The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, November 24, 1921, Image 1

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Fir 1. '1" '-;' . ' !". lr i, l ; r" . ( i: vv \., /' 2l.r ' , Y z ' I . .: r.1 1., 4r " 1 1 ,r M . f f . f . l ' ' ____________~~fi b e___l li ~ e 1 ________________NLWS'PAPER VtIIII A CONSCIENCE/ VOLUME M-NUMIJER :~~~~i PICKiEN, S. C., NOVEII it 24, 1921. .~lCtP'O,$.0AYA 'TEACHEt'S INSTITUTE WELL - UNDER WAY Eet Educators in State Secured. The Teacher's Institute is rounding itself in shape and from indlications at present bids fair to be a treat sue cess . Mr. J. A% Stoddard of the University of South Carolina has been secured to give instructions as to High .School Managemerit. M' Stoddard was at one time High school Inspector of South Carolina and is well versed in all the different phases of the high school. Mr. H. T. Cox of Furman University has been se cure(d to give an informal address or condue.t a round table discussion on the teaching of Science in the High Schools. Also Mr.- M. D. Earle has been secured to instruct the high school teachers in the teaching of Math. Both Mr. Earle and Mr. Cox are of Furman University. Other men and women of education al prominence in the State have not a. yet been heard from definitely but by next week all -will have been se cured. and a complete program with iristructors will be announcee. Let every teacher in the county be gin to plan to be present. Every school in the county is supposed to be closed for this institute and the salary of the teachers will be paid the same as If they were teaching. The roll of of the teachers will be called and it will be announced through the paper A those attending the institute. Let every teacher and trustee in terested in the betterment of their nehool see that we have 100 per cent attendance on this institute. For any information conceriinmg the instittite write to the County Supt. of Education, P. V. Clayton. ..Do not fail to see the Picken]s High School Carnival Friday night Nov. 25. Mr. C. Bowen Parsons was a busi ness visitor in Bennettsville last week. Mdrs. G. H. [lend ricks has returned after spending several weeks in At Donl Roark i siulent of Clemson College was at home for the past xcek end(1. Mr. Richard Wilke of Ilairs is visiting at the home of lrs. R. 10. Young. Mr. . ohn Tlhornley of Clinton spent a few lays this week with his mother Mis. N. S. Thornley. Mrs. W. M. Berry and little son, Billy of Hichland are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S H. Craig. Wyatt dennings was in Pickens for a while Friday, lie has many friends v ho are always glad to see him back. The rec'(itail scheduled for the Alex andler theatre last WVednmesdaty night was called off on account of inelemaent weather'. Mr i. and Mr's. I ... A. Groe and little sen of Welford, S. C2. spent Sunday with their partsii . Mir. and~ Mrs. A. J.Boggs. The laidies of P ickens will give a Baz.aar' Thursday aft eriioen, D~ee, 1st In the WIoodmant hall over Bivens Oar'age. Refr'esh ment s will be for sale. Tlhe' Pickenis Ba ptist Sunday school will observe next Satu0rday as orphan fp worik day. EaXriniing will he broight to Sumiday sc'ho1l next. dlay. All iiembeirs arie uirged t pat iipate. Mrl . anad Mr's. I. (Cox arei hiamving r'Onsideri1iale imlpr'ovementiis nuth 14 n1 thirm homie oni IllamptonI An\4nne.' W1thile' the work is be'ini cdone, I 2y ove' 444 r'in.: 4,ne4 4f (he Nalleyv h' her T 'I . a n I --in0'a he dati (In ' \ 14:i ! .n .. i Savannami~ l houspital. Miss' Sin. wai is born'1 am rard:ar Esle . wia re she liver for 81n.s ye'ars Tv~ y :ars ago sh left Eaisl'y to mtnake her ho mae witi h)i tt hers ini G.eorgia. Shi' hros uainmer t oils fr'iend.