The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, November 12, 1884, Image 2

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The Abbeville Messenger. M. L. DOKIIAM, Ju.,) T. I?. COTMHAN, 1 'T KTOKS J AS. S. 1'EKRIN, ) IKOIKIKTOHS. WEDNESDAY, NOVRMKElt 12, 1884. TUB KIilSCTIOX. . Long ere this it is known in every hamlet in these United States that (Jrover Cleveland has been elected President. New York, Indiana, New .Jersey and (Jonnecticutt have joined hands with the solid South, and for four years we are assured the blessings of peace to our people ; of freedom from the persecutions that have h??en inaugurated by the Republican party after every election ; of a purification of the civil service, and of an honest, fearless and pun'administration of the government in accordance with the time honored principles of Democracy. Let no one l>e afraid that Maine's managers can so manipulate the returns of N<?w York as to give him that vote or take it from Clevi land. The temper of the best people of hoth parties at the North has shown itself in the plainly uttered threat that trouble will follow any attempt to steal the Presidency. There is not a doubt that Cleveland has been elected. Ami in the words of the Hon. U. T. Merrick, 4iIIe will be inaugurated peaceably if possible, by force if necessary." Indeed, there wed be no apprehension. The game of bluster being played by the defeated candidate and his friends will soon have nn end, and the Democratic President will be quietly and peaceably installed in th? high office which his personal and public integrity, his devotion to duty and his administrative abili'v fit him to occupy with credit to himself and benefit to the interests of the country at largo, and at last Tildcn will bo avenged. In the intense interest of the Presidential election wo have lost sight of the almost pre-assured fact that our State government remains in the hands of competent aud honest rulers, and our County is represented in the Legislature by a strong delegation, and our County offices filled by faithful and honest officers. For all these blessings let us be devoutly thankful. CLEVKLAXO'S I'OIJICY. We believe that upon his inangtuation as President, Orover Cleveland will not turn an attentive ear to the demands of hungry Democrats, desiring a wholesale slaughter of the Republican ofiicc"holders that they thereby maybe filled. Nor do we think he should. It is per tfoctly natural that those who have liornu the heat and burden of many an ill-fated struggle should now see in the near future the chrystal streams for which their hearts have panted, but it is tlv'T that an indiscriminate hustling of Republican ollice-holdors from thier po:sitions will cause great confusion, and cast reproach upon the etlbrts at honest -reform, so loudly professed by the democracy. We believe that our offices should be filled by capable and honest .men, and we do think that those fire brands among us whose sole mission has "been to keep up discord and who studied .the arts of antagonizing the classes of our population, should be kicked out without ceremony?but honest Republicans should we think be retained, ut least until the machinery has been re-adjusted. Tuft, 13 rayton, Guflin, Wilder, Tolbert .and such cattle should be hurried to the shambles, and that without mercy. The Cabinet we think should be composed of straight out Democrats, and the So'ith should be well represented therein. It is useless to longer prate about distrusting tlw? O ihe ground that they have made one effort to dissolve the union and may do so Again. The South has had "blenty" of that. If'e arc in the L'nivn and ire. ore in to stay. We feel nearer to it now than ever. We love the memories of the Lost Cause, but have not the slightest, not the remotest idea of breathing new life into the dead bones in the valley of Asliulon. Being in the Union then, we demand social, ofTicial and fraternal recognition in the family council of the great nation. We no doubt owe a great deal of our victory to the Independent Republican vote, but they are not so soon entitled j.o its