The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, October 27, 1906, Image 3

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s SenliRul-Jornial nings of L->al and Persona Nature. 8 B. LaBoon has been on the t!t"AiEj week. 'O4veral Pickens county people uihtmading the State Fair. - is BlAttie Finley is assisting rris In the post office. .J- T. Partridge and sister, attie Findley, vilsi ted relatives a e sson last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. lbohey are nvo Mrs Shanvot Morrison, Mrs. 's mother, in Columbia. - 4. W. H. Johnson, of Piekens, CQlumbia this week visiting rel &nd attending the State Fair. es. R. 0. Piokeo, of Spartan. oi MIsVEltsabeth Robinson, ey, visited Dr. and Mr. L. P. >M, in Piekene last week. Willis Watkins, of Anderson died at his - home in 'that on the 18th instant and was the day following stSlabbown. - e harges, brought' against 0 *ennings in the U. 8. Court n obadwhat , premrtnre. His :md socounts with thegovern. 'ow that be has not. ben der. his duty a4d that'no -prison * siaped. # Mims Parrott, and se'verl erwona, have rentlynepeot now outfit. The pretes will nwag on Thuradat eveauge iday farnpon.nd .on. tbse " will be glad to have our and sbepribers 'in -li and ok at our plant.. 0 Bown, ntlored, died at the f her blabund, Wm. Bowen, M, on the 10th tntant, of .tion, seLr a lingering IbUses. Ves seen ebilden. Tiur w. ete bTried 06 SWoa the day g, Revs. Botherland and Ms. lueting the swrvies. She wi dby %1 who kew er6 both id clrd - d 06 he8th OItL et CM te~r Gti~aebbt's.". Woe, h* e~lrV, Ga., E . LsermsiQ TAtt.. wido" of AIM Keiit, __. V_-htir of A&lexeAld h .Aii. Mlgood d.eened, of tt. %he was 4 yearsof * o sot, three daughtnre, th.,Ier. "-s stts and s bet tti Ajr rieinde mouse her ii n Ge.etilli., ' - hle .!?suv ' VC' !Wa of~enerd i~1 r 2 er1ont, 0. B. * ~ st~3 Masa Onde Mth.V *The inlterneat - -. - .N ~h k rt. An in this SObaty - - oilh the carowing - , tnder -smos . 4 , in the Pieketme Toefrom ep - s he wa, being V.V."' red together on -- a cottnu mill genda udoo e m through the 'or for W y carryhag th. - ib W' -it of th21. te - .o er~s ih giett sasl. ~~ Vtt A. ftt4g gre 4~ - II'eaa. Th4Gm 4 ~ A4IbtIE. Soft, Rosy ( A. soft. rosy. egonplei Everybodv adinire it. T woman .bould not have i nourle'hpent of the skin wi waebing the faoe with h.At w nuess e it with Stearrs will soon bring your oomple grey looking condition. Tr PRIOE 25a A Pickens I NEWS PROM EASLEY. Itom iprom This ThrtIag Town and Communaet. Peep"Ia ano Otter Matter. H. 0. HEtod, who Ih been Indie. esf a umn at .M past datg. m. P. M. Taylor- U vitig irela. fives in Greenville. Mis Ione Wool, of the Greenvie Graded eb661e, waa visiting relativa tyre lastweek. J(. K. Oonob exhIbited a one Pul, ud China bog at tbe Gremnville fair. ' *Ve'0093 of o5Ootomonity sym. pathie Vith Mr.J: R.. Jackson, of the Eno so40o, in the death of bla. 10 year-old eon, &hIeb sad even.oe. entrd.oo khe 17th inS1. The brial took'o he yi oowng, Rog. D. W. HioWt ~oocia te service. mis Nanule Wilson, a forme" tma cher la the Graded sehool here was hiAgwIt IAsly, t'eek. Willie 1"luar, who Is well knows In 0h0fntr ia hold a TWOi to hl fat~hek Irvin- Miller. nea bre. Willis ka efItroading and is loeiwbd at Oakdsle, Celifosxi. His wife came #th 1im. Mr. Tillma nith died quite sud det2It on loat Sunday morning, at his home three milts west caf Faley. His 'fembi were tnlerred at lealr view oborch the day' foloid1ki deaty. He leaves a wife, seteral e snad a host d relative. and firiesds to wnogen hi death, IHe wps gales oeerbokd3r that bh tooght' his test fight. AmUd& with Bw Byeg for 68 Yeee. I have haes afluited with ene 'eyer -r. thisty-thrv .sz Thirteen e y bes4io. ty blind andI was .nrdI or si yma. My eyes ws badly iin. Lamed. One ol m nleI bow Ig ted spon m~ y t ing 'in'sla' e $n e box of -It, -To ma e i esean, e and my~sigII oqe back to me.--- E~ILanS, . yn SK. Chamberlain's tsalve .4 for 7PiCKENS MARKETS. Cewetee wegcivby areneh Swaos maretw Thesme Qtoatons are given every PrI. 4.y at noon asia. the price of antton 18 for that day only. 