The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, October 01, 1884, Image 1

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' vol.. I. ABBEVILLE C^WKDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1884 NO. I. ^ "0 AM) GREENVILLE KAlLROAtl On and after August 17, 1884, I'assknuk Til a I S3 will run as heiewith indicated upo thin ro?d and its brwnclief. /faifij, t.rce/tt Sunday*. No. 53. I !'PASSENGER Leave Columbia S. 0. .lunc'u..... > 12 35 p t " Columbia C. & (. ? l>? 12 50 |>r Arrive Alston I 60 p t Newberry 2 54 p i Ninety-Six 4 17 p i Greeu'wood 4 57 p t I lodges 5 21 pi llelton l> 28 p r at Greenville 7 50 pi No. 52. 1)UWN PASSENGER. I.enyc Greenville nt . 10 05 a t Arrive notion u arc a i Nudge* 12 40 pi Greenwood .. 1 Ott pi Ninety-Six i.. 1 HO pi Newberry 3 11 pi Alston . 4 12 p i ' Cut tun bin C. A (J. 11 5 15 pi ' Arrivu Culuiubia S C. Jitnc'n 5 30 p i hrAKTAMIl'IKI, t'SION A- COM'Mill A It All. ItOAl NO. 53. ur 1'AbAKXUKU. Leave Alston.... .^.r. : I 52 p i Arrive StrotticM?. > .. .. 2 31 p t Sbeltou 2 58 p i <l L'uion 4 02 pi " Jonepvllle 4 it pi " S^iiirtaiiburn, S.l'.AC.dvpot 5 HO p r Arrive Spartanburg, K.A1). depot .5 40 p t NO. 52. DOWN 1'ASSKNfIEIt. Lt ve Spart'g it. A 1). Ho pot .... 11 55 a i lt Spart'g S. L*. A l)t'i>ot ..12 05 a i Arrive I v? p I " Union 1 40 pi " Slielton 3 00 p t " Strolber - 3 31 p i Arrive at Alston 4 07 u i I.At'UKXS K AI LKO A 1>. Leave Helena 4 10 pr Arrive-at Lam-en* C. If 7 20 p i Leave Laurens C. II 9 15 hi Arrive at Helena 12 25 p i: AUUKVll.l.K BRANCH. Leave IIodjreM 5 30 p r Arriveat Abbeville 0 30 p i Leave Abbeville II 30 a i Arrive at Hodges 12 30 p r BLVK ttllHJK UAIJ.ROAII AMI AN IIKnSON BRANCH Leave Helton t>32pr Arrive Anderson 7 06 p i " l'cudletoii 7 43 p i " Seneca c ; 8 17 ji r Arrive at Walhalla 8 55 ji r Leave Waltialla 1) 05 u I Arrive Senec* 'J 28 a i , . " Pendleton 10 05 a i " A liili'rsmi I n JO a i Arrivo at Helton II 22 it * cos y Ecrio.xs. A. N\ illi Sou.lh t'urolimt railroad to and fror Charleston: with Wilmington, Columbia an Augusta railroad from Wilmiii"ton and til points north thereof: with Charlotte, Colum bin Hnd Augusta railroad from Chnrlotty an all points north thereof. 11. With Ashevill and Spartauburjr railroad from ami for point in Western X. Carolina. C. With Atlanta au Charlotte div llichumml ami Danville railwa for Atlanta and all points south and west. Standard K a riff A Thut. <5. 11. TAI.COTT, Superintendent. M. St.AruUTKtl,Ucii'l Passenger Agt. I). ( a it ptv ki.i.. aks'i (aeu'l i'ass. Ajft. Richmond am> daxvii.i.k UAILUOAD far*, ixjer I)rj,?rtnn nt.?On and alter Au( l'l> 188-1. |i*iiseupcr train service on the A and C. Division will be as follows: ~"X<irthte<tittl, Xo. 51* ? No. 53 Leave Atlanta 4 40 pm 8 40 a t arrive OaiiieKvillv G 57 p m 111 :<5 a t I.ttlu a . 7 25 p in 11 01 u t Itttbun (Jap juiic // 8 12 p in II SO a ? Toceoa < 8 5-t p m 12 04 p i Seneca City d. .. U 50 p in J no p t Central 10 32 pin 1 52 p i Liberty 10 53 pm 2 13 p t -f.Kaslcv II 10 p in 2 27 p i Oreenrillc * II 42 p m 2 47 p i Spartanburg/ ... I 01 a m 3 5t> t> i Oastonia </ 3 20 a ill 5 54 p i charlotte h : 1 10 a m f. 40 p i Southward. Xo. 50* Xo. 52 Leave charlotte I 15 a in I 00 p i arriveCastonia 2 :10 a in 1 45 p i Spartanburg 4 28 a in 3 45 p t (Jreenville 5 43 a in 4 55 p i hajdev 0 17am 5 26 p i Libert v .. fi 34 a m 5 12 p i * Central <> 55 a ill (1 1.0 p i Seneca city 7 33 a m 7 36 p i Toceoa S 10 a in 7 35 p i ttauttn uap jimc... u :i4 a tn 8 :to p i liulti 10 00 u in H jy p i (iainesvillc 10 :iti a in II 25 p i Atlanta 1 00 p m It.10 it i *Kxpresa. tMail. Freight trains on this road all carry painter cern; passenger trains run through to Dur ville and connect with Virginia Midland rai way to all eastern cities, and at A llanta wit nil lines diverging. No. 50 leaves Itichninn at I |i in and No. 51 arrives there at -1 |> in; & leaves Richmond at 2 2S a in, 5*1 arrives thci at 7 41 a in Itujt'ef. Sleeping C'arn ivithoh change: On trains Xos. 5<) and 51, Xei York ami Atlanta, via Washii.gton an Paj?vill<\ Greensboro nnd Asheville; o . trains Xos. 52 ntul 53, Richmond nn Danville, Washington, Augusta and Xei Orleans. Through tickets en salt! i Charlotte, Greenville, Seneca,"Spartan bjurg anil Gainesville to all points souti southwest, north and east. A conuccl with X. K. railroad to and from Athens b with X, K. to and from Tallulah Fall.' c with HI. Air Line to and fiom Klberto And Howersville; d,wjth Blue Hidgc t and from Walhalla: c with (J. and (i. t 1 nnri from Greenwood, Xewbcrry,- Alsto and Columbia; f with A. & S. nml S U. & C. to nnd from llcndcrsonvilli Alston, &c.'f tj with Cheater and Lenoi . to and from Chester, Yorkvillc and Dal las; h with N. C. division and C., C. < A. to and from Greensboro, Raleigh, & Kiwuvn liBnKi.Kr*. Supt. Jf. Slaughters Gen. 1'ass. Agt. A. Ti lllves. 2d V. I', and Gen. Man. 8~ OUTHTJAUOTTIN A" . RAILWAY COMPANY Commencing Suuday, Sept. 7lh, I8S4, < 2 :K> a hi, I'atsenKcr Trains will run as follow * until further notice, "Eastern lime:** Volumfiitt IHritiou?l)uily. I.cavc Columbia....... 