The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, April 14, 1921, Image 1
"Pickens-- The Gem -
of the Foothills" 14Fa21estCRPIw4 1.0PEyYA
VOID,5 0, N~VB~5 __PICKENS, S. C., APRIL 14, 1921. Sf~1P1~ 40PRYA
1. M. Maluldin, of Columbia, was a
visitor here a few days last week.
Mr. 1. Cox was called to Washing
ott on business Tuesday.
Leon R~obinson, of Clemson, was at
home for the week-end.
Miss Nernon 'oster, of near M'i
etta, visited Mrs. C. E. I oinson a
ew days last week.
Miss Maud Reeves, of Easley, was
the guest of M iss Grace Hutchings
Mr. N. A. Garren. of Marietta,
route 2, was at pleasant caller at the
Sentinel oflice 'Tuesday.
Miss Frances Hester, of Easley,
spent last week with her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. I-ester.
Miss Lennie Lewris left last week
of Seneca, who is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis announce
the birth of a son, Wednesday, April
elaudia Alexander returned to B.
M. I. Sunday after visiting relatives
here for the past week.
Dr. .1. L. Valley and W. E. Findley
were in Newberry Tuesday to attend
the state meeting of the Masons.
Mrs. R. A. Oliver and little son, of
Charlotte, N. C., are visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Guy McFall.
Mr. John Thornley, of Clinton, vis
Nted his mother, Mrs. N. E. Thornley, v
i few days this week.
Mr. Fontaine and son, Steve, Mr.
and Mrs. Gale, of Brevard, N. C.,
were here Saturday and Sunday vis
iting friends.
Miss Grace Porter leaves Thursday
for Clinton, where she has accepted l
clerical work for the Southern Bell
+ Telephone company.
Mrs. Stella Hopkins, of Greer, was
called home last week on account of I
'the illness of her mother, Mrs. F. S. t
Mr. Roy Keith, of the U. S. naval
forces stationed at Norfolk, Va., is on'(
ten days leave of absence to his 1
':.rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Keith.
Miss Maude Merony, who is one
r ; the beachers in the Cliaton High
ehool, spent the week-end with her
. former class ,mate, Miss Sa'ah
Mrs. C. L. Hester had as her week
end guest Mrs. L. D.' Knatt and
daughter, Miss 'Edith Knatt and Mr.
and Mrs. William Cok, of Datav'ia,
New ,York, wvho were returning from a
their winter home in Miami, Fla. v
Mrs. J. D. McConnell, of the Pet- T
ers Creek section, Mrs. Gertrude At- s
taway and two children, Misses Jon-i
ie, Eula Attaway andlwight Atta- e
wvay, of Liberty, spent Sunday wvith Ir
'their mother, Mrs. Bell Attawvay, in '
Pickens. .
. K The following attended the loyalty I
meeting of the Baptist churches~ at
Anderson Friday: Mr. and Mrs. F.
T. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. , Hallums,
Mrs. H1. A. Nealey, Mrs. Major, Mrs.
E. M. Ramsey, Mrs. Wall, Mrs9. Ham
We regret to learn of an accident
which occurred in Washington, D. C.,
last Thursday when Edgar, Jr., nine
year 01(d son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Morris was run over by an automo-..
bile causing painful and serious in
- - jury to the bright little -fellow. He
has vlsitedl his grand parents, Mr. andI
- Mrs. A. M. Morris, of Pickens, on
several 'summers.
Notwithstanding the hard times,
considerable improvements are bein
made in towvn. Messrs. F. E. Alex
andler, W. T. Jeanes andl 'Dr.. R. E.
- Lewis are remodleling their homes.
SMr. E. F. Alexander is having a new
bungalow built on Ann street. Mr.
W. J. Acker expects to build in the
Mr. Pendleton Alexander, of rou.
1, was in town on biuine:. 'Tend.cj, v*
M. C. smith, whose announiceena&,t
for coilnmissionel' of pu'lie ''. w ik a.
peared in last week's e2nl!ncI, ic
rlnie(l to the race.
N. A. Chr1uistopher, whoi~c .: e't.
md p)rbte( jut~hre '0'l'Pickt'ni county
Inl the 1."ege1 nt 'leciton, r) cei vd his
conmiissionl from the overnor Satur
day and i. now in tie ome1(( ramldy to
,erve the public.
d his commilission as ru rall I policenan
for Pickens county. Ihas ib.een sue
:-eeded as chief ofl of Central
by his brother, G1. . .1 iiuin, form
L'rly of Greenville.
