The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, November 19, 1884, Image 3

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The Abbeville Messenger. Filtered Rt the postofllco ns 2nd-clnss matter. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER IV. 1884. al'BSUHIl'TION $2 00 A Relic. Wehavo been shown ? copy of the Inaugural Address of President Andrew Jackson, delivered 011 March 4th, 1825), on his being sworn into oflice. This addross is printed on wh'.te satin and is surmounted by two massive pillars, ltaneath the arch sits Old Hickory holding some document in his hand whilst his gaze wanders from the text. Hovering over his head is an eagle with outstretched wings, that holds in its b?ak a wreath and in its talons the shield and coat of arms of the United States. The address is complied in chaste, terse and elegant language, and discusses the llights of tho States, the management of the public revenue, internal improvementr, the army, the navy, the Indian question and reform. If General Jack boh wrote tne auuress u is not irue, us ha* been said of him, he was illiterate find Jcoarse, for the sentiments of the address are patriotic, its tone high and language good. This "relic of by gone days'' is the property of Mr?. Adelaide l'atton, of Baltimore, who is hero visiting bar ncice Mrs. II. H. Hill. It was through the kindness of Mr. Hill that we saw it and begged the privilege of making mention of it. A DeBtructiva l'iro at MoCormick. > This little village was almost entirely destroyed by the lire which occurred on Thursday night of last Week. It seems that it was accidental and originated from a defective stove pipe. As we understand the lire originated i? the store of Mr. Traylor. It extended in 0110 direction to and included Mr. 1'. L. Sturkoy's storoand dwelling, and in the other direction to Mr. C. L. Corley's store. The following are the sufferers, with approximate amounts of Iohsch and insurance. I'. L. Kturkcy, $7,000. Insurance, $2,000. Harmon & Brother, $5,000. Insurance $2,500. A. F. Traylor, $1,000. Xo insurance. n o- t i jti/kn v . vjui ? ^\iiur??"ji, -fixAJ. ?>>? insurance. Stewart & Son, $2,300. Xo insurance. J. W. Peak, $2,500. Insurance $1500. J. M. Dorn, $5,000. Insurance $2(500. C. L. Corlcy. $2,700 Ibqurancu $1100. These figures are not absolutely corroct, hut show protty wel| the proportionate loss and insurance. This is a great calamity and isjvory hard on these gentlexaon, most of whom have lost all thoy have made in ten years. They cortainly arc not despondent, and hear their losses manfully. .No doubt they Will soon begin again. The Show. Last Saturday was ''show day," and the negroes who were in town for that occasion were almost numberless, in fact the town seemed to have put aside its campaign color and assumed one of a more sombre hue, or in other words, it. soeined to have been "painted black." They came apparently to "sue the procession which consisted af a few shabby looking men with a few dingy looking horns, nut of which they managed in some way to get what they called music. It was tleriilfillv ? kociuhI of. fair,though we understand from some of those who wore present that their performances wore better than outside appearances would seem to indicate. Thoy were Unfortunate enough while here to been served with a writ of attachment, and it is supposed left bore with no very exalted opinion of the place and its inhabitants. Fire at Troy, On last Friday night a fire occurred at Troy by which the store of Mr. W. 0. Murrell, valued at $1,000. ind containing a Atock of goods, valued at $2,300. weie dostro3red. We hear that Mr. Murrell had about $1,500 insurance on house and stock. Near this store was the store house of A. T. Robertson, valued at $800, which wan also burned. We did not learn if Mr. Robertson had any insura nee. The origin of the fire is not definitely known, but it is supposed to have been incendiary. On Consignment. T ?.:il i * " .m.u IU iiirnu ill II1C next ton days five car loads of prime white corn, which I will sell nt those figures. 100 bushel lots (?!} 77cts. 50 bushel lots (& 80 cts. 25 bushc-l lots 05 85 cts. Those prrceB arc good until this lot of corn is disposed of. Now is the time to bny your corn from A. E. ROGERS, Wholcsalo Store. Finn Success. Mr. K. Y. Sheppard's Normandy horses carried off several prizes at Columbia and were universally admired for their strength and docility. They had strong competition too. PERSONAL. The Rev. W. R. Richardson, of the Methodist church is preaching a very interesting series of sermons every Sunday night on the fundamental truths of Christianity. P. A. Smith, Esq.. of the Keotnec Courier, stopped at Abbeville on his way from tho Fair to visit relatives. Mr. Smith is a graceful and forcible writer and talks well. We shall always bo glad to meet him, and trust to continuo to read his manly independent