7 60 a ni & 25 p I Due at Charleston 12 20 p in V 47 pi Leave Charleston K 11.1 * ni 4 :10 j? i Ducat coluinMu . .12 38 pm 0 22 a i Caunltn l>!cixinn ? Dailv nxcept Sundays. Leave Columbia . i ill ? in 5 25 p i Due Camden .. 2 25 h in "8"25 p i Leave Camden 0 00 a m 4 (10 {> i Due Columbia ..... 12 38 p in ? 22 p 1 J ujiuffa Pirl'ion ? Daily* .. Leave Columbia ... 7 50 a m ft 25 p I Due Anjrustu. 1 CO p m 7 III n Leave Augusta ." 7 15 a in Dltc Columbia 12 'JBji, m 1 ^Chniifelion* Made at Columbia with Columbia and Greet villu railroad by train arriving at 12 38 p. n and departing at 5 25 p. m.; at Columb Junction witTi Charlotte, Columbia and Ai -v't guata railroad by name train to and from n point a on both road*. < At Charleston with steamers for New Ym on SatnnUr; and on Tuoiday and Katitrda with steamer for Jacksonville and points < /. Ht. John'a rjver; also, with Charleston nr Savannah Kailroad to and from Hfranm and h11 points In Florida. At Augusta with Georgia and Central rai roana In and from all iminta Weal and ftoutl uf INackvUlc ii> *nd (rum all points on Jinn r?Pr0".<1' Through tickets cam be nu VW "** ^on*'1 an^ West bf ?ppl< b? joiin h'0 V- C^MS^ten. and Ticket A<r ( M. AIKEN, K Cokcubttry i\ (K, <V. C\, 1 is duly authorized and licensed for Abbeville county to write risks on DwclllngH And Furniture, Hums, St a- ^ 11 bles tiiid Contents, (including live 1, ? stock) Slorcn, WareliouKCH und n Stocks Therein, Churches, ?' n MUIh ami Cotton (baled,) J n in the Literpinpl and London and Globe In- ? n surance Co. against loss or damage by FIKE; 11 in the Itochetitf Utrmati Insurance Co. ii ? against loss or damage bv FIRE and LIGHT- i: ? MV(1. 11 Kates low: companies solvent; no litiga- I n tlon. For particulars, uddrcss as above. " 1*1)1.1-4 J n b ;; Application for charter. 1 " r n VTOTICK is hereby given that application '' 11 il will be made to the Ocnernl AsSein- I ' bly at its next session, for a charter for a ltuilroad from Greenwood, Abn bevillc county, to Abbeville court house, t n South Carolina, with power to extend same, . n West from Abbevilla or East from Green- . u wood,as may be determined by the corpora- >1 n toes. In sep II-3 in n t M "m jm mr inu working Class. ncnu iu ' ? I* AIM cents for postage, and \vc will t ? "???! v<>? irff. a royal, valuable ( ? box of saniple.goods that will put < (l you in the way of making more moncv in^a ? few dnvs than von ever thought possible at u u any business. Capital not required. Wo will t start you. You can work all the time or in p n spare time only. The work is universally c ? adapted to both sexes, voung nmt old. You . I, can easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every e\'en- , ? ing. That all who want work may test the I - .business, we make this unparalleled offer: u ? to all who are not well satisfied we will send (1 n $1 to pa> for the trouble of writing us. Full ? particulars, directions, etc., sent free. For- 1 n tunes will be made by those who give their * whole time to the work. Great success abso- c lutely sure Don't delay. Start now. Ad- a " dress Stinson Sl Co., Portland Maine. ii ' ii .1 n rpi;E8DAY April 1st, 1884. Pattern Hatsand f, n Jl. Bonnets copied from latest Paris designs. Flowers, I.aces, Itulllinxs, Sash Rib- , I if in *j ^ 'Prinmiiiitr Killru SJnmnmr KilL*? lWnuu I] t| lionds, Muslins, White Lkwjis, Linon DeDnca, a ? I.iiwn DeOrlcans, Embroideries, Trimming o ? Materials, Kid moves, Hosiery Ac., Ac. .. a. M.- IIAI)l)ON Jfc CO. p n b d "XroTWIT,IRTAX,)IX<} ,l,eh"pd ,imcs w o II _i^l have spared neither nains nor expense ^ - in the .selection of our stock tor this spring, d The ladies can rely upon getting the latest v e fashions and lowest prices at O * it. M. MA I) DON & CO. tl a 'i ^TL ANTIC COAST LINK, |[ I'ASSKNCiKit DKl'AltMMUST, ? _ inimfufflou. jV. (July 10th, ? NKW LINK hrtweiMi Charleston uiul v Columbia and l! ppor South Carolina. ? 8 t, condi:nski> sciikikm.k. , IIOINU OOINU .. t WK8T. - , K AST. ? V 8 1(1 ant I<V.. . .Charleston' Ar. 0 56 pin 0 55 " 44 Lanes "811" IJ 12 " " ... Sumter " 0 55 " V i^:tjpiuAr ...Columbia Lv. 5 SO 44 2 :ij " " Winnshoi-o ... " 3 48 " A ' I :t 45 " " ... Chester 44 'J 44 44 I, ? j 5 35 " " .... Yorkville ,4 I 00 " " I 0 25 " " . I.uucHslcr " 9 00 " 11 I 5 no " ....ltnck Hill 44 2 00 44 Jj 0 15 " 44 Charlotte " 100" ii 2 j.i |iiu Ar Newberry I.r 3 II pin n 4 53 " 44 Orvruwiiml " 12 59 " f 7 20 " 44 Laurens 44 0 15 aiii n 0 58 " " .... Anderson " 10 45 ' n 7 50 " 44 (Srci'iivillc " 9 55 44 ii 8 511 ' 44 Walliullii 44 9 00 44 u C 30 ? " ... Abbeville " 11-30 " n 5 37 " .... SimrlHiilmrjr ... " 11 50 " in 0 30 44 44 ... Hundemouvillc.. " 8 00 44 11 Solid Train* between ('imrlcnttin and Colnnt" l.iu, S. C. ;;; .F. F. DIVIXK, T. M. KMKHSOX. hi Gon'l Sup't. G?n'l l'as. Agent. " ^lOXDKNSKD TIME OA III) !: Magnolia Passenger Route. ' Indirect September 14, 1H34. HO INC SOL'TIl. c. Leu vo ( roenwood *5 30 am 14 00 pen Arrive Augusta..' 11 30 atn 8 50 ptn it IiOiiTc Augusta 10 30 am 9 00 pin Arrive Atliuitu .. 