The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, July 13, 1922, Image 1

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ENROLL OR YOU CANNOT VOTE IN PRIMARIES-BOOKS CLOSE JULY 25. * *... ~ ****#.# ,. ... ). PICKENS-THE GEM THE OFFICIAL OF THE FOOTHILLS PAPER OF PICKENS *S**,,OOO++++++@ . COUNTY A NEWSPAPER WITH A CONSCIENCE VOLUME52-NUMBER12USiCKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, JULY 13 19221 TOURIST HOTEL BE BUILT IN TABLE ROCK COVE. Another development which will be a step toward making this section rival the famous Sapphire country of North Carolina is the construction of a tourist hotel in Table Rock Cove, 20 miles north of Pickens, announcement of which is made by J. P. Carey, Jr., of Pickens. The old hotel building near Table Rock :s to be torn away at once and a modern hostelry will be erected in Table Rock Cove, several miles dis tant, Mr. Carey stated. The promot ers of the new hotel are Mr. Carey and Wade H. Chastain, who manages the vast preserves throughout this section of the Carolina Timber Com pany. Work cf tearing down the old hotel, a part of the material of which will be used in the new structure, will be not later than August 1, Mr. Carey stated. It is planned to erect a hotel with :30 guest rooms, while it is po. sible that this number will be increas. ed should the volume of traffic de. mand it. Owing to the late start of the pre sent season, no effort will be made to open the hotel before 1923. Ilow cver, it is planned to have the place ready for tourist at the beginning of ncxt summer and various attractions will be providedl for the incoming plkasure seekers. 3r. Carey said that present plans did not call fGr the construction of a huge lake, cn the order of Lake Toxa way. Such a report was generally circulated about Pickens, but :s with cut foundation for present. However, M\r. Carey made it plain that amuse ments' would be pirovided for the guests and it is considered that if the travel to this section meets expeeta tions a number of devclopments may * be made before the opening of the 1923 season. Sktion Oacc Farncus Odtr1 1 ie.-ante e.' ickens recall ' 7.& i was on' cf :h. mc f amcus rcsorts of the (I u CeIns from the I kw' - ret cf the state were accus- t temcd to spend at lcast a part of the t nca lc ;id there cr in et- I t.c' e lo abut the mountain. During s th'e rtast score cf years however, the i rmcr\ lart ;f this tiavel has gone I to HenCdor( : ville, Asheville and N ether North Carolina cities. The con- 1 structica cf top-soil highways and s the erecticn of hotels :s expected to c again place Table Rock, Caesar's i Head and other South Carolina peaks t in the public mind. C Dr. R. Kirksey, one of the owners of 'Table Rock mountain, stated that 3 many perscns are now camped about r the famous "Table," but lack of prop- I er acccmmodations probably has kept 3 this number lown to the minimum. i; That Table Rock was once famous as f a res(rt and was visited by many f S persons is shown by the ironl steps li ene plaOced upl tihe steep side of the mountain. According to Dr. Kirksey these steps were ccted about 1840 3 cr more than 80 years ago. Time has- C rplayed its part in wrecking the steps I but they may still be seen, it was e statedl. -~ No accounceme nt ci rectnt (late has r caus1cdI more inVtere(t in the sc etionl I rbo~ut Piekens ad the predIction was v freely madle that mny~~ .t h . mflpor-i tant develcpments are( liel to take I place, on1cC t rave! isz nin dIiverted to this section. .REViVAL MF.ETlNG~ T1'he Chiri stian fecee in P Jhens 4are1 hinPg arlouistd andl iers arei - ~becoming int'eetcd( by the pr&inchinia cf Railroad Spi nks, evatngelist,. at. the. Methodlist