The Barnwell people-sentinel. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1925-current, November 05, 1925, Image 5

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BLANKET TO BA1KWE|,L PBOPU13ENHNEL. BARNWELL, SOOTH CAROLINA Local and Personal We bought a big lot of Blankets direct from the mill,—the assortment of patterns are beautiful, and the quality-ivqoI mixed —is very good. > ' ^ • - © At the price $3.00 they are selling fast, and this price is a saving of $t to $2. . V . :J ■ CRINKLE BEDSPREADS Full size 81 x 90, plain $2.00 Rose and Blue stripe 2.30 — LEMON BROS., Inc. ~ Barnwell, - - . S. C. ere and ^Hereabouts ’Phone Us the Names of Your Visitors, or Other Items of Local Interest for This Column. V 1 I _ We will have with us SATURDAY, NOV. 7TH our Eye Speecialist OP-TOM-E-TRIST Eyes examined, Glasses Fitted. BEST PHARMACY Miss Josie Davis is visiting rela tives and friends here. Mrs. Ed Hudson, of Denmark, was a visitor here last week. Mr. R. R. Johnston,- of Elko, was in the city salesday on business. Mr. Gilmore Ayer and Mrs. Mary Garrett, of Olar, were visitors here Friday. Miss Virginia Moseley left last week for a visit to friends in Spartan burg. Mrs. Emma Halford, of Sumter, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. C. Reed. Mrs. Leila Graham, of Greenville, has been visiting friends here during the past week. Miss BeBee Patterson has returned home after a pleasant visit to rela tive* in Columbia. • Mr. Isadore Bnwn, of Blackville, was in the city salesday with a drove of horses and mules. Mrs. Charlie Brown. Sr., enter tained^ the Ladies’ Guild of the Epis copal Church Tuesday afternoon. Miss Blanche Porter has returned home after an extended visit to her lister, Mrs. Larry Widman, of Ashe- ^\ville, N. C. 7 Mrs. Charlie Brown, Sr., has re turned home after a pleasant visit to relatives, and friends in ColumMn and Sumter. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs JL R. Lindley will be glad to know that their, little son is recovering attack of colitis. —'■ •We wiil have with us SATURDAY, NOV. 7TH our Eye Speecialist OP-TOM-E-TRIST Eyes examined. Glasses Fitted. BEST PHARMACY Misses Ida Black and Edna Pro- veaux, of Galilee, and Mr. Willie Ay er, of Olar, spent toe week-end with their cousin, Mrs. Matilda Grooms. Mr. Ohas. H. Nowell, editor of The Williston Way, was a caller at The Fcople-Sentine! office while in the city Monday. The writer regrets that he missed his visit. > Mrs. Frank Pate, who made her home here a number of years ago, has been the guest of Mrs. B. L. Easterling during the past week. On account of the inclement weath er and the general demoralization cau<ed by the recent slump in the price of cotton, the B^ard Of County Directors decided to defer selling ten of the county’s mules that were ad vertised for tale- Monslay. IMPORTANT NOTICE! At the regular meAing of the County Board of Directors at Barn well on Tuesday, November 3. 1925, the following resolution was adopt ed: “RESOLVED, That it is the sense of the County Board of Directors that, inasmuch as there is considera ble loss to the county in the buying of supplies, caused by each county officer purchasing sippl** for his office, hereafter, in the'"interest of economy. * 1! Ctii; 4 ,y officers reouit- ing ami d-.-ring .>upplios slml’ make their requisition for them to the County Board of Directors, whose Cle:x is charged .viln keeping a record of and purchasing, under the direction of the Board, -oil auch 'sup plies for the county for a!' purposts. Unless purchases are undo in accor dance herewith, such claims will be disapproved. "This 3rd day of ,\\i,-, 1905 M Interested parties w-iil take due notice hereof and govern themselves accordingly. County Board of Directors, . J. W. Pattern*, - ^ Chairman. f EXPERT WATCH ANl> JEWELRY REPAIRING We are prepared, by year»\ of experience with some of the State’s best jewelers, to ren der expert repairs on watches, •gold and platinum jewelry. No Job Too Hard. Your patronage will be great ly appreciated, and every job guaranteed. 