-; and re'lativ'es in Aimdei son and P'i'.kenis (counlt ies. ..D~o no fall to see the P'ickenis Hig] School Carnival Friday ntight. Nov'. 211 We read an article in the Sentinel a few weeks ago, written by Mr. J. T. Taylor nmanaillger of the Pickens Railroad Company, that should be given serious consideration in our opinion, not only by the merchants in Pickens, but also by every business man in Piekens, and every farnier in this immediate section. There is more truth than poetry in what Mr. Taylor had to say about the Pickens Railroad. A railroad is like any other business enterprise, unless they do business to at least make expenses, there is clothing left for them but to go out of business. A great deal of freight for the past year or so has been brought to Pickens pn trucks, which has cut the Pickens Railroad Company out of quite a lot of busi ness. Some nerchants might figure that they can have their freight de livered cheaper by truck than over the railroad, this may be true on small packages, but what are you go ing to do about coal, fertilizer and several ether items that cannot be handle:l by trucks, if you didn't have the railroad. Just figure for a min ute .iust what effect the.Plickens Rail. riid closipg down would have on every business in Pickens, and on every farm in this section. This road Was finished in 1898, an(] we very well vemember conditions existing in this towun before that time. There were several merdiants here doing business, I- agood, Bruce & Company, W. T. McFall, A. M. :Morris, and a few others. Uncle Mike Kennwmore and Peter Hagood hauled nost of the merchandise from Easley that was sold in Pickens. The merchants in business here at that time made a living, but they would tell you it was just a little inconveni. ent. The farnmers in those days who use~d fertilizer had to haul if from Easley or I,ibr''ity. WVe (0 not know anythin. ahout the financial standing of the Pickens Railroad Comnpany for it is not our husiness to know, but as Mr. 'Taylor has sounded a note of warning, we just wished to express our views on that matter.. As far as we are con cerned about the welfare of this road, we have instructed every wholesale house of whom we buy goods, to ship these goods by freight. If they are sent to us by truck they will be returned. What does a few cents (literence in the charges amount to when as vital a problem as our rail road's existence im ight stand in ieopardy, when it has made our little town what it is today. Patronize The Pickens Railroad, ride when you can, and have every thi ing you use shipped over it, eut out the trucks, for it might pay you in the long run. A Pickens Merchant For over twenty years. RICES ('REEK NEWS Rev. ,J. II. Davis filled his regular a pointmilent at this place Sunday. The aminy friends of Mr,. ad Mrs Ray Mlc(allI are sorry to hear that they have left this section but hope they will prosper in their new~ home nea2tr Mlountiia in \'iew ch1u rch. Mri. Wylie Gibson and1( wife of Westminuster s4pent last wveek at Mr. P'. T. Nelson. . Mr. France Rogers is very ill at this writing. Mrs 1.. Idla (Chapman visited her hus hand at Central Sunday. Mri. J1. 5. ".oper and family are spending a few dlays at Mr. .1. TI. Atkinsen at Six Mile. Mri. D ev ro Mlasteirs ha. a very sick child at this writing. Mlr. a nd Mr s Elie Wa hlrop viusited ait .\Ilr. F ra no, I ojgers Suninylt. Xl iss I .is !Rvpr'i *spen't Sundmiay wit h Th . .