The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, November 23, 1922, Image 1

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PICKENS--THE GEM TE FC 4'OF THE FOOTHILLS PPRO IK COUNTY ' A NRWRPAPER WITH A CONSCIENCE * VOLUME 52-NUMBER 30 PICKENS, S. C., 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1922 SUBSCIPTION, $1.50 A YEARt Localsd PersonlIs Miss Carrie Porter of Piedmont visiting Miss Eva Holder. Mrs. Clements and son from At lanta have been spending the past week with Mrs. G. R. Hendricks. Mrs. Annie Stewart of Pickens route 2 is spending this week with her, Mrs. W. R..Lynch, near Seneca. T~e Chapman reunion will be held next Saturday at Mr Early Chap man's at the W. W. Aiken old place above Pickens. The Standard Oil Company is building a Distributing Tank near the depot. It will be a great convenience and quite an addition to our town. - Miss Pearle Jones of Oolenoy, left Sunday afternoon for Cedar Rock -where she will continue her school work. Hagood and Midway schools will begin their winter terms Monday, November 27, with 'the same teach ers as last term. Mrs. M.1 J. Cauley, Miss Nora, and her grandson, Jngal Barron, have moved to their newv home on the East side of the Pickens mill. ti Miss Azalie Wofford, state organ izer for the W. M. U. is working in this community this week. She will meet with the women at Secona and the Pickens mill churches. Mrs. T. J. Mauldin, who is presi dent of the Pickens chapter and"also state treasurer of the U. D. C., is in Birmingham attending the annual 9- t convention of this organization. Read the advertisement in this is sue calling attention to the public sale on Decetuber 2 of the furniture and other hotel furnishings of the Old Hickory Inn. Rev. L. D. Gilles:pni of Spartanburg a'nd Mrs. Charlie Brooks of Greenville ecunty visited the17parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gillespie, in Pickens last week. Supt. and Mis. F. V. Clayton lost their baby William Alfred, on last Wcdnesday mcrning, the 15th. The littlc body was bur':ed at the Pickens cemetery, Rev. H1. A. Knox conduet ing. the funeral services. The sor rowing parents have the sympathy cf t:eir many friends. 0 An extra ecpy of "'The Black Bor der'," the rcw boojk by Mr. A. E. Gonz'ales, has been sent The Seni tinel by mistake. This book wouldl make a splendid Christmas present Should any one dlesire it they may get it by call';ng this wveek. The price is $3.00. Rev. J1. C. Diggs and family left Pickens en last Monday for his new~ '~* '>~'field at Spartanburg. They had been r ~ in Pickens for two yecars aiml had greatly endecaredl themselves to the peopl~c andl it was a suulrce of grief to give them up. Wherever there was trouble or s'ro MIr. and Mrs. Diggs could be found lending a help ing hand and g.iv'ing a comnforting * word. Married at the residence of the officiating officer, M. F. Hester, N. p., November 18, Mr. Claude Porter and Miss Sophia Connelly, both ot Pickens county. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter and the bride Is a daughter~ of Mr. and Mrs. James Connelly. After the ceremony the 'bridal party repaired to. the home. of Mr. W. R. Massingale wvhere a wedding repast was waiting thenm. We are now erectin~g our sawv mill end will be ready to furnish lumber to the publen by November 15. Let * t., know your wants. We solict your orders. Would like to make arrange ments ingmeditely with somebody td haul poplar' logs for us. Can also furnish sap or heart shingles in any (quantity' at market price. Robt. Stewar( & W. Ed, Stephens, Plckens, COUNTY TEACHERS' MEETING The teachers of Pickens county met with the Grammar Grades' Associa tion of Easley on Saturday, Nov. 18th, at 10:30 o'clock in the West End school. The president, Mrs. A. G. King, took charge of the meeting and the minutes of the last meethig wvere read by the s.:cretary, Miss 'Grace Wyatt. After all had joiried in the singing of "America," Rev. F. D. Hunt made a splendid talk, usin: Philippians IV, verses 4 and 19 as the texts. The meeting was then. given -vto the charge of the program committee with Miss Annabel Oats acting as chairman. The following program was carried out: Demonstration Lesson in Phonics Miss Ellen Ellison. Dramatation -Miss Margaret Wyatt. Oral Reading-Miss Myrtle Ca'i non. Silent Reading-Miss Julia Maria Davis. The Teaching of