The Pee Dee herald. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1856-1859, December 02, 1856, Image 3

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/ t Oot, vaybont circa it?I) W Seal, A J Evans. Wacccmau) fission?J A Minnick \J L McOtiy<ff. \\ r)y?r HWaftat* Afa*1on?J K Ad. 'draws. Sumter Station?A O Stacy, J 1 ^tunifc, Hiip. iSumter circuit?B English. Columbia l>iitrc(?W Crook, P E. Marion street?C II 1'ritehard J* Washington street?O A Darby.' XjoHgartc Mission?N Talley. Columbia circuit?D D Dyers. </?t? Idand fork mission?A L Smith. 'Jlammell circuit?K A l'rico RiackciHc?E J Meynardie. Orangtburg circuit?-M L Birkl, E M Morgan. TjcxingUm circuit?J M Bradley, L A Letnmoo. San tec circuit?A P A rant. I'pper Santcc Mission Wuj Carson. fairfieldcircuit? C McT/Ood. ChestervilU circuit-"-S Townsft&d. Winnsboro egrets#??J S Connor. Cokcsbnry circuit?K J Boyd, P E. Ookcsbury circuit?A M Chrktsberg. hi circuit? John A P^eL S J b Hill - . -? ?V t A r itlc <i?vu if?uoft n inure n >?on. GraniteviHe Mitriom?Wm W Mood Aiken.?To be supplied. Netcbcrry Station?A W Walkc?. Newberry circuit?T Rnyzor, J M Clino. Vnion circuit?S IT Brown, E J Gage. Tiyrr and Enor re Mixtion?J Finger. Laurent circuit?Miles Puokatt, A. P Martin. Greenville Station?F M KenYiedy Greenville circuit?M Kady, Wni A Clarke. Andcrmm circuit?R P Franks. Ono to bo supplied. ? /Vr/jnui circuit?F Smith. Pirkcntrilfr?A B MoGilrory. JocaurviQc Mission?I, Scarborough. WoJJkalla Mia ion?John II Zimmerman. CoK> sbury l&hooi?J W Wightman. Tract Ayent?W A MeSwnim . Charlotte District?II 0 P*rt?on.^ P K Charlotte Station?Jaw Stacy. Charlotte, circuit?G W M (Veiligloh, J IT Gtecson. XA'ncortl cirt uit?John Walts Allterinarle circuit?D May. Wadttboru Station?L A Johnson. Wadctboro circuit?M A McKibben, J S N?iaos. (fhcttrrjitlil nrrnU-^S JotrCS. Camden Station?W A Game* ell. Walcree Nimon?J L Shuford, W J Black )aiA<*titlcr circuit A B Stephens. ? O'thttrbi MiuioH-^K } Caw then JUmror ( irt fin?CI \Y IVgT, CtS tw bt supplied. C'heraw Station?J R Piokett. Shelby Jtittrict?J W C ;lly, P K Spartanburg Station?II H Darnel. Spartanburg circuit?-C 8 Walker. Yorkdtte SttHou ?A II Lester. Yorkvillr ctrenA?tJ W Norths Jjiucointon?L Wood, M A Connelly. Shelby?K W Thorn peon. Oolumbut?B G Jones. Ruther ford?P F KutUer. Catawba?J W Fuotk Lenoir?A Krwin. MorganUm?J 8 Irrin, one to he sup> M PUftd <SoutM Mourn tin I/smio*?-To be snpplU ?c 3 H Ward, transferred to St Louis Conference. T R Walsh, President of Carolina Fcmalo College. William Martin, Agent Columbia Female College. W M Wightmaa, President of Woflord College. Whitotord Smith, Professor m Woflord Collsjre. * "?