The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, November 26, 1884, Image 2

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1' 1 Tlie Abbeville Messenger M. L. TIOKHAM, T- P. COT 11 It A X, ^ Ki,,t""s an,> J AS. S. 1'KKKIN, ) ProikiktukhWKOXESDAV, XOVKMItCU 20, 1884.. Ill J A INKS SIMOKCH. Upon our first page will he found n spoecli delivered by Mr. Hlaine a', his hotn<> one nijxht last week. We liavo heard it said that Mr. l.laine is a man of genial ami warm ami magnetic temperament, hut we fail to lind in the aforesaid harangue, any evidence of the qualities enumerated. It. is the r?tl f nmi ri in* r>P n linnrl. en v.i'lmfr.wl willi venom ami mortification and hatred. Poormnn ! l'or yaars liis solo ambition has boon the Presidency. l'or this he hns plotted and schemed and toiled r.tid .maneuvered and at hist when his hand was almost upon the coveted prize it eluded his grasp. And in his rage and disappointment he indulges in ahusc and slander, and vindictiv<>nor.s. The whole burden of this remarkable diateibu is "The Solid South." It is as gall and wormwood to Mr. I.lnine that the Solid South has given 1 ~>.'i of the.' Electoral votes that elected Cleveland. It is a bitter consciousness to him that tlio Solid South has that number of rotes bccouse of the negro population in its midst. Is it not pertinent to enquire of Mr. lMaiuc who gave the frnnehise to the negro. Verily this pot measure of the Republicans of the reconstruction era l:ns proved to he a boomerang that has flown buck to strike the head of those who threw it. The measure conceived and adopted in order lo give perpetual control of the South to the Republican part v, has been the m-ans of defeating that party, and Mr. Klainc is smarting under this knowledge. Altogether this speech is undignified, unmanly and untruthful. As a defeated candidate it would have become Mr. Hlame to keep silence. H I1A L U AM Jill'j ISSUli V The /'ress (hid Itanncr takes issite with Governor^ Thompson upon his statement to the Xewx <iti<I Courier interviewer ''that the demand for reform and honesty in tho administration of the government has come from the people in unmistakoblo language.*' Our neighbor does not think that the vote was cast in this election on any such issue. Now it seems to us that Governor Thompson was eminently correct. Had it not been for the Independent Republican role of Xew York and l'rooklyn, Cleveland must have been inevitably defeated. Tho want of faith and the chicanery of the Democracy of New York .city put us in iminent dancer from which the votes of the Independent* alune saved us. And this Independent vote was composed of men who refused to support tiieir party nominee her a use of his .own corrupt record, and the corruption of others at which he connived. On the other hand the paramount argument in favor of the nomination of Mr. Cleveland w as his reputation for ollicial integrity and purity and honesty. I *i vain Mi .laine sought to divert attention from this burning question of '"honesty in the administration of the government." The honest Independents of New York and Brooklyn, of Connoeti.? itl, of Boston and elsewhere, kept it always oefore the country and made it the i'sne of the campaign. \Ye see nothing "funny" in Uovernor Thompson's words hut agree with him fully in what he says. "v MOW .11 OIC IAIj CI1UHTH. Th?