churech and the intvered is growing with cvery. service. Thie evangelist is at his best andt when Spinks it at his best he is goina: sec lie has the cooperation of all the pastor's of the town and everybody is cordially invited to the meceting. R. L. Barksdaile, blind singing evan gc list a noted singer, is leading soul stirring songs that thrill the con gregaitienis. Come out to hear Rail road Spinks while h< is in Pickens. Preachi ng servics every night at 8:30. Prayer service at 10 o'clock overy nmorning at Grace Methodist * church. Miss Durham, daughter of Mr. Tommit Durham who lives near Con cord church, was struck by lightening antlinstantly killed laet Sunday after NEWS FROM CATEECHEE On the 17th inst., the Captain of this universe changed the ranks of the old -soldiers who suffered trials md tribulations and fought as no 3thcrs have ever fought from 1860 to 1865 and took for its prisoner the soul cf Mr. David Calvin Barker. WhileJ 'thc, subject of thi sketch [ought ft.r four long years in the ervice of his country and made a rave and fearlcss seldier then and las fought for the cause of his Alas er here upon this earth for many vais sin,!e, the Lord realizing his ile was at an end here upon this 'arth so far as activity was con 'erned and as he like Paul had fought g(.od fight both as a soldier of his ountry and as a soldier of the cross aw fit to carry him home where he ould join a union that is far suner cr to any here upon this earth. Emo much credit cannot be given those old gray heroes .Who faced !angry, heat and ctild as wcll as 'oIlets, many of whom returned home 'ith an empty sleeve, may he a tick .for a I' or mlay be )ainus an ye, er lsm.Iiel (,th(' kind cf a d" crmiity to make their way in this b111 without anything save a (e rmined rev:slutioni, and yet aft. r uch obstacle (;r 58 lung y ar.:s w( til see a it-w of the ;m h-re hattling It cnly fCr a livil:xl but for a (ole in heaver, w\h( e when all are athcrcd hem; there will be a pcr t tual reunion. The deceaed was born March 11. 840, which made him 82 years :f lonths and 28 days ol. IIis re mins wire laid to rest the day fol iwing his death at King s Grove emctery. His wife preceded him to he grave about 12 years ago. 11e naves the following children: J. T. arker of Greenville, S. C., B. H. larker, of Townsville, S. C., D. P. arker of Pelzer, Mrs. W. M1. Davis f Kings Grove, Mrs. J. Al. Satterfield f Six Mile. Peace to his ashes. On Saturday, 8th inst., about 4:30 i. ., at the re4sidence of the offic<a ing officer, Mir. Dewey Durham lead o the hymeniiil alter Miss Minnie .ee Dodson and J. Alonzo Brown poke the words that united them it the holy bonds of wedlock and ight here we wish to say the happy oung couple will never look better n(1 their countenance will nw'aa hine brighter this side o'f that cel stial shore than they did the even ig they took the solomn oliigation a forever forsake all other lovers for ach other. The groom is a scn of Mr. and Irs. G. W. Durham of Central R4 nd is a promising young man while is bride is a daughter of Mir. and Irs. Ellis Dodson of Central R2 and a young lady who numbers her riends by the score. Their many riends are extendhing them their earty congratulations. Rev. J. W. Prior assisted by Rev. IeElrath, a young 31. E. preacher f Greenville, just closed a series of etings at the Cateechee union hurch. WVhile ther'e was only one cees.sion to the church andl that by estorationi great goodl was accomi l ished as several claimedl salvat ion 'ho had hack slidl and the spirit man. m 'ested itself to many luke warm ear'ts. Rev. J1. A. Davis, the past (r1, w~ill < zin a wceeks meeting toiiht (Maln ny:, night ) at Cateechue. B. M