* Charles Tajlor, Profeasor it) Spartan, burg Female College. y A M 8hipp, Professor in North Carolina Uninriit;. Henj JenkiM, Missionary to China. The next Session of Conferoftse will Iw held at Charlotte, North Carolina. v litrsimoKor Iretliuon i acuta ikat oorsete were Ant inveoted by brat*) butcher of the thiitwnth century, m * ^fuuUhBMt for hie wife. 8 he WII very loquariuuA, &o<! Indian MthwgVMidnM her, he f?t i pair of at ay* on her in order to take away her breath, and m prerawt her, a* be thought, from talking, Thie erwal ptnkhraeet ante inflieted by ybfrm heartlena h?hand a, UR at leal them wan J hardly a wile in all London who waa not oandemad to the like inflietioo. The ! m&M '' v 70 1 2 d , }%^i; ^-ir * " yaw "; > * m ? * " ' 4k * . & -fF punishment became so umVerssl at last, tliat the Iftdiea, in tholr defejfoe^me^e a | , fashioo of it, and mo it has ooe turned to, the present 2ay. * SANDFORP'S invigoiutor, . AS A LIVER It E DIC IN 35 THERE has long existed a, demand tor such (f remedy that cottN be relied on as *4fe ^ and effectual'. Thia remedy Km been prepared . to meet that demand; and aa extensive trial of its v irtues has shown how universally it has accomplished, the purpose designed. Amtf.ijft the complaints which have been speedily cnrnl by the use of the Invijrorntor we mention lAner Orrt/pfotM*. which is tfo cause of manV other w diseases?smonff which are Hilton-mess, Read ache, Pain in the Side and Loins, Pillions th< Fever, Fevet and Aene, Jaundice, iTidigaitioti. Languor and loss of A jrpetrte. Listlertsitcss and Sn Irritabiftty nty of wlurh are'ehosed by a diiv eased action of the Liver. The Invigorator is compounded with particular reference to the the Livar, and when that disease is removed all the ? rout are enred, as the eauie of th' u is taken away- A few doses of the t^.gomtor rarely j evor fail to stimulate the Mvferto-tk proper action, and by i?? continue* use W> tetftove the disease. It has been token with fcreat success i in cases of Cholic^UrsftBtery, Jrcn and for Iheic it has bijou fe ifi<t a VSrty efftOneious remedy. An odcasionul dose stimulates the ^ stomach to a healthy action and roHtores the tj, a| polite and vigor. One.dose will relieve the . ^ oppression uneasiness experienced by vatin^ n ' hearty dinner, aa it excites the digestiveorsratta i ' to vigorous action. For a debilitated state of ' the system the Inviporot^ bos no equal whidfi experience proves, as it restores the system end removes the yellow tiers frtwn the skin, 1 whirffrt* AtTtostrtt 'f i dr*e? sed Y.iver. _ Prepared and sold by Sand ford k Co., iSf* II Front .St., N? w York. I'm.. $1 00 per bottle, containing forty doses. Also, sold by Hi hi ALLOY AC&V, J k v v% - PW?, S. 0. nni And Y/y A. 1*. BftlSTOW, Bennrttaeville, daj H O. (Oct 27, M. 2<h*-ly. _____ i. up PEOPLE OF AMERICA! th<1 rec Thousands of yen have suffored long years with lirer complaints, pain in thu aide an i loins, biliousness, h<:adaclie, iritliability and other diseases tliot all the remedies tried failed to cure, utid Physician", pronounced inferable Voa need snffkr no longer. )Jr. S-ni'1/i nl'a Jnrigorntur will make you * F| well hgaVn. YYrert cures are dally VeporWR' as