The Barnwell people-sentinel. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1925-current, January 07, 1926, Image 1

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rrF** \ ‘ V V ^ fiP-TUB OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Of BAENWELL COUNTT/ ‘If jofi want money, we have it— If yon kave money^we want it." HOME BANK OF BAKN^ELL. Eatabliahoi in 1877. LUME XLIX. TJumt Llk« a Member of the Family” Larteat Gouty Ctrenlatien. BARNWELL COUNTTS BEST ft MOST POPULAR NEWSPAPER. ALL HOME PRINT. — ••‘rr ■ —r ——— —; —— r —'—’— 1 ^ BARNWELL. SOUTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1826. NUMBER 19. ..I iirr i In Campaign Is Now at Fever DISASTROUS FIRES VISIT OLAR AND SPRINGFIELD -□ tJ ■ Sj. ■ \ fp-1 ; il •, LOSS AND DAMAGE IN TWO TOWNS TOTALS HUGE SUM I OUR STORES ARE DESTRtfVED AT OLAR Entire Block Burned at Springfield the Following Day With Very ' “t; —— ' Little Insurance. Olar, Dec. 31.—Four stores in the business section of Olar were com pletely destroyed by fire this morn ing-. The fire orginated in the store occupied by Mrs. H. N. Sanders about ■S;30 o’clock soon after the clerk had closed the store for breakfast.- j\ N Buildings destroyed were occupied a~y Mrs. H. N. Sanders, J. O Sanders ^. nd Son, R’ and H. Drug Store, W. T. 'Still and Mrs. Inabinet. Fine en- cines from Bamberg arrived just in time to save the Rizer Auto Com pany, whose building was damaged. The loss will be about $23,000, partly covered, by insurance. I. Rig Loss at Springfield. Springfield, Jan. 2.—Practically au entire block was destroyed here Fri day afternoon when fire, discoverer! in the .McElvecn barber shop, was spread by the explosion of gasoline and acetylene tanks. The fire destroyed stores and con tents as follows: Large brick building on corner of Carolina avenue and Orangeburg street, pro^yrty of L. B. Fulmer, estimated loss $25,000 (no instance, occupied by Dawson, market and lestaurant. loss $1,500, no insurance; Porter’s market, loss $1,000, no in surance;* Stanley’s tailor shop, loss $2,000. no insurance; T. J. Fanning, groceries, loss $2,000, insurance, $1,- 200; “Kitty” Boland loss $4.00, in surance $2,500; J. P. Fogle, loss $3,- 0o0, insurance, $1,500; veen, 8-chair barber sih 0 P. I° ss $3,000, no Insurance; H. Pr Fulmer-and Son, building valued at $12,000 and stock, valued at $10,000 cifinplete loss, in surance building and stock. $6,000; D. F. Winningham and Calvin Jeffcoat, with their families occupied the up stairs over the H. P. Fulmer build ing and loss of all of their furniture and fixtures, with no insurance.' This is by far the largest fire that ever occurred at this place, that didn’t carry ten nex Sightseeing * Injuries Received in Wreck Are Fatal Mr. Dave Jeffcoat, of this city, who was fatally injured in an automobile accident Christmas day, died in an Augusta hospital Wednesday night of last week, his body being brought back to Barnwell the following day for bprial. Mr. Jeffcoat’s skull was fractured when the car in which he was riding and which was driven by Mr. Otis Cook, of Barnwell, hit a root and threw him out against a stump. j Mr. Jeffcoat, who was an ex-sol- dier, was a mechanic by trade and had many friends who will learn of his death with regret. He is survived by his wife, his mother, Mrs. Eliza Jeffcoat; four sisters, Mrs. Charlie Harley, of Georgia, Mrs. A. D.‘Fur- tick. Mrs. J. S. Black and Mrs. E. C. Cave, of Barnwell, and two brothers, Messrs. Mace and Mose Jeffcoat, of Barnwell. Local Gulf Plant Greatly Enlarged The local plant of the Gulf Re fining Company, of which Mr. A. J. Bennett is the local manager, has been greatly enlarged recently to take care of the increasing sales in this sectios and also to carry a sup ply of “No-Nox” gasoline, the im proved “gas” that is said- to elimi nate knocking in automobile engines and increase mileage. This new gas oline is now on sale at Gulf filling stations and an interesting series of advertisements is being published in T If Me El' People-Sentinel. Mr. Bennett re ports that business is good with his company, which got its share of the ten million gallon increase in sales in South Carolina during the past year. ONLY THREE MORE WEEKS IN WHICH TO WIN A PRIZE Campaign Going Strong—Figure* Exceed Calculations—It** the Work of Today That Count*, So Don*t Let It Pa**. H*m I* C*agrt**a*a Nlchsta* Longworth, new speaker of the Joe*e of Representatives, showing his little daughter Paulina the Cap IW in Washington, where her grandfather Theodore Roosevelt made TO DEDICATE NEW SCHOOL BUILDING FRIDAY NIGHT building and s^tock. This can large ly be accounted for from the fact that owenrs'of this large block of build ings had crowded tenants into every cornar of the