fruits. They should serve out the viyiHti (innos as well as the true and faithful Democrats who have followed the fortunes and principles of the Democracy through the gloomy past. The Independents voted with us, not because they sympathized with the principles of Democracy, but because they could not endure the thought of as corrupt a man iis JJIainc tilling the Presidential chair, jmd in Cleveland's Cabinet there should only be true and tried Democrats, who do sympathize with the principles of the party At the next Presidential election the Independent Republicans would vote for an honest and pure Republican candidate because they aro Republicans from principle. We admire their conduct because they loved republicanism too sincerely to entrust it into the hands of Maine. Let us have in Cleveland's ^.Cabinet only those who through adversity have been purified. They do say the habit of speaking the truth is an unknown factor to the managers of tho Western Union Telegraph Conipnny. Williams of tho (ireci)ville News intimates that AnnaTiian was the impersonation of truth as compared with one of their election bulletins. * Hurrah for Cleveland 1 ' Vh'r! ' ' . .',r ' ' C#;.! ; L~:~ ' > mmm. IJKGisij/vnvK IMU:I>U;tions. si The regular session of the Legislature q will meet on '.he 25th of this month and (j will he com posed of nearly three-fourths l4 new members. There are only about thirty-two obi members returned to the of Representatives. The courteous, and efficient Simons , will by re-elected Speaker. | Col. Simonton will be made Chair- . man of the Judiciary Committee, his old position. (ieorge Johnstone, the former chairman of the Ways and Menus v Committee has not been returned. Ilis ft place will probably be filled by Col s onel John C. Haskell, Gen. McCrady v will probably be irade chairman of the c Kail road committee in place of Mr. H. B. Murray who has not been returned on account of Congressional aspirations. 1 The University will be attacked but ? tlx. nnn.Ahnnlinn will Iw, ,.-<>.1 ' V..V ..... .VM'.OVO. The lien law will ho most vigorously ^ assailed, but will weather the storm and help out the ' hull-ox" farmer for another year. .< A Chief Jnstice will he elected. n Judge Simpson will, in all probability ., be his own successor. There will ho no ? election of Circuit Judges till 1885. 5 THK FIIjIJI ISUHTI3HIXG IN NEW ' YOItK. There i* in the minds of some of the ' alarmists about town a lingering nneasi- ' nose about the result of the l'residon- x tial election yet. To say "be thou ' clothed,"' will not clothe a, man neither ^ ' \ will it comfort a man to siiy "be thou comforted?there is no doubt about 1 Cleveland's election.*' The whole matter ^ turns upon the electoral vote of Now York. All of the returns are in?the t official and the unoflicial?the Press and u the newspaper?and all of them agree ( in giving Cleveland a plurality in Nov j York. The nearest that we can come '] ni ;? ;<. i 'ri.;.. .......i n i?u\ and with t*ie returning boards in the j hands of the Democrats of New York, j and with a strong public sentiment against n rcpitition of the 1870 fraud we may say unfalteringly, Cleveland is the J1 next President. i BRUTAL ASSAULT. f s Col. T. G. White, of rteaufort, who C was a manager at the Congressional box in the town of Beaufort, was set upon 1 and shamefully beaten by a mob of ne- ( groes on the night of the election. The only oflence alleged against him was that he worked for the election of Col. 1 Elliott for Congress against Smalls. Col. t White would doubtless have been kill- < ed but for the interposition of a negro ' policeman. We beg to call the attention 1 of the bloody shirt wavers that the only 1 riots nnd distiirhimroK nl Hir? inn ? t this State have been instigated and per- " petrnteil by the negroes themselves. In t sonic sections thej' seemed to think it was their mission at the polls to precipitate a row. 0 1 THE ARKANSAS EMIGRANTS. 