having been 'vrformod by the use of this ^ remedy, and nous who use it are disappointed in its effects. A distinguished Physician says in his practice he never fonbd anything so ' n.feetu??l in relieving the aboie named diseases as the Invigorotor. (20?it. , m TO THE AFFLICTED: ? V CCS I deem it a dntjr I owe to society, especially 4.0 to the afflicted, to offer this testimonial in t'a- To vor of that estimable modicine- Ptrry Da- ^ vis' Pain /\'Hlrr.n When passing through Galena. some tin Weeks stfa. ln?irln*rl*i fr??nr r ;w? en agency a 25 cent 1-ottJe. 1 *M then raftering from a severely bruised hand ; I applied it fc * ihestofe, and wasastonished at the almost in- W1 WO! stanlaneoqs relief. Before I left the Acre the ^ inflamation was removed, and in less than an eld hour the pain ceased. In two days my hand | was well ? even Finding ft to b4 really a 1 remedy, I determined to tiy ita effects m a on- 7?? rative ft* the File9> to which I have beer, a mo martyr for years- Aftef ft** ??es-iags, my Pot piles were nmoaf the things that had been; I < un( am now entirely free from thn?, and in as good , health as ever 1 was in nay Ufo. I have recommended the Pain Killer to others, and always with good effect, Several of the captain* of 1 the upper river boais carry with litem a constant supply, and consider it one of the moat valuable medicines ever discovered. I am, dear siYftjt*pectfully years, JOSEPH 6. MAfeTfit. -w For sale by 1M J. W. GULlUg. ' W Charaw & 0ggwwaw?' 1 t"1 r JB aon GPaa^SK JMKMMWV ^ COBRBOTKIJ WKF.KL.Y BY J. >1. TnREADOIIX. for COTTON.?Received for the past week 772 the Received previously 644^ ma _3K? son Total ? ... ? 721? Prices to-day arrange from 10jf to 111 jen Hacoa,p?rlb. i>?tuw..,i.i>?V(...kM..f 12 14 I a d Buffing, par til & 26 ??ff Coffee, per 11k * r. 15 Coru, per bushel. MO (?) 85 fa. Feathers, per lb,... ... 40 eta. ana Plntsr. mr bbt a 8_M (>* * an I Wr - - " """ f V-7 iKO Fodder, p?t twl Hit <?6 I.DO . U?d?m,p?r1b v .....8(410 p?l IroK, per lb...! .... G ($1 * Lard, per lb... f? 14(417. ? Beef, per, lb 6 (46 Xeeewax, per lb 20 (it 22, 1 Butter per lb 10/rr',26, ' Candle* Tallow per. ft .*.,26 ? do Adamantine 38. Tl do Spem m. ?. #.60^ I J^olnotw ,' >b% per gaL......* 60 (4 66 do Orleaoa 76(4 80 Ma .Salt, per sack*.. y.... 150 Btigae4, per lb 11 (4 1* ffa Kl '? I'l) A, Tue Hirer 18 feat, above Jow water mark. A*< i?uiu^iiijowji'iii' jiii "imftn ? Mountain Butter. TJ Oft Firklea Mountain Batter, for aafe by " H, D4 A. HORN W, iW 2, 1W. * . , v ^ 204T *j JENKINS & PORTE* *7 _______ _ ? - V ^ w* WM *?d EMail Pnaltr# ia and Maan C flwrto/e?# of. Tz;; ;$JBp ** Aaahai 4>1 JJ tiaJa ^Vaita BP*C**? in' X^ tF WHMelBgiS EM% |U? Ma of Blind* 1 14 iacfc Ittck *? <*f par ao, ford. 81. hnsalaaaJ and snfkjM al low /?*j p' for o^dh 2 Ma. m owrra* rteret, ??I f#o?r downs above Caaet BtowM,) n NKW YORK. - < Dae. 1, ?8i#? , ^ . 244m. < A ** 1 V- ;?* wrMMwd # iptfiss " A*.fW f?l,, : T]T>&kgan, - j >!