The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, February 01, 1877, Image 1

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I '. y''A. l . .. .n w . .. YY: .+e'''1 i .+!W fr,. .. : , ... ",'' . . . TAM nwrnr 11 1 H .r .p,.. y;. , yM ..Y ~al I " W WI ErnTIoN 77 ''y TRI-W!EDHLY .WINNSBOIi . o. THURSDAY MORNING; FEBRUARY 1 1877. ~ _ ^^ NFW STOCW "7 1 p srfl1nT GOdps WILL BE AT P A N:N E NB E R W rDRY GOODS, CLOTHING; OOT AND SHOE CALL AID SEE THEM. jan25_ 1 IEWGROCERYSTORK HAVING taken pharge of the Gr~o pcery Store formerly occupied by R. Li. Dannenbrg, I desirp to informi fbo public that I keep constantly on find a frpesl and choice stacic of FAI~ILY GROSERIES. I am, -yours Respectfully, N. LEVIN, Jr. W~innsboro, S. C., Dec. 14th, 1876. Winnsbgi o H o~pI. IFHE ungersigned Ae~kos pi9asureoi informing his friepas ppd the publio that he has rem,qyo4 t9 that largo and pqmmodious B~rlck Hlotel, loonito d .in tho otentre of business, wvhere ho is prepared to acoomnlodato thenm with clean and well furnished rooms, and a table sup plied 'with the best that the market pffords, ~Ie intends to deserve and hopes to ;oeo the publico patronage. M!. L. BROWVN, January. 8, Propr,..o. Publi?hers and 'irters Cai buy (irect of the Manufacturer on favorable terms. "TnE ANsoN HARDY CUTTING MACHINES are the boss and oheapest low priced machine made, and have a pational ropu tation for utility and durability."-The -Yectrofyper, Chicago. THjjE ANSQN HARDY PAPER CUTrn is by far the best inachino which ean be ob tained for a loss price than one hundred dollars. It is of great st;egth. These machines have always taken the highest t'and. It is the only machine to which is appliod the Patent Movable Cutting Board. This devige has a reputation of itself: by it, the cutting board cap be in stantly and acouratoly maovqd, "o that a perfect out is insured, Tihis is a very im -portant point in the machine, and one that is possessed by no other. It greatly reduqces the labor or preparation in work jhg- the paper -backward tittd+'forward. We cannot too strQugly ret~qpimnond the advantages of this patent nov4lo bqard. It is worth the price of this maohin?, and purchasers should fully understand how highly it i o be valued."-Geo. P, Roceil (b.'sr .Aewspaper Reporter and Printer' tiazelle. Tun LATEST IMPROvED HARR CARP CUT TER is pronounced the most desirablo Card Cutter in the market, for the general uses of a printing office. The well known RuoLrms Caun CUTTErn, with my latest in provements. is still pre ferred by many piirItefs, andl holds its favoritism over other umachinos. None genuine but those having my full address lettered in the casting. a "- Newspapers in want of advertising from first parties should send for my pircular. F. A. UARDY, A uburndale, Mpss. I will buy of Xbpso that buy of me. d0c 14 GREAT CLEARING OUT SALE of DRY G-ODs, CA IPE'8, Window Shades, BOOTS, SIOBS, and HATS, at the and Central DRY GOODS JSTABLISHIRENT of 1creery &Brother - AVING bought out the interest of W. P. LOVE,'we will make positive sale of our entire stock for cash at prices far below cost, to make room for a choice and elegant stock of SPRING GOODS. The following are some of the leading prices: Tapestry Brussels Carpets, best makes, at 41.0.9 a yard. 'Extra Suci- tipd Ipgrain# and All Wool, 50, 75 and $1.00. Window Shades' aid Rugs below cost. Dress Goods, at 10, 121 and 'l4, reduced from 50 and 75. Hosiery and Cloves at half their value. est. Standard Prints, at 6 and 8j. 4-4 Waantitfa Bleach, at 1'2. i-4 Androscoggin and Fruit of Loom, 10. Boots and Shoes at half price. Big bargains may be expected, aun " littlo money will buy a good many goode, We intend to do a live business, and wil Ii'ays have Vag'g 9-ofler du custo' mers. lag ~ oreso pe Samples sent on application agd expressage paid on bills over $10. McCREERY & BROT HER, ran$ Central Dry Goads Establishment. T. A. McCnEERtY. B. B. McCnEziny. B. A. I{AwLs. 3g