'Two hours after the ices ki given the markt may be up or . ott,on spE4tOe.......... ....... .....,.. . . 10% 5064............ ... ......... .........a fiu ........... ...... ................. Oeatr Presse. 13ieu.......... .... . .. .... ... e oitas etao........... .... .. ......... P..o..................... . . ............... ... .... ...... .A - ~* A teeaNMo$. - a ro dyie Si ' shes began taking~ El~ have eomlebaty car *u ii.s pghneet "it4 -*uek, fIDan orth,~' .' ,e- te gbe mediese optn 'l'v & - Iat d en'-:-' 07i 4' w b1: mvr be ,coer Sand Sor 'y e' ol wae $$50ts ew life, .t. a~ng~ 'rd ir * - t ci :omplexion. on is a : persnal ch 'e is no reason-why a y t. Proper exercis and il do it. After thuroukt & - ater and pure satap, genitrv - 9del weise Cream T Zion out of that tir BOTTLE. E)rugCo A CRTAIN CUne POTy * FET Allon's Poot-pase, , pdW % 4Ir ed. (h Ing weatin , swollen tAg( 9 nPIcnt FRa.: al mple FOOnN-a SyrsuT. U PAD -a new in tolon. AdoregA. AIt01j 8. muted ,Lp Foley's Honey al ?l T n0 -orve the MCot Qbeinmte -ongbAN -4ex'eg s the oo)d from the ayAtem a-I Vl id mildl I.xative It is gnarade.-d.P Do not'risk taking any but tie genuine td the -val tow' Pg4*ffr .Parukin&Phtay i* be A 1-10 eme fam for o, A of Bev. W& O Saethf r It fa Thilip Mobineen U aMa - on SS acres in-hih stateAt' ei b -R ftcres well timnbemi,-rt*rd'hod del.. ing honees and'in two good wire psiseres,ontyp '6 me bottom land and is .ee , four tmiles from Norris tdt*n cIi mi froiii 1Iberty.and fy. ei'ic e- C. H. in. Praters -etion, a ''o e Price 0.00 per aore. -Ad 4Jlius M. .Bolding, &-F; D. NY"* W-Pi6kefts S. I wio let to the loweest.dposible bid der the building of a wood'a sajt at the teel brie at 8aluda dam on Novem bar 1th, M., at 1 'clrchi. 'H8baifl. %ioen made known on (sWt'.t lettg. G. M. LYNC .- d r, Ro16 of FM Betulme a 1 g Btlbe of South Caroltu%.. V 00onty o Piekna. -Ex Parteo lames R. Vandiver. Fxaefet in Ae The estatie of D, R. N rtsi,. dEe&d Petition. for Wia~leemeni* and Dhi On. hring the pelEsoun for-a Pinal Settlemnt ad Di.ebagein thi nbdye onee IiIs ordered, t~jbat the 94tfr a of flual settlement of f hi o th.& K Norrie, desesed..- - - - - Is if fIter orderm d , i f disawarge by James it' Stor' of maid estath. b ' Piek.aa Sentinel-Jodr~maf o 4s fotrione inouh and tgb~;p. r.- . aId ehagge be sered at pw a itA(me tio e the petition 'cd literated J. BJ. 'NEWBEBRI,J P. P. 0: Plokene, 8.0O., Oetoberi 20: 190. - Joph N Bown A d'y i Petonr. Not ics to Debtors and;Creditore '1 wtpsanns boldinp s'AltdA sgueSe the amduyproven..a rei . e1 dAy of Jannerj 1907,.r4 be birred pa nt and sll peris ih estate mauat make pay -n 'iilopy'rberme the above date, tot *~ ..e--' . . Notice to Debtors and: Creditors. AS) peisone have~t e -'.~ estat4e of J. L. '.-.-.- .. . Sgg. . C nP, -.. --. .wi 'r. . All ii, a - a i' .1mi1 maike payvm -- . < Ayb of D~ecember, *- --' *. ." '-.- . - .F Atm Ce.ram L. -;*(1 - t FOLGER, LARGEST and most com plete line of General Mer chandise ever shown in Pickens. For the past month we have been receiving almost load shipments of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Hard ware,... Groceries, ,Furniture, Buggies and Wagons 'till we are now- -prepared. to show you the largest, best selected and arranged stock of General Merchandise in the up-country. .:very floor in each department is packed almost to the ceiling with goods bought at the right prices. G6ds bought right sell themselves and we buy nothing but the best goods at right prices. Our Dry Goods'department is complete in every detail. Everyth'ig in Dornestics, Out ip 's from 6 to: -1 4c.F nels, Jeans, , Ketseys, Percals, C6inghams, Plaids and Myls. Largest lot. of Blanceas ever aown in Pickens, at- eotW P.oo per pair. Dr -G oods! Dress.6 ods Worsteds, Cassemiers,.Pau. amas, Serges, 'Broad Cloths, : Henriettas, Brilliamthies. Em broidered Mohars, Dress F. nnels, all col6rs with. silks and tritnmings to inatcI.: The leading co'lors for this season ;Jre Black and White atnd Gray *4ads We .have 'a full'line of these cokors. A full and compeie .ine .in all the atest sry and. coloes wa (.Mildren,.., Misses -and Ladies. 