The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, September 25, 1914, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Classified Want Advert Twenty-five words or less, One T Six limes tl 00. AU advertisement over twenty-flv word. Hates on l.??O words to lion. No advertisement taken for less If your name appears in the Me yoer want ad to 321 and a bill will prompt payment. FOR SALE FOB SALE-Pure Apples and Fulg ham Seed oats. Home raised nnd nicely gradad. Let us book your orders now. . J. J. Fret well. 9-23-4t Fer Sale-Sweet Peas, Burpee's Su perb, Spencer's Collective, 25, 50 and $1.00 per box. Furman Smith, Seedy Phone 464. . tf BEE W. A. Todd, the Monument Man, for anything in the Monumental line. Tombstones of all kinds. W. A. Todd, 1909 South Main., street, Anderson, S. C. * FOB SALE-Two cars of granite dust, fine for walks sud cemetery, or con. ,]?reta work. Delivered any part of city. Llgon building and Blue Ridge station are using it in their con struction. Call Patterson's stables. East Market street, opposite City Jlall. * 9-23-6tp T| P$t* good dry boards for- aalei 1 by 0.8-10-12. Apply to" B. fe. Perry/ Newberry, S. C. FOB BENT-Store room on public square, capacious with new mod. era front Apply to D. S. Gray at Orr Orgy Drug Co. 9-24-61 FOB RENT- Seven room, two story i dwelling on South Llgon street; electric tights, gas and sewerage, barn, garden, etc. $20.00 per month. Apply to C. G. Cayre, adjoining lot 9-25-3t. 1 HOST '~~ ,0?T~Tle C!??/fa front of Intel ligencer office Tuesday night. In -L.",engraved on same, se return to this office receive reward. . tt mtv ^v? "'. \'-tt .-i-? WAISTS wA^?ED-Overseer for large cloth room. Unemployed need not apply. Goodly to right man. W. C. Cobb, Bu^r?otendent. Ware Shoals, 8. C. vTAHTEI^-. You to try the cooking xfie Luncheoe?iie, next door , to Short Ordere Quickly . . ' VT ANTED- The psDlic to'know that ate hara just received a large shlp '. ment ot bas Mice, and can supply your wanta In thia Une. Andmon intelligencer. Job Department. tf Mi.'mm ii',! I,.. WANTF.I*-You to know -.nat we make the best Evaporators. Either Cop-' per or Galvanised Steel, Metal Shingles, Tin Roofing, Guttering, Smoke SUcka, Gin Suction Pipe, etc. Divvor Roofing Co. Thc Shep with a Reputation. TO FABHEBS-Como to Patterson's stables to hitch your horses. We wm t?ke goos care of them. Best eerrice:. RaM Market street opposite City Halt 9-23-6tp t .Yea, a foul ds and Selects. The Next doo* to thai ME-A special prajl fruit la th? most desired adapted food for warm weather, and you'll find- lt li ii ^ii11fiyirj| frluts, oranges, gr?????, p&jaa, "?tears . ead northern apples-?ll fresh. Also Sickle pears, and plenty of bananas, j;- K, Manos. AT PATTERN'S stables you will find the place to get the best teams .?hil turn-outs. The beat service guava? teed. Bast Market street oo fositp c ity Hall. 9-23-Otp SA?U ?;; i .,..-j-switcher made .. i - from your own combings. Same can be found at 105 E. Church street up stairs, ; Mrs. Leona Arnold. tl Tl. , _L-i._ FOB BENT-New five room house, * <w? IraHsy in East Prauklu? street, pear Kennedy street school, modern eopveirtencea. Apply Mrs. C. A ; Ws^aotf, 208 E. Franklin st 9-22-6tc TO FABBBB8V- A good, honest chrls . tim saan with email family wants . cition on H god farm. Have had a lifetime of experience In truck, - aftele and general fanning. Can tnrm^ fb?/mm^ ot rtiefoncc. Write ct p. e?:l#^^ma'ac4aMss fi ??t yon? hau|tegj^A)ne. iJuJc*. prompt ser *-*r!S*.*.d!r^'M*Tke?'