The people. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 1877-1884, October 18, 1877, Image 2

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THE FEOrOVE. 'll,—li.-L j-—’.:--" BAWfWKLL, S. C., OCT. 1ft 1877. JOHN W. HOLMES, Edito?^ J \S. M R Y AN, AjwcUt* Ldit'w. Wk are not responsible for the ▼lews of our correspondent*.' ^ Ts«sr Tessf Me*. Have joq erer asked yourselros the qtostlon. What are we doing towards owdaty t? you bate, in how many Instances bare the answers produced pleasing sensa tions! Alas I we Judge but In fear fully few oases. There are maayyotrafc men In the Buts who do not regard that (hey owe any duty to the Com* monwealth, and, rather, beltere that everything—the pesos, harmony and stability of goremment—li of foros •Imply for their pleasure and protec tion. They are willing to take no step, perform eo labor for the advancement of the Interests of the eountry, unless they are paid for it And yet week af ter week they are willing to idle away their tiam, loafing around bar rooms aad places of heals tee, depriving the lew who are not drones In tbs busy hive of the pleasure of pursuing their avocations—a nuisance to every man who baa anything to do and n disgrace te theniaelTsa and family. How much better It would be for suob men to set tle upon some occupation In life and persistently follow It to tbs end. Not only would they be beoefitted In health aad In conscience, but. Instead of being only consumers they would noon reach thcdgaity of producers, and so, wtth credit to themselves had advantage to the oommoalty, help to buUd up the NATIONAL ANJD STATE NEWS. Bristow It Is said that ex Secretary wilt be Mloieterto England. _ < .TlsTrua Southron favors the repu- dlation of tho lktge£^rtl<«>^>f ouf public debt it; ^ T" T Ja the Iast v four ynsre. the/ pvanut crop la the United States'aggregated 3,3»,000bosbela. , /.The recent election In Ohio reenlted la a democratic victory. Tbla means another demooratlc Senator hi Con- greae In the Steed of Stanley Matthews. TbS hearing of the return to the writ of habeas corpus In Patterson’s case _ -warner fw yesteidsy before-fudgw Humphrey’s. Attorney-Oeneral Con ner left Oharieston on Satf rdajr night for Washington to represent the State. " v' - It now transpires that Oen. John M. Harlan, the leader of the republican party In Keotuoky, but said to be an able lawyer and a man of unblemished character, will be appointed to fill the vaoaocy on the United-States Supreme Bench. besought? From anany sources ; but I have found the Orange tba beat of all Every farmer should ha a Patfon and take at least one good agricultural paper or megaalse. How much does s good farmei’s jpaper cost ? r From three to five cents a waek. How much reading H aUer does ir contain ? The equivalent of a hundred pages of an ordinary book. Every farmer, not only for tba.-enllgbtenment and recreation There Is no walk ofllfe, In tbs South, la which labor aad brains are not need ed. The preacher, the farmer, the lawyer, the doctor, all would ba vastly Improved by a little more learniag and attsatioa to and labor la their respect ive oalkag* Some ooe of these walks ■HHt ha selected by every man In our eouaty, aad in do outaf them are lg- aoranoe and idleness at a premium— for bo om of them will a mao be fitted If ha waataa the predous years of his playiag aad so forth. UMlpatioB ruins more yoittg mi aad J» a greater calamity to tho country than dlseass ban ever bona. There are many young men whoaio not addloted to liquor drink ing or card playing, that an aa much to Idle aad vagrant habits as brethren. This last expression In a moat elaborate devo tion to tho fairer sex. Now; while we an an ardent admirer of the sex, while me believe that from a moral stand- point mso are as pigmlee by com pari- aoa with the better half of creation, aad while we hold that men are Im proved by ooatact with the ladles, we do earnestly protest against this con stant, aad ssemingly purposeless, lo- tenoase between the sexes. Under our present changed circumstances joungmsoend deal of work to do, aad they an not able, after being up until eleven and twelve o'clock