The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, October 01, 1884, Image 3

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* - - ?- --? -i The Abbeville Messenger. '"WfellNKSDAY, OCTOBER I, 1884. SUBSCRIPTION $2 00 Ohun:h DiWeMirv. M*TH0hiST Clinton.?ScrviceK ncxl *???(IhV. Ottnhur 1 1 . . ??. ? ) ami evening. nv Kev. " H. Richardson, at 11 a. m an<l 7:ZtU |?. Prkrbytkki \s.?By Dr. W. K. Hoggs at 11 ft. in. and 7:30 p. tuKriHCorAi..?By Ucv. Mr. Hanckel at 1! a. , m. and 5 j>. in. Mchhrkcs. J'.iin (he torchlight procession on Monday ! night. The artillery will be on hand for the torch- | light parade. I Our merchants are back from New York with fine goods. C'ouie and hear Zeb Vance, the finest stump speaker in the south. Come to the barbecue! Frank A. Wilson 18 chief cook . Wrhum fat. ilr. Frank Kellnr was lined $15 for shooting birds before the close season was over. Fifteen hundred red shirts will b?i in line on the 7th. Join the column and swell the numbers 1 Bronchitis is cured permanetly by Brewer's Lung Restorer. fiep 4-4t The Anderson artillery is in the hands of Capt. John K. Brownlee, ready for action on the 7th. The public will enjoy a rare treat in listening to the Bev. Dr. Hoggs at the Presbyterian cnurco on tsumlay next. There are ninety-three convicts working on the Savannah Valley railroad within about three miles of McCormick. . Wo had a pleasant shower of ruin on last .Thursday, but stand very much i:i need of more. It is still too dry to sow oats. There are more thingK in rupubliran secret philosophy than . ? in our innocence dream of. Dou't let them catch us napping. r?me out ^n the 7th. Messrs. Quarles &. Thomas have moved into their new store under the hotel, and will soon maku it, with new and attractive goods, second to none in town. A two-year-old daughter of Mr. Mac. Heed, near the rillage, is extremely ill with diphtheria The attending physicians are very apprehensive of the result. We extend our hearty congratulations to our friends Mr. A. McN. Turner and Miss <Jabe McCants, of Ninetv-Six. who were I united in marriage nt Spartanburg. Mr. \V. T. McDonald, a most accomplished and competent salesman, is at Rogers* wholesale store and desires to see his fricids, to whoin he will offer bargains in all goods in his line. Capt. Chas. S. Dwight, engineer on the Savannah Valley railroad, says that forty-one of the fifty-eight aiilcs of the Savannah Valley railroad have been graded, which leaves only seventeen yet to be graded. ^ The "ttev. William K. Hoggs will preach in the Presbyterian church uext Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Hoggs is a professor in the Theological seminary at Columbia and a minister ot established reputation. Hest Cocktails at HailevV. We have heard with recret of the death of Mr. J. Frank Cason, of Ninety-Six. Mr. Ca' turn was for a number of years dc|Hit and express agent at Ninctv-Six, and eiij<* ed the respect of the community in w hich lie lived.! He leaves a family. If you suffer Headache, constipation, Dizziness* Sour Stomach, or' llillious attacks, Jfmory't Lift ft Cathartic Pith will r .die* e you; as a regulator of the bowels thev have no equal; very small, one to three a dose. I j L cents. The members of upprr Lonir C.\ne church and our citizens generally are fortunate in 3? ?tiaving tne distinguished divine. Dr. 11. M. > I'almer, of New Orleans, to couduct the centennial services in that church during the Tl|?rescnt month. Dr. I'almer will attract and 1 delight immense congregations. Abbeville has many trood business houses of which she is iustly proud, but nmie more widely known or more liberally patrouized than the tuuies' furnishing store of U.M. Iladdon A "... They carry an immense slouk and our lady readers cannot buy their Hats, Honnets or drenses cheaper from any house in the _ * C3 .1 _ - J- - ? * couniy. rve uicir miveriisemeni. Milk I'uni-hca ut llailey's. Gen. W. W. Humjiliiies, |>re.siilt'nt of the Savannah Vallev railroad, passod down (he Mud last week on route lor Au?m*Ii. to look after the interests of Ills road. He is very much encouraged as to the prospect* of his road, and says that the city of Anderson wilt make ii]> llie amount which the townships in Anderson county refused to vote. Capt. J. \V. I'errin, county treasurer, was out uu the railroad collecting; taxes during the jiast week. We understand that the collections were very jroml. The statute requires the treasurer to ;o on the 0. &. U. K. R. only, hut Capt. I'errin, to accomiiiodate the tax pavers on the A. & K H. It , took in the stations on that road also, lie will be in his oflice at flic court house from uoiv until the books close. Refreshments at Bailey's. President ltaoull, of the Georgia Central railroad, was in Greenwood one day last week f ?r the pnr|Nise of purchasing a hit ou which t? build a depnt for the A. A K. It. It. lie succeeded in obtaining portions of the lots l>?ton?iuK to Messrs. Bailey and C. A. C. Waller, and will build the do pot in the street >rnunini; in front of these lots, movinjr the street a little further hack. A nice depot for the A. &. K. It. It. is very much needed in i Greenwood, and we hope President ltaoull v)L will put one there worthy of the town. njfc The hand kmducliucd the invitation \\ to nttvnd lhe;uieeting ut Newberry ou ill the ^ 'Mr. Cannot! huw an adverttaumcnl in BhK this paper of 'great in:=rest to farmer* m and machinist*. ? |H A congregational meeting of the l'resBB i>ytorian church will be held Thursday BB cveninirat K o'clock. IDont fail to read the advertfsemant of l'\ li. llailey. The Jiot weather is not over yet. lie will keep you cool. See the advertisement of J. !