The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, July 06, 1922, Image 1
Iuke Interests Will Be Offered In
ducenents to Build New Mill Here
Reliable information from Nevi
York last week stated that the J. B
Duke interests have about perfecter
plans for building a string of cottor
mills in the South and would spenr
about $50,000,000 in the project. Th<
mills will undoubtedly be built wher
they may be reached by the Southerr
Power Co. which is owned by th(
Duke interests.
It is believed here that the towr
of Pickens stands a good chance t(
get one of these new mills. Certainly
Pickens is a most favorable location
for such an enterprise.
Pickens can offer several fine loca
tions at unusually low prices.
Our pure and plentiful water sup
ply, natural drainage and fine health
conditions would no doubt receive the
most favorable consideration.
But probably the biggest factor in
A' our favor is the plentiful supply of
native white labor of the very best
type which Pickens county has to
offcr. That the class of labor Pick
ens county has to offer is the best
in the world has been amply proved.
Pickens people would also subscribe
liberally to the stock of the mill if
asked to (1o so.
Another large cotton mill for Pick
ens would mean great things for the
town and cntire upper section of the
The Sentinel suggests that the
chamber of commerce call a mass
4 meeting of citizens to discuss the mat
ter and bring the advantages offered
here to the attention of the Duke in
With another cotton mill, a South
ern Power Co. line, a railroad to Jo
cassee, the trans-niountain highway
and good roads radiating in every
dircetic.::; Pickens wcult soon develop
4 into the city it ought to be. What
y you, gentle.nen?
Monlay July the 'rd the Blueridge
Bapt'st Ministers Conference met at
Six Mile and had a great day. A good
sized congregation was present to
hear addresses by several speakers
"song them being: Rev. E. M. Bolding
v. T. J. Watts, D. I)., and Rev. C.
E. Intrts, D. D., of Columbia; Rev. J.
H. Michell D. D., president of Six
Mile Academy. The pastor, Rev. J.
W. Quy, of Central, with the mem
bers <)f the Six Mile church had at
rang;e( to give us all dinner, an such
a fine; dlnner as we did have is sel
dCm seen. Everything that we could
wish fci' in abundance. All honor to
the goof' people of Six Mile with
fheir gool pastor to lead them. No
ing how much good will be ac
li.hed by the church and scho,1.
.Yr Guy andl President Mitchell.
D. W. H.
Mrs. Ann ~eith's 77th Birthday was
'- celebrated June 25, at the home of
E. F. Keith. Conv'ersations wvas en
Sjcyed duing the morning. At onc
o'clcek baskets were, brought on th
dawn and~ aln execlknit dlinner wes
servedl. Four of her children wore
prsn:E. F., W. C; J. R. Keith,Mr..
( . J. R. Jones. Several <grandchildren,
*six great grandchildren wtre th':re'.
SFive gen.erat'ons wvre r presented.
'* There wifll be an all-day singing at
Cross Roads school house t(en miles
this sideC of Anderson on the Creen
ville-Andcrso'n road the forth Sun
(lay in July. All sinigers of Pickens
county invited.
The Eastatoe Singing Conventiot
will meet with Shady Grove churcl
the third Sunday in July. All loven
of goodl music arc cordlially invited t<
S bring seng books and wvell filled has
Rev,. A. M. S',mimons will pr~eacl
the second Sunday aftenoon at 3 o
elock at the home of Mrs. Lizzie An
dlerson, better known'as Rev. Charli
Andcrson's mother, near Hagood'
Wanted Red Oak Ties. See Tayloi
Colqui1tt Tje and Pole Co's., buy(
either at Seneca, Westminster c
'\Piktns no write them nt 1snym
Rev. B. C. Atkinson filled his reg
ular appointment at Golden Creek
Baptist church Saturday and Sunday
merning at. 11 a. in.
The protracted nicct'ng will begin
the first Saturday night in August.
The young people of the communi
i ty enjoyed the singing at Mr. C. I.