for several consecutive sights, to discharge their duties prop erly without injury to themselves. Somebody has said that tils better for a maa to eat two meals a day aad have a full night’s rest than to lose soy con siderable portloo of bis sleep and eat a half doaea times In the twenty-four hours. South Carolina, In all her glorious history, has sever needed the lateitt- services of her sous more than The Ignorance la our country, la use of the oooaeqnenoes of the social and political Irruption we have jnst passed through, la fright ful to ooa template, and while Carolina’s soas an as ardent In thdr patriotism, as eager iir their ts serve her as in days of yore Yellow fever has been ragio^ ln Beaufort for the past moatb, but tbs last accounts seem to indi<nte a de crease In the ravages of tba fearful malady. Mr. Can tar, a son-in-law of Mr. 01G. Cooper of jaraham’s baa fall- eo a victim to the fever. Masses. £. B. Alien and L. B. O’Brien, of Allendale, engaged in a personal al tercation a (ew nights ag6| In whleb, It Is reported, the latter #aa worsted. Mr.O'Brien then challenged Mr. Allen to fights duel, which, bring promptly accepted, the two went to Augusta for the purpose of esrrylag out this inten tion. Arriving at Auguste both wen a meted aad placed under bonds to keep the peace. Samuel J. Ban dull, of Pennsylvania, was nominated by the democratic cau cus oa Saturday evening laat for Bpsak>> er of tbs Mouse of Bepressntativee la Congress, bis name being presented to the caucus by Hoa. A. H. Stephens of Georgia. The Indications an that the more extreme republics as will attempt to organise a strong opposition to Hayes’ edminislratioo, sod endeavor to do all they can to hamper him. It Is not llksly, however, that they will succeed In their nefarious designs. N. G. Parker, at one timer State Treasurer, was arrested In New Jersey on Saturday last under a requisition from Governor Hampton, and Is now In Colombia to answer for his past ras cality. Nash, the black Senator from Richland, has become so mu oh embar rassed by the action of the Investigat ing Committee that he has thought It advisable to resign bis seat In the Sen" ate, turn State’s evidence and return about 96,000 Of bis stealings to the State. Nash is the dusky ooon who pretended that be was offered and re fused a bribe of 9100,000 to vote for TUden. Nash la of a witty turn of mind aodao doubt meant the asser tion as a huge Joke v A PLAIN TALI WITH FARMERS. Their Advantage* sad OppartanlUss. Idlewildr, Uabnwell Oo., Oct. 11 Eittion of TV People: With your permlsstoQ I wiah to ask jirflvr^SesTIbns for th* consideration responsibility Is upon them, i Is svsiy Ayr growing la weight If the young men duty the whits plains of promt superiority gallant old aouth i mammas mm^amsa h ■ ^ M M ft- ^ ' wwor worn win lower do- go to work! Let abtdto ftsducs you from the path ad doty I Do your work well and do It proudly, aad ooe of thcae days, when Chroilaa oalie upon you, to the eoaadfc aad to Oie Odd you will surety meet with your reward—that , reward all men leodve ,%bo have ever held d*y to tbrir StAta to he of paramount Ivw waMwem Qakxa k. — From WOv receive the aad intelS tin death of thU estimable which occurred on Sunday night, 14th tost; after a protracted iU- ness. We knew ef so man whose loss wifi be more keenly felt or rincecely de- hlored hf his friundr la the death Mr. OsKXAV South Carolina has lost one sf her purest patriots, and society of the farmers of our county. The laboring part of the people, or farmers, If you please, have the greater part of the burthens of taxation to bear. The manufacturer, the mer chant, the banker add their insurance and taxes to the price of their wrree, sod when the farmer buys them he pays their taxes. The man who bor rows tho banker’s money pays the taxes for the banker. - Can the farmer add his tax** to the price of bis pro duce ? No.