5 45 pin 6 40 ain (1 Leave Aupiistu 11 40 am n Arrive Heuufort 5 50 pni , " JNirt Koyul 0 05 pin u " Clinledtnn 0 50 pin ?' " Savannah 6 42 pin 5 it " Jacksonville 9 00 am ^ i- uoino north. | I. Leave Jacksonville 5 30 j>m jj 44 Savannah 0 55 am j .. 44 Charleston CIO am '' Leave l'ort Itoyal 7 25 am , *' 44 Heaufort :7 37 am 1 t> 44 Augusta... 1 40 pin . t ? Leave Atlanta ffl 50 pm t 0 Arrive Augusta 6 10 am t n Leave Augusta 4 00 pm 5 40 am ] Arrive Greenwood.. .... V 00 pm 11 30 am j 3, Tickets on Hale at Greenwood to all poiuts f |r at thiough rates?baggage checked (o desti- / 1 nation.. . *I)ailv. t Daily, exceot Sunday. ' * \V. F. Siikm.m an, Traffic Manager, c J. N. Ha?s, Superintendent. QI'ARTANDURG ANI) O ASIIKVILLE RAILROAD - On and after May 12, 1884, pnaaenirer trains wilt bo run daily, except Sunday, ue tween Spartanburg and Henderannvilie as ,l follows: M| UP TRAIN. Leave II. k !) Depol at Spartanburg 0 00 |> m Leave 8partanburg, A. L. depot.... 6 10 p m in Leave Saluda 8 50 p m in Leave Flat Rock ..9 15 pm m .irrive Hcnd?rsnnvilic 9 30 p .n m * . DOWN Mit.4 IN. Leave Hendersonville 8 00 am Leave Flat Rock. 8 15 am 1,1 Leave Saluda 0 00 am 1,1 Leavr .fir Line Junction 11 25 a m 1,1 Arrive It. & l> Depot Spartanburg 11 30 a m i?lns on this road run hv Air-Line time. |n Moth trains make connections for Columbia and Charleston via Spartanburg. Union and Columbia; Atlanta and Charlotte by Air Lino. JAMKS ANIJKKHON. Superintendent. ?ii . i i- ^l?riLMlNOtONtrOLUMBtA AMD ' l). T AfOUHTA RAILROAD. ' 'u Going Sou >i vo 48 Mo 40 1 Leave Wilmington ,.fl 30 p m 11 10 p m 11 Arrive at Florence 1 50a m < 2 21) a m I Arrive at Columbia ..... ^.040 a m il k UiiinfrVurlh mo 43 t?o 47 " ( y Leave Columbia 10 00 pm "J Leave Florence .4 50 p in 152 am * '< Arrive at Wilmington. . .7 40 p in 6 10am Train mo. 4? saopa at all stations, no*. 48 and 47 stop only at Brinkley'a, Whltorille, | J Flcmington, fair- Bluff, Slarion, Florence. Timnior.svllle, Humter, camden Junction ard Kastover. , Fanaengers for Columbia and All 1 r* points n* o do ? a, p, Cf At a, Aiken i r* tion and all l^uts bfyond, should take >o. 48, i night ejtpresk. Beparate Pullman aUeyera ] . for Charleston and Augusta on trains it and 47. All traina run solid between Charleston 1 't and'Wilmington. FOR LOTE. h V ^ho Story of James Samuel's life, it One of these stories, so prolific in the ^ Vest?romantic in the extreme, full of \ ove, jealousy, attempted murder and a a lappy finale?hns just been made pubic in Denver, Colorado. The hero, s iVilliam Samuels, is one of the wealth- n est men in the state, and it is from his g ips that the story comes, corroborated a ?y his wife and brother James, l-'our ears ago the two brothers lived in the a tcautiful Chester valley, Pennsylvania. r< Ierbert Samuels, the father, was a well- y o-do farmer, owning a splendid tract of ^ and, where he-dwelt with his wife and f, wo boys. When the latter were old a nough he sent them to school and then e o college. During their absence a 81 irother of the father died and he took ^ uto his family the dead man's child lattie. When the two brothers returnd from college aged about twentyhren and twenty-five respectively, they s ound their cousin, a beautiful girl of *n wenty years, installed in the house. )f the brothers James, the elder, had j ight hair and eyes and was of quiet and ven demeanor, rarely, if ever, known o be angry, and bfrinjra General favorite ot only at homo but throughout the oin in unit}'. In marked contrast was he character and disposition of William, j. ht younger brother, who, of a dark, almost swarthy complexion, with hair and rj yes as black as coal, was fiery,- and uick to anger, and although naturally roll moaning had had numerous cn> j ounters, both while attending school j nd sinco his graduation. ' Since the time, three years ago, when nines and William finally returned ? roin college and found their lovely j, ousin domiciled at their home, they had j ioth been violently in ln\'w with ln>r nil both hiil made every man fe.stntion e f the feeling, but so fur the , cunning -itch had avoirlo 1 showing (he slighest reference for either, treating t^eni as J rothers r uther than lovers. This state < f affairs r ankled as a thorn in the t roast of the hot heatled William, rhose feelings of bitterness and jeal- . usy toward his brother grew until tiey amounted to almost positive haired, 'ime and again he sought quarrels, but ? anies' more even temper prevented nytliing of a serious character until . no bright afternoon in July, when. pon the return of the elder, brother nd Hatlie from a ride, the younger, .ho watched with a ferocious, danger- ^ us glare in his eyes as his brother asisted his cousin to alight, then followed i iini to the barn where he was unharicssing the horses and attacked him A irith the most violent abuse, using epLhets so strong that he was at last coinlulled to reply in the same spirit. . Words were followed by blows, when Villiam. blinded by passion, sized a e leavy wagon spoke and dealt his broth- || r a stunning blow, felling him to the c arth, as the blood gushed from a ghasty wound in the head. At once realiz- " iirr tlio fnrrililn tliinnr r* * * ?"