-attest apposite ; CKy KelL SvxS^tp [ Columns ising Rates line 2G cent?, Three Times 50 cents, e words prorata for each additional be UFod in n munt li made on appl? than 25 cents, csHh in advance. phone Directory you can telephone he mailed after its insertion for LEGAL NOTICES Delinquent Road Tax Notice. All dlnlenquent road tax collectors are provided with "an official receipt hook with numbes, and stub numbaa attached. Pay no money to collector? unless you get the official receipt u-s ahovo provided or. J. MACK KINO, I tf County Supervisor. Ttie State of'South Carolina, County of Anderson, Ex Parje _ Mrs. L. M. Ward, Petitioner, In Ito The personal estato of W. L. Ward, deceased. . Notice of application for appoint ment of H?njentead. Whereas, Mrs. L. M. Ward has made application to me to atiot and set off to her a hmestead In the personal property of ber late husband, W. L. Ward, deceased; notice is therefore given that on tho fiteenth day of <><?-1 toher, 11/14, at ten o'clock A. M., the undersigned will appoint three disin terested persons, resident of the coun ty of Anderson, to proceed to appraiso said property and set the same off as a homestead, according to law. CLARENCE W. BKATV, Dept. Clerk or Court Common Pleas for Anderdon County, South Carolina. *************** * * * Narcissus Bulbs f, * . * * , . * * * French Grown ft * * * NOW READY ff * * \? Pant's Book Store * * Sf. ************** ********* * * .? ** I*' - * If FRESH OYSTERS * * * * served * * * I in any style * * * * at the * * PIEDMONT CAFE * ************** i Deposit YOUR MONEY WITH US and then, we will lend you money when you] ffiffl \need*T it\ \ Interest paid on deposits? Farmers and Merchants [ Bank and Loan & Trust Anderson* 5. C. con bined resource* a little tba f?sa ? ?** ?mien dorter*, MUCH TALK ABOUT THE "OLD REFORMER" TO CHOOSE A SITE Cannon Wa? First Brought Herc In 1814 by Mr. Hanks, Father Of Abe Lincoln's Mother Mr. .j. Plckney Recd, thc man who reached thc "Old Reformer" from a cotton (?..??1 near .starr, ur??? the i>? o ;ile of Anderson to place iii.- famous old cannon on flic public square, ile says ilia*, he voices thc Ben tim ?nts ol I ho old soldiers and the Red Shirts when ho make, this appeal. He de clare:/ tim?, tho old soldiers have al ways wanted it on thc court house square. It was always such a re minder cf stirring times. Tlie "Old Reformer" it: an old Bng lish m-'kc or brasa cannon which hus a remarkable history, lt was ut ed dtirinr; iii?? war of the Revolution, per Imps en holli sidns of that frav. It wa? hrouvht to Anderson county in 1914 by Mr. I lanka, father of Nancy Monks, the mother or Ahrahnm Lin coln. Mr. Hned Rot this piece of his. tory from the late "Tommy" Hanks, who explained the circumstances. Thin |B rtn old brass Held pl'"". ? i ighjng 600 pounds and was "(ouch ed off" willi a ftiE-->, instead of the lanyard of Inte day?. The gun car riage has gone to the wo-mr, a hun dred yearn ago. Before tao war of Secession there Wtre many "minute men" and mlll Mft companion in tho State. The old Fourth regiment of this county, antic ipating an In&pection hy th" 'governor on muster day, npplled for a field piece for its nrtlllery company. The rennest was granted and Mr. Hanks went to Charleston for the piece 0f ordnnnee. ny special rennest of the company, he brought hack three ions of rum. lt required three weeks to, make the trip. Upon,-the arrlvol of the gun nt the old Howard muster ground, there was much patriotism and enthusiasm shown. The old brass cannon 'figured In many musters and reviews1. When lt was first received, nn appropriate salute was fired, solid shot being used. These shot* were fired from the mus ter ground nt old Varrenno? into the hill at (?reculen, and lt is said that some ot these shot, fired 100 years ago, msy yet bo found. Tho "Old Reformer" has been a ctil zen of Anderson county for 100'yearn There waa a shed built for it and a proper mounting on the old Howard field near Storr. In I860 the gun waa