The people. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 1877-1884, May 01, 1884, Image 1
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m wjMiH thMta, irfKf'tha object o
fj Indioated bj me—ry note wbea
I. Artlolea for pnbiioation sboaM bo
writtoo ia a rimr, h^ibla haad, and on
only om abU of tba page.
4, AM abangca ia adTertiaaaMata aiaet
»acb an om Fiiady.
VOL. VIL NO. 35.
$2.00 a Year.
a. a a
What nha!l we name her,'little wife?
What shall we call this feather of life?
Little new-comer to LUliput-land,
Lying as light a« a kim on my band.
Whose quaint wee face with its rosy skin
But measures a finger from brow to chin,
While a span from the point *f her button
Will reach the tip of her tiny toes.
What shall we call her ? She’s too small,
I think, to have any name at all.
Coukl we peer down on the vale of tears,
Draw the curtain that hides the years !
■ fTSTTiri egja -wws«r^ ■" nuana
' ~T - J vrrvv s ' "X .S 111' 'llIV xi w u
What is our darling's destiny !
Is she heiress to high estate ?
Will she be taking a king for mate?
King of the people—she their queen?
Boysl is the name of Josephine.
Will she, meek, with a sorrowful heart,
( boose, like Mary, the better part ?
Will she be gentle, tender, true—
Ajeopy, dear little wife, of you ?
Will she be dauntless, brave and strong?
Will her spirit escape in song,
t'ai oiling gayly in golden words
All the joy of the sun-loved birds?
Will her hands give erst unknown
Voice to canvas or life to stone?
Khali we christen her Florence, Fan,
Constance, Dorothy, Margery, Anne >
Watch the weirdly flickering flame^
Bead her fortune, choose her name.
What shall be? Ah, pYaps ’tis r well
None of us can the future tell
Put there’* pleasure in painting yet
Fancy portrait* of our p<t
At two, a tiny qwaen we see.
Ruling the world from papa's knee;
Then, when risen to live or six,
Prattling tease with her saucy tricks;
Ten years more, and a full-grown miss,
A bit coquettish and coy to kiss;
Then young Love, with his sweet alarms,
Will add a grace to her woman's charms;
Then a wife, and the hy-and-by
PYaps may bring ns another tie,
• And Isd'v's baby may crow, “Hurrah
For dear old granny and grandpapa !"
Strange by yonr Itcdside 'tisto sit.
In Ibis room by the fire-flames lit,
Picturing thus, in colors bold,
Life for our baby three diys old.
What shall wc call her? We've not yet
Chosen a name for our sleeping pet.
—Horprr’i Wrrkly.
Alter the Storm.
“TTnrk ! what ia that
Ijeyton grasped the aim of his friend
as he spoke, and both paused to listen.
From the low-walled hat before which
they were standing the sound was re
peated. . ’
The speaker loosened his grasp with a
sigh of relief.
“Why, bless yjrm I it's Lita,” he said.
"Whatmnsic the little organ ia making
•'Poor little blind girl! How much
comfort she takee with it," remarked his
‘‘Yes. When these miners bought
that little music l>ox they made s good
investment. Listen I”
The music had begun again. At first
it came stealing out with such a low,
plaintive ft^pud, one might easily have
fancied that it was only the* night wind
creeping softly round the walls of the
little cabin; then it swelled into some
thing louder, deeper and more solemn;
but there was a subtle, yet indefinable
something in its nature which caused
the listeners to thrill with exultation
and grow cold with dread. It seemed
as though a spirit more than mortal, had
.taken possession of the little instrument,
and through its deep voice was breathing
out a prophecy of approaching disaster.
Leyton felt a sudden breeze against
his cheek and noticed, with alarm, that
a dark storm-cloud had arisen in the
west. There had been one storm since
his arrival from the East, and he dreaded
to see another. A heavy sigh at his el
bow caused both men to turn in that di
rection. Lame Joe had come np noise
lessly behind them and stood leaning
against a rock. He, too, was listening
Hijd wiping an occasional tear from his
eye; for the music had grown sad and
dirge-like as a funeral hymn, with a.
lingering, a quivering anguish echoing
through it which betokened that the
soul of the musidMflftua speaking
through her music,
|, But, even as they listened, the char
acter of the melody slowly underwent a
complete transformation, and from the
depths of sorrow and despair it burst
forth in a glad, exultant strain—a wild,
free flood of music. It was like the
triumphant song of some captive bird
which has beaten long its weary wings
against the iron bars of a cruel prison-
house, but, finding itself at liberty again,
breaks forth into song as it wings its
way toward heaven, above the olodds
and storms.