4 JP. W. Stevens Jeweler BARNWELL, S C. Wm. McNAB Representing EIRE. HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. B|i|onal attention given all bosineaa Office in Harrison Block, Main St BARNWELL. 8. G News of Blackville Blackville, Oct 81.—Friends of Mrs. Judson V. Matthews will regret' to learn that she is in a Columbia hospital for the removal of her ton sils. * ' , ^ Mr.-juid Mrs. John Roberts visited their niece, Mrs. Leroy Kennedy, who is in a Columbia hospital for treat ment, last Sunday. Horace Ray, of the Springtown sec tion, is a new comer in Blackville. He is employed by the telephone -com pany and is boarding at the Rush house, which is how run by Mr. and Mrs. Breedin. A good many Blackville people will attend the Hallowe’en entertainment at the Elko school, given 1 by the School Improvement Association there. Friends of Henry W. Jones, Sr., one of the Confederate Veterans who attended the State Fair at Columbia, will regret to lean* that he was am ong the numblt who were victims of the “pick pockets,” who are abroad in the land on occasions like that. Fortunately Mr. Jones carried only a small amount—$7 or $8 and his railroad ticket, and the ticket agent 3 gave him another ticket, as the State veterans transportation and every- veterans transpotation and every thing free on Wednesday. The Francis Gyles-. Missionary cir cle held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. D. P. Martin last week. Mrs Daisy Walker pre sided, in her usual efficient manner. Quite an interesting program was enjoyed. The Blackville people fee*l that the North Augusta folks have shown much wisdom in securing the services of Rev. L. H. Miller to carry on a revival there, and they may depend on wonderful results. Not only is Mr. Miller a good preacher, but he also possesses the “gift of song,” and the people here admire his voice very much and the “famous Blackville trio,” consisting of Rev. L. H. Miller, Virgil Nevils and W. B. Johnson. Mrs. W. C. Turrentine entertained the Thursday afternoon bridge club quite recently and a delightful time was spent. Mrs. Somers Buist Pringle won the first prize, a hand embroidered towel, and the consolation, a bottle of bath salts, was won by Mrs. Dor othy O’Gorman. The Joseph Koger D. A. R. chap ter was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Hutchinson Still this month. Several important business matters were discussed, and they decided to send a box to Ellis Island at once. MrsrJ. B. Strobel has returned from a visit to Mrs. T. R. Jones, in Augusta. Mrs. R. Bowman Still and Mrs. J. V. Matthews were appointed dele gate to the convention to be held in Dillon soon . A very interesting historical program was given. De- llightful refreshments were served by the hostess, and a pleasant so cial hour was ^enjoyed. News that little Stewart Rich, who has been critically ill, is now on the road to Wellville has caused rejoic ing in tjje heart* of everybody in the town and section. N Mrs. W. H. DeWitt is visiting rel atives in Columbia. Friends will regret to learn that her daughter, Mrs. Leroy Kennedy, of Denmark, is in a Columbia hospital, where she has just undergone serious surgical treat ment. Ray Carter, Ph. D., who has been employed at Epp’s Pharmacy for some time, and who has made many friends here, has accepted a position in Savannah. - . It’s Purely j We will have with us SATURDAY, NOV. 7TH our Eye SpeecialistOP-TOM-E-TRIST Eyes examined. Glasses Fitted. BEST PHARMACY ^ •We will have with us SATURDAY, NOV. 7TH Bye Speecialist OP-TOM-E-TRIST Eyes examjnpJ, Masses Fitted. BEST PHARMACY T. B. Ellis J. b. BJN. -*=. . * *. . ■ ELLIS ENGINEERING CO. Land Surveying a Specialty, Lyadhurst, S. G /When you go in to talk business with a business man, it is only