^Baturday the 6th instant, at 11 o'clock, : A. M in thft -.fare of Morgan A Tomlin- I if will be jold without reserve? ml [>b4ln&* l}cu on Ham* ami onr | /Jarre/ Ixxnl, lots to suit purdhaaers. Oni Prim? 2 S" no--forte. \1?k>, aeverul articles of FurnitVirc, Ae-, Ac \uy unlimited* Articles may be sent in until I day of sal?. forms favourable ti'fid known on the day of i ' le- i ?* Che aw, Dec. I, 24-tfl* S fchould the wenhher be unfavourable nr ! sale will be postponed one wcokI' " Notice. " liiVe'.hc undersigned amenta of the Stfcaihcrti urine, Chester Held. Pee Doe aod Gov. Ora- j bj iu, Iwjr respectfully to give notice that all j eight and Kapcuses on gobds for this,place j J. .-onsidcred Cosh on delivery, acd payment mired when called for. ? ! S-gn'jd D A. tfOftN* * WliJICKlD. 1,4 DOUGLAS XIRBKT. I Huvl, 18of?. 24-41 iixsoltilion of* Copartnership 1XEIH! Copartnership A the Coach Making . Husiuess hcnAoturc Chivied oh under the me aiid slvle nl K?fA rto"?? * - a:. - -r J l f " w-? " ? ?* J i dissolved by mutual consent, rbi: business of tbaconcern will l>? settled bv An llace, who' lor that purjmso is aniri/cd to ujto the name of the firm in giving1 eipts and discharges. AHA RACK. A II. A. DKI'KW. J. L.CLICKHNKU. in Dew 2, I dob. 24-tf al fr . * ? tO CO-PA UTNKR3IIIP. v, O? rllr< undei'Aignvd will continue to currr on j the Conch hihI Carriage Making Husiuesy ^ the oi l stand. under (lie name and style of] .. Race tr. (a;. AHA RACK, J. Ij. CLICKEXKK. )ce. 1,165f?. 24 tf j, Executor's Sale. VILE he sold at public auction at the late rcsidorce of James O. Kellv, deiscd, on the 12th 400 bushels of t^orn, . 00 lbs Ftidfiar, a lot of Shucks, Plantation ]" ols, on? Vrajfoti, two Carts, Household and m ichen Furniture, two good work Horses, een heud of Cattle, (some very fine milch BU iva.) :S0 head of Geese, ?Vc? and various othWticloa belonging ton plantation. AJ>SO, r| Du the day following (the 13tht at Chsraw, I 1 be sold?Three Negroes, two likely young men, Charlotte, about 20 years old ; Kltzat 20 year* old. and hsrphild .Votes? months ve TERMS fif SAJjfSi J tor tlie J^epVoes, * ttedit of ono and two ' ira, notes with two approved securities, with ? crest from data payable annually,, and a TJ rtgnge of the negroes to secara the ?iarud.? toe other ill iiii* of $2.". and hjr CuaA ; aty sutOa ovar a credit of 9 ntha with uole sad two approved saearities, tercet fro? date) will be riKiuireO. ,, JA8. I.K*Utt? 1- *" *' ' J. H. LIl>B. jK*or?. >c.2, 18.'?<S. 24 2t T tiireuUr^ Male ?i< o* jjj Valuable Jband. Jjj VE will gel I act private wale ve liberal lie terms, that valuable tract of land of, srwan the late Jamee O. Kelly raided, eon- hit fox about 400 acrua, situated on Thorn- de *? creek in Ohostericid District> Mtd About thi ?n miles weat of(.'heraw. 