The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, December 23, 1903, Image 2

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'7~~ luin r UIsHED lhVERY WED1nESDAY MORNINO. --BY The Sentinel-3ournal Company. THtoMiSoN & RicinnY, Pitors. J. Lj. 0. TIOtMl'SON, EAITon. Subscriptioi $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising R ites Reasonable. IHntered at Pickons Postoilee as Second Class MaI Maitter PIuKENS, S. C. Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1903. The M.yor and the Editor. A story which is a favorite with1 General Joselpli Wheeler rellites to the mayor of a southern town and the editor of i papeir pgbli shed there. The editor, a little in1, had caustically criti-ised file mayor, who was a giaIt in statlre, whereupon the lai ter called iuponi the newspa. per man mml said: "If it were n1ot for the dignity of yi oflice I'd wipe N you ofY the planet.. Get out of town, I .or I shall certainly (10 so when my term is finished." 'The editor did not leave town. