The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, November 22, 1914, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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WEEK AT THE PALMETTO THEATRE THE TWO GUNN'S THE A O-f JIL JU?f JU*T SIX PEOPLE-AU Clever One*. Two Acts tn Afternoon, and Two ?I Night. MONDAY'S PROGRAM 99 : Specialty-Huth Lamont and Ivan Anderson in their own Dance Creation-"The Dance Parie Argentine." ? With Four Reels of Good Pictures. Program Changed Completely Nightly., The Management wishes to essore thu public that this show will be ABSOLUTELY FREE of any and every objectionable feature. That it will be CLEAN and MORAL, end ALRIGHT in every respect w At 8 o'clock you're snailing; at 8:16 you're laughing; at 8:30 you're still laughing, and et 9 o'clock you feel that you've seen a Dollar Show for 10c and 15c ? Cold Days Call For Warm ? Clothing and Heavy ( ercoats and we respond to that caji with the best clothes ever made. ( - Isaac Hamburger & Sen produce many smart mod eb in Suits and Over coats for men, young men, and young old men. Good values from. $io.oa to . Special big values at $15.00 TheVp-to-Date Clothier KL, J. ^Gersia vf $L Louis, Albert Hintsler of Netv York, Fred Kaufman of Ne*'York aid Ji'A.^ Blake -.f At SSJUHK?- weft? ca?iirig on the jejpre^^^de tn Anderson.. yesterday, A. W. Sharman of. Greenville wa? in the-dty yesterday for a few hours. ?V w. Bannister of Iva spent .part ; of . yesterday in the city on buaf?-tsa. YON CAN'T MAKE A GOOD JOB OF CARVING HIS MA JESTY. THE TURKEY, UNLESS YOy 'HAVE THE PROPER TOOLS-?ind lidless the turkey is carved right, a goodly poitio? bf the flavor seems to-leave it-Have you ever noticed'that?. WE ARE OFFERING THREE PIECE CARVING SETS-STACI HAWTfU F9_junrcrr'. AF eres? --------;- --~-? ??_"? rnm-mi ?vf rv '?' v*^ta88BBHsissws^B^ OTHERS FINER, np to $10.00 Each set in a neat silk lined case. y OTHER THANKSGIVING SUGGESTIONS Mayonaise Sets, *t.So. Etched Tumblers, $4.25 Set See->.Hc9e new creations , . ? , , . t H. Keese ?$ Co, Your Jeweler. ] < I 1 Bl ***** ******* * ** * ?lJXTRICCm m . ^_ * Items of Interest and Personal * Wire!? ?< on the Sh *************** Parkeys Offered On Local Market. .* The fears entertained by some peo ple that there were no turkeys to be altered for sale on the local market were yesterday proved groundless Every wagon arriving in Anderson From the country brought three or Tour ot the great American birds sud throughout the day Anderson men were buying turkeys. The birds were here ia profusion and brought prices ranging from 91.50 to $2.50. Ellsah Helling In The OTofla. Charged with having partaken of I too much fluid which eurreptlpusly ] stealB away the reason, and with hav ing Indulged in considerable disor derly conduct, to the annoyance of the residents of tho Anderdon mill village, Elizah Fleming waa 'taken in tow last night by Sheriff Ashley and, assistant and lodged In the county i ail. f lioHff Rester Kia Seme Speaker. " ; Parties returning to Anderson last I night i from Dunklin township, which ] ls situated in the lower extremity bf Greenville county, brought reports of I a strong educational address made yesterday at the West Dunklin graded I School by Sheriff Hendrix Rector of Greenville. Harry H. "Harrlr*. alto of Greenville, ? was among tho speakers at the meeting, and ls credited with j having made a stirring talk, _ -o rt* ' Here Yesterday. s Jfter pleading with the coal men for three or four days In an effort to get more credit, after searching up every old overcoat, blanket, quilt, etc.; on the premises, and then ??.'ter shivering for three days the public of Anderson experienced a feeling of delight when the weather moderated considerably yesterday. For the past several days it has"been unseasonably cold and' the warmer weather proved very grateful io the "Anderson public. Sheriff Oclas "r"~?