'hero are abotit 200 acCo* of tola Vend open cultivation, so-ao -?f which ia vet; hne crop land, upon which 50 bnnhelsof cor* to ? acre has been prndoeed without the uae of nuTe&. Of the bnlanee of the tract there are i?e Of the best uplands the l^istrirt, and iu beaftiful and eligibleTocfction* for buildin a healthy SAfed-hill region Among excelt suringa of water., There art ou the place d veiling house and the necessary On thtiild- 1. a, and the fencing ia in good repair. For Da cultivation of cotton, corn, wheat, Ac., the ee is wall adopted, :,nu is capable ot great wove in en t frod the facilities for making M t applying the bcJ khud of in an ura, tersous wishing to pniahaae . ran examine plantation ana the undersigned will take nM aaure in allowing it- If not. sold by the 1 et "ol iruary it will be offered at public sale. J t heraw, No*#, 1*56. #' 2Jhtf Jjj *6^ Datlingtnn Flag copy as above, and d bill to this oflice. ' ??'"i", * 1 **** 1 *' * * * IE ST A TE of SOUTH CAII OLINA% * OXRHTKtitflBLP DISTRICT. 1* ,r H / * tA rtba XomUi*?t, - ' jb?m Tomttnaoo, Jr., tM. Bill fdgnrmr*hal1ir\K 2 ( mdm 'I >wHii.vhi. 8r?, w?U, injunction, V ? Wh?To.uliwH??, parti tiou, 4c. mi ikett, Lyi.en A Cc-t -0 jj, and other* .J i anMuftrtff to my fcvtufuctien UnUTbomaa j0 nUv*m,B, l*a*c H. rnfthinaKiMt, WilUro N< Xcwell. Oharle* H. W(S J??e* Newell, td IliMn it Am*!* t, Edwftft I An*#, Nathan Btfcbftt, Onottt K. line water, Poter Mallet,. , t Jr|M riiulpiior, dofrndnnU in thie can*, dm ebeent #?om nftd rixiiUnt cat of the limit* hi* State. eg in mot ton of J. A. A W. 0. ln?Ti?, ordered 9 . it - ?* - * - * * - * * v me mii iweni uhIMmU 00- ?>?ad, M> j * >r or demur to the tlsa^Uu* nt? till, with* I twee e> 6ft lb* from tb??(? of the tret pah j Jimi <rCt h i * order, o* cm thiir feilam to do t!?? bill will ho ordered to bo take* jm? ??*- bo to flfaio# I bona. M t U farther orderwNhat piWteatUxtttf this bei er b? mode twice a month,ibr the ftai of bft M Months, in the i'oo I)?oH<K,i Oft J. 0. r-H.MO, Oom. K-{ O. D. an ;oM-MMtouor'o?>Ac?, of ii sterflcU.tfov. 25, 1854- 22 2sn 3oa. *, '/t t e^-k, . vL L? * s . 3 I iit^ -/Sri I ' ** , CBf oh*' * ' J m - . - JP3S^,| %m ?& ? .... -i 'i.ij.'. i1 ? i.i. ?./ - -' cu^iu $, rlTST received, ? largo i^ttrn'MtlQ^'ri ing Paper nn4 Stiiphi and Fancy Jitntioi f, consisting of *>' ?, * I/iUor, Cap, Connuoifelal, VoKt, Bill, id rt large variety of Finn Fancy ^f?to Vapor,' Knvfdopc*, id almost every article in the Stationary lit: Account Hooka of crery description, g^ber with a full assortment of :nOol ^iuoka, Standard works, and Cbfca Publications, eluding a large stock qJ Lata and Chonp Literature, ' the most popnliu authors. Also, a great variety of \nniuis, Albums, and Rich Gift Dooka, litnbie for Holiday Predentin All of,whir 111 lie sofcl nt Maw \ork tnwiu prices. Front Stre*^ FRANKUN TURNITR. Novi.Ti, lAid, % ^jR3hiia- ^ Watches, Jewelry, A N D FANCY GOODS. PlJST received, n splendid assortment < P the nUove, congiHf og of Pine Oold and Silver Watches of ovory kind and uuulity. full