The people. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 1877-1884, February 28, 1878, Image 2

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Jan* tf. HOLMES, W. RtAN, VdiWr. , .■ . ■ ■ ■——dwa Ws nre not responsible forth® flews t* om oorrpodoodents. ii i t)t}» eootrlbntprs nod coramunlcantfi ftre reqo^Ved to get their matter In the office by or before lipmfcft. This EzrS M will be apt to Insore Its publication in the Capital. V.,.><\m.■■■-. ■ '-Vv*.:4:r“ . - Feb retry 28.—The doe® week finds the eepita) enveloped in that dead calm which it popularly supposed to be. tj^s precursor of storms. The Calendars of both houses heretofore crowded With bills slid joint resolutions, : 0. chiefly of loeel and sabordinatp inforest* have been chared off in fintuipntiot! of the {reel battle on the report of the in. commission oh the bonded debt of the Plate, which commences on 'Tuesday next, the 26th Inst The re port will he thoroughly discussed, for it presents the most important questions • that hart ftTlirfuaJ liis -silfatiou of the Legislature and npon their SatUftc* toy solation depend, in s great measure, the honor and prosperity of aur State and fbe perpetuity of democratic supremacy. A luge party In the Legislature, in *vm- with the pronounced views of the * advocate the recognition the ooMaolidsted debt as the most Jhonorable and economical solution of this *3|hexod questioa aa|'a« 'alee' iMMitiil to the continiiod supremacy of the democ- On the other hand a strong petty ire the repudiation of so much ot the debt as is tainted with % small minority favor the of the entire debt contracted republican admiais- tbe payment of the debt as to the reconstruction eta. The legal questions involved are BO numerous and intricate that it Is very difficult to arrive at a satisfactory con • as to which alternative ia beet for (ha State, and it la equally difficult to say which of the viewe presented above is popular. the republican party came into power in 1868 the State debt amounted fo 97.262*231. During the next fivg HfBfhpW Hffi jawHrphBiy, wtefc %f bn the 81st day of October, 101, (be enormiM By operation of the eeelnMiiiiBa act approved Deoember 22, 1873; $5,905, 000 of the above waft Wpadlatia aad the balance of $9,886,627 directed to : \m consolidated in coupee bonds at etc* ffidf of thflfr faBB ndait, ao that; if their consolidation M, to*. eomplated (he bonded debt of the State would be 94,943,318.00. By the terms of the Sftt this consolidation was declared to he the State and the r-jBS ; i m:h. mm tM-mr *■ a contract betweeu bondholders. , A n annual tax of two (or the payment of interest was pledged and the eoupmsTof the b6ed>| weie declared receivable in payment cf for the years in which they fell due. The report of the commission shows consolidation bonds and certificates Of stock amounting to 94,395,290.41 have been issued in exchange for okl bends/ certificates, Ac., amounting to 98,792,779* and it further declares that of these toonsolidated hands and certifi- |lj|jiiril 1i tT ITTTTTHT mm been| itoued in aeoordence with law,*' and that 92,818,454.72 “have not been issued in accordance with law," but does not state EE *bat per centage is fraudulent, leaving that to ha ascertained by further investi gation in ease the ipport ia sustained hy the Legislature. The report of the com mittee, supplemented by the testimony of ex-officials if fifcjf MpUdlttih govern* meat, shows that the most ingenious rascality was exercised in the Consolida tion ot the debt Valid and fraudulent claims were combined and every device