>. Chalmers & Co., in this issue. There is no better furniture store in the up-country. Col. H. T. Wnrdlnw is heavy on jokes, Get liiih to tell you the one he tickled the ears of the Ml. Cnnnel 4*untorr:fied" with. Yoin Kipper, the Jewish day of Atonement, was observed by the Jews in town. Their stores were closed for tho day. We regret to hear that I)r. K. l'nrkei is quite- sick. His brother, l)r. Frank I'ariter. of Charleston, has been telegraphed for. Rev. J. L. Martin conducted a series of moetings in the Presbyterian churcli . last week, preparatory to couiinunior Sunday in his church. Somebody rode oft* Mr. J. II. Walk cr'K mule last Snturdny evening from near Lewi* ltichey'a shop, and it wn> not found till Tuesday. We are under many obligations to oui i friends of The l*rexx and Jtanner ant I Medium for kindnesses shown us in get I ting out our first issue. I The special train on tho 7th, wil I v ... u:? o - ... v?... if nmBB ICAVU iiiuuij-niA, o it* 111 , IMUIRUI tf:lo, Greenwood, 8:2:5, Hedged, 8:50? Returning, leave Abbeville, l> jk m. BH Special attention is called to the larg< attractive stock or Iteady-madi ^h^^kuiothing dow offered for tmle by Whiti BjBrothcrs. 1 2t HH Don't g6t sick if you can possible ^^^Help it But since von probably can' it, it is welt to bear in mintl tha H^^^^Hpeed it liOWrf have drugs to euro al (lut fliMih ia heir to. The ricl M.a barbecue arc ant to mnk HHoikk, Wherefore it behooves yoi ^B^H^^^Ueoicpber that Speed & Lowrv ar one door above the Central Hotel ."A#., rSU&>* ,Vi } .<?? ^ ^i-a^DViv, 2 The inerchents have agreed to close tlieir stores oil Tuesday, 7ill. Our merchants are always liberal and patriotic. Take notice ami do your trading on Monday. i* The meeting on tin- 7th will be a grand success. The trumpet notes from tin- mountains presage a rousing, ringing rally at the scene of the memorable Big Tuesday. Owing to dry weather the cotton brought to market is of exceptionally good quality. A large per cent, commands the top of the market, which is about 9?4 cents now. Mr. W. A. Teinpleton has all of the appliances for ginning cotton at the branch near Jud><c Cothran's. and will ;ive you honest returns. Mr. Watt Fleming is in charge. * We hear just as we go to press, that John A. Moore. of Ninety-Six, lost his house last night by lire. It was partially insured. Loss about $8<X). No clue to the origin of the fire. The Directors special enr brought the Itev. K. 11. Miles from Charleston last evening. Mr. Miles is seriously ill, and was conveyed upon a couch in the car. He is stopping at Mrs. S. M. W. Smith's. O'Donnell Cunningham at the CenSSnl/.n.. k..?n ~ ??!.? Ut......!! advertisement to all who will undergo the fatigue and dust of next Monday. Try them. Frank will treat you right. At Ashville, X. C., on the 26th of September, our namesake Messenger, the trotting horse that belongs to Mr. Ellis, won a race over William C. Nutwood. Jr., Anna Mills, Melton and Mnmbrino Hyppi. Time, 2:45. The Abbeville Democratic. Club will meet in the Court 1 louse on Friday night, October 3, to elect delegates to the County Club. M. L. Honuam, .In., President. L. W, Smith, Secretary. T. M. Christian presents in this issue of the MKssKKOKit some facts that must be of interest to a thirsty crowd. And thore will doubtless be thirsty crowds in these parts e'er long, and it will stand them in hand not to forget Christian. A good assortment of tne following named at tides may be had at the store of White Brothers : Table Lim-ns Towels, Blankets, Sheetings. Bed Tickings, Counterpanes, Furniture Prints. Carpets and Hugs. l-2t Tho boys have organized n campaign company, known as tho tJovernor's Guards; Hertford Parks, Captain, Jiinmio Hill. 1st Lieutenant, and Mason Dul're, 2d Lieutenant. They will parade on the 7th, as a guard of honor to the (Jovernor. * Major Z<*igler. who was elected Captain of the company of red shirts to be raised at and around the village, is raising a splendid company. The Major is true in every position in which lie is placed, and may be counted on to do his full duty. The colored brethren and "sisttring" ar<? making the nights hideous with their revivals. To be convinced that ! the term is properly applied glance in . at the performance. The programme is occasionally varied bv a feminine pugil istic encounter. I 1>. K. Ilmeham, contractor and builder, | has begun hauling brick for a warehouse | oil the Marshall IIoiiao lot belonging to i Judge Cothran. The warehouse will be 1 one story and a substantial building. It will be Mr. neaeham's place of business after January 1, 1885. ' The Palmetto Saloon, presided over by Thomas Mcfiettigan and Jerry Pradlev. is alwavs supplied with the best j brands ?