paper. Capt. M. B. liinsconib will not nnrmn. ? I?nently remove to Newberry. lie keeps his domicile and citizenship in this county and will always be ready to dischargo any duty for Abbeville. Col. J. Edward Calhoun came to town on Monday. Misses Clarkio Cothran and Karah Perrin returned Monday from & brief but pleasant visit to Miss Jennie Grier, at Duo West. Alfred R. Burton, eolored, once prominent in county politics before the unpleasantness of 187fi, was in town yesterday sweating groat drops of ink over the second grade questions in the teachers' examination. Ho was county commissioner for a term and was too honest for the crowd who were then manipulating the wires and struck bottom oarly. His aspirations now arc directed to teaching the young colored '"idea how to shoot." Judge Cothran i? at home from hold, in4 the courts of the Sixth Circuit. Ife- . MESSAGES. There was on exhibition a heifer, four years old, that weighed 3,5(X) pounds. Lawyers jro to the Mkhkkxukk oflice for Letter Heads and Cards. Window Glass; Window Glass ; Prepared Putty ; Prepared Putty, at Spcep & Lowry's. SURSC1HBK for tin; MKSSKNGKR ! A variety of Fancy and Toilet goods at Speed & Lowry's. Christinas is coining. Let the merchants rush in their advertisements for the occasion. The county Treasurer requests all persons holding school claims to present the same for payment. Col. O. T. Calhoun had quite a serious sickness last week, caused from his throat. Rev. Father Monaghan celebrated Mass at the Catholic parsonage Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. Mr. 1). J. Jordan is an applicant for .Jury Commissioner for this county. Mr. JordHii is a good and worthy man. Mr. John T. Lyon has been qnilo sick this week. We wish for him a speedy recovery. The State Legislature will meet next Tuesday. Our Representatives go down on Monday. Mr Lewis Harrison, of Millway. killed 1 o lnet ii'nol* ?vt/imkh * ! it rv (Vt *?#-?? wilwvc* <? iinon mnv "tvn III v; ?.-> u I I 11 ? IUI IJ 1UV1IUO < from tip to tip. f The trotting horse McRsenger, frightened off all competitors at Columbia 1 and it whs impossible to get up a race. ' The Ilot Springs ol Arkansas are 1 good for the blood, but II. II. 1*. taken at home will do the same good and cost ' less. Mr. M. V. Mills and Mr. M. D. Warner of Prosperity, were in town on yesterday looking into the titles of a tract of land they are about to purchase. ' Tho complexion is often destroyed by { j worms. It can be restored by taking J Shriner's Indian Vermifuge. Only 25 . v.?u?.n a uuiUL'. i Tbo Treasurer lias issued tax receipts to the number of 8,250, which exceeds the numher issued lust year by about two hundred. ^ Saturday was a remarkably quiet day t when we consider the number of per- t sons who were in town. The police , made no arrests whatever. ( Our county Treasurer one day this week had cashed at our Post-office, money orders ami postal notes to the amount of $383.38. They had been sent him by } various parties in payment of taxes. j Wo mot somebody in Columbia who r knows how to appreciate l)r. Lowrv, t and is not afraid of him, dynamite or no { dynamite. * Father Monnajrhan has <riven to Mr. T. W. Mr.MillAn thr^mitrart Cut-riicJi the brick for the Catholic parsonage. ' The skating rink was open last Fri- < day night and the young people in at- < tendance seemed to have enjoyed it i very much. Mr. Andrew Lyon was engaged yester- 1 day in copying the will of the "Uonora- I hlc l)r. John de la llnwe, Ksq.," deceas- ' ed, as the stained and dusty volume has < it. W. IT. Fr.a7.ier at Ninety-Six. had on f exhibition at the Fair the most splendid ' specimen of a turkey we have seen, lie 'c was a bronze gobbler and weighed 28 pounds. We are indebted to the gentlemen of tho Columbia Club for many courtesies f during our visit to Columbia. The Club is a delightful place to go to, providod you don't stay loo long. f Tho Presbyterian clinrrh wne r>lncn<l last Sundaj, the congregation not hav- . ing boon ahle to secure the servicos of . Prof. 110111 phi 11. as was expected. "It never rains, but it pours."' was true of the fish market on Saturday . evening. Four different parties received barrels, nnd as a consequence they were sold out cheaper than usual. The Treasurer is about to open the 15 . per cent, penalty books, and all who , have not paid their taxes hitherto will ^ have the pleasure of paying for their indulgence in procrastination. Geo. C. Hodges, Esq., the newly elect- ] ed sccool commissioner is in town look- ( ingout for & restin c place. We are in- ? deed glad that he will settle with us and 1 welcome him to the town. c Crowds of eager buj'ers are going over the Laurens Lands every day, Sunday inclnded, looking at the different tracts with a view to purchasing. This is a grand opportunity for buying a good ,, farm. Capt. E. Cowan was in town Monday winding up the business of his office. The Captain