The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, February 11, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PIAN O is evident afcTVfireVtflane^ steiK^tueoAe^touch of the'keys brings .forth \?! tone luntufe -St petted for richness and mellowness.. ? V Yet/on^the/eas?ett.of^eriita.'y?t? fi ^ Letter for; ' ; ^ Upward WILLIS & SPEARMAN MUSIC HOUSE kivciwey Building Anderson, S. ?. Coming Every Day New Vehicles of every description keep coming so every day. Our stock of Harness, Whips and Robes is the finest ever. We also have some Extra Good Mules and Horses on hand, cotne and see them. 1 YOU'LL I THE SERVICE you got'at thla restaurant From the Uni'j'jou cater uutll you IcaW, ovory attention' that wlii attend io ^^'wsnlort'alH be aohwn you. Your order will be promptly taken und uu promptly filled. You'll wonder taw wo can cook tilings bo quickly und perfectly as wo do. PIE DION T C ?F 1?4 w?st whither Street. G. D. Anronf?kit?, Pt?QD. I hi Our Btiy?ir Wired? tia this moriiihg that we might expeci an other Car of thone FAN CY YOUNG Mule* by Friday mornihf (S. uilt. They are all T?P PY> SMOOTH; WELL BROKE and ?ou will miss; a treat if you fail to see them before you Inly. COME and take a LOOK. Terms and frW?? always rigrVt. The Fretwett Subscribe for The ?ntfe??igtefccer Financial and Comm?rcml Stocks and Bonds Now York, Fell. .10.?The stock' market today held font to the approx imate level of in Icon which has pre vailed for the last fortnKut. Public following attracted by the recent ad vance appeared to have fallen away, and effort? of personal operators to inaugurate a decisive movemeot one way or the other were again ineffec tive. Today'a main movement waa donward, and on the decline some of the less active shares broke sharply. Fluctuations of tho representative stocks, however, were not largo and In the lato session the market im proved. The improved tone of the latei dealings was Influenced by tho Unit ed States Stool Corporation's monthly iigurea of unfilled tonnage, it" was tho first gain in more than a year, and furnished tangible evidence of reports during the last few weeks of better conditions in the steel trade. Taken in conjunction with the strong showing made yesterday in the cop per, producers' report and the de creased in Idle freight cars disclosed in the last li??, It confirmed the Judgment of Wall street that positive Improvement in general business con ditions was at hand. , Perhaps the most active Influence In bringing about the early decline In stocks waa free selling for foreign account. The Amsterdam market for American securities was upset by the recent collapse of Rock Island stocks aud counters 1 bonds, and by the sev ere drop la Mcrenntljft. Marino issues. Sales for foreign account were ?,0,000 to 40,000 shares. Mercantile Marina .bonds rallied after the fur ther break of 4 M Rock Island stocks and bonds met with better, support today, on account of statements that reargonizatlon plans now .under consideration do not coiiteiMp'ate, a receiver. Bonds were unchanged' on call. Total salos were 313,700 shares of ntocks. RetallcrH a>?r.c active in the s|(k.mar kets. Jobbers report a aoocl tr*ibv M?WeyMaH&t New York. . Feh. lU^-CgJI money steady, V 7-$ a it; ruling rate, tj?aft;. six* imp* k;,^ a ird; iffiljj^ closing, 1 7-8 a 2. Time loans steady : 2 3-4 a Si Six months,, 3 Mercantflo ?.aber, it 5-4 a 4 \-2. Sterl ing exchange easy;, sixty day bills. $4.83,76; dqmand, *4.85<6Q. Conmier clal bills, |?.W 8-V-JBb sUver.,"o7 Mexican dollars, 46 1-4. 1-2. mont bonds irregular*. -? tseady ; relire jvern-. bonds, New York Cotton Now "York. Fob- 10?Sentiment today seemed to bo. murs favpirabis to prices at tho opening of the cot ton market; but demand failed to broaden on ah early advance, and re actions followed with tho close steady, net unchanged to 5 points higher. March increased itn premium to av33. points over May. durin* - the early trading, but was relatively weak on the. setback and closed only s'.'