lusnrtntCnt of Itfch and Costly Jewelry, elndihg almost ever* article in the line, wit I the let est and moat fushionabla pattern rotifer with a, Inrpo .Stock of I'lntH and Gilt Goddlt ever* description- . . silver Warm insisting of upa, Spoons, Forks, Cake Baskets, Car Receivers, Card Cu&ofy Roquet Holders, Chains, Keys, &o. ?t Goods of al! kinds, Guns, Pistols no Sporting articles,1 Rodger'U and Wistcnholmc's Fino Cutlery, Cut Glass Ware, High Gilt China and Fancy Goods the greatest variety, with a hvrt'e out of Fibo Toys tod other articles, Stable mr Holiday Presents. Front Street. FRANKLIN TURNER. N?>v 2h, 1 Hot*. 2:l-3iniM. "obacco and Scgars A large Jot of Tobacco of all hinds. som n SuntMivH. ALSO, m ' gars of varioos baud*, eocW1 titlU bcHt in iutv /*xi* *L< Aw, (or sale by E. H. CLA&S. A Gc*. HK SVATB*1>F SOUTH UAROLIXA mah;.bobou<jh district. *?>* fn Chancery^ '' <e i? tit. tl. Stanton A wife, "J w. ! Bill for accttnat am srtba Smith, ndmnu, | parti tiou and reliel and other*. J i T appearing to my satisfaction that Charle Smith, one of the defendants to this hill, 1 sent from and resides without the Units c is State ; on motion of W. 1). Johnson, cow sinants solicitor, it itt ordered that the fcafc tarles Smith do plead, answer or dettar t o said bill within three months from the pal at ion of this order, nnd that in default then the said hill be ordered trrormt/'ssoagains . i"winniwTO ITiai ft copy o! tbift OI t be published ih tho Poo De?i )3cfutd fo u space of three months. l/'otniViL-aiouehi Marlboro' S. & w i ,MP *ATUB80N,0. KM. n. WWTi 1j 1WO. liam. iUiuls & Negroes. >mS TUESDAY 16TH DECEMBER, will nffur for sale ?t the residence c ml ^KeMtd1 4,000 ACRES OF LA&0, img in part on Pen I >ee Rive* #5 NKOROgS, *tlr j'uHng and likely, and uwH^it then mc noose servants, cooks, Ac. Lhxru*, Mult**, Gat tie, //yo, Wayotis, intation foots, t'nttoa Gins. Wheat thrash** d Pan Carriage, Hagay and other pernor fccts of the saw dseeaewk AL80, sr AATtZtDAY. 2STIT DKCJJMBKu, a ? plantation ia Marlboro* WltnR, 1 aril! ol ' Lr fait- a tr*<-t of laud, containing lOt ran. edjoioinc the laa<U ?f W- T. Klicrbe d the crop ot. ; CORN, FODDER, PEASk. , Trans or Ulk ?P<ir the lands notes at ? uul 3 yenni payable at Jsaak. interest f.oa te payable annually* with good aeeurity a* ?rth" property., For the Ms/freed >U? at 1 and 3 yean, payable at lUnt, will terest from date payable annually, and an ebted security. For the at her property jrtbs at? months payable at Bank, Hh ia tst from date ami rood puenriiy. _ji. w. MajgnWiii i - ?>J??rTw^k*elober. 2$ib, 1*.^ 2 3JH, I SOOTHCAiMJJUt i-?k ^ A^SQCIAtlOV. Tfe* *nnu*t otocthir oUbit AMoaiwUnn ?ti h?kt in Um? ha? </th? AmMW. ?t Cd >bfe?, o* Xo?4ftt 4v*?ning, Uw Clk I**h4 r. at htdfyftH toftitf u\k"'S. *??** lU *?mn< Jr?M viftb? Ml*?r*t IP*,, MlM. A' fiUkerai and uwwImwT ntt#n4 cm of tbe ?#tde ItoweiMiky. nw wmam K2 W T '?j l A *.?, ' T ? " * A '* '? 1 . 1 .