has made us a faithful, intelligent and courteous officer and the ^ best wishes of a largo constituency who cava him a most fl?ltnnn? ? IMg V\ I t II hiin in his retirement. c If people troubled with colds, would . tako Aver's Cherry Pectoral bofore going to church or places of entertainment, -i they would nvoid coughing, greatly to J the comfort of both speaker and hearer. ( Public speakers and singers find that the a Pectoral wonderfully increases the power and flexibility of the voico. There is complaint of irregularity on thy Mail line to Cedar Springs (.Lula,) Fraziersville, Hunters, Wideinans and so on. Our subscribers complain that , they don't get their papers. Wo trust the matter will be remedied at once. Otherwise we will take activc steps to correct the trouble. IClijah Whitlock, colored, "sniffed treason in the tainted galo," and has gone to recuperate his failing strength in * Georgia or some othor seaport town. It 0 was rumored, in fact one of our Justices 1 strongly intimated to the Sheriff, thnf Klijnh's presence was necessary to the i orderly conduct of the next Court of j General Sessions upon a charge of de- li flowering a colored virgin under sixteen, ? d hinc ilia vestipiu. Whito Brother have now in store mors than ono hundred cases of Boots and Shoes. They sell Zeigler's Ladies' Shoes, which are unsurpassed for tit, , style and durability. They also hav? i a largo lot of Men's and Boy's Shoes, marlo by the Bay State Shoe and Loath- * or Company. Their goods have been ? tested for aoveral years and have given ^ universal satisfaction. Any one who buys a pair of this inake of Hoots or h shoes, always gets the worth of his 6 monoy. oct 1-tf lc*d Tea at BaiUy'a. Kpitticlioma or Skin Canccr. This form of cancer is the most prevalent ype, and in many cases fatal, us it generally rats away until it destroys life. Ft would teem thai Swift's Specific is indeed r specific "or this scourge. Mrs. K. A. Armstrong, Venora, Miss., vritcs under datcof May Hi, 1881: "After takng six bottles of Swift's Specific the cancer ;? healing ; is greatly reduced in size. It now fives me no pain and my general health has so nuch improved that 1 am able to be up and atendto my household duties?something that 1 iad not been able to do in several years. I eel that it will cure me. Mr. M. N. Clayton, of lied Clay, Gil., writes inderreecnt date: All painful sensations in ny cancer are decreasing. I feel decidedlv letter, and the canccr has commenced to heal.*' Dr. M. F. Crumley, Oglethrope, <?a., writes inder date of May* the 10th: "Mr. Naves, vun iiiiu much a terrible cuncor cm Ins race, is ibout well. Now skin lias grown nil over his ace, and looks almost as well as it ever did, ind I would like nome of your company to ice him." Messes. J. &. J. II. Nartcr, of North Manihester, Ind., write under date of May 1st: 'The lady with cancer is improving right ilong. The spccitic increased the discharge or the first few days, hut the soreness is gone ind she is much hotter." * Mrs. \V. II. Soute, of Clordonsville, Va., vrites, under date of May 11, ISS't : I am nuch improved. The concer is hotter; does lot pain meat all. It is a wonder to all my rii-iids." Mr. .Inincs E. J?igon,of Michaux Forrv, Va. vrites, underdatoof May 19, 1881: "Mv conlition is greatly improved ; my general Iiealth r good ; mv appetite good ; cancer decidedly >etter and lias begun to heal nicely. How can [ ever reaay V" Mr. J. S. Rhodes, of Mill River, N. C., vrites under date of May If, 188-1 : "My nolhcr has been using Swifts Specific for ibout two weeks, and is improving. The causer is not now painful and is healing." Mr. T. .1. Teate, of Wroissa, Flu., writes tinier date of May 2, 18S1 : "Swift's Sjiocific ins cured a cancer on my face, and has almost nude a young man out of mc." Mr. I'!. Tinslev, of Burr Mills, Va., writes day 1, 1981 : "My wife has taken four bottles >f Swift's Specific for a cancer, and has imiroved wonderfully. I shall keep it up; wt lavcno doubt it will cure her." Tun Swift Si-kcikic Co.. Drawer 3, A / ' ? 1 - n WT LU XT ^ r\ Liiiu tit, uu., joif >v . ni., i>. 1illHl L205 Chcsmit St., l'hila. Watches. Clocks ami Jewelry. Mr. II. I). Kkkse, of Abbeville, is prepared 0 do all manner of repairing of Watclies blocks and Jewelry, and will pay all express iliarjre.s 011 work sent to him from stations 01: .lie (J. Hiid (J . rnnd. lie alwavs keeps in stools 1 handsome line of Jewelry mid I'lntcd Wart it moderate prices. Send in your orders. Vddress, II. D. Ukksk, Abbeville, S. C. A I'lntic ot" Beauty. The ladies' furnishing sture of 1?. M iluddon Co. oilers unusual attractions .0 nil persons attending Court, who desire to present their wives and daughter* vith tho latest styles in hats, dresses Jloaks, circulars, tf White Brothers having nn immense ;tock of full and winter goods, are now jrepared to supply the wants of all theii riends and the public generally. Goods iro cheaper than the}' were ever known o be, and in the purchase of them a litlo money will nay for a croat manv irticles. 