?? ~ ltd believing that lie had killed his i> irotlier, n complete revulsion of feeling i? ame over hitn, and, casting a lust hur- 1 led look at the p-ostrate form and the c rhite upturned fuce, ho Hod. After l1 evernl days of continuoqs travel lie ur- r< ived in an obscure mining in Col- S ratio, hoping that, buried in the wild a asnesses of the Kocky mountains he it :ould shut out froin his vision the ever tl iresent horrible sight of the face of the d irother stain by his hand. Entering p ipon (he pursuit of n minor he sought li >y a feverish industry and hardest kind i< if hard work to forget his one horror, s: lut in the dark recesses of the drift in tl vhiclt he was working, in the gloomy n writers of the cabin in which ho slept, d very where and always it haunted him. p n the meantime, after a few months, ortune with her usual fickleness re- o varded his labor, which had been' per- v brined without any particular thought c ir hope of result, and tlia open drift r which had become n tunnel of some s iroportions, struck a rich lead of mar- a relous proportions and containing Itn- s nense wealth. 1< At onco the almost unknown camp jeenme famous, and his name all un- tl :onsciously to him became almost as a k iuunuiiuki woru in ail mining comraum- n ies as associatod with one of the largest b strikes of the year. Fame of this kind ii ravels far, and even after a timo reached v ho quiet farm in Chester Valley where txe had spent his happy childhood days- t md afterwards wrecked his manllood. v }no dnv while in tho cu-^o ascending f< roin the bottom of one of his deepest ihafts, a shadow cast over the top cause- v id him to suddenly look up, niul the face d in saw caused a thrill of horror to pass n .hrough him, his hands relaxed his o jrasp of tho rope and ho had a narrow iscapc from falling to tho bottom. Ar- p -iving at the top more dead than alive, $ le gave one hasty, frightened glance q iround him, saw the face again and ti iwooned away. The owner of the face, e i tall and handsome man. evidently a itranger in tho camp, sprang forward t ind caught his falling body in timo to ti irevent it from being dashed to pieces t' n the bottom of the camp, at the same ;ime ejaculating, "Oh, William;" The c niner was taken to his cabin, and, after a .he application of restoratives slowly j eviVed, "Where is it ?" he asked, at g which the stranger slowly advanced and e laid softly, "Brother don't you know no;" wiiii a Htm nan rrigtitened-look h his wandering oyea tho minor gazed tgain at the face which had ho startled j lim, and gradually realizing the fact hat it was real, living flesh and blood,.'V tgain relapsed into a swoon. For days te raved ip tho paroxysms of a fever, ti iving the hideous chapter of his life ti >ver again, until at last tho fever exhaust, a sd itself by its very force, and the sick n nan sank into a deep slumber. rj At last the invalid awoke, woak and t! iclpless as a .child, hut in his right t nind. Instantly the cause of his illnetm 1 *aa by his side, and taking his hand t I 1.. !_ t! . .-'3 unuen/ m nm own shio, "Wlliwni tny 0 joor brother!" It wa? Jamos ftatnuela, p ho brother wh* was suppoHod to have g >?en dead, but who was noro alive and e well and in the fnll enjoyment or ijnan- fa /'&{X' i v;?rM>i*;-.7 ; v;;,?<f ' ,ty*3S$| ood. "Is it a miracle ?" ejaculated William, as soon as he could speak. "It s no miracle, but a snd mistake under hich you have labored and from which ou have undoubtedly suffered much. Vhun you get stronger I will tell you 11." The next day, William having so ir recovered as to be able to sit up, his rother sat by him and said, "Notwithtanding my injury, which was not early so serious as you imagined, I reained consciousness shortly afterward, nd our father who entered tlio barn ot tiat moment assisted me to the house, 'he news was broken to your mother nd Hattie as gently as possible and I i-nlly think their sympathies were with on moro than with me. The matter -as kept as quiet as possible in the cighborhood and I soon recovered oin the injury, and everything went long as usual save that you were grievd for and lamented by all. Notwithtanding all the inquiries which we had uietly set on foot to discover your hereabouts we utterly failed to disover any trace, and mourned you allost. as one dead. About two weeks go I picked up an old newspaper and aw your."name for the first time collected with the story of your big minng strike. It waB at once resolved that should come to you. I started that ery night, and I am here." "But Hnttie ?" asked William, with a ristful look from his eyes. "She is well, and would be happy rere it not for worrying about your ate." "She and j-ou got married, of course ?" "here was pain hi the very tones in rhichthis was asked. "No, indeed. After you left she con neu 10 mc nor secret?tnat niter all sne oved you and always meant to marry ou." A dazed look came over Willsun's face, and gasping, "It cannot be," ic verv nearly relapsed into another woon, the joy of the announeement bene almost too much for him in his veakened state. At last, after being asiiired again and again by his brother of he glad trut^. ho exclaimed, "Oh, let ur jo home at once." Arrangements were uade at once to start, and with a new ifo in his veins th J invalid recovered his lealth so rapidly that they left the camp in the second d?y after, and reached lAtit a inctiln aT n ?