Roper's Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Mr. Stanc.ill will preach at the
home of Mr. Thomas Edens Sunday
after noon. The public is cordially in
vited to conie and hear this sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ihillips of
Greenville. spent the week end wih
the latter's parent's, 31r. and Mrs. C.
C. Adeox.
James lcnry, the twenty two
months chl baby of Mr. and M rs.
James lowe died at their home near
Norris Friday afternoon July :10th af
ter a long illness of two months. In
terment; was at Refuge church Sat
urday afternoon at 4 o'clock, funeral
services being conducted by Rev.
Crawt"rd of Central. The heart
brok11 family have the sympathy of
their many friemis in their recent
Clyde, the 17 months (Id baby of
Ir. antd Mrs. Manning Burgess is
ItICSCing after a rceent attack of
i funt:le paralysis.
Ml is ss Nettie Ellenburg, Aleen and
Me ta Gib~t tap wele the guests of
th ir friend, liss Ollie Ellenburg
There will hr a sin'.ing at the home
of the Alisr;ses Rathell's next Sunday
afternoon. Let everyone come who is
interested in music.
.! rs. Vesta Herd cf near Pickens
was the recent guest of her (laughter,
Mrs. Nora Burgess.
Mr. Claud Burgess has been suf
fering intensely with the neuralgia
Two boys of this section were out
"lear" hunting Sunday afternoon.
Haven't as yet heard of their good
The relatives, and friends gathered
at the home of Mir. C. H. Roper Sun
day June 25th and gave him a sur
prise dinner in celebration of his
40th birthday and also Lenhardt his
sens 8th birthday, both being on the
samlie date. There were 58 guests
and relatives present. May Mr.
Roper have an enjoyable event his
next birthday as he celebrated on
June 25th past.
ir. George Bell of Central route
2, who .has been critically ill at his
home with pneumonia and pleurisy is
recuperating to the delight of his
family and friends.
Mrs. M. J. Hall who has been
spend'ng two months with her dlaugh
ter Mrs. C. H. Billingsly, and Mrs.
George Bell of Central Route 2, has
returned to Iva, S. C., to be there
.July 4th, for the Hall reunion which
will be given at the home of her
youngest son, Mr. Augustus Hall.
Come on Correspondents, as I see
we are getting negigent in sendhing
the news to the Sentinel, thme "pick"
of the state of Piekens.
Miss Tit Tat.
The meeting of the Fort Prince
Gecrge Chapter and~ D. A. R., wvhichm
wvas scheduled for July 4, was post
ponedl owinig to many conflicting en
gagements for the celebration of In
dlependect(e Day. Part of the prog.'
ram for that (lay will bc 'neorporai
t(ed in the exCeiscs for Local His
tory day whlich the Daughters of the
Con federacy are prepariing to observe
in thle lnar futurle.
We more tha~n thank our1 neighbors
and friends for the help andl kindnese
extenld(d (luring the long sickness~ and'
deat h of our dear lit tle t-hild, wh'ch
the~ Lord saw fit to take fri'm us.
MTay t he Lord bless the1m all is our'
prayer. .J. A. Hlowe andl fat riiy.
'lThe Pickt ns Bank has just hlad a1
r(cently 1.atentedl lock installed on its
vaulIt dIoor which makes the vault ab
salutel~t hurgla r proof. This gives
the door i doeuhle lock and~r insure-s it
pgninst hen oee by either nitro..
ciyve rin or01 acetIy lene' torlh, thme high -
est powe red tools1 known to safe
-ra'c'k(1s. While no safe crackers are
expected ini Pickcns the local bank be
E lieves in pirotecting its customers to
the limit andl p)roviding the safest
possible place for keeping of money
-and valuable papers. The new lock
wa *istall last wveek andl customers
of the bank are inv'itced to insnpet it
Twenty-eight rural carriers and
rostmasters of Pickens county met
here Wednesday June 21, for the
purpose of organiz'ng a County Wel
fare Council for this county. The
purpose of the Council is to promote
efriciency and harmonious cooperation
betw(en postmasters and rural letter
carriers and between them and the
Post Officee Department. Much bene
fit wvill be derived ficn this organiza
tion for an mprove(I postal' service.