1-tf A pood assortment of tno following named articles may bo had at the store )f White Brothers : Table Linens. Towlis, Blankets, Shootings, Bed Tickings Counterpanes, Furniture Prints, Cnrpctf ind Hugs. 1-tf A few dollars invested in Window 31rsr and Prepared Putty will make rour house comfortable for winter, anyhing in this line can be furnished iheap, for the cash by Speed & Lowry. Emory'* J.iiilt Ciithurtic is the beat anil mly reliable Liver I'ill known, nuver fails with he most obstinate cases, purely vegetable mjrar-coated, tasteles, harmless, no griping ir unpleasant cffects. Druggists sell tlieni ?15 cents. Cobblers and Toddies at Bailer's. Merchants go the Mkhsexokh officc or Hill Heads. Buy your Cigars and Tobacco from ipeed & Lowry. To arrive this week : 2 Gar Loads /urn, -s <./ar ijoaas X' lour, 1 Load Iran at Roger's Wholesale Store?and ho cry is slill they come. * A lot of new type was received last veek at the Mksskxokii ottice?now is he time to send in jrour Job Work. It vi 11 he executed with neatness and dis>atch. The Mrssksoku oflice is supplied with Jill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, cards, etc., and is prepared o do any kind of JOB HUNTING. A. E. Rogers, Vholesale dealer in Corn, Flour, Meal, Meat, Innis, Lard, Brau, Halt, Molasses, Sugar, Jo flee, ltico, Soap. &c., will deliver goods nt ny point on railroad at Abbeville prices. Jelore buying always ask for Dricey, as \m iave advantages that few up-country merhauts have. A. E. Hooehs. Speed & Lowrv received a barrel ol lelightful nortliern apples yesterday. l'hey are good. Tiy them. R efresbnients at Bailey's. Paints, Oils and Varnishes at Speed k Lowry's. Best Cocktails at Bailey's. JOB WORK dono neatly and with lispatch atthis oflice. DON'T FOHOET. we have a modern swift running power press, new ype, ruled and blank paper, envelopes nd cards?so bring in your printinjr. LAND FOE SALE. *KXTK are authorized to sell the .ollowing T T Lands : Tract, 226 Acres, foar Phoenix, known ns Chipley lands, boundd by lands of Chipley, Tolbort, Estate Hutchison and ot hers. Also Tract 120 Acres, 'art of Amcrica Ilacket Tract, bounded by tnds of 8.1). Urooks, Tolbert, J. S. Chipley, r., and others. ALSO lot in tlio town of Troy, known as Lot 6, Block B. Also tho Simmons lot near Ilodirex. 13" Acres, More or Less loitndcd bj T. J. Ellin, W. C. Norwood and them Uso Store House and Lot, i tho Town of Bradley, on Main and Griflin ttrects, lately owned bv Thns. H. Walker. PARKkR A MoOOWAN, Atty for F. W. Wagener A Co. Nov 19-tf ^ ; ... . > ,. .,i i ' 1- ' i'v i 0. H. U. Piaos 1 Organs1 TIIK BKST IN TIIK WOULD. i The great Artists of the world acknowledge the Superiority of tho I'innos 1 and Organs sold by ? C. O. ROBINSON & CO. They are selected from Ten of the best j makers, and are so much superior to others at prices so much loss ( that purchasers save from < SlO TO SlOO j Ily visiting or writing to j C. O. ROBINSON & CO. ! E. I. O. M. L. P. Q. S | r,. o. KOIMXSOX & CO. pay ah ! freights and save 1'ionei/ to every purchaser. j 811KKT ML'SI./, the latest publications, music books of every description: . the best Italian songs. Tho latest and most popular Sunday school hook, " Love and Praise." Lowest prices at OKO. (). KOWNSON A CO.'S, 1 S.'U broad it., Augusta, On. I A M. AIKEN, (Jokcsbury P. 0.t S. G\, is duly authorized and licensed Tor Abbeville county to write risks on [ Dwellings ami Furniture, linrns, Stnhles aim] Content**, (including live stock ) Stores, Warehouses unci Stocks Therein, Churches, Mills and Cotton (baled,) in the I.irrrjwol and, Loin!on unit (Hoho In' surnnce Co. against loss or damage by FIKK; > in the /i'ocfiiKti r (ifrvmn Insurance ('??. 1 against loss or damage by FlitK and LMJ11T1 NINO. Kates low; companies solvent; no litiga1 lion. For particulars, address as above. npl3-4 The Place to get Wliat Yon Want m I v/>n w TiiUS. 01. liilKlSTIAN, ( HAVINd bought the interest of Mr- JOHN WILSON in the business formerly conducted by them jointly-, will kecplahvays in store a complete .stock of Fancy Groceries, >CANNED GOODS I ? AND? COXFF.CTlOKmiE.S I r of nil kinds. | The? BestBand Cheapest , Cigars and Tobacco, s THE FIXKST IN J S nd lit,! ( 15SWEET MASH CORN WHISKEY for me dicinnl purposes, s specialty* Also choice ' LlQl'OKS of any kind for medicinal purposes. ' Give him a cull. Satisfaction guaranteed. All persons indebted to th? lirm of Christian A Wilson must make immediate payment. I TIIO. M. lilt ' . N, i 1 -3m Abbeville, S. C. W. C. RKNKT, JAS. H. HICK, L. W. SMITH, 1 Abbeville. Ninety-Six, Abbeville, J^ENET, RICE A 8M1TII, s Attorney's at Law. Will practice in all the Courts of tho State, ami give prompt attention to all legal business entrusted to them. DRY GOODS, SILKS, SatiuK, Velvets, Trimmings, Russian Circulars, Now Markets, Jerseys, H. M. IIADDON & CO STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County oi Abbeville. IN THE l'ROBATE COURT. In the mat tor of the Estate ?