The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, April 21, 1914, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Tbl? ls Belsnt prison lit Maxl?o C ! emportant of hie enemies who fall I Photos by Amerito American Troops ?a. Uncle Sam's Mea. ". " ' ' , - ?? ? . ?> . ooooooooooooo ov> ooo cr O W&l?;,: Denver Notes. i? . 'OAOO? 5 3 0 5.? ??OOlrl/u i; " *. April 20.~The reeenC rah tte farmers bjickr la their Some of the farnv/irs planted their cotton seeds before the rain, while other dlda't. If the ground, apt^f vjrr enough cotton seeds will, go in, the ground this week in a- hurry. ' i W}o are K'ad to report the health of our community eo mw;h better at present thanet was sojnj^ma hack in Mr. Nf. U. Jo spent a few day Mra. J.H. F has bim a new i in our ,'comnnxnl VOL. 1? NUMBER 81. Vtffcfr, JAB, lt, tm, ANDERSON, S. C., TUESDAY MORNING, APJUL 21, 1914. ... PRICE FIVE CENTS. $5.00 PER ANNUM. T PRISONERS t General Huerta un prison g tue most at tu death, .- '??.. v W A RS OF p$j?j???jk?lf?? tftateineat of .Vamper of ?'o'u?d W?t'es f?sigr .' (ttnte Trne#i$P?|(jif*dVv>-. '>Vtor of ino Revolution, April io, IT75 tb April 11. 17*3. ?fcOy?lT r??lira and 164,7??--vohinte-..?-?i. . Total-.'ion,'?*?. NorthweWMwBil \7Q0t?. AUK. ?J.98? ? ' WAe&JHth jaHH Sept. ?'J. 1800. .Total ??. <*V VW*r;?rUh Tripoli, J June 4, lr-p5. Total eui , Creek Indian War, Julj _ \ War pf 1812 With Gre?t Britain, Jone 12. 1812 to Feb. J V18I5? 85.000 regu lar3 .471.G22 volunteers. ". Total 570.-? ?22. ^SeraJpole_ Indian War. November j ..C. ?517 Ui dei. 2i, ?Sie, i.uvu retronara] 6,911 volunteers. Tolall^Ht^* Black Hawk Indian War. April 21. 3831 to Sept 30, 1882, 1,339 regulars. 5,12,6 volunteers. Total ?,*?5. -V . . ' } Cherokee disturbances or removal, j 1?36 to 1837, ?,t04 volunteers. 3, 1826 to Sept. 30,1837, 11.162 regn- ' lars, 2&,lti>Z volunteer's; Total '11,122. Axoostnok dlBturbabce. 1836 to 1839. 1,500 volunteers. [ Wai' with -Mexico. April 24, ?I46 to ifia^liam^^ regulars, 73,77G volunteers,^ total HJ,230. V A pache, Nava jo and N la h War, J849 1855, .1,500- regulars; 1???PZ volua ?" T??ai 2,501 noie indian WaV. r85Q to 1858, y.?frVolunteera. ; vol 13,300. . Rear*^mirai?iiSj}f^_ ." e?mfflC^iS9*ir*6,000. < CeptaJn?-$4(000. . Commander-44,5,00, . . Liea?.tman?.-?"o^mand?r--^$3,000. Lieutenant (Junior grau?i *2.?or.. >5ju?ign-J5i,?0?. >* Midahipnjan~-$?>oo. Warrant officer $l,r?0o to $2.000. Mate-rH.Soo td .43,000. Chief Pe?ty ?mcor fdOO to $78*0. , -Petty, bffiper (first, classi.' ?lt?ft ,to 1600, , 1 Petty, officer feecpnd, Qla>a>--^|420. . Petts uiii' t r (.third ciasa)-?192. Yeary Pay -of ti? Army O?rers and Enlisted Men. Uantenattt-Oenorai-ll MaJor-Ceneral-48,000. Brigadier-General $6,000. f?^flone?-44.000 to $5,oop. . ' .. J ?' LleULCornnel-^ls.oo? to $4,000 M.-AJor-^t3,000 to $4,060. Captain-i2:4?h ... **'rRt lJeut?nant^?M .to $2,800. Second Lieutenant-*! PO to $2,380. Flrj?t Sergeant $540. tb $82? Sergeant $860 to. $576. Corporal $252 to %*S?.' Prtvate-^4180 t? ??uaktM^ The army !; - uv,. : ; .... .. i organ Ired under ~th? 'AKI^OT CoUgr: tobroary.& 1901. January $6, W7, Ap ' lil 23, 1 : ;. cavalry, 70&, o$c*ra aa<? 5<r,184 enlfirt *H raeni n .yegjnio: l?T artillery 2i>2 oi?uora t?t*S ?,<??? enlisted men;, a eonsf srti'er corps. i?o companies, 715 officers and 18,331-ealiiii^jKi?ttv go regiment? of.infantry, 1,530 officer* ?pd 3S,?iy:?*llit?d m:-, . :: ?: .^riions ?f engineers, 1.942 enlisted men. 00m rnaneed by officer? detai?>M from tb? ?:-./< >orto Rico M^i^Hpt of Infantry. 32 officer* 'and 5?l *eTisted men; staff corps. Service School detachment*/ Military Academy Indian, ?couts, recruit*; ?tc, ? odlr^ra and 10,505 enlisted ?sea "*yd a provis-' ional-foeeo-ot fif companies of native flouts bs the .Fhmipinea. 