? May contract . pressure of sptit cotton hucnuso of financial troubles reported fron\ Mot phis yostorday. probably account for an opimijvg advance of 8 to M pojints. Reports of a more active de mand for cotton goods In local no* iiini* c-rcle und ot a bettor d^inet^l for spot cotton sontirwest. seemed to encourage the advance. Buyers seem ed to secure their cotton readily; enough around tho opening figures, however. Prices turned easier with fc?roh tending the decline and selling a point under yesterday's. closing, in tho latte trading. Last prices wer? within a point of the lowost. ?p?t .cotton quiet v middling up lands, 1346; gulf, 18.80. No .salos. Cotton futures opened steady ; Opening Closing February,.. v*. , 12.02 March ..12-18 12.00 .ii.87 lli2 .11.85 11.80 ... .. .. .. 11.44 11.42 May ' . Jply t. October ,, - New Orleans Cotton .New, Orleans. Fob, 10.?Cotton to day was higher In tho early part ot the session, but fell oft in tho after noon. Short coverings, stimulated by goon cables, put prices up and the unexpected reduction of one-six teenth in Savanna" ipot quotations caused the selling later. A moderate buying movemelnt In the murnin revived ors lies of bullish operations In the March position. HuyerSfc. hq?gWKi JK'^>air"nS *? "f" cept the. small prof i i aud their sell I?,?? ?m? ..... . }.?.* Al the higbesfr" mob were .11 to *2 pointa, up.. The rk to waa Unchanged to 6, points up n ?? Chicago, r^cb- 10.?Unexpected fall ing off la the world's available supply today had a rallying effect on wheat.' Closing prices were,.strong at an ad vance of $-8 a 1-2 to ,1-1 a 6>8c net. Other sp?culative articles, too, ?U showed a gain; eo-n, I-2c. oats, 1-4 a 3-8 to 3-8 a 1-ge sud provisions, 7 1-2 to 20 a 22 l-2c. WHEATS Opon Close jaa% July.88% 89% CORN? May.96% ?6% July...84% 86% OAfS? May.39% 39% July.i.39 39% LARD? May .. ... .i* Julj RI1 May -. . July. .. PORK May.. :. UM .11.81 11.07 11.27 11.72 11.82 21.87 * . six and worry,, ; * * * ? * *.-{.>(.;(. $ .y. & * Middling. 1.2C4; to arivi cotton fut?" 12.30; Marob.. ; 12A3; October . ."f, tai_'~'*i8ffl ' *, Bales on lee spot :;;u. i closing; February. :.32; May. 12.40 i July. Iii?. Williamston, Feb. -0.- -After an ab sence of a week from tlie columns of Tho Intel'gonccr we again win try to acquaint the many , readers of the hap P^.?^?fth^ secUpa q?.ih*, cbu?t/. This soe.Uon was visited by a heavy rain and thunder storm last Friday. Tho thunder and lightning waa equal to summer time. Saturday, night was the coldest n?g?it of tho entire winter and uiany fear that if tho cold weather continues for several duys that tho oat crop win be severely Uam.'igriJ. ^^-sconis that an epidemic of pnou ffljgp. sgfc; .a^uck^tbls section there potpg some ten or twelve eases here at trcsent.;?U_^a?e^iai? on. the mend or Mrs. ,Aaron a so? !of , Mr. Whit Ste v these; two are still dangerously iwhai. U?plr. m$n> >tr?ends .and reia. lives are -hoperul for un early chang? tal ipc bej^e. .... f .. l ;?> ,J/v O. "MSOrp Vs seriously 111 with fever. ajj. wish tr}r her. a y. rocovoffqft that sho m?y.con e^hcr gcnjl jlwa in our Sunday Sain Hicks is in Anderson this week attending court ?a a juror. .', After a week spent in Anderson tbo greatest fadlLtbot wo wer? able to find wlthvJ'My Tfbfch'' is tiio largo num ber .of beggl&. thal aje_ allowed, to lUrc?g. tac. ?.?rata. .'V??/ ?tu not OMS. an.eyesore to the public bujt It Is eJwrr?sstt|^|mot ono.on oycry cor ner. There is ?'pl??o in every pghn ty provided fot all who arc not ?laly and phyiically able to provide for themselves and that is whbro tboy should be. Mr. R. Ar Triyn?m !s uioviag back to this section after upending two mqnlhs at Picdmbht Mr. and Mrs/(i. jt. cobb . W? friends near j?eaverdam last. Si Ji^ U. F. M?nkin I? making proi raOhs to iuakc somo extonsivo .. provomchta oh Iiis farm near here. .