>f Joel S. Perrin, deceased, L. W. Perrin, Administrator Petitioner. i Petition for Settlement and Discharge. NOTICE is hereby given that L. W. Perrin as Administrator, of said Estate has applied for settlement and discharge. It is ordered that Friday tho 19th of Decem' ber next bo fixed for sottling said estate and granting the discharge prayed for. J. FULLER LYON, Nov. 19-)f Judge Probate Court. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. C. P. Roberts, Administrator vs. L. R. Wakefield, et al, THF creditors of the estate of W. M. WoLofl'.i/t ? :? i- - order of his Honor Judge Aldrich, to present their claims to me on or before December 5th, 1881, or bo barred. M. L. 1J0N HAM Jr., Master. , jyjASTEH'S RALE. Bonson D. Q lymph vs. Celestia Rowlottet al. BY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale made in the above stated case by llie Hon. T. B. Fra- , ser, Judge of tho 3d Circuit, on the 1st day of June, 1884, I will sell at public outcry (it Abbeville, C. H. S C., on the 1st day of Decern- : ber, 1884, that being Sale Day, within the legal hours of sale, tho following described property, situate in said State anu County, to wit: All that Tract or Parcel of Lancl, in tho Town of Hodges and containing TWO HOODS MORE OR LESS, WITH DWELLING, STONE HOUSE AND OTHER BUILDINGS THEREON, bounded by lands now or formerly owned bv Roberts k Adams, by J. L. Clark and by tho CAOR R. Sold at the risk of fortnar purchaser. Terms of Sale, Cash?Purchaser to pay for papers. M L BONHAM, Jr., Master. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS & -O Mo ItOMi w(11 die of Colic. Bot* or Lena F?tmm. If Fontz's Powder* ere n*?d In time. Font*"* Powder* wilt cure and prevent Hoe Chol*?a. FonU'a Powders will prevent Oapxh iv Fowl*. Fonts'* Powder* will locreaao the quantity of oiilk ?nd cream twenty per cent^ and make the batter firm and tweet. _ Foott"* Powders will car* or prevent almost kvkbt Dimcar to which Horaea and Cattle are subject. Forrrx'a Powdkm wiu fiivi Satiat actio*. Bold everywhere. DAVIS S. FOTTTB, Proprietor. BALTKmORM. MO. FOR SALE. fl ^ EVERAL I'nirs of beautiful I'itfs?Half ^ Red Jersey and half Essex. Apply nt ibis office. gtate of south carolina, ^ abbeville county. v* Ul I'koiiatk cocht.?Citation for letters of l'' Administration. s" or ll}- J. Fuller Lyon, Esq., Probate Judge : (.> WHEREAS, Sarah F. Buchanan, lias made iiiit tome, to grant tier Letters of Administration of t lie list at e and effects of William |n Itiichanan, late of Abbeville Count v, deensed. . THESE ARE THEREFORE, to cite and jj, tdmonish all and singular the kindred and ;reditorsof the said William Buchanan, debased, that they be and appear before me, in j? he Court of Probate, to be held at Abbeville [!. II., on Thursday 27th of November, ISS1, ifter publication hereof, at II o'clock in the 'oreiiooii, to show cause if any they have, whv 'JJ lie said Administration should not lie grnntod. *" I ? (JIV E N under inv hand and seal, seal < this 10th day of November, in the I (year of our Lord one thousand eight 1,1 iiindrcd and eighty-four and lOWth year of \inericau Independence. Published on the 12th dav of November 1x8-1 in the Mkshkkokii, and on the Court House door for the time required bv law. > J. FULLER LYON, Judge'I'robate. 1 The state of south Carolina, m Annnvii.i.k corvTY. be I'robate Court.?Citation for letters of administration. By J. Fullku Lyon. Esq., I'robate Judge : tv Wiikkkas, W. P. M. Cason, has jj, inado suit to me to grunt him Letters of Ad- 0, ministration of the estate and effects of J. Frank Cason, late of Abbcviloo county, deceased. i nose arc meroiore to citc and admonish all 1 and singular tlie kindred and creditors of tho j." miid J. Frank Cason, deceased, that tbev lie nnd anpear before mo in the court of probate, to be field at. Abbeville C. II., on Monday the \ 20)b day of October, 18K1. after publication hereof, nt 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause if a:ty they bare, why the snid administration should not bo granted. al j ( Oivell under inv hand nnd seal, this > seal < Gib day of October, in the year of our I ( Lord one thousand eight hundred c' and eighty-four, and in tho 109th year of Anier- w ican Independence. ,i Published on theSth day of October, 188-1, in C( Thk Aiikkvii.i.k Mkssengkh nnd on the Court ^ House door for the time required bv law. J. FuLLKIt LYON, oct 8-ttw Judge l'robate Court. RASTER'S SALIC. S Joseph Ellis and others against Margaret u McAdauis and others. n By virtue of an order of mile made in the c] above stated case by the lion. A. P. Aldrich, t; Judge 2d Circuit, on the 1st tiny of November 188-!, I will sell at Public outcry