2 c We are glad to learn of the weakening t of some of the "Arkansas Travellers" c who have almost given up their plan, v It is almost madness for people to move s from this count/ where lands are cheap t and good, where the climate is healthy, \ and where there is the best government that the sun shines on, to go to a country unknown, sickly and far from hom?: and kindred. It is a praiseworthy weak- 1 ness that compels them to abandon so ill-fated an enterprise. c ACROBATIC CONKL.IXG. t T ( From tho despatches of November j 10th, it will be seen that Roscoc Conkt ling has come out boldly on the Demo- , cratic side to prevent the Blaine managers perpetrating a fraud in New York, , and will art as "senior counsel. Verily j "politics muke strange bed-fellows." s i KDITOKIAIi N'OTKS. > 1 Mr. J. \V. Payne lias done good work in this campaign in the cause of democracy. Gov. Thompson Si'iit the congratulations of South Carolina to Cleveland and Hendricks. Old Tom IlendricKs is a wheel-horse, j He has carried Indiana in the face of all 1 difficulties. He is a grand old man. * President Arthur has appointed Thurs- ( day, November 27, as a day of Thanksgiving, and verily we all have reason to i observe it. The whole South has rejoiced and ' made merry over the victory. And well t it may, for that victory is the dawn of n period of repose and happiness for it. j j The Xeics ami Courier departed from } its usual rule of not putting "pictures" in its columns when it became assured that Cleveland was elected, and adorned Wu ....... - - r vn at |m^v; vill.ll u 1UU Ul SIX gUIHC J cocks. i The Georgia Legislature assembled at I Atlanta November 4, anil organized by } electing Hon. II. II. Carlton, President . of the Senate, and Hon. \V. A. Little t Speaker of the IIou?*j. i Senator Conkling takes his meals nt A the New York Club. The other evening as he wns sitting waiting for his din- <. nor to bo served he said to a friend : "I 1 believe the Democrats are going to tuke F possession of the country. How long j th-\v will keep it depends upon themselves. It will not bo easy fur it to sat- ^ isfv the demand of its rank and file and the country at the same time." . * . . r >u \ . ' > . ':vi. ' ' Some <?f the "boys'* a delightful upper of <|uail on toast in honor ol leveland's election, and the health of lie President eloct was drunk in Mumm's Kxtra Dry." ' Old Virginny never tire,'' and has tood to her duty in spite of the blanishments and wiles of the enemy or lie bull-do/.ing of that political charla?n, Mahoiiv. Blaine has sought the Presidency for ears with all his might and main and niled at last. Cleveland has never ought any oflieo but is elevated to the cry highest by the people who admire on rage, integrity and honesty. This is doubtless a species of blacknail directed towards our young friends f Hodges, and we bid them stand fast, 'ram all accounts it seems that the onngjockey deserved all he got, and lidn't get much anyhow. The Washington 8(fir (Intl.) says : '(live lis shorter Presidential campaigns ml longer Presidential terms. These re the sentiments of the country jus*. io\v. Don't let everything l><> run in the ntcrost of the politicians and the humners." The l'iedmot Fair at Greenville has >een a success. In "view of (ho fact that >ublic attention was so mueli nhsorhed villi lilt; election, it is remarkable that he exhibit in all departments were so ;ood, and the attendance so large. We lave no doubt that at any other time nany of our people would would have ;one. For days and days we alternated beween hope and fear. Atone tiinebouy(1 up with the hope created by private lispatches, at another cast down by the ying telegrams of the Western Union Telegraph Company, which was being ontrolled by .lay Gould, with a view o the manipulation of the returns in Maine's behalf. I lu* mob in Aow \ ork on Thursday! light, believing that Jay Gould was try11;* to defraud and cheat the peoplo of he votes they have cast for (Cleveland or President, went about the streets inking " hang ! hang! hang! Ja\~ Jould !" whereupon that worthy tele- ] ;raphed Gov. Cleveland congratulating li 111 and the country on his election. Hil hypocrite. Many a man who expects our next Vesident to make a wholesale sweep of he Republicans now in oflice will be