- ... . ... TtiK STATK 0T SOUTH CAROLINA, MARLBOKUIJUII DISTRICT. .In C hnncerjf. j, , iftnn.T r. ga^C. try V' " Committer, Bill for sale & connr. 4 finn?M<#f? 6f ?kKj of James 11 I<ane&wilc, 'negroes A relief ' and'ethers. . j IT spearing satisfaction that Jane M, Rvamt, J. Uauae, George W. Cause, JiOium fluuse, Thomas P!ack.woll,*"Rltza MaoWweH, William l^oaj Rmalinc Wilson, tslulia Xurnor Wfbon, "0 oVtfcKa Urfctft fhlata, ' John t. Wilson, William W. Wilson, J6h(h F?f Wr (imtso, Thompson Gawse, Charlotte A'nr.a Oruise, nnu 'Cause, youngest child of F^fer P. Cause. 'dec'd.j defendants to this bill, arc al> S^nt from and reside without the limits of this Stat'-, on motion of W. 0. Johnson, complain1 ntrtn solicitor, it is ofdered. that the said <ia* fthidaiftK dd. -plead* tftiawef or demur, to thw said bill within three Yhhfilib* fromthe publics Tirol of this order', nn<l that it default tberpof, the said bill will be orderec prV> eo*fu?t gainst thorn- tt U also ordered .* ?6by of tliis order h* ps?Mi-nrd in the Pee Dtfa lltrqsW, fi^r p the tpay of thrdb month*. .7 Commissioners otHec, Marlboro'-S. 0. . I). nATHKSOX, C. E M. P >for. 4, 185fh , il-3ri Ptt O8PKCTU0 or. Til tr. t^I a ? ? r, AM > m iviniud i rc&CL 51 MK. TnPVh'.lmcrpH'rH beg leave to int.mi tV* citiXrire of Williamsburg, #nd unjoining Lhstricta ami their friepds throughont the State of South Carolina, that they are now [uiblishing the above newspaper, in the Vila a;?o of Kingstrce, S. C.,' ?jn?i in rullyj? their ! notice to our paper, we rati bring uo niybor | testimony than tbc {unity of our post Jive*,and I our seal for th'tjbonnur, and well being iff' our I rtativo soil. Out materials are all new, and of the b< st quality' Our paper is printed on fine material, ao'l in a medium sue. In its pub* >f ! Hcntion, we will endeavor to furnish a good ( family news journal, suited to nil the different classes of society. *e The Editorial department is exclusive under the flhanngement and control of Mt. .t. KMoKNIOHT, whose character and political sciitiare well known, in this h ?suffice it, that he is cmphaticofly a Status % Right Democrat, nnd will ever 1/kkftS Wtfr a faithful sentinel, on the watch tower <Jfhou lb*ern Right#, X'i vr?' 11 his countrymen (It appro aching danger, and to stand by and support them, in the peril. u In politic#, we will be firm and indofffrnj'dent, advocating ^forc'stnitnrh principles of ) ci|uuiu| in mc union, or imnrpcnncnt out 01 it) We call upon our friends throughout tho d State, wheresoever they 'have pitched their tents, to raily around the Kingutree Star. No ttifort will be spared on our part, to make our pujN^r worth? of their patronage and support. The Kingstree Star is published in the midst of a )ai j;e and newly developed trade, and in ^ n wealthy community ; thus a (lording a tino advertising medium. We solicit advertisements, ana subscription* t K R M $-:>> I^er ftnmnn, in ndvOnCC. $1 00 