*re will come up before the present session of the Ceneral Assembly, in .some shape or other, a bill to organize two new Judiciary Circuits in this S!ate. I?'o;* years there lias b^en a constant cry that the present arrangement of our judicial system is wholly inadequate to the demunds of the business. This bill is intended to meet this demand, In all probability it will provide for the formation of two new Oireuits. \Ye do not doubt that the blatant cry will be raised of the creation of new and unnecessary ofiices. IJut anv lawver who has any practice knows that this is not true. Many a litigant in this cunity lias had the adjudication of his rights so long postponed l?y the "law's slow delay." tliat when at length the relief rann\ it was more costly than it was worth. There is a case now pending in the Court of Common Pleas for this county, in which a cloud of witnesses on both sides haves been kept in attendance on term after term of the court and the case has not yet come to trial. At the October term of court for Ahhoville I he Sessions business consumed more than half the time of the court, leaving scarcely three days for the hearing of nil the civil cases ou the dockets. We are of opinion that the plan proposed will meet our wants better than any other. It will not necessitate a complete reformation of the judicial arrangements ; but leaving the Trial Justice Kl'Sttl'lil !K it ie ilivwl/* ~ C il. - ..j .... .w mi* iuv un; miMiin UI till? higher courts ninong more Judges. All are ngn'ed upon the necessity of change ami the one proposed, we think will commend itself to the country upon the scores of elliciency and oconomy. Railroad Commissioner Dunham in- ( spected the (Jreenwood, Laurens & ( Spartanburg Railroad from C'oronaca to ( Waterloo last week. Ami that line is now open for freight and passenger traffic to Waterloo. Track laying progress- I csand is now said to be within two and j a half miles of Laurens. u j'fyv J ' ' ' ' Vv mk. ni;.\Kirs iiirrnoic. > We have givoji ulace to 'lie communication of \V. 1\. Itlake, Ks<|., though we think it ou?ht to have been sent to the /'rc.'s uthl /{(tiitit'f as it purports to he in reply to that paper's article of last week in regard to the subject matter of tlie present communication. We ihink Mr. Illake is laboring under a mistake in supposing that the word "immediately" in the section of the Statute which he quotes, is intended to he of force in the f;?ce of ;m appeal by one convicted, 'i hat mandate docs not override the right of appeal. It was the opinion of theeonrt that the appeal stayed the execution of the sentence and we think this is right. For suppose Squire Tarrant had hcen put out of his oftice "immediately" and upon the hearing of his appeal the verdict wherehy ho was convicted had been set aside, what redress would he then have for hi? disposession ? We are sure that no one of the officers of the Court, or the Court itsrjf has any other interest in this matter than to carry out the law, and any suspicion of any other motive is injustice to worthy and ellicient olliccrs. ^ t KurroitiAii XOTMS. County Chairman "lionet lias issued an address to the Democracy of the County, in which among other things he advises our people to he magnanimous in their hour of victory, lie says : "Let us show (he negro at once that the Southern while man has no desire to ahuso the power which a Hetnocratie victory has given him.'-" We are sure these wise ami kind words will he heeded. We do not think there is the slightest disposition on ihe part of our people to impose upon the negro, or to restrict him in the enjoyment of any of his rights hecaust of the election of a i I Jpiiinrrnl ii? IVi?;5ilr>nl ? .? l.m-.i ! soon no evidence nor hoard any intimation of alarm cn the part of the negroes. They arc pursuing llioir various avocations with their usual contentment, and enjoyment of tho happiness of the hour, and are giving thoinselvos no trouhle over the solution of political problems. Much of this excitement prevailing on this subject has hoen caused hy designing politicians, and will wear away as time demonstrates that those other words of Mr. lionet's admirable address arc true ?"That the election of Cleveland means political peace and perfect peace between the white man and tin; black." Mr. lionet pays a deserved tribute to the Democracy of this county?And he surely deserves at the hands of that party the hearty and truthful plaudit : ?.\v..ll ,1...... ?i.~ > ii v< 11 \4 \j 11 v> iiivii jjuvvi aiiu iiil ill > U( .