The meeting was opened with pray
(r by Rev. J. C. Diggs. Mr. W. M.
Lemons, of Westminster, state pres
ident of the Rural Letter Carriers
Association was present and made a
The following officers were electe:d
to servd the Council for the ensuing
term: C. G. Roland, Chairman; Wade
O'Dell, Vice Chairman; Mrs. lames
Kirksey, Secretary. The following
members of the Council were elected;
N. F. Williams, Dacusvilie; .1. 1:.
Falls, Cateechee; B. 'T. Garrott, Six
Mile; J. O. Baker, Pick ns; Joke Ail
ood, 1 ilierty; C. E. Hamilton, Eas
lk y.
The organization will meet "r1:(ery
threc pienths at the ecunty seat and5
September the (ith has been set for
the n(cxt m eting. A ftr the bu:siniei
sc sicn ice, cr'leai was servetl. l'etk
ens pest oilire force was gi\en a ris
ink; v(te cf thanks by the visit ors
for their gem rous hospitality.
Th'e:e was a singing at Miss Grace
!)ruela's lart Sunday aferiooin an]1
it was enjoyed by all present.
Rev. Mr. Kelky will preach at the
;mee, of Mr. W. A. Stewarts next
Saturday n-'.ght.
Misses Lizxie and L.ouella Bowers
spent the day with Miss Viola Stone
Hello, Albert; you had good luck.
Caught. three deers one Sunday and a
sueker the next. WVhat has become of
the game warden ?
The revival meeting will begin at
Gap Hill the third Sunday in Juty.
We are.hoping for a good one.
Born unto Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Sim
mons last week a fine boy, James Ed
ward. Happy Girl.
It is confidently expected that work
will soon begin again on the Pickens
I3revard highway. A survey 's now be
ing made of the five and a half miles
of the road from the Pickens county
line to Rosman, N. C.
Worthy of the Pen of
James Fenimore
Distinctly a Cooper character
is this highly interesting fron..
soldier-in whose veins flowed
the undiluted blood of Vir
ginia's proudest, but whose boy
hood had been spent entirely
among the Indians.
Erskine Dale spoke a little
French, less English, but was
fluent in the Shawnee dialect
when fate called him back to
the home of his ancestors. We
witness a surprising unfoldment
of the character and ability
that had been submerged by
his savage training. He speed
ily became more than a match
for the gallants of the time
Colonial~days -in every sort of
contest, even to the winning
of hearts.
It is a stirring tale of romance
and adventure in pioneer times,
especially commended by its
fine patriotism.
It Will Appear Serially
The Pickens Sentinel
Having announced myself av a ema
didate for the House of lepresentl
tives from Pickens county, I think
nothing but proper that I should to
my pceple why I have enteredti U
race and for what I stand.,
First, I wish to say that I am n<
in the race for any sellish pur:os
The ideals and ambition that ha
brought me into this race have to (
with the hapbiness and welfare of a
the people. I am not c(;nltecel (1
reetly or 'ndirectly with any corpot
ation nor is any class or creed
people furnishing n(. money wit
which to make my campaign, ther:
fore, as the campaign progresses, an
its you read and hear what t - havt t
say, you tanwy know that it is real
13 Fo:tner speaking.
In this article I .'ish to set fort
what is in my .iudlgm11en1t the chit
task with which tht 111eole of Plicl
(ens county anl tiltatitte ll Sout
Carolina is confronted, namely; th
improvement, of our lice schools.