same, increasing in surance rates almost to the prohibi tive stage. Barnwell Men Hurt •r- in Auto Collision Two Barnwell men, Messrs. C. W. Mitchell and Marion Jackson, were injured and the -former’s truck was badly damaged in a collision with a Ford touring ear driven by Mr. Char lie W. Hair, of the Elko section, .Thursday night of last week. The accident occurred about three miles South of Elko, Mr. Mitchell being on his way to Barnwell with a load of furniture from Augusta. Mr. Hair was going in the opposite direction. Mr. Mitchell suffered injuries to his head and both legs, while Mr. Jack- son’s back was slightly injured. The truck was damaged to the extent of about $135, not including the damage to the furniture. The damage to Mr. Hair’s ear was estimated at about $20.00. Two Bftri>well Stores Have Consolidated Announcement ia- 1 made this week »of the consolidation of the J and J. Sanitary Market'and Kasteihng’s wamr under thf name afTasttrw ELABORATE PROGRAM WILL BE PRESENTED. Dedication of Handsome New Build ing is Milestone in Educa tional Progress. and Co.* It has been rumored here for some time t.hat these two stores would be combined but the report was not confirmed until Monday morning. The J. and J. Market was conducted by Mr. H. J. Phillips and Easterling’s Market by Mr. B. L. Easterling. Both of these gentlemen have had sufficient experience . to insure the success of tj)e new firm. They will continue to supply their trade with staple and fancy grocer ies, fresh meats, etc., and promise courteous and efficient service’at all! times-. Newton-Bush. EllenjUm, Jan. 2.—A 'Wedding of much interest in Ellenton was that of Miss Theo Newton of Augusta, formerly of ETlenton and Furman Bush of thia city, which occurred Jan uary 1, at the I&ptist parsonage. Mrs. Bush is a charming girl with a host of friends. Mr: Bush is a successful young business man of Florida, f Prof, ft M. Guyot, who s^nt the holidays in Barnwell with friend!, 'has returned to Abbeville. „ * Negro Man Is Killed by Williston Chief Williston, Jan. 5.—While making an arrest for larceny, Williston’s chief of police, Ronald Peacock, shot and killed Goldie Fuller, negro, this morn ing about II o’clock. The arrest had been made and while en route to the police station the negro showed signs of resistance. Suddenly Fuller clinched Peacock, trying to take possession of his pistol but in the scuffle Peacock managed to get the gun from his pocket and fired. Still clinched .two shots pierced the body, one passing through the heart* which caused instant death. 4 Mr. ‘ Peacock immediately tele phoned for the Sheriff, and his depu ty, P. O. Beasley, arrived with Coro ner D. 'P. Lancaster, who held an in quest, at which the jury arrived at a verdict of justifiable homicide. Misses Carrie McNab, of Florence, and Amelia McNab, of Abbe ville, spent the Christmas holidays here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McNab. The People-Sentinel acknowledges the receipt of tfie following invita tion: “The Board of Trustees of Willis ton-Elko High School invites you to be present at the Dedication of the New High School Building, Williston, S. C., Friday, January Eighth, Seven- thirty P. M.” • t An elaborate program h*s been ar ranged for the dedication, which is recognized as a milestone in the edu cational progress of Barnwell County. The new building is one of the hand somest of its kind in the State and the building committee, composed of Mr. H. M. Thompson, chairman. Dr. W. Cone, secretary, and Mr.' P S. Greene, is to be congratulated on the result of the splendid service render ed to that community. ““"SupT’yM. 1 "B. Self ' Wir pfEfldg W- morrow evening at the exercises, the program of which is as follows: Music — Batesburg-Leesville High School Orchestra. ’ Song—America.- . Invocation—Rev. W. R. Davis. Music—University of South Caro lina Male Quartette. RecogniQon of State and County Officials: Hon. James H. Hope, State Superintendent' ,of Education; Mr. Power W. Bethea, State Department of Education. Music — Batesburg-Leesville High School Orchestra. —/ •*7-Music—University of South Caro lina Male Quartette.; ^ Miss Mattie Thomas, State Com munity Organizer. \ Horace J. Crouch, County Superin tendent of Education. 