adopted that was calculated to cover the J track* of their rogues and to make the settlement a The commission have also presented a report on the Hunting debt of the State, Aowing that rlaiihs to the amount of 91,(^46,926.04 have been presented and registered, and that theJitjance of bills of the bank of tb« State- Manding aed for the payment of^which the State ia rtspopaible k 970,179.27. ^Tbe State is aleo resptmtible for 9474, 900, bonds' of the Hnion r Railroad: are willing ^ compromise at (fivers frojjjpffic Them iaa aiher lining to every cloud Ipk means of"IjKji oonrt to os. I have given so mueh time to the debt qnhation that I 4pm onlyjre- fer briefly to the legislation of the week. The bill to eatablish voting precfocts in (lie State substitutes in Barnwell county Mixsdn's Mill for Canaan. Fair Church and establishes precincts atEfko 1 and FamdTs store. It is proposed to amend the election law by placing, two boxps at each precinct, the one for State and the other for Federal officers—they aro not to be nearer than one hundred and fifty nor more than four, hundred and intimidation of the United States supervisors. , ’ L. Cars Carpenter, who has been for some months an inmate of the Ricblo-nd oonntj jail, has been pardoned through the instrumentality of his wife, who se cured the signatures of many senators and representatives to * petition. He is suffering Atom consumption and gets otily a short lease of life by hit enlarge ment. It is reported that Niles 0. Par-, ker will be shortly released on his own recognisance. The numerous friends of Cardoso wifi be glad to learn that he u i growing thin—prison taro and a pent up Utica do uot suit thefetirly ex-treasurer, and R is to be hoped that it will bo a long time before his penitence will so re duce him that he can get odt through the bars of Sheriff Pent's hotel. A new eight-page tri Weekly paper* bearing tile Suggestive tide of the “StrsightoUt Democrat,” will be started hfere on the first of March Under the edi. torial management of Major Henry S. Fsrley. Rev. Mr. Hun ha 11, a northwestern rei vivalut, is holding a series of meetings • I do not know a field that ftands in greater need of his services that! this city. I enclose list of such acts approved since lost wfick as arc of interest. Art act to prevent public officers fieth issuing checks except upon funds actu ally to their credit or from paying the same. An act to nuthofixe and require the County Commissioners of Cantwell coun ty to levy a special tax and to build a court house and jail at the county seftt of said county. An act to further provide for the set' tlcment of the bonds of the State known as firo loan bonds An act to establish a new judicial and election county from a portion of the county of Beaufort to be known as Hampton county. An act to grant aid to the State Agri cultural afad Mechanical Society. Ah act to authorize the County Com missioners to dhangu the names of town ship* iu their respective Counties. lr, Ah ImpobTant Act.—The following act, which ha* recently become a law, make# some Important change* In tbe duties of Borne of our public ofttcer*. It will be seen that judgee of probate will hereafter sell all their property ordered to be sold by tbe probate oonrt. Instead of the sheriff ; Bec. 1 Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Bepreretatlves of the State of South Carollua, now met and sitting In Oenral Assembly, and by the authority of the same. That an aot to alter and amend an act entitled “An act to revise, simplify and abridge the rules, practice, pleadings and