* A??lr * V* *v vmiw uiniuv v/? u n \svt*\. vi ihu HllTUlng and its joys words could not give nn ccurnte description. A quiet wedding ollowed within one short month, after I'ltich the miner returned with his brido o Colorado, furnished her a magnificent lomein Denver, and is now not only me of the wealthiest but one of the uost honored residentt of tho Queen Jity.?[New York Telegram. HE PSAIiM-SINGINO CHURCH KS L Conference Hold in Pittsburg with a Vtcw to Cl&acr Cuiou, but tho Object not. Attained. Prrrsnuitu, September 25.?A confernce of delegates from tho Pitalm-singig churches, cullod for the purpose of onsulting with reference to a closer nion and to devise means whereby the nstom oT psalm-singing in churchcs my be preserved, met here this mornig. Fifteen delegates representing the T II t a o it 'mien i resujiiTiun, ooumern Assoiato Reformed hihI Old Side Reformed 'resbyteri&n churches responded to the idl call. The Hey. Dr. Boyce, of outh Carolina, wns elected chairman, lid the Rev. W. A. Mehnrd, of Washlgton, I'a., secretary. Th? object of lie conference was then read, and it was ecided to allow each delegate an oportunity to give his views as ?.o the lest method of effecting the desirod un)ii. Lengthy but harmonious discusion then which it was shown hat the delegates were almost unani ious in favor of organization, but they id not think it were possible at the resent time. The Rev. l)r. I'rcssley, of South Carlina, offered a series of resolutions faoring organic reunion, and a committee onsisting of one member from each opresented body was appointed to conider J.he same. The committee retired nd returned this evening, reporting ft cries of resolutions, in brief, as foldws : Hesblxtd, That in the judgment of Ilia conference it in not only desirable mt practicable to bring about more efL'ctual co-operation between the PreH-yterian churches Represented ; that it i the duty of the c^turebos to maintain lith united testimony their adherence ? the Westminster conference as hisorically interpreted, and to cultivate toward each other a spirit of fraternal af.ction. ^ That the psalms in tho best metrical ersion Attainable constitute tho ortly ivinely authorised hymnology, and nust be used exclusively in the matter f church praised f. That while organic union does not ?p> ear practicable at present, we lay beore these bodies here ?e}flre8ented the ucstion of CO-nm>rAtinn. ?n(l *ni?nnn_ uend them to devise a plan for this nd. 'Chat those resolutions be transmitted t> the different churches represented in his conference, that they may express heir judgment for a future conference. Tho committee'* resolutions were arefully considered and were finally doptcd, after which the conferitnce adourned. Tho sentiment of the deleaten was that greater unity would be fleeted in the near future. Interesting to Tax-payers, The CountV hoard of Anuali??tlnn nf ? ? -1 iaurens county recently increased the *}ue of tHjptlfie property in thntoounty t about 90 par oant. Tho citiaong potttmed tlie county board to reconsider cir aotion and reduce tho aftsesgment, t the aarao time expressing a willing* oas to submit to a small increase. ho county board refuaed to leconaider heir action, and tho citizcna petitioned be Comptroller Genera! for relief, 'hat officer tent the petition to tho Atnrney General, who baa decided that no ounty board of equalisation has the ower to Incroaae or reduce the aggroate value of taxable property in a ounty without action first b"ing taken >y the state board of equalization. r "fW* - J. r V > *''V* SMALL GRAIN. Substitute Ontu for Cottou us a Monietl Crop. (Corrt*pondtnc? of the Cotton Plant.] I made a promise while til our summer meeting at Greenville to write you an article on some agricultural subject, while out among the hills of Tennessee, which I will now try to do, and will take for my subject, the practicability of aubstituting oats for cotton, as our motiied crop. The small farmers of South Carolina all start with a two horse farm, say one hundred acres of cleared land. Wo have to start in Jan uary, and as spring oats are rather an uncertain crop, we will begin with the usual half cutton and half corn plan, thirty acres of each, and ten in oats in January. At the last planting of the cotton we would sow it all in red oats. Now turn over the ten acres of oats stubble, first sowing about a half bush cl to the acre, which with what has been shattered out by reaping will insure a good stand, then break well twenty acres of the land that was left uncultivated, and sow it, and better plow it in with a gang plow or some such harrow as the Acme ; by this time the corn is far enough advanced so as not to be injured by plowing, and we would sow oats in all the corn land. This would give us eighty urres in oats, ali sown early in the fall, which is the great secret of growing oats in South Carolina. Then we add five acres in wheat, and the first year's work is done. Of course the cotton and corn must be saved, which leaves no rest. In January we would breuk and subsoil fifteen acres for our corn and cotton crop, and prepare compost enough to manure it thoroughly, which you will have plenty of time to do, as we have so small a plow and hoc crop. Ten acres of this we would plant in corn and five in cotton ; ?a *t 1. ? 