The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, October 05, 1911, Image 2

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li SenhnelR p Bates Reasonable C m 11e Cro lollar a Yr t i Advane.'. ('. TE. nomPNsON. Ei on.O 6URSDAY -9 1911. A blue pencil mark across this means that your subscription to this paper has expired and unless you renew within two weeks it will be discontinued. TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS. We want a good live corres pondent in each community in the county to write the news for Aie Sentinel. And we want to emphasize the word "news." Ideas as to what news is vary,but ours are it consists of that class of events and happenings which is out of the ordinary and usual trend, somlethlinig which wvold he really ilformatioln to the pub lic atilarge. The plblie generally is, not. in1terestted ill such as "John Smith Called on Miss Sallie Jones last Huinday," or "Bust er Brown has hlought himself a new huggy," or "Richard Hov took su1p)er with John Doe Sat urday niight." Such as this usually happens every day or Week inl every comilunit y. The kind of news we will b .ad t 0 gt and publish is such as daths, imarriages, seriouis ac etc. WeiO will he glad, also, Io p iblish the views of any of our c rrespondents or citi zens thot hts and expressions on religio, s, social, moral or bjects which tend to build up and strengthen ouir citizenship. We beg, therefore, that our ( ~ corr'espondents will keep these suggestions in mind and wvrite us the news. Prormptness shall be our (chief Miss Canada resuses to b)e Uncle Sam's affinity. The fair is over. Now read the Sentinel and be happy. We want to publish some news about the schools in the county. Will not the sulperin tendents or teachers of each school send us a short article? W ho says Pickens county is not growing when taxable prop erty increases in one year two hundred and fourteen thousand, five hund(1redl anid fifty-seven ar's! sawv and Order League loing someI effective this 'ouinty judging rom e small amount of crime being committed. We have not tried a single criminal case in the court of sessions since last February. In fact, our June term of court only lasted one day and the fail termi was called off altogether. The first (lay the new man agement took hold to begin operating the Sentinel the editor and printer's couniselled together and inaugurati'd three rules to be observed in the conduct of the affairs of the oflice, to-wvit: No Drinking, No Smoking, No Swvearing. Thel~ Snitinel2 promiuses to im- ( pr'ove. Last week we hadi a I / ) roat (deal of straightening out ( to do, new advertisements to y put in and other hindrances, i S and could not give as much J reading matter as we would ] r liked to hay given. But not- i withstanding these drawbacks 'l the paper ca e out on time and j was In the p stofflee Thursday j Supervisor J. B. Craig has )urchased for the county a rock rusher and a large gasoline en ine to run it with. He expects o utilize this machinery in fill ng mud holes, building con rete piers and macadamizing he roads. He has also pur hased a quantity of corrugated ,alvanized piping to be used ,cross the roads in gulleys and mall streams and for culverts. LOCAL ITEMS. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Waters Lave moved to Dr. Bolt's house in Glassy Mt. St. Miss Anna Irvins was visiting dfrs. W. H. Johnsin on Hamp on Avenue last week. Mrs. J. L. Bellamy and laughter, Miss Eloise, of Atlan a, are on a visit to Mr. and Irs. C. M. Bowen. The Twelve Mile Baptist As ,ociation convenes to-day with Iountain View church, and ,vill continue in session until Taturday. Last Monday was saleday but lothing was sold. The crowd was qiuite small in town as the people had waited to cole to blie fair. ReJ. J E. ioster after filling his ai)poinltllelit at Mountain View last Sunday spent the re m11ainerei of the week visiting the members of that church an(l to attend the association w.'hicli co0nI(1 there today (Tiur+ dav). O~r. and -Mrs. ahnhn the sin(cerv sympl VIathy of al their friends in the long an severe illness of the laiter, A1 the timie of going to press imli provenient was noted in he condition, which her friend: will be delighted to know, am they will join us in hoping fo: her speedy recovery. Sam N. Hyde, the man wh< a few months ago killed his wif< and her father and convicted a the last term of court at Ander son, has repented of his dee< and joined the First~ Baptis church ofthatf ity and will be bap~sed soon by the p~astoa, Dr Vfmes. He wvill be hung Oct 20th unless the governor inter feres. Announcement is made in thi daily papers of the engagemen and approaching marriage o Miss Katherine Shields Douthit of Atlanta, and Mr. Claud Pli Gentry of this County. Mis Douthit is a daughter of the lat Jud~ge Douthit of Greenville bu now living in Atlanta, wvhil Mr. Gentry is one of our proc perlouIs farmers near' Liberty Tihe marriage is announcert t< take place Nov. 1 next in thi Pendleton street Baptist church Greenville, S. C. Mr. WV. H. Williams, of thi Peters Creek section, wvent t< Atlanta last week on an excuri sion train. When the trail rci.hedl Cornelia the trair stoppedl to take on another car. He was standing ini the aisl< and the jar in coupling threw~ him across the arm offra seat He was badly bruised, so muck so that he hadi to be carried to i bospital for' treaOtmen~t. He re .'overeId sufficiently to) be brought homte Friday, and hih Friends ho pe for his speedyV re. .sovery. At the last 'l'ermi of court each rear six memb lers of the grand ury panel are dr'awn to hold wver for the next vear'. While ye did not have any fall court his year this dutty w'as perform d by ('lerk of Court Boggs the irst (lay courvt wa.s scheduled to on vene, and the following lenlebes of the panel was riawvn to serve for next year: .F. H arris, J. P. .Findley, S. . Keith, A. M. Mauldin, John V. Thomas and 0. P. Field. 