The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, August 10, 1922, Image 1

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PJICENS-THE GEM SOF THE 'FOOTHILLS A NEWSPAPER WITH A CONSCI ENCB VOLUME 52 NI MBER 15. ,PICKENS, S. C., THURSAY, AUGUST 10 1922 WCNGRESSIONAL CAISDIDATES oke At McCormick Last Week-Ac count of Mocting. The following account of the con gressional campaign neting at Mc Cormick is taken from the McCormick Messenger: The three candidates for congress ifrom. the Thir' District, Fred 11. Dominick, incunibent, Sam H. Sherard and Ed. P. MeCravy, addressed about 300 voters of this county in the eourt house here last Saturday afternoon, a large number of- whom were ladies. In the absence of County Chairman W. K. Chqrles, 4r . A. J. Bell acted as chairman - of the- meeting and in troduced the speakers. MR. SHERARD FIRST -SPEAKER. -Mr. SamH. Sherard was the first speakei. He is a member of the State House of Representatives from Green.. wood County, and is engaged in farm ing at Ninety-Six, 20- miles fr9m Mp . Cormick, and feels, that he is among homefolks in McCormick.. In asking for the office of congressman, he fels that he is asking a great deal from the people, and 'believes \;hat a man should be tidroughly familiar with local andl national conditions be fore offering for the office; public re quireiments demand it, and were pever so great as they are today. He stands for law. enforcement, and wants a change n the orgasic lhavs and gov ernment for betterment, which he ,-e.. lieves will bring more satisfacti-on to the people. There is no timic fore, quack or dlemagogue, but rather for -Ympathy and co:-operation, and if we will pattern after the fashion )f our fathers from 1860 to 1865 much good will result. . These. who are working in co-opera tion for peace are working for the comnmen good. Eighty per cent of our people are dependent upon the agricultural 'ntercsts and need the co-operation of the office holders. South Carolinians are the peers and in a large degree excel the people of any Stat.g in the nation. He gradu ated in Agriculture at Clemson Col lege, and spent some time -in the Philippine Islands and France, but would not give' his farm at N'nety Six for the whole of either the Phil ippine Islands or France. If sent to congress, the producer will get the benefit of the doubt in regard to his vote. He believes the Federal Reservo .Bank is a great institution, but el' action of its board which materially affected currency and brought on the depression was a drive against the people. Revisions are badly need - ed for the system. Section 19 of the Federal Bank Act should be amended. It specifies that farm paper, even tho backed by cotton, is not recognized by the institution unless the bank ten lering it is a member of the federal instituticn. l e said there are 30,000 banks in Am'.rica, 10,000 of which belong to the Federal Reserve Sys tem, Rate of intercst en money is too high to the agricultural interests; in France it is loaned at from 2 1-2 to not nio c than 5 per cent. '.e olio's that War Finance Corperati'on does good work, that Henry Ford should have the Mu.lo Shoals proprty; believes in federal aid to roads and schools; bel.'eves in sanitation and eradication of pests and insects, in cluding ncstjuitcs. and boll weevils; wants a bill passed so the government can and will sell calcium arsenate to the farmers at cost for fighting the boll weevil; farmers of Georgia aie getting calcium arsenate at 9 cent~s a round, while South Carolina farmers have to pay 15 -* se for it. .He favors vocational training in schools, and realizes that education is of prime importance; and favors a 50-50 appropriation for schools by the Federal and State governments; dloren't belicve it wise to cut taxes to cripple schecels; favors federal aidt on highways, and would Work '.n congress to bring as much federal aid in South Car-olina as possible for schools.. HeI wculd vote for the soldier bonus bill; would havec votad for wvar and thie drmaft act which put the rieh and poor boyss in the same class; the American Legion favers