Reading-Supt. J. V. McElveen. Silent Reading-Miss Annabel Oats Much interest and inspiration were aroused by these discussions and every teacher felt that she could go into the class-room next Monday morning with renewed vigor and en thusiasm. If all the programs prove to be as helpful as this one was, no teacher in Pickens counity can afford to miss any of the meetings. After the coipletion of the prog ram. Mrs. King turned the meeting over to Mr. P. V. Clayton, Coun~ty Supt. o( Education. Whether the teachers w:vre to have an institute or speakers at each monthly meeting was discussed. The reorganization of the County Association was begun. The folow ing officers were elected: President-Mr. Jubal O. Williams. Vice president-Mr. A. C. Meetz. Secretamy-Miss Kate Pickens La Boon. Leader of the High School Dept. Mr. C. H. Tinsley. The leaders of the intermediate and primary deparitments were not elected, as at the suggestion of Mr. L. M. Bauknight, it was moved and alopLtd that the teachers of the res pective departments eleet their own leaders. However, Mr. F. V. clayton was appointed chairman of a program committee. and he, with two others, is to appoint temporary leaders of these two depam tments for the next meeting. Through Mr. Z. L. Foy, Mr. L. N. Foy of Liberty extended an invita, tion to the teachers to meet in Lib erty next month. A motion was. formed and aopted and the next meeti-ng will be0 at Liberty. The date wil11 be announced later. This e.ompleted the business and the asceintion adljomned to meet again downstairs~ where light re fresh, ments wvere servedl by Miss Isadorai Williams. head of the Domestic Science Department, and an, aohe coml mittee. MRS. STEPHENS DEAD) Mrs. Martha E. Stephens. beloved wvifo. of Mr. J. B. Stephens. -entered into eternal rest just as the sun wvent dlown on a useful, unselfish and hon, ored life. Mrs. Stephens passed her 77th birthday November 5 and still enjoyedl a life of usefulness. She was a loving wvife, devoted mother and kind neighbor. She always had a kind /wvord for every one and no bitterness to mar her life. She en teredl into the presence of her Savior she lovedl and~ serv'ed, to hear Him say, "Well done thou good and faith ful servant." Mrs. Stephens leaves to mourn her loss an age'd husband. twvo dlaughters, Miss Ellen andl Mrs. Garrison of' Clemson College, and one son oif Mr. WValker Stcplhens5 of Cen tral. Mr's. Stephens was- a member of the Central Baptist church. After a brief service atj the home by the Rev. Mr. Goode of C:lcmso-n the re mains wereV( taken to Central and laid to rest. For the next IW flw omb ls Pickens will be0 an active cross tie market. The farmer.: are pIh(eut througiih the'r A SHORT SK ETCH OF THE PICK ENS CHAPTER U. D. C. Early in the year 1903 the patriotic 'eart of Emily Ambler Gilreath con :eived the idea that Pickens should :ave a chapter of United Daughters :f the Confederacy. She called for l'ose interested to meet at her home i Pickens to talk it over. A few net and the chapter was organized ith seventeen members namely, desdames Nancy Cox Robinson, .atherinc Lydia Curcton. Emily Am ler Gilreath, Misses Bessie Lee and laude Estelle Ashmore, Marie, Alice nd Lucia Augusta Fclger, Mesdames essie Latimer Dendy, Mary Jane shmore Harris, Sarah Bytherwood ohnson, Vesta McF'all, Aiand reeman, -Misses Olga and Sad'e tichey and Essic Earl. Tly fellow ng officers were elceted. Mrs. Vesta Pres.; Mrs. E. A. Gilreath. V. P.; liss Marie Folger, Rec. Sec.; Mrs. . E. Robinson, Cor. Sec.; Mrs. W. 1. Johnson, Treas. The historians vere Mrs. Dcndy and Miss Essie These women decided to celebrate une 3rd, the birthday of Jefferson )avis, as "Old Soldier's Day," so they worked hard to make it a reat day, and succeeded beyond heir highest expectations. One hun red and ten old soldiers were there nd the largest assemblage of p ople ver seen in Pickens. The Liberty and furnished the music, Col. James t. Hoyt and Gen. M. L. Bonham made atrotic addresses. It was a great ay and the Daughters have never ailed to observe June 3rd. In October of the same year they ave a reception in the home of H. i. Richey who lived where A. J. 3oggs now lives. Miss Lucia Folger vas the delegate to the state con -ention in Camden and she reported 3 members. In the spring of 1904 he chapter gave a play, "The Old dlaid's return from Klondike." This is a grand success. In 1906, Mrs. T. J. Mauldin was lected president and has continued s such for all these past years. From ear to year the work has gone for lard until the 3rd of June is a mile tone for all. The funds for expenses ave been raised by various means. lays. Christmas sales, ice cream alet. Matlha Washington parties, eceptions, serving dinners for other rganizations, lectures, have all been sed. We have had a good celebra ion each June :3rd. inviting (listin uished speaker, hand and other at rac tions. The men of Pickens were %n .1 1s n their support. In 1921 we had a 'ear Book printed. This pro-ved su .