That was the end.
Leyton and Mark, Spencer passed on
The little girl’s present mood seemed tc
them too sacred for intrusion; bat lame
Joe stopped (or the good-night Idas
which'the child was accustomed td be-
stow upon him.
Poor old Joe ! he was very lahfe. One nagrnfig, and there
.leg.had been left upon.the bettfsield-C&^wio hailed its advent with a sigh of re-
Btf^that one wee Joe Minion. Crashed,
•iu-uised and sorely wounded, he dragged
himself from s heap of debris and looked
about him. No one was stirring. Near
ly all the others had chosen safer placet
than he and wan siafpttg soundly, now
that- the wild strife which had taken
place so lately between the elensenta had
Fredericksburg, and its subetitate
■.rude wooden stamp; but rneh as ft
he would gltdly have worn if to spHnten
it Lite Cohdh’e jarviee, had tha child
'permitted it \
In spite of .Ms affliction Joe Minion
was a genial AM lUh, with a kind word
and helping hang for averybody ; yet
. half the miners in that little namp coold
have told of a time erhen^fhere was ndt
s mofe inte&perate man or harder ohar-
a<fiar among them Ml thhn he. That was
beftfie the death of his wife, tidings of
Wfetoh bad bepa a terrible-blow. Ijke a
vC . A
thunderbolt, it had sundered the barriers
of pride and selfishneas and penetrated
his iron heart.
Lita was comforter then. It was dhe
who took him in hand, and petted and
talked with him until hia companions
-began to notice with wonder that he was
growing into a very different man ; for
sorrow had made the child sympathetic,
and her strong infinenoeover Joe was in
s great measure due to this fact
When John Cohen was killed by the
falling of a bowlder, Lita, little more
than a baba then, had become an adopted
child of the camp. Later, when an ac
cident shut out forever the light from
her beautiful eyes, she seemed suddenly
to have grown nearer and dearer to each
one and to become the object of especial
care; yet, ia spite of their kindness,
there were times when she grew sad and
lonesome. She used then to fly for con
solation to her dear friend, the little
organ, and draw from its bosom a melo
dious response to her mood.
In strong contrast with the gray and
faded old woman who was her attendant,
or the bronzed, weather-beaten men
nl>oiit her, was this child of seven years.
Like a rare, sweet blossom she was
growing up in that wild place with a
halo of beauty and purity about her
young life that commanded almost
adoration from the few rough, yet kind-
hearted jieople.
Nature was kindly, too. The sun
never kissed her soft little cheeks too
roughly, and jta most scorching ray only
added a brighter tint to the long, fair
hair which hung in waves below her
waist, the pride and admiration of her
Yet it was hard, even for a stranger,
to look unmoved upon the great blue
eyes, so pathetic in their blindness, and
know that Lita Cohen could never see
I think Lita herself minded it most
alter Warren, the poet of the camp, bad
l>een telling her of the rngged graudenr
of the country atiout them, and de-
scrilied thgvingular beauty of the flowers
which he brought her day after day, or
when one of her big, bnrly friends laid
in her hand Die pictures of the children
—the children whom she had learned to
love as brothers and sisters. She had
known about them %U a long time, ever
since she could remember, and they
often sent her friendly messages and
little presents which she used to sit
holding in her hands, a strange wistful
ness in the big blue eyes, a great ache
in the little tender heart, at thought that
she must always feel but could never
The little girl eared a great deal about
all her friends; hut lame Joe was her
prime favorite, perhaps because he was
lame. He had grown lamer than ever
of late, and was failing very fast; yet
nobody had told Lits of it; uoliody
conld bear to break the news to her.
Bhe used to sit at his side by the hour,
listening to him or repeating the childish
stories which Warren had read to her.