Advertisement* iaselrtea &llVc rate of 73 cents for the first insertion, fit) cents for the second, and 37} cents for each subsequent. One square poi annum, $20 00 Sinsrtr ifttnAlittik " f 00 GILBEttT, Mr KNIGHT k DA&i. T to~sjsavv? *-*' ? CIIARLBSTON, s! C>, - Every Fridays at o'chroV, A. Mv, IHWH Brown Sc Co'n WlitirC IN LANP ROUTE FOR ITLATKA, FLA? Vim. BKAUPORT 4 HILTON HEAP, a 0., Savanah, Darien, Brunswick A Sf Mary's, Geo. ternandiua, Jacksonville and Picolata, 9 Florida, and all intermediate i^andiogs" TlikfNEW AND Wl'EHWR STKAMER >f .* * - s if ; RVPUGI.AIIE, \a H.(K)XTER, CommM4<f.) T ., .4l It. H. STEWART, Male. \ ,v *r,L U F. ROUX, Purser, J ^olin^ Wilf cotmucne*: bcr regular tripe, u *1xrve 4?a ly ic Deesmbur. The - EVCROU4D?rt(ii<s been Ml ?*der the facial euperintfeadnntt of her oflh?el*v axpreMfy Air thin mate, hariog elognttt r<Oluj% * a ad improved yaaaen ger actommixfaiioa*.? I I<Umra deduct&oos frum thp cue ternary rate* ,f for transportation of Negro*" tmd Plantation appurtenance*, wfll be made to Emigrant*. Connection* will be made ad the nbore plaees with conveyances, ihettte into the iatorior. F^Hgbta will be rp-chipped front thU plane, aa well aa from Palatka, to point* beyond on i the St. Joke's >ni(Hihliba SUmra, eWwi| charge* js Fur further particular* ippW to ?L w WIUJAM1I. tfttUtdfc Ajebb * ? _ :* wth Commercial Wktrf 1 Mav. in imc* ~WW. MAIaLpf A OOIti I DRUG STORUi. * ^1 J0HT reeetred? a new supply af PryJ* nr Modieiuc? and Oheiutenl*, DJ| Stew* ? Oil*, Pbtele, Painters nrtfc&d, TlraUbas, ? Window (Dam,French and Euglifh parflunprp] i rbm TWiletbod abariag Hon^Bnbr aad Tooth 1 Hmhn, Twuaa sad fopaartem M ell hiada. | and a loxge iHpP'f of choice Toilet **4 Fvtm:j * ' i?, 16K. '* H". .i. jfciy < , ?.< .? x^? |'.IV>?. "WITHDRAWAL. V 15L If* /. * y* v " f'j ft { " - #?* ?" " 7*+, Lv mjLj ? " *fj! I t 44 Dove'a 4 20 44 -- tiff '\ I _ 44 Darlington 64 44 u ^ I Arrive at Florence 7 44 44 ".. . RETUUKI HH I I I-eevo Florence at 9 16 44 J'nrlinptou 9 46 44 " i " Dove's 10 " r I 44 Societr Hill 10 43 44 o6A? W+ffliffRism 41 ?Mk'i 11 14 Arrive a? ?'!>- w It ;>:? A FREIGHT amlPASSENUK^^^^^V H1 eW leave Clieraw <>n every Monday, TaflVi dAy arftd StmiS^ay, at 7 o'clock A- M. ^ ftKTUKNINQ; ' V, feicoVo W'rVncc on the the aame data , a lief ?*? l)ie arrival "Af the 10 fAtfovk A. If. Train ?ro? Kii>|wille , Tjenwal Ttwui>Tl A gem Ifo FREIGHT received "f'ffjMC. ; Oct. 2f. iK6o. itfL >4S a V.rSSH -ytut* ' ltd r.Kin'tn^- to perfect health*^ Mrrjig'th, , II uulbrtur.ato BuHercra with djbpej ,il*, ipdtAlso. TlTUNER'S CUNCUCr. BIU NDY, to gtfther with foil *MciW?eni<>f H Old Rye WliUkojr* 0 i n,INo*li tjdVc. Vn<1 Sp" eoi Ojster?,*V., to. sale U I safer totf.ti'jfjs 1:^,1,!%'. IT In no dkse wfll ho Jiiefr - ?.w ; I caught, be delifjj Iff ACKKUfiL. No 11 ifllittli' *nd ?|iMrt?r brtiveW. Parf* 'J-jE V_ vja *' JSFl a3tO'cror, I AWORNE>. | PrHHit* ttt ftfiSMIUll Afc -?????? mi i is ^