A great deal on e:<eitement was
maused in town 1,:. lridaty after
noon, when lightning .<truck the tele
phone wires entrin the home of Mr.
and Mrs. S. T. Gibson on Hampton
arvenue. Fire alam was given and
tit once the street was full of cars
headed ii that direction, which shows
how soon the Pickens people will re
spond in time of need. Little dam
Eage was done, except to the tele
phone which was completely (lemol
The Wolf Creek graded school
Mloses a successful seven months term
n Friday of this week. Appropri
ite exercises will be held on Friday
ight the 15th. The girls and boys
>1 the higher grades will present the
)lay, "Mrs. iubbs of Shanty Town."
fhe primary and intermediate grades
will give songs and drills, etc. The
)ublic is cordially invited. There
vill be an admission fee of 15 and
?O cents. The money will he used
or school purposes. -
The Liberty township singing con
rention will meet with Golden Grove
,hurch, three miles south of Liberty,
third. Sunday afternoon, April 1'7.
1921, beginning at 1:30 o'clock.
Everybody come and bring new books
aind Iet's have a good singing.
R. C. Robinson, Pres.
C. E. ogers, Sec. and Treas.
More than usual interest was
nanifested in the Pickens city elec
ion Tuesday, April 12th, and the
lumber of votes cast more than
loubled the number cast in any pre
'ious city election in Pickens. C. L.
jureton was elected mayor, receiving
33 votes. His opponent,. E. F.
Aooper, received 80. The following
were declared elected aldermen. R.
. Hames, W. F. Mauldin, J. E.
loggs, J. P. Carey, Jr., G. G. Chris
opher, E. H. Craig.
Dr. J. L. Valley was the only can
lidate for commissioner of public
"The cutest kid in Calhoun" wvas
visitor in Pickens one (lay last
reek. He is Patrick Nash Boggs and
a the little fellowv wvho was found
,rap~pedl in a Pyllman blanket on the
idle of the railroadl track in Calhoun
a September, 1 91 9, it being suppos
dI that he had been throwvn from a
assing night train. When found lie
was about two wveeks old. Uncle
eremiah Vandiver, section foreman,
oundl the little fellow wvell bundledh
p but almost frozen, and carried
urn up town. Mr. and Mrs. R. P.
soggs, of Calhoun, asked to be aln
owed to take the baby to their home
11nd care for. it. T1hese good people
myve had him ever~ since, gave him
he name of Patrick Nash Boggs, and
,ouldln't part wvithi him for anything.
While no legal adoption has beeni
inadle yet, there wvill be in due time.
Patrick Nash is a fine looking little
Fellow, and while the identity of his
)are'ntage~ has never been established,
iis intelligent look andh fine features
plainly proclaim him as a child of
fentle people. Now lie is the pride
f Calhoun mid thoy say he is the
'cutest kid in town."
Accompanying Patrick Nash onY his
trip here last week were Mr. and
MJrs. R. P. Boggs, Mr. Norman Boggs
mnd Miss Gracia Payne, a very charm
ng younug lady.
Corn meal at Reeces' mill at $1.0(
per bukhel. A. G. Reece, manager,
F'irst grade: Fretddie Chiyton,
Josie Craig, Mac Fllger, Ernest Fol
, Em inily Grav'aly, - let, ilic,:c ,
Sara Johnson, larlon N ealy, Bess
l'artridge, Sara Sutherlad1. Elmer
lRamsey; .1ohn Ilallun, Ton Wesley
Gatrrett, Victor WVall, Edith Cox,
Vesta McFall.
Second gradec: Hennie (ox, Cath-.
erine Davis, Eatell! 1)urham,, Cal
houn Hinton, Fred Jones . Rule.'
Third grade: Thomas Bivens. Eu.
:Fenia Cox, Sarah Stewart, Evelyn
Fourth grade. ,aiura Craig, '.'r
ice Garrett, Bett:: l[endrick;, 1)e
iorah Mauldin, I illian Parsons, Mary
odson, Lillian GCav ly, Mary 3lau l
diii, Nora aleFall, Billy Gantrell.