1 Music — Batesburg-Leesville High School Orchestra. ' ~ Music—University* of South Caro lina Male Quartette. Recognition of all Public School Men and any College Officials who may be present. .Greetings from Batesburg-Leesville —Supt. W. F. Scott. ^ Music— Introduction of Architect—H. MI Thompson, Chairman Building Com- mitteg. \ . . Remarks by ' Architect—Willis Ir vin, Augusta, Ga. Report of Building Committee— Dr. W. Cone, Secretary. Music—University-of South Caro lina Male Quartette. Music — Batesburg-Leesville High School Orchestra. Introduction of Teaehers in Willis- ton^Elko System—W. ,E. Prothro. Dedicatory Address—Dr. D. W. Daniel, Clemson College. Music — Batesburg-Leesville High A Rare Opportunity Barnwell People The People-Sentinel has been re quested to publish the following an nouncement: Miss Daisy Davies, of Atlanta, will stop over between trains to make an address a t the»iBarnwell Methodist Church at 11:30 o’clock Saturday morning, January 0th. Men and women of all denominations in Barn well and those of the surrounding towns are cordially invited and ear nestly urg^i to avail themselves of this wonderful opportunity. Miss Davies is a platfopn speaker of outstanding note, possessing a style particularly pteasing to men as well as women. A great message demands a great audience. Make whatever sacrifice may be necessary to hear Miss Davies one hour Satur day morning from ItiSO- to 12:30. You will feel repaid an hundred fold. With the closing of the first period of The People-Sentinel Big Automo bile and Prise Campaign, last Satur day night we. were all well pleased with present resales. And the figures greatly exceeded our expectations. To say that the present outlook spells ( success, would be putting it very mildly. There are only three </nore weeks in which to win or lose. Which do you choose to do? “Now is the time to make, up your mind to win the coveted prize,” as some express it. Go in and fight for the remainder of the time and you will even be sur prised at what success you can have. Booming along rapidly on the wings of popularity, with the stamp of public approiral stuck fast to it, and with interest increasing daily, the People-Sentinel’s Gift Giving Automo bile and Prize Campaign is todey th« chief topic of interest throughout the entire community. It is practically impossible for any 1 * member of the office force, including the campaign manager, to go on the street without answering a dozen and one questions regards to the contest. Let *** Study Center Meet*- [e~Jan. 9th in say here, we are not asking the pub lic to stop it, for that is a part of our business and that is what we draw our $9.00 per week for. Again we say interest is being tpanifested everywhere and i\ow i* your oppor tunity to exchange a few of your spare moments for an automobile. It is a mighty profitable way to spend your time for the next three weeks. Not every day do we have the oppor tunity of owning an automobile for leaa than two months SPARE time. There are lots Of us that have worked hard for more than t^o years and are still walking. Remember the next three weeks are the most important of all, and it will be only hisjory Before you realise it. It is during these three weeks that subscriptions count the most. Our best advice to those candidates who are out to win is to bring your subscriptions to this office as fast as you secure them. You not only get the most lor your work, but you en able t^e office to get the paper to the subscriber much sooner than when you hold them for two or Ihree weeks. at Al IWTi On- Saturday, January 9th, the regular semi-mopthly Bamwell-Al- lendate Teachers’ t Study Center classes will convene at Allendale. Supt. C. H. Folwer, of the local High School, announces that a treat is in, store for the teachers who are pres ent at this time. Dr. D. W. Daniel, in charge of the English Depart ment at Clemson College, who is t*p make the principal address at the dedicatory exercises of the new Wfl- where have |K“en just like you. They felt a bit doubtful of their ability at Ihe beginning. This soon wore off, as everythng else does when it h gone after In the right way. You can bet your last dollar they all had tye word CANT flung at them. -Did they let this stop them? NO, they only used that to spur them on to renewed efforts and determinations. They said to themselves “I can and I wilC’ and they did, as the records in the last two issues of the People-Sentinel will prove. They worked and never thought of failure. The fact is, they bound to happen during the second. So, why not put forth a little EXTRA effort and be one of the leaders when the second period closes. We have known a few to finish the first period near the bottom and surprise the public by winning an automobile be fore the close of the campaign. We ^xpect the entire list of candidates to be turned topsy-turvy during these last three weeks. Now is the time to go to all your friends th*t can be reached and tell them that today is the day of salva tion, a »d that to delay may spell de feat for you, while their help may be just the amount needed to put you over. For those you are not able to see in person, we have printed special letters