1? i~ ? uiiu III 1UUIV.II VI tnnjr ill April, WC would sow broadcast over the outs one hundred pounds of acid phosphate and fifty pounds of kainit to the acre, and harrow in with Thomas Harrow. The small crop of corn and cotton can be put in complete order by the time the harvest comes in, and can be plowed and hoed whenever desirable to do so. In this way the best results the land can atlbrd will be obtained, and should nt least double the average all cotton and corn yield. Now wc will speculate on the reasonable results of the best crops and the expense : VROCEKD8 OK COTTON AXl> CORN PL.AN. 15 twdes cotton, - ' #635 CO 375 bushels cotton seed, 56 25 300 bushels corn, 300 00 200 bushels oats, 80 00 Fodder and shucks, 30 00 $991 25 Expenses four hands, $400 Feed for same, 1G0? 560 00 Leaving for crop, $431 25 (jliAIX AND COTTON. 2.400 bushels oats, worth $ 960 00 200 bushels corn, 200 00 60 bushels meal, 60 00 4 bales cotton, 175 00 125 bushels cotton seed, 18 76 Fodder and shucks, 20 00 $1,433 75 Two bands and feed, 280 00 Leaving for crop, $1,153 75 431 25 Difference, $ 722 50 ' In making the above estimate and comparison we have confined ourselves to what is thought to be a good average of the present cropping, allowing four hands for the cotton farm and but two for the grain farm, as it will require two horses in either case. We have left out of the calculation anything for horse feed, farin implements, etc., as there would bo no material difference in the cost of each, except in a reaper for the grain farm, and as two mules will only be required part of the time, a good mare might bo substituted for one of them, and a colt be raised from her every year, which would more than pay the difference iti the e'xpenso in farm implements. The next winter we would prepare} five acres planted in cotton for clovcr, and in March bow it down in that article for hay, not allowing an animal to make a :i O JT At- - - A- ?' ? irtiua vii 11. ouinu uiiUK ums will flOv succeed well in oats stubble ; my impression is that this depends very much on the preparation or the land ; if properly done it may be sown for yt-ars on the same land. This kind of farming very materially leads to rearing. moro animals, which increases the manure and enriches the land, and greatly increases the income. Under this system our impoverished country would soon recuperr ate hor lost strength, and we can become a prosperous and happy poople, which I very much fear will never be the case so lontr as we deuend entirely on cottori. und then tho white tuan can do his own work. J. Washington WattA. What Drainage Does. Tho late John Klippart oomlensefe the advantages of tho drainago under tho following heads : 1. The drainage romoves stagnant waters from tho surface. . It removes surplus wator from under the surface. 3. It lengthens tho seasons. 4. It deepens tho soil. 5. It warms the soil. . It equalizes the temporaturo of the soil during the soason of growth. 7. It carries down soluble substanoei to tho rnniR nf nl?n(? 8. It prevents heaving out or froentnfl out. 9. It prevents injury Pram draught, 10. It improves (ho quality ami qu?n. tity of ths crop, U, It inoreases the effcots of msnursa. 13. It prevent# rust In wheat and rot THK MEN ON THE TICKET. A Pretty Fair Selection of CarpetUnKKcru and Negroes with One Native White Thrown In. Tho nominees of the republican convention are generally well known in South Carolina. Taken altogether the ticket is perhaps the strongest that could have been nominated, but its very strenth will prove, strange as it may seem, its greatest weakness. A prominent politician, one of tho nominees of the democratic state ticket, said yesterday : "I am glad that they nominated a state ticket. It will give zest to the campaign ; it will give us something to speak about, and you will bo furnished with plenty of good material to write about. I have dreadod to go out in this campaign because it has seemed to mo that wo would simply bo beating tho air, but now wo shall have something to light. I have no doubt that tho democratic hosts will turn out to a man now. The enemy is in full sight, and now we shall all know whero to look for opposition and how to meet it." Some personal mention of the republican nominees will nnt. Iin nninJoroutinn. Major I). T. Corbin is a staunch partisan and a man of ability. Ho came to