Fifth grade: .tabrtha Cureton,
Mary Gravely, Froderica ltIlum,
Elsie IlIeSter, Caroline Jones, Vir
giiai Lewis, Eleanor Mauldin, 'ran
ces 1c aill, Emily Nealy, Hlaskell
Garrett, lenry llend?'rson, Roscoe
1enderson, Joab1) Mauldin, Robert
Sixth grade: Edith flames, lla
Johnson, Irene Johnson, James Keith,
Helen Langston, Margaret Lesesne,
Nan Newton, Annie Mae Stewart,
Winnie Stewart., Margaret Valley.
Seventh grade : Hume Cannon,
Linnie Cantrell, Elizabeth Cureton,
Lucile lallum, Emma .Jones, Alary
Rele-n Nealy. Bird Lewis. Lucile
Eighth grade, Mary Cureton.
Ninth grade: llorace Gravely,
Paul Gravely, Artic llughes, Mary
Tenth gratd: Sara Ada Keith,
Nannie Norris, Eduna Willis.
The tenth grade are also showing
some signs of excitement on account
of the approaching commencement
exercises. Work has begun upon the
commencement program. Class ring:
have been secured, invitations order.
ed, and all that is left to do is pas:
.the last examination, and receive th
long-loked-for diploma.
The student body has been enter
tamed this year by programs by the
different grades. They have been es
pecially fine since the opening 0
spring. Some of the best render<
lately were by Miss Sarah Keith of
the tenth grade in a paper on the
Immancipation Proclamation; read
ings by little Miss Gravely and Miss
Kitty Smith. They have been great
sources of inspiration to all hearers.
The only damper to lessen the
spirit of th e school at the present is
the possibility of school having to
close on account of insullicient. funds
to run on. Unless the patrons come
to the rescue with liberal donations,
it is possible that school will have to
else. 'This will necessitate the con
tinuation of the chlidren ' in their
present grades next year for a period
of two months. It is hoped that
sonme wvay wvill be found to meet this
dlifhculty.--How plain is the fact that
something needs to be (lone for Pick
ens High School. Is it right for pat
rons to sit idly by when they might
bestir themselves and (do somethinig
material for their school and .chil
The eighth gradle lays claim to the
honor of being the best in the school
wvhen it comes to niarking and form
ing line.
Master Martin "Gourd" Yongtue is
acclimating himself to the cotuntry
zephyrs. 1He called on his heart's
last beat last Sunday night on the
beautiful ridge of Bethleheni.
LOST--About March 1 5, black
hound (log, gray mouth, tan legs;
weighs about 50 poundls. Reward to
anyone wvho can futrnish information
to help locate this dog. Notify Allen
Rlogers, Pickens, R. 5. 1 t
Clemson College Animal Husdan
dlry Division has 50 head of shoats
for sale at 14 cents per pound pur
chaser privileged to selegct hogs. See
L. V. Starkey, D~airy Building.
It's easy enough to 1
When life goes
But the man worth
is the man whi
When everything go
ly i-elarin l t ij yl' a''s (rop.
eis.- ti I a . .. will le late as
V e .'((! iC 1< rust ims l; Visited us
Th wedding belI.s haven't rung
ariounad iRices l:ately . W hat's the mat
ter. I) ys Ur i:, it the girls?'
Donl't fe.t( prevaching at this
pntee ni . 1 ,Smida1:y morning_. Als~o
don't o''rtr e uIr 1 3. Y. 1. . at 7:30
e(Vry m l \v n ing. Comte ar.d
Set what. onr yotung people ae doing.
are ghad to welcome lir. (G!aud
IJIlilnur2 brek homie once nole.
Mir. aml .lr.<. fiud.on Leslie and
child.n. i Zion section. Ar. and
Mrs. E'ar l liou Ir.< and two chibilrenl
spent Siumiy with Alr. and lr .
HIlIph Carte(.
Miss l':tti e Iicka rd spent several
days in Easley last week.
Mr. and Mris. A. J. Rampey spenit
Sunday with honlolks.
AIr. and AMrs. Sam Jones, of Eas
ley. spent Iat Siundaly with her
mother and sister, Mrs. N. E. and
Mliss Myrtle llughes. Airs. Jones
will be remembered as Mrs. Essie
Messrs. R. 11. Crane, C. H. Rogers,
C. Robinson, ). A. Riggins and
Miss Early Rogers motored to Ander
son to a singing last Sunday and re
port a fine time.
Air. and Mrs. Alex Waldrop had
for their dinner guests Sunday their
Come again, "Pink Lady." Your
article was line. We like to read it,
as I think we are neighbors.
