The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, December 10, 1884, Image 2

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Tiie Abbeville Messenger. m. i.. HON HA M, Jit.,) .. ? , . .vt, T- P. COTIIKAN, > Kn,TOI|( , U11. J AS. S. i'KKIilX, f Ih'IIkiktoks. WEDSKS1)A Y, 1 ECKMHLil 10, ISrfl. KiLi inc; NI<;(;UOES. It would l>e I'lritsnnl if \v<> could in all things agree with our friend of tlie /V&v and Manner. Since, however, tlmt is r>r>t possible ; and since we too have assumed to he, in pari, the representative and exponent of the people unions whom we live, it becomes our duly to notice and reply to an article contained in the last issue of the f'rcxs and Jimtver, which does a great injustice to our people and our section. Basing its indictment upon the report of the recent killing of a negro hy a policeman in Laurens, and the killing of one in Mecklenburg, NT C'., it proceeds to arraign the white people of this section on the c.hnrgeof Killing negroes "at their own swr-el will, or on the slightest provocation." Although the published facts show that the white men who were actors in the two tragedies which have stirred the foundation of our neighbor's pity, were held blameless, the ZVcn.y ami Hamicr resumes that the papers which published these facts have wilfully falsified the f icts, and that the negroes were brutally shot down in col I blood, and asserts in substance that this is noarlv alwavs the i rase in encounters between whites and blacks. Perhaps we would not have frit impelled to notice this article if the people of Abbeville* had not born specifically Included in this sweeping arraignment, in the following language : "It is a disgrace to our civilization that tlies'* poor, helpless creatures may be wantonly killed at any time with perfect iinpuniiy, and the Charlotte Olmc.rrer may cease to make any pretensions for nn equal Administration of the laws if such killing is to go unpunished. We claim no exemption of blame for Alibevillu County or this .Judicial Circuit if there has been dereliction in the prosecution of white men for the killing of negroes, and we believe no white man has ever sutiered for any assault upon a liegm, although numbers of them have been slain." We are not the apologist of criminals, and we defend?no man who wantonly and without provocation commits murder. But we promptly and earnestly raise our voices against this wholesale anaiirnment nf the unnnL. ..f o ..-1...I., I .suction, upon belief and supposition. It has long been a favorite theory of the editor of the Jy ami I'tanner that 'the true province of tin: journalist is to give the J'ttcfs of every matter it discusses. Lei him g:ve to the public sonic fuels to account for his strange opinions .and remarkable charges against tin , white people of this County. Our contemporary a fleets to helievi that negroes are systvtn.ilic.illy ami constantly shot down by whi'.c iii.m without 'pretext or color. Now since we have lived in this community we can recall but two instances in which negno-s has been killed by white men, and that was done in self defence. On the contrary the cases of homicide that have heci! tried within tint time have been of while men who killed while men, mid .negroes who killed negroes. Our neijih:hor knows that the lynching that occur red here a year ago, was universally condemned and denounced. Moreover, as lh:? (ireunville Xeic.t says, deadly encounters are not a'.it to occur between white and biack men, unless tlio lattei nre the aggressors. If a negro offends a white man?he cannot insult liiinsel'*, hecause h is his inferior?the white man punishes the otr.