>Yei*9^Newtt4 6i;Mo?l&oyle ntlended SdftdsVy ?chbol hero fist Sun oay? - There Is a fariner who lu Y Y B?qatjh t.o take his k k Apd sjiidy hatftcb. with his 1 i Aud think or what tib ij.c. ** --t <M tho J J TT ?trie bkk T. Y. . L?vorpor:.^ .Fi-*- I?-? OctV?^?!?^ la fair dr ..;au I; prices stoadyt good n^imilng. 7?I. Bales* 8.000 inciudtng 7^08 Amarkau. c^pv^-41,0??, rludtnc 18.400. Ameriijan Futures bloscd steadyt, Opes ! Fib-Max .- .. Mar-A Di ll .. .. April-May May-June ., .. . [ June-July, ..... .0 CottohSeedOa Now York', Feb. i0.<?Cotton Seed oil advanoed 0 tc 6?points today early on covering of shorts, inspired by the au-oagth In lard and, cotton, but. reacted slightly towarda.the ctdae Un der scattered selling for account of itjfmcrs and lack of demand tor actu al oil. Final prices were 1. ta ? Polau net. higb?r, g-iee, lfi^oo h?r rols. Prlmeroi:ude. 9.93 a 6.00; pvlrnc e summer ye\|ow, %ff&A ?rUba?vSd?ar yellow and summer whu?. 7.SS ? "03.; Cojttoh Goods >?ew? YoiisX KSTlO^^tVxa goods markets were quiet and barely steady. Loaadale. cambrics and nainsooks ?, - -' - _ _.....^ ?jZi ?O 10c net,. ^Plee m*P*9 Ig being nougti} from Importera in a free way. Pcnaaeolav, Moane. Ala. . Account Mardi Ores Celt Tlckeu on sale Fob. 17th to 8Sra. with retur limit March. 6th 1M4. , kv^t- flirter ?^*^**.^****"* e*!l c*i TicScet Agent, pr srr?W O. B. AT.LW.V. , MAGE IN mm m?? A^dit?onV. Prix** Are O^red In ,W?th ?Ul plana nqw. /complete for the holding or. Poultry .Day In connection with, Partnera* trifa jfa.fja Anderson on next Tuej&ay, wdlcntieu* are that dozens of ?adersp? farinera. , will bring exMbtta or poultry to. the city, the, long list of pr?tes will attract a htrge number and the fact that several additional prises bpye been/placed on the list, will increase the number of oxhlbitoraj, . ,,. . .., ' , f ho .following is the correct pro gramme, of tbo day's eventar Chairman?dion. J. L. Mageo of Starr, - -t i Ai , Invocation?Rev. 8. T. BittCknian or Heaea,Ppta.,..,. . .. .>ddress~r"PonUry;' James 8. Hare, I'nltpd States government poultry expeyt., Addrc6s-T-"Broed? ihat Pay." J. L. JoUy, t?fci*oh^ Route 3. Porter A. Whatey, secretary of the AndcrBpn Chamber of Commerce, last night gave o?t tbo following complete and officiai list of the prizes to ba awarded in the various classes: Clasa A?First, best* trip .While, | Buff or Barred Plymouth Rocks, open to ladies only, one sack fine chicken : feed, given by Peoples' Grocery Co., { Anderson. . Second, best trio, same as above; i Blue Ribbdn. Third, best trio, same as above, pur- ; pie iWt&gL I .. Clasa B?Real trio White or Brown. Leghorn, open to men only, first, set-; tlhg of 15 Wliite Leghorn eggs, given by J. L. Jolly. Second best trio, same as above,] blue ribbon. r Third best trio, same as above, pur-: pie ribbon. Class C?Best Wyandolte cockerel, all, one year's subscription to the Piedmont Magasine? given by* the pulla Printing and Binding Company, Anderson/ Second best, same as above, blue ribbon, Third best, same as above, purple Class D? Dost two chickens of any kind open to all, 115,00 tub of fine poultry powder, given by W. T. Camp bell or Watkins Medicine Co., Ander ses,. Second best, same as above, blue ribbon. . Third befit, samu as above, purple ribbon. ' ; j.? , ClaEs E?Best pair Bla?k Mlnorcas, open to hit', prise j?he pair of 'White Leghorn hens, given by. Hue Rill Leg horn Yards, Bel ton. K. < ' Pbc?hd best, blue ribbon. Third best, purple ribbon. Class F?Best trk> Indian Runner Ducks, 100 pounds Manna Laying Chicken feed, given by FUrtriah Sfotth, wholesale seeds, Anderson. Second best, blue ribbon Thlrd best, purple rlhbon. Claas Q?Best 2 S. C. Rhode Island