brought to Anderson where on Decem. ber 20th lt pealed forth the srnounco raent that the Ordinance of Secession had been signed. The occasion was one of great Joy. Tho members of the Secession conventtrn from Anderson crwnty were tl. F. Mauldln, Judge Whltner, Judge J. P. Recd and others. The gun was returned to Its- shed on the muster grounds where lt re mained until after the war or Se cession At that time there was no Iron In thP county and no money with which i to,buy farm Implements. The obi shed wa&- falling down, so the peo ple used the iron from the cannon's support to make plow shares. Maj. Jno. V. Moore, conceived tho Idea of rescuing the old gun from Its lowly ??ate and Mr. Reed went after lt. He found the gun half covered with dirt, out In an old ?field, and he brought lt to Anderson, where lt lins remained In public place except for .a short time when lt was In a private yard and the Daughters of the Con-j federacy paid $25 to get it back. In 1876 the old gun did yeoman sor-j /fee ? flu then lt fecoiVSu itu nam?. "Old Reformer," from Col. Hoyt and Oen. ??u^nhreya It wa? carried by the Red Shir? ?lub of Anderson- to j meetings at Greenville. Abbeville. Pendleton and other places and Ita loud detonations and reverberating reporta struck terror to tho hearts of the radicals. Mr. Reed think? the old .gun ls en titled ter a c>usplelous place In the city. It has done good service, In roany wasys, to encourage patriotism. !f lt Is to he hidden away, he thinks lt just aa well to cast lt a? old metal, for then lt would bring about $00. The old soldiers w?sh to seo lt. given the beat place of all. next to tho monu menL MORE CHANGES ?N SCHEDULES C. & W. C Hollway Announces That It WHl Attempt To Reg late Trains For Anderson Listening to a persistent plea from Anderson people that some action be taken ?n regard to certain schedules announced a few days ago by thc C. fi W. C. railway, the railroad offic ials have announced that additional changos wit! become effective on next Monday, September 2S. ;-T.e dav.- ano ttta old schedule was .?ged an the now one went into iii on inst Monday- A -"?nibrr the patrons of the road worn dis pleased with the chango and so inform ed the railroad and hence tire addition nt changea - were made. Hereafter train No. 2t which no arrives In Anderson at 10 A. M.. wi) arrive af it?.tK A. M. ??.I tt which arrives at 1:10 will hereaf ter come nt 2:B0. While th/> railroad hardly expects to nleaso everyone ta the city, tocal of ficials trust that tbii will meet with poular favor. o o o o ooooooooo o o o Unclt Dave's Letter o o o O O O O i O O O O O O O'O o Th'*? uri? ; prov? iii of the world ls, i'l.ou?i yu: f Numb' r Ono." TTierc ?: i ci o ii tilch lt .a abso lutely cssci a' ihai >n? look to his ow*? Inter?! . '! : . ? are vastly tm-. oort a ni * i ? i i ? wh?< li . nc must do for himself if t y arc ' r.o ut all. Tho care of on i 'jody must bo almost wholly l< ft r> KM : individual.'Chil dren, thc s c. ? ir fdiol . tho solo ex ceptions to hi? nih*. Thnt ls cj y anoll . r way ol saying t''af enc Ii fe pttnsi ? must acquire au education. Utters mai help, hut thc dflvelopmcn cf iii? mind must he car oled ou by ' ch om* for 'limself. Each mu ! do lill own ihi.i! ri?, lt is c.q ally true in bo realm <?f n man's own spiritual na ire. Th?' ri pnslhtlity of tucli ivul. ! Ir> r?*!aticn lo its fel low!