>U1 " I viint. Con. .Toll 11 Urntton has been nominated for Congress to fill the unexpired term in Congress of Hon. ?J. I!. Kvans. Sun ly no l?ett? r choice could have been made. (Jonerr.l ftratton has never been nn ollice-sjeker. An appreciative constitnency has time and again demanded of hiin to (ill important positions of trust, and h 'has always filled them wdl ?and he will do his duty well in Congress. There is not a stronger, more powerful, dignified and deserving man in the State than (ieiuval Urattoi). The Newberry papers state that work in their Factory will soon begin. Newberry is far ahead of any town of its si/.e in the up-country. It has a factory. fi bank, two lirst-cHss hotels, a <-i?l and opera house?and many of the very (inosl business bouses, lis trade is immense ; its citizens are prosperous and enterprising; and withal, warm-heartvd and kind. We have pleasant recollections oi' the year we lived amongst thorn. The Kdgolield Mntiito)' has resumed its visits to our oftice after a long absence. It comes on its eighth birthday to receive our congratulations and good wishes for its continued prosperity and happiness. Aside from its local inter >.\si lm us, we enjoy ine origin humor ol its able editor. The Lexington Dispatch has begun its XV. Volume?as it says, with a large circulation and in a more prosperous condition than ever. We are glad to hoar this good news of our neighbor, and hope that its condition will always he the same. Our friend R. !1. (Ireneker, ?lr., has Ikmmi forced t*? retire lor an indefinite time from work on the No wherry II ?)'iiM-Ncim. We regret that any misfortune has come to him. lie is true and loyal and deserves the host fate that can come to such men. A State liar Association will he formed in Columbia during this or next week Such an Association has long I men needed. Mr. lionet has been instrumental in getting this desirable matter well under way. Tlx.? irnu .. n 1.1 ?. - . .... v > it i nuuij nuiMif; f 11 ~ m dorsement given to Capt. Loparo .J. Walker by the business men of Charleston, for Collector of the Port, lie is a true, brave and capable man. Mr. A M. Boozer has been re-appointed Clerk of the Supreme Court. Mr. .7. S. Reynolds and Capt. Isaac. Means, of Fairfield, were also applicants for the place. Benj. K. Terry, was convicted at fireeiiville, S. C., of Manslaughter, after an absence of fifteen years, lie returni-d voluntarily to stand his trial. Hon. Win. It. Sheffield, of lihodc Island, has been appoitod to fill Senator | \nthony\s unexpired term in the Sen- ' ite. .? .-V ' 'i i?.i ls-^itTWiTir w <v>'> a?wii u Petitions in 1 ?? lx:*If <?(" (!ol. Orr and 'Nf:ij. Hart lor Cnited States district Attorney wctc circulated here on Monday. i Col. .T. (i. (iihhes and Maj. 1>. l'\ * Itradley are spoken of for Collector of Internal Revenue. The official count ?n this State has heen completed 1?v tin.' canvassers, nnd our majority is -IS. I.'! '. ItiiptKt Slate Convention. ?>/'/// ' in;, / .] M vision, S. I'., XdVi'inlier 2(1. 1SKI.? The Annual Convention of 111 ? Baptists of South Carolina, con veiled this morning at 10 a. in., at this place. This body is a representative one, and strictly missionary in its aim. It is composed of delegates from the churches and jisso- | ciationx on the basis of one delegate for every #20 contributed for Slate Missions, j The meeting was organized by the enrollment of the delegates and tile election of 1?. \V. I0d wards, a deacon of the / Darlington. Church, as 1'resident and < Luther l'.roaddus and A. I*.. Woodruff, Secretary and assistant Secretary re- ( spectivelv. The attendance is fully up t to average of'previous years. Hut two delegates from the Abbeville Associa- ^ tion have so far, reported, \V. A. Caines and 111writer. As yet, the only visit- ^ ing brethren from a distance who have arrived, are Kev.J. Win. !ones. I>. I), of litcmnonu arm 1. 1. I lclienor, I). P., correspondinj* Secretary of the Homo Mission Hoard and \V. I. David, returned missionary from Africa. 