lisappoin ted. We prcdict that he will ?c very conservative in this respect ; lorhaps too much so. The holders of Yderal o dices in the South ought to be urned out cn manse, because they are liens and inimical to the true interests >f this section. Quite a number of our people have ;one the State Fair this week. The fair tromises to Do unusually good this year, s'ew ami elegant buildings have boon ;rect<*d. Many new and interesting feaures have been added, and the articles >f all classes entered for exhibition are fry numerous. We hear that the stock how will be more than usually fine, and he racing will be good. Next week we vill give some account of the occasion. CLEVELAND'S FRANK LETTER. low He Regarded the l'ossibiltiles of the Recent Campaign. London, November 8.?Harold Frederic, a London correspondent, has conributed an article to the Pall Mall jazet/c in which he embodies a private otter written by Governor Cleveland >n October 20, last, and hitherto unpubished. In it occurs the following: "Imagine a man standing in my place, villi positively no ambition for a higher >osition than the one I now hold, in constant apprehension that I may be. called ipou to assume burdens and duties the greatest and highest that any human bong can take upon himself. I cannot ook upon the prospect of success in this Miupaign with any joy, but only with a Tory serious kind of awe. Is this right ?* The Pall Mall Gazette thinks the etter furnishes a perfect mind picture >f an honest and pure man. Assault and a Suit.?J. T. Nix, of hr legal firm of Nix, Shnman & Nix, .old a News reporter yesterday that he lad been authorized by Andrew McCarthy, a horse jockcy who is acconi?anying the stables of the southern racng circuit, to institute suit for $5,000 in he United States District Court against lesse and T. J. Ellis, of Abbeville. It s alleged that on Friday night, at the VI an si on House, the Messrs. Kllis made in outrageous assault ano battery upon he plaintiff. Ho prefers this mode of icdress to a criminal action.?Greenu'lle JYeics. Well, wo "followed whore the white dnme waived,'' but we seem to linvo got eft.?St. Lout* Globe-Democrat, liepublican. ADVICE TO MOTIIKItS. Are you disturbed at night and hrocen of your rest by a sick child suH'erng and crying with jinin of cutting .eeth V If so, send at once and get a jottle of Mas. Winsi.ow'r Southing .Svn;i* kou Cmr.DRKX TrcKTiiiKn. Its value s incalcrl-ibh'. l! \\:!I pdiev" the poor it:b- SMll'iTf" iinm-"! :ti"iy. l? ;c?d upill it. uiotiio:., I In.-re is im? mistake about t. It .-nres dysentery nud ditirrhcua, re;ulai's M?'* sto'mi-b :md b-i?\-. U. fiir -S viud > i1*I lit gin.i-, i d?i?vs iiii.iiiiinati '!, jutd 0ivi-s ! ?<>! an ' n?-r*?y lo h" wind* <ysl' hi. M h.h. 'V in>i.?.w*s , in.itmn i svi,l'f hl'( ( lllf.llULN 'i kkth:< ? is }?i n<:?'ti ii. tin* mid is the ut.-ci : ijitiMii <it ??ti. (if tin- oldest :tn.l lu-st 111:tI nur< .< s?i"*1 physicians in (bo _'i>u?"l Stall's, and is for salts by nil l-r.^isls throughoutth? world. 1'ricc !o i'i>iits a buttle. 5-ay Subscribe for the Messcngrr. f.- . .. ' " . " rjl E. RRAXMJAXS SAM I'LK ROOM, Main street, Columbia, S. C., Opposite Hotel Block. 1 WIXES, LIQUORS AN*I) CIGARS. ' TIIK best brands of domestic ami imported whiskies, wines and champagnes always in stock. Orders by mail promptly tilled with firstcl'iss <roods at reasonable prices; address T. E. BRA XIGA X, Colu.ihia, S. C. Paints. Oils ami Varnishes at Speed ?X: Lowrv's. Host Cocktails at llailey's. Notwithstanding the hard times w have spared neither pains nor expense in the selection of our slock for this spring. The ladies can rely upon fretting the latest fashions and lowest prices at R. M. HADDON & CO. TgXCIlAXGE HOTEL, Ghukxvim.k. S. C. T1IE ONLY TWO-CLASS HOTEL IX THE WOULD. W. It. WlIITK, PUOI'UIKTOK. 