180 officers &-S.1 :,,x?.2 etrltaiied mes. The botet ?>'-la^U?|f.>0 ft^'??sub?niirta MeoC IGEN Iii BEEF COMING RAPIDLY INDUSTRY IN SOUTH AMERICAN REPUBLIC * Y?NKEE&?0N Chicago taqraH^ Peckers Seek To Fortune By SeUsng Hctne . CM ll ed andr-frofte?t hoof la coming from Argentms at h rat* of 9,000,000 povhds mon* W? i* of Import ance tn ?he '??P|PP^reHB('(j ucer for consumption l??fctlriUeci states. lu October, la; ? -ouucry received from. ArgeoUj?^feCty.?'Jl pounds of Chitted aa^ fjmdlt beef ; in November december 9,440. ? i . i ?mary 8,935.707 > oatbB a total of. 24.4:14.977 poSSf . Argem ina, however...contributed 5S per, cent to tlx' total ??tporta of chill ed beef duri; ?jr months, the frp%'r; Australia, .'??a''. ?^S-^^^^l^, ??' in the lend . ? .-?. - ? ," ... ,?) I ' : - b'. ..??.??,? :.?:.,, , Many years"^o. Argeatbia estab lished an export trade tri skited beef, at a llme befor? i?ash beef waa are served by freesing pr chilling, 3?: years ago, live ??iti? were experted, chiefly to Eng^andj"''" In the course ??? time Argc?ii'tu?- becb?ie infected with the foot and mouth dlseaso, sad the Drlttsh- government, to protect the home cattle; prohibited the importa tion .of live cattle from Argentina. Argentina, howey?*, had become too Important n source of fresh meat to the United Kingdom to be lost, and 'x*?B?q?e?i?y written ?nd other com-i pa??es established s?aughtcfnig.^^ift freezing works in the Argentina and exported fresen beef, nmstly to Eng land.. i A revolutionary element was intro duced into Atgen^jjstTWxpbrUtion of frozen beef by th- diminishing peri capita of beef M?HMtt?^^neda; which rapidly |?di!^rh^^mqtton of tina and speedily dominated the busi ness of slaughtering beef animals p9^^^*^:^^T' ^y. ?? ?>: In 1911 the aevan freezing compa nies - thsh operating ir. Argentina - crntro??^? oijwrxR?wn of chiled and frozen beet'; Ia April, 191?; one of the. companies,'-which in the meantime wade ' a *omi>Jn??Uon Umiwajt in a certain degree' the ex hortation of chilled sad fresen beef. I j 191S, one br thd companies; wolca ta the meantime had'.. passed Into tho control of n Chicago eoatpany, express* od a desire io Increase Us sbiptaienia because of the increased capacity of Ita works, but this proposition waa nc-t agreed to by the other companies and the agreement of waa not renewed. Of the ?even companies, two were Argentine, three English, apd two, although registered as Argon, tine companies, belonged ,to Chicago companies. At the present time there- sre nine e?|SWfcjhments for-slaughtering, chill .?gf tlpeeklng,;and exporting tc-ef, lo omed in or near R?CEOS Aires, and five of thea?? commies arc G~r.?H? ?r op crated by Chicago packing or alsugb tering houses. ? T^??T ^ by f*r itx* **** lion of the entire business . X?-g*er of Cs?tk? ia; sM|Mt''. iol? a Cen8U* Argentina In l >. 88 ty was ascertal n <vl t ha t there were 21,981. . , ???^. try. aud that of these cattle 21,961. 657 w$rc salives, 3,Sg8,36l were grades, and only 37,858 were > pure breds and crossbreds. No? "included ta the foregoing ?lasses v.. ..... . : milch cows and work oten. ?y ??;e < '?.r- un; naiionai census of j 1895 the ntupbor ci t alijis in' Argepd tina had slightly declined, and iii* total waa 21.70J.&36. The dat tv* I cat tle had; absolutely, and relative^ de mised Very eon aid era n ly and.'/ the ?jorras ^Ki?nPIirel>l'1id3 ' ,ort*wa3ed ?n I9? tt?eWws# a Ut> ; r<ii ana which ascertained Um* 62V??htrnu\^ t?ie'"In^tiro^em?iV-M.. quslttttes Of-thc oatt bi eo?t?cued, and ana the census toned i$ft&?8e " mt' tiwes, or only about ons-tbird of thc total rtmnber of iatth ; . ; (4,-1 327,790 grades, or nearly half bHal kamber of cattle ?Iso 918,749 pare twedn > i ?a?ie? oar neel, epeedliy .'