'Jackte gl Coaks from $1.50 to $ 25O. Skirts fromn$a-5 to $6.. Raim Coat far ladies and men. H '*'; akover Shoes, Stetson l'ats>Ke e-Mitecel Wagons. ..NOTICE THAT FJ ~ Harris iastili in business at the same old a self.., C~ome around and get some *ieaa in ; ch~andbeit don't all come at onve.: ,1 sagt . 4~ poumnd sack of good Ilouir (odo acenta' other things according, minus Mea~t and.DrI owhichbisasbig.BB H amnan rahunig. Irlish * ued, BRiss, Early Rose, Burbaniks god B~ea - iebreoi, by the p~ock ~t - rold. pr Notice to bebtors anqd Credito~s AIIAe Ain o*re tuadingtW ', -4 sh - If~ be Mae. vn e . -' U ipgema 1 ndW~? ~nnht- d to hj E ,bV -- r- s~ u ga- TI k elk aab ? '- -.ii~r - - ,s o the . Tetwin r * *v~r. vpb o~f. at e'4 leso, THORNLEY & Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!. for men an would wear t On this line we have no the Bomar H competition. There are three Stetson Hat essential things to make a suit Hardware of clothes what it should be and tion. Just re these are fit, style and quality.- of Stoves an< Buying clothes as We do in large Wire and N quantities frorn five of the right, largest clothing concerns in the Big stock < country, enables us to give you dies, Bridles, all of these qualifications at a Blankets. L very reasonable price. Suits of Trunks. a for children 3 to 1-7 years from Rugs, Furr 75C to $6.oo; suits for youths Wagons an( 13 to'20 years' frdm $2.50 to entire second $12.50; suits for Inen, stouts, ing, 70 x 12< slims and 'regulars, $3.50 to tirely to Bug $5.0; Oebtgi for boys . 6 We buy bo, to 20 years rom- $3.oo to and can give $io.oo; overcoatas for -men pries. We $4.0 to $5-.oo.. Extra ptaft stcek- 6f Vuru foi boys ad i all sizes-ard eiity. Al al prices Aing .he-differdnt yo 'e aia 'line. -, e1oAI.I * fi ie- lothing we'handle h; 'E6e in the. culebraited. jake Hopkins house. Oak Ihake for boYs arid the- 'Horse to$65.oo Oa $he band fori-rieti. to $1 9.oo; I Shoe5. Shoe8,$i $5.oo. Ha Rea, on. ihft Tables, Dinir The increaseof our ehoe Tables, Side1 trade has --been phenomena Bed *Loungei The reason of it is we sell good you at least shckos. We cah hardly supply anyting y< the deniand. Shoes have ad- Furniture, S vanced ifem per cent, rnishing 1: but we are holding to old Just recen prices. as 'much, 4 -possible. Chase City E The old renownedBattle Axe of Mitchell still leads them all. The best are looking I shoe made for the mone, carries the )attle Axe Shohe are worn b lightest and erybodyITceyncome in h u the Mir sizes,'.all sti-iegd all priws. he to W are so agents for, the every time t Walk o'r Shoes .for rnning you $&50 oo and $5.00-.hsi The onShoe ..for. .men-: th c9upty, $5-o.and $6.oo, .rn th on~us for ai Zeglt ho frlages, -$3-00 We apprU BigetcC f M~ ndCp eery time. I~igt~4 of QadYour n A 44 9 2d ce nghy toe A) 4~rg of. oerDrs ce X ons 10 Piiee~ a - .9r p..- iseymsAnt as Iu 9 ee it d boys. If you he best hat buy at at $3.00, or the at $5.o or $6.oo. of every -descrip ceived a solid car I a car of Barbed ails, with prices >f Harness, Sad. Robes and Horse arge :Assortment rt Squares: and, iture, Buggies, I Surreys, Thloe floor of our bild is devoted en ies and Furniture, in solid car lots, you rock bottom tatry the largest iture in Pickens ook will convince k the truth. Y needed for the Suits froni$r5.c k Beds from $2.oo' )ressers $5-o to' Mock Centr V gTables, Kitchen oards, Safes -and - . We can save TO per cent on ou may need in oves or the Houae ne ed a solid car of uggies and a car W ons. If you or e-*agon that load, .runs the runs the kngest, tchell, you won't y It to theaM o ie moon chaoge, cotton to Pickene best market Ia indWhle here call - vthing you need,. e~ciate your busi-. I. treat yqg .rlght gents for .St4sn ;ad ie Sewing Machines~ ILBUSINSS; ody. . Mrs y in the~ 4 -4 .. * .) .' ~'; I~d ~ / .* V 6 i -) e~, 0*