tihe bonus, and so does lie; the samec crowds and headls of corp~orations which fought the bonus are now fighting the wvork ing man, and their only c'are is to protect mnoneyed interests; denounced the law makers who cut the pensions dlown for Confedersite veterans, and stated that the Amierican .Legion lends it-s support to prevent strikes and to keep peace among all classes. ini conclusion he said, I am a far mner, farmiing in Greenwood County; am endhorsedl by my home~ Democratic convention for congress, which cannot be said of my opponents; and my in terests are idhenitical with those of miy farme~r friends. I bolieve in traitling that fits . man to help all people, and also I starid for fair dlealing to all. Applause. MR. DOMINICK SECOND TO SPEAK. H~on. Fredl H. Dominick, incumbent, was sec'ond, ard after applause at his appearaniec on the stand, he began his odd1-as by ,assuring his hearers that on account of the intense heat he would be brief. - lie theanked the peoplefor the mnag niflecent support they had given him In the two previous elections, andl for the handsome majority of votes which - he is sure-will be his on the 29th of this month. Hie stateth that thd bonus issus is an important one, ansl that he vote( agaitist it more than two years ago before and after the last election The bill provided' that each sold-ie would get $1.00 for each day's service in the'United States and $1.25 a daN for each day's service 'overseas, noj exceeding the sum of $600.00, bonus .being started after a man had beet in service 60 days. It would coni in a'-ertiflcate form, and where th( certificoate called for $300 00. hank. would only loan $150.00 on it. If th< certificate was held for 20 years it would be worth $90.00. He aaikc( wihy his opponents hadn't itrod uceC bills for individual' bonus. from th, State, and answered it himself by saying that the State treasury is in the same fix as the federal treasury, too much in debt. HI aprov; of aid to (d'idled soldiers, and. says no one regrets pay ing this, but the ost is runn-Nig high Ile was a member of the National Democratic Convention in San Fran Cisco two years ago, At which time the issue was taken up. le wanted V) know why MIr. Sherard had not beel more sucessfull on the Walys and Means Committee of the South Car olina General Assembly last year and prevented the $100,000.00 cut inl the lensicns for Confederate veterans. His vote against war was no lack of loyalty, and after war was de r.lar I he d'd 1l1 in his pewer to wil it: ai]d didn't think it necessary to d isu .8 this matter. and had o apoil ogir's to make for his stand on it. The TowlerLSterline educational bill is one of the mort dangerou: hills that could be Pdvreated, and all spven of the mlellbers of conress from thi StOte would vote -tainst it. Dosen't believe the Federal iyovernment should have full contrI in these matters, and is a strong belicver of States' rights. le appreciated the increasing majerities given him in the elections in this county, and laid his record be fere the voters. sayinsr in no unmis takeable terms that if the people want the same kind of service in congress which they have had since he has been their servant, to vote for him and they w-'Il have it. He trusts his -ecord will merit their support. Ten months out of every year he is in Washingtop .- looking after the in nrests of his State and nation. Mr. Dominick said he couldn't criticise his r'pponents for making the race, but he trusted that his conduct and record would merit a continuance of. their support. However. he did think his -noonents as inemiers of the South Carolina General Assembly should do nore good in that capacity before .ittempting it in congress. MR. ED. P. McCRAVY LAST Mr. Ed. P. McCravy of Easley was the last~ candidate to speak, and he ,egan by saying that it would be' lothing short of cruelty to keep his .eorers long. altho lie spoke the fu.ll ,hirty minutes allotted each .eandi !ate and then said he hadn't said all to wanted to. \ He was born iust cutk side of Ab eville nearly fifty years ago: had rmved all his life and now farms