First grade: Jessie .\lgood, Nate
Finley, 1EInina Clemments, Marie
Snider, Ruby Bereale, Minnie Lee
Yates, Clovia Lewis, Ray Porter
Lonnie Merrell, Walter Thomas.
Second grade: Mabel Hughes
Jessie Reece.
Third grade: Grace Brezeale
Rula Brezeale, Jenetha Lewis, Elzm
Fourth grade: Wallace Thomas
Hattie Reece, Pauline Brezeale
Ralph Jones, Etienne Guelim, Fletch
er Durham, Beatrice Lewis.
Fifth grade: Ethel Jones, Oliver
hiughes, Bessie Waldrdp, Maggie
Sixth grade: Louise Brezeale,
Ruth Grant, Edna l)urham.
Seventh grade: Gertrude Mann,
Marshall Hughes.
The Wolf' Creek school will give a
play. "Mirs. Tubbs of Shanty 'Town,''
Friday, April 15.
Services at Pickens Baptist church
next Sunday are as follows: Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; preaching at 1I a. Dr. WV. J1. Langston, of Green
ville, S, C.; preaching at 8 p. m. by
Rev. J, Furman Moore of Columbia,
S. C. A very large attendance is
expected at all these services.
Ev'erybody invitedI...
Walker McElmoyle, a school just
across the Anderson county line, is a
real live school nowv. The boys have
been making a splendid recordl in
base ball as they -have not lost a
single game this season. They have
defeatedl the Melton team four times,
the Easley team twice, Three-anzd
Twenty once and Piercetown once.
The girls have lost twvo basket haill
games, both of these to the Pendleton
team, andl have won only one(,. that
being from Easley.
The upper section of Anderson
county' has formed a rural school
athletic and oratorical association
and the team from McElmioyle was
easily the winner there. The decla
mation contest is to 1)e held at White
Plains school house on Wednesday of
this wveek. Clark Link and Annie
Rumler will be the repret:entatives
from McElmoyle school.
Le pleasant
along like a song;
> can smile
es dead wrong.
Some c' < hax e hv.( ben'(' I miad.e inl
5a('lkt5 for the Biaptist churches in
Suurtui y in the i'ick ms a iaQ(' iktio.
All pulpits: will be filled at 1.1 o'cloc.
arnd following is the final ar-rang
meni uf tht commiittete in charge' u:
Pick' .UDr. WV. 1. Lan.gton.
I Secona, WV. M. Walker.
Gi(. lito, , .. T. COX.
Cro:": Roads,- T. E. Seago.
Oole'noy, 1E. M. Boling.
Ninle Forks, E. M1. Ramls'-y.
l'eter.; (!eeck, C. E. Robinson.
Pleasant G;rove, A. AI. Simmons.
Cedar Rock, .1. 1). Moore.
Ec:;kens Mlill, T1. A. Drake.
Ilt. Tbor, C. R. Abercrombie.
im iiits in this s;ection are getting
tiona line preparing their crop for
Rev. M. E. Summy filled his regu
bir :appo intmntllt. at. Blue Ridge. View
Sunday morning at 11 a. i. A Sun
day school was organized and is
under M1r. Childs as superintendent.
Please remember the Sunday school
is at 3:00 p. m. Everybody come
and let's revive uie Ridge View
Baptist Sunday school. -
Three young men of this section,
1ir. Oscar Chastine, Fred Atkins and
Rob Lesley went. out to hunt dear
last Suiilay afternoon. When they
t'all in love and take their pens in
hand all the other boys had better
look out.
Mr. Floyd i-hnks took his ('hevro
let and milotored out of this ;ection
Sundiavy afternoon to the hlme of
his he it's ( d'ire.
Misses .Julia .esley. Florence Al
kins was the guest of Miss Rutl
Childs last Sunday.
Come on, all of you writers. Wi
want to hear from you. Don't go t1
Sleep because it has become wor
Red Bird.
Greenville loses a valuable citizei
in Capt. .John A. Easley who die(
Friday after al prolonged illness. It
that most. patronized of all public
institutions-the postoflice---- Capt
Easley served seventeen years as as
sistant postmaster, always attentive
to his (ut ies, thorough in his knowl
edge of postal matters, and courte
ous to everyone with whom he had to
dell. lie Was a opular candidate
for the postmaster. lip on several oc.
easions, but politics or sone other
reason prevented his nomination.