One day while she was sitting thus, pat
ting his wrinkled cheeks with her soft
hands, she stopped euddenly, with s puz
zled look in her faee, as though a new
thought had struck her.
"The men say that the minea of this
district don’t pay well enough, and they
will shortly break up and go into an
other country. What will you and I d*
then, Uncle Joe?"
A tear trickled down the old man's
wan cheek. He, too, waa thinking of a
journey into another country, and it
wrenched his heart-strings to think of
leaving Lita behind, but he wiped away
the bright drops with,the ragged sleeve
of his coaly, and choking down the sob
in his throat made answer :
“You will go with them, Lita, my
“And you, too, Uncle Joe. What
would you do here without me ?” she
asked, laughingly, as she dung tighter
to his hand.
“Not much, to be sure, little one—
not much.” Hestroked her long, silken
hair tenderly, wishing that he might be
able to tell her what no one else wanted
to; but he had not the courage, and
presently the little girl said :
“It is getting chilly, Uncle Joe; let’s
go in.” . -* ^
But the old man went away and did
not see her again until evening. He
bade her “good night,” and slowly fol
lowed the retreating forms of the two
gentlemen,, Leyton and Spencer, won
dering why she looked so pale to-night
and dung so tightly around hia neck at
He felt a strange chill imss over hipx
whenever he thought of the music, but,
by-and-by, he fell asleep and forgot it
The threatened storm came; auoh a
tempest as had not swept the valley
since its settlement, five yean before.
But the sun shone out brightly the next
one, at least,
“LHa I Lita I" called the dd man pit
eously, but there came no answer.
On his hands, with all his remaining
strength mustered into the effort, he
crept to the spot. No child was these.
Slowly, every breath s pain almost un
endurable, he drew himself to the top of
a log to look. He saw her, and was not
long in gaining the spot.
Taking one limp hand in hia and clasp
ing it tightly, he sank down at her side,
though there was a smile upon his face;
the pain was all over. He had followed
his little friend in her long, long
journey, bad gone into that other coun-
A little later the miners, awakened
by the faithful Nannon, who had jnat
recovered sufficiently to crawl from the
ruins, began a search for the missing.
Away beyond the scattered remains of
the cabin they found thenr—the two so
strangely contrasting; one so old and
gray, the other like a gleam of light as
she lay upon a bed of tangled grass and
thining sand, the pallor of death upon
Iter fair, young face, and the glory of
the sunshine in her golden hair.
i ;
One •! 'the Nm«4
The Late Madame Anna Bishop.
Madame Anna Bishop, the singer, died
at her home in New York on Tuesday
night Bhe had been sick only three
days. On Sunday she accompanied
her husband, Martin Schultz, to
church and upon returning home she
found awaiting her in her parlor sn old
friend, Mrs. Laird, mother of Colonel
George Laird, whom she had not seen
for many year*. She was overjoyed at
the meeting, and the two, seating them
selves upon a sofa, talked over their
friendship of past years. Madame
Bishop suddenly complained of a severe
pain in her head, and in another mo
ment, lifting her hands, fell back nneon-
scions. She remained in this state till
her death, which her physician sain was
produced by apoplexy. She leaves no
children. The body will tie buried in
the village cemetery at Red Hook,
Duteltees County, N. Y., where
Schultz has a summer home. She will
be laid beside her son, who was buried
there some yean ago. Madame Bishop’s
maiden name was Anna Rivere. She
was bom in London in 1814, and at sn
early age married Sir Henry Bishop,
well known as a composer, conductor
and as the arranger of the Sicilian air to
which Payne wrote the words of “Home,
Sweet Home.” Madame Biahop first
appeared on the concert platform in 18J7
and some years later made an extended
tour in the course of which she visited
this country in company with the cele
brated harpist Boscba. In 1850 she gsve
s seriee of concerts in New York.- which
were exceedingly popular. Since that
time ahe has appeared in nearly every
country fci the world, and has sung in
nearly every civilized language. The
incidents of her life and travels were in
teresting in the extreme and few women
were more'entertaining than she as con
versationalists. Her last tour around
the world was begun in 1875, and since
its completion she has lived in New
York with her second husband, Mr.