'I'll*- session lliis morning was consmn- ' ed with the organization, the settling of preliminaries, tin- roadintr of reports on Home Missions and State Missions and I j the address of i't-v. I. T. Tichenor on the work of Hi" Home Mission Hoard. The missionaries of this Hoard v p o t more " than 1.<X*) baptisms, (.after cor:version.) in th?? past tlsivo months. an addition, in all. of nearly !?.<a^> to their churches, 1 and the organization of .' <> new ehurches. 'i'ho Hoard, employ 15! Missionaries. located principally in Florida and the far West, Dr. 'I icheuor's address I this niornini: occupied two hours and was listened to wuh masked a*.'.- ntio.i throughout. The Convention Sermon was preached this evenitr* t?> a crowded I house, by I!ev C. -\. StaKeb-y. pastor of the Citadel Square Church, of Charlesto I. Second day, November 21.?Thattention of the Con volition tliis morning was occupied i.i the consideration of the , questions of Temperance and State Mission. The former elicited a warm < and somewhat lenjjthy disetj.-sion. The < matter of momoriali/.ius? t!?l." i .1 itm-n 1 on the suhjeet of temperance legisla- ' lion, was "indefinitely postponed.*' t The State Mission Hoard reports a good i year's work. Forty-nine missionaries have been employed for the whole or a part of their time and tli<*ir salaries havi! hern paid in full or the money is ^ in hand for the purpose. This evening there was a mass meeting in t'? ? interest of Foreign Missions at which addresses were delivered hy l!cv. Charles Manly. 1*. I'., and llev. \V. .1. Pavid, returned missionary to Africa The hitter spoke for an hour and a half ami at the j conclusion of hi:> address, {illy or more l persons st-' ;.ped forward to hid him farewell. In a very short time he sails for the shores of the dark continent. Third day, November ?The report of the committee to nominate a new Hoard of Stale Missions, made 1 some *-h >:ire.; in iis membership. The salary of t'orrespojiding Secretary was lixed at -^IC'lh'), which is tiie salary allowed f?>r the year just clos d. Tli rej,. it of the committee < Furnm:i I'niv. i>it3" was maile and the inter- ' osts of that institution elicited warm * discussion Tlio CotiVfiition adjourns to-ni^ht. : and meets su-xl your in >?Yu !?cry. S. M. Ui< iiAi:i)sos. 1 Wlio Killed I'oek Koliln ? It is nothing, nftcr all, to he olcrted l'rr>siidcnt ; Thul is llit- President-elect lias notlr J iti>r to do. The papers makp n]> his Cahiijot, and suggest every lino of art inn iiccessary to ' a successful adtninist ration, so that really not a wave of trouble need roll across his peacefill hrcast. O.that wu had considered all this* inont hs njro. Who killed Cock liohiu ? "'Tw:.s 1 ' -nx - -I..I... I-:..H. Willi inv Tammany shillaiy ; "l-uns 1 that killed Cnck Uohin." Ni>! altogether satisfactory. Win) killed Cock Uohin ? 'Twas I," says I>1 inkin*_r Hen, ' |!ut I iliiln't know i( thfit ; "Twas I that killed Cock Hobiu.,' May !?i' so, hut. we'll ask again : W!i?> killed Cock Uohin? 'Twas 1," says the H-dier man "With the It Iters I didn't hum: 'Twas I that killed Cock Uohin." And then from the tomhof Cock Robin was heard a doleful vo'ce, saying : "Von think you're right, no doubt, 1'ut that clerical ra|isci>llion With 'rum, romstnisin, rehellion ;' 'Twas lie that laid ine out This settles Monitor. ADVICK TO MOTHKH8. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a nick child sutler, inc; and crying \viIli pain of nutting { teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of ??n:s. Wixsi.ow's Sooyiiixo Syui'i' roi: ('ini.iutKX Tkktiiino. Its value is incalculable. It will voliovo M??? 1 I'""" little suilerer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, therein no mistake about ] it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, re- 0 sjulates tin; stomach and bowels, cures t wind colic, softens the gums, reduces in- j (lamination, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mits. Winsj.ow's n Sootiiinu Svitri' km: Chii.iuikx 'I'kktii- \ in?: is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best c f( male nurses and physicians in the United Slates, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. 