>/ Wines Liquors and Cigars, i Let those who ar?? here oil Monday nnd I Tuesday and during Court bear this in mind. Don't forget Tom nnd Jerry. | Prof. Ueid is pushing his scholastic ' work abend with great energy and is j winning tho coium -ndntion of his patj runs by his genteel and at the same time J firm demeanor. The town should give ' 11itn its earnest support and it will. He | is nhly assisted l?y Misses White and j Young. Messrs. Cunningham ?fc Tempteton i are reliable ami we'll known. Their advertisements pan out well. We know whereof we speak when we sny they have an unusually tine and well selected stock of g??ods. It will repay you to examine their stock and to purchase from them. Mr. Luther llolley. of Aiken, was in i town Tuesday looking for a stolen horse. | It was hired, together with a bug}ry. from I the stable of Mr. Chafee, iu Aiken, on last Saturday for a short ride, and has not been returned. The buggy is a top buggy, with piano box?the mare is a li:rht urHV. on the nonv order. White Brothers having nn immense stock of fall nod winter goods, are now prepared to supply the wants of nil their friends anrt tYwj public generally, tioods are cheaper than the* "??,re ever known . to he, and in tho purchase oT itum* a little mortoy will pay for a great mnnj articles. JUSt. Squire Mattison says in answer to the complaints about the had condition of tho roads, that the Commissioners and Supervisors order out the hands, who frequently refuse to work. If reported , and tried, in 1hc majority of the eases they are acquitted. So that the efficiency of the road law is utterly destroyed, j If these complaints be true the road law , is defective and ought to bo amended. "Went for wool and came away shorn." . Kinma Hrown, colored, indictcd Anderson ltichey, of similar polish, for assault and battery?the outcome of the melee at the colored Haptist church last wtek. The case was tried before (). T. Callioun, * Ksq., who acquitted Anderson, however : ungallant he may have been. Anderson ' then seeks the halls of justice and/lays a similar complaint against the late/prose( eutrix for assaulting his wife. / .Judge i Deltruhl found the fair defendant guilty, i and with fine and costs sho will he eight dollars worse off the morning ^fter she . settles. I j ' Committee on Deforatlbn. In nccortltinoo with a re*0lutloa pu.?xed at the Joint meeting of the Ahpevtliy Democratic r Club* the following romiti|hltte<y to decorntu | tlie speaker'* hIuiuI 1h appointed* Col. II. T. Warillnw, Cltqirmnn. JIi-k. W. C. Urnet, Mrn. IK, |1. Culhotin, Mra. M. I,. Ilonlium, Jr., Mihuch Kilo Norwood, llcufilc Nornwd, Kittle 1'crrln, 1 Cclln Matthew*, Hiirnh ferritin Clarkto Collirun, Kllon I'urkor, Mumic '/Actf'cr, Metn l.ytli KiM), Uottn Allen, Aylqfle Clmlmera. Fnnnlr Ijiwron, Kll* Penny, /-Illy /Inuckell, Knt< Mondial), CellH VIsiiiHka, Kato Callus tin Knllle Culhonn, Hod* I/lvfiiRr-Uin, Florldt e Noble, Mary !?n Htn/tli, GruiJ-'e Gordon. i? M. iJllONIlAM, .In.. Prmldcut AwlK'vllfo l>ein. Club. e 1 ;?. OflA YPON, PnM. AO. Dom. Club No. 2. ; a7E. Kogcru, . "\Vholenale dealem* Corn, Flour, JIe?l, Meal . Hams, I.ard, lipo, buU. Molasaea, Sugar 1 Coffee, Kice, Sort), ie.,*vill deliver good* a1 ti any point ?d lAilroad/at Abbeville prieea e Hctore buying/ftlwgjv uxk for prices, MS m . have advantares tbar few up-country nier chanta have. 7 / A, K. Kookks. I- Icod WLVK4TW.K, W~HT, V* 1 Kijfli(y-l''ivt! Souls Hound Westward. The emigration mania has struck the White Hall neighborhood amidships. We learn that the following families will move to Arkansas about the 15th of December : Andrew Anderson and family, William Anderson and family, James Anderson and family, Robert Anderson, Sr., and family, William Anderson, Jr., and family, Robert Anderson, Jr., and family, James Smith and family, Robert Smith, single, William Wilkinson and family, .John Davis and family, Joe Davis ami family, Robert llintou and family, Dave Edwards and family, Dave Wilkinson, single, Mack Wilkinson, single, Ed. Seymour, single, Wiston Felt, single, Owen Edwards and family. All substantial white farmers, and it is a source of genuine regret that Abbeville county, which needs good farmers so badly and offers them such inducements, should lose such men. Their destination is the western part of Arkansas. where their intention is to buy up railroad land und open fresh new farms for themselves. The troubles and hardships of emigration they will sadly feel, and it be hoped that their journey will be as free as possible from such inconveniences. Robert ilinton, one of those named above, is still on the ragged edge and may conclude to stay among the people of his childhood. Several of them are tenants of the I.aureus iuiuis, which arc 10 u? sum samday in December, and the reason they give for their emigration is their inability to rent land and compete with the onehorse ne.zro farmers, whose means are strengthened by the lien law. If the lien law will force such people as these to leave us, it certainly works a serious wrong upon our country. Let our legislators think about this matter when they come to consider its repeal this .vi liter. Town Council. At a meeting of the Town Council Friday afternoon soinc matters of general