-ah 0n U U in.. l ithe hanun -d twi. .IIom the the'i , I 10I '~ht *. aUgei a yearh. the par MON EY TO IAN. On bimproved'( larmis in Pickens Oconee and Grieenv i lie (coutnties. ('it. properity, GEenv'ilile, Easley hjm Seneen. R. E. RUCEPierkens, S. C. - Ofice verKeowee Ba~nk. CENTRAL NEWS Messers H. E. Seaborn, \' 1. Pin. son and S. R. Kelly motored to Col umbia last week and s:pent several days on business. Dr. E. G. Griffin of Springfield, Ga. is expected to move to Central about the 15th of December. His office will be with the Central Drug Co. Mrs. L. H. Bowling has been in Spartanburg nursing her sister. Mr. Bowling is expecting her home this week. 'Mrs. C. W. Keily who has been .very ill with fever for some time is much improvel. The pipe men of Greenville are fitting the pipe in the new Methodist chiur-el here. Rural Police J. W. Juliaun caught Bart Patterson last week and landed him in jail. It will be remembered that. Julian recently raided Bart's Piace and captured :.0 gallons of joy water, and while he was taking the liquor and loading it in his car, Pat ter. had business elsewhere. There m-ej( maly people in this section with a dry whistle who would have had it wet- if Bart had got by with his hooze. Oh! the good feeling, and ric.hts there was in that :0 gallons, "but its all gone now '. A mad dog scare broke the quite ness of Central last week when about 20 logs were bitten by it mad log. Messers .1. T. Gassawa y and J. H. Ramseur have just returned from the mountains where they had a plesant outing, R. G. Gaines and Hill Gaines have .iust returned from111 a big hount in tihe lower part of the state. They had the misfrtune of losing all of their dogs but one. Rev. T. C. HIarvey has was returned here as lpastur of the 1"first Wesleyn church. Xl1s. W. L.. N11 than of Sheridian nd. who is president of tle Womana's lietmle and Fioreign Missionary Society speke in the interest of that society last Monday night. at the Wesleyan College. Rev. J. A. Wood of Sparks Ga.. Pres. of Ga. ('onfe cet(. and an old stuient of the Wvsle:;n ('ollege here, was in Central last week shaking hands with his many friends. Rev. Wood is visiting the Conferences in the interest of the orphanage at Ma Con Ga.. lie will go from here to the N. C. Conference at Gaston1ia. N. C. B. E. Allen, Mrs. Ilugh Dudley and Mrs. M. A. Powell went to Greenville last Sunday to enjoy a turkey dinner with C. E. Morgan. Mrs. Powell is 90 years old, but she niade the trip and en.ioyed the turkey as well as any of them. The S. C. t'oniference of the Wes leyan Methodist church which was held at Anderson the past week closed last Sunaly night. Rev. W. 1. Cor' rell was relected President, J1. R. George, \'iee P resident. Mrs. A. E. Bel k of Spa rt aanimrg. Secretary an TPalmiage Evatt, Treasurer. .1. C. Merted ith an td A dger .\laul dina.) are rushing the vwork on Mir. (G. W. Hoiwerts new house. Thle Cole Brothers show which ex hibhited in C(entral laIst Friday brought a large crowd here iand it a ppearedi hat. the show took in a g'ood sum of money. Alrs. I. TI. C'hapma. wife of' Chief IPolice here vis it ed him ist week endl. The manny friends of' Dr. Hu ghst (nt ar ie sorry' it is niece'ssary f'or hima to leave (Centr'al since his wife d ied. We ar e glad to r'ep~ort that .\lrs. I". II. Morgan is much improved. Roral P'oliceman .1. W. Juolian and R. T. ('ha pman a nd erl ["o : f fivert outt : a few~ miles belowy iber'ty list Iweek andi i'oured't ouit stun '?allonts of shine i.t't shine (It the Iinr'd-s will .