I' vith white labor in Anderson Coun .y not far from his home at Easley, Pickens County: has bei a successful r'arier and read law. but did not en 'r the nrof9ssion; the time when he .hould have been in college he was >lowing a bull on the farm, and his ;uceess as a farmer fellowed this. lHe criticised r. Dominick for his and on the war issue, the bonus bill tndl other thine-s, anid saidl that the !'ason Mr. E. 11. Aull. editor of The SJewberry Herald and News, was toot ing Mr. Dominick's horn wvas that Mr. Aull received his appointment as Su.. nervisor of the 1920 census at the iands of Mr. Dominick.. He #Aaimed that Mr. T,,ominick brought the bonus ?uestion into the presenit campaign, 1i~ also stated "tl-t there are 170,000 ~iviT employees receiving a bonus From the United States treasury, andI hat .Congressman Dominick gets ;6300.00 bonus a year. He further flayed the present congressman's rece ord by sayine- that Mr. Dominick is -onstantly fighting monstrositiet in -ongress, and fav'ored Kaiser Bili, ubmarines and ,other enemies to merica. Mr. McCravy is opposed to the way the cotton exchange is conducted andl to the influx of iigrants, giving some figures- showving to what great proportions some of our large cities are inhabited by foreign boi'n; b.. lieves in the Democratic way di pay ing taxes, and says that the income tax -is A .iust one. He waints to give the producer of cotton more power in the marketing sof same ana wants theln the producer to be move in :lepend~ent and( free fr-om the snec nlator,. and believes in organizations to help tl~e farmers. He gavbe the number of lawy.'rs in the nnational house of represent'atives as 298, out of '438 members, wvhile the numbmer -of farmers is only 21, and statedl that the farming interestb she-uld have a eons iderably lai-gei' represcntation in Washington bekrE they can expect much benefit. Mr. McCravy stated that Mr. Dirnm. inick opposed wvoman suffrage, bul says he is in favorof it and is wvilling to trust his fate to the good womer of this district, and in closing assure' themi that he wvould appreciate thein support as much as any. After i mieet~ng in the court room, Mi'. M"' Cravy made ancther speetch to a crowv on a street corner. /. DESTRUCTIVE IIAIL STORM~; Visited Pickens Ccun(y Augut 2 and Did Much, Diamage. A terrific and destructive hail storm visited a section cf Pickens county a few miles northwest of the court house last Wednesday afternoon'Au. iu:t 2, and in twenty Iinutes caused a 1.Ss of thousands of (ollars to farm ers within its Mth.' It\is estimnated that the Crop diimiage over the storm .wept aera is from fifty to seventy five pr), cent, except on the fai~ms of Messrs. E. G. Mcl)aniel and Claud I Adam whose crops were completely destroyed. 1 The downpour of ..bail began at 3:15 o'clock and lasted only twenty minutes, but during that time there was a steady downpour of hailstones about the size of partridge eggs, I which, besides doing great damage to I cotton, corn'and other crops, destroy- I ed grapes and other fruit, knocked out window glasses, unroofcd several out buildings and in a few instances kflled fowls. As reported to The Sentinel the greatest suf'erers from the hail storm were Messrs. McI)aniel 'and Adams, wlose cropr: were totally destroyed, M. ). Cantrell, Dr. R. Kirlcsey, Mrs. Nnri(e Tolbert, Miss Aurie Kirksey, M. J. Welbrn and Rev. Charlie An 'lerson. ( Th farnis c.i Ale:srs. T. I.. Bivens ,and J. B. Robinson, betwcen Pickens hail 'strmi the same afternoon, but were not dainj.aged to the same cx tent as those mentioned above. GYPSY SMITH AT SENECA. Great preparations are, being made vt Seneca for the holding of the Gyp sy Smith relig'ous revival meetings at that place from September 3 to September 24. All denominations are behind the movement and the meet i'ngs will be held in a large tent. Rev. Gipsy- Smith is an evangelist f of world-wide fame and no doubt ~peo ple from all over the Piedmont section will take advantage of this opportun* ty tb hear him. The annual reunion of the family of the latefRev. John T. Lewis will be heldat