interest were transacted. A force of six extra policemen was ordered to be employed for the Democratic rally on the 7th October. Owing to the danger to the large glass windows of the new hotel from the firing of the Anderson nrtillery, the town marshal was instructed not to allow any boinhnnlitif lwnrnr than 7(1(1 ranis of tin. court house. A petition signed by numerous citizens, asking that an ordinance be passed prohibiting the Council from electing one of their number Clerk, and requiring him to give a boml for the fnilhful discharge of his duties, wan read and on motion of Warden Douglass was laid on the tabic. An ordinance wa*.then passed providing for the creation of the office of Clerk of Council, defining his duties and regulating his compensation. Hy reference to this ordinance, published in another column, it will be seen that the Council are empowered to elect their Clerk either from (he Wardens, or from outside citizens. This we think eminently proper. All thnt the citizens have a rijrlit to require is that a competent man be elected and that he give the required bond. It would be an imputation upon the Council to require them now to abandon a time-honored custom and make the humbling acknowledgment that thefe'waftli't a man on the board capable and honest enough to act as their Clerk. Personal. l)r. T. J. Hester, of the Savannah .side, was in town Saturday. .nr. 1'nviu \/rn\yi"rti, ci-siumn cinuinia siouer. was in town Monday. I)r. John A. Kobinson, of I)nc, was in town Monday- TJjc l)>k*tor is one of the truest of the "unterritied," and will be on hand to help the boom of the 7th. Mr. Simon lionzer, formerly of this place nnd n conductor on the C. & U. railroad, but now in the liiinber business at Amcricus,Oa., is on a visit to relatives here. Mr. Itoozer looks as if his treatment at the hands of the (food people of Anicricus agreed with hiin. Mr. I>. I?. Mabry, a promising and talented limb of the law is in town. Mr. Mabry has recently graduated with the degree of bachelor of laws at the university of Virginia. He will soon bring to the bar the particularity and care instilled by his learned preceptor, I'rof. Minor, added to natural abilities of no ordinury degree. Mr Foster iinlphin, lately with ]{. M. Haddun & Co., of this place, hut now with (aalphin & .Johnson, enterprising merchants of Ninety-Six, was in town Thursday last. Mrs. J. H. Wilson and Miss Mary Wilson, of Atlanta, nuil Miss Kliznheth llill, of Thompson, CJ?., have been visiting thvir relative, Mr. A. M. Hill, at this placc. Mr. \V. II. 1'arker's family returned on the .?)th from their summer homo in CaBhior'a?Valley. Hr. l,t\vis Porker, who was ho ill duVjng the summer, ia quite well again and will ?outJi yir. W? U- J'arker, Jr., returns the same d?y to Charlestons^ A Finn Sermon. There was no preaching in any of the churches Sunday evening except in the Methodist. Jliev. Mr. Richardson preached to quite a good congregation upon the text : "We follow no cunningly devised fable." It was a sermon full of thought ?the ever building thought that inspires thinking. He denied the honesty of purpose and motive in skepticism, and showed the feeble support of the faith of its adherents. The sermon was a strong appeal for faith in the historical and spiritnal genuineness of the life of Christ and of the great benefit of the Christian religion and its great necessity from the argument of the immortality of the soul. He demonstrated this with great clearness, and quoted with force and peculiarly appropriate application the beniitifnl words of Cato's soliloquy : "Plato, thou rcasoncst well: El*? whence this pli-axing hope, thin foml deriirn. j This longing nfter immortality ? i Or whence thin secret dread aiid inward horroi Of fulling into noti|{h: ? Why shrink* the soul Hack on herself and startles at destruction ? 'Tis the divinity that stirs within ?m ; 1 'Tin heaven itself that points out an hercaftei | And intimates eternity of man." [ It in, a pity that Secession Hill, tin , theatre of two of the most notable meet > ings in tlio history of onr town?tfeces sion meeting, when the Attempt wa? begun to throw oft' Northern tyranny ami Big Tuesday, the beginning of a inos nobly successful etui of relief from He publican robbery?should now be n< longer open to the tread of the red , ridered war horse. Truly the spear ha: 1 been turned into a pruning hook and th< woods which echoed to the dread* piito ' click now bring forth their fruit Tn <tu< season. I Cobblcri aud Toddies at llaitcy'u. \ Xl I ? / 1 r v: It' - iir.r CAl'T. UltOWNLKL'S AitTililjUUY. IVrHous Atlvontui'CH of "Tlie Ola Reformer" ou IKh Journey from Andci-sou to Abbeville?The Old Cannon t-ii|?wizc<l, In a Gully. On Friday, September t?6, Capt. John K. Brownlee and Mr. Henry Power.", of Antreville, went to the Democratic mass meeting at Anderson Court House to hear the speeches of the State canvassers, and especially to bring back with them, for use here ou Tuesday next at our grand rally of the Abbeville Democracy, the famous old cannon, "Tho Old Reformer." This piece of ordnance is well known to our people. Its voice has been heard in theaa upper counties since 1838. It has booimad at many an antebellum muster, barbecue and Mexican Voti?i*miUr rAliniAh anH in ntnrn ?