ARRI AGE aarried by Rcv. C. L,. Criaig at hi' i'mSe on Sunday' p. ml. .July 2nd at o'clock, Mi'. .J. E. Allgoed and 1'liss *,mrgia )dlarc'hbanks. \Ir. Allgood is .ii of Mi'. W. B. Allgood of Pi'k n -, one of' the 'ldest C'onf14decrate etirns of the county and also a a ;at - erandlson of' a Revolut ionaryv m'h:c :md is a~ veter an of t he Wor'll ,' himsi elf1 and m'oughit in the hat-tIe 'I \'.luw, Argenne For'est . iAlis's ciuhbanks is a daughter of Mi'. S. P'. arihha rk s cf near' AilI' Crceek 'him -h, at siubstantial ('it iz/en wiho re 'entlyv movedl fr'om Green( ville ('ounty. Tlhis young ('cuple have numlerous fiinids wholi will join hi wish'.ng themi ni long and hamppy life. C. NoTrICE All persons inlterestedl, bo' on hand at Griffin church on Saturday after noon before the 4th Sunday inst. for the purpose of cleaning off the Ceime. tory. Come early a~nd bring tools. ti fn ALONG CENTRAL ROUTE 2 & 4. Dear hunting and firhing seems to be the erder of the dlay around Gap Hill. The Gap Hill Sunday school is pro gressing nicel:y' w'th Rev. C. L. Craig as; sur:eriintc ndent and Richard Gantt s a.iistant and secretary. We were glad to have the Keowee visitors with us Sunday after noon as the singing was so much better than usual. \ iss Grace Brucke spent Saturday night with her cousin Mis'. Viola Reed. Mrs. John Fcrguson of Gap Hill spent last wee': in Greenville visiting relatives. Misses and Leuella Bowers spent last Sunday with their friend liss Tcledo Alexander. Messrs. IHerman ;Childress avil' Ralph Stewart were depit hunting Sunday. Hlaven't as yet rcported their good luck. Mr. S. Morgan and family from Ocauee were visiting relatives in Piekens Sunday. Mr. Richard Gantt spent last Sun day with his "r. nd Mr. Alhei t Fin ley. The ten mlaon' hs ld baby of Mr. nd .!is. \V. II. MaulIdin has beens ver: sick fo. the past two weeks. hut is better at this writing. Mr. Pat Ilushe-s and iamily of Oco re(- )were vi.0ing relatives near i''aters Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mlrs. Alexander McMahan and little son spent last Sunday wvt h Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Mauldin. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Turn r were visiting relative-, in the Mountain View section Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Iler Merck visited the latters parents Mr. E. F. Dodson Sunday. Mr. Clifton Childress spent Sat urday night with his friend Mr. Al bert Finley. Saturday afternon while we were wondering if the wedding bells would ever ring again we heard them ring ing when Miss Minnie Lee Dobson became the bride of Mr. Dewey Dur ham. The bride is a charming young lady and loved by all wh.. know her. She was the youngest daughter of Mr. Ellis Dobson. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. George Durham and is a prosperous young farmer of the Pearidge see tien. The happy young couple have the best wishes of their many friends. Misses Dollie and Selda Gant' spent last Sunday with their friend Miss Leye Finley. "Lonely .Jo." FROM ROUTE :3. It is feared that the boll weevil, which has made its appearance, will cause serious damage to the cotton er~op. A large crowvd attended the sing ing at Concord Sunday and it wvas greatly enjoyed by all present. Mir. Robert Welborn made a busi ness trip to Winthrop College Sat urday and Sunday. Miss Louise Gravely is attending summner sehcol at Winthriip College. Mr. J. 1L. Sterbens reside(nce( wvas damnagc.d by lightning Sunday after Mrvs. L. i Gravely is sei iously ill at her home near 1 I llago(d s imill. Mary Mek inney is visiting her couisin Eula Gravely tis week. The Supe rintendceim andi faculty vof iah Sunday chWool are. perfort ing I:lans oif '"curtai i in'g eff"' elass ro mis, wvhich will b~e a eat imj'.Pivement to the work of th< Sunday school. 