'he other twelve of the grand ury for next year Svill be drawn uat' before thn next term of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hester, of Atlanta were guests at the fair. The many friends of Hon. W. T. Bowen were glad to see him able to attend the fair and to shake his hand. Maj. G. M. Lynch was a wel come visitor at the fair. Major Lynch has many warn friends at Pickens who were glad to see him. Among the visitors at the fair the first day was that substanti al citizen Mr. J. F. Hendricks, of Liberty. Several of our friends and sub scribers paid this office a visit during the fair. It is a genuine pleaure to have them call at any time. Mr. R. L. Davis has improved the appearance of his house on Main street by having built a nice broad piazza across the front. Mr. G. W. Lathiem, one of the prosperous young farmers of the eastern section if the C )Ilt V, was al inlter'este(d viSi tor at the fair. Mr. W. 'N. Bolding one ( our bes't aitd oldest citizens was at the fair. He carries the mt ark of a good many year 'n' is T atten tioln Iif ( r11. d I is called to the fact that this weeks issue of The Sentinel is all home print. WAe expect to continue to print all the paper on our own press aiid give all the n iews possible. The children of lion. and Mrs. 1. S. Legare accompanied by their friend Mrs, Allen and sel vants left for Charleston last Thursday so that they minight enter school on time. 'ig.Jones Bros. Big Show had a three-day stand in Pickens this week, and played to big crowds, (lay and night. The show is a good one, from every stand p point-clean, attractive and #n b tertaining. The trapeze-a m iain - feature of the aggregation-is as &rood as you will see with bBarnum & Bailey; the clowns furnish their quota of fun-mak ing and kept the crowd in a good humor. The dog and pony feature is fine-in fact the whole Sshow is worth more than the price. Go out and see them. Now Is the time to buy farm land while you can see the growing crop on it, Seeing the crop you know what you may rea s onably expect if you buy. Now is the time to make ar -rangements for next-year and not only next year but for your future home. 3 Now is the time to see my liberal terms for a small home. Nowv is the time to see some cheap land I have as wvell as some of the best in the county. Farm and city property for sale. A. M. Morris. MY LA~DY'S JEWELS may be Of priceless value, but this we know, and that is, wherev'er purchased they can't exceed in BEAUTY AND) DESIGN IN ARTICLES OF GOLD wvhat can now be seen in our most excellent and inviting stock. Don't miss calling in to see our best stock of jewel. ry in town. JH. Snider, FJILkE, r uy Fall C2Annol T HE mien who do the most talking, c thusiastic listeners. The busines are not necessarily the leaders in their back them up with the right kind of go this. We started in business fourteen steadily increasing each year. The reA "Honest 'Goods.w Seasnable N4 REASONABLE Our stocks are now complete wi most reliable merchandise, and c your inspection of the same. A Large and Co Dry Goods, Coat 4 For Ladies, Miss Tihe best stock of shoes in Pic kels Coul THE ZEIGLER SHOE vOR% LADIES. THE BOYDEN SHOE FVOR. MEN. We also canv a big stock Stoves, Farming Implements, Bug in the county. Call on us for anyt * got it we will get it for you. Remember in buying goods-Q 'Ne appreciate your trade and - -li Folger, Ths Sole agents for Walk-Over Shc New Home Sewing Machines, Cha and Mitchell Automobiles. Clothing, Shoes, Hatsa and Gez Our New iounte AND been installed and we are M quicker and better than eve Our FOUNTAIN was mamt Philadelphia, and is complete in ev about it. All mnet-d parts are Gerni 11 containers are solid mar ble, hance t tain on the market. If you want the best and purest sof We hope to see you early and oftei October 3, 4 and 5. YOURS T( a Keowee I i ESTEY' For sixty years thE M .Estev church and j little miore than most < M long. "If yours is an Es M Write for catalog. John H.' THE PLU7NO NLEV & CO.'S ulncement. o not necessarily have the most en s men who make the strongest claims lines. We make strong claims and ods. Give us an opportunity to prove years ago and our business has been &son is, our mrtto hasalways been fMenet Prices, wrchandiee at : PRICES. th all this season's newest and ur prices are right. We ask mplete Line of 9uits and Cloaks es and Children. iteey. fere are oil r Lines and tlie defy Ai on: THE GODMAN SHOE (Every Pair Guaranteed Solid.) FOI LA DIES and CIH IiLDIIEN. THE WALK-OVER SHOE FR011 M EIGN. of Groceries, Hardwa, ire, Furniture, lies and W agons. The best selection [iing you need, and if we haven't UALITY COUNTS. vill treat you right. rnley & Co. Re es, Hawes Hats, Iron King Stoves, e City Buggies, Mitchell Wagons it's Furnishing Goods a Specialty. in Has Arrived preparedl to servec our customers r before. factured by Robt. M. Green Sons, ery detail, solid marble-- no wood ian steel silver plated. The syrup he cleanest and most sanitary Foun. drinks-drink with us. , during the three days of the Fair, PLEASE ~harmacy. ORGANS standard of the world. 9 parlor organs cost very M >thers and last twice as :~ey you have the Best." MERI ANT ''eenville, S. C. SPinnne