-nce immediately and jwrsonsilly, and it is very sehlont thai recourse is had to deadly weapons. Our contemporary assumes that there is a taeit :;;:re?Mnet.t on the part of the .Courts and juries to let go srott-free every white man who assaults a negro and to punish every negro who assaults a while man. At the last term of the N Court for this County a negro who was indicted for an assault committed against ft white man was acquitted hy a jury composed wholly of while men. The evidence was strong against him hut the <N 'jury gave him the benefit of tin; douht. At every term of our Court negroes nre .defended for every grade of offense by able counsel, without reward or the hope of reward. We shall alwavs nrnmnflv tnin <v?r? V - I 1*-v J" ' t,,v Prow find lit inner in the denunciation of unprovoked and wilfull murder, but wo shall judge each ease upon its particular state of facts. ^ To thin charge of murder, to which a people who have ever Wen bravo, generous and kind, are brought to answer at the bar ?>f the public opinion of the whole country, we enter an earnest plea Ol" "not guilty." INAUGURATION. <iov. Thompson and lit.-Ciov. Shoppard wore inaugurated for thoir second, term in the presence of the General Assembly and the Supreme Court, and the ludges of the Circuit and U.S. Courts, and many visitors on last Thursday. Gov. Thompson has made a wise, conservative and faithful Chief Executive, ami in entering for the second time npnn the duties of oflicc to which he was eler.tod without solicitation or desire on his part, he has the pleasant knowledge that he possesses the love and conliflenco of the people. Ijf.-Oov. fthoppard presides over the Senate with the panic skill and dignity that distinguished him us Speaker of fhe House. Wg are indebted to Col. Aiken for copies of the <Jongre#aioiutl Hecord. ??mmmamrr^mmim. mw ? ?.?? Til 10 MIlilTIA. The present legislature is nn exception to ils predecessors in its pnlicv ? ??* iienuriousness to the militia. Kverv sensible mail mils' know that our emergency ami need of nn armed force will com<! suddenly ninl without warning, il it comes at all, anil that in tlint enierjrcncy tin- v<11 hi* of i veil a small ilrilluil ami ' ?! 11i|>(>; I force accustomed to ohey, t<? stem tin? tide of riot or disoroer till the posse of County ran be raised, is very great.. And we know whereof we speak when we say that the hiinlen of expense of keeping up militia organizations is no lip.lit one to the members thereof. Nevertheless, if or Legislators think there is no need of such organizations then let them abolish the whole mili- : tary branch of the State government, ami have done with the farce of trying 1 to keep up ;i militia without ?id from the State. I KI)IT< ?H1 A Ij XOTRS. "It. 1?. II." writing ti? tlic JfC'iiuin ] from Columbia bew.-.ils tlio fact that there is a big hole in the ceiling of the linll of the House of Kepresentatives, right over his seat, through which "the blue <1?hiio of heaven" is visible, a:ul the rain falls. And intimates that the State ought to finish the State House as it has money to upend on big Universities and Canals. We a^ree with h;tu that the State House ought to be finished, and as he is himself a Legislator let him take the matter in hand, and with his energy and influence carry to completion that which has long been only talked about. This would be belter than simply "watching Tom." Tiik Pldgelield Arfrcrfisr.r with its . last number entered on its j'm'fJ-ninth , year. Si net' wo