I do not need to argue that th
e'iuentioni of a very lartg'e natiorit
ofi ou.r chlildlren is en1ti'etly tolo mue"
liml'ite':. It is not hee:ure ou ch:1
( Pre dull, enor is it b1 cause w
rl not. .Pen iding enou h mollPne'y fu
latt tital pu tones, hu( h)caus.'
rent'l dleal of' 4)ur unmel~ty appIroprlIiate,
I(' ( d 'n t n(;in is g'iv. n to outr stat
llges in e te wa t;f hi" salarie
md1 < x pe nsiv e buildings,
I recently taught in ( h:Itrlestor
"outh ('arelina. and neanr the C'itadc
vhi-.h is one (f our state college
md as I often stro.lled around thi
olleg.e and across its campus, hon
n atly times I said to myself w.iat
S'ranld school, and yet a half millio
ollars was taken from the statl
treasury to move this college to
less desirable place. llowever a
tractive and desi'rable fine buildini
may be, we must not togget thn
brick and mortar do not make ih
schools, nor big salaries good teac
ers. One minute, please, kt yoi
mind run) back over what you kno
of the past and think with me
some of the grcatest teachers ti
world has yet known and where the
taught and for what salary, then ti
point is argued.
Now, I want the expenses of of
state institutions cut dlown and 11
difference given to our free publ
schools, thus lengthening their teri
and thereby make it possible ft
our boys and girls to get a good edt
ecation at home. I also want the con
pulsory attendance law age limit I
read sixteen years instead of fou1
Leenl, and be effctive Ltroughout th
district regardless of distance.
Respect fully,
A. B. Fortner.
Mr1s. Sarah Frances Perry, ag
seventy y tiars and wife of Elhert I
Perriy, died at 61:30 Saturday mort
ing, July 1, at a hosipital in Gr'eet
Mr's. Perr'y had been s'.k for' se
er'al wvceks and her family hoping si
wvould be benefited, earr'iedl her to
hospital at Gree nville for' tr'eattmen
Lor' a wvhile it seemedl as if she wei
better' but Saturday the death ang
einme andi she quietly passed away
Mrs. Perry lived in the Georg
Crc ek sectloll of this county, and sI
wvas well knowvn in both this at
Grteeniville counti(cs for' litr good worl
hndl itne c'hara'cter'.
F'iuinttl serice's werc held at Geo
ges C'reek church at :1 Suth
evening, by Rev. D). WV. Ilammet
past or ofi the Geor(iges Creek ('hurc
and Rev. S. T. Matthews, patstor'
the Central Baptist. chur'eb (of Gre
ville, who has been a friend of tI
family for many years. Intermne
followed in the'(i church ('eme(teryV. S
of hier gr'andchilldren acte(d as pi:
heat:er's: Metssrs. Watl ter lirsterl, Pa:i
Coxv of E'asley., Roy Perry' oft Cha
lotte, Rt. J1. Cox of Westminster, at
Pa~ul andi Claud Blradlley of Atlhatn
The beautifu fil(oral t ribu t rs and Il
larte: attendance at this good wonwit
funeral spokte mole eloquent Lh:
many words ('an of the grea1t lov( ai
r'espect in which she was held.
Mr's. Perryt' is surv'iv~ed by her' hu
b~and and tIhe follow intg childrien:
L. Perry, ('. 0. Per~t'y, 'Johm and Mi
v'in Perr'y, Mary Perry, Mrs. W.
Hester, Mr's. G. N. Cox all of Easle
Mrs. George Williams of Missou
Mrs. HI. W. Bradely of Atlanta.
wer'e present at her bedside exc<
Mrs. Williams of Missouri who v
not able to be there
Program for the annual W. M. U.
i- meeting Piedmont Association, Eas
t- ley Baptist church, July 13th, 1922.
.t 10:00i a. m. Hymn, Jesus Calls
11 us,
it )vot ional-- rs. B. F". Wigington.
Welcomc-- irs. Clarence King.
t Responsc-firs. V. S. Wall.
-'% Inti ductI:a of visitors and new
It palIstor's wives.
Verbal report from V. J1. Societies
li aod enirolltt i t ofdeleyhrte'.
Rtcognht ion of A I Societits.
iepor't of 'residt ns cl Divisions.
: 1st I)ivisicn, Mrs. .1. A. Anderson.
h 2(d Division, .lMrs. 3Maud Rogers.
.:r I~ivision. Mlrs W. F. Davis.
dI Anniual rt'port +.f seeretary and
U Vt a SUrer1'-- :1 i.s Jane t Bolt.