- He has to take what be oan get, let it be much or little, while every acre of the farm, every horse, calf, pig and lamb Is Hated for taxation; oo smuggling or hiding property from •bo Assessor om th* farm. Other oc cupation* oan, and I believe do escape from paying tbrir juft proportion of taxes. Oan these things be remedied ? If tha (ameo of South Carolina would turn thefr dfteotiou to these matters they could bring about a reformation that would suve millions of dollars to the people. Let us unite upoa some plan and move forward instead of wast ing our time la discussing partisan questions that mult to putting this or that lawyer, doctor, merebsat or loafer to office. Let us sleet men who know what a dollar le worth by tho drops of sweat that are lost to earning It. What do the farmers want to accomplish ? All this. Strength and knowledge, tow shall they be gained ? By combi nation. How kaowtodge? By personal observation and study, by eoasuKiog together aadby reading thrihxperteooe aad observation of other mea. .How •hall they oombtosMa any way that will bring tbrir united strength to bear to realat eommoa~ovfla and to gala oomraon benefits. There Is already'• powerful organtostioa^tks Patrons of Huabandry, which ean be made to be all and to do all that we oan^ ask of any orgaotoation/ ' V The order is a mighty engine and It only needs Are and wise direction to ^o It ncoompllsh what we desire. In wfiat way does this order assist the farmers ? It unites together thoee who hays oommon Ihforeat, It gives; them opportunity for consultation ; It. makes friends sad co-workers Of those who otherwise were strangers. What should the farmers wish to know ? All 1 that pertains to tbrir business: all that pertalnh to thefr duties •• men and of himself and family Ought to take one or more, hut to protect him from sharpers. ~ThSse are bard times. Is it Ago&eoooomy to be ignorant? No. COCNTT OF BARNWELL. By jhinfts M. Ryu. Esq., Judj^sf Probate. Whereas Cynthia Lugeftii Sullivan hath made ftuit to me to grant her Let- ten of ^Administration on the estate and effeeti of U lyses Nnlli van ; -r~,—-yr-r--^- 'i'hese are therefore to eite ahd monish all and singufar the kindred end creditors of the said Ulyscs .Sullivan, de- cessed,-that they be and appear before me in (he Court of Probate, to be held at Barnwell on TUESDAY, the 30th day of October mit, after publicat'tou hereof, at tan o’clock in tho forenoon ttaaday in Wlllistoa. < {Prom Out hagnlar UavraspoaJeat.3 -1 M'-urt, EdUort of 2 ke. People: Rancho jPansa said, “blessed be the man who first invented sleep.” I say* “blessed, thrice pleased Ls be who gave toe Sunday.” And suob a Sunday as this, the 14th of October, the beginning of oar glo rious Indian Summer, that “later Spring beyond reoalL” This day should ho marked with a white stone for many reasons; tho principal ooajbriag the rare tatrileetual and apMtael faaat, given ua by our bo> loved and revered pastor, Bev.Ludos Cuthbert, preparatory to admtoisteriag tho LonPs Sapper to these members of this sad other eburphas at the same faith to good steading who frit their need. The ear vies was begun by tba singing of tba 617th hymn by-the choir and congregation, acf'teatog minds and hearts, opening a way Into our oo)d hearts for that earnest, humble, fervid Petition that rose for thaae now and all untried converts, and O blessed chari ty I for those who have eo resolutely dosed their hearts to the stirring, lov ing appetite made them to “some out on the Lord’s aide." The text was the flint danse of the 10th versa, Sad chapter of Paul’s Epis tle to the Oolloastans: “And ye are complete In him,” the thought being divided Into two grand heads. First, the nature of the union existing be tween Christians and their Saviour; second, the completeness of that union. I moat sincerely wish I scold give you a Jew of the leading thoughts that flowed with such earnest etoquenoe, and though both time and space for bid lengthened descriptioBt^I moat transgress bounds so far as to repeat one, and it Is a striking one and fraught with deepest interest to every Chris tian heart, namely: That often, very Often, our spiritual starvation and want of that Joy which la not only onr indlnatlon but our duty, should prompt os to have to that seared union with our Saviour; cioeer than parent wad child, doaer than bride and bride groom, closer, dearer