forms of court* j n this Stats," approved March 13,1872, be, and the satne Is hereby, repealed. Bec. 1 That on and after the pas sage of this act all sales of real estate or personal property uhdel- the order of the Brobate Court shall be made by the Judge of Probate; and all sales under the order of the court where the title ts to be made by the cleik of the ootift, shall be (Cade by the clerk, and all other judicial sales shall be made by the eherifi as now provided by late i Provided, Nothing herein contained shall effect the sales under executions Issued out of tbd courts of trial jus tlces, Or those to be made by executors or administrators. Approved February 2,1878. a fine of not less live hundred Hollars, nor more tfan flye thousand dollaas, or by imprteon- mont In the State'penitentiary, at bard labor, for tbe period of, not lees than one gapT'Ser more than five years, or bdtb, at tbs discretion of the Court, SXt. 8. That this act sbsll not apply to landholder or farmers furnishing fertilizers to their tenants or em ploye^. r Bxo. 4 That this act shall take effect immediately after Its passage. - I ■ Circular. Room ox thk Dim. Ex. Com. I -* " ■% f Barxwkll County. Feb. 21,1878. 1. In pursuance ‘ By virtue of an execution iu the above mittee herewith transmitted, local dubs of the last campalgi' with their affiliated colored cldbs will aV«noe re organize by electing oftlceta to serve for the next two years. 2. A county convention to oonzltat of delegates from the local clubs will as semble fn Barnwell on tbe first Mon day In May, at lOtf »• for the pur pose ot electing a county chairman ant^ othet officers to serve for the neit two yeara, as well as to take such other action as may be deemed prop er for the good of the party. Repre sentation In the teonVehtlon will be one delegate tor each club and one ad ditional delegate for evety twenty- five Ynetabers.’’ Fractions over twenty- five ^members will not be entitled to rcpnXenmtlon. L The bomlnatlnn of party candi dates Will take place later iu the chm- peigh. & As soon ftb csOh club le reorgan ized the president will forward to tbe secretary at Barnwell, a list of "officers with their post offices and the number of membera enrolled. He will also supervise and forward a slmtlnt rtpott from his stellated col ored club. Job wok HaoooUv County Chairman. Jambb M. Ryan, Secretary. N. B.—All clubs that have orgabfted since tbe last campaign will report the fact, with names of officers and mem bership promptly to the Secretary. „ & M. LANIER, —With— R P Bayley & Co — IMPORTERS OF-*- CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, ar HANOVER HTREET* BALTIMORE, Maryland. fob21=fim r P RE/\1)_ DAILY f AUGUSTA r* ' NEWS, 'i th£ great local fafer f ®! ;• — :£ ^ • PU Pus HEP EVERY AVtERNtHJX A+ % 3i AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, ^ TV\0 EDITIONS DAILY! r Pj * 4^6 y . Lhtest To’egrsphic, Foroigu and i« C Domestic MarktPi, IvOCftl and r* f’l General Nets. j 1 ? — ;r ^iCheppest Paper in the Sotith. J SI Price ? 5 per attnum, or 50 cents 3 per motitii. >1 W. H. MOORE, Editor. Notice of. Sheriff; Notice is hereby given to whom it mny concern that all general deputations to pet for me heretofore made to any ami all persons (except that made to F. M. Mixaon, my ccncral deputy) are hereby this day revoked. In future, parties act ing for me will be furnished with special deputations so to do. J. W. Lancaster, Sheriff Barnwell Couuty. February 14, 1878i 3t Mortgagees Sale of House and Lot iu Town of Bamberg, A Bill to Regulate the Sale of Quaho and Other fertelitore. Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House of Representative* of the State of South Carolina, how met and sitting la General Assembly, and Jt>y the au thority of tits same: ' That ail persons engaged in tbe manufacturing in this State gu ano or other fertilizer, otto selling in this State guano or othe?-fottUbser wqplHMirsfrlo iwoChe* Ruts, sR>ti or other I)y Virtae of a power of eale to me Blade i* % mortage of real estate herinafter descri bed, said mortgnge being from Mrs. Ann C. Jones to feygelf, and dated the 28d day of January, 1878/ I will tell, at public outery, St Bamberg, 8, C., on Saturday, the Iftth day ot Febuary, 1878, at.l2 ©clock m, all that ettrtnin lot of land, with dwelling Houee theraop, aituate in the town of Bamberg, in Itarawall County, ami fronting cn llroad street, conuining one acre, moreor leas, and (totnided on the north by Broad rfreet, on the Soutn by what WaSfbrfherly known as HUtlc Bird alley, and on the wwt by Washington street. Terms. Cash enough to satisfy the Said mortgage and expehstsofstlo, and bal- nee Oh a Credit until the fifst day of JEh uary, 187B,theeredit portion lobe seoufe<l Barrett & Caswett v*. H. J. Snider. By virtue of a lien warrsfit *16 urt) di. rected, I will sell st the residence of H. iripWer, on Tuesday after being the 5th day of March rtfcxt, the following described propcHr^ Cue huo^ «lred and seventy-five bushel* of corn, moro or lees. Levied upon os tho prop erty of H. J. Snider at the nit of Bar- i‘< tt & ('nswr'l. Sheriff s office, Barnwell, fi. C., Feb ruary 16th, 1878. . ~ J. W. LANCASTER, fr. ft. C. land situate, lyintt and being in the coun ty of Barnwell, containing four -hugged seres, more or 1cm. bounded by lands of A. A. Faust, also Doyrilng, J* C., and C. T. Dowling sikL^T. A. Anderson. Pure^asers to take pomtosion st the ix- pirntton of the lift of Mrs. R. J. Foust Levied oppu srffie pi Execution Sales aeefo V. Baxley vs. Geo- E. SfeadnrAn. J * entitled cs*e, to me directed, I will sell on the first Monday of March next, at the coynty scat of Barnwell county, be tween the usual hours of sale, the follow ing real property, to-wit: One plntitatiOfi 1 U.Fenst, .-‘in certain Wiet JP|I J _ Ry • or"DC*y Fau-t at the suit of Sigmund Liebmnn. Purchaaeru to pay for paptep*’ . Also. E, B. Stoddard & Co. etyaT. v£ J. N. W6od & Bro. By virtue of ehri- 102 MARKET ST., NEAK KING, CHARLESTON, S. C. "Anrkwv W**ei«i i>■ <tk;o r n Aivd cigarh/ Ltmch From Eleven to One O’clbck. v ■ Oysters Served in Every Style. Call on&attc me'. for wBI ZllftSBi I- -^MABOAKET. -.a,-.. Bamberg 8- C. Jan. 26,1 *. A. BOSCRMtBB, 22 ptantatton br tract of land con taining (109) oite ' hundred and nine Acres, wioto or lesw, situated' in said coun ty, and boundetl by lands of Simon Brown, J. R. Templeton, Isaiah Nevills, P. J. I- Redmond ahd W. R. Walah. Also, One tract 'of (50) fitly acres, hounded by latida 'of l^imon Brown, J* E- Templeton abd Whaley and 1>y To by's creek. Also, One tract of (57 1-2) fifly^sev- en acre*, more or lees, bounded by lands of Mrs. Sarah Carroll, Mrs. Harriet A Hen, M. F. Molony and P. J. I. RodrAond. Also, One iot or parcel of .land to .the town of ftlackville, liaring fifty-ifouV (54) feet front on pA«calu8 street and running Liat (2f5) two jianfe^r had tweety fiVe foot to lot Of C. E. Lartigue and boubd- ed on the ttnat bylot of Sammd L. Bell and wtRrtt by lot of C/ E. Ijartiguc. Also, One tract Pr plantation of hind ih said County, containing (220) two hundml and twenty acres, more or less, am^boftnded by lands of W\ R. Walsh, Simon