first wore taught to road wi' have road tho A fircvlisr.r, and wo hope to continue that pleasure fi>r many years. It is unique and has a style os- < sentially its own. It has Hourly completed an existence of lifty years. We may live another half century A qvkntios' ?rosc in the Legislature the other day over the costs of Attorneys i ii References before Masters. Some lawyers who lore cheap notoriety at the expense of others wanted to cut them down, whereupon Col. Simontou moved to take from Attorneys all costs ' in proceedings before Master's. Served them right ! Tiik )>i 11 to appoint stenographers in ill tho Circuits was defeated in the Son ate, but came up sixain yesterday. Surely tin; opiuiun of the lawyers ami .F udges ouglit to control iu this matter and they all urge the importance ami economy of these oHirers. PltKSI DKNT- KI.I'.t'T f'l.KVKI.ASO S1VS he is not now engaged in Cabinet-making, lie had better l>e making up his mind. The applicant:; will be "as thiek as leaves that strew the brooks in Vnlambrosa." Tub South Carolina delegation it; Congress assigned to Col. Aiken, as seni >r member, the sad duty of presenting to Congress the fact of the death of Col. J. II. Kvins. ijfcx;isi,.vnvrc vkochkimxcs. House of Kepreseutntives. Coi.i miiia, I)eeembor. f? ?The Columbia Female College students, who had come to witness ihc inauguration ceremonies and who occupied the gallery, were present and were evidently interested in the remarks of Mr. Farrow. Like the traditional gods of the thea jinllery, these goddesses of the legislative gallery were the most appreciative element of Mr. Farrow's audience. The hill, said Mr. Farrow, wis meant for the protection of the character of women. The law degrades the I institution of marriage when it stoops to | weigh the da.'itiges which she lias sustained l?y the failure of a man to carry out his promise to marry her. The violation of any such promise was no damage to a virtuous woman. [Sensation among the goddesses.] A woman who I was so treated bj- a man was rather to (lie congratulated upon her escape from an unworthy partner, ind the taking of | the case into Court had a demoralizing j tendency. There was more in this bill, continued Mr. Farrow, than was apparent and while he bowed to the wisdom | of the judiciary committee who had reported it adversely, he trusted that the ! House would consent to its continuance 1 until the next session. Coi.i'm hi a, Decern hor (!.?To amend the charter of the town of Due West; to amend the General Statutes in rein- 1 tion to drawing and empaneling juries ; to extend the time for filing past due school claims. To incorporate the (Jreenwood, Abbe- ' ville and Klberton Railroad Company ; to limit the ai?o of persons attending the public schools to sixteen years. Bills to amend the.General Statutes in relation to costs in equity causes, and to give livery stable keepers a lien on stock as security for their feed, were rejected. Cpun taking up for consideration bills on the calendar, the lawyers crossed r? v* ui um ill u uun uvur lllfj 11TSI one?heiifg a liill to permit a creditor to attack a fraudulent deed of his debtor without firstobtaining juilgm*nt against him. After some amendments, a motion was made to strike out the enacting clause. Messrs. Haskell, Kimonton, A. \j. Yoinnans, Thompson and Drown favored, ami Messrs. Ilrawley. Ansel, Scudday, MeCrady and L. F. Vomnans opposed the hill. It was killed by an ( overwhelming vote. Coi.iM.itiA, l)oceinber 0.?Rill to limit ( attorneys' costs ih cases 01 reierence. , This is the hill which the lawyers of the House discussed some days ago and , which whs finally passed in such a shape ns to provide that no f*.?s shall herenfter i he allowed attorneys in references before Masters or 1'eferees. 