than any tie onr earthly mind can grasp, is that ws do not seem to reallxs tbs grand and per fect completeness of It. "Not Heaven la gone, but we are blind with Groptsgonr way along the downward slope ot yean." Our UUle church is sadly to need of some repairs, which tbs ladles of-the congregation propose to have made. tend to give an entertainment and hot supper about the first of November, to which we, on our own responsibility, extend you a most cordial invitation, aad promise to do all to our power to make It pleaaaat for you, Messrs. Edi tors. This to a Sunday letter, but next week look oat for a real lively, rattling, boalnes letter, “Deo volente.” W Is so fall of Ilfs and so much going on for a country correspondent to say that I hava to “on breaks” to keep myself from transgressing. Good bye till then. a Srarra. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. M. BUR DELL AND COMMISSION MERCHANT ■B* 6 WAJUUKM MOCK, y** AUGUSTA, OUOtiOTA* Birisl AllMtiwa la all OmaignsMnlv, and froaipt Reiuittaaeae. •sntfe i ef Notice of Sale. Will he m*IU at the Plaatstion £*muel T. Knirrv, ja county, near MW way, $. 0., on SATURDAY. November 10<h, W7T at 1! o’riook, a. ai., all that Tract of HnmsI of JsrDd, ftituste, lying Sod being in BsriiweQ euahty, S. 0., BKastfritig and oontaiaiag One Hundred Acre*, more or km, with aH the buildings thereon, bounded on the nqrth by toads of A. Jv Hughe*, east by tondqof Geoige W. Muss, aeuth bv lunds of Hariy* Jebkios and Hoary W right, and 'ou -thc west by lauds of W, W. I’atiiok, under power contained J in ft mortgage executed by W. ^ E*cva to Sainuet T. Fafriy, on the 22d day of December Clerk of emmty, 8, IT. Fafrry. on the 22d day .A.TCftmrTI^nicd Court’s Office, in Barnw Hook 8. S. S to Matisfy said in C., Jannary 2«, IRTti, in to ahoa .cause, if any they hare, vyby ; .• , - iftjtoLd AduaniatnOhm should nut be i iii n J{ AU ^‘iflU- vi - - . Barnwell, containing two hundred and granted, .rl . - _ Given wider my hand this Ifith day of OetoberritHI. - r—^— James m rYan, octl 8- 2 ' Jodg* of Probate. SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF BARNWELL. By Jamas M. Ryan, Esq., JudgeofProbats. ; Whereas B. F. Itorry and G. L. Bishop hath made suit to me to grant tliem Letters'ef Administration* on the estate and effects of G. W. Bishop; ' There are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the saM G. 'WMtehaff,:-de ceased, that they be and appear before me ia the Coart pf Prehate, to he held at Barnwell C. H.. t on SATURDAY, the 27 th day of October iust, after the publication hereof, at tea o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 12th day hf October, A. IX, 1«7T. JAMES M RYAN* oetl8-2 “ _ Judge of Probate. SOUTH CAROLINA, * \ y*' » .. •*: ’ '—* COUNTY OF BARNWELL. By Jo me*- M. ftya*, E*f.. Jwlgr of Probate 1 Whkbka*. Laurence Doe hath'made <mlt te me te yrant him Latter* of Adaainia- tration oa the estate and effect* of Daniel Berry, r These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of the said Daniel Bery, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Ram well C, H., on MONDAY, the Mnd day of OOT»>BWt last.,. after publication hereof, at 10 o'cloak in the forenoon, to show oaiue, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. , \ Given under my hand thU 9«h day of October, A. D., 1877. JAMES M. RYAN, octl l -2 ^ Judge of Probate. , n^t 1.1^1-^ — . 1— Itm TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Mr*. Elisabeth A. It'Ue has lied her petition in the Probate Ooart to have a Homestead set off for "herself and children out of the real \ JAMES M. RYAN, aepd—2mo Judge of Probate *■ \ a : A BARNWELL COUNTY, f 5th day of November next, between the usual liburirof aule^kt public auction, to th* highea^bidder, the following^de- pCrihcff prowly, to ,wit: All thi^ Tfiract ' or Parsel of Lrtnd ; situate‘ in Bkrnwell I. S. Bambcrz-sgais- t RbaAsR. Ssase county, bounded on the aortitiSfy MBOS - aid Martis L. SeaSs. • ? " of Elector Hartrog and H, Zeiglcfj on BY VIRTUK AND the south by lands of W, B- NCK of a judgment of foreclosure, in 00 ^ “ 8t b J ^ ^ fJ 1 oh 'j Z „ .. f. ou the