*nnnn * times it ha;* roused the echoes at Democratic mass meetings. It did good work in 187(> in more Counties than one. Next Tuesday it will open its mouth and utter no uncertain sound in the interests of Democracy. It was in use at the Anderson meeting. After the speeches were ended Capt. iJrownlec obtained possession of the "Heformer," hut found that its wheels lacked tires, and thnt he could not haul it without placing it on a wagon. On n wagon it was plnced, but as there was no frame suitable, it had to he tied to the standards. Jerry, Capt. llrownle-'s driver, was told to mount the "He- K former" a-straddle and drive on. Jerry i was rather afraid. He said : " Mas r John, whar de trigger ? Ifse skeered to a ride dnt ting, I'so skoered to sit down 11 on de trigger." {, Off he went, however, and the wagon K went safely for about tjvo miles, when "crash !" went the wagon-body and the J artillery cam'.* to a stand-still. Fence ? rails were appropriated or confiscated, V and placed under the cannon, and away fl went Jerry riding tho "Reformer" again, i At the first rough hill the fence rails ? broke, and another halt w?s called. A k fresh supply of rails was confiscated and " the artillery moved on. "Whenever a steep hill had to be ascended the cannon f< slipped back, and all hands had to get out and help it f??rward; and when goins down the other side the cannon slipped forward and Jerry had to shout for help. The kindly half-moon lent her aid, and in spite of nunr a drawback and delay the artillery ra*ehed the Anderson-Abbeville line, H9W Mr. Strickland's. 11 "re the Captain called for ? Strickland, and he readily answered and cheerfully helped to put the cannon in better fix. (Jreon poles jrere cut and notched to fit the standard*. The "Otd * Reformer" was finally placed on the poles and ofF the party went over a beau- J ti f ill road, sure of no furth<rlbrcakdo*vnV f Just throe miles from the Cqfl^ain'H house 0 Jerry, who was some distance behind, raised a terrible yelfc Rafck went the advance guard,. fff* found] the wn^on and cannon aftlt mules alt in a dyep gull}- ! Jerry "had overconul bis fear of the trigger and had falletf asleep and driven the artillery intotht; gully ! "Not h drum was hoard, not a fqneral note." but the (Captain ruefully fyfU. tho "Old Reformer" in fitc rtttch ami ""bitterly lutiujrui ui iiic morrow,- wuen no won in have to return with several hands and draw the cannon out of the gully. Next day the thing was done, l'hu cannon was safely conveyed to Antreville. ('apt. Ilrotvnlce has now had the "wheel* put to rights, and on Monday evering he will couic to Abbeville, with sixty rod shirts as an escort to the "Old Reformer," whose voice will l?e heard jnore than once between Antreville and^Abbevilte. The Democracy on the Seventh. . The Abbeville County Democratic Kxeeutive Committe met at the office of ( the County Chairman Sept., 27th, 1884. J Mr* \V. C. Benet, County Chairman in t }he Chair. 1 A majority of the Committee were i present. Imports were mado (Von) uiost clubs of the ntimber of mounted men who will attend the meeting on October 7th, j and from the information received it is 1 supposed there will be from lf>(X) to ' 2<XX) men in the procession1.' The County Chairman \jos requested to see all the merchants, of the town and ask them to close tli^ir stores on that day and also to correspond with the authorities of the Columbia and J Crecnville, and Augusta aid Knoxville i Kailroadfc and if possible procure extra ] trains to he run on these- roads to Ah- < beville on that day. The following gentlemen worn ap- < pointed a Committee of Keccplion to < meet the canvassers upon tjie arrival of j tho trains oivMonda^ST 1 Tho Central Connni'.teo^jjtn?nged ftrr L. Uortfcara. Jr? G b ??f"lojfSSV, Ho jJ- range all the details in inuring such procession a success. I Committee-*-Messrs. \*i. C. Bene*, i Chairman ; \V. II. PurkerrtT. 1*. Cotliran, L. \V. Smith, M. Ij. Bonhum. dr., K. B. Calbonn. O. T. Calhoun, K. B. (.?*ry, W. O Bradley. W . ? L^> v We send out this week affile nuiuhur 11 of sample copies of the j WkssEsoKB. ' Our readers will readily understand that J in consequence of the ahsfence of our i foreman, and of the ctmuMion and trouble of moving from (imonwood. ire have lanored under inanyM disadvantages in issuing this first copjjL- We ahall go on improving as fast as possible. We ask all those who dattrc to tako our paper to drop us a postrf io that of- ! 'feet, that we may not conlinke to send it ' ' to those who do not want il I Mr. llcnet has receive Ta telegram ' stating thnt there will be f fpecial train . run from Ninety-Six to Abbeville and ] return on Tuesday, 7th Hatant. Tho < trnin heretofore run on SaliUays will bo j discontinued. We are I sorry for j this discontinuance. It Is just at < ' this season of the year thaljt would pay j the road to run it. From tow till the i . Hrsl of March it would pa) tic road to | continue this train, and I would be i a great accommodation to Ik people. | White Brothes have ndf'in store more than one hundred cms of Moot* < ? and Shoes. They sell Z cigar'* Indies' ; , Shoes, which are imsur^nied for tit, t style and durability. Theualao lukvo , a large lot of Men's ann Iwj-'h Shoes, > made by the Bay State Mo?hnd Loath er Company. Their aodn aave been tested for several yearjmftf Kavo given e universal satisfaction./ (Any ono who 1 I buys a pair of this alto of Roots or e shoes, always get* 'fco worth of hi* money. / Ice fo?