\ :'30 o'e~i <n;' S;.:Ih~v niL ht. No-. : the h-o ('t Sith ( bit( litm e ahd iss (a"ie t ~ yefereatIia tg 'Thie ihade gr','io i' ai griandt sm otf'' the bte Fev'. I. N. Stone Ials') Frtank IPor ter' iir iokn, S. C. By the time this appears in print und reaches the majority of the read ers of this paper it will be Thursday, Nov.- 24, the day set apart by the chief executive of these United States to return thanks to our lives and blessing us in many ways during the rear. Now on that day let each and every person who may read this stop and think .just how many persons they an remember who have died since last Thanksgiving and the:1 how many you can remember who have had some kind of misfortune during the year. After doing this then stop and think and ask yourself the question; Have I been as thankful to my creator as I should .have been ? lie who has kept watch over me, spared ily life nd provided for me1 day after day wvhile I have been going through life as unmindful as a hog which eats and never looks up from whence it comes. While no doubt my door neighbor has )een taken, or maybe some of his loved ones. I have been spared and ;o have my loved ones, yet I have leglected to return thanks for these lessings and lerd a life as I should end while I have been seeing the learse pass my door I never have for (Ie time stopped to think who 1las kept it fronm stopping at my gate. [ have not given my heart to God or ived a life as I should have lived yet I do not. want to go to a burning hell, I mean to go on and enjoy life and just before I die I intend to do bet el' and get ready to die. Now reader f you are one of that number please top and think of the foolish man wvho built his house on the sandy oundatioln. and then turn over and reiml where it says no man shall aw'w the end of time, and then where. t says death shall come as a thief in he niight. Now. dear reader. let mie admonish X'i that if this this 'l'ITa ksgiving atches you in the above state to please give your heart to (God on that tday and make an unbreakable vow that if the h4'arse should0 stop alt yos)1' 1o1 for you 4.1r one of your family before the 2.1th day of Nov'(ember 1922, you will he better prepared to meet tIh(' oec.assiol tlan1 yotl ar1e 11w'. We feel that we could write a week on this subject, but for the want of sice we will have to change the suIect. We hope hhat little we have said here will put some poor lost < t. I Lo thinking, and get it neanlr 1 to (;ld. l" armes are about tihr .ugh ;-.t n L'rinlg up. There is the lss ('411 )f in tIhe li.'I s now than there has ever heen for November so fill' as we have been tble to see. A lot of small train has and is h - ing sown Mr. Boll Weevil will not have so miany cotton stalks to sit tLIJOn, and( latugh at 1the pour41 l'ar'ne'r I~OinFg thriough th 1 f2 ield with hiIis '4iick 5ac('k" and14 ba~skett Flex tfall, lle may~ drlive a few~ automob~E~liles and a few old l'ips un'IIFdelr114 the4m1rt trage's shelte for 141 a1 Seasn or~ t4'1wEE. but1 the poor)1 f'armI1er is t'oinlg to learn It lesson amnd pult him 44ut Elf busine'ss by platnting somllethIinig he c'al't eat. A good4 imny farmerlvls anld mill ('m4 plo4yees too, hav'e e'verl'4Ii fin' hocgs iln this sec(tionl that will take' a 1perl Chr1istmlas. Mr'. John11 (;4arre'tt otf ( ~'Il('he halS Ime1( of the finest hog's we%4 know'. Ef. We arePt keeping a c'lose4 4y' \ '4n1 lncle Zh n~l~ie' s ien 1a11d if 11e b'- lot carf'l1il he is liable t(o havre company~44l iE~4'u thel timle he kills that hoEEg. lI conr'E~l'E the writer' never' enats anyE :'w1ine. but1 hE' is dEnEt.h1 'n the4 "pie"4' n:.1d' withI 