11 is needless to say thai it will be killed in the Senate. AKNATK. Columbia. December G.?The follow- * ing liill was passed : To aiueud an Act i . jl.h?pilii mmi i ii i n u i . if . i? ! ! . ntit'ed "An Arl to alter nod aTn<M?d tin* shartorof tho t?wn of (?t oon wood," n, roved March 13, lH7i5. Coi.umiiia, December 9.?Ily Senator tfoody?Tn regulate the granting of li enses for tho sale of intoxicating liquors vitliin incorporate cities and towns. 1'his I>iIi vests tho power to grant lirons.'s in the County Commissioners of . ho County in which tho municipality is :ituntod, and tho sums arising from tho icensos are to be paid into tho County roasury for the use of the County. Xo icenso fee shall lie less I -Y'itH). No ipplicatiou for a license shall bo considered unless it is endorsed with tho ap- ' irovai of tho municipal authorities of he city or town in which it is desired o sell liquor. The l?i!l is to apply only Lo municipalities whore liquor is now al- * lowed to bo sold. Hy Senator Moore, of Andetson?To inthori/.e the City Council of Anderson to issue honds in aid of an additional suosuripiion u> 1110 rtavannali \ alley Uailru.ul, to validate the city crdinanee ind election autlioi i'/.in * ili? s.iiiii , and lo authorize n consolidation of tin? bonds vvitl? a former issue for the same purpose. ADVICK TO MOTi!K?S. Are you disturbed at night and broken o* your rest by a sick child siiHVring and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and jr?*t a bottle of M its. WtNsi.ow's Komtiiinu Syui.t roit Ciui,i>?kn Tkktimn'i:. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sutl'crer immediately. Depend upon it. mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarriura. regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, ivduc.-s inflammation, and jrivestone and energy to the whole system." Me-. Winsi.hw's Sootiiim; S.v::i j* nut flu:.. i:i;x Tkkthinu is pleasant t?. the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the I'niled States, and is for sale l>y alii, druggists throughout the world, i'riec | - > cents ft hottlu. 5-ay DOX'T FOUC F.T. wo lrivo .1 modern swift running power press. iicw type, ruled and blank paper, envelopes and cards?so bring in your printing. Hawson lias the largest. mot c>uup'.< f, enormous, ii;iz/.lin;_r, varh.-gated stuck of Christmas Clouds tlirvl over caiiH* under tlx* optical inspection of man woman or I chil 1, a perfect entertainment. Tho Mksskxuku office is supplied with 1 Hill Heads, Heller Heads, Note Heads, | Envelopes, cards. e;c., and is pre* ?>?i j to do nn3r hind of doll 1'lil N"l i .\'<i. Buy your Tobacco and Cigars from us. i Tho bust '11 ,j and 5 cents Cigars in this | market. Speed & l.owrv. Christmas Cards! Christmas Curds ! ' at Speed ?& Howry's. Window Class! Window Cilass!! at! Speed ?fc Howry's. I5uy your Cigars and Tobacco from i Speed it I,owry. Cull on Thomas MeC ettigan to ?r?? j pure old.goods. j Refreshments nl Haili-v's. A variety of Fancy and Toilet goods at Speed ?Xr Lowry's. Icod Tea nl lJailfy's. Milk I'liiichen at Bailey's. (!o to I.awson's for Christ mas goods. I I NOTUK. The pnr.diasers of tin: (.aureus hands will lake notice that I will In.- in Alihoville on Thursday, 11th December inst.. at the ollice of Messrs. lVrrin it Ootli- I ran. Attorneys, to perfect ;he purchases made on Salrdiiy last. tllus. M. 11 anlkki., Master ( h.:rk?ston l)ej :i-;f QUKF.NWOOl) HOTKI., Titos. F. I'ii.icy. Proprietor, Croon wood, S. 0 Dinner house of the A. it K? road. Passengers on the down train of the (.'