South Carolina with the federal army in 1865 us a major in a regiment from Vermont, of which state he is a native. Major Corbin was so much pleased with the outlook here that he concluded to make South Carolina his home. He located ill niinrlontnn ami nti?lin?L-?il " politics. He was a member of the commission to codify the laws of the state, and at various times filled the oflleo of president of the senate, state senator from Charleston, United States district attorney, city attorney of Charleston, > and made a hard tight for Gen. M. C. Butler's seat in the United States senate. He has not been actively engaged in politics for a number of years, and it is very doubtful if he will accept the nomination for governor. Ho is a pronounced stalwart, and was very much disgusted by the reinitiation of Garfield in 1880. He was a delegate to tho Chicago convention which nominated Blaine and was an ardent friend of ['resident Arthur. It is not likely that the defeat of his favor ito would make any favorable change in his temper towards the iiluine Taction of the party. Major Corbin is not in the city, and has not heen here for sotno months; indeed there was some doubt expressed yesterday as to whether ho is still a citizen of this state. He has not, however, established a residence elsewhere, and nominally, at lcas^ is-still a 1 citizen of South Carolina. D. A. Straker, the nominee for lieutenant-governor, is a negro and is, it is 1 said, a native of Bermuda. He was for ' a number of years quite prominent in the politics of Orangeburg county, and acquired his greatest distinction by reason of his bitter opposition to the rulo of Webster. Straker is a lawyer of some ability, and is at present the principal of t.he law rfimnrtniflnt in A linn iiniooi.o:?ir , ?... ... at Columbia. E. J. Sawyer, the nominee for comptroller-general, is a negro. He is postmaster at Bennettsville, Marlboro county, to which office he was appointed about a year ago in the place of Mr. J. L. Broaden. Sawyer is said to discharge the duties of the offico reasonably well. He had some difficulty in giving his official bond, Brayton, of Columbia, went on it to get Sawyer's influence in th? contest between himself and Mackey for the state chairmanship of the republican party. Mackey got Sawyer the appointment as postmaster lor a like consideration. The death of Mackey rescued Sawyer from his dilemma. Sawyer was a member of tho "committee on address to the peoplo" appointed by the ropubi;?nn rtr4?M.uuu a. : ? n..i... * ! vim wiiiciiuuii n iikh met III L/UI'IIIIOII two years ago, in which the democrats of the state wore bitterly denounced. Samuel \V. Melton, the nominee for attorney-general, is well known in South Carolina. C. C. Macoy, the nominee for treasurer, is a white man and a northern man, who has lived in Chester since the war. He was clerk of the court during the republican regime, and has been for many years and still is the houd and front of the republican party in Chester county, lie was nominated by the rccent convention of .fiddlers for elector at largo from this state. Tho nomination was made without his authority And contrary to his wishcH and he declined to accept'it. It. L. Smith, thomominoe for seorotary of state, hails 'from Charleston and is colored. Ho is editor of tho Palmetto k:?i 1 jl # wi<; mm ijuiiu umcr nuu viuuil'uvu in his bearing towards tho white people. He took a conspicuous part at the recent "indignation meeting" concerning the death of Princu Bowen. * Of the Rev. Joshua Wilson, of Flor-, ence, the nominee for superintendent of education, nothing .is known here. He is colored. Gen. Carlos J. Stolbrand, the nominee for adjutant and inspector-general, is the deputy internal revenue collector, with headquarters at Spartanburg. Most of his timo in spent in that plaee. Ha came to this state with Sherman'ft army, and after that returned with the carpetbag host that took possession of our gov* eminent. Ho k a well informed man and shows good raising. In his habit* ho is temperate, and. it is said that he never drinks; docs not even sample the rontrftKuni) whwtv Kw fiia -v ?r?"/ " derlings. He is easily exoitod And is lacking in coolness and doliboratian, Ha is a strong partisan, and would mako any sacrifice to keep the ropublioan > party in offloo. Ho is a native of Rsroden. The last o$ci*i position ho heW , under che radioai regime in tfcia ?UU was that Of superintendent of the^peni? \ tentiwy, \Yh?e lie was in this offlco he scoured the appointment of his son l;o tho United States military academy si Wost Point, from this district, although bis son was not a resident of Ihi* ciistrifet. i Since the restoration In '76 G?n. Stol; brand has been connected with tho Uuitod Statcti internal revenue service. AN APPEAL TO TR$ PEOPLE. THE NATIONAL DBttOCAAW COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION. An Urgent Call fbr Funds with 4 -which to Combat (he Organized ' _ Efforts of the Officeholder**, Got- T porations and the Plunderers of * ? * the National Treasury. Nkw Yoick, September 22.?The