og jan 25 J. OLENDINING Boot and Shoo Manufacturer, THE undersigged re spectfully announces to thQ oitjzeps of Fairield that he has removed his Boot and Shoe Manufactory to o door below Mr. C. Mullers. I am prepared to manufacture all styles of wvork ipfa substantial and wqerkganlIlse ;rapp~er, out of the very best materials, and at prices fully as low as the same goods can be manufactured for at the North or elsewhere. I keel) constantly on hand, 4gf.ed Stock of Solo and Upper Leathe ,hoe Yindings'&.e., which will be sold at yeasonable prices. Repairing promptly attended to. Terms strictly Cash. NW Dl'd Hides bought. oct 12 - . CLENDINING. W'.TE~ 01F SOJTI[ CAROLINA COUNTY or FAIRfIELD. Thos. Neely, admihitrator of Estate o1 Ann Wallhing, Deceased, vs. Elizabeth WValling; ,no. Walling and others. TN obedienee to an order frogj the I.Court of Probate, made'ig the abov~e stated case, I will offer'for sle op thp first Monday in February nexp before the Court House door in iVinnst oro, 1). 'C., ~ho tract of land belonging td the oskate of Anni Walling, deceased, containing sdven ty-f our acres, more or less, and bounded av lands of \lrs. Martha Black, estate of Ihilip Walling and others. TEeMs oF 5.Ar.-one-half cash on day of sale, b dlance In one and two 'years there after, equal instalments secured' by 'Bond an Mortgage with Interest 'from day of sale. Purobasers to pay for necessary papers. 8.W UF ' 8. W, .U. * W. . 7'O NEW ADVERTI'ISEMENTS. FAItV x 0A)oS,15 styles with rAnigue, IO4Qs. post paid. J. B. Us TPD, Nassau, lions. Co., N. Y. TRIFLING Vfit1 P Cold js Always Dangerous. USE WELLS' Cllrhjolic Tablets, a sure remody for cOughs, and all Dis eases of the Throat, Lungs, Chest and Mugqus Membrane. PUT UP ONLY Ij BLiE nOx. Sold by all Draggists. C. N. CiulTTENTON,,7 Sixth Avenuo, N. Y. A LUCRATIVE U, NESS. p We want 50' muoto first-class Sew ing Machine Ageitts, and 500 men of energy and ability to learn the business of selling Sowing Alachines. Compensa tion liberal, but varying according to ability, chaaroter and qqtalitications of the Agent. For partiqulars, Address Wilson Sewing Machine Co. CuICAoo. 827 & 829 Broadway, Now York, or Now Orleans, La. C AQ'TS WANTED FOR HISTORY ENTENT EXHIBITION It contains 330 fine engravings of build ings and scenes in- the Great Exhibition and is the only authentic and comple to history published. It treats one of the grand >uildings, wonderful exhibits, curiosities, great cients, etc. Very cheap and sells at sight. - One Agent sold 48 copies in one day Send for our extra terns to Agents and a full description of the work. Address Nationai -Publishing Co.. Phila.,lIa., sr St. Louis, Mo. CAUTION. Unreliable and worthless books on the Exhibition are being cirou lated. Do not be deceived. See that the books you buy cQ4tains 874 pagpa apd 330 fine engravings. Wouerfwu Success 1 25,000 OF TIE QfNTENNIAL EX OSITION D$SCnIDED AND ILIUSTRATED, Sold in 60 days. It being tho o- Jy conmuleto low-price work (770 pages only 82.:0 ,treating .fizhn entire historyv,grand buildings, wonderful oxh.bts,curiosities, great days, etc.; illustrated, and $1 cheap er than any oth ; evers b ody wants it. One now agent c eared $3.50 in 4 weeks. ,00 agents wanted. Send quickly for proof of above, opinions of ofnicialg clergy, and press, sample pages, full description, and our extra termis. HUBnARD Dipy4., PUs., 733 Hansom St., Phil., Pa. Caution. ' Beware of falsely claimed offloial and worthless books. Send 'for proof. NOTIC5. Are ) ble tt Irgen - i ,e nI u maalo hu rlh World. It contarn, argce on o. Fhl 1nLI.OY (of IInuATCewlr. Conpe 'i' ,, Cut er r Jtule pIt d teo. s lv btn t an y ~ s ahoal ie' Sop n a w.1 .1 dos, n 'oaid r, lt. f h nhhr ,,th n r tli l n . oeary BRID: & C. 700 Broadwny, N, Y. rA TTE.I ONION . CanAb Thnml uttr. n 709. BtrypgRoamwas. tutig.f TO T IRI~ NEW ST'OCI OJ? f3TERLING SILVERWyA1E, --AT REDUCED PRICM, Tble Spoons, 'Tpg poobs, xplgar Spons, Table