the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' L. E. Childress at St. Albarth, Green ville county, August 12, 1922. All i relatives and friends invited. THEUNIVE1 WE HAVE REDUCED OUR. LA IMMEDIATEIY FOR RE Extracrdinary reductions in - : Trucks, Fordson Tractors and F, :the Ford Mo-tor Company (luring i *these reductions, we have now gr4 : for repair service on Ford Cars. is shown by the following examI Overhaul Motor and Transmiss Overhauu Rear Axle RpaeTranisre ission Bandls Ginds Y'alves and C!can Carbon Overhaul Front Axle Oil and Dope Car All Over These chiarice for labor only * in operation. All other repair . tion. Our service means GENUINE I . Use of only GENUINE (not spuri +This means lower operating cot : to your car, and' thoroughly sati : entire life. H. P. SIT Authorized F * Pickens, SENECA CHALLENGES PICKENS Wants Pickens Snake to Fight Chant. piotf Snakebf Oconee The following special from Seneca ippeared in Sunday's Greenville News In ":Davis, Seneca'.9 lighting king W" make, won his scon( battle oin the ' treets of Seneca today whcn he met 1 intl dflcatdCc a snake brought to Sen- A ea today from Pickens county in ari. A nyer to the challenge recently issued I'a n the Greenville News. The Pickens make was a spreading adder of the be mrge variety. Davis killed and swal- ' owed the addler, the fight lasting F" ;wo hours and foftv minutes. The " make fights in Seneca are managed tO >y Cheif of Poice Gantt who has l !harge of Seneca's miniature zoo, el kt present Chief Gantt has nine dif- Fa crent val ities of snakes and is I 'nxiously Waiting thZ battle with the all 1reenvillc eo-unty snake mentiongt ih lir recent issue of The News. The r hallenge to Garx' liott. the ed'tor of -: Senting still stands. The snake Of as named after Lefty Davis, star nu 'encea baseball piteher." This is the first The Sentinel has card of the challenge, but this paper ereby issues a call to the sons of ickens e.ount' to g'6E busy and help s uphld thc glory and prestige of f he county. So if any SetinelI read. o rs know of a king snake r any other led :OCd fighting snake which can be tak n to. Seneca, hct it be known at once nd arrangements will he for I' oldin the fight. The Sentinel does et believe that any Oconee snake an last long before a Pickens snake ' f the same kind. 'e liewever, horn snakes are barred rem the contest, for if one of these ell eptiles made a mislick and stuck GO is horn in the ground it would prob bly withor all the crops within ten diles of Seneca and cause great dis ress in the Comnmunitv. The Seneca snake hias already won everal public figh's-and it rema'n: M0 or1 a Pickens county snake to van uish this socalkyl champion and how Oconee its real place in the BC nake line. Su HOLLY SPRINGS CEMETERY 'All who are interested in cleaning 5i if the graveyard and church grounds Sc it Holly Springs church are requested o meet at the church for that pur ose the second Saturday, August 12. ti It t *mr * uti ?,SWL--CAR: OR CHARGES EFFECTIVE AIRING FORD CARS + l h eeh, he prices of Ford Cars, Ford *ro >rd Parts have been made by fo he past year. In keeping with ~atly reduced our labor charges . 80 The extent of these reductions s les: ''T ion $16.00 4.00 2.00 2.50 1 3.50W 1.00 orCd and do not include parts used operations reduced in propor.- th as . he ORD SERVICE, and the strict :c ous or inferior) FORD PARTS.* t to Ford ownors, longer life : H . Ti rfactory service throughout its io TON, Jr. ord Dealers s.C.h PROGRAM &38 S. CONVENTION Inner to Bo Awarded S. S. Wit. Must Delegates. A CcuitY-wide atenane~ contest s bccin ann(;'nced'c II connection th the .a-proacling County Sunday hool Association tenventijm to be Id at Lawrcace Chapel on Sunday' lato, accerthIg tc the Counto e-tencfcesi agMftai' ngements. At thi conIventioln a lier is to publicly awarded to tie Sunday hoo having the largest number of rsons (over 16 years; of age) )re ch to the ecinvention count the the distanet traveled. Under this In, fen persons coingin ten miles a to the econtfention count-the le- as twenty who came only-five les each, thus making it fiir for ,both far and near. Thereis no ut to the numb r -who may attend >111 any Sunday School. I'he banner becomes the property the Sunday School -winning it and y be taken hcmv for permanent play in the Sunday School room. 