west b’ lands now or A NOE the above stated case, ia tlie Court of Comtnoa Pleas for Bartiwell county, I will tell, at Parnwell Xottrt Houm, S. Cm to the highest bidder, for Cash,’ on MONDAY, the 6th day/ of Novembbr next, it being Sotos Day, the folio whig described real properly, ti) wit; All that Plantation, or Tract of Land situ contain tag fifty acres, more pr less, and bounded on tlie north by land* of Esther C. Sensr, on thc'east by lands of Isaac Yarn, on the south by lands of J. G. Copeland, and on the west by hnda of the heirs of John Seasc. Purchasers to pay for pa- pert. - ’ M i t-" SheriffTs Office, Bnirswril 8. CT Octo ber, 12, 1877. 1 ” J. W. LANCASTER, S. B. C. L. D. Mpwry et a/, against C. F. Brab ham. BY VIRTUE AND IN PERSI AN (JK of a judgement of fore* cloawre, is the above Mated case* in the Courts of Comfnnn Pleas for Barnwell County, I will sell, at' Barn well Court House, 8. C., to the highest bidder, rott cash, op MONDAY, the 5th day of November v next, It bring Sales bay. the tbitowtog described real property: All that Tract, -Planta tion, or Parcel of Land lyinJ^ TSeing and situate in Bapiweli'county, bounded on the north by tonds of 4i. J. Kreeo, 00 .the eawt by toads of Juaiah Ritter, 00 the south by toads of tlie estate of J. M, Breland, and on the west by lands of the estate of J, M. Breland and lands of James Brabham, Sr., and eoutftiaiug fifty acrcit, more or leiu. Purchasers to pay fur pipers. . ’ - - * Sherifr* Office, Boitowcll, S.O., Oc tober 12, 18TT. ; J. AV. LANCASTER, S. B. C. Allendale Town Couneti against S. P. ^ Seuraon. BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSU ANCK of a judgment of foreclosure, in tlie above staled ease, ia the Court of Common Pleas for Barnw oil county, I will Sell, at Barnwell Court House, S. C., to the highest bidder, kor cash, ou MONDAY, tlie olhday of November next, it being Stoles Day, the following described real property: Beth those Two Lots or Parcels of Lands, with the Buddings thereon situate, lying and bes tug within ; the corporate iuui‘i of the town of Allendale, containing nnd mess- uriug eacti oqc hundred and live feet on Bay street, and running back from same oue hundred feet, being tlie sanw meas urement, teore or’lcsa, raid lots togtber being bounded os tlie north aad west by Bsy street ami lufcof Said S. P. Soarson, and -south and caKt bv lot of Mrs. J. B. Seareon aud lands of James McFesfoy. j'urcliaser to p«y for (taper*. Sherift , *s Office, Barnwell. S. L., Oc tober 12, 1 M7rr- — — J. W. LANCASTER, S. B. C. > ’ — . 2 1 J. L. Williams agaitatt L* D. MeCub* lough ao^i C- J. McCullough. ir VIRTUE AND IN PURSU ANCE of a judgment of foreelosure, iff tlie above stated case, in the Court ef Common Pleas for Barnwell county, I .. ., .. wii tail, at BurawejLLftDrt Huuro. && Suitth, now owustHiy ijv ihc liighest biddsry for cash , ou MONDAY, the teto-sto -osid Notice of Sale. WILL BE SOLIUM public auction, for cash, in Bamberg, Barnwell County. S. C. on Thursday, the find day of No vember, next, of 12 o'clock yd., rf half acre lot vof land with buildings thereon, in said town, bounded on the North by lands of Joseph J. Getsinger, EasCby lot owned by the town of Bumberg, South bv Railrosd A venae, West by lotformer- lyof AIpi.J.M Mrs. D. D. Autiey. Sold under power contained in a mortgage executed by J. J. Getsinger to Mrs: M. E. Hewitt, 7th dfty of October, 1875, (of record is Clerk’s office, in book Q. Q. Q, pagu 570), and to satisfy said mortgage. I Mrs. M. E. HEWITT, Bamberg, S. C., Oct. 3,1877. octll’Sw Executor’s Sale. BY VIRTUE s power in me vort- sd by the wilt of Joseph Clark, deceased, I will sell on Saturday, the JOth of No vember, next, at the premSies, at 11 o’clock A. M., that bouse and lot in the town of WilBston, S, C., now occu pied by Luther Williams, said lot con taining three v (3)acres, more or leas, and fronting the public road from White Fond. Terms, ope-half cash; balance ooe sniff two yeats Ykh mortgage of tbs premises. Bond bearing 19 per cent, per annum interest. Pmwhssar paying for papers. -J, W. SHELTON, (U 8, 1877-8w Kxssutot. ADMflUSTRATOR’S WIK.