<;-i ir*v.;' - j gentry pmrtomw^ Arsz*' . - : j Improved in beef quai;t|? >,; au.-vi ! years that they are not? pronluchig ex port beef ihitt ??. ;?o* ???[i^j fey. that *)f awy country at pv??8|tipn>^i*i!i1? ia targe qnantltlaa. 3 PROSPECTS GOOD; Market Show? Recuperate Pow* er i n r ace of Copi vVeathev ? Paat Few Vcy i. New-York, Avril t7.-<Jatte'a rene ttonary ?eutimeht developed in the lo cal cotton mareet" immediately after the Batter holiday^, lt waa argued that duriag full BypathacM^Uee cover*, lag abort Interesta muBt have hern re duced, and that a- scattering 'long .In terest had accompanied the advance. Thia reasoning, combined wich the better weather south, nervousness ov er the Mexican situation, and with drawal of the. aiear month support which bad been so' active .before the holidays, encouraged selling very much. Trading, however, was leso active ou Uv? rally toward the end of the week, and talk around the ring suggested a more or less unsettled sentiment, wit? rnnof traders expressing deter mination to operate conservatively pending Trash developments in the spot situation or a hearer view of the new or v start.. The return of a lit tle cotton here from Liverpool has h*fii accompanied by rumors of fur Uier small shipments from that source, and nome cotton haB also been ar riving h*?re from the South. It ls said too, that domestic yearn stocks are accumulating ?nd Utera baa been talk of abort, time in that connection. On the other hand, the -inspection bureau ts atill reportadla? be reject ing a large proportion ' of the cotton reel ved here; Manchester reports have Indicated continued activity at that point; tne ?tat 1st teal, pgnit lon has now atneogtheoed, owing to continued full spinners takings ; U?o donieatle rophrt showed domestic mill cnalfimptfim for the montis of Mf/ch^'cli .pp to ?he recent high average anil southern ad vices have indicated little or ho change in the Interior spot markets. Thean conflicting features have dojbt. less contributed to; the uncertainty ex. pressed aa. io the merits of the old crop situation at the nigher level, while the resumption of the official dally and weekly weather reports for hi." ^uOnll I Cltti-lTCiy in-' creased activity and have seemed to attract, same commission .house buy ing on declines. MANY ?QXYTOWKft I Will BeBHeM at^Chlc^ iterjfiw OT^^C?'^SPIST*? ?Srne new Chtok. Spring* notai?will be completed in c tim? io accomodate the five State conventions which will bp hel? during the coming summer, tel will hare approximately 100 rooi au of which will he connected w bath, and all of which will have alu side exposure. A roof garden, a some hall room, and ether special M turee wRl. make, tho nosttery esl jail? attractive?. All cou ven ten? such os electric elevator, card lounging ror-^js and so on, will he provide . "r . The hotel is 11 Stories hfghv and is cf brick:veneer [???aatrnctk n The Conventions that will meet ut [Chick Spring? during tho approach!n? ] Hummer are as follows: The 8outh Carolina Dental Agsocl ' *tiCS,": Jt?C't?" ?i ~d " " The South Carolin* Manufacturero' Association, July 1, J? and 3. Tho State. Press Association, july j b, 7 ?nd a (Anderson on the 9th.) Tfea Ma|^. trintsrs* AssociatiM*! j July 7 and 8. (Anderson on tho 9th.) ' The South. Carolina Pharmaceuttcal | Ascooiation, July 15, 16 and 17, The traveling mea of South Caroli na will also visit Chick Springs ror an ovening'a entertainment upon Uta occasion of their annual convention id Greenville. Tho development ot this resort is I progressing rapidly,, A pavilion is ha.' tng erected, a dam. is being bulli, the lawn beautified, a howling altey and tendis courts provided for, and other features or e first TUff lpn rt hotel ere being taken cognizance of. ??ri The new hotel wit lie ready for bc enpancy by tba IGin^ef*?h^^tecord?i tng to the IV2W mana?A?t?