Brown, — Martin, I. Nevills/G. E. Steadman and Buford’s Bridge road. Also. One houmt and lot In the town of BlacKvillc, having a front on Clarke strOet of (125) one hundred and twenty- five feet and funning back (100) one hundred feet, and bcuuded by lots of ’Lartiguti, Asher, Meyer and Keeler on the north and A. YunduhLen dn the south and east. On this lot Is a good dwelling houto. kitchen, servants’house and other outbuildings. Also, All defendant's interest In one tract of (50) fifty ncree, formerly be longing lo Henry Jowers and bought at tax sa'e. Also, Otle tract of (59) fifty at»res, formerly belonging to Mr. M*. B. E. Zcigler, and bounded by lands of estate of Samuel Still, E. Hartltog, H. N. Zeagler and J. (J. Willtnina. Term—Cash. Purchasers to pay phpers and record Lug.' ^ Also, Mi F. Moloney against George .1. Fogle; All that certun trac^ of Iftud lying and being in Barnwell county, con taining two hundred atfres, more or less, boundslyBtirth by lauds of 8. Wilkinson, smriiby lands of B. F. Rice, east by lands of S. N. Walker aed west by lands, of Charles O’Brien. L<*vt61 upon its the property of Georgt J. Foglu at the suit of M. F. Moloney. Purchasers to pay for pqpebs; Also, Octdfis tl. OWens and Emmrt R., his wife, and Etigdnia A. H«*lly agiinst J- C; ILdly and othc-s. By virtue t)f sh execution t^ ihi dirbcted # in tho abort} stated case, I will sell oh the first Monday iff Mareh next, it he'up sulesday, to the highest bidder the fill* lowing described property, to-wit i One trivet ol land contaiuing nine hundred hud seventy eight acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Mr*. Jul a Holly on tile north, by lands of 8*ttu»el Dilhbar nn tho east, by lands bf Mrs. LtffrH Dunbar and Isffbttl Nobles on the fouth and by Unds of F*. Dunbar on thfe west. Terms of sal^Bffifa. PiirchitS ers to pay for paper.'*^^^ Also, Ann Owens and Frances Reddy against Wm. Snelling/M^y virtue of sundry executions to me dweeted, I will sell nt Barnwell on the firffi Monday in march next, it being saleadayj tb ttie highest bidder, for cash, between the usual hours of sale, the following de scribed property, to-wit i One hundred acres of land, mere or less, situate in Barnwell county, bounded on the north by land* of Charles Smith; south by Innds of Dr. — Miller, cast by lands bf J. P. Platts, west by lands bf the t>«ate of J. J. Cater. Levfaifiaym tithe property of Wm. Snellfng at the suit of of Ann 0*ensand Frances Reddy. Par- chasers to pay for papers. Also, J. D. Rountree against Oscar P. Hay, Susan C. Hay and Thomas P. Hay. All that certain tract of land lying and being in Barnwell county, contain* iogtwb htfndred acres, more or leas and bounded north by lauds of A. P. Ald- rich, south by lands bf Dr. Frd Hay, east by lands of Dr. Thomas Hay and west by Lower Three Runs. Abo, Ail that Attala trtei af land ia Barnwell boubty containing two h«u- dred and thirty-six acres, more or less, bounded north nyTaatM oi J^hn Rosier, south by lands of Willulnikj^ixson, east by Jiower Three Bdns aad west by lands of Wi!liairt MixsoQ ted John the propi day of said to the highest bidder;: f- for cash, the following 'described per- a'tnal property, to-wit Six mules and two wagons. Levied upon hi the prop- Ault of E. B. Stoddard <t Cd. ct. W. Alto, ChrLtianna Hailey v«. .Toshaa MffCreary, at the same time and phtcer to the highest bidder, for-trsh, the fol lowing described property: one dark bay horse. levied npffn as tho property of Josli oa McCreary at the suit of Cl lrj^i tianqs Hjirley. , Also, On Tuesday after sulesday in March