. iSs C., road, going Kast, have ample time to secure a good dinner before the departure of the train for Augusta. j ransieiu nosnt per ilav. A liberal discount from above rates to parties wanting board by the week or month. l&iSf"I.<ivcry, Feed and Sale Stnblcs connectcd with this hotel. /"<K XT 11.\ L HOT KL, 1J Mi:s. M. \V. Thomas, Proprietress. Hroail street, Augusta, On. I,. \V. I'KIUIIK. T. 1\ ItOTHIIAN. pKKUIN Si tOTllRAX, j Attorneys at Law, a i.i :ii.. o 1*> ui?f \ I i Iu n. 1 0. H. U. Piaos | Organs: TIIK BUST IN TilK WOULD. Tlio grout Artists of tho world acknowledge the Superiority of the Pianos i and Organs sold by ! C. O. ROBINSON & CO. : I'hpy uro selocted from Ten of the best 1 makers, anil are so much superior to others at prici'H so much less that purchasers save from S 1 O TO = -S 1 O O By visiting or writing to C. O. ROBINSON & CO. 1 E. I. O. M. Ij. P. Q. S O. IM'551NSMX iV CO. />"*/ 'V(!.';////.v ait tl .varc ton a/ to a cay j/nr- "hn^-c.r. Sill T.T the 1n'i>st public;!Lions, music books of every description Lhr West Italian honjs. Thi! Intvst un?l most popular Suniln> l>ook, 1 " Love and Praise." J I.iiwimI j>riccn nt OKI), 0. ROBINSON A- CO.'S, SHI liroHd *t., Anjxurftu, Ou m Cobblers and TodduM at lUiluy'i. ? ' . mP? mm m K ' i" I 1 ? 'ST'C^UZ^l^S 2 ! FOR LADILZS ONLY. I fi/tV i'ii liy Mi-* l>cst i'hysicinux mill Drmrj'isis ill its liorce. J RJCM ! '. I> )' t1,al Mi.*:. \V. ?> veil, Woodwiilcr, Ala., says raise! !ii,< vvif>- from ? invalid's bed. nnd lie Lk 1. e vc. ? < < 1/ In r 1 if> I RKM/;'It }' 11I" w Iiii-li .1 prominent Atlanta merchant soiil : "I wuld 'mvc j;irrii us sunn as I would a nickle for what two lint tics of your medicine diil f..r my daughter." 4 RnMHI>y\n I't'jtiird touhieh, J. ("asMidi's M. I)., Dru;:?;i.-t Tiioma.svillc, <?a., savs: "I can recall instances iu which it ajfvrtlfl if I iff <iJU 1 11/i ll<f tinual reinei/it* IikIiI f'llihll. I R K .1/ k'l>}' about which Dr. It. II. Ferrcll. [iiilirniiifk', (!a.. urilcs: '*1 have iiscd for llic last JO years I he niedicilic you arc putlilij; up and can .tiler it tin: hest cmuliination i;vrr pit'cii together I'.ir '.he disease for wliie't it i> rccoiiiilicltilcd. I ///.'.tf/i'/'J aliout which Dr..loci Uranham. Atlanta, said : "J burr ?Jii mi in </ thr ivri/tc, ami have no hesitation in advisiui; its use. and confidently recommend it." .1 /.'k'Jf/ .'!>}' which thv Kcv. II. l>..lohnsnn, near Marietta, (la., says he has used iu his family with the * utmost satisfaction" who found it lo l>c just what it is recommended. I HEM El) )' (if which IViubi'i'tim, Ivor.son V Dcnnism .say : "Wo have btcn selling it for many years, with constantly inoreasinji sales. Tin- r.rticle is ? staple .vitb us, and "lie of ?/?* >/??/? vu rit." ,1 HEMKIf Y <?l* which S.amar. K.iukin & Lamar say: "Wo sold 60 jrross in four months, and never sold it in ar.y place but what it was wanted ajrain."' .1 HEMEl>) by which Dr. llanjih. of I.a(.ir.iajje, (Ja., savs: "I cured one of tinmost obstinate cases of Vic.vkuh's Mi:nsritf ation that ever cann: within my knowledge, with a low bottles." .t HI. MED J'of w hich Dr. .1. ('. Muss. Notasnljra. Ala., savs : "I am fully convinced that it is unrivaled for that class of diseases which it claims to euro." .1 H EME l> Y about which M.ij. .!ohn 0, Whitiior. of Atlanta, well and favorably known all over the I'nitod States as a (irncral Insurance Ajront, says : "1 used thi? remedy before the war, on a pluntation on a irroat number of eases, tihcuyt trit/i ??