-, c.T in i Cod, i upon Itself. Ev . II Ill self. doe?, not obtrude Himself mtg tin* sanctity of a human PC ni I. Each ilec c <<>r himself the char acter of his jpiritual nature and what his morai ci duct sholl ho. Each m:w must live h own li:?' in lils own way . nd render ila own lost account to Qod< otho piny help or hinder us, bu? in ili<* 1 it ?mal;, i-i lh'*r'* nre vast arco- in <:if human life where no one o\ro may e ter*. Hence, "Take heed to thyself." liut this ould hr a hard world to live in If tl * law only obtained. Wt are KO conftltut'-d thnt we must be -elated tn Ar fellow men. No mnn ivrth to hi ibeH. Then follows that other scrip! ral Injunction: "Hear yo one another's burdenn." A? a coroll ry to ,,,-it command, we have ihr; i )rld al-o: ' L^iok not ev 13 y man on ils own things, but every man also i i the things of othora." The mau \? o wooli! live his own life .ipart from ither men must conclude lo live a herm't. There can he no snell ns lyilir.rition where men re fuse to ceo ?rat?. The Negrito, with. Klfl how an arrow, may live his sav aeaJIfe In t o fore t and gain a scanty livelihood, i it lhere can never he any auch thing t's we eal I society among such ..? noAin. Our success in ?5f? will he mea nm! hy our ability right ly to relah ?urselvcs in friendly co operation e th others. This ls th law of life, o? every sort. Evory llvln creature mtrt maintain a imper reli lon to his own environ ment. Wh n that ceases, death en sue:! inovlu Hy. I am atei piing In this letter to em nhasU? thc importance of this .law No one cai nope to succeed in any laudable w? who does not learn how aright with his fellows, n of right relations. X cnn,tende^l tba* even in - worldiy.apd temporal, oxp^ei TA succeed .who, stand, acquire and exer Sm pleared ^?'tferm the nnnrdtftfh: Tner'e ore things whldli'-ekch must ild obey tho ?pirlt of my fe' . .'t .?'. place -,we munt meet ympathetic spirit. This Teatos an atmosphere moa with him. You Onie who at once* chilled fore they ?noke. Ynit ul or prejudiced condl ind?. You have at once rather than attracted. vely feel that you have to It is a nuc have alwni matters pull no man . cs doe." not un] else what ert of hill at least do If he' letter. In the people in sort of which onel have net vou. even **olt. th v ci t.lon of tl reit rn] ell You In si I Mttle or nothing In common with such own nest ?bouRht. Dut you recall how. wheatmeeiing one with- Rtndly aynmathiesfanil c.pen heart, vpn .'"-have really bees* surprise to yourself causo of the. elcarn? of your thoucht. the readiness or your utterance, the keenness os^your wit. The bo?t in you has gone ont to meet the kindly,recePr tivity of a'Jpiendlv person ai itv. ' "* Heart will echo back to hea*t| Sv.Tar at tn? di- tant ?iioiinia?n ??de and profanity yll echo hack- Apnroaeh vcur fellow man In a kindly and syav* pathetic w ned note how readily he will respond to your kindnesses. . In the swmd place, we should seek, to dlscoveswhe /;ood In each. For each ha? some good. It is a rare hut worthy art to discover even in the moat'un lovely antfe ' unattractive, some .com mendable Sirlue. He bas the most friends w$o discovers the most points or posalblsl contai t with his fellow men. The foremoxt^Amerlcan citlten today ls njjpan who 1? capable of get ting on rrtejttdly tcrniB with men of all class?s and in all walks'of life. He himself s?)ema to be tho composite American; l?avinK in his own person ality'seme-Una which reannnda tn lil multiplied^? characteristics in all kThds cf p The see) f nil this Is simply an honest do?re to find the good, instead of tho ew in other folks. In thc third placti^WP must avoid giving pain. A kindly Wart ls ever, alert a??? inst doing or saying the thing that stings and hurtad 1 once Wsw a person-In this ??ase me just ispp> ned to be a woman who nevef'?fldrersed' anyone without arousing ^".nlnfronlsm. ano always "rubbed tiHfe^t the wrong wly of tho fur." ?.ld oho was only awk ward. I?