at Abbe ?inv \ . ii., r-. <111 mi! ni (lav 01 December, _ IS8-1, that beimr Saledav, within the legal hours of sale, the following described proper- ? ty, situate in said State ami Comity bciiiir the |j Heal Estate of Robert Ellis, deceased; to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, containing N SEVENTY ACCRES, more or less, hounded by lands ef IT. P. Mc- n (tee, Robert Pratt, estate of .Icmes Todd. j TERMS OF SALE?One-half the purchase (, nionev to be paid in cash, balance in twelve |, months secured by bond of iiurchnscr and u mortgage of premises. Purchaser to pay for s papers. ? M. L. BOXIIAM, JII., Master. c o J J ASTER'S SALE. n M. L. Bonhatn jr., Muster, agRinst Clura 1 C. Maddox and W. M. Higgin.s. ^ BY virtue of an order of sale made in l< the above stated case by the Hon. A. P. Aldrich, Judge of 2d Circuit, on the ? 31th day of October, I8H4, I will sell at s public outcry at Abbeville C. II., 8. C? t on the 1st day of December, 1H84, that ^ being Sale Day, within the legal hours ^ of sale, the following described proper- ^ ty, situate in said Statu and County, being of the Hoal Estate of Win. Maddox, deceased, to wit: All that tract or psrcel of land known 1 an the Maddox Mills and containing 1 TWENTY ACRES, C more or loss, bounded by lands of estate of William Maddox and by Saludu Uivcr. J} Terms of Sale. Sold at the risk of ^ the former purchaser, Clara C. Maddox. c One-half Cash, the balance in twelve li months, secured by mortgage, with inter- I' est. Purchaser to pay for papers. l! M. L. BON HAM, -Ir., Master. > MASTER'S SALE. I A. P. Calvert as Administrator, etc.. against Martha Ilagan, et. al. H BY virtue of an order of sale made in * the above stated case by the Hon. A. 1*. c Aldrich, Judge, Second Circuit, on the n 3d day of October, 188-1, I will sell ? at public outcry at Abbeville, C. II., S. C., on 1st day of December, 1884, that being Saleday, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, uilnitn Sr. cowl 1 n V e tuviiukv bii nam uiaif a IIU UUUlll^t UUIIIg of the Estate of George Xickles, to wit: i THE TWO STORY BUILDING IX ^ TIIK TO W N 0 F 1101) G K8, With the lot on which it stands, containing Three-Fourths of an Acre, more or less bounded by lands of G. M. Hodges and W. A. Moore and by the Public Street. ALSO, that tract or parcel of land containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES, more of less, and bounded by lands of J. A. Ellis, J. F. Keller and others. < Terms of sale?Or.e-half cash, bal- { nnce in twelve months with interest . from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of premises, j With leave to purchaser to pay all cash. | Purchaser to pay for papers. M. L. BONHAM, Jr., Master. I JJASTEIt'S SALE. j M. G. Brown and o'.hera, ncninst John S. ' Drown as Executor, and others. I BY virtue of an order of Haiti made in tho j above stated case by the lion. A. 1'. Aldrieh, Judce Second circuit, on Slat day of October, | 1884, I will sell at public outcry at Abbeville | Court Hou e, S. C., on the first day of December, 1884, within the legal hours of Hale, ( the following described property, situate in i said State and county, being of the real es- J tate ??f Rebecca R. Hrown, doccased, to-wit : . All that tract or parcel of land, containing ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO ACRES, 1 more or lean, bounded by land* of J. E. Cal- < lioun, M.J. MeCelvey, C. A. White and others. J Terms of Sale?One-half caah, balance on " a credit of twelve months, secured by mortI gage. Purchaser to nay for titles. | M. L. BONIIAM, Jr., Master. |ASTER S SALE. F. \Y Wagenor A Co. vs. T. W. Mnrs. BY virtue of an order of suit; made in tho i??vo slated ease bv tho Hon. T. It. Fraser, ulgo Kighth circuit, on 3rd day of June, !S4, I will sell at public outcry at Abbeville ii., s. c., on 1st day of December, 1S84, that :ing sale day, within tlie legal hours of sale, ie following described property, situate in iid State and county, to wit: All tliat tract pnrcel of land, oontniuiiiK NE II UNDUE I) & EIGIITY-EIVK AGUES, ore or loss, bounded by lands of estato of ?siah Wells, K, B. Morrali, J. E. Caldwull id others. Also that tract or parcel of laud, oontainK ONTK II UN DUE I) A (J RES, ore oriess, and bounded by lands of James cCuslan, said T. W. Mars and others. Also, that tract or parcel of laud, coutuinS TWO HUNDRED ACRES, | ore or less, known as tho McCelvy tract, id bounded by lands of JamesMcCJiisliiu, A. . ('. Lindsay and others. ALSO, one undivided half ( y\) interest in ONE IIUN'DKKD AND .SIXTY ACUKS, ore or less, known as the Covin tract, iiinded by lands of Mrs. J. \V. W. Marshall, rs. Jane Leo and others. Terms of sale?One-half cash, balance in velvet months, with interest, and secured by md and mortgage of the premises; purchus to pay for papers. M. Ii. RONIIAM, Jr., Mnstcr. RASTER'S SALE. ctaon T. Hassnrd and others against Susan