By 'everyone who knew him he was
a(imired and respected for his solid
ciualities, and there are non'1 but that
will mourn his passing.--Greenville
NOTICE--Best prices paid for
eggs and chickens and farm produce.
Write Mr. French, Box 348, Green-.
ville, S. C., or conme to see me at
Cyclone Traffic Routes oflice in the
Miller Building, Greenville, S. C.
Phone 134'7-W- 3t
KEE n' wog
" ."d ..V MEET
At the Pic cnis uunty high school
Fel(i here Saturda. the Central high
school won the eu~p by making a tally
of 29 1-2 point", with Liberty and
Pickens tying for, *cco'i place with
16 points. E ,sley iade 11 1-2
points nnd Ca lhoun i -C lemiOs on made 14
On. of the I:; 'otures of hte meet
was the discus throwing of Algood, of
Pickens, who w\on first place in this
event by hnrling l.', discus 156 feet
and 7 inches, thus brea king the state
high school record. Second and
third places with the di-cus were' won
by (darter, of Liberty, and Palmer, of
Central. 'alher, of Central, also
won the shot-paut with a mark of 39
feet and 1-2 inch, Nealy, of -Pickens,
and Clayton, of Central, coming see
ond and third in this event.
In the races the features were the
sprinting of Blum, of Liberty, and
the running of Newman, of Calhoun
Clemson in the half mile. The 100
yard (lash was won by Blum, of Lib
arty, followd closely by Klugh, of
I Calhoun-Clemson, Adams, qf Pickens,
taking third. Blum also took the
220-dash in 27 seconds, with Clayton,
of Central, and Adams, of Pickens,
coming second and third.
Singlefoi, of Easley, w'on the 440
in 60 1-2 seconds, with Newman, of
Calhoun-Clemson, a close second, and
Tripp. of Easley, third. Newman
ran a fine half mile in 2 minutes and
I 7 4- seconds, Tripp coming second'
and Singleton third. The 120 low
hurdle was won by Adams, of Pick
ens, followed by te wman. Carson,
of Central and Finley, of Easley, tied
'In the high jump, Werner, of Can
tral, and Clayton, of Central, tied for
first and second at 5 feet and 7
mciches, Tripp getting third. In the
broad jump, Clayton took first, Tripp
second, Werner third. Werner won
the pole vault at 10 feet, 10 inches,
with Blum second and Algood third.
Officials in charge of the meet were
Coach E. L. Stuart, of Clemson, and
several members of the Clemson
track squad. There was a big crowd
and much school spirit.
At the Pickens County Declama
tion contest held at Norris on Friday
night, Wright Bryan, representing
Calhoun-Clemson, won the medal in
the boys' contest. Miss Bessie Rog
ers, representing the Easley high
school, was the winner in the girl's
contest. Clyde White represented
Easley in the boys' contest.
In the track meet medals will be
given for all first places. These
medals have not yet arrived, but
each first place winner will receive
one when they arrive.
Th lsing exercises of the May
nardl school took place last Thursday
night and one of the largest gather
ings for a country school commence
menat I have ever seen, the crowdI was
simply immense. The vegy' ~est of
order prevailed during the entire ox
(ereise, which .was a very long pro..
gr-am, to be car~tried out by the chil..
dren. Tfhey did remarkably well
which showed the best of training by
the teachers. The teachers this ses
sion have been Mrs. Mary McComnbs,
Miss Eva Farmer andl Miss Jessie B.
Edlens. AtL the close of the exercis
esc Mrs,. McCombs made a beautiful
short talk thanking the children for
their good behaviour (luring the en
tire session. Years ago Maynard
school house was one of the best and
most commodious school buildings in
the country, but now it is entirely
too s4mall, and the progressive trus
tees are planning to build one of the
very best buildings to be found any
where for school purposes and it is
without doubt one of the very. best
communities ini the county. Alex
Rains, Jinm Ligon and Jipi Findley
are the trustees and that means suc.
cess .in the undertaking. The comn
munity is to be congratulated on
what they have already and for what
they are goingto have in tho way of
by the Cyibhers Mfg Co.; 120-egg ca
pacity and~ usedl only once; good as
new; bargain for cash. Phone No.
67, Plckens. St.
A good horse for sale cheap. See
V. II. Chastain, Lynwood Land &'In..
vestnment .Co., Pickens. 2t