^Gt. VA VAL KNMgTMBHT] : The term of ?nlistmeut tn tlw? navy ls four years, except for boys under eighteen, who ?n?!st for minority, with the consent of their parents or guardi?n. Minor? over eighteen -are enliatepi without thc consent of their pfti^a^^rjgnardmo.r^T^y- mm-t furnish a birth certificate or a verified written statement of parent or guar dian, as ?o their, aga; Only Amerl cana of rof.' character tran may fp* souablybo expected tc' tcmsln In the e*Bytcd4?jFtyWMtMil?eff.-end every appli cant ms.t paw .^jrgftBi^^?dwaicad examination; he able to read' and ta write -Sogttah and to take tko oatt, of atleitonce. N'o bey tinder reventes?, can be ea listed except ihy -pccttl per mission from the Department Information regarding rates wk? ?ay. opportunities for advancement. x91owa-aCes( etc., can be obtained by sd il I 'siipe jr^gar^h of Navigation, Ne Vy i>ep*rt*?ont. ' >; BRLATIYK BASE Ut ?J, 8. - - ABW* ASB H A Yt. Uno 146? of tito Revised Statutes j ' of ' ?he Pelf ed States) ? C? seak wtth Admirals. LietrteaafrVQensrais rank with) I vice-Admiral?. I Major-Oenjcral* rank with Rear Ad BrigadJer-Onnerals rank with Com nwdorea. Cbloaels raak wUh Captains. lAenteanat-Oolodela rank with Com manders. . . >...'.;>:. Kalora rank with 'Ja-t^^nt-Cc:*; naanders. las rank . with Lieutenants. Lieutenants rank with Li*?. Junior Or&de. lieutenant srtth Snsigns. < rank with MM-shipmeu. -Villa*?-Men-on Way to Torre?n; High way Where Many Were Killed rbetp* br Americas Tram 'AssooSntiim. _ ?1THE?? Torreo? fell Into tho band? of General Vl!!nt.'leader.-of ?ie Con I?# st?tu?onnl- anny, after Merion* toas ou both sirtes, Hie woila wnn .?Spital of tilt? bullet riddled country. The .top.picture :siiow;i ,some of Villa's troop? on the road to Torre?n for the final assault. The bottom view ahows'the. .character or the.principal hf gb Voy near Torreen, whUb wes the scene of many bloody skirmishes. .ESW?fWENT LAW *0H !T NETED STATED A^jpl The army act of August 24. 1012. prescribes a seven years term of en-, liatraerit. tn the Aric'y after Novomfler 1, ISIS, tn lieu of the previous -turms three years, M he first four years ?riq^lfce color?? in active service sud il e remafclng three years on fur? ^llp^Vtrtthout pay, and attached* to thp army reservo established by the same aei. -"A-no army reserves are aub. ject to be .called into Berrico ?niy In r?n^went of actual threatening hos tilities. . , <-*.,' J A- soldier;- ?fter four' years ? eontln-' nous ae?'??5%wsnr'under a drat or saxyisubftCijuenf enlistment, may bu rebated.tor seven years andireceive y, upon bia written re ttue*t be furloughed and transferred, to the reserve. Enlistment periods for rou r- years. First-enlistments- r.r? corsfiaed^? Mtt&>n tb o ages of is and :tr> ywrs," All soldier receive luiidnltiou to their pay, rations, clothing, Voc^lng. . ?nd medical attendance v.-!!il:; with Hiv. roi ort-. Tho monthly pay during the first en lislinetit ranges trota $15 to $1K for privates. ..For non-commfxKk eera the-rates are f21, 124, $50, 105 and $75, respectively big to grade, arm of corp?, ac uf duties. Master electrician "Signal corpa ' and Coast Corpa, and chief ''musicians receive th? highest rute, Additional; pay of from. $i j i month for continuous service seventh.: man* mont cent increase iu p service in thc Phil Enlisted map" mi ?w- years' service, per month.addition lyoarn' service K ttttst: ar ie ttf 9? Part pf Battle Scarred Torre?n Villa and Some of His )?'. '?' -e H bo wa a pori; of the city Where many r-Ware td Heft . ^IM? l^jw*?h i -elf hts genera is- te ft to right, General " ittewo, Uen?wVvtihi, ? Ortega aafi General Madias.