following address has been issued from the headquarters of tho Democratic Na-s' \ tional Committee : To the jjeople of the United States: The national democratic party of the Ji United States has pledged itself to purify the administration of public nffuirs from corruption, to manage the govern- ^?8 ment with economy, to enforco tho ex- $1 ecution of the laws, and to reduce taxation to tho lowest limit consistent with juat|>ivtwiiuii tu auierican lauor ind capital and with the preservation of the faith which the nation has pledged to its creditors and pensioners^ The open record of the man whom it has named as the candidate for the presidency has been accepted by thousands of independent republicans in ovcry state as an absolute guaranteo that if ho is elected all these pledges will bo exactly * fulfilled, and that under his administration good government will be assured. To sccuro these results all good citi- 3 zens roust unite in defeating the republi- ? can candidate for president. His history 3 and political methods make it certain | that his administration would be stained by gross abuses, by official iniseonduct ;q and wanton expenditure of the public j money, and would bo tn.irked by an in- <| crease of taxation which would blight I the honest industry of our people. Against us and against those honest 1 republicans who, for tho sake of good j government, havo made common causo J with us, notable combinations havo been made. These are chiefly made up ; ui IUUI t'Kisac.i; A First. An army of officeholders, who,, by choice or cuittpulsion? are now giving to republican committees, as part of thu ?. campaign fund of that party, mone^a j paid to such officers out of the public treasury for serrioes due to the people ' of the United States. ill Second. Organized bodies of mon who, having secured by corrupt ;neana Uio imposition of duties which lire in excess of all sums needed for tho wants | of the government and for the protec- '" tion of American labor and capital, and having thus gainod enormous wealth, are willing to pay largely to tho republican campaign fund for tho promise of th? continuance and increase of such rlutt AU . wkiAW 4 A. ? - wukivo) n uivu m KJBIV'UI VI ^ bounties to monopolies under the false pretense of protection to American in- dustry. Third. A host of unscrupulous contractors and jobbers who have grown j^jj rich upon public plunder and are ready jB to pay tithes of what they have aoquir- I ed in order to avoid all risk of being flfi called upon to account for tho evil 9j methods by which their wealth has fl been gained. Fourth. Corporations which, having despoiled the publio lands by the aid of corrupt agcncies in the republican party, believe thoy will be compelled to give up their ill-gotten gains irthat party is driven from power, and are therefore willing to keep it in place by giving it a percentage of their unrighteous profits. This committee has not troops of of- ; fice-holders at its command. It will not 1 agree to sell the future legislation of I Congress for money paid now into , its I party treasury. It will not promise im- .X' munity to thieves. It will not -'contract to uphold any corrupt bargain heretofore made by tho republican party- with any corporation ior an mo weaitn xvnicn g such corporation can offer. It appeals f to the people against ono and all of M these opponents thus corruptly banded ? together against the friends of good government. The number of MV thcso gj opponents js small, hut their wealth is -fl great,' and it Vrill bo unHcfuptiloualy used. / P An active and vigorous campaign mnst be made ag&inst them. Their paid ad- ' -'S vocates must be root, and defeated in de- 8 bate upon the platform and in discus- E sion in tho newspapers. The organi7.a- | lion of all wfop are oppMod to them |jj must be perfected in ey$ry state, city i S itnd county in imjuland. ' S Money is noeafed to do this honest *g work. Your committee, refg&ing to ad dopt tbe methods by- which the rtpub- ^ lican party fills its treasury, callsupon all good citisens for tfriti aid which it re- , quires. It invites and it wili welcome contributions frojn ?very honest man , who is opposed to tiro eweflon of James G. Blaine as p rest don t? 4 No contribution will bo ajocoaptod; too small., Wherever a bnnk, banker or postal money oirder offtco can .bo found, tho means exist f6r placing at the disposal of tho treasurer of this committeo tndividual or collective contribution's in aid of the great cause in which Wo aro engaged, or money may bo remitted by mail to Chariot* J. Canda, treasurer. at IX Wost Twenty-fourth street, New Whon victory is achieved over tho unscrupulous combination which is now endeavoring to thrust James G. lU.iina Into the presidential dfllce, the rezordod list of such contributors will bo a roll 1 of honor such as no other party ift this . wQ country has ever possessed. Our opponents cannot ho saved didate to sponk to assemblage* of jfoo people.. The man wfco wroto Ihe Fifth- ? ?r letters vrlU rietor bo tho choice of Nrtion^l Democratic ^ Kxceuti vo -^1