for your brtieflt* and you may have as many as you like by calling at the office. These letters can be mailed to friends out of the city and no doubt will be worth many a dollar to you. Spurred on by the ever present ne- teskity of making time count while it counts the most, and determined te put aside every obstacle that may arise between .them and long cherish ed ambitions, candidates in this cam paign are with feverish activity ap proaching the call of lime. It was only a result of the great success derived during the hast wash, and the intereel and enthusiasm shown on the part of each and every candidate that we decided to- extend the club offer at all. BUT, as We bad stated before that the votes would never he as valuable as during ths first period, we Ire compelled te lower the value of each club frees 300,000 to 250,000. * This offer we assure you, will only last for the next two weeks. •* • 1 * Some have the mistaken idea that there are one or two candidates to far ahead of the rest that there la no chance for them to be overtaken. This is the worst mistake ever made, aa ous records will show there is not • candidate in. the race that could net go from the very bottom of the list to the top ‘ by bringing in ten sub scriptions . more than anyone else. There are twelve between the and the. bottom of the list, so you mb haw akitly tfify liston-Elko High School building tomorrow (Friday) evening, has con- never let themselves have the time sented to remain over the following day and has accepted the invitation to jiddress the teachers at Allendale. Dr.Daniels is widely known through- ’out South Carolina as an educator and as a magnetic platform speaker. The mention of his name assures a large audience. Supt. of Education Cullom, of Allendale# is making the announcement that Dr. Daniels will be present and that one hour will be given for all the teachers to assem ble in the auditorium for Dr. Dan iels’ address. Quite a number of Barnwell County teachers will at tend also. Dr. Daniels will speak at o’clock, in order to allow him to take the morning train for Columbia~ bunched together. IF YOU DESIRE TO BE THE HAPPY POSSESSOR OF THAT MARVELOUS ESSEX COACH. 01 ONE OF THE OTHER AUTOMO BILES, THEN MEET THE \KXT THREE WEEKS SITUATION WITH RENEWED COURAGE AND DI TERMINATION. I With the close of the first period Miss Frankie Harley, of BarnweH, stands at the hea4 of the list. How ever, there are, four candidates that, with the help of one more club, would have had their names written where hers is today. Mrs. Jeff Black, of Blackville. leads Mrs. W. H. Man ning, of Williston, for the Ford tour ing car in their district. AH three of these candidates had the best indivi dual report they have had during the entire race. ■ Mrs. Augusta. Long, of this city, leads the list of district No. 1 can didates for the Ford touring car i* this district. ' In sending in her renewal to The Peopla-Sentinel, Mrs. Coy Thomas, of Fairfax, writes as follows: “I feel that I can't do without your nice paper.” School Orchestra. — —' Presentation of Keys to Superin- ‘tendent M. B. Self by Capt.^W. D. Black, Chairman Board of Trustees. Music— . v- r ’ Benediction-—Rev. P. L. Bouknight. to spare for such foolishness. When they heard the word “can’t” or “won’t” they only translated it, “YOU CANT FAIL TO WIN IF YOU DO YOUR BEST, and kept right on go ing.” ( What everyone has done you can do. Many times a thing looks very difficult when watching someone else do it. But when you go to it your self, with all the power you have, you find it just as easy for you to do as for anyone else. It is the same way when it comes to' getting subscrip tions in The People-Sentinel’s Cam paign. So, let’s get together for the three weeks and do our Best work. For many campaign has been won during the close of the first period and the beginning of the sec ond, but they are far more diffcult to win on the strength of the Iasi two weeks. The past week was one of many changes, Saturday night found many candidates running on bad ground, but Monday meriting they were among the leaders as a result of a Htfle SPECIAL effort during the past few days. Mr.'Harold Kinsley, of H • What, happened during the first turned .home Sunday after * period is only a forerunner of what is Deason’s Drug Store Now in New Quarter* Deason’s Drug Store is now of- cupyihg n#w quarters on Main Ht***t~ —the old First National Bank build ing. This building wai purchased re cently by Mrs. Marie Mace and has been remodeled to spit the needs «f the new occupant. r Mr. E. W. Holman has moved into the building vacated by the drug store "and it is understood that Mg.-Harold Reed will occupy the store Mr. Hotaan. • ant visit to friends in Barnwell.