nexl, U being the 5th day of said month, to the highest hi hler, for cash, at the residence of -Joshua McCreary at ) 2 o'clock iff. tho following described per sonal property: Six head of cattle, 500 bushels of corn, in’orti ot ItesV, a lot of fodder. Levied upon as the pro^jerty of Joshua McCreary at thto suit of Chris tian na. Harley.. .1 L. Also, 0. B. Owens et-. al. vs. J. C, and Martin Harley et al, on the sanAc day and at the same hour., ffly cash, fft the residence of Dr. 8. J. Brabham the following described personal property f One piano. Lcriod upon as ihcprroperty of Mr*. Suarn Brabham, deceased ? nt tho suit of 0. B. Owens et al agniusl J.*!?; Aud Martin Holley et al. - Also-, J. V. Baxley vs. G. E. Stead', man; cm the same aby and the same lipurs in the town of Blackrille, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described pcrHonal property: A lot of gcubral ‘nierchandbe. Levied upon as the property of G. K.‘ Steadman at the suit of J. V. Baxley. fob28-Iy iflriTZ Vtt>I.I.I'.VIIi:KR, Affean - Attention t^aFmers S SherifFa officid, Barnwell, S. Q., Feb ruary lltb, 1878. y W. LANCASTER, Sheriff Barnwell Cotitity. Order Sales, State of South Carolina, Burn Wei 1 conn ty-—In the I’ro’qatc ‘ Court—I’Cti- tioh for partitiou bf real estate. * GidSon Bid me and Linsoy Illume, p4ti tioners, against Darling Blumcet. al. ftefendants. By virtue of ap ofdcr of salt! made iil thi^ case by the probate court of Barn well county, I will sell at Barnwell Court House on the first Monday in Matoh next, all that certain tract of laud Situate in said ebunty, containing ntuety-bne i aerts, nioW of less, and bounded by lauds now or lately o( Simou liroWn, Christina Joiner, William W> Hutto itrid other#. The same ia soM subject to any wtabeet that yChi l t <phcr C. Blutrtc may have in Am real estate. - Temis—Cash. Pateh«8vrt to jtiy for papers. ^SherilFs Offii**, Btiriiwell, 8. C'\ Feb; ruarv 11th, 1878. J. W. LANC ' STKIk S. B. C. South Carulina, Barnwell county—In . the Probate Couri. Ex parle, Bi'tljanriu Lyniv^admiffistnittlr, and Sirah K; - HtirrlsiU oh*l Jain Richard HarrUon, tf a miiiyt, (hy Mi G. Tobin, his next fiiciwt) widow and t*hi!d ahirdlstributccs bTWilliaSI Hr Harrison, deceased. By virtue and in pursuance of an or der made in the above stated bails** by Jollies M Ryan, Esqi, of Pio- bate, dated 8th dif Febrtiaiyi 1878; will sell at BarnwcU on the flrpt Motwiajr in Mafch. next, it being saienday, to tire highest bidder, fi.r carii, between the hburs of sale, the following de- htribed real estate to-ait: All that piece or triict of land situated iu the State afiresaid and county of Bart1tkell:bf<tnd- ed udrth by lands of M. M. JJghtsey, east by lands of J. J. £ouhg % south by lands of C. J. Keart-c ahd west by lands of B. Fi Lynes and Htntaining seventy five acres, more or less. Purchasers to pay for.pnperft. SheritFs Office; Barnwell, 8. C.-, Feb ruary 8th, 1877. .- _ J, W. LANCASTER, 8. B. C« ^mtth fcdrolida, Rarnprell county—In the Probate Couth—Petition for partition. Cornelius A. Milhous et. al. aj Louisa E. Milhous et. al. By virtue of an order fff MW made in this ease by the Probate Judge of 1km- of J.D. Also, ( to | ti fifty per centum Cent coupon bonds. Tbe contingent tiab ? u, *-?L^ 1,er r *‘ ,roa d bonds ^378.80, and she will be for payment of proportion taye insolvent and operating exj conclude that atalnlng the same A prluiod, contaluluc r\U\gf IMA.' JU ihist Andrew :of land in inty tha person or lOfl H. Jc “ or 1 ra-t rfttm guaoo or other fertfitoer, and at tbA.. or the ;tuid i of analysis oi