1th4 bac(k-h)(ne(s ando ribis. \\' wionl~l dr1ive'1 our1 John11 llenry tenl on14' any1 lHy the1 way, wVe have\~ bee'n ti 44! chan4lin~g thlE Sizte '1f lhe "'l''ne disft'A 1414 44h lit tle ma ro 'n i mig. 4 l'l il nds '~e '4 tuntt' t di n 1 -'.4<41 :11 r1 141 w e l h it. b11 -n ,m4 l Wsill :.l 14 st tEE that neway 114' fi :( 14h'eh El!t :1;4 5444.41,1 \lr l'e.;rne'I it M Nis. . a i xa 1a441d isure If the ndl wo ineri 4n made(14 e~f flesh anid blood04. The~ L'rroom4 is a $411 (If Mr. lIE'nry Nix of Pick ens R 2, wvhile his brlide( is at daughter'I of Mlr. Levi .a naE...' of Jiemty H -. F~AMILYA REUNION One of the most enjoyable events of the autumnal season was the com ing together of the relatives of Miss Emmie Neighbors, including the brothers and sisters of Mrs. J. Law rence Cantrell. This reunion was held sit the old Neighbors' homestoad which nestles among the hills near ol Ruhama church about four miles south of Lib erty, S. C. Aunt Emmie celebrated her 89th. birthday on November 7th. but foi various reasons the reunion was hel on November 5th. It is quite a remarkable fart tha although Aunt Emmie is 89 she ha: never (ailed in a physiclan. She i: still able to walk about the hous< with the aid of a chair. When asked how she felt she replied. "as well ain Aunt Emimie is the only su rv iving miembier of a family of sev'en brothei andi sisters. Nearly all of those wh< were fortunate enough to be present to e'njoy the happy <ccasion wert diet. Iet'scendenlts of her siVter Mrs John S. Newtn. Conversatici was at its height when the appeti:ig 1('r of coffet misrde' the a nnounttcem ien t that din e found: the tatb. Which had been fill ed with good things to eat from the numy basket) brought. The hardest task for eacih was to say, "No thank you,'' and walk away from the tah which waS still boultifully sprea after every one had more than satis fied his g.relt est a it ii pat ions if a pienie dinner. A striking event of the day hap pened during.: this noon hour. A\i th(.ugh every one was bousy, their at tention \wa.s atlratted to a loud h1um inlg noils. which upon11 inve'(st irgat i(,r proved to be tihle passin of at hu1'. aw'rop lane. Th'u:, in hier lifeth ':id 'llll'h s\'(l's ( h'\:i Aun~lt E mm'ie has witnlessedlIl~ the vmi oul: transt'ormathi.ns in the mode.: of travel since 1 :1.. Tehost, present we reW Atwt l'.mit' nwiie's and nephews, g'reatl neices ani iieih ew'vs, aid grea:lit lrea( It leices all nephewv s. TIhe neic~es '1nd4 nephews we(re 111n ('. .1. Hoggs. liss 1m:1mie Newton. Ali 1.eard Nwton. ''he only ot ie nlephew -MV . J. Willis Newto(.n, w\a: kept away (11) aco(tlll of his su(dd1eI serious illness. II is pr esencie w\: greatly missed by all. Toe grea*t nel4ites sandl nepjhewv a i ers. 'ant r-IIs brothers anii sisten . were: Mir. and I rs. .1. 1,. ('anltr'lI Mrs. W. ':. lail. .lr. and .irs. W. 0. TIem.plon,11 .\lr. and .\rs. :ew\' (r E"vattt, Alr.. John Evastt; .\lr. and .\rr. D eWitt Hioegs, Xliss Annie I.e' ile 'gs, bliss [inth H.iggs, m .\lis, ih-rie Newtonii. The great, great Ineies anid 4 ep. hews were: ( ;V44rge. Thehnabl~ 5,wl4 I.e'wis ('anitre'll, ElizabeluthI soot iEdwin lltall. .\yrtlec anid .\I adge Temp'l.etonI, Nellie andl lity Seawrighlt. \'irginia lH.ggs, V''iances, lnlt h, SarahI. Connie114. llelen. El ynll>tt*alita . Ot1her' friends Ipre'sent w.\ - ',1 r, ;,:11 rls. Jo tel Newton 41.\lies Nel lie N,.. tuil, .\iss l~ale Newton ma .3 Il Cejpieuter, .11r. venltie4.n will mee'(t with Tabor41 3. I-:. chiuch nlext Susndayv atB '.' -lock P'. tci4'd Sill (ers, com11e and0 bl ithl uI-. .