* *t Bailor'J ii -V ? :*rzMT&t&nr . *i3V5"3t r4.*v Jiiiois For October Tonu. "B"| No. Township. JL 1 J. K. Powers, 1 2 .James L. White, 7 ? 3 William Seawright, 4 Samuel (>. Young, 5 Wade H. Robertson, 0 Wade K. Ootliran G^B'Tj ) 7 Theodon.- Kennedy 13 -*8 A. B. Ellis, * 3 R"JJ* y W. G. llice, Jr., 2 10 David Haddon, 0 TJV 11 J. M. McAdams, 12 ri 12 K. B. Bowie, 4 13 .1. M. Norman, 2 14 Worreo Harrison, col, I 15 .1. C. Brewer, col., 15 10 J. W. Clinkscales, 5 17 Andrew Anderson, 8 18 W. H. Kennedy, 10 19 J. V. Schroder, 13 ? 20 Peter Richey, col., 11 j-j' 21 R. M. Bullock, 2 1>KI 22 S. B. Hampton, 12 23 R. M. Brook, 13 ftp 24 J. B. Price. Hi 25 James W. Richey, 10 Hll<j 20 P. A. Tribble, 4 27 J.M.Jordan, 8 28 Frank Vance, 0 29 B. Z. Herndon, 3 mm 30 Newton Williams, Sr., col., 1 31 A. tf. Kurgerson, 11 32 T. A. Cater, 13 33 A. T. Brown, 10 34 Oliver Kennedy, col., 5 ro? 35 R. W. Miller, " 14 I1 30 B. M. Wakefield. A The drain! Red Shirt Parade. The follow!lit: order of parade will l>e <>* erved on the occasion of the meeting on OcnhcrTlli: TV All moiiutcd men arriving by the Aiicleifon J> nad will form under eonumiiul of Assistant Iiirshal \V. I). Mann, with right of column kee iear ttic l*rv?bytcriaii Church. ?>,.v Those arriving by the Duu Went ltond will irm under Assistant Marshal J. I?. Itobln- 1 ut< on with heart of column near Mr. H. 8. Ham- sll /oil h. *,?*. Those nrrlvlnc by tho (Jreenwood and 1 Ili lodjres roads will form under Assistant Marital I). <\ Calvert, with head of enlumr. he- T| ween Mr. 11. S. Hftrnwell's and Capt. I.. W. VJ VhJteV. iminu iiitiviiiK * i hi; /nuiiniil IVU4IU will I arm under Assistant Marshal J. II. Carwlle. "hose by the Knnke and Vienna Iloads under | iHslsiuut Marshal J. K. Hradloy. Those by a he Mowly'ii Kerry Hoiul under Assltant Mar- M f bal W.N. Calhoun. All of wlmni will form IB n the ktriM-t bctwoon tlie I'rcsbyloriun 1-1 I thurch and Mr. (Jeorge Wlilte'H. II I The column will move at ten o'clock In tlio Hi >llowltig order: Chief Marshal and Aids. The Abbeville llaml. Carriages with speakers anil distinguished RUCRt*. ??0 Troop* on Anderson Road. P| Due West Hand. slon Troops on llue Went Road. Tnei Troop* on AuKiistn. Vienna. Snake and holii Moscley's Ferry Itoads. kln< Troop* nn Greenwood and Iludurx Itoads. ^ce, The <Jovernor'n Guards will actas u Guard (;on f Honor to the Governor and form in a col- jng inn of twoh on the right of bin carriage. i?,e M. L. BONIIAM..I11. tho Chief vein ord< "ho Merchants Will Close their Stores. The day appointed tor the Pollllcal Meeting t Abbeville Court Hon ho U Tuesday. Oct<>ler 7th. People living I11 (tie count*? *HI thaasc remember thot our store* will b# clotted nd no business transacted on Ibfttduy. ? White Brothers. * 01 \V. Joel Smith <& Sons. Ciiiminuhain &. Templcton, In W. T. Penney. ^ KpcpdA Iwry, It. M. Haddon A Co., H. W. Lnwwn A Co., Wnrdlaw A Kdward*. * Miller Brother*, 7*r*er <fr Hill. J. D. Chalmers ? Co., Ounrigs A Thomas W. 8. Cot bran <ft CV>.,! Seal, Mcllwalua A Co., * "* Job 11 Knox A (.To., O. A. Douglasx, A. K. RogorN, ? P. KononlierK A Co. ? Charles Atierbaek. ' eou J. H. BimmoiiK, of 2 Wt Will ('1mm Prom II A. X. ?ll& I , the 1*. 91. ,.f tow TlioniuR McGettigan, ?' f01* K. K. ITnddon, lY 1 T. M. Christian, - out .1. W. Rykard., lor F. I.. Ralley, *. r,) 4^, Frank Cunningham, W *(?< , U H. Ruuell. ?T a A. M. Hill A Son, ? f * M. Kullcky. ' ?t>e , wri Torchlight ProcenioB. I lutve been appointed by the Executive of < Committee to tuKc cliurgo of the afnuicc- fait neulM for the torchlight procession on Mon< aia lay nlKht October ttth. All per^oni Intending c:-j o take part therein will assemble at the Court , limine At VA o'clock P. M. ' ,l1? The line will be formed at the Court House, a uid the column, headed by the Abbeville the Band, will nmreh up Main Htreetto a point ?f >pponlte the residence of Mr. J. M. Giles. riien countermarch and proceed to a point lur ipptndle the residenceofCol. RoberUou, when ."J. they will countermarch and retnrn to the u" Public Square, form inn in front ol the new ** Hotel to hear addreu(? by distinguished the ipeukor*. coll TorcheM will be furnished on application. ,.nti M. BON HA M, J K. Mi irMini. rec liarbecne at AMerllle. All persons reeling tin interest In our- campnign meeting to be held October 7Ui *r? ear- 1 ne?tly ren\n-sted to contribute money, apj <)aui;htcr>'d animals and other provl?lbt?i<f ord fts?k?n? ofnll kind* will be 1 hank fully re- ??.wived by Ihc committee. TImm*'*fe?lrmjr to soiitrlhutoanimals should either InPtnter " them Monday ev.