1liarold TeOwneds is viS; ing his unel., Rev. Wade I .ew is this weck in C.o lumbia. REV. .J. TI. MANN'S APPOINT MENTS Rev. .J. TI. M ann wvill prea ch at the1 frllowing churche(h in P lices (ount y en the third Sundayi in th's nmnth: Rice's Cree.k a't 11 n'elock, Libert y Mill church with P'astui D~avis at 41 o'clock, and~ at (at e chre ehneh~c at 8 ('Clelc P. im. NOT ICE There wvill be a call meeting of th< Picke'ns county, Whiti Republiear club, at Pickens, S. C., July 15th al 8 p. m. Major Bowen and J. H1 Painter of Greenville and' other: will address the meeting. Come am hear the speakers. A. M. Morris for the con. TWELVE MILE NEWS Rev. D. P. Hudson filled his regu latr appointment Sunday at Mt. Beth el and Salem. The sermon at Mt. Bethel was on the second coming of Christ and was listen.d to by a large congregation. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ragsdale were among the ones that attenkd the teaehe' tt a.ining school at Easley last. week. Mliss Tar'ie 'lclKinnay is visiting; Miss Eula Gravely tnis week. 1ari'vin Gravely went dear hunting Sunday af teroiuon, lao'k out game wue(lCln the season 1, a1b<,lt over, but then the boys enjoy a good race even in1 mid( summ111er. Mr. and Mr's. W. M. lu Isor visi ted Mr. and 7.irs. M!. C. datrtin Sun (lay afternoOn. A large crowd at tenle I the sing ing at Com-ord So ndyi . A\r. and Airs. J. It. Iilulh--m visited Rev. and ris. Dl.I'. ! udson Sunday afternloon. Mr. Harold Townes i visiting rel atives in Columbia this week. 1( csed is the inan Itit walketh n~ot in, the coltt,n fiehi, nor statndetht in the way of the boll we("\ il, for he will come in du(e time. The fa'1rmler 01 Ih-is sectionl ar' Oet t inlg. ll(.n1z2 nicely with the'ir crop". We have learned to take the hrigtht Sir( (f life and when it rains we just say a .wer' helps. It is better to whistle then to whine. J. E. Grant and family of Easley visited rehitives in the Mt. Bethel -sction Sunday. The lludson reunion was held at Mrs. J. M. hlulson's July 4th. 'There were about one hundred and fifty people present, the day was very much enjoyed by all present, the finishing touch was put on by a nice shower of rain, but after so great a- dinner as we enjoyed we did not mind going home in the rain. The many frienis of J. M. Porter will be glad to hear that after three Of them have been confined to the bed with typhoid fever they are get ting better. Bill Arp. GAP HILL NEWS It wits pyinte(1 in Thq Sentinel last week that the Gap Hill revival would start the third Sunday. It wias printed through a mistake. It will bcgin the fourth Sunday in July. Mirs. John Ferguson has been spend:ng the' week in Greenville with her sons and daughter Mrs. Christo pher. Mr. Jim Ed IIendricks spent last Saturday night with his cousin Alr. Jutice Craig. Mrs. W. H1. Maulo in has had a very sick baby, but is better at this writ mng. Mrs. Chalner of Oconee 's visiting her dlaughter Mirs. W. H. Mauldin this week. 1r. IHen(r.1y Br'uc'ke and family spent the 4th of July in Oconee coun ty with relatives. Mlr. Ralph Stewart was out dlear' hunting the first Sunday ev'ening and1( had good luck. Brown Eyed Bill. (CARD) OF. TIllANiS We want to t hank out' ne ighbors for kindne'ss shown us in the sickness; amd dcath of cur' father. Also thank! Dr t'Bearde fo h"? iis k i 4nnss. WV 31. D~a'is &. inmily. NOTIICE TO) SCII1O00. ThRUSTE:ES:. Thle ItrustIees a4 st ein ion of Pi, en (If Comlpul..;1'y Edluenltn, State Aid., b)4 tatken up, and1( re(commennldtions to the ('ounty d'le'gat ion ma1de'. Thbis is probablhy ote '.f th'e mo'; promp)ihtly' at