\A ltlil AGEl AlarridI at the home ofr the bides paren4'lts .\r. and .\lr . Thomas~ ll.ys, .\lr.' (Idel! Tiu ner o; .lit ,t ttie ilyl high W.'i 1row . th nx..'A per Ir 'lan Ind h no konth (oo cth (ery best wielo a)4 hos~t' end HONOR ROLL FOR 'ICKENS GRADED SCHOOL, ] First Grade-Naomi Alexander, llen Craig, Julia Finley, D. J. lien <h-ieks, Corinne Hlinton, Maggie Jones, Doris Lewis, Tommy Mauldin, Allene icaninlel, Thelia Newton, Wesley Nalley, Thomas Valley. Second Grade-J. C. Alexander, Craigie Mare Baker, Edith Cox, Josie Craig, Kate F'inley, Ernest Folger, Alac l"olger, Thomas Garrett,. John Hallum, Sara Johnson, Jack Labooo, W. A. Mathews, Elizabeth McDaniel, \esta McFall, Marion Neely, Bess Partridge, Carl Sutherland, Sara Sutherlaind,. Third Grade-Arthur Craig, Cath 'erine Davis, Etstelle Durham, Ruth Durham, En'ily Gravely, Mary Hen (rieks, Annette Hester, Calhoun Hin ton, Rtuby Langston, Hazel Lewis, Carlisle Robertson, Ben Cox, . Fourth Grade--Eugenia Cox, Julia Folger, Etienne Gueliml, Elizabeth HIold'en, Curtis Alatheny. Laucrat Rob ertson, Sara-, Stewart. Fifth Gradeh--liilly Cantrell, L.aura ('rain;. AlIar Dodson, Florence G:ar rett., Lillian Gravley, Bette Jlendri eks. Ruly llendricks, Deborah Maul din, Alary ulauld in, Rosa McF'all. Sixth irccle---Elenor Mauldi-., Vir giniai Lewis. MeFall. Seventh Gt(radet,-Alar~garet \'alle'y, niame was entiled to he oi last month, Mlarpcret i.e'mesne, IIa .lohnson, Irene .ohnsin, Naun Newtocn, largat-et Val ley. E ight h (raide-- ' lizabeth (Cureton. I~ueile lialiuim, Wyat~t Stewart. Ninth C-aide--Mary ('ureton, Ieui Ilh Gravely. AIarvin Gravley, Ruth (raivlev. Nita lell .1ohnson. 'l'entih (iradte-ThayIiac Chastain, Katherine u('reton, ll ornac1 Cravely. im C rav'ly, \'elma Gr iavely, A rii' tinuphes. I'leventh (Gracle--Sara \&b Keith, Nannie Morris Eldna W\illir. St T111 T I .AN 1)-El.l.lSON A marriage cf much 4i06-i1rst to th... iends1 .i the con 'tree ti~i 1:part~ies I as solemilzed inl Gireenviile, S. C. ':t -Ih'itr.lay at nciol whe'hn Al iss 1-lncre'e A\urelia Suther~lan b(-amne . lr b e:'hh i,. of )11r. I "1ohe li R p ih 1.:'i i. son. The cer :' 11y aI . : -rfo,-med by Ie 1 ." ( ieshlan of the llaptist c;i..vh cfl G;reenv'mille, S. C. The I ideh wacs muarriedi in a hand som tdravelii scit. of Novy blue with hat and gloves to matchi. IInunediately after' the ceremnony Al''. and1(1 Mrs. Ellison left. on at bridal touer to points of in(rest. UlJ on their return they will mnaklne their iome ne-t' i ash-y to the delight. of their many f rinI.s. who wish f1r then inu tich aIncs;pi r ' s an1(dr 'e(t- Success. The brIideb is one of the attractive <boci htei of M r.Xi. andii Mr s. I). F. Suth - erlan of l:aisley', while the' groom is the son if Mlr. Moinroe' Elli'n iof ne. Eacsle'y. l)ATiH OFI' UN('14 (IHA RLIEl SANDlEAts O n Nivember~ej I, 19!21 a fter -;everal weevks ill ness. Unicl e (hliiIei Saccndler pmssed away- aict his home near Ilui.. ers mil. ile lecaves his wifCe acnd foiir ecilreni as followys: Mr a. Will Sanders of lt.I:at eeche', Alr, Robert Saniders of I ihiert y, Mr s. Jlohn Hilen dersoni of I.jhi'rtyx, cinid Mrs. Perry S idell of cG reenicvi Ill, Hisidles. Iny 1 r li e leaves' a hoist ofi fiendsii wvho are' rne to loose acgood fied.:1 is iibr (a(t ly wa li to rsci in th l lcin:i his dea';thi. i'iineral servivces werec- cind uctd byu Re 1v. IHoii- SNtin wyall andii IRev. ('. IL.'Atkincsm: assist hxlb h : n-y t. met hcim ii him T 'r: nt ire 'i.cmmuity, RubMy-is, ..tieptc nd pacin . ider, f-' cinfec'ted siires, ter ter, ip-ain.., n r-at, c..- -rnin ,