~ To Georgia. Sheriff Ashley received advices yesterday that the authorities at Monroe. Ga., had apprehended one Richard Henry, colored, who ls want ed here on chargea of larceny. Sher iff Ashley will go to the Georgia city today, for the purpose of escorting Henry back to Anderson. ~---O-: *WWta Hopef . Waats a Scrap. Anderson's public would feel ?ust about aa much at home' over hi the European war as lt. would .st a prize fight or a boxing match but evidently "Billy" Porter of Greenville does not know that A letter whs received tn And orson , ye: ?rday, addressed to Sae manager of the Anderson opera, house, in which tho pugilist t?vW &?? uv nu.uH ?ike io stage a io-rounu boxing match in this city. As yet too one has agreed, to take hp his offer, Heese to Baying ' ? '., OB Cotton Market Walter H. Keese of the well known, lewelry firm ot that name, han thrown L kia hat into the ring in the cotton [ buying business and is now boasting )f some 25 or SQ bales of cotton, taken rt exchange for merchandise. ' Mr. Reese says, teat be ia not afraid at he cotton market and that he ts will ing to do all he can to help out . the :oi ion farmers. The young farmors sith aa Idea of getting married are tppreelatlve of this action. Since on* MOe <>t cotton at 10 cents per pound last about buys a beautiful diamond ing. PROM ii?vTOCBER ?8T TO NOV 5WB?R SOTH. WALLACE WILL' > RATES GiS PHO AV0D3 CHRISTMAS 2 DOORS BELOW =---i-? . * * * * * ******** f SPARKLETS * , * l Mention Caught Over toe * 'cet? of Anderson * i ************ * Cotton Around Seren Cents Yet There waa little change in the cot ton market in Anderson yesterday and. throughout the day the best price offered was 7 cents per pound. The was for the beet grade of thc fleecy Btaplo and the inferior grades com manded only 61-4 and 61-2 cents. ?-o Dont Get Spank At the Carnival. Just because the carnival exhibit ing in this fclty^is out in North Ander son and therefore not under polfco protection ls no licenre for a man to Sst drunk and raise Cain. County officers brought' H. L. Csthey before Magistrate Brcadwell yesterday on a charge of being drunk on the carni val grounds Friday night. Cathey wau tried, during which about 40 witnesses offered testimony, was ad judged guilty by the magistrate and was sentenced to psy a fine of $5. The trial of this case took up the entire morning in magistrates court. -o Turning Jail Into Asylum, For awhile Friday night certain memb ? of the police department thought that the city Jail was to be turned Into sn asylum. A man. crazed with the effect pf cocaine was taken In cbatge at the carnival grounds and brought to the city jail and ho made the night hideous with bis yells and groans. Shortly after his arrival another man was brought in suffer ing, from the effects of "cocaine sniffing" and he too took up the at tention of the police until a late hour yesterday morning. No charge was lodged-against either of the men. All Unite Thanksgiving Services in Ander? Son WOl Be Held With The First Baptist Church. Mrs. Earle -Barton and Mrs. Ed Alkmson will spend today with friends In Greenville. While complete plans for the ser vice have not all been finished, it has, been announced that the Thanksgiv ing service for Anderson* will be held thu year with the First Baptist church of Anderson and all the churches and congregations of the city will gather there to give thanks for the blessings showered upon them during the past year. The' musical feature of this ser vice will be arranged with great care and Indications are that the day will be a most interesting and enjoyable one. A splendid service is expect ed. Photographs Of Old and Young copies from-old photos. Enlargements Kodak finishing orly the; best, and at prices within the reach of all. Green's Art Shop On the Square. NO HOUSE IS A HOME WsTHCOT A The father of the family enjoys the piano be cause it soothes and rests him after a dav pf busi ness cares, and brines enjoyment into his life. . r'H The mother of the household is tempted by the piano to take many a delightful hour f rom her manifold duties to enjoy the recreation she re quires. , ,4-**m?m* *?-v mr '.mm NO OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENT GIVES SUCH UNIVERSAL DELIGHT A$ THE ??!L!TV TO PLAY THE PIANO - 4??st?^. : ? - Tlte daughter perhaps enjoys the piano most of all, for it makes her home a social cen tre and helps tremendously in tVie entertain ment of her friends. The little child enjoys the piano because the music is a source of arr?a?ing delight to the childish mind and day by day educates his musical instincts. REMEMBER-That even though cotton is ANOTHER TITOK^W* hwy for SPOT gelling at and around Seven cents, we are will- CASH, and can and will GUARANTEE TO ing to allow yow TEN CENTS a pound for Mid- SAVE YOU CONSIDERABLE MONEYv on diing cotton in exchange for the BEST MAKES your purcase of a RELIABLE MAKE of High ol Standard F?iano* and Organs. Grade Piano? or Organs. The Pianos and Organs We Handle Are Guaranteed for Ten Years hy the Manufacturers and fey US. y Cash or Terms to Suit You. Tile Patterson Music House M. M. PATTERSON, Mgr. N?~ 13ftW?t- B?nt<m Stree*