Schultz, whom she married in 1858. Hoi
last appearance in public was at Stein
way Hall in 1883.—Tribune.
Exclusion of American Products.
Foote, the English comic actor, made
a wager that fie would upset the dignity
1 of a certain head waiter at the principal
hotel in Bat h, who had the name of be
ing the most dignified man in Britain.
Foote went to the hotel with three
frienda—an engine*-! who had Imt an
eye, a cavalry oflio*r who hud lost an
arm, ami an old aea Captain who had
lost a leg. Tlio pr» cions quartet en
sconced themselves iu the four corn
ers of the room' and bawled for the
waiter who came in with a more than
ordinary assumption of dignity, as a
tacit protest against their unceremonious
treatment of him. “Waiter 1” cried the
one-eyed engineer, “come and take of!
my eyeglass;” adding, as the waiter
swelled with indignation, “and while
you're abont it, just take out my eye.”
“Your eye, Sir?”echoed the startled
dignitary. "Yes, my eye; don’t you
understand English? Look sharp.” Eye
glass and glass eye came away together,
and the waiter reconnoitred them doubt
fully as they lay In the palm of his
hand, like a man eyeing a wafen that
has suddenly stopped. Just then the
one-armed dragoon shouted in hia turn;
"Waiter, take off my glove; and now,
that I # think of it, take off my arm.”
Glove and hand gave way at the first
touch, and the waiter, appalled to see
his customers all tumbling to pieces like
a mosaic puzzle, was tnrning hastily
away when the one-legged sailor roared:
"Waiier, poll off my starboard boot.nnd
you may as well pull off my leg, too.”
The poor waiter shndderiugly complied,
mentally rejieating every prayer he
could think of. Instantly the previously
loosened straps of the cork leg gave
way, and down went the man of dignity
on hia august back with the artificial
limb quivering in his clutches. It was
enough. Forgetting everything iu his
agonized longing to escape from the
chamber of horror*, the ill-starred waiter,
costing a terrified glanee at the frog
men** which strewed the carpet, sprang
toward tne duor. But before he conld
reach it Foote him*..'- the length and
flexibility of whose neck might have
aroused the envy of an ostrich—twisted
his head right round over his shoulder,
and-called oat in a voice hollow and un
earthly enough to* frighten a Bengal
tiger, "Waiter, come and take off my
hat, and while you’re at it, take off my
bead 1” Unman nature conld War no
more The martyred waiter gave one
yell worthy of a Cherokee Indian ami
made bnt.a single bound from the top of
the stair* to the bottom, upsetting not
only hia dignity, but himself so thor
oughly that to the day of his death he
was never was quite hts own self tgain.
Varieties ia Faskioas.
Reading That Ruins.
Hot waa it with little Lila?: With an
eflLrt poor Jo# eat np and looked.
Where had stood a dwelHug-piaai
fart night waa only a heap of ruins
The bill reported to the United States
Senate from the Committee on Foreign
Relations, by Senator Miller, of Cali
fornia, in response to a resolution of the
Senate of Janaary 22 last, directing
that committee to report such legislation
as shall protect the United States against
those governments which have prohibited
or restrained the importation of meats
from the United States, provides that
there shall be instituted, nnder the di
rection of the Secretary of the Treas-
nry, a system of inspection of salted
pork and bacon inteded for exportation,
and to be exported within sixty days
after the date upon which the same may
have been salted and packed, so that the
fact of the innoxious and wholenome
character of the article shall be estab
lished by the best, highest and most re
liable proof, this inspection to be made
at the principal ports of the United
States by the customs officers; also that
the Presided of the United States be
authorized at his discretion to exclude
from the United States by proclamation
any product of any foreign State which
by unjust discrimination prohibits the
unportattoo of any product of the
United States. It provides farther that
the importation into the United States
•"Atiout half a dozen of the sensational
papers of this city," said a New York
stationer, "have a circulation of over
600,000 copies weekly. The circnlation
rises and falls like the mercury in a
thermometer. When blood, murder and
captured maidens fill every page tha
presses are kept hard at work, bnt if any
thing like sensible matter is published,
which takes place only once in the his
tory of a paper, the circulation goes
down. The most 4riood-enrdling, im
probable storm are l he beat for the pub
lisher*. The work girls are the readers
that make papers pay liest.