such guano or Sxo. 2. That it ttoj per* son* *hall offer for sMe-le - guano or other ferUlezer In ree Ike State "ei- fp* 5110 *btoh the proviekme ot thk act have not hMn oomplied with, or & Which the analj-sia attached le aecer tatoed to be false to material particu for, such person ot peraona ktotij 'be • ntisdeaeafior aad shall be mzM the bond- mil; -1 in cx- *, who has failed to Cbmply. hseere to. p*y for'papcM* Also, J. H. Kinard agm'hsi J(ary L. to." AH that eertain lot in t! Barnwell, containing one mofe m* lees, bounded by lot* of Jf. A. Duncan. Mre. Mary Ingram (the Fewkc lot; and divided by a itrert from lot of the estate of J. (1. Duncan. Possession gives January 1st, 1879. Purchasere toupay for papers. .Also, 8igmurM laetnnan agaiu.-t • * Ocean Bone -!*♦ V- I and Rich iff Ammonia, Potash and-Phosphoric Arid, tho great element! laiit food. Wo arts now offering this celebrated Fertiliser under our own brand name, and have greatly improved upon its commercial value by giving it two -.tie half per cent, additional Potash. Circulars giving prices and lull particulars promptly forwarded to ail who want them. ■» • j, M, BERRY, General ^gent, AuglistA, Ga. R. t*. Cblehiah. 'Traveling Agent jan32-3m NOTlOE t)T nKAL MscRaROB Notice i* hebeby girisn thnt on the si^th day qf March, l878i I will apply to Jumep M. Ryan, Esq., PPobatc Judge, at Ins office in Dnhiwen, for a final di*t b e as execulor of Samuel Young- I; deccnsbd, ' janHl ltd S’iitixriKfeLLOw. NOTICE St 1 FINAL DISGBARGtS. For Selling, 50c. » Storage, 25c. Mi O’Dowd. COTtreH FAOTOB Not'co is -v r-J- An in COMMtMSH »IST MICRCHXNT 1 E. P. Claytoh’s Flrr.Proof Warehouse, hereby given that bn the sixth daytif March, 1878, I will apply to James M» Ryan, Esq*, Pn*bate Judge, UhnriVotl, at his office in BhnriVell, for a final dis- charge as executor bf John M. Joiner, J. W. Lancj jan31-td .ancastkr: t'orhor Campbell and Reynolds 8ta. Augusta, Georgia. ; EE^ONAL ATTFNTION GIVEN TO WEIGH 1 tKU AND SELLING.,/ WKk Ws tovl.Sm _ South Citrollna—Barnwell County. J?y Jnines 1L Ryan, E*]., Judge ©/ Probate. C entral Hotel Whereas, J. J. Brabham, clerk of the court of common picas for uid county, hath made suit to mu to grant him Itt- ters of admiumtrtition of the estate and effects of Ulysses Sullivan—a drtclict es- lato. Tlicse are therefore to cite ami hdmbhish-ail and singular the kindred and*er<^litors l 6f the .mid Ulysws 8uili- irftri, decjariwi,-that they be and appear before mo^iff the prolate ceutt- for said be hoMen at Baniwellon the day «>f February, 1878, at ten 6’elfH.k a. m., to show (nose, if any they can, why said admit istratiou shoul.d not be gianted. — • *' Given under n»y hand, at Barnwell, the !»d dnv of .laundry3878.. JAMFiS Mi RYANr- Judge sf Probate. Street, A.TJOXJSTA. OICOIVOXA Mrs- M!* *W • ’Thomas; CcntfaDy I^irotni—('onvcnlnit to-tbBbun._ PiaBos 1 Pianos j If you want a first class Piano Forte* at a reasonable price, go to [KOKOIA, and you can get one in every ropeot, sweetness of tone cannot be excelled if S nth CarulinawtH Guttutyj P.j J’jm'ti S; Rjjan, E*g., JuJjtnf Prohnt*. WherrlH, J. J: Brjldirtirt, e’erk of .tho court of onuimotl pi-as for si id poum ty, hath made suit to uih .tj grant him le{*era of admuiisttetion on the estate and efleota fif C F. Burke,—a derelict estate. These Are thcrofuro to cite and equaUed. Picture Frames- [Pblfoijjt having c-hromor er any kimld faf ptotarto that th y want framed would Mo itrc’l to'tttke tlicln to adninuiSb all and_ (tiiiguiar the kindred rtnei ifcditorS of the raid C. E. Burke, dreejsed, that they bv and appear before me in tho probate court for raid county, to be hoMcn nt Haiti well on the 25th day of February, 1875, at ten o'clock a; m., to shofr eshic, if any they c*n, why said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, at Barnwell, the 8d day ci January, j8?8.." JAMES M. RYAN, .. J udfft* of Proi OATES Hit OS., Ar.u:sr.