Sassard and others. Tly virtuo of nn order of sale niado in the jovc stated case by the II<>n. A. 1'. Aldrich, idge 2d circuit, on 1st day of November, W-l, I will sell at public outcry at Abbeville . u., s. c., on the 1st day o|' December, 1S8I, itliin the local hours of sale, the following' ascribed property, situate in said State and unity, being of the Ileal Kstato of Henrietta aasnrd, deceased, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land containing TWO AGUES, iore fir less, bounded bv lands of Margaret assart], W. A. Clark, It. II. NVardlnw and liters. Terms of Sale?One-half tho purchase lonev "cash, and the remainder in twelve ninths secured by bond of purchaser and mrtgage of premises; with leave to purtiasur to pay all cash, Purchaser to pay for ties. M. L. HONII^M.JK. Mastek, A. C. WASTER'S SALE. [artlia I. Wardlaw agaiust W. P. Wardlaw and G. II. Wardlaw. BY virtue of an order of sale inndo In the hove stated case hr the Hon. A. P. Aldrich, udge Second Circuit, on tlie 31st. day of Oc>bcr, 1881, I will sell at public outcry at Abevillecourt house, S. C., on the firsl da}- of teccinber, 1S84, within the legal hours of nle, the following described property, situate i said State and county, being of the real state of W. I'. Wardlaw, to-wit: All that tractor parcel of land in the town f Abbeville, containing FOUR ACRES, lore or less, bounded by lands of W. T. Mchniuld. R. K. Hill and Magazine n'.id liuena 'ista streets. The said land will be sold in two lots, as fol?ws. The front hit with two acres, more or >ss, and all the buildings thereon, fronting n Magazine street. The rear lot with two cres, more or less, fronting on liuena Vista treet. The dividing line betwecu these lots n run from liuena A ista street to the rear of L. K. Hill's lot. Terms of Sale.?One-third cash, and the alAnce in twelve months secured by mortage. Purchaser to pay for titles. M. I.. RON 11 AM, Jr., Master. RASTER'S RALE. "barles P. Roberts as iVdministrator, apainst I.ulu R. Wakefield and others. UY virtue of an order of Hale made in the bore stated caso by the Hon. A. 1*. Aldrich, udpe Second Circuit, on Klst dav of Octonr, 1884, I will sell at public outcry at Abl>eille court house, S. C.. ou the 1st day of I)ceinber, 1884, that beiiiR saleday, within the irgal hours of sale, the following described roperty, situate in said State und county, eitig of tho real estate of \V. II. Wakefield, eccased, to-wit : All that lot or parcel of Und in the town of rint'ty Sis, having a depth of ninety-four ards and a width of fifty yards, bounded by its of W. H. l'erkerson, *J. A. Mooro and thers. Also that lot or parcel of land, containing lie twentieth of an acre, more or less, ami ounded by lands of W. H. l'erkcrson, the hove described lot. J. A. Moore, and by 'ambridge street. Terms of Sale.?One-half of the first lot ash, the balance in twelve months secured by lortgage. The whole of the purchase money f the second lot to be paid in cash, with leave a purchaser to pay all cash on both lots, 'urchaser to pay for papers. M. L. BONnAM, JH., Master. A YEAR. $1 A YEAR. gl Ml ts Wi S&33 p M CD O tnli h a =r 3o ? o _J ? SKH 0?^ STx % I b!?o CIS m * II ^ t^lo "Tfl ? ? P I; I! Sira'CD 2 ? Kill MS'?3 * 7 L-?$? P?S r H a^^P? 2 is ??a ? ^ n ;ii e& Hi ^ q O^sF .1 L . p!!?a ? 6 CD 2 Iw f | ? I CENTRAL HOTEL, J Mkh. M. W. Thomas, Proprietress. Broad.street, August*, lla. r v < w /\ T ."Fit OF VHE Laurens Lands j^tatk;of hoUtii cauolin a. CHARLESTON COUNTY, COURT OF COMMON PLRAP. Leonora G. Adamn, AdmiuiHtrntrix. with Will annexed of W. C. (latowood va. Harriot. II. L. Inyrahatu ct al: By virtue of a Docrctal Order of the Court of Common 1'lean, niodo in tho above entitled cau?e, and dated tho 10th July 188J, I will offer for Halo at tho Courihouuo in tho town of Abbeville, Albovillo county, South Carolina on tlio lut day of December 1884, at 11 o'clock a in iu Hop&rato parcelH, as below designated and described, all those landH Hituatod iu Abbovi'lo County, in Ihe State of Konth Carolina, and commonly known an tho "Laurent* Land*," and doHcribed in waid Decretal Order, by Traotn and Divisions of Tracts, an followH : First?The Hard La"bor Tract to ho wold iu the following separate parcelrt or divisionH : No. 1. Containing throe hundred and twentyfive (})'25) acrort, more or less, hounded by lauds of Mrn. Scott, W. 11. Millwee, Nathaniel Auderhou and the Divisions No. 2 and No. 3 of Haid Tract. No. 2. Containing Threo hundred and twon ty-four (324) acrcn, inoie or loan, bounded by landH of Williaui, Jeff Davin, T. \V. Nicboln and tho Dividioua No. 1 and No. i of naid Tract. No. 3. Containing Two bnndred and uinetytwo and threo quartern (2lJ2J!