& those who knew her best kn JW lt tafe because she was utterly indlfferorjfis tho effect of her word?. She simply did not care; hence she was constwly wounding even the few fri nd? shs. had She prided berselt in hoing a^ery honest an* outspoken womu-i." ?She was "nc hypocrlt." She spa"? her honest mind, and ?o .'he wj* Sbroujih Ufo rasping aaa ?hur?lng e#?rybody who j cape her ??iety. lng a piM? criminal woman in Jail, was aakoBfeWhat wag ' the nature of that womat* crime. She replied. "I never sake*. We have ai' n.-rt. Tba friehsness ones in thi? friendless wcr??? r??|?&??'"ri ntTconnt for ?heir jlcneilnesa in fe fact that they havo not kept ?rsnril over tholr tongue, j that unrulif wernher,M Many a.fiMiiant woman has remain ed snmaitUd because no man ba? dar ed Ure inpi her tongue. I do not i' Try to get along with Printing that is cheap in every sense of the word-and wonder why their Stationery does not look pr wear or feel as they wish it would. They have a good taste, but not perspicuity-which is a good word, if it does sound demagogic. Others Use Our Printing The classy kind that makes good everywhere, every way, every 'time. It will pay you to see us when in need of GOOD PRINTING The Anderson Intelligencer JOB DEPARTMENT PHONE 693L ANDERSON, S. C. ii ---. hesitate to say that a dirons element bf success In relating ourselves aright to our fellows ir In a cordial hand shake I have ahaken a band that had a puah in lt. My hand was grasp ed, but at t*"~ ?amo time was shoved towards m J, as much as to say: "Get away from me!" You and I have shaken hands with thoso who when they grasped our hands in friendly clasp have booked our hearts to theirs nu w'-th hoops of steel. There ls the revelation of character 1 lu a handshake. Jems laid do WAI in Hi:-. Golden Rule the law which, (f ob- 1 served, wll surely join unnumbered ,"rlends. It ia always the violation of -.hat law which makeo an enemy. Many folks are eagerly perusing the j pages of some "blue book" or some "rcd^ hcok" which deals with the rules and regulations of polito society, so as to know how to carry one's self be fore tho world. Rut the one all-compre hensive rule whicn will insure against all boorishness ia the rule found In "the good book": "Do unto others na! yr.-u would that they should do unto j you." ; Keep that law ?nd yon viii ho a la dy ora gentleman. We must ever re- j member that every man's rights end | ?there his neghbor's rights begin. Ono final element -I must mention as nn essential element tc success In making friend?. It ts thlB: Do riot re gard yourself as better than others. The air of superiority Is always- re sented by self-respecting people. "UNCLE DAVE." OOOOOOOOG9 0 000 <f IN SOCIETY o o ?OOOOOOOOo o ooo i's Missionary Society Baptist (hnrrh. The members of the^V/oman'S Mlsr alonury Society of the Baptist ?burch I held a splendid meeting yasierday inj '.ho Sunday school room. This wa? State Mission Day and thai following interesting program " hadf udOn p?anne?: . Bong . Service-Twelve members j explained about, passages from ?erip-1 ture. MuslcSooiety. Mrs. J. E. Bar.on read a eptondid! original pswsr'oji "What We Owe tot 3outh Carolina, and What South Car-j ?lina Gwea to tis." Mrs. Ol?. A Cooley read a paper on j "Tho Baptist Hospital In thia State." Mrs C. fl." Sullivan and Mrs. C. I*.j martin gave interesting talks explain, r lng the use of the Baptist Journals in the rn ?salon work. 1 ur. ti. Y. Matthews, pastor of tho' Central Baptist church In Greenville,; waa the orator of tho day. He chore ?a hts subject "Scriptural Giving." Hl? talk was dhnsoaily Interesting and beneficial to th? local atwick. He explained the n.ethod of gtviug. DRU8S EXC?TE YOUR ! ::iE,ysE suns' IF YOUR BACK HI RTS OR BLAB BER BOTHKRS, I.KINR LOTS OF. WATER Whon your Sidneys hurt, and your back fepla sore, dont get scared a bit and proceed to load your stomich with a lot of drugs that excite