naw York, analyzed the beer from a dozen diiferent breweries, rand all wore found adulterated with nox ious substances, It is said that the saie of drugs to brewers is a profitaible part of tiin trade. Tihis is pecrfectly infamous. 'Cocicul us indicus, (flsh-borry) nu x vomnica (dog-button) from which strych nine is obtained, are some of the delecta ble substances found in beer! TIhese are poetcat poi-ons, and the brewer found using them should. be dlrownedl at once ini otfe of his owvn vats. VTe British Par 1 iament pass si a .lawv to preven t this nefaui~ub. bhs eid/.4 ThCe following is an extract: 'No druggist, .'endor of' or deal er in dIrugs, or chemist, or any other pecr son, shallI sell or deliver to a'ny licensed brewer. dealer in or retailer of beer, k oewing themi to be suoh,f dr shall sell or ~itver to any person on account of; or in truat for, any such brewer, dealer or re tailpr, any liquor called by the name of' or sold tbr coloring, from wvhat ever material the sagno aya be miadlo; or any nmaterial 19y, 9Tuasia, oeculus indicus, grains dfirsdise, Guinea pepper, or o->ium, or any ottract or preparation of molasss,pr, any article or preparation to be'' used in ' worts beer~ for or as a substitute .for malt er hops; arid if any druggist. shall 'uffend in any of these particulars, such prepara tion, Ajc., shall beofeitgd, and ma be seiy~ed by any officer of oxcise, and the perspn so oft'enldngsbiall forfeit five hun dr~d ounds.' "Unde 191 law, very matny druggists and brewers were brought to grief, and phthe praetice continues. Unless the ^.meridan public are ready to admit the inmIclaito purity and ilinocee of rnou ian kr~er -lh It cr )n belief that thecy are at the same time guzzlingsomie nareotic poison or damag ing me icine. In view of the unprece dented growehigf p 'imy okoy; of~hi great increase bflho number of mialaiters Ang rowers; of the vast unknown quali tieb 61 beer that are drunk In overy city and Aknost every town .on the continent, tf ujct of th aditrato ou mal , and oro.penalic shudb as a r"oen te." -lumbI if b~1 ~ a r2j up qI edtaf es'tb~w mwethod of tmhe ~ublic t SJoint6 qR:W to' - ~oorg west of the. Bee 4M ,Were 1e w111 tk~ pl ire Wit alEvrytin in ~ino done F41 testand m 'a STATE OF SOUTIt CAROLINA, COUNTY OF FAnWELD. In the Court of Probate. To Judy Ford, Boubon Ford, Jesso Ford, Dennis Ford, Preston Ford, Caroline Eggleston, Elizaboth Richardson, Rhina Cason, Rhody Ford and Phony Ford, legal heirs of Sanders Ford, who died intestate : Y OU are hereby required to appearat , the Court of Probate to be holden at Fairfield Court House at eleven o'clock, a, in., on the twelfth day of April, A.,D. 1877, to show cause, if any you can, why the real estate of Sanders Ford, deceased, de scribed in the petition of Louisa Dennis, flod in my ofifee, should not be divided or sold, allotting to the said Judy Ford one-third thereof, and to the said Reuben Ford, Jesse Ford, Dennis Ford, Preston Ford, Caroline Eggleston, Elizabeth Rich. ardbon, Rhina Cason, Rhody Ford, Phony Ford and Louisa Dennis each one-f.. teenth thereof; and also wby the said Judy Ford, Reuben Ford, Jesse Ford, Caroline Eggleston, Elizabeth Richardson, Rhina Cason, Rhody Ford and Phony Ford should not account for the rents and profits of said real estate since the tenth (lay of August, A. D. 1873, and provision be made for the payment to the other par ties of their respective shares of such rents and profits. Given under my hand and seal. this the twelfth day of February, A. D. 1877. O. R. THOMPSON, feb 14-1 aw6t. J, P,F.C. SPRING GOODS -FOR IS77 n To-day the campaign's fairly closed, The lucky man is ho Who takes his seat on the 4th of March Our President he'll be : And now the next best thing Just suited to our mind, Is where to get the cheapest goods The best of goods to find. -3y friends and I went out one day, Some New Spr'ing Goods to buy; And we resolved,before we went, The different stores to try. We wandered Winnsboro all around Until our feet wore sore, And found the very, atlast, T'was SOL WOLFE'S New Cash Store. Of Hats, Clothing and Boots and'Shoes, The latest to our view The very best styles of Dress Goods, And Prints so cheap and new. So then, my good friends, one and all, Now is your time to try .. What Bargains you can get of me Or, you need not be, of SOL. Mbl Dr. W. E.Aiken, -DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, PECRFUMERY, &c,&. .Fresh supply of Garden~ Seeds just received. feb 22 J. CLENDiNING, Boot and. 899 Natnfhtc~rern WVINNSB3ORO, S. C. ~ THE -undersigned re.. sliectfnlly announces to tIme citizens of Fairfield that he has removed his Boot and .lm hadanufactory to one (leer below Mr. C. Muller's. I am prepared to manufacture all styles of work in a substantial and wvorkmnanlike manner, out of the very best zrpaterials, and~ at prices fully as low as the sameo goods can b-manufactu~red for at the North or elsewhere. I keep constantlyo hand a; -good Stock of Solo and Upe Leather, Shoe Findings &o., which w11b bold at reasonable prices. Repairing p)romp~tly attendled to. Ternis sttlCs ~fai b~ried Rides bought. rc, ah oct 12 J .LENDINIj. To the Citizens -of Faitflt4 jF you want a pure and unadulterated 'Article of Lignors for medicinal or Bar~ily p~urposes call at' the Centennial To the F arme rs and PIantgrso Fairfld. F you want any Liquors for -yoM' la e bCertr or phmatation purposes, call at bottom i a fo3an, where you cap buyat 0-F."W. RABENIO~r', 'f~lh 22Proprietor Om'ns JUInG o# '1oD* .O -Winlnsbe,'o, Fb, 19, QU rDanI e ~trr rd n istra. anua adPrysa n arrael In th ra