Reds., prise, l, setting of 15 6'ggs, giv en by A. M. Campbell. Reitoh No. 2. Second bcHt, bluo ribbon. Third best, piirple ribbon. Ciass-it??sest trio Orpi^jious, spe cial prise. Second best, blue ribbon Third best, purple rib I ! I I w brfean^^FeJ^lO. hankery of four Southern... cities, why they believe their . rcsfactSVe cities Vould have the oho government, ror lonaj bank, expected to .he located l the Sputh, will be beprd here by .J?o f?deral reserve bahk oowmitteo tomorrow. and Thursday. .Bankers! ?rem At.ania, IxiU?svii?,. memphia, Birmingham, Montgomery and Pausa, j cots arnved. tonight ..and. tomorrow; morning the committee, cambnio.1 itt ! try... or the Treasury MeAdon ; eretary of...Agriculture Ho?s U come here from Texas. ?fcyAssociated j... bibttion. Fob. tfergGhwitin 'iem>',^ariaf. 4M partially en feh dollar wrUoctiei. which r?j{9o$sfl^i$b^ irrem the > . ,- ..-.!;,, woes h ago, today wore r?titrafed m. ?kfflmi: rfitoctor; pf. the bu feg^SSi^^*3* lii h irjnjifflLiM" .casd'knd until . ti;eycomplete heir Investl?atlon, I cannot- explain Jm* :tb-- - \mmMSfi**r.8ftld M^rlt'l^Bf,. tonM&l."1 only e?u say the* .were., gitan to me.,personally ahflnow aro .afire and secure." iaa?l-B?^&ii? WashlngiS^, Febv, Is developing, in, the 8 at-y immlftr?dow J*?* betag planned by eouuuiit>*> ?? tliO ,?Jsr its literacy . tort, as it bat ii.was appar ifian would upper branch ime any itamlg' teas itor Smith ?it Sonja ^W8B|B of tr y tausigrsitmn - ebm is expected to tell h\s fellow I tomorrow of his revent jiti% l>raa?ect;WIlB??ft?? I ruQmrw iw meracy ens- .feature or fchs | Burnett, bill, wh**h the .President !S j . knoA'ii to dlsuipprovo. I WILL ENFORCE BLUE LAWS City Council Favor* Petting An End t oSciling of Soft Drinks On Sunday _ v * " -" r. At last night's meeting of the city council a discussion was entered Into ui.i>. ?...,#_..... i~ tl'.z "blue -?z Anderson and prohibiting the ug stores and other establishments er a like naturo in.Anderson, from nulling soft drinks, cigars,.eta., in this city on Sunday. It was council's idea in this manttcr that the la wshall be strictly enforced. \ The city Will in no sense attempt td regulate the hours of the day on Sunday during which the drug stores will be allowed to stay open; it will htbrely attempt to see to it that noth ing Is sold on Sunday except such things as may be termed necessities. ELEMENTARY CONFERENCE. toll Be Held at St. John's Methodist Church. .An interesting meeting of the State Sunday School Convention which, is being held in Anderson thin week, will be held at St. John'a Methodist [church this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. I All mothers and* teachers who are in terested in the secular as well ds the j religious education of the child, are Invited to attend and no doubt a largo crowd will be present to enjoy a program which bas been carefully planned. to suit the . needs of. those whp have the training of the child In ksp4.4;,_. ..,..?, _,. * ?^i,.,.,.? At this conferenCo a number, of the State's ablest speakers will make addresses, among them Her W. H. K. Pendleton, of Spartanburg who is chairman of the executlvo committee, and Miss Vandlvci, gcu I era! secretary of the Stato Sunday School Association. .The song on \ the program published elsewhere will be by Misr. Agnes Kuvcnel of Spartahbhrg. . TO "BUST" MERGER Par Stick .Associated Washington, Feb. 10.?-Attorney I General. McRoynolds. announced. - late I today that he expected to proceed with the tiling of a nuit under the Sherman anti-trust law to dissolve I the merger of the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific rall.