-" I: pj; of As antienlal Superl'inten-l
'it'l .
h :W;ev::il so : m:..
f .!eage frmVic-itPrcsident of
- St atE ir . V. .\asters,
b Ntw Iis froin .hLak1son vile C(onvcn
i tn-3ls. V. .J. I latcher.
AI ddress-.\ Ir. J. 1). Cha pman ,
I'r shhliit of \V. \1. U. ti South Car
V 'ilina.
ar olna1 keltion of N"miinating: Commnitteec.
- t A~joIilitnle~nt (;f (";lmmittees.
I ime1 and I 'liQ c tof it Nt Ili(t'nll't*.
1 RIesolut:ons.
I '.liseelhineI us b usincss.
Song ald Prayeor.
A1d iiurnmt~cnt.
A ft rno<on S( ion
2:00 p. I.-Su nheain Supetrinte ni
lent Pr siling----31irs. W. V. D)aveni
I port.
( Devotional.
W Welcome by a Snnbeam.
v pvsponse.
a Roll call, anl recognize Al hands.
In, Demnonstratitn-Easley Bands.
e Report of Asso.iate Supermten
a dent.
L- %iessage, Sunbeam State Superin
s ttndent-Mis. W. .1. Hatcher.
' Y. W. A. and G. A. Asr'uciate Sup
IQ erintendent,--irs. C. C. Boroughs.
- Presiding.
1 Roll call e~f Auxiliaries.
w~ Report of Y. W. A. and G. A. Sup
w erintendent.
ic Report of R. A. Superintendent
Y Mrs. C. F. Sims.
le 'lessage-Miss Aj!. WoffYal,
State R. A. Superintendent.
Mt Iissicn Study Message-Mrs. T. B.
Clarkstn, State Mission Study Chair
1 R port of Standing conmmittees on
lar.garet Feuned--'s1 s. John Acker.
Baptist. Ilospiital-Mrs. , (gmbl'
Literature--1:ss Alma W\ilst'..
Personal Strviet-Aliss Ca rricn
t lutchings.
Ohituary-31iss Anmie Laurie lam
Training school-'.I1is. I'earlc .1ohn
Report. (If committee oil time ant
d plae of niext mciretinig.
Report of commilittee on Resolutions
I- Report of comnittee on Nomina
- t ions, and1( election of officerb.
Adioption of Policy.
- A ppointmenit of standlinig ('.emmlit
e' tees.
a Miscellanequs.
(:Closing hour--r s. J1. D Chapmnan.
T Mrs. 1). H. Kenniemur,
lSupt. W.M.U. Piedmoint Asso.
si (Ctiz(n 1ofc I'iektn <cun iiity shoi
der' t i~~loh pmuiat in5 othe rimaryl l
h, .July.
4' Ac'ordsing' to' the~ ruhI. of t he D~em -
ix voting at1 a1 primarliy eleelon are' asi
tIl follovwsc:
-k "Th le a ppli -ant for m~ mbership, orI
r'- voteor, shai'l be 21 years o' f age, eU
id lhall b ecomle so be afore th 11'suIcce(. --
. ig g neral sh etioni aind bet a white
's tlite United~ Statta and2 o'f this statt(.
mn No pe4rson shall beltmg to a,,y ('110
dI er vot e ini anyi~ pr~imary'' '1( elect ion -
less he has redoded in the state two
s- yearsl~ and ini the county six mo-t hs'
R. 1prior to the succeeding~ general ec.
r. lion and in the c'lub) district 60 days
0. prior to the first pr'imary following
y; his offer to enroll: Provided, That
ri, public school teacher's and ministerl
til of the gospel i'n charge of a regulai
~pt organized church shall be exemp
as from the provisions of' this section a
to residence, if orwie ....ualied
Clemson College, June 30.-For the
purpose of summing up in convenient
form the recommendations of the Ex
tension Service regarding boll weevil
control this year, Information Card
No. 22, entitled "Boll Weevil Control
in 1922," has been issued and may be
had upon application from the Ex
tension1 Service, Clemson College, S.