/ ??</?/? i. .1 liEMEbY about which Mr. J. . fMranjro. (i! Carter.sville, (5a., certifies that one bnttlu cured two members of liis family of menstrual irregularity of many yours standing. This (ircat Rptiicdy Ik Hkahfiki.u's Kkmai.k l?k?;ri.atoit Send for treatise 011 the Health and Happiness of Woman, mailed free. Itraritield llejrulator Co., lln.x 23, Atl'ta, Gu Tit i". Swift SfKciKic Co.. Drawer Atlanta, (in., 150 \V. 'J'itl St., X. V., and 1205 Chcsnut St., I'liila. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral.' Ko othor complaints are so insidious in tholr attack as thoso affecting tho throat and lungs: none so trifled with by tho majority of sufferers. Tho ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious exposure, Is often but tho begluniug of a fatal sickness. Ayer'b Cherry Pectoral haa well proven its efficacy in a forty yoars* fight with throat and lung diseases, and should bo taken In all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cared. " In 18571 took a severe cold, which affected my lungs. I had a torriblo cough.aud passed eight after night without sleep. The doctors gavo mo up. i tried Ayer'b Cherry Pbctoral, which relieved my luugs, induccd sleep, and afforded mo the rest necessary for tho recovery of my strength. By tho continued uso of tho Pectoral a permanent euro was effected. I am now 62 yeara old, halo aiul hearty, and am satisfied your Cherry P^cSmrat. saved me. ' * Horace Fairdbotiibb." Rockingham, Yt., July IS, 1882. Cronp. ? A Mother's Tribute. " Wlillo In the couutry last winter my Httla boy, threo years ol?l, was tftkcn 111 with croup; it seemed as if ho would dlo from strangulation. Ono of tbo family suggested tbo use of Ayer'b Cheiirv Pectohal, a bottle of wliich was always kept in the liouse. This was tried in email and frequent doses, and to our delight in less tlian half an hour tbo llttlo patient was breathing easily. The doetor said that the Ciinuitv Pectoral bad paved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude ? Sincerely yours, At its. Emma Qeditey.'* 150 West 128th St., New York, May 1G, 1882. " I havo nsed Ayer'b Cherry Pectoral in my family for soveral years, and do not besitato to pronounce it tho most effectual remedy for coughs aud colds we bavo ever tried. A. J. crane." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13,1882. *' I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no success, i was cured by tno use of AVer's Cukr> by Pectoral. Josepii Walden.'* Byh&lia, Miss., April 5, 1882. " I cannot say enough in praise of Aykr'8 Cherry Pectoral, believing as 1 do that but for its uso 1 should long since have died from lung troubles. E. UUAOiKjjf." Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No caso of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot bo greatly relieved by the uso of Ayer'b Cherry Pectoral, and it will always cure when the disease la not alroady beyond the control of medicine* prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Application For Charter. NOTICE is hereby fr'voti thnt applicatioi will be made to the Qenural Assembh ill its next session, for a charter for a Railroad, from (ireenwood, Abbeville County, l< Abbeville Court House, South Carolina, will power to extend same, West from AbbevilK >r Kast from Greenwood, as may be determined by the corporators. Sep li-8in. ? ^ M. AIKKX, Cokcsbury P. O., S. 6'., s duly authorized and licensed for Abbeville ;ounty to write risks