“ BT VIRJPUB of on order made by James M.Ryaa, Eeq , JoSgeof Probate, I will eell U #f ,h * ^ riusaaeOdow, on rH nits DAY the firet day of November usxt, between the hour* of 11 o’clock In the forenoon and S o’elock in the aft cm con, 10 thr biffbeet bidder. FOR CASH, the entire personal effecU of the estate of Thomas Odom, deceased, as follow*: Two Mules, ooe wagon, one buggy, one gnBr*ne bod aad hsddisg, toft chairs and we lot of kkfthon furniture. JOSIAH BRABHAM, . c. C. P. and Adjiimstrator. Oct. 11,1677-tiw ' ^ ' N OTICE is hereby given J accordance with the provi An Art of the General Assembly < State of Sooth Carolina entitled Art to provide for granting of ehartera,” approved February 1874, * petitkta hss hseu Itos day filed in toy office for a charter to it porate 41 The People Publishing Com pany,” of Barnwell Cowsty. W - u J, J. BRABHAlt — ^ : C. C, 0 H B, C. Barnwell County, Sept. 20, 1877. T7J, NOTICE! ^ Pages 167 aud HJ8, and msut to A LL persons holding claimsj_Bgainst the estate of Daniel Guess wUl present the Same, and til parties indebted to said estate will Make immediate pay ort g»*o- S. T. October IQ, 1877. FAIRRY. mh18-3 ~ JOSIAH J. BRABHAM, 1 !. C. C. and Administrator. lately of snid 1). J. 7 Thomas, aud con taining One Hundred aud Seventy- right Acres, more or less. ' Vf* 1 /- l - ^rrr 1 - ALSO*.- ,, v. ; The Tobin or Reed Old Mill, being off Windy.jdiU Old Creek, juoludi’tgtiie Milll’oud and «U the'Land lying be- Dm, nnd such TA'tiA ns n^sy - i - ■ ......... ». } ■. .•'‘ifT... "^rr IMPERIAL SOAP ► “1 y.'. • ••*. • see* 4 r. T Is The Best!' •••a*) — f * j fur the'fcpair df auid DaiIL ^—trampton’* Imperial Seep k Uie Beet . . .v -a. .11 -jCnynpton’elmpdrielAe^p Vtob Best. from thus to time, together with all the Land lying on the east of said MiU, be- twedh the two roads that lead! to toM Mill.-Terms of sale—CaMi enough to pay the costs aud expense* of the pro ceedings in the above cause, including counsel foes,and ou a credit of oqg and two years in equal instalments for balance, to be secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of premises sold, bearing In terest at twelve per centum per annum from day of wile. Purchaser to pay for. papers. Tracts Wifi be sold, separately or together to suit purnhsirw. v.' f iri Sheriff’s Offise, /forettol sounly, Om tober 12, 1877. m . J. W. LANCASTER, 8. B. C. described in tbe oomplaiut iff. Ths Huntingten “ e, wbiskXfoethssbpeu divide Ej- 0 ftirilTs- : ftereral pored*, wl.ieh will hi w ' don , ] rrsmpton’* Imperial Soup U the Best. Cram ptoff*« InipSkift) duffp i» t|ieWk'*R f Lramp^ - Crompton’s ffmpftrfcl Sowpls MU OmU rt. jCrsmpton’s ImperistSoap b the Best. Crompfow’ft Imporiul tomp is the Beet. jCrmmptou’* Imperinl Soup is the Brif. CrMtptva's Imperial gosp is the Best. ■ | gwjlstoViu'j - ti-J tC SOAP ID MANUFACTURED from pure imiterisls, and as it contains a Isrgs tier cei.Uge of v^getsbls oil, is wor- rsfttsd ftifiy eqwnl to the best '■* DtrORTEDCASntX SOAP, STATS | OT fcOUTH CAROLINA, barnwkll county. 1 In the Ct^rt ofComnion fleas—A. W. Atkinson, Tfnsteei Plaintiff,* against Angus Patterson,■' Administrator, ef al. r Defendants. V ' ' By virtue of the judgment in the foregoing sure, I will reft, wt Rffrnwetl U 11., on Stoics Day, in November next, within ths legal hours of sale, the "Tract of Laud mid cause itilo three severs! pared*. •old separately, aud by the plat of tee same now on tile in my office, and will be exhibited on the day of mle. Tho following is a description of the Laud: Tract No. 1 contains Three Hutfflrfed TAundrjr, Kitchen and Hath R«om, snd for Gftnrntl 4loin Hint .. H«, M it ' .. •— ' ' 1 U ” - • ■ ! • j WIIaL REMffiVB ffiVAINffi^r of Ink, GSsntoy for; Oa^VdnA etg,, fosfti the bunds. . A j '1 1% . . / Monitor ” of April 6th, tho fowp itot best io tho X- , don i want von to sappoae that . this is »n -Mvmiwffietir, nmt fine if over och day of November next, tt beiug Sole* Day, v the following described ro»l property: Ail o_j‘ those Three Lots in the town of Alfcudale, County of Barnwril, known as lots 106, 107 and 108, epch containing one-fourth of one acre, morb, or less, and bounded