"Millions of copies of sheets of this
descriptien are sold weekly. The l>oys’
paper* are trashy and sensational enough.
I will admit, but they are eclipsed by
the journals for young women. The
plots of the stories are sometimes ex
tremely offensive, the dialogue is senti-
mental to an idiotic degree sod the de
scription of the personal appearance of
the hero and heroine often occupy half
the serial. There is not a working girl
iu New York city who does not purchase
two or three of these papers every week.
Of late years the illustrated police week
lies have begun to lie read by boys of
a tender age. Of all evils this is the
greatest A good many newsdealers,
however, refuse tosellaoopy to mimrs.”
A long narrow scarf mage of jetted
net* with or without an adging of jetted
laoe, will be worn in the street around
the neck instead of the^ Spanish lace
scarfs ao long In vogue.
Jetted net plastrons in Iflklrt shape,
pointed or square, in a soft puff, are
made with a standing laoe band or col
lar to put on over any alftplj trimmed
dress of black silk, surah, or satin.
These cost from glifiO to $7 in the
t Moliere vest of jetted net laid over
silk and edged srith jetted laoe may be
made of a fourth of a yard of jetted net,
and is a pretty and dressy addition tc
black corsages.
An entire basque of jetted net without
lining will lie nsed in the snmmer jnat
as^erseys are, with skirts of black silk
or Batin that may or may not have dra
pery of this net Sometimes such a
waist is made to fssten behind. There
should be a separate lining of satin
surah to lie worn nnder this transparent
waist, and tbia may have the sleeves
only basted iu, ao that they may lie
easily removed to leave thin net sleeve*;
there may also lie a yoke cut separate at
the top of a low lining, which can be
lim'd or not, a* the wearer wiahea a high
lining for the daytime, or only transpar
ent net -over the neck in the evening.
The neck and sleeves are trimmed with
full frills of jetted lace.
White pique oollam for ladies are now
made in all the shapes that are faahion-
sble for linen oollsrs, but thoae in the
high close gar rot shape are prefened;
these have square pique cuffs to match.
Colhtt buttons of old silver, with de
signs of antique heads, are made to
match the coin pins and bracelets now
in use.
One of the novelties in millinery ia a
cork foundation- or frame of the bonnet
covered over with a thin veneering of
wood. New basket straw bonnets are
bronzed or gilded, and are now made so
fine and pliable that they are tient into
small crowns and naed as the smallest
capotes, wifh a cockade bow of coqneli-
cot velvet ribbon for trimming,
Persian vests are added to new liaaqnes
of Jersev cloth, and these are some
times made of iridescent lieads in Per
sian designs and color*.—Harper't Bz*
. How Beck Became a Meaator.
Tfc* Ma—a*Sa*c«i« II
A lUJariir
••M AppaaeS la fl
at IM.
The Massachusetts House 6T Repre
sentative* dispose*! of, for the session,the
proposition that iu the conduct of mu
nicipal affair* women shall have all the
political rights and privileges that now
belong to men. This action grew out of
an adverse report, for which a favorable
bill waa offered. It waa the most deci
*ive that has ever beep had on this snli-
ject, the vote standing 50 yeas, 144
nays, and 11 pairs. Last year the rate
was 60 yeee and 127 nays, and 20 pairiL
It will lie seen that this year with a total
recorded vote and expr.wsed opinion of
11 leas than those of last year, the ma
jority against the measure waa increased
by 17, and the minority for it waa leaa
plied 10, showing a total loss of 87. The
Journal says that, ao far as the records
show, woman suffrage in any form waa
first presented to’ the General Court of
1867, when tbe House, by a vote of 44 to
67, refused to indorse it. From that
time to the present, cxocpHn the years
1874 and 1875, Tmn 'suTijecl, in dbmd
shape, has Wn acted upon by the
House, which has, without exception, re
jected it by a vote that has varied mate
rially. Isist year the vote for municipal
woman suffrage was proportionately
smaller than it had ever lieen, and now
it ia proportionately much less than it
waa then. . The average vote for the fif
teen years of which there ia record has
lieen 71 ia the afliraiatfoe and 118 in tbe
negative. Yrt with these figures ami
their growth staring then in the face,
there ia no reaaon to suppose that tbe
advocates of woman suffrage will cease
to urge their claims upon the next
Legislature and upon many more that
will follow it.