the? kidneys and Irritate the cntlm urinary : ict. Koop your kidneys clean like j u keep your bowels clean, by (lush ing them with a mild, harmless saRa j which removes tho body's urlnous. wasts and stimulates them to their j nonpnl activity. The function of the I kidneys ls to tilter the blood. In 24; hours they strain from lt GOO gruinsj of acid and waste, so wa can readily j understand the vital importance of' keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of water-you can't! drink tob much; also get from any j pharmacist about four ounces of Jad ? Salts; tako a tahiesponftil In a glass! of water before breakfast each morn-1 ina for a few days and your kidneys wtll act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lernen juico, combined with lithia, and has ween used for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralise tho acids in urine so Jt no longer is a sourco of irritation, thus- ending Madder waitmno* Jad Salts lp inexpensive; cannot in jure: tzsksm a delightful oiiervescont Hthla-waisr drink Which everyone should take now and then to keep their kidnoys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drink ing and no doubt yo? ?ul wonder r?iat became ot your kidney trouble id backache lu bia church and compared the i hts-that church memoern spend lahly with what they elvo to the Lord. \ . I Jd the conclusion of Dr. Matthews': talk the dining room of tho church, i which had been beautifully deco-j " with golden rod and ferns, wan liraVopen and a tempting lundi? served to all preaont. immedi ately after lunch Mis? Lucille Burris from, the Young Woman's Ae*w*?t'.ne j matte an interesting talk on keeping j I South Carolina clean. Dr. James Kincaid, president e*1 An?n-son College, spoke for a few j minutes an tho v*ose relatfoh of the Woman'i? Missionary Unit:? to denom inational colleges Mrs. A. L. Smeth-1 (fra, who has charge or" the Dirts' Auxiliary, brought th* work ot thc home and foreign missionaries moat j vividly to the minds of nr^ry ono] w.'th v- beautiful pageant, sixteen! girls. Miase? Allie Psarsaan, Ola Tria*I ole, Clara FM rd I ho. Sara and Carolyn ! McFsl), Louie Smother*. Mabel Dil-' hast. Marte Edmonds, Marcela Coos', Cwie Mooro, Josephine Wora r: j ni J nj. Shearer, Qienner Har rell, Mercer McGill, Daisy Shearer au*i Carol Gc*?r, wore unique cos tumes representing; a favored *r.".'.,sloh ary and told in a few word? ?he work shu was doins;. Misa? Hough, ot Grcsuvllle, one of tho teachers In the city scnoula. K.?VU nu interesting talk on "The Life in the Mountain Schools." Mrs.-Vines, tbs pr?sident of the au-. cinty, presided throughout the day. The Elks Club. Tho members of tho Elks Club have issued invitations? to thc ladies of . Le'r families to use their club rooms in any way they may choose on Fri day of each week. In a number of cities "Ladies' Day" is ?uwc?V?d !.? ?UI-M'M Clubs and it 1:5 hoped that the ladles will appreciate;' ?iiul auOepi ibis invitation. ,_ P. Col. J. Newton, Brown and family,;,; who Ihavo been spending' the month' of September ' In the Bretton Whodn, in the. White Mountains of New Hamp^'. shire, have gone td Boston to apendX weeks. Use e ?tt?e extra money tc S good advantage just now? f laven't you something to sefl? Dc y o?a wo something you no longer me, but which W offered! at a bargain prion would ap* peal al once to some one who does need st? An INTELLIGENCER Want Ar! will tare the trkk. Ctmmberl&ta'ft Matmest. If you ?re ever troubled with aches, ??.insat ??^r?sess cf !he mttsc?ss. ye?; wilt appreciate the good qualities nt Chamberlaln'a Liniment. Many eutv tero ra from rheumatism and luiallca have used lt with i)ut best restdtA. It is especially valuable tor lumbago, and lame .back For sals kjr ail desi ere.