OnThe north by Plenmnt street, op the south by Mulberry street, on the east by lands of M. A. Kinklond, and on the west by laud* of Frank S. Owens and lands of JTL. Williams, purchaser to pay for papers. SheriflTs Office, Barnwell, 8. C., Oe- tober 12, 1877. J. W. LAa\CASTERv S.B. C. Isaac S. Bamberg aud.X M. Bam berg, Asstgooss, aasiort J. W. Ftps, BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSU ANCE of a judgment of foreslosnre, m the above stated csss, is ths Court of Common Pleas for Barnwell county, I will cell, si Barnwell Court How*, 8. C , te ths highest bidder, rest cash, on described real property: AH or Panel of Land^rituafo, lying and being in the State and comity aforesaid, rontaingrng tirree fmrtdml acres, moth or less, snd bounded hy lauds of G. B. toheeded. Rend it. tte want to direct jffur »i tent ton ts the sdlraviinantent of '{CRAMITON 8 IMPERIAL SOAP " Hav ing used ii to nnr ntoce for-t he pant ytmt, ws and Seventy-nine rod'one, half Aeres, these. It ika rara.thinntefet a Soup tbet nrofe or less, and is bounded ou the ‘ ‘ north by the luhsto river, south by the Charleston and Augusta Bond, which separates it from Mre. Julia Mays land, ea»t by Tract No. 2 of the same General Tract, and we«t by land* of Mr*. Han nah Patterson. Tract No. 2 contain* Four Hundred and SeVcnty-uinc Acres, more or less, and i* bounded on the north by tlie Kdisto river, on the south by the Charleston ami Augusta Road, on the oast by Tract No 3 of the same General Tract, and on the west byTraet No. 1, above described. This is tlie Homestead Tract, and a field of eleven acres on the south of tlie rosd is attach • ed to this tmet. Tract No. Bcootnias Four Hundred and Twelve and ocs- qasrter Acres, more or lew*, and is bounded on the north by the Edisto river, on the »>utb by the Clurlestou and Augusta Bo«<l, on will thorSuffoty chnSM priiftioK^ak from the han J-, m slsofntm linen; but rBAWTOYS LACNURV SOAP willvl* D.mi* w» know ffberevf we speak. It is especially s lsplnl for Printer#, )’*»t*i> E'lgwieers »ml aliinixts, ftsit will remove (TreSse of All De scriptions from the kamle as well its clothes, with litti* Ubor! . For general household purposes it caueuibe excelled. Mnnttfortured only by ^ Cte-A.MPTON UltOT^H K.rtW. —> -b -*>* ' f t, 4, C, 8 and 10, Cutgera Place, sad 38 nnd — 86 Jefferson, Si rent. New York. For Sale by Grocers Generally. octlS Cm Notice f TbwuBderrigosd Kireuuotlos tbstfos will apply to the Ju<lge Pr< bate for y use v.iM.ii’-oiuu , lJj in jv, cogutv i-n TUJkiDAY, tho r . - l f e ett ' t b 7 6 h dny of NOYEMBEK, 1877. at 10 of Angus I atter#»«*, and ou the wed by j L' olock ^ m . ( f , ir ^ Bowl Ulscbarge as Tract No. 2, nbovo descrtlsnl. Terms OuHtdian of LavloU lU-d" ^ . of sale—Cusb enough to pity the <•© t s GEORGE AI. MORRIS, and exp*wises of ihe'Tliit ami Nile, and the Plaintiff’s Attonicv’s foe, snd also all liens which may be on the land, all of which will be divided proportionately among the three Ifffcts, ace«>rdW>g to tlie amount eacb brings nt the ssle. The bulnnee ou s credit of one. two, three aud foursnaunl isatsl ments. lot* rest from date ef sale., Pur chaser to give hisbbudaud a mortgage A Soutk Carolina lUilroad. THINtIR TiF SCHEDULE .fiii. wtfffiAltik J'Of 11, 1677. On and after. Sunday, of the premises to secure the credit pori ;Traiu will „„ w follows . tion, witii power of resale 111 mortgage 11 sny amount of the purchase money B ■ot paid. Ihinhaser to pny for pnpert. SherifTa Office, /torhwell county, Oc tober 15, 1877. ... J. \V. LANCASTER, 8. B. C’ 16ik, Execution Sales barnwecl couirry. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY KXIt> CUTIONS to mo directed by J. J. Brab bam, Esq., Clerk of tbs Csurt of Com- men Pies* for ffla^uwell county, I fill offer foe sole, st Barnwell C. II., OQ MONDAY, the ath day of November next, it being Sales Day, to the highest bidder^ for CASH, the following de scribed real property, situate in Barn well county^: Twfe Thousand Acres of Land, more or Isas, bounded by IffPJ. J. Brabham, Joahua Daniels, tate of D. H Rice, W ef Jehu M. wpffa 'W ths psipwty W Thstoas J. Cotmte, aft tiw suite of David U, Cope- fond and other*. P*rcfoster to f«J for papers McMillan, C. a.Steedley, W. B. Rice . October Iff, 18J7 sM)ete.tosf H, W. liqMilkte. Pur- 1 b chasers to pny for papers.' Sheriffs Office, Barnwell, 8. C., Oc tober 12,1877. i J. W. LANCASTER, 8. B. C. P. Morris, Assignee, against T. Frank Hogg. - BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSU ANCE of a judgment of foreclosure, In the above stated case, in ths Court of Obtoomn Ptfowlbr Barnwell eusirty, 1 ! Will self, nt Barnwell Court UodSe,B. C., to the highest bidder, for oos MONBAY,the 5th day of Nov next, it being Sales Dfty, tbe'following described raid property: AV that Tract or Psaoel of Lsiul, is the county of Bsrawell, bounded north and south, By lands of J. J. Newman, and mat by lands of Robert Harley, and west by lands of Rvkn Cave and Jim Jenkins, and containing one hundred and thirty- six teres, more or 1cm. * Dnniel J: Thomas, ..rC'f* lYfuslee, against si—-in the Maggie H. Ihoofis ^ Common Pleas. - BY VIRTUE OF A DECRETAL order of the lion. P. L. Wiggfo, made in the above untitled cause, 1 u ill sell, » at Barnwell C. U., on MONDAY, foi; ALSO, Pnc House snd Lot in the topn • Grahams, hounded on the north by the SoutfoOrrims RsHrood, east and Wcstf by J. E. Steadman, and on the fouth W Chas. Rice, add containing Three Acres, more or less. foviocT upon m ths property of the Rooth Carolina Raltredd Company, at the mH of Morris- Gnwtt and Frank Smith' *\ Purchaware to psy forpofars. I-.h rni.«enger V-'' rffw colcwhv, | (Sun-l.iy morning except*-!), .Ji « a. >8.'f 16 p. to. R Usteber AS,-1877. 'jotj* a n* in ALSO, -TTW .: ( .jw.jhu.uj in the town j of Williatpft, with the Hobsmtbercoo, now occupied Leave OtinAesfoti. Arrive at Columtiia. 12 16 p.m. 7 las. m VOK ACCrKTA, - Cmdfoy iswalaiuiasiptadh Leave (’herlei-ion . . 9 00a. m.. 7 16 p. m. Arrive Augusta .. v 6 00 «. m. 8 0-1 a. m. • ioa utaiubtox, ‘‘ ' (Snmlajr morning excepted). Leave Oolamliia . J 8'16-prm.-^ SSp. m- Arrive at ChariestjnlO OO p< a ft 40 a. m* Leave Augusta . . . 8 60 a. ■. > 8 16 p. |a. Arrive CharleataS . 4-39p.m. 7 20 a.m. The Caoidea train will leave Camden at 7 30 a. m. on Mon-la ye. We-lnee-layn and frldayi, ahd conneet nt RiffgviUe with the tip paenengef traM for ifoibin. Oh Tueo- dfiye, Tliuradaye and tfoturdayalt Will e«a- neet al Klngville with Sown passenger into from Columbia rod arrive at Camden at frp. m. Conneeta daily wits trains from nod to CharleetSh. F /..htiVl flOUlM^S, Superintendent. GKOMVIUJ' m OOLDltBIi , ..3 J»*aSH» : , iHr Aiifni op tiOffifiMiijL V N'nenger Tratefi rut 'dally, Snnffaye ei- Ofh nnnfVIlUHToilflil RffilTPfMM Up WVMiffluNlHi * fiFn an<t Oftfo- flmMay, July 11, the futieWing ■willbe the schedule; » rend .G M KTJto fljOi q beaveCriumhia at Leave Alftoa - - - . j» . ArriveNat GrasoviHs /ff<T JJ< A. I^aVe Beftoff * * Leave Hodffcs Leave. Alston • -* * J • 1 06 p. ArrhNWrt.’^ISffihi ^lY|0p. AFDER80?RIDGE ; division ‘ ' ‘ - j Leave Belton • to 12 46 p. m. 2 36 ji. m. ffkr p.wt. 10 00 p. m. “to ^ -f in 4 a. m. a. m. 67 a. m. . -i * , Vf.,-f, r - i . ► t Vi|P(6r • ret re I thff •ivmewsyuvieuu, uow -vonpiwi . . by J. fl. BurckM^er, containing Three throve Pendletoa Acres, wore or leas, ami bounded on the * L^ffve parryvilfo -- north by w»e South Carolina Railroad, Arrive at walfialla . and on the south by a street nranfog ^iw*. parallel wfth ifoid railroad, on the riist S r )#foiMhftlfo - f d , ’ by the road load ins from Barnwell to"! Leave #1 30 p. m. 4 # 2ap»n. -10.10 p.‘jsr - tO 40 p. m. -. 11 16 p. m. the said town of Willfotou, ontP-oa tho JT>T* west by lot ot J. D, Bmwtu Lffvied ^'Andeftma upon aa the property of the South (foro*;; lina Railroad Company, at the suit of Frnscts M. itam berg. Terms ©f sale CASH'. Purchasers to,pay for papers. .October 12, 1877. J. /IV. LANCASTER. Sheriff Barnwell Co> Bviinoh Trains leave C.lalofoaf 9 m. anff !«»▼? Newberry 8 p. m. on Tues- day^. TnnrWUya nfol Malunlftyt. ^ < { i, J AbbevilleDraueh train connect-ist Hodge’s With donxfotup tram daily, Sundays «x- cepted. , TH0MA6 DODAMEAD, General Suf^rinteadent. Jaik Koxxosi Jafo general TickePiVgoat.