> helpful improvement the idea w: epeated in 1922, and will douhtle-. e'main a part on the annual program. luch of the good (lone by the chlap er is attributable to M r.:. T. . inuiin wahose untirmt efforts in the ray of community upift and in the reation of patriotism and American rm have been unequaled. During lhe wvorld war, this Chapter dlid its uota of Red Corss and other relief 'ork. It took part in a pageant. The Keowvee Trail." The relic room as b~een established in the court ouse and they are trying 'in many rays to teach true Confedlerate his cry to the young. The League of Women voters and he Parent-Teachers, or Schoom Im.1 'rovement Association will meet at he school house on- Wednesday be ore T1hanksgiving at half-past one 'clock'. Immediately following this iceting, Prof. Simpson will have onme Thanksgiving exercices by his chool and everybod~'y is ~ invited to ttend. Mrs. Murphree Brown of Greer vas a visitor at the home of her ephew Mr. H~ov$y Neely last Sun lay She is 84 years ol, but you vould never think it breause she is; *o young in both mindm and body. Mrs. A. E. D~avs r turnedl to her onme last Sunday after a delightful isit to Georgia. F'or the next few mnombis Pickens vill be an activ'e cr~oss tie ma~rket. rhe farmiers are vlbtut through th(e.r vm-xk nned nre hcgrhino- nt haul tine COLENOY FOLK TO PLANT OR. CHARDS. Up in the Oolejaoy valley of Pick ens county apple growing has beer the spbject of consierable interest End at a recent meeting thirteen well known citizens announced their in. Lention of setti-ng -out commercial apple orchards of one or more acre. this fall. Those who have announced t:.eit intention of planting apple trees thi fall are W. E. Edens, Jr, L. A. Roper, S. B. Edens, A. C Sutherland. T. A. Hendrix, E. F. Keith, Hlubert llamil Lon, Robert Jones, G M. Keith. G. R Mayfield, J. T. Keith, T. S. Reese and II. H Lynch. They pledged them selves to set cutt 20 acres of apple trees, whsle others in the same see. ion are considei-ing planting orch ards this fall. Upwards of 5.000 tree save been ordered and will be plant. d during the fall months. T. A. Bowen, coumty demonstration igent, is enthusiastic over the inter ;-st that has been taken in applh rrowing throughout the country and leclared "we now' feel that we have Tade some progltcss in the right li ection " It is likely, Mr. Bowen ad !ed, that apple orchariis will be plant d in the Reedy Cove and Rocky Bot em Sections of the county. The soil of Pickens county has :een found to be adm'rably suited tc he growing of apples for commercal purposes and with the constant ap preac.h cf the boll weevil rmany farm :rs from this section have invostigat. :d apple orchards in other parts o the nation. A large number of pros pective orchardists went to Cornets tnd Toccoa. Ga., last summer witi the party from over the state to ob Lain "'pointers" on commercial orch airds. They returned convinced tha the soil there does not surpass tha of Pickcns when it comes to success ful fruit growing. BOYS' ANNUAL CLUB SHOW The boys annual club show will be held at Pickens court house Novem. er 25th. Many attractions hav< 3cen arranged fer the entertainmeni f the boys, and the show bids fail o be the biggest success of its his, ory. Mlr. Cobb. Editor of' tihe Southerr RuraUst. has he: n secured to addr'es he boys and tlie ir parents (n thi o(e'.aion. Mr t'. Cobb is considere mhe of the South's forem ost lecturers an( it is a treat to have him prese'ntI. \Jr. Cobb will, spcak at 11:00 a. m Prizes will he awarded as ='ollws 'or the 10 best eal'rs of (0111, first prize, a $5.00 gold piece; st rond pr'ze 03.00 andI third prIize0 $2.00. A free dIinner will be served tall :lub members at one of the' hotch