'he prograni for 'this convention as follows: 10:00---Prayer and Praise service. 0:30-The Convenmion Theme. Torking Together Ti) Win" By'Pro sq(,r Wi. S. 1o-r-rison, Clemson Col ge, S. C. 0 0:4>0-LSong. 1:00- -The "Pickenls Coui)tv Baby." liss lone Alvcrsn, Field bec my S. C. S S. A ss'n. 1:%0-Business (Reports of offi S. Rec-ord of attendanie, al)point. lit ct committees.' 1l:40-"Wilning the Men of Pick Sfor the Man of Calilec." By Nfr. o. R. Koester, Greenville, S. C. 12: 10-Announcements. Adjourn for dinner. Afternoon Session I:30-Prayer and Praise service. I:45-"The Work of the Sundav hool Teacher." By Prof. William S. Wrison. 1:05--How to Interest "Teen-Age" ya and Girls. By Lo-cal worker. 2:25-Song. 2:30-"The Little Folks and the nday School." By Local Worker. 2:45-Onen Parliament and Discus m of "Building up the Sunday hool." By Miss Alverson. 3:25-Song. 3:30-Reports of Committees, Elee mn of Officers, Selection of next ace of meeting. 3:40-"What will Pie-kens Do About ?" By Mr. Koester. 4:00--Adjournnicnt. FREE.TLIFRCULOSIS CLINIC A free tuberculos's clinic will he Id in Easley on August 11 and 12 the city hall. Dr'. Bonner of the -taff of the S. Tubercul2sis Sanatorium at Colum will CeIcIiI-t the Hinie. Dr. Bon is a specialist on thront and chest eaINss.. C'here clilie4s have been held at ny other points in varous countiv. the State, with such sp1e(di'id e.n4Iance that. it has been foundi essaIry to makit them two daiv lics inieteld (I one day. Green le, Anderson and b en-e have lalt I the'u. clik-nies with lar,'gc attend le, es wll as manly counties inl the itral and jower part of the stat". Phese clin-es offer an unusual op 'tunity for those* who have the case 'to consult a specialist, and those who have any of the early nptons to find out ivhat is the nmat wvithl themselves. Tuberculosis is per~ cent cui'able in the early stages : those who take warning in time 1. well. Aliss Elsie Gudger' of the S. C. herculosis association will he in skens county uintif after the clinics, 'isting wvith the work. iRAMIPEY ltEUNION On Juily :Oth thec fnmily of~ tht late 31. Rinmp(y melt at l'v-ka nsan 'coU0 t! IIo a ipet ait the foott '.4 nimuntain whe(t i' a pienii dinner After dliiner the coinyit gather' I the bank of' the cree'(k and (.ngwedq a serv i('e after whliich all went iding in mnt ry of thiose hgppy re(foot dlays. The final episode. of the day wvas slaughter of a giant rattlesnake Charlie Porter. lie say's that in much as it was killed on the way me and that he can show the twelve [tles is proof that he did kill a uke iinsteadl of trying to find an ex se to ge hold of some "snake med no.' T'hose present included Mr's. HI. hM. impey and th(' following chiildren: omas Rampey and Mrs. Joe Gaines Liberty; Mrs. C. .~Porter of 'al. u; .Jule and And Rampey of Pick s: Me's. Will Rogers, Westminster; 's. Hlerhei' Newvton of P~ek'in-; -enty,'three wrandc'hildren and fou r cat- gra ndchildren. One WVho Wa. Ther(e. REUNION ORR'S RimilENTl T[he fiftieth a pnnnal r en nion of bhe i'vivors oif Or"'s Regimecnt will be Id at Walhal Ia (on 3onday' antl Jesday, AuL'nst 1.I ::nd I5. All Coni derate vet erans~ invit (. to attend -guests of U. P. C., .S'uns (f Vet ains and ~Am'rican Le(gi( n Cf Wal iln.a PICKENS-111EV~AI) UIGHfWX' Why The Road Was Held Up--Inte esting Information. There hd1s recently been so nAlh discussion about the Piciens-Brevard highway, aine way and another, and ecie~llIV as to why work on the road was hl2d up, ind as there 'have' been many conffiei~ng reports and dpinions among the eit:ens of Pickens countv a!nd mu infrcstzshown by them inl the matter that The Sentinel wrote to the State HIigh'way 'Department fer complete information about the r11ead. Pickens county has spent a l(t of money on this road and The Sentinel felt thahe peopl6 wanted and shouI have t~ie straight factsj, be what they a'i'y.' Inquiry as to Mr. Wade H-. Chastain was madebe cause it has been w'dely published that he was trying to get the route changed and this was holding up work en the road. The Carolina Tin ber Co., for Which -Mr. Chastain is avent, has also been publicly referr ed to in uncompilmemtary terms. It miay interest the peolple to know thimt thiF com-'npany has riven free rip lit-c f-way for 01he road tshiough -! 