^) ucron, liioro or k'HB, bounded by landH of W. 1$. Miliwoo, l'lck Pintiou and DivwioiLs No. G, No. 1 and No. 1 of Haid Tract. No. 4. Containing Fivo buuv'rod and fifty (.r>50) acre*. more or lenn. bounded by landu of Etdato of Henry WaUou, Leroy Loo, William Boozer, and DivinionH No. '2, No. 3 and No. G of Haid Tract. No. 5. Containing Two hundred audKoventyfivo and three quartern (275%) acrcn, nioro or * Iobh. bounded by landtt of Pick Piuhou, Slitdrack, Edward Crcuwell, P. Burnett and Division* No. (J, and No. 3 of ?aid Tract. No. 6. Containing Three hundred and tight (308) Bcrew. inoro or lew, bounded by landu of Pick Burnett, cntato of Dr. Henry Watnou and DivisiouH No. 4 and No. 5 of said Tract. Second?The Beaver Dam Tract to bo sold In the following separate paxcola or DiviriioiiH : No. 1. Containing Olio hundred aud Ninotyuiuu (199.) acres, more or less, bounutd by lands of Mrs. Lipscomb, estate of John Foster, T. J. LJearst ana Diviniou No. 2 of said Tract. No. 2. Containing Two hundred and tbirtytwo and three quartern (232%) acres, mom or less, bounded by lauds of Willi* Smith and DivL-uon^Nu. 8 of said Tract and of Mrs. Lipscomb and Division No. 1 of said Tract. No. 3. Centaiuiug Two hundred and twentytwo (222) acres, more or Ions, bounded l<v lauds of Willis Smith, estate of ltichard Watsou and Division No. 2 of said Tract. Third?The Cow Head Tract to bo sold in tho following separato parccls or Divisions : No. 1. Containing Four hundred aud thirty (430) acres, more or less, bouuded by lauds of Henry WilVernon, T. J. Hearst, Leroy Lee. John It. Tolbert aud Division No. 2 of said Tract. No. 2. Containing Four hundred and ninetyeight (493) acres, moro or less, bounded by lands of John It. Tolbert, I'ierco, lirock.. Charles Calhoun aud DiviHiou No. 3 of Haid Tract, L. M. Worlhington, It. W. Soymour, Hugh Wilson, Henry Wilkorsou aud Divi?i>n No. 1 of =iaid Tract. No.3.ContainlngTwo hnudrod and eighty-flvo (285) acros, more or less, bouudod by lauds of R. W, Stjymour, L. M, Worthiuxton. Hunt. .baud 'JL'olbert aud Division No. 2 of mud Tract! Fourth?The Long Cane Tract to bo uold in tho following eoparato parcels or Dlvittioua. No.l. Containing Four bnndred and thirteen (413) acroB, more or lean, bound*d by lands cf H. T. Bloan, H. Dronnau and Divisions No. 7, No. 2 and No. (J of aaid Tract. No. 2. Containing Tbrce hundred and thlrtvuix (836) acrox, more or le?n, bounded by ltuda of eatatu of Mm Morrin, E.Cowru and Divisions No. 3, No. 7 aud No. 1 of aaid Tract. No. 3. Containing Threo hundred and elrfitytivo (385) acruM, more or lem?, boundtd by landu of K. Cowan, A. P. Connor, .lumen Htcifle, Dr A. T. \V idem an and Divisions No. 4, No. 5 aud No. 2 of said Truct. No. 4. Containing Two hundred aud sevontyoight (27S) acre*. more or lens, bounded by lands of Dr. A. T. Wideinan, out ate of Johu L. Devlin and Diviaious No. 5 aud No. 3, of raid Tract. No. 5. Containing Two hundred aud flftythree ('253) aero*, uiore or less, bounded by lands of estate of John L. Devlin, estate of Mrs. MorriH and Divisions No. 3 aud No. 4 of said Truot. No. G. ContuJllIni? Vnnr linmlrivl ? ? (106) acre*. bounded l?y entato of Airs. Morris, estate of John L. Devlin, P. H. Bradloy, 11. T. Sloan and Division No. 1 of said Tract. No. 7. Containing Two huudn d and twenty (2'/J0) aoroH, mure or l?m, bounded by lands of E. Cowan, A. P. Connor, Nancy Kennedy, Dr. H. Drenuan. Mrs Mary WaUon, Lung Cano Crcok and Divisions No. 2 aud No. 3 of uaid Tract. Each of which Hcparato parcels, divisions or tracts of land, to bo separately sold has such form, maiks, motes and bounding*, an arc rolyjcotively represented on plat* of cach roado by J. fl. Chiles, Surveyor, dated Juno 6th. 1883. I.ithogranhic oopios of theso plats will bo exhibited at luo Bale ; and a plat of each separate parcel or tract of land sold will bo delivered to the pnrohaxer of such parcel or paroels, tractor tracts, at such salo. In tho inoautiiue those wishing to purcbaso may obtain copies of one or more of tlietto plat* by applying to Messrs. Perrin & Cothran, Counaollor* at Law who have acertain number in thoir possesion for tho purpose of giving information. TERMS OP SALE? Ono-third cash, and the balanoo in one and two yearn from the diy of sale, to bo secured by the bond or bonds of the pnrchasrrs, respectively payable in two equal successive animal installments. with iuterest at tho rato of xevun pur ouDt. per annuo) from the day of salo payuk.lo annually ; tho payment of auob l>o?d or Imnds to bo xecurod by mnrtgagos rOrtjH*cUv?ly of tho preininox purchased. The purchaser or purchaser* to have tho rigbt to pay all cash at his or thi-ir option, and tho purchaser roxjxjotively U> pay tho Master for papern. N. B. In qv u any of the present ton an to of any of Raid land* to be m> sold, ahull have nown grain oo tho name, they nhall have the right to enter u|*iu ?ooh lands fur the purpose uf natherinK xucli crop of gvaimvheu (he nautc i* leady to l>e harveated, paying the purcha?er of tho laud oue fourth of the grain ho harvested, as rent. T. M. HANCKEL, G08-073 Master. r, r. . ' ' ?! if % > ' 4