f Pickens. Immediate ly a ft er din ner a free moving picture show will e at the disposal of the boys. All that are 'nterested in the de velopment of our county are r'equest -d to be pr'esent and scesvhat slplendid work is being (lone by the bioys ol he county. BOYS' CIUBS GROWlNG~ Last wecck an intensive canmpaign Vas put on by County Farm Agenm 1'. A: Bowen in the interest of the ~orn andl pig clubs of the e'(unty. Mr. B~owen had to assist him in the work~ issistant State Agent H. 0. Williams. A\ imst successful wveek wats repor'ted, Several of the schools of thme couna ty were visited andI 8 elubs wert( >rganizedl with a membership of 225 t was impossible to reach alltof the tchools in one wveek, but Mr. Bowver states that every school will he visi Ledl andI every boy ini I'ekens cotuty will 1)e given a chance to become In addition to' prizes ofl(:ed by senator J. E. Craig, the Pickens County F"air Associat ion has off'ere< to e'nter'tain the c'lui)bhoys nt a bar hecuec dinnaer next, year at the 1027 Fair. With the0 enecuragement the boys e'lub work! is receiv' i fr'om cycry hand, it is ('learly evidlent that th< pet pie of the cotunty r sal ize the im) portanuce of this, wvork, and as a r'e future c blossom as the rose of Sharmon: QUARTERLY MEETING W. M.' U. The first. quarterly meeting of the western division of the W. M. U. was held o-n last Sunday, the 19th at Se cons church. The meeting was pre sided over by Mrs. C. E. Robinson. Miss Stewart and Mirs. Mitchellga've sonic pleasant words of greeting which were happily respqyided to by Mrs. Hammonid of the Pickens Mill church. A roll call of the various socities was. had. iliss Nellie Grandy gave a good r, port of the state convention which was held in Columbia and which she attended. Mrs-. Clarence Kiig of Eas;ley made a talk on Prayir which~ was uplift ing and inspiring. Mb*-.:. W. J.- McGlothlin of Furman University talk on Woman's r(s potnsibility of g:ving. To say that she is one of the finest of spcakers. but feebly expresses t. She h Id her audience, men, women and chil dIt en. spell hound for half an hour and all were sorry when she had finished. Aliss Azali Woft'ord spoke on "Ilow to enlist the unenlinted" and her si~eech was good. The exercises were intersperse(d by songs. Altogther this was one of the very best meetings the weiii'i have had since the saintedl Mrs. C. E. Watson was taken from this earth. MINISTERS' CONFERENCE The Blue Ridge Baptist Ministers Conference will meet on Monday, Nov. 27th, at ten o'clock, a. m., in the Fiist Baptist church of lUberty. All the members are urged to be present. Dr. J. H. Mitchell will' speak on the t subject of "M inistrial Ethics,'' and t Rev. C. E. Watsen will address us on . the subject of "'lthe Spirit-filled Life." This will be our last meeting of the year. If you are co.ning and desire dinner, please drop Rev. C. F. Simes a card to that ;.f'ect, so lie can mal e a.'. rangetiei ts. A call is also hereby issued for a meeting of the Ex:cutive Committee of the Piedmont Association at the sane place and day at II o'clock. This is important. G. V. Guy, Secy. MAltItLAGES alarried, on Sunday, Nov. 12th, :.hout. 11 a. t., at the r(idence of the 1('ciatting off'icer, lMr. lDewey I inyatn to Alis l.; la Lb lie Kelley. he' groom(5 is at son of Mr. and Mrils. W. IInyen (' Calhoun R1 an1d is I lpgar young t'mr mer", wh"lile his irtle is a laugitt r of 1r. and M rs. Willinm K(ll cy o' (' ot ral 1t: and'1 wt a charm~~ing younig lady. T1his hap i'y yountg couple have t'' conigratun lin el~ f thieir maniny frid s. In about lifteen~ i minte .(s after the i'hOVe cere'(monly wals per'formed~ Mr Charlie R. Hall and1( Miss Myrtle Me Call atppeared att the residence of the o)fliciating officetr and~ itsked to h e imaide man aind wvife'. As the groom's father acco"m panied this haptipy younog 'ouptle the old miller realiized( the marr'iage contract was satisfactory andi the old1 miller I'rantited their reepjti(st. Thie giroom is -i son of Mr. and Mr's. William c; Hall, while his bride is a daiuightet' of Mr'. and Mrs. Melch Me.Call. J1 Alonzo Brown, N. P., at the throttle of both the above ceremonies. MAIR1IAG(E Married on the 1 9th :nst., about 2.30 p. m., at the litt e matrimonial mill, Mir. R. H. Madden of Greenville to Miss Lila Smith of Liberty. . Alonz~o Browvn, N. P., at the throttle. The