-nlim and cend tfcein or. *n.c In cone tliey live a long dUtance frdfa the L'ourt House, should send them In nllvy* Afon- the lay morning. All contributions wlioithl be KM, rorwarded and all communications addressed lo Sit KIjLIH <i. OltAYIMMK, - : VtceCbalVHiiui (,$ntral Cemmttteee. Alf j^Tionswn rr ?ictJ with the ubore com-1 ninnd are reqnestei to meet promptly In Ine OiurilloiiMiitOo'i w-k, A. M., on Tuesday , , next, October 7th, ism, to perfect arrange- '"nij ment? for llio puruc *. , clerl By order of M. O ZEIOI.KR, T1 t'niit Commanding. DRD) Hichakd Son PI, v, Orderly Mergeanl. an<j S Brbc4*e. f All persons who i >nlrltyte slaughtered #* ' Imaleto the barbe tie nu| Tuesday nrtt ie quested to Halt the > at ww?f. Indies who alter 1 the ifceellnir arc re*0cirt? . F*d to brinjr tbelr inner wltbthuin. Orfnc- Jt Bount of the tnrce n>wd lhat*-jflll be present ?it will not be plea ant for tbel*dlo? to e?'_ at, J the table. HI.lift O.&KAYpON. I ;. Kor Committee. | ?' 'j&RT'? wm o Wot motes. p Arc jou disti rbed^lrf nigUt--and bro- . ken of your rest by ? sick child suffering and crying wit#,~pain of cutting, teeth? If so, Ken/ at oncc and get-* c bottle of Mns. V ix&ow'h Sootrixo Ktbt'F k<?? Cim.nn :?r Tkkthiko. Its value ^ is incalculable. It will Relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upi>n it, mothers therein no mistake abont u it. It cures '(|y* unt^ry and dinrrhtea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces in- <i [lamination, and gives tone and energy to ^ the whole system. Mns. Winslow'k sootmino STItlll> koh cliii.dkkn TeKTH in<? is pleasnnt to the tnxte, and is the C |>rescriplion ofoti<y of the oldest and h(*?t ? female mjr*eM aiid phyuicians in the -** United States,-a^td itt for Male bv all ;y ilruggixt* throughout th? world. I'rice 2i"> cents a bottla. ' 5-ny \e - jl-JI F"or Scale, jg MV entire cdllvclion of Hot IIoum Ptinti, J also lii gaod Mileh Cows wittk Jetaej *?cr Calves. ^ Bargains can be bad bjr applying at once to J. H. OLDHAM, 1 Agf*t. uep 4-2tu ' ALMETTO Tbos. nXoi KOl'RIETOR of the largest SALOON in th tomurs by fulne advertisements. Th? hnl th. He is well prepared for full trade. Tin p in the lino of jrcigii mul I)onicsti( the beat the market affords, fie huts go Rye and Corn, Irish a pic, Pencil, California and Fren l'o, t can cheerfully recommend hi* good* tc tli ka with nil the'DKI.HMOUS HKVKRAOES NKS. Ilia specialty is * largo stock of VI intlemen's Resort, No. you will not forget again A Good Line of To A C Y O Has 961 he Furniture B AND WE KEE1 V OUR LOW PRICKS. Our stock h mit: DusiHuss hi wie notun, ami cieiy p everything in our line, besides nil olving Book Cases, Hod Lounges, Vit LMit liaby Cribs, Insect Castors, Furni rk's Adjustable Folding Chairs, Invalii ows, Ac. Give ns a calf, or write J'o ^ ?S3 STKKE'l Bill i rriCK Ih hereby given that tho nnmuil ' inretlmr of tlie Ilourdot County Commlsers lor Abbeville County, will be held on ?dny, November 4th, IftHI. All person* Unit blllx, net.onntH, or demands or any I against said Comity which have not > before pmrnlnl to the Hoard of County uiilsylonor.i at Hpeehil meetings hold dnrtht: year, lire hereby required to deposit < same, duly sworn to, with the Clerk of ltoiinl, on or before tho tlrat duy of Noiber, so that they mny be examined and ?red to be mtld ut tho annual ineeLtmr. JAMES C. KIDCrH, Ctark B. C. O. ^ t. 1. 1884. 5t > i Ordinance Creating the Office of Clerk of Council, Regulating Ms Election, Delining his Duties and Providing for his condensation. bctios I. He it ordained by the town ncil of the town of Abbrvilli id tha state South Carolina, and by the authority of samo, that at the organisation of each n council now or hereafter fleet ad or at te succeeding meeting it shall bo their duo elect some eoituble person either in or of the council, clerk of council to serve the foil tenn of the council bv which he is ed, unless removed for good and it cause to be determined by the council. bction II. That it shall be the duly of said clerk of cotiucil within tan days after tteii not:cu of his appointment to ttle with intendant of the town of Abbeville * d signed by two sureties in the penal sum ?ic thousand dollar*, conditioned upou the bful discharge of nil duties that are or jr hereafter be required of him. The auffiicr of the said bond to be determined by town council in meeting assembled. ikction HI. That it shall be the duty of said clerk ot* council to keep a full record all tho proceedings of the couucil in a. ik of ininntca to be preserved by bim nnd ned otjhis successor in office. Te ;e all iuade by citizens liable to ation iil^ba town of Abbeville, transfer m alphabetically upon the tax book and to lect all taxes that may be due thereon. To lect all finet?, license* and penalties imi-osby the couucil. To pay out tho funds so eived only, uj>on the ??rder of the town immI and retain /^ourhers for 'tho snme. provide a book itf'whicli Lc shall make rojrrjlMflo* of all eases containing the names irajpffondera who shall be summoned to jCTfr"before councillor tha violation of anv iuiuice now iu force or which aiav bareat'Ih** ordained by (he authority uloreaaid h the specifications of the offence charged I the time and result of the trial. To sub. to the Inteudant by him to be laid before town council on tho fourth Tuesday in At)?t of each year a full exhibit of tha ?o* pta and expenditure* of the year pracad. To turn over to tha succtediuj; council hin thirty dura after the expiration of hi* M Alt mutotii in Ms band* Mmuu to k id fiMiiieU ?kjiViliiwW' irinp anil 2} i ik t if nt. for ?h^4 U that n ay come to hiss haudft a<t said. Itat all ordiBanrt-d and parts of orrti Bas inconsistent with this ordinance be the same art herebr rapeahd. jl J..B. HAMMOND, Irteodant. H. V. MelJLWAf*, ' . : JONES V. MILLER, T. 1*. COTIIRAX, . U. A. iM>UULJiSftr ' i W?rdrH. i KM F. ttltLKK, Ctork yf Council. I H. IT ianos l Organs THE BK8T IN TJIK WORLD. ? great Arti?t* oC'tbo world acltnow! tlge the Superiority of the ViraoM ?nd Organs nokl by GU p. KOBtNION * CO. 7y selected from Ten of tile best takers, and are tto much superior to ' others at price* ?o much lettx that purchasers sawe from fei A ?T?