thle a'ppoittdr hour. Thiis is pos"it ive'ly no' pol iti(al meeb(1 in'; just for the tru'teeS'. TI'he 'e wi~31ingJZ4 totach on perm'nits for the c'Iinng year are hereby nloti - fled to appear0t at theo Court Hlouse, Picktns, S. C., on Friday July 14th, 1922, at 9) o'lock a. mn. for the pur pose(5 of st andling an1 examination to obtain a pe'rmlit. The rules of the examination will be the same as fTiose governing the I State exam'ination for iieachers. Please be on hand promptly at 9 o'clock. F. V. Clayton Snnt of Ed. NOTICE OF ENROLLMENT Let coch ne who 'is qualified to vote be sure that he, gets his name on hip, Club Roll, and it would be best to entf I' Sflle as soion as you w Il can1, as the books will closti on Tues-' dty, July 25th, and as you will se.' this is less than1 two Weeks, So you havi ni't. much tiime to procrast inate' and then et you1' namen( on the Rol: Book mid ulass you y.e.t your11 Inme t n you will not be allowed to Vote. A f(eV do wait until! th. last and then they: hauv to : i un order Iromn soie tir it .otidgte in (rilh i o get ' t he r niu 'em olde, and the Judge may not im)ait this uimtkss you have some legal ex'.'wuw for not getting it oil while the ! oks are open for you. : o rem'b.<lll)I r the date, Tuesday July 25. and ge"t the name on "the book! hefire that day. All bocks must he -cnt in to W. E. I'indley, Chairman. ' y Friday July 28',th, so that he can have a copy of the bIohs male to file with the Clerk of court for pub liC inspectioi at all times. If any one has any 1ut( stion as to where h shall 'mroll 0r (ldes not .now wher' to find his book, let W. E. 1'indlev. P'cens. S. (., k:;now and it'e shal.l h" d.hnl to givyou such inim'niation. Also all who expect lto he candli daxte's and have not filed; youir ph-d c's lo k aifttr thi. lin-for it is to. l::t, for if yIu should neglect to ti! your plduw that will knioc you eut". and it might be that the county: would l'.se its best oIficer on acc'ount of the candidate being le'lip :<it in f;lin: his pledges. W. E. F indley, Chairman. SUMMER SCHOOL NOTICES The Iagood school will begin it summer session of seh(tol on J1Ul. 17th, with Miss Cora Porter as Prin t.alAl and Mrs. hen Keith as assis tant. The Midway school, also in th Hagood school district, will begin it sUimmer session at the same time with Miss Alice Col'Iand as princi pal and Miss Mary Chastain a!- as siStant. Mentvale school will begin its sum ner session the 17th of Jruly. Mr Willie Chastain will be principal ama Miss .Jane Cannon assistant. Ambler school will open its som ier term July 17th.' The Compu sory haw will go into effect ,tugxus! 11th. All patrons in the bounds el AmIler district are urged t, have th ir chi hiren present on August 11 that, are in the age limits with a! n'ce sary books- Mrs. W. E. Edein will b(" J'incipal and Mrs. Janie Wel born assistant. Bethlehcen I will open Mon. day, July 17th with Mrs. Parsons as pr'icip al and Miss Ciovie ( ilstrar andI Mr s. Mason Looper assistants. Eastatoe school will begin Monday .July 17th. Mliss Lillie Smith 1o Salemn will teach the school. llampten school will hegin its sum me'r t( rm Monday July 24. MISSM MIAl4Y MlAICTIN WXINS A P'ickens (ount y G.irl, Win' F';:st I~t~c oIn a enne ji C0 l 3 Wie M.~itu Maryiit .1arts rtin a s th p1 t'ear2. I G r: ou sli-n< (s' mri ei theo '.'ilim' h'luii ip whhii(n hed~ ww Isd a fe''ly i u ipon thie ba ist (f ei Iri -abi ly of. Miss Mat ias show in: hi-k reor iher thei Ipaiyar iwm '22-i:h It is 5no' ~sal dtincto t, lo id ',v it d the m aI oUst' efielow .un wsoma-tn is a gtulht hdy who t im3rhn<ind tin th fst andh. .'d herk iomc is it ercngi ad .I ;btih he iOolecializcin. e sednhi'action with themrgla.cus forh relAtive andeigrereef.rin Me~ins Maollieagre.