It was expected that the measure'
would be defeated, bnt the vote against
it was surprisingly large- It waa thru
made np: Yeas—25 Republicans, 28
Democrats, 2 Greenbackere. Nays—86
Republicans, 56 Democrats, 1 Inde
pendent, 1 Independent Democrat. Of
those who paired—6 Republicans, 8
Democrats, 1 Independent, sod 1 In de
pendent Democrat, favored this exten
sion of suffrage, and 7 R puhliogra, S
Democrat* and 1 Independent opposed.
An Irish gentlethan visited the munic
ipal court, and walking up to tha judge
on the liencb, said: "Joodge, tbe
wather pipe at the hydrant beyant me
house luu bursht, and it has flooded ;
cellar and ia drowning me hina.
name is McCarthy, joodge.’' Tbe judge
sympatifized with him, and Was sorry far
the damp life bis bens were leading, but
told him he would have to go to the
board of public works and eomplefai.
McCarthy went away, but tbe next
morning he came liack to toe judge end
told the some story abont the "watber”
and the “bins,” when the ]ndge said,
"I told you to go to the board of public
works an<f tell your story." “And 1
did,” said McCarthy. “And what did
they say V’ asked the judge. McCarthy
looked indignant and said, “The man
axed me," ‘McCarthy,’ says he. ‘Why in
-thunder dun.’!.lOU.V "
“You say you want to marry my
daughter ?”
“Yes, sir."
“Are you prepared to give her a
pleasant home apd the luxuries to which
she has always lieen accustomed ?”
“I don t believe I am, auf I onl
seven dollars a weeK.”
“Yea, Well, do yon knov that young
women nowaday* expect to begin house
keeping in the same style their parents
leave offV
“Oh, yes; I know all about that.”
“You do. Well, how can you recon
cile seven dollars a week with my sur
rounding* ?"
“I—I thought,” responded theTntelli-
gent yonng man, while hia face beamed
with love and hope, “that we oould live
right along with yon, you know, until
only get
.1 Slavejtenkr for Bevenur« v
At a meeting of the Washington Press
Club the other night Col. Wintoremitb
told this *tory :
“I was a candidate for Senator from
Kentucky iu 187fi,” he said, “when I
told one story that ilefented me, but 1
can tell it now without any anch danger.
One day I was in the gallery of the Sen
ate when McCreory, of Kentucky, rose
to make a speech. Every Senator on
the floor sought the cloak room, except
his colleague, Garrett Davis, and the
President. I oould not help that, but
when the stampede from the galleries
began I felt that my opportunity bad
come. Jumping to my feet I shouted:
’Senator McCreery is a Kentuckian^ so
am I. The first man who moves out of
this gallery shall die.’ All took their
seats nnder duress, and for more than ! with £100 a month
five mortal hours even we ast Still, lis
tening to his address. When it was over
I lowered the pia^HQ^which l had held
ready in my bands, and the crowd
started. With a gesture one man stopped
the rush. _ ’Col. Wintersmith,’ he said,
*we have staid here under duress st your
request. Now let me ask you a favor.’
Tt is granted before it i* asked,’ I said,
not to lie outdone in courtesy. He went
on : ‘Col. Wintersmith, we have lieen
here nearly six hours, because we pre
ferred to stay rather than be shot. But,
if this emergency ever happens again,
we ask yon simply this—shoot, without
any parley.’ Some newspaper men got
hold of it MoCreery’s men were so
A Dakota Blizzard.