/^ <t 1 no k-* W Vfc-r mMm V,/ j By visiting or writing to O. ROBINSON A CO. X. O. M. L. P. Q. s 5. 0. BOB! N'SON Ar CO. /w?y "?/ ityAfct and 4T?fc btoHoij to ercry puruef. ?HEKT MUSI.7, the latest publico us, rnnsic hooks of every rfeKeription i best Hal inn song*. I'he latent and roost popular Nnnd?> >ool book, Love and Praise." kit'w 3CBBMUpg3Magsaascsgg SALOON ! Or etti^atxk , e u(>-c<iuutrv. don't iuteiul to dape his curf is not mentioned in the three Abbeville ; Palmetto HtHtue is well ntwckvd with every; Wines and Liquors, t Liquors nine years old. Ootid old md Scotch Whiskies, rh liiYimlicn. rtei't Ate and frenh Ia*qvv liter. ie public for MEDICINAL USE. and mixfti of the season. Also COOL. TEM1'ERA-T? IKE GOODS. Callat the 4 Washington Street, THOMAS McGKTTIGAX. bacco and Cigajrs. LO N 6 truck ? lusiness Au^sta, ? IT MOVING 4 simply immense. We lead the Kiiniicompetition from every quarter. We the novelties, Mich as Folding Beds, :nna Hentwoori (.'hairs, Baby'Carria?<*?, iture Polish, Patent Desks of all kii ds, il Chairs, Feathers, Mattresses, Springs, r cnfoloyue and price list. I', AVVirSTA, Administrator's Notice. \ I<L persons indebted to the estate o'f xa. .-miss b. ait.sely deceased must make immediate payment to tbe anderaigned and ill holding chums against saifl estate are hereby notified that settleeient of the nktni h ill be made in probate judge's oflicc on Saturday, Octobrr 18tW, 1884. M. O. ZEIOLER, Adm'r. sopt 18-ot Bridges . to be Let. 11HK contract to rt-build PATTKR SON'S BR IDG K will be lei to the lowest responsible bidder at the bridge site on Monday, September 20th 188+, at 12 o'clock, to. Also the eeatiact to rebuild " SJSAW-E1* fcRH&SE will be let to th* lowest ftTH^oacuUb bidder at the bridge site on Tuesday,. Sevtember 30th, 1884. at 10 o'clook, *? a. Kpucifioatnions- of each bridge will be furnished on dfej of lotting. Bond with two appealed sureties will be required in oitcki .j*sey tfr be given on the" spot. The ligH* it*, reserved to rejects any or nil IndgtK J-SMX R. BU.LOCK, sep 3-4t Cornntj (*ominisnionor~ J|ASTKlf?* SAJ-KS. BV'Virtne rtil'suwlfj orders of court directed to me iiix itto ?-Jt*us named, I will sell at jiublic outcrj ?n> Mbw&t, Octobkk 6, 1884, nitbin (he lrgarti mil*, the following described pro|>e*tjy-,.tO'iv& One tract containing. 4tr acrv* ?f land, mora or lens, bounded b? lltnd <tf Stns, J. M. Hill, and others. Suit oti Ml. S. fckhardtson againat B. F. Day andiotlmrs.; <uh. Also, the tract knoMunas tliu Let," in the town of AbberiMfe 'oontiiiiitrjj 1 were. Suit of S?m'l McGowiai *?. A-. m, Joe? andotbem; terms?one UaiJ">caslk butajMW it* 12 qpoi\tliKf securcd by mo0tgaj??L ALso, one tract containing 33%-acres,. nu?ir?or leas, bounded by landi* ofi JLT. Kllia^JL. 51Miller and other*. Suit of. ff- W. Wa genua k Co. ra feieey Simmons ; l?mn?,cw<k. Aut^Mit' tract containing boo- acres, moraor leaa, bounded by Rev. U. Vf. Jvnumr sndi the Uomii lands. Suit of tfcelte, CaldnelL A Co. Levi M. Worthingtiut ?nl Sarah. Worihiogton ; terms?one-half cash, balance in IS nuurtb*, secured hy mortgage. AlWi one tract containing eighty acres, more vr bounded by lands of Itetyarain KakeL J, N. Cochran and others. Suit of J a no G. Chandler vs. George Uichardaun ; terms, eatih. Also, one tract containing 42>^ aores, more <>r leas, bounded by lands of James Taggart, Sr., and others. Suit of NVardlaw .A Edwards vs. Margaret Vaughn ; terms, cash. A!.??, 226 acres more or loss, bounded :h* lands of estate of M. K. Tolbert sod othera. Suit of I*. W. Wegener & Co., vs. J. S.'Chipley, Sr., 120 acrvs more or less, bounded br la nits of B, Brook*, John R- Tolbert stad others : mid ono lot :W^--by 130 feet, in the town of Tro_v, IxmniM bv lunds of R. W_ Lit.-*. Suit"?>f K, W. W'ageaer k Co., ts. .1. W. Ch>i>U-y uud J. S. Chipley, Jr.; teofte, onc-luilf easlv* balance in 12 months, secured by mortgage. -|4 ' M. L. HUM!AM, Jr. y8 :it Mabtkk, A. t""" aas3H?Ha^g itt?Mri?r?ni,nd^itelMerto F^?gK,cuaiA'jaBt**M? rowvmm nu'tm liiwunus. ?jrwl*j?. patisv. y<ww.ti?m>nr. fiLTuiou, an. n C. WII.1.1AMS, *.? srmon dentist, Greenwood, S.C., i: WEST FEMALE* COLLEGE. |?T EX')' session begins Monday. Octo- . W 6th 1H8-1. Number of pupils Mist vi'iir, 187. .Number or Toacbtra, 12- Facilities jfy wtrsic. frknhIk aj*i> painting UXSUR^A8?KI>. CohI of lioftttt and regular Tuition for College yew 1165. 1 For Cfttalugno, a^ply to the President. t .ij p. kknnkpy. ___! FROM ITATB , ?iu?ntitv be piektd jus( t?]f in (he dcparluteoftraiwj, WrtU H \ fg| ittkajbH'.- .. A