-lcm cfM. Mrs. rAeantew lean bib whfom reie are amngth si tn al be knon ricesidn. o ikn n andherhom i withhergr ad. a GAS GIVES OUT; RUNS ON WHISKEY A' stff correspondcnt of the Green ville News is respons'ble for the fol lowing: )r. . S. Porter, ao practicing phy sicin cf Pi, enis and probably one of th best k ncwn members of his l:c't psitn in this part of the state eema to have solved the troubles whith ccvasonaIlly overtake motor ist. Sev< pal nights ago Dhr. Porter was Ui''d upon to answe' an urgent call. se veral Ilek's from town his arn' ((he same popular brand tis made Det ruit famous) came to a halt and r< fused to go farther. Ex amination showel that the gas sup ply was entirely exhausted. It was probably several miles to the near est gatsolinc filling staticn. In his dlespFeratien aIt happy thought came to the motorist-physician. &sc(ing a small light across the c(:lttry Ihe walkid over to' the farm ltou' anuid secure d a gallon or so t' her son :o. I n mantly the engine was 'eadiy to go nd ithe physician was nared tt, make the trip with 1lut liltth delay;. 8eivt ra years aco, )r. l'ortet stated, he wma in a similar nredie 111m'nt. Urahto seueany gaso.. line a sm all nuuntity of' whiskey was s ('ured and plheli in Ih'e gas tank. The eflect w;:s the same as if the fluid had heei r'al .a-oline. The 1'lysician was enled.'l t() make the t r:p n lime. . "The whiskey muale.' the car go all right," Dr. Pot ter laughingly stated, "hnt madh it extrem ely hard to hold in tht rad. l ike men, an automobile gets crazy when fed on whiskey and I was afraid that it was going to g t away from me in spite of my be st (forts. But there is no denying that a car will run on whiskey-for I have tried it. But, of course, that was before the days of prohibition 'and now we have to use kerosene when the gas gives out." MEETING OF V. M. U. The annual meeting of the Woman's I Missionary Union of the Piekens As sociati1n will he ht bl with the Griffin church Saturday July 22nd, begin ning at 10 a. m. and lasting just one day. A number of our state wrrkers arc expect.ed to he there, Mrs. Mas ters, Miss Wcff(rd, Mrs. Chapman and others. It is hoped that all the Soti( ties in every church in the as sociation will be well represented and ther is not seciety in your church co'met' anyway. Following is a prog ram of the me'(et ing: )ev'sticnal-Mliss Airnie Ltturie Iamnmett. WeT(le<.me-AM iss Ch ilds. Responsev-Miss Naomi Robinson. Initroducittion of visitors and new pastors wiv(s. Redl call of WV. M. S. RE (ognit ian of Honor Roll Socie ties and Mission Study Graduates. Retpor'ts cf Officers.. M~essag(e fre m Mi's. E. W. Masters,. v"(ice'trsidlt nt of U. WV. Division. A prjoinit mil nt tof omittees. Devet h n Il- Mrs. Chapman pros.., <C fstte W. 31. U. We'lenume- A (Griut'7n Sunbeami. Ib-Il < il (of all young people's ltR'm Pito of1 1'Honor Rotll. Sit'ie:. end Mlissioni study Cer.. Repts if Standing~ Committees. 010<n discussi1n of '75 Million need5 vniha ;. Hi: meslt ages~ from Mrs-. miasters, M re. Cha pman andi~ Miss 1 .rr ofI e.nm1it tees on resolu hon. T'lm aind lahne, ete, l'h-ri t o ' Off'icirs. Chlini lit ur--Mr s. Chaiman. rs. 1". T." Cox, Supt. SINGING A'T OOLENOY Th'!eret will be an aitll day singing at Oukenoy Uipt ist church the fourth Fulnday in July. All singer's and lov ('rs oft music arce ordlially invited' to ('01m1 antd make the (lay an enjoyable one for young andl od1. -SINGING CONVENTION - The Liberty Township Singing Con.. vention will meet with the Methodist church at Liberty the third Sunday, July 16'th, beginning at 1:30 o'clock. a Everybody come and lets have a good amnging