1'iioe f cents a bottle. 5-ay NOTICE TO CREDITORS. > C. 1'. Huberts, Administrator vs. I?. H. Wake- ' livltl. <>l a!, rpiir . a .r i!. , ' r \v. m. ord-.r <?t hi* ilonor Juiltfe Altlricl-, to present ' (In if i i.iims to me on or before :U :*eniher 5th, 18M, In; burred. c m. .n:ia* : y. -I!?H \.'?>ii K ?l:inu nr.itly ntul w ith ui.<|..Vel: allhis nili-'o. J C'^bbiers inoi To?Mio.< ;it Itiiib-y'n. ?.!; rcltti >t.< tr<> tl;?* Moffice _ for I'.-!! I] * \Y?iw|.iu* '.:!? : ; Winilmv : Preii I'.my; Piv??nit:tl Putty, al Spcep Sr. Luwry's. a Boat CVickmila ut iluili'vVi ' < it f r r i V*. p * . * :. i S ^ -ft, tfi ~.+ n ?"* V-T< ' riduS gj Uijj&sift TIIK I'.KST IN' 'I'll K WOltlJ). I'll.- -r.;j?t Artists of tl??? world acknowledge the Superiorit y of the Pianos ami Organs sold I?y C. O. ROSlftSGM & CO. 1'hey unj selected from Ten of the hest makers, and arc so much superior to I others at prices so miwh loss that purchasers save from S 1 O TO 35100! . . I l?y visiting or writing to C. O. ROBINSON & CO. I 10. r. O. M. L. l\ Q. S j (?. O. KOHl NNON" iV (JO. fifty tth I i'C.lilh f.s and stir a loniirif t>> ct'Ci'y />iii''/i'tstr. SIIKKT Ml'SI ", tin; latest puhlieaions, tntisii; hooks of every description h<- host Italian songs. The latest and most popular Snnda\ ichool hook, 'Love and Praise." Lowest |?rici*s ut (.!ICO. <). KOMN'SOX A CO.'S, s:tI ItiMiui -it., Augusta, (!a. Plie Place to get What You Want FHOS. 1. CHRISTIAN, l n A VINO the interest ol'Mr. JOHN t WILSON in tin' business formerly! >>mlnotit?l l?_v tin-in jointly. will keep ;:ilways n store a complete stock of Fancy Groceries, CANNED GOODS ? ANP? DONF1&CTlON?AUViS \ of ;\1J kinds. Fho Rest and Cheapest Cigars and Tobacco. nil-: riXKsT WINKS ami uni ons SWKKT MASH CORN WHISKKY fur me licimil purposes. s ji|n'fi.illy. Also choice Mtjl*()ltS of nnv kind fur nt?*<iicin:iI purposes. itvliim a (Mil. Satisfaction jinarantecd. AH persons indehtid to the linn of I'lnisi:tn ?V Wilson :nu>( make iinnieiliate pityncr.t. TIJOS. M. CHRISTIAN', I -Sin Al?l?eville, S. V.. ,V. C. nKNKT, ,1A S. ||. !!( >:. I.. \V. SMITH, Abbeville;. N iiK'ty-Si.\, Abbeville, | )KNKT. P.K'K k SMITH, Attorneys at Law. Will pra.-tice in :i!l tl??- Courts of tin; ^lati', ami jrive prompt ntt- ntion to :ill egal business entrusted to them. A M. AlKKN*, < nt-as/iirn/ ./?. ().. S. C., < dulv authorized and licensed for Abbeville oiinty to write ri.^ks on [>\v<?ititi{ > siml t-*nriilt nee, IlaVns, Stahies suit! iiiiiiciiii (it .'in. i;.-? stork) Slows, Warrimiisi'S :iml Storks TlK.'irin, Cliitrchos, Mills uii(l < 'ot t on { l).iIfil, ) II tlie /,?*? i ji'ntl ttttJ. n,i,l Qlohi 11|turancc Co. against lo.-sor damage hy Klltfc; n llie Jii'ch' >h r ir, rm,ia Insurtii'cc Co. i^ninst loss or damage hv t'liM". and LMS1IT\"IN<J. Kales low: companies solvent: no liti^aio:i. Fur particulars, address a j above. ap|:$-l NOTWITHSTANDING the hard times w have spared neither pains nor expense n the selection of our stock tor this sin-i:iir. i'lie Indies can rely upon pMtii:? the ufthious and lowest prices at R. .M. iiADDON' & CO. I.. W. I'KUiUN'. T. 1*. COTllUAS. pEUIilN A COTHUAN, Attorneys at Law, Abbovillc S. C. rnrtiKXK K.OAHV, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Abbeville, S. C. C. WILLIAMS, Sukgkon Dentist, Greenwood, S. C., |<JXCHANGK HOTEL, (iltltKXVII.l.K. S. C. ME ONLY TWO-CLASS HOTEL IN THE WOULD. W. 11. WlIITK. I'ROTIUKTOR. riREEX\VO()l> HOTEL, jr Thus. F. Rii.k.y, Proprietor, Greenwood, S. 0. Dinner house of the A. & K., road, .'assengers on the down train of the C. t (J., road, going Fast, have ample time o secure a good dinner heforo the departure of the train for