A letter from Dakota, describing a bli»
Eard, says that When one of these fierce
storms attacks a section it grows cold
very rapidly, Nothing can keep a mdn
from losfhg his way in a blizzard; the
of any adulterated or unwholesome food a Q OW jg qq HipAiug, and no clothing
— —iTwmm anii-ifnnna or mall limiora * , , .. , r
or vinous, spirituous or malt liqnore,
adulterated or mixed with any poisonous
or noxious chemical, drug or other in
gredient injurious to the health, shall
hereafter be prohibited under penalty of
fine or imprisonment, or both; the Presi
dent to be authorised in his diseretiqp
to suspend the importation of articles of
this character by proehunatiflh when he
becomes satisfied that they are adulter
ated to an extent injurious to the health
of the public.
will save him from freezing unless he
can find shelter. Die writer say#: 'To
live in these blixxaid* is almost sn im
possibility. No horte can be made to
face the blast, and only men uftp have
long been accustomed to tbe rigors
the North can breathe in them. There
is something suffocating about; the wind.
The nostrils and tongue seem ready to
congeal and the sym ache far back In
their sockets. Ten feet sway may yawn
a chasm, yet (he driving snow will hide
it from view. Item is a ringing, roar
ing noaae, such as is sometimes faintly
heard under telegraph wires on s clear,
1 cold night At times the roar of tbe
Tee Veil.—Two young ladies, well-
known in •South Boston circles, will
shortly assume the white veil and enter
thd. novitiate of tha Order-uf Notre L itnrm will reaembl* nothing so much.
love with sn steeping steam, like a thousand locomo-*
General Gordon advises the appoint
ment of Zobcbr Pacha to succeed him
self as Gewernor of the Soudan. Dr.
Scbweiufnrth s*v* a vivid description
of a visit paid to Zobehr Pacha in 1871.
Zobehr possesses s line of thirty forti
fied po«t«, reaching far into tbe heart of
Africa, by means of which he had not
only become tha head of all tbe slave
dealers, but was the real and sole chief
of their country. The Khedive, pow-
erlee* to control this formidable vassal,
had sent his troops to join him in an ex
pedition against tbe Saltan of Darfour.
Unfortunately tor himself, Zobehr went
down to Cairo to assert his claim to be
nude Governor of that province, carry
ing with him, R is Mid, £100,000 to be
nsed as bribes. He was detained at
Cairo, and put upon the pension list
A message fane
Zobehr forwarded to his son andibe odL
cere who had sworn fidelity to him under
the great tree at Shake, as described by
Colonel Gordon, produced a *i>eedy re
volt among the slave dealers. - It was
this revolt which was crushed by Qeasi
Pacha, who shot Suleiman. Zobehr’s
son. He also slew all his officers except
one, who escaped, and is now supposed
by some to tie the Mahdi.
ttJiuliehr was kept as s State prisoner
1 *4
at the capital. Ten yewrs passed. An
other pretender annihilated the Egyp
tian forces ami menaced Egypt itself
with invasion. Then tha officials at
Cairo, being manifestly without re
sources, applied to the distinguished
angry with me that rather than see me captive. Would he go back to hia home ?
elected they turned in and chose Beck. ”
A Home for the Poor.
Dime. Both were in
actor, and both received hia attentions.
When they discovered that he was a
married mas they decided to renounce
tbe world. '
lives blowing off at any. 'When this
dies out for an iostsnt the rigging noise
will nse and fall, sojnetimes a fhriek and
aometiraee » bom. ”
Mrs. Alice M. Lincoln and other
charitable Boston women have been try
ing their handa as landlords of the
wont class of tenement-houses. They
took a dilapidated, disreputable build
ing, holding 27 families,, and so sub-let
it ss to clear above all expenses, 6 per
cent, on their investment. They hive
been runnftg now between four and five
years, and have mads it so successful
that they have recently hired a second
building. They made their tenants
scrub up and keSp their rooms dean,
and they tuned in what they nude over
6 per cent, in the way of improvements,
among other things giving tenants who
hired two rooms at fl.25 two more for
75 cents, in order to discourage Jndtf-
criminate herding. In spite of their
strict requirement* about cleanliness and
their ejecting tenants who refused to
comply with them, who were habitual
drunkards, or who did not pay their
rent promptly, theirbloek has beau bill
most of the time, and their reserve fund,
above the 6 pur sent, interest, hue never
been entirely exhausted. Ones
grown unnaually large, and tbe
distributed * pair of blankets end a
hand-basin and pitcher to eeeh family.
Aside from this they have given only H
in charity dqfing the foam yearsi «eqd
have not remitted a week’s rent.