business on his part to inquire about your financial atiing. He wants to know that you are able to carry out your part of the contract. Plan now to be able to show a satisfactory rating. . BANK OF WESTERN CAROLINA VAMP THEATRE THE HOME OF GOOD PICTURES THURSDAY, NOV. 5th— “Frivolout Sal” Featuring Eugene t O’Brien, Mea Masch, Ben Alexander, Mildred Harris, Mitchel Lewis and Tom Santschi. Directed by Vic tor Schartzinger. A FIRST NATIONAL PICTURE FRIDAY. NOV. fith— “The Spaniard’ ALL STAR CAST It’s packed with thrills and the kind of stuff you love to see. ITS A PARAMOUNT PICTURE MONDAY, NOV. 9th— Circle the Enchantress” MAY MARRY has never before offer ed the motion picture public a more dar ingly delightful fihn treat than this bril liant drama of a gilded butterfly’s true romance. TUESDAY, NOV. “Tearing Through” • # With Richard Talmadge . Thrills and more thrills. ALSO A GOOD TWO REEL COMEDY. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11th— “ANY WOMAN” - With a cast that will please everyone. ITS A PARAMOUNT SPECIAL THURSDAY. NOV. 12th— “Inez From Hollywood” Anna Q. Nilsson, Lewis Stone and Mary Astor A FIRST NATIONAL PICTURE Every Friday night we give away $5 in Gold to the holder of the Lucky Number. Two Shows Every Night—7 and 9. Prices 15-30c. We will have with us SATURDAY, NOV. 7TH our Eye Speecialist OP-TOM-E-TRIST Eyes examined, Glasses Fitted. BEST PHARMACY Advertise in The People-S?ntinel. B us IN ESC filderO STRAIGHT SALARY: $35.00 per week and expenses. Man or woman with rig to sell Egg Producer. Eu- rek* Mfg. Co., East St. Louis, 111. FOR SALE.—-Nice six weeks old Hampshire Pigs, $3.60 each. Larger size, higher. See Mr. Arthur Hilton, Mayfield Home Place, Denmark, S. S. JUST RECEIVED.—A 4 carload of Red Cedar Shingles; a carload of native grown Fulghum Oats, and a carload of Galvanized Roofing. Good prices.—C. F. Molair, Barnwell, S. C. 10-1-tf. „ —l 1 .^ e a Shetland'«nare pon y ;N*kite and" black, and one dove colored horse •mule that came to my place Thurs day night, October 2»th. Owner can get same by paying for feed snd the cost of this advertisement. Ed. Young, Dunbarton, S. G So Weak Couldn’t Stand “My wife’s health broke down snd for years she was Just a physical wreck,” says Mr. Thomas Glynn, of Gib son, La. “We-did everything .we knew, yet she seemed to get worse and worse:' She was so weak till she couldn’t stand, and had to be carried like a baby. It looked like nothing would save her that had been done. % CARDUI For Fonii Troubles • “I began looking around. I knew that Cardni was tor wo men. I decided to try It for her aa all else had failed. She couldn’t sat. she couldn’t sleep, and I was desperate. “After taking a few damn of Gsrdui, we were so gUA to note that the wanted some th Ing to eat, and with each Mt of nourishment, and each day’s doses of Cardul, she grew stronger sad got up out of bed. She is now able Is cook, and stronger than in a long time.** ^ Cardul has baeh In snocess ful use for nearly 50 yaartf. in the treatment of many com mon female troubles. Hercules News. Hercules, Nov. 2.—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Huggins and children left Wednes day for Florida. Their many friends wish them a pleasant trip. Mrs. Lizzie Still, Mrs. Mozella Creech, Messrs. James Creech, Wil ton Creech and Green Stiff spent Wed nesday with Mrs. G. C. Sanders at El- lenton. Miss Irene Templeton, of Union Point, Ga., is visiting her brother, Mr. J. M. Templeton, of this section. Mr. Edward Still, of the Herculea section, left Saturday rfiorning for Nashville, Tenn. Misses Florence Morris and Corinna Hiers, of Olar, spent the week-end with Miss Donie Gunnels. > -—- It’s Fruit Let the i. : ‘H- Barnwell Fruit FRUIT—Fresh frwlf —« one of the beat can eat, sq Jet have all they want Fruit is rich fci health-building ele ments in a readily digestible forOL— Order the kind, m prefer in . nuantitv end have it