Augusta. Transient hoard $2 per day. A liheril discount from above rates to parties vnnting board by tho week or month. awj-uivury, rcort ana r-*alo ft tab leg lonnecled with litis hotel. |1 K . BKANIGAN'S SAMPLE ROOM, Iain street, Columbia, S. C., Opposite Hotel Itloek. VINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAR? THE best brands of domest'io and importd whiskies, wilier and champagncs always ii stock. Orders by mail promptly filled with firsthiss poods at reasonable prices; address T. E. 1JR.4NIGAN, Columbia, S. C. 1 ( CENTRAL HOTEL, I i M its. M. \V. Thomas, Proprietress. ] )ON'T FORGET. we have a modern swift running power press new k*pe, ruled and blank paper, envelopes . nd cards?so bring in your printing. Broad street, Augusta, Oa. 4 B w PWfPlB lis \L bniuiuin,i'i ? a?;i:m- iim{aiuu'.vii.m:, s. <\ ]f AM ln-tt?>r piv|>:iro<l (Ikiii crrr liaforu to ^ ii oiler I" fiiitiur.-' ami otluT.s nui 'linu" thorn t'l ** I lil\ lor Steam Engines, | tor COTTON GINS. C'oiiGH Presses, Saw Mills, A (I HI T Ml M.S. CANK MIM.S, /I'll ;l!l Portable and Station?n ary Flouring Mills, J iiml all of improved Agricultural luipli'int'iils. AIm> a fill! and com, K i,- stock of Groceries & Frdvis&is, I'Rl" IT, CON FF.CTIOX K K V. CI<iAI?S, ToliACCO.;., at oxcctMiinc'y low priavs f?r a:a>h. Price my (Sraiccrics l>ofa>ro yam luiy. I l?:iva' cijilit va-ars' a-rperienca: in I In- m.i-| R ehina-ry trade ami o:i-i adl'cr yam iiialti<vuia-rits j M l>ai(U-in a|tialiJy, pria-a* ami terms, ('all am | [ rna* an- write for any ini >i ma! i"ii as to pria-es, j taM lils, \c. I t f ^ FDEBIT USE. 8 Ft 15.MtI.on Suits ill riii-la an 1 Mohair, Qj Wi.lniit <..;a^ I... - - > r1 Iland some I'ainltil Suits, l'i\v lit lees, Fine | i Waliitit Side ]>>i;irils and Chillniiic''s, Fine uH Waln'it Wardrobes and Mali Stands. Fine r . ('In I'i'v ami Oak Suit>, Walnut, Oak and Cane 1L" Chairs. I.ihr.ny ("hairs. lied Km'in t?\ Chairs, Oitiiit*.; and >(iter Chairs in l,ciilln r, H l'ovt'iu*aifd Chair Soat and llaok, also I'orf.i- ^ rated !<is-ro-si-atinsr old ohuiis, ! 0 I * it - ^ ri'iius at j?iio<-> from !?.S tn ."f'JK with <ri>nd Ph t las.- os, id.inir < lassos and l.unkilii; (Ila.s I'latos to i*f-li 11 did frames, all best <|uality. Qj Safes, TahU'S and Mattresses of every decriptinii and I'rivos, SOI.I) AT HOT'l'OM FUJI' KMS. ont <;<>oi?s aim: isotoiit oikf.ctI.Y FKO.M MANl i'ACTntl a ml mir J prices a'e aslnw as el y prices and all j^oods si.Id just :n they ale, nptin their merits. We van ::>- ?<< v mr litUises more onmfurtabh\ in< iv o mix ; and lovely if yon will ? call ?>:? i.s li>r 'Ah;.', veu all need. i Uospot'i fully, ' J. 0. CHALMERS & CO. i-tf. DRY GOODS,i , . . u? 81I.KS, Satins, \ elvcts, Trinuniinjs, Russian Circulars, Now Markets, Jerseys, ? \c., &e. II. M. 11 A !>!><> X & CO ESTATE MOTICE. ALL persons indebted to tin- Estate of Eunice K. (,'hiU's. deceased, must settle at once. those having claims must present I lie same before the 2St h of November, next, as a linal settlement of said list ate will be made in the Probate Court, at that date. THOS. C. CHILES, r oct 2'J-tf Ada.inistrator. I rpi'K STATIC OF SOUTH CAROLINA ^ COt"NTV Of AUBEVII.I.K. In the Probate Court. Ex-Parle, Thomas C. Chiles, Administrator ? and Petitioner. Petition for Settlenient and Discharge. TWOS. ('. CHILES, as .Idiuinistrator of the Estate of Eunice K. Chiles, deceased, having tiled his Petition, praying for Settlement and Discharge: Ii is ordered, that Friday the 28th day of November, next, bo fixed" for scttlinjr said Estate, aud ^rantin^ discharge praved for. J. FILLER f.VON, ^ ocl21Mf Judji'e Probate Court. jgTATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CiU'xty ok AnnKvrr.i.K. n In He Kstate of Hennett Reynolds, Sr., deceased, )>. Frank Hoynolds Kx- f ecu lor and Petitioner. { Petition for Si'tllenient ami Discharge. jj XOT10K is hereby given that Thursday, the 13th of November next, has hern lixod for settling said estate