on l)\volling<iand l^urnllure, UaniN, Stables and Contents, (including live stock ) Stores, Warehouses and Stocks Therein, Churches, Mills and Cotton (baled,) 11 the /.irerfiool anJ London and Glohr Insurance Co. against loss or damage by FIHB; u the Jtochr*ter licrtiuni Insurance Co. igainst loss or damage by FIRK and LIGHTNING. Kates low; companies solvent; no litigaion. For particulars, address as above, a j 113?4 gXGIIANGE HOTEL, CiltllKNVII.I.K. R. C. ME ONLY TWO-CLASS HOTEL IN THE WORLD. W. It. White. Piioprietok. C. WILLIAMS, Suhoron Dentist, Groenwood, S.C., pUQKXE B.(JARY, Attorney and Counsellor at Low, Abbeville, S. C. Try our So. 6 Ciprar. Satisfaction guaranteed. Spood & Lowry. "... . , >:,V > 'T. , v'r . - : f f?? ? i? '?r ENDORSED BY p BETTER AND SCIENTISTS AS CHEAPER THA, PRACTICALLY ANY Indestructible 1 STONE. Over COO fejjiili 1 Send foi Beautiful 'WeIm iBilprloe L,8t Designs* c,rou,ar ?- ? V_^J MANUFACTURED BY MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY, BBIBOBPOBT. OONN. , T. L. X.iv. 'Ji>, 1SHI.-- 1 yr. FUHIlfUIS, PAU'.fMI s in !*lit- li nti-l >!..'i:iii \\ CIkiiii'uiT Suns, latest slvlci ilii'c! >i!Si> I'.tiiili-il Suits, ! I'm-.' . K'n Wutnu! Siilo ltnai-il< ami ('li;!l.'iiii"s. Kin W.ilnui. W ;i:ilriil'i-s unit lliil! Situ.*!*. ! '.< 1 (Jlicl tv ainl (>:ik ruin, W', (J.i!. ,.!u: Scat t'i.uirs, l.ihrarv t'li.-irs. licit l!imi vjliuirs, t>iiiin;; anil oliiiM'Cti.iir ? in'tlsol I'ctTur.ttctl <'liair Sea* :iii:| Hick. ;iU? IVii'n raifil Scats t'i>r rc->catnm <>l?i cliniis. -10 Itii ill |?ri?v? from I > $20 villi ?j.'i?i !ilii-.-\-s. !t'iiSM's l.??oki:i;." ( I I'liiifs In rc-till ol.I Irauu-s, nil hi-si iju.'liti SulVs, Titlik'S anil .Mjillri's.ips ill' wcrv <l? ' crijilioii mill I'r'iii-*, HOLD AT UO'i'YOl khjii'.KS. oru goods auk notour nnu:n l.Y KK0M MAM'I'ACTI UIIIIS a;.<l i ' prices ;i'v as low as city priccs ami all jrmit soiil just a.s lin y all-. iiji<>n llit-ir merits. Wo run make your houses inon* comfort) bio, inure iMijn\able am! lovely it y<m ivi . call mi ns fur wlui' y?n all need. llrspcci fully, i J. B. CHALMERS & CC i-tf. mas ? A<i KNT FOK? I msp ? WW W ViT n ipa w IMAUHIBIKKI aurkvillk, s. c. I AM liHti'r prepared than eror before 1 oiFcr t? fanners and others needing llie Steam Engines COTTON GINS, Cotton Presses, Saw Mills fiiu T MII.I.S," CAXK MIM.K, Portable and Station ary Flouring Mills, ami all kind* of improved Agricultural In (dements. Also a full and complete stock' Groceries & Provisions IT, I * IT. CO X V HOT I o X K H Y. l'l(iAKS, TOBACCO, Er< ;it exceedingly low prices for cash. l'rit iny <iroceries before you buy. I have eight years' experience in the in: ehiner.v trade and can oiler you inducement both in quality, price and terms. Call < me or write for any infoi niation as to price terms, Av. 1-tf K.emova.1. flnarMTlBia: IIAVK REMOVED TO THK ' New Store on the Corne: ) i under the new hotel. When you camu I town call in to see them. Sept.30,'84. QUARLES k THOMAS. The Place to get What You Wan THOS. ffl. CHRISTIAN HAVING bought the interest of Mr. JOH WILSON in the business formerl conducted by tl'.em jointly, will keep,alway in store a complete stock of Fancy Groceries, CANNED GOOD! ? AN1>? CONFE.CTIONE.UIE.S of all kinds. The Best and Cheapas Cigars and Tobacco, THE FINEST WINES and LIQUOll! SWEET MASII CORN WHISKEY for in dicinal purposes, specialty. Also choic LIQUORS of any kind for medicinal purpose! Giro him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. All persons indebted to tliu linn of Cliriti tian ? Wilson innst make immediate par mcnt. TH08. M. CHRISTIAN, 1-flm Abbeville, S. C. W. C. rEXET, J AS. H. BICE. I.. W. HMITN Abbeville. Ninety-Six, Abbeville JJF-NET, RICE & 8MIT1I, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all the Courts of th< State, and give prompt attention to al legal bunincHD entrusted to them. ' " ' ' "* ? ' ' ' - w. >- Ti .ff'v ' m 11 Ml? ; ,j;> ' Mm ?i Mm M ON KXIIIU1TMIK IIND KOIl *AI.K IIV ? ("lAIiIi mm sec ?