1i a1.hohlI) the read will-be c. n help to this v'11r. ;any,. but, rat~her* at ine ItereciCe. ,xh I* the c'lmphany be gilns to cut an(ld (ir!" its timber out. The1 T (i t er my n han aIst' -i-'len the enult muc h br:hW timber with'. tpt C- in ilrnt ways, so 'The S") ;.e( is I r i!: y in)oi, s:ive''d P 1a::::: it u t P ial theus n111(1 of delhtlra* 1i 1t b1ilding1 of the road. T!. . i l arc ent:tied t these facts. Fl''lo1wing is the lette" frA; the SaIe HIi!.hway Depart mtilent: The Pie!:ens Scntinl: Gentlemen: I tal:k p!easure int f ni.;h in1!p you the fcllowim:t. Yfra egIarding the ree fd imtiprcvemlent of Pickens-Brevard - Hb h Way: 1. Proj1 ct No. 10V2 extends from thre., and one half miles beyond Price's Store to Reedy Cove Gap, a distanec of one and one half miles, completing the section up to the Gal), and was approved by the Government on March 23rd. The work was under taken by county forces, but was dis continued several weeks ago with the 4dea of letting the remainder to con tract. 2. Projfet No.' 1-4 extends from Reedy Cove Gap~ to the North Caro l!na line and was only approved by the Governifient of June 23rd and is now being advertised for bids to 1) received on August 15th. 3. The Department has no knowl. edge of any effort'having been inade by Mr. Wade H. Chastain to ret the route of the road changed. Our en gineers called on Mr. Chastain for suggestie s as to the most practicable rout% to follow in making the surveys, however, 11nl found the information fnrnished by h'n of considerable value. 41. The worlk hits been held ulp in a very large in'Cs.ure' because of the fact that the Governmenit dsires cer [ain redauctions1 in grades 1i1d certain rd ific ai ;tis in the al itn men t w here very sharp curves are shown, and ill-, Dep:i-t m< m. has f<-uniI it impracticable h, maick 1thC chaiinges Without great ly 1'rasilg the ecst of ti. W'rk. The lcal reprisentative of the Gov 'Iameit. is in sImpathy with the at titide of the Del-tment however, an1d we hope that the changes which will finally be inisted on will nottbe 5. The app~roval of the Govei'nment already secured 'for the two projects ayes thel rrute by ~way of Roelly~ Bot tonm and Eastatoe Gap, but as this atlmrloval is conditionled 0on the mId~ift. catjen abov~l). e referred to being madec, we are still liable to meet with sonme fiult iher dc lay. We believe that the w ck enn go forward on other p~arts ofI t he read whiilene~1( sect ions in ques-. tion are' 1 binhg discussed'I. (. Tlhe fti Ial amli un lt oIf Fedlei-al Aid atllet ed to these two projects is $60, (000.00. TIhe De'nartm1e1nt re'gre(ts yery miuch that local miisund(erstandii'~s liave arisenl inl eenneed~on with this work, and1( espiailly that the delay iln get- 'a ling startedl hats caused a feeling of dlisatisf act imn. We feel, howvever, that you wvill be much better saltisfied with thp. road when it i's finially completed if extreme core is usd in workin'g out the dlifficult loca tion andi if thorough study' is given to all phases of the work 'hefore it is too late. A co"'iderable amnunmt of money will he expe'nded -for building this read tfnld ' - arc naturally very anxious that nol uninecessary wvork should be done and that when the work is completedl it will be a cr'edit to both the colunty ndn the State. Yours1' very truly, CIIAS. II. MOOREFIELD, State H-iighwVay Engineer'. SINGING CON VENTlIONS The ibert y Tlownship Singing con ven'ltion1 will mneet with Rice's Creek churtch the second Sunday i'n August at 10 a. mi. Bring song books and P'ickens counlt y ilet are. invitedl to at tend1 ani atlIlday Singing at Wit - .;ams~ton the ~.2(cond Suniiday-ini Au gust.-\ There( will be all all-day singing and <rinner on the groundl at Tabor church, Snay, Augus 13