and granting a discharge to the said Kxecutor. .J. FULLER LYON, oct 15-tf Judge Prohato Court. milK ST A'IT, SOUTH CAROLINA, T COUNTY OF ABRKV-LLE. Puouatr Conrr. M. G. Zcigler, as Administrator, &c., ?j Plainlitf, Against Bella Lomax, et. al., Defendants. Complaint for Sale of land to pay Dehts. I WILL soli at public outcry at Abbeville Court House on Saleday in November, next, within the legal hours of sale, for tlio payment of debts, the following described real estate, belonging to the estate of Jesse Lomax, deceased, to wit: All that tract of land situate in the Uoiiuty and Mate alorcsanl containing TKX ACIiKS. more or less, bounded by lands of Mrs. Crawford, Patrick Uocho, William Hill and Columbia and (irccnvillo Railroad. Terms, One half Cash, balance on jia C'redit ot Twelve Months with Interest HO from day of sale, secured by bond and mortgage of property. Purchaser may liavo option of paying all cash. Purchaser to jiay for papers. J. KUliLKll LYON, Judge Probate Court. Paints, Oils and Varnishes at Speed A' fe Lowry's. I r-.Afrmj? am amn? u wi.ti'wmww iiilinery 1 lilMery i "* i111 most extensive took of Millinery can II.'W III- I..11 .11 K. M. :iAl>lMt\ A- en.'S. Application for carter. OTH'i: is licivliv ^ivti that i??:? will In- maile to tli ( 'IMTill Assem at- it-1 next session, lor a 11 < -1 il UililtOi;i| IVollI tJreciuvooil, All i" i I It* count v. to Ahht-\ illc court liou.-e, nth ('arolisia, w'tli power In i'.<ii> nil same, [ st from Alilx.'viilc or Kast from tjreen oil,as may lie <l? U-i iiiiiK'(l l.v tliu corpora sop 11 -I'm Administrator's Notice. k 1.1. persons I <!; !>1 imI to (In- cslat. of Miss i Ko.-u 1%. Mi.s.'.v. i!i ci asi il. must inaki' I tnciliatc pav:n<iit to tin- umlcr>i;;nci| ami 1 ini|ii ii*5 claims against sai?I estate arc iiliv lit.tilit-.; iiiat set*Icitii nt of llu- same , II he tiimJc in prol.-ati' juii^c's otlicc on Sat - i lav, October l*t Ii, l!>sl. m. u. zi:k;i.::u. Ad.i.v. :c,.t lS-:it W 0 M A_ N! ''tnuts in -ill /fcitrrn iit In iftl'if ijisf.i/i liii/rii/if ah'/ fi>l< So Mutlirr Kvo, ami si> may sliiur Ikt lair <! d-mlanis, witli t!?? | rxfrri^.! <>t' <*<>:iin1111 hi ii < , caiv :ui>l |ir<>[irr 1 r 'atnM-nt. An enormous ' 11111>11 -of I'm..ilc coinjilaiiils an- ?liiHCtly caiiM'd I>v istmbanC"" or. suji- I l>ii-ssioii o|" ill.- Menstrual I'iniction. I Iii <'</ // sih-!i case that sterling" ami j uiifailitiir sj.'i-iljr. It it a ori's Ki: Q J jiaik IvEsri.atoit, will clivet nlict p! am! lip', Lxl j It is from tin' oC a most tlis- . j titi?;tn?lif'l |?liv i?i:ui. It : > ?rotiiS>i>sril l of stri"ilv nu-ti- inal in;;ri"!i.-nts. \\lio-c ! Ii:i|n>y cuitil'iiialion ha.-j nevrr l;-? n r_~| i smi |'.i>sc<|. Ii is pi-cinm-il witli se'u-ii- P1 nut: sKttt irolii the lillest materials. \y I It In-iirs tin- |>:t 11 i for. constam v <>1 (-\ j fit i*oii?r1 it. certain! y of effect, clej;aliei- r"l < of |>roi>iii?iinn, Iji'siuiy of it pjtea ranee pi ' ami f tat: ve cln apiies.s. The lestitno- p} ] ny in its 1'iv. r is i;euiiine. li lu-wr |J-J i I'll Us v. "i.;i fairly t rii ?|. '<v?ur.>i!! Yli:s will e l i! v ' ' ii I 1 < ' i> r- H :>f in v itiiiin <iiai - t'\. n11< t V. * i , J sntJiTi' l i r m.ii.y i'x.iti r. I str'tal i: r. !. nl . .,iui !i.i?in_ I-.- i-J I lirsi!?'f| I t. : i' ry \ armns /"\ I tin t' v. i-n-..: i n li W j 5.v . i ..u - .1 .1. kj ! llra.ltieM's l-'.-uiiilo it.-^ iliil.-r. IiHd'-r1 j feet in sik-Ii e-ises is truly womlerful, j am! well in si v the l> e.vleil j ''Wonsaii'.i ltcst ! ". i--nil.'' Yours 1*.*??{ ? I lull v, .1 \ m ps W. S r:; Semi fur mil' l>ixik i>is Ih? "Health a ml Happiness of Woman." .Mall til fief. I' IvKCL I.AT.IH Co. Atlanta, (in, iKAmMuxroKKi)! For sale by !>. Itul're. t > r* Ct'liwooil, SC. i I'l'I.H'ATMlN wilt .1 ... .i 1 - ? l" I H?* M.MI- I V. oral Assembly of South <':ii*<>Iiat its j xt scs:-ioii for a charter tor a Hailn atl from j vcnwoiwl i)y I'liuMiix and LI?Iji? (i>-1<I l". II.. I Aiken ou tin.