fgromi is a son of Mr. alnd Mtrs. A. B. Madden of Liberty and holds ai res~posible Position in Gr'e giville, wvhile his bridle is a dlaughteri of Mr. andI Mrs. S. L,. $mith of Liberty andtt is a charming young latdy. RIDD)LE-FiA)Y I) ' A wveddi ng of in terest wa'is solemn-i I izec:l Monday. Nov. 20Tii, at :3:0 ,'. clock at the patstoiumiit of t he First -r Reptist. chutrch of this c'ity, when Rev. F. TI. Cox unltite'd ini mariaiige N's B. llovd. both of Greenville. PICKENS HIGHEST TOWN IM STATE, U. S. REPORT SHOWS-' Has Elevation Of 1,162 Feet, With. Easley and Landium Coring Second and Third. With an elevation 1,162 feet above sea level, Pickens is tht 'highest town or city in the State of South Carolina, according to figures and information obtained by The Sentinel from the Geological Survey of the U. S. Gov-,' ernmnent. 0 Another Pickens county city, Eas Iey, is second in height above spa level with al elevation of 1,090 feet, only seventy-two feet lower than Piekens. Laindrum, in Spartanburg county, is third with an elevation of 1,052 feet. The figures for a number of up state towns and cities follows: Lib erty, 1,006 feet; Walhalla, 985 feet; Greenville, 970 feet; Westminster, 953 feet; Seneca, 945 feet; Central, : fet. ; S partanburg, 875 feet; Campobello, 85. feet. The letter from the Geological Survey of the lepartment of ,ihe Interior siys in explanation of the above figures; "Of course it will be und rstood that in a1 hilly country th re may he a range of several hun dred fert in elevation for diff'erent parts of a town. The above eleva tions are in fet above sea level of (efinite points, usually railroad sta tions, in the places named." With the 'eom-struction of a topsoil highway through Pickens county, open'ng up a shorter and more direct rcute to IBrevard and western North Carolina, it is generally predicted that much travel from the lower part of the S;tate will come over this high way iistead of other routes. It is also beli.ved that many of those per sens will he desirous of seens, the point;, of interest in t.hir own state and it was to place this information - within reach of interestcL persons that the alt itude of various towns and ('ities of the state was secured. The highest point in South Caro linas, Mount Pinnacle, 3,548 feet, is also in P'ickens co-nity. This moun, tain is k nown locally as "Bald Knob" and by others as "Sassafras moun tain" by reason of its close proximity to Sassafras gap. Table Rock, an other of the h'ghest peaks in the Pal nietto rt is also in I'ickens county "ial stops towaxr(l it: development as a 11' resor t are al ready under n ay. I'ic h en: is ideally lonted for a sums ; r r, 'rt of the highest. rank anl ct id eatsily an1d rapidly he developed s uieh if the peA)ple would interest I }h'ist Ives :11 the proposition. The clinmte is well nigh perfect and con ducivi ,e of good healhI II, t.he drainage is e'xce(lleni, the water is unexcelltd anywhere, and( the newly installed watetrwerkils and sewerage' system omka tiii aitary sit uation satisfac wry. Theire. is absohxitely no reason nrw wvhy there shouild ever be a case of typhoid fever in P'ickens, if the p)eople: take the proper care to avoid it. Th le nIa turals adv'anitages and beauty o'f P'ickens will call attention to them.. selves from the influx of visitors brought through th'es section by the Pickens1Nor'th Carolina highwvay andl this sectioni wvill inevitably grow and dIevL lop into a summer resort, but the resuilt could be more easily andl quick.. ly reached if our own people would take the iitative. In these days (of miotor veh~'les no0 section may become 'a first class summer resi;rt wn'ut go od ,:d3. For the first time county officials are now giving eonsiderable attention to highways ~in the uipper section of the county. Good r'oad~s built in this sec tioni is going to prov'e one oi' the best investments the county e'ver' made andio ini yearsi to 'ome the county will reapl large rcw~ards from this pol'ey, EA3JiEY O1lla MII,lS I)ESTiOY ED BY FIRE IEasley, Nov. 16.-lSire. thought to have originated in cotton' beiner gin ned( when a match wasI ignited be twveen the combs of a ginjhead, to tally destroyed the ginning plant ot the Easley Oil Mill here. this after noon. TPhe plant was valued at ap proximately ti- rty thousanJ il'ol lars and( only about $10,000 inscrance wvas