1.. \V. 1'KltltlN". T. r. COTIIRAX. pEURIN & (.'OTIIRAN, Attorneys at Law*, ALLcvillc S. C. jflHJEXK U.UAUY, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law*, A1?l>ovill?:, S. C. ?JKXT11AL HOTEL, Mus. M. AV. Thomas, Proprietress, lirond si reel, Aujjusln, (la. C. W1M.IAM.S, Suhokon Dkntist, Greenwood, S.C\. AJKEEKWOOl) HOTEL, Tiios. F., Proprietor, (irpnnivnnil K P Dinner of the A. it K., road. Passengers on tlio down train of the 0. & < .. road, going Kasl, ha\e ample time to secure a jrood dinner lie I ore the departure of the train for Augusta. Transient board .i"2 per day. A liberal discount from above rates to parties wanting board bv th^ week or month. fits#*Livery. Feed and Sale Stables connected with this hotel. IJSI1K STATE or SOUTH CAROLINA, COI NTY OF AnilKVILLK. IN THK PUOBATF. COl'HT. L. S. Carwile, as AdministJator Ac., Plaintiff, J Against 1'. L. Carwiic, ot. al.. Defendants. Complaint for Sale of Land for Payment of Debts. I WILIj sell nt public oulcrjr at Abbeville Court House, on Snledr?y in Xovember next, within the legal hours of sale, for the payment of debts, tlio following described renl estate, belonging to the estate of James M. (Jnrwile, deceased, to wit : Xo. 1. Homo lMace containing OXE HUXDUKD AX1) SKY EX ACRES, more or b-ss bounded by lands of J. \V. Clinkscales, Carrie Clinkscrlcs, Callaliatn place and others. Xo. 2. The Clinkscales place containing OXE HUXDUKD A XI) 81XTEKX ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of Carlie Clinkscales, Jasper Shirley, the Home Place anil others. Xo. 3. The Rarmore place, containing OXE II UXI)R ED AXD FORTY ACRES more or less bounded by B. Callaham, Samuel Shaw, J. Crowther and others. X'.. ,1 ?I'U_ I? . ?n>. -i. i iiu ^iiiiaiiuni jiiucl', contain??>g SEVKNTY-SEVEX AGUES more or lt:ss, and bounded l?y lands of J. W. Clinkscales, C Ellis. B. Callahain and others. Terms?One-third Cash, the balance in One and Two years, with interest from day of Sale, secured by bond of Purchaser, and a mortgage of the property. Purchaser to pavfor Papers. J. FULLER LYON, Oct 15-3t Judge Probate Court. mliE STATE SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ABBEV-LLE. Phouatk Cot'nr. M. G. Zeigler, as Administrator, &e? Plaintiff*, Against Bella Lomax, et. al., Defendants. Complaint for Sale of l and to pay Debts. I WILL sell at public outcry at Abbeville Court House on Saledny in November, next, within the legal hours of sai?, lor tno payment ol debts, the following described real estate, belonging to the estate of Jesse Lomax, deceased, to wit: All that tract of land situate in the Count}- and Stnte aforesaid containing TKX A CUES. more or less, bounded bv 1 finds of Mra. Crawford, Patrick Uochc, Willinm Hill and Columbia nnd Greenville liailroad. Terms, One half Cash, balance on Credit ol Twelve Month* with Interest from day of sale, secured by bond and mortgage of property. Purchaser may liavo option of paying all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. FUl,LRR LYON, Judge Probate Court A. IS. 1 loupernt Wholesale dealer in Corn, Flour, Meal, Meat, Hams, Lard, llran, Salt, Molasses, Sugar, Coft'ce, Kicc, Soap, Ac., will deliver goods at any point on railroad at Abbeville prices. Iii-toi-e buying always ask for oriees, as wo have advantaged that few up-country mercbauta have. A. 2?. Koubrs. a /"C. f*-.; . R/t ciiaij ? A UK NT FOIl? MACHINERY! AMIKYIMJ*:, S. U. I AM better prepared than ever before to oiler to farmers anil others needinjj them Steam Engines, COTTON GINS, Cotton Presses, Saw Mills, GUI T MILLS, CAN!-: MILLS, Portable and Stationary Flouring Mills, :ui<l all kinds of improved Agricultural Implements. A n full mill complete slovk of Groceries & Provisions, FRUIT, CONFKCTIOXKIIY. ('HiAKS, TOltACCO, Ivn:., at exceedingly low prices for vnsli. I'ricu my ISroceries before you buy. I bnvo eijrlit years' experience in tbc inacliinery trade and can oiler you inducements oiiiii 1111>i 111 \ , jinee aim icrins. t mi oil 1110 <?r write lor any infoi mation as to prices, terms, ?Vc. 1-tf FOMITU 1E~ PARLOR Suits in Plush ami Mohair, Walnut Chamber Suits, latest styles, llandsiinc Painted Suits, low pricos, Fine Wnliiut Side Hoards ami Chill'mitcrs, Fine Walnut Wardrobes and Mall Stands, Fine Clierrv and Oak Suits, Walnut, Oak and Cane Seat Chairs. Library Chairs, Hod Room ('hairs. Dining and other (.'hairs in Leather. Perforated Chair Seat and Hack, also Perforated Seats for re-seutintr old chairs. 10 Hiircaits at prices from to $'J0 with (rond Classes, Looking Classes and Looking Class Plates to re-li'.l old frames, all best quality. Safes, Tables and Mattresses of every decription and Prices, SOLI) AT HOTTOM PJCtRKS. OUIt (iOODS AUK HOCCHT IUKF.CTLV FKOM MAM'FACTIKKIIS and our prices a<-e as low as city prices aiul all floods soldju*t as they arc. upon Iheir merits. We can make you:- houses more comfortable, nmre e?iji>yi?bli: and lovely if you will cull mi ii-i fni* u liiil ii.ii -.11 Kcspecl full y, J. D. CHALMERS & CO. i-tf. Job Printing OF AIL KINDS NEATLY and PROMPTLY EXECUTED ?AT THE? Me sscngcr Office. ESTATE NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Kunicc It. Chiles, deceased, must settle at once, those hav>n;r claims must present the same before the 2Sth of November, next, as a tinut settlement of said Kstnte will be made in the l'robate Court, at that date. T1I0S. C. CIIILKS, oct 2'J-tf Administrator. 3E"?3?tle.eicEL. FOUND at Due West, last Saturday, a Watch Cliain, which the owner can have by calling at the Mrssknuki: otlice. proving property and paying for this notice. J. il. I$arks<lale. SST otice. Application will be made to the (joueral Assembly of South Cnrolina nt its next session for a charter for a Uniln ud from Greenwood by Pho-nix and Kd^elield C. H., to Aiken on the S. C., H. K. sep 11-3m. French Candies, Fresh! LKMOX CRACIvKIiS, FRESH ! SODA CRACKERS, FRESH! GINGER SNAPS, FRESH! ASSORTED JUMBLES, FRESH ! Just Received. 1-tf QUAKLES & THOMAS. rjlIIE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA eorsTV' ok AtinKvn.i.K. In tlie J'robnto L ourt. Ex-Parte, Thomas C. Cliiles, Administrator mid Petitioner. Petition for Settlement nnd Discharge. TIIOS. C CHILES, as .-t<lininistrntor of the Estate of Eunice K. Chiles, deceased, having tiled his Petition, praying for Settlement ami Discharge: It. is ordered, that Friday the 28th day of November, next, he (ixeif for settling said Estate, and granting discharge prayed for. J. FULLER LYON, oet 2tt-tf Judge Pro Wat o Court. gTATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County ok AnnKvu.i.e. In the Probate Court. In Real Estato of Bennett Reynolds, Sr., deceased, B. Frank Reynolds Executor and Petitioner. Petition for Settlement and Discharge. NOTICE is hereby givon that Thursday, the 13th of November next, has been fixed for settling snid estato and granting a discharge to the said Executor. J. FULLER LYON, oct 15-tf Judge Probato Oeurt. Miilinery! Millinery! rj^llH most extensive slock ??f Millinery can L. n.iw round :it It. M. IIA I)DON & CJO.'S. Application for charter. NOTK'K is hereby jjivcn ttint application will he made to the ( (. Moral Assembly at its next session, lor a charier for a Railroad I'roni (ireemvond, Abbeville comity, to Abbeville court (louse. South Carolina, with power to extend same. West from Abbeville or Kast I'roni (ireenwooil,as may bo determined by the corporators. sep 11 -Iliii Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to flicestateof Miss Kosa K. Mi.sely, deceased, must make immediate payment to the undersigned and all holding claims against said estate are hereby not ilied t hat settlement of the same will be made in probate judge's olliee on Saturday, October ISth, ISS I. M. CJ. ZHIGLF.K, Adin'r. sept 18-:U OTHERS' I^OTTT^ATFk 1 A' fll ii FjH BP i ggMSKEaa No More Terror I This inv a I ? a hi c t>ri'|i;imtion is truly ? No Moro rain! triumph of scientific skiil, uliil no more in No Moro Danger! e"iiiiiui.k. bcnctii was over Ih'.sIiiwciI mi Clio mothers ol' the j To world. Jimt not omIv short ens the time ?f labor Mother or Child and l.ssons the inten sit v of )iiiin. hut, betTIh: Dread of ',,r than all, it jrreHll v diminishes the dimmer Motherhood the (not her in a c'?ti1 nuisforuiod to <litioti hi^lilv fuvoraIde to sjieedy recovery. and far less liable 'o thiiiitiiH*'- ffitii'iil L1UJ. Jli j sinus, a 11 ?1 o t li i: r | alarming symptoms I incident to lin<Tcrin? and j ami >>l*n? labor j Its Irnlv ?> underfill | f } rl'iivtcy in c?f-ci t-f VJ' -fl- entitles tin- .Vovni;r.s' , , " ! 