Foi-ks, rap Spoons, Butter IKnives, 'Pioklo Forks, AND) Ladies' Garter Latches. dfoo. 7 ]SrOTIO3D. THE underfi ed wod tpfor his can still be found a h old btand "with -sn unusually la af ok qGoods, eat 6 j . u1, ue A SLIP ON SLIPPERS. TIE SAD EX'EIENCE OF A BIG FOOTED BROKER. Illustrating at the Same Time thg Size of the Chicago Foot. Augustus Harrison is one of the gay society young men of the West side. Hp is handsome, he dances well, he waltzes beautifully, says witty things which makesleverybody laugh, and parts his hair exactly in the middle. His gracefgl gure is ong of the Iriost familiar at al of the club dances and private partig in that part of the city. Augustus a day or two or ago was in love-deeply, madly in love with Evangeline Jerome, a pretty blonde, who hves on West Monroe street. He first met E~vangpline Jerome at one of the club parties given at Martin's last season. He loved her at first sight. Once, while looking over a volume of poetical quotations preparatory to going to .Brown's party, which everybody remembers, he came across the line, He only loves who lives at first sight, and exclaimed, "That's the gospel truth." He lavished chocolate caromels on that girl, and the coarse thoglml that she was the champIon caroiol chewer of the West' side never flashpd upon his intellect: When his sister confidentially told him that Evanlgeline "toed in," his love was not sh ipp in the least. Had she told hini that hja Eyangeling ha. big mole on her back, he would 8tl1 have loved that girl. One night this winter he froze his nose while taking her sleigh-riding. Yet he murimured pot, though the skin peeled off and nlade it look like a piece of raw veal c'tlet. Qh, he madly loved his Evangeline, and thought she adored the ground the considprable area of groqnd that he'stood on. Wednesday evening he rang the front door bell of the Jeronie family mansion. The servant girl came to the door. W'Is'Xiss Jeromo in 9" "Yes. Wialk into the parlor, Mr. Harr igon; Jhe is dressing. I will tell eWybtirare here." U:.ewalked into the parlor and sat familiarly down in the larg 'ari chair, which he often convinced Evangeline Xias big enough to hold them both, and bright expectant smiles agitated the waxed, ;ieldle like ends of his small mustache -the mustache which Evangeline, the flatterer, always said tickled so. Five minutes dragged slowly away. Vivo more minutes successfully accomlished a Similar proceeding. Augustus yawned and wvondered why she didn't come, while, as a mattet' of fact, Miss Jerome had but just put the finishing touch upon the first soap curl. Then he sauntered to the centre table and looked at the photograph album, although hep remembhd very well that ,yange liehdsiowod them to him the iirst time he called upon her. Then he sauntered to the little what-not in one of the back eqrners of the room. A paper parcel, loosely done up, lay on oneo of these 'shelves. Apigustps 'pick'pd yt up. A pair' of slippers dropped out of the paper. "My Christmas present," lhe mur-. mnured softly as he picked them up. "Darling girl. Oli I howv I love her." apd lie fell to admiring the em'. brdidery and thme pleasing pattern. On the side of each slipper wvas dog with a cardinal red head1 'a b'ack body, aigd a pjnIk tail, elhasing a green deer wvith solferigo antlers and a mnnuyg~ jl arqd al tail around eaci "heel. On the other side of each elipper' was a mgoga )alte, into which these singular deer] pg <4ogbt intended to plunge to escapp thpse pecyliar "dogs. "Oh I how bealtiflllr exclaimed Augustus. "Dear girl, I 'knew she would re- I member me." At this instant he] 'ghapcpd at the sole, and an expres bion of. acute pain, which would have been less inexplidable' had' $t peen the green-apple season, passed 1 apross his face, and ' he groaned, "G3racious heavens I number nines. Impossible ;'/ and he held the:9 to the light and looked again. 