\, (iXOltni A, who will do them in ttirlous styles ai reasonable prices; Tfy them add yod will find it so. . . wme< Shipping and Commi'Sion Merchant WHOLES ALB DEALER Hi Fruits and Produce^' jan i7 nbate; - EDISTO LANDS FOR SALE. 11G East Say» CSAS&ESTGN. Se Hi • * your orders, I well county, I will rell»{ Bftrhwcll Ourt Heuse on ihe .fliul Monday in March next, during the legal hours of ull that tract of land situate in the raid county, containing tbres hundred and thirty-seven acres, more or less, and bounded on the north by land* of Mrs.- Weeks, on the east by lauds of Henry W. like, Jr., and B, B. Sums, on the M by land* of Samuel L. M ilhous and William D. Free, on the west by land* ot McKihsie Daniels. Tcn>i.<—One th'ird ca.xh, and tho hal- anc; on a credit of One and two years, toe f rrttewr te give .bdnd for such credit portion, bearing interest from day sale. Such bond to be sect red of the premise* and purehagern and focording.* upfiw well, S. C., Fed- CiBtKftrt B. C. ’ropr tone & Co., ietor&of the Charleston Branch I , 01 T * K HAVANA 8E6AB fACTORY, “ La Valentina.” Fine Havana Tobacco Minufac- ttried excluiivelj by Cuban work men frill, frith skill, produce Segars equal in quality, style and fragrance to tbe best brands known. One timuHand tig hundred acres primti cotton and provision land* on Edirfo River and Yarrow Branch, four mile* north of tVilligton, (or sale. On this tract there it a good mill seat [til a subvtantiul darn, an ample and illtig water power. There is no bet ter IcUatiofi in this county fora Merchant Mill of Cotton Mamitffctory. Titles good wad tite price at which it frill bb sold is far below its actual value. For further infix-motion apply to . - JOHN W, HOLMES, jnti3-if Willi*ton, 8. C. Soliciting yotirs truly, J. B. TOMLINSON. . WM. M. HALE. seplC-Gmo jt exh) DR. 0. J. BOND. Stii'^euil Dfentis^ Will visit Blarkvillo on tbe 15tb inst. and would be serve the pubh8 professionally; jan3-lm NO HUMBUG CABINET ORGANS. Tie subscribers bayc jnat received tbe largest and fihect collection of Orgffns evCr offered for Sale it) Augusta, which they will dispose of lit reasonable price* KvCfy inStrurficnt warfanted fof 5 year*’ O.AtES Bros., Sifcce-sora to Geo. A. Oates, Augusta. ur*i M. Ryan, agent for above. A largo assortment of school and mis cellaneous books and all kinds of statiffn- cry can always bo found at deol 3-Ora Oates Bbo*., 244 Broad Strfedt. DIES IB & J5SLAS, ATTOllNEYSAl LAW, Bdratnerg ftn<l Blackvilie; S. C. Asdrkw C. Dibbi.1, Aambm. Laurie T. Izlar, Blackvilfc, scpC-dm 116 EAST BAY STREET, Charleston. S- C- scpl3*6mo I I* TOBIN- ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENDALE, SOUTH CAROLINA joaiaiy » ' a. C. JOHBAN, -A-T^OTtNKY A.T IaA-W, 1 . AIKEN; S. C. Will practice in all of the Courts ef this State. ocll-ly E. i. FRELER i'K, M. B., kt Jo WAL-KBR’Si eep«-ly J, 8r<3. Ri BOLIN HUTSON fiUcksmiih an! Wheelright, iYilliaton, Hon th Caweltt Ad experience of forty yean justiSe bffn in promising to gfre entire faction to bis patron*. Tun ehovela and scrapers of the) proved patterns made to eboft notice and at bard pan Mill and gin work and be are bis specialties. Buggies, cartsand repaired to a first ctocs ■1-. ’. ■ ' ►44 ifcM aaffafifiii