>?r Large anil Ifaixlsoiuo lim? of Christmas ('ai ds The designs arc the most artistic cvor odVivd iti this market. See our liaixlsoiuu slook of WOUlv I'OXKS, botli l'ht>h ami Leather? Also M CSIC AND WORK ItOXKS COM HI XKI). I Toilet C;'s sf l.ndii s ami ( cut s Dipssinp rast's. 1 A beautiful lino c.f l'l'OTOCHAI'lt KKAMF.S, .1 K\VI!I.'.IV STANDS, Cunl ami Hoi,not Holders, ( I T CI,ASS TOII.KT HOTTI.KS, I i SCKM* ItDMKS, COMBS, Vnnry I'npcr, and Various (Hlio ?^HollMay -? usually ki-pl in a first-class I>rnjf flton*. Diamond Dyes! Biai^or^I Dyes!i ? ; c Our stock of I>i:tin<>11 it Dvivi i.-> full and most any colors desired he furnished, on'e 10c " a l'aekajTi-. r. Tin- tic in it ml for S A (' 111". T I'O W I)K It It as induced n- I c> make an order, ? liieli ?ill sirrirc ill i- a few davs. Ciive us a call before pnreliasinjr cNewiierc Vou will not reirret it. I SPEED &JLOWEY. ___ ' INow is Hi? Tins to Buy Your SANTA CLAUS anil CHRISTMAS i. _ ssaaa? w E I avc n lar^'j".-{'ick of Fancy (.iooda than wcovur hud before. We have tlit- largest ? so.-tm -nt of (liicst Ciijm, iti the up-countrv, in Kretieh, German and 1 Divstlcu f'hiui'., urn! .laitanc.*.- ?iiiv We have Vanes in ail color* ;iiul de ii}rns, and are (he latest shapes. Wr have most every thinjr else in line China and (Ha-iswarc. such as St iMictte*. Flower 1 Stands. Mioses tete a tele Sets. Liquor Sets, Match lloxe*, l'itchers. Jewelry s'..inds, Mim1 tucliu Cutis. Violi-i Sl:nut< <i < _ - . . ^ ? ....... hi ail Kiiul-t, iVc. We linvo iijso just received a nice assortment of (JOLI) I'KNS AND l'KNCII.S. DOLLS, LOLLS, LOLLS. Otir assortment of Dulls is larger and Mtur lliis yesv than over before. We have from the cheapest China Doll to the very tincst Wax Dull. cs^s.\.:msrs>?^0 We are orer-.;tocked in CIIKISTMAS CAUDS, and will soil them cheap. b I Wc have a pood s'ock ot' "9 >/f f*T G .Mich a-> ilnrlv hound copies of 111* Pouts, * Novels. Juveniles Ac. .? >\ /V / 1VO, Wo a'.a > have a very larpo >t ick of l'hotoprapii au.l AuSo^r.iuii -Aliitinn a:i.l Scrap lli'<:;#, which we are sell in jr very cheap. We have FIRF.WORKS of all kind*. Fire Crackers 5 cent.'a pack. . TOYS, TOYS. TOYS. \ Wo have an immenso stock of Toys, most every kind made. Come and sec them. Coiue early before our poods arc piekud over. H. W. LAWSON & 00. = W. I. D E L P H, WIlOLKSALK AND HK'J'AIL DKALEK IN ; Cilii Stoves, Mm stoies, ,11 EZ3 ' 1 GRATES AND TINWARE. ? [t j Buy the " Excelsior Cook Stove 1" SEVENTEEN different sixes in stock. Ilentinir Stoves in great vnriolv for wood and coal. Large quantities of TINWAKK. Very low at wholesale. c W. I. DELPH, 2-3m 831 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. ssrrwiis 9 if \ rrv iv cn'Auw > 11 d\ \ Ij 1*^ o I V/IVJi v s milkih laho:-: and well selected stock of a Fall and Winter Goods. \ < ntfp.' consisting in part of t s Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, O C motions, HATS. HATS, HATS, - 1JOOTS AN1) SHOES, '? IIART)WARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, G ROC Kit IRS, OROCKRIKS, OROCKUH'S, CROCKKRY, CROCKKRY, CROCKKRY, R 1 .'.t Lower l'riccs than thej worn Ever Offered Before. 1 tf '/