'oes, number nines. Oh I Evangeline 1 Evangeline I is it possible ? -Can it be I Is there axgother t Qh I cruel, false, heartless 'ekie ']ivag'eigeo. She loves ano hr because 'he has small feet. Thpdeeitfuil'jade. Oh! how I loved lgr. dI~ved heri aye, 'worsipipped her, adored her. Heaven helfrnp fear iis. She has brokced pny h.eart,"ndh mussed uip his pir~ which he had so-carefully . oiled iend siked, . ad thtew his ag *il pgofafd aed'hfoC wild and haggard, indeed. "Oh the perfidious wr'tch I' Oh, the doceitfulnoss of woman I"he groaned as lie knoqked ovqr '4 clair which stood ir1 his. way. '4Thq heartless monster. Only to think how ' loved that girl ; how I brought her chocolate drops and froze my nose for her. Cuss it I"" The last twq words referred to a foot rest which he kicked over in his mad career. "Only to think ofbr falling in love with a mari just because he has small feet. How slkallow. Qh' Evangeline, I fondly ' hought yofu were a woman of mind, of soul." "Why, what's the matter, Gus," said Evangeline in great surprise, as she entgrg4 the room at this junc ture. ' 'Can yon ask in what's the mat ter ? Oh, Evang1jje, 'l )v cogk~l you ?" "How could I? How could I what ?" "Do not try to deceive me; Evangeling. "What do you msan 1'9 "Those slippers." "Well ?" "They are not for me. Tj}gy arq for aqlother, a hateful rival." "Ho\v do you know they are no t for you ? - "They are numnbQr nines. Yoi1 know, Evangeline, I wear elevens.' "Oh, you stupid ! They are for Uncle George." SYou never l1 d at }Jncle George. You are deceiving m ",' "I am not." "You are.' ,.Can't ydu beliQvp np?" "You are no gentlergan." "You are a deceitfyl mssy.' "I hate and despise you." "I don't donbt it." ' "I shall call papa." "You may, for all I care." "Papa ! Papa !" palled the lovely E vangeline. ' Papa : immediately entQred the parlor and asked excitedly. "What is the matter, my child ?" '"This Man has igsgiltp4 ,P" "Insulted you, my daugter l Get out of my house, sir 1" "I will go when I, geb ready, you baldheadpd old fool, you." "You infer, al rnpal, yp'll gq now," and i&r. <eronp lanted a kick in the poighborhiood Wt slight ly protected by Augustus Harriqn's broadcloth coat..tails. Augustus then threw a fancy glass paper weight at Mr. Jerome, which struck that elderly gertlenai in thQ head, and glageigg thprpfroln, smash ing a Sevres vase whiol' pfood on the mantle piece; and young Jerome rushed out of the house and bawled "P'lice I P'lice 1" and Augustus was in the hands of an qeger Ihe time he could .lip into Iip' overcoat and put on his hat. vi f dqers on the West side even tualy tinid their way to Justice Saul; ly, and that grave man of the law frowned upon Angyptys Harrison on yesterday morning, and after hear ing the evidence from thp several witnesses, fined him $10 and re balkco him with a severe repringanld. -Qhicago Times. The Washington correspondent for the Chicago Times says that ''Lamar, maPratpd ' byopd -pndi'. rance by the mnsmuation'thiat he had muthorized a correspopdent for a Southern journal to speak for him, wrote a very veheypt degupciationi md denial tg a abbington jouit, itigmatiingi the purported actin w i4 dishonesty of which no act of Jis life gave warrant for any one t )elipve him guilty.v tamar is not >n y opp~Tosed to thellayes conspira. y, but is one of the fewv strong con.~ hbe House of llerspttveos, beipe articularized In the constitution as ~he body having the pover .to ,eec ~he Senate, has plaiy no crri ate voice save in aI ting itB Ov2 >residiIgg odeer.' As 'to 'Haygs, [lamar is at a loss to undersfand iow hg caan be ap hone0) may and erm$ngself to be ppd by disrep itabl htic~al galrs,? who -ar~ sighmaadeotowin plao~ or themselvey.' The condition into which the meiness interests ,of the r~ ~avp been thrown b~y the .t4 nuddle is clearly shown~y b bitions sent to Oongreq great trade centres in favor of th~ " passagp of the electofal bill. The r whole country yast the matters bled speedily, pgd p'qrsw hardlf be abl4 tk preshx6