C., or from the county agents.
This brief publication gives seven
points in t!'e matter of control o-f the
weevil, these be-ng re-statements of
the suggestions made from time to
time by the Extension Service. They
have to (1o with cultivation, pickin;
ef weevils and squares, poisoning,
pl'Iwing uncler stalks as early as pos.
sible :n the fall, planting cover crops
e fter cotton. and practicing clean
farming to destroy boll weevil hiber
r:at ion laces.
Advice As to Poisoning
''the acdv ice given on the informa
tion card as to poisoning 's quoted
The filleving, ire the ccndit ions
under wehich f.0i'ioninig may be ex
peeted t( he prait le". (r) On high
y ield i Ian bd. (b) Where weevil in
festat ion is hi:\'y. (c) The use of
an ap;tirved' dutt i::t' macehine ii'nable
of cove'rine-t thit alert;te fir tlt ap
plication. eVerding teo an approved
Ilan of, cal c iium 1 Sut( meeti1 the
gove'nmni t sptecii-atioins. cell 'nder'
reasoniably faverable we ather condi
Information in r( ward to mach ' es
aInd (tc.alnm a rscnatt miay he obtaine(I
from the county agent s.
The only p'ritabl r'e. uIts so far
secured .n carefully cIlstru cled tests
by federal and stat anencies were
securtd by the use of eaiciun arsen
ate in dust forn pt:re perly applied.
Poison only when the air is calm
and the plants are neist. using' from
five to s( veni pulidils pi4i' acre for each
application. When wetvils are abun
dant when fruiting of cotton betri ns,
one application may be made at that
t'me. Use no calcium arainate that
has not, been exam ined by federal or
state authorit it s and pronounced
satisfactory. The next application
should be made lhn the weevil;
have punctured from teii to fifteen
per cent of the squares, followed by
two additional appliication four days
apart. Infest it attut coun':. -h-mi d be
made frequ ntly and can be made by
any farimeri who follows the simple
direct:(rms furnished uipoll application.
The object is to keep the cotton
thoroughly (lust( d until the Weevils
are under control. This may require
a varying number of apoliettions ot
poisionI, depending on the season, and
ether conditions. If weevils should
become sufficiently numerous to sev
crely :lljur the young bolls, one or
two more applications late in the
season shouldl be made.
In case of heavy rain within twenty
four hours after dusting, the aplhica..
tion .should lhe repeated immediately.
Always a carefully selected llot of
cotton shiculdI 1)e left uinpoisoned for*
comparison with the ad~joining p~o-son..
edl tract. This will dleterminei howv
miuch the yie'ld was1 increased by poi..
TP. A. Howun (Tuinty agent says lhe
w ill hve ;2000 pound!s of calcuim
ers gM .t(. here'( this wte k. Th'le Pick
en. D.'ug Co., will hanle~ly the arisenl
aete '.I miahiners toe spreaf 1 it oin
wah i andI mOitasses att .ittual acs.t.
TIhe Keowee Batnk and P'eie'. PEm.k
have atgreedl to finance. the pron..
tioni. For further :n1formation see T1.
A. Bowven, (ounity demoustration
age.nt who wvishes to aid the farmer.;
all he can in the light agains~t the
boll weevil. Now is the tir-;', to act.
We have three first cotton llooms
t( re~porit, 0one frm J. D. Stansell,
P'ickenis route 2, in the Pearidge see..
tion and one fromi Frank Rosemondi,
(coloredI of the Ce dar Rock section,
atlso onei( from L. L. Gib.son wvho lives
(en .Jess M orris farmil founld one on the
4th. A eard received with a cotton
bloom attached says: Furman Me
Calister, boy of' fifteen years, found
eight cottom blooms in his field near
Six Mile, Monday July 3.
Red Oak ties are now being bought
by Taylor-Colquitt Tie andl Pole Co.,
Mr.' Jno. D. Few is their inspector at
Seneca, Mr. J. D. Rogers is at West
mmnster and Dave Breazale at Pick