1'UIIM? to bo r:.s.!v -?l Safety mm hase . m. ?| n?. i,i?| > a v ' ii ?r aiij'liances ?TO-- j jjivi-ii t?i the world j liv the disco\ eries <>!' SullVrin^: Women. I modern science. From the nature of the case it will r>f course he understood that we cannot publish certificates concerning this ItKMKHV without wounding the delicacy <d" the writers. Yet we have hundreds of >ueh testimonials on file, and no mother who hnsonce used it will ever a pi in he without it in her time of trouble. A prominent physician lately remarked to the |>rnpriitor, that if it were admissible to make jniblic the letters we receive, the '"Mothers' hriciid would out-sell anything oil the market 1 most earliest I v en t rent everv female expecting to be confined, to use Mother's Kc ui-i. voujueu \vnii t his entivnt v 1 will add that during a lonj{ obstetrical practice ( fortyfour years,) I have never known it to fail to produce a safe and <[iiit k delivery. II..I. HOLMES, M. I)., Atlanta, Oa. Send for our Treatise <>n "dealtIi and Happiness of Women," mailed free. Hkadkiki.ii Hkui'i.atou Co., Atlanta, f>a. For sale by I). <!. Dnl'rc. Kxaiuino our Stock before buying your wedding and Christinas -presents elsewhere. Speed & I.owry. * ?MMMBB?MpW??IMP?I ffltTH W T T1 y T JU JLI WIIOMiSALK AND Cootii Stoves, GRATES A1 Buy the " Excelsi SEVEXTEEX different sizes in stock. Hen Large quantities* of TlXWAUE. Very 1 W. I. 2-3m 831 ] ilNllM 11A V K I milKIIl LAUGK AND WELL KKLKC Fall and TV CONSISTING IN PAItT OF Foreign and Dom not] HATS, HATS, HATS, HOOTS ANI> SHOES, IIAHDWAKK, HARD' GUI 0K( As I.owur Prices than they were Ever Of ?. ' '' ' I ES.em.o'cra.l. : QiaMTiias IIAVK UKMOVKI) TO TIIK New Store on the Comer under Il?i* new hotel. When vim come to .own cult ill t<: sec thrill. Sept. :il), 'St. QI: A HI.KS A THOMAS. PAVILION HOTEL, CllAUf,KRT<>X. S. C. First Class in all its Appointments. na ti:s, fi'i.oo, $ Kxcollont Cnisinc. largo airy rooms. Otis Passenger Klovator. F.lectric Ik-lls ami I.i^hls. Ilcatcil Rotunda. Hotel Centrally Located. i " I Vegetable Sicilian HAIR EENEWER was tlio first preparation porfectly adapted to euro diseases of tlio scalp, and tho first successful restorer of faded or gray liair to it? natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, but uonohavoso fully met all tho requirements needful for tlio proper treatment of tho hair and scalp. Hall's Hair Ui:.m;wf.r lias steadily grown in favor, and spread its famo and usefulness to every quarter of tho globo. Its unparalleled success can bo attributed to but ono cause: the entire fulfilment of its promises. 'Xho proprietors havo often beon surprised at tho receipt of orders from remoto countries, whoro they had never made an ellortfor its introduction. 'Jlio uso for a short tlmo of Hall's IIaib Hi:ni:wi:ii wonderfully improves tho personal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldncBB. It stimulates tho woakened glands, and enables ll?in t.-., t 1 _ _-J -1 ? ... luimtiu <1 iiuw aim vigorous growth. Tho eirects of this articlo are not transient, liko tlioso of alcoholic preparation!*, hut remain n Ion;; timo, which makes lis udo a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOIt TIIE WHISKERS Will chango the beard to a natural brown, or black, ns desired. It produce# a permanent color that will not .h away. Consisting of a single preparation, It Is applied without troublo. PREPARED BY E. P. HALL & CO., Iota, N.H. Sold by all Dealers in Mediclnca. tFOB ALL THE POEMS Scrofulous, Mercurial, and Hlood Disorders, tho host remedy, becauso tho most searching "and thorough r blood-puritlcr, Ts Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Bold by all Druggists; ?1, six bottles, lELl'H, RKTAIL DEALKIl INT Mnir Stoves D TINWARE. ior Cook Stove!" itiuir Stoves in great variety fur wood and coal. nw at wholesale. f DELPH, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. I TEMPLETON nt stork rnci) stock of r j * inter tioods, icstic Dry Goods, EoNSSS, . W A UK, IIAKDWAIJK, DC Kit IKS, OUO(-KHIKSj CJR0CKRIK8, XJKKRY, CROCKKKY. CROCKKRY, rercil Before. 1-tf >