* •* ‘ - - —
floyETnrivo hronf^khoetifeart Wheel:
It cannot do much warn Qfitjl it nets
tiftdi 9
Would he summon his faithful Nubian*
to bis standard ? Wonld he lot pity's
sake do something to stay the advance
of this fanatical plague ? Yes.* He would
do all thia. He wonld lead, in the Khe
dive’s name, tbe Black Contingent of the
Soudan expeditionary force. Very good,
Mill tbe Ministers; but leave ns, prey,
yonr wife and daughter as hostepea—
shall we my ?—for your good behavior.
Yes. By all meant, said Zobehr. Keep
them and welcome. Bnt secretly he
cent off his spouse to Sna^jm; not aoac-
eretly, however, but that tbe Vixier
heard of it, and so Zobehr himself
arrested. However, he was afterward
set free again.
A Stail lu LlfSt
“Well, son, did you get any esses to
day ?” asked a father of e son who had
been admitted to the bur about six
months ago.
“No, father^ none jet I am very
much discouraged.”
“Perhaps you don’t use the peeper
methdR to get eases. You should never
appear upon tbe streets without carrying
in your bend e sheet of cep paper
folded up so m to look like % legal docu
ment; rash about as if you wuru loaded
IfriBag nut a deed nr fnasethhig, and
when in court never fail to cock yonr
fact up on the table, brash up your
hair and look wiser than the judged!you
can. That’s the way those fellow* who
succeed to l*w 99 w«|l fill dte" •
the time came tor you to—to leave off,
and then tbe matter would—would sort
of regulate itself, yon know.”
“Well, Brown was a good fellow and
I am sorry he is gone," said a Western
editor to tbs proprietor of the -heper.
“He wwrked bard ell hie life and died
poor, the way of ,
with considerable fecKng, “Brown
good printer and it will be hard to AH
his place.”
“I suppose we ought to attach some
thing to the door in the shape of a
tiadge of mourning for a little while,**
suggested the editor.
"It wonld be s good idea, tmt I don’t
believe there is anything about the
place that wonld answer the purpose,
and in the present feeble financial condi
tion of the concern 1 don’t feel like put
ting out any money for crepe.”
“No,” mused the editor, “it would be
better to settle np book salaries first, list
now I think of it, I know just the
“What is it ?” asked the proprietor.
“We might hang out one of the com
posing-room towels.”—Philo. Call.
A colored man entered a grocery and ’.
asked for a cash oontr ilmlion oi twenty-
five cents toward tbe erection of a
colored people’s church edifice.
“Where is it to lie located
the grocer.
“Wall, that hasn’t bin dun decided
on yet.” '
“jYhat is it to cost ?”
“Hsin’t figgerud on dat, a ah.”
“Who is the pastor f *
“Dun forgit; but I reckon we can
find one.”
“Who is the bead man of this enter
“De, head man ! Wall, Ise bout da
head man, I reckon.”
“I am not mtisfled with your explana
tions,” said the groom. “How can.I
be oeftain that you won’t appropriate
the money to your own purposes
“Am dat what bod den you?”
“I contone it is.”
“Well, sah, we kin git bber da* party
easy. Instead of hftking a cash contri
bution jnat weigh am out '’two podMa
of crackers wM inatrakabifba to tom
to de Build in’ Committee. Urn
obdat oonnwittee if I ada’t
nobody t>\4h'V'- Mroil Frets PYcm. Mt-
A stranger traveling 00
’ through the backwoods <
very mu4h impressed with
itv thakeKfcfed between the'
the natives. Tbe s^jne had at
to tbe privileges of tho ha
seemed to make liberal tee of i
up to a shanty, the stranger 1
unkempt specimen of humouRy:
“Why dent you keep
of your house?"
“Look here, streamer,”
the Arkansas man, putting km 1
his pockafa, “ef you
my family ain’t ftttau for hop
data with, jnat <
•ay it."
Tha afaragar
the native by oMMafflm Jfcut the
waa a fit mandate tea bog. «d tha
neual greeting of: “Ughtymfcuafmt
have anma afaamoua beer. lhMa
)diumt tem under tbej
I theutfht