- S. I'., K. It. sio;> 11 -Mm. J Milk I'unrbch At I>aile\'s. I W. I. D WHOLKSALF. AXI) 1 P ii H ^ "^3^ y. j j mm ah Buy the "Excelsi 1EVEXTKKN' ditlVreiit sizes in stock. Heal ) Lurjro (|ii:uititii'H of TIXWAKK. Very lo W. I. 2-3m 831 I: HAV10 IN 111 KIR I,A RO D AND \YKLL SKLKfJ' II O i'l W _ J dllfill T T INSISTING IN PART OF Foreign and Dom< MoT! TS. HATS, HATS, OTS AM) KIIOKS, HA ROW A UK, IIARDW O.ItOi C'K<)< Louor i'licos tban they werr 1'ver Mlt'n Li >rm iT'y t un# yivi v.'1' .ivvr w V LT^?.G?53;j3Cj5.?r^>Tjr53L3L0 llpiplpti PT ^npioc diU.ll lb jj (11 iitlMsi 11A\"i: I:I:movi::? TO TIM; New S'; ;io on tfee Corusv im.l.-r I'm- iii-w li'.lrl. Wln-ti V"U ctiic to tow u it; t > N?-:> 111 -111. s. |.t. :??,'> I. ul AKI.KS .V THOMAS. PAVILION HOTEL, CII AULKSTOX. S. Firs! I'lass in a*l 1 its Appointments. in t/;.s\ jvv.oo, > Kxr.-llenl <* 11 isin? ? !:ir.u airy rooms. 'Hi-; |':iss?'ii??T i:i.-vju..r. i!l?'< tric IW-lls aini I.i;.:!it>. i i -:it 1 I'oluiula. Hotel (' ntrally !<or:itf?l. AYER'S CITi ftrrv PAP.tnva 1 1 J V VS UVX WAV No other complaints aro so insidious In their attack as thoso affecting tho throat and lungs: nnno so trilled with by tho majority of suilercrs. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trilling or unconscious exposure, is often but tho beginning of a fatal sickness. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hag well proven its otlieacy in a forty years' fight with throat and lung diseases, and should bo /i taken in all cases without delay. A Torrlblo Cough Cnrod. "In1?57l t*?>k a severe cold, which affected my lungs. I had a terrible cough, and passed j niglit alter niglit without sleep. Tho doctors ] gave mo up. I tried AvKit'tt Giieuht Pec- ^ To it a L, which relieved my lungs, Induced ' sleep, and alTordi'd mo tlio rosi necessary for tiio recovery of my strength. Ily tho continued use of tho Pectoral a permanent euro was etTected. I am now yearn old, hale and hearty, nnd am satisfied your Cuerry Pectoral saved me. Horace Faiiuiuotueu." itocLingUiun, Vt., July 15, lat2. Croup.?A 1Mother's Trllinto. "Whllo In tho country Inst winter my ltttlo l?oy, threo years old, was taken ill with croup; It eeffmed hh if ho would dio from stranguIntion. One of tlio family suggested tlio \ibo of Aykh's Cherry I'Ki-rotiAL, a bottle of which was always kept In the liouso. Tills was tried in small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than half an hour tlio little patient was breathing easily. Tlio dootor said that tlio Cliliuuv Pmtorai. had saved my darling's life. Can you wondor at our gratitude'.' Sincerely yours, MltS. J'.mma GEDNF.y." 153 West 128th St., New York, May 16, 1892. " r liavo used AYKK'S CHERRY PECTORAR in my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronnunee it the most clfeetual remedy for coughs and colds wo liavo evec tried. A. .1. Crane." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. " I sulTercd for eight years from Bronchitis, anil after trying many remedies with no suoj. jjfnM, 1 was cured by the use of Aykr's Cher^ri-rr rokal. .josel'li waluhn." ^ fjjpyhalia, Miss., April 6, 1882. " I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer's citerity Pectoral, lielieving as I do that but for its uso I should long since liavo died froui lung troubles. K. Hraudon." Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No caso of an affection of tho throat or lung3 exists which cannot bo greatly relieved tho uso of AVer's Cherry Pectoral, V and it will always cure when the diseaso la not already beyond tho control of medicine. prel'ared by Dp. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. * Sold by all Druggists. >elfh, iKT.VIT. DKAI.Ki; lNr 3 TINWARE. or Cook Stove I" iii iT Stoves in ^ roil I variety fur wood and oonl, \v at wholesale. DELPH, 5ro:ul Street, Augusta, (ra. : stork 1'ki> stock of inter Goods, >stic Dry Goods, A11K, HARD WAIi K, * H KIII ICS, (JHOCKRIKS, GROCERIES, JKKIIY, CROCKERY, CROCKERY, 1-lf