*oads. Ho had j just llBtebed to arguments by. the California delegation in Cong: land business men from San Francis co and Lea Angeles. THE GREAT PARADE [ t*ti Speaks invHe^ All Snndsy Schools in County "VVe v day night," said Rev. Dr. J. W. Spcakc Tuesday to a reporter tec TJio Intel llngencer. "There will be great ri valry among the mllla cl the city as to Which will have the largest torn [?itt and I am Informed that the An durscn cotton mills will have 600. "Wo invite Beltpn to come over, a body and bring that. new., hand .-of which wq have heard so much. We its magnificent First Regiment hand And If there are any county schools that wish to join tho parade.we would like to have them come and bring brass hands, or .just 'come any way All bring banners or transparencies CfaHfcS FGRTNKB: Oavrper Blesse Se ter Mes. sage to 1c i%kk Associated Press.) 10.?tu a message general ausotably m by Gov. Cole t>. Bl?aso. >.mnkes an appeal tor tho passage, of the Forner. bill, which would prohibit, white teachers from ivr?ciim?r iii o?jjro ecbvu?o, Uio. Sliypt* nor declares there are sections of South Carolina ",*h*re white people ! ara teanbine i?j?j?M^.^?g?faM. ??; ?hc [ es?le.. rooms .wit .hnegroes,> th.e. aajaio chuschbs with, negroes and associating- *ltfc, thorn generally? which |a teaching tho. negro to look rar?,,*? spew eouaiity ;veraer Please In his message., re fores to Berwadtpt College? Columbia, and too Matha,School ai Beufort Tho ->rtner Mil. baa, already passe wee an,d action is now uwaited .c tsjuate. Criminal* Sfft&tiid. . mi war um wonn sWVAssoeisjted. Unce gt ,11*. . sl?on grounds, of, * cajniia?ga undertaken to keep men-or ..known. r;pai tenacncies Out of the oxpo ropr?sente . a. "crook." pins .indicate the present .>f known bUrglprs, is for pickpockets. who prey off : For criminals leaded pins are used and an lia indez system and c&talogui ar type. Ms i.ala ttlgaUa&s by ltie geciogxca? onr the erosion of aufaercae draia _ basins of the UftiteC States show that the surtaxe oTtho country is be ing- vom away at a rat? of about ?n lach In 760 years. .*y. ?ptlaaJ .cemblaep^v the details of which bar*. ??4 hen add puhHc, a l**#?r\ IjtaiStrd t* -ahowln? ?wttifm ptotar** in which the s&ara appear to toove about on a Marc without ?sa ass of a visible sereea. Condensed statement of fho finan cial condition of the BANK OF AN* DM ISDN, Andereon, a C at tlie close, of LuBlnesa January 13. .014 as shows by the regular report mails to the State Bank Examiner. EKSOURCfcS Loans and Discounts . .$ 990,287.46 reroraSts. .. 25,71 J.oti Bonds and Stocks. 6,860.00 Real Estate .... _.... 35,540.00 Cash and due from Banks 161.39u.15 Total ..I U19.984.68 LIABILITIES Captlal Stock ...... .. $ 160,000.00 Surplus ....... ..V... 1BOa*00.00 Undivided Prof its' (Not).. 63,476.41 Dividends Unpaid . 1,786.00 Deposits, Individual $764,871.62 Depoaita.Bank 64,851.65 829,723.27 Bills Payable . 25,000^0 lt. Total.$ 1,219.984*6 ierevt compounded quarterly on Strings .Accounts. The Ba^>k for the Corporation?tho [ Finn?the Individual?In fact fur ev erybody. Come in and i?-y it a visit, THE BANK OF ANDERSON? i Anderson, S. C, Ta*.Strongest Beak.,la, ..0?e. .Coantj SAFE SOUND PROGRESSIVE "Jf we cou?d only have our way. -We'd tju?t o?r work in shawn. . And do O thro the livelong day. j/mWA a yawn & yawn" This pleasant Jone weather has put a crimp m the coal ousmess, however, when we do get that cold wet weather .in. Febrowiry .and March we still have in stock that reliable Palmetto Block Coat SLOAN WELCOME DELEGATES We sell. Stationery, arid Stamps, Post Ca rds, drop in and do your - writing. BED CROSS DiO GO. w4vW li sri: L 4*m -Buy an IL Co Srinttk Q Br i pu <^ wear asfiiilo all mc HS tfo?yuetnahlPi vnu fcn turn out the neatest ant! best class of work- Let ; us show you our latest Mode* No. 5 and you will be, convinced. ; iffejsell ail other makes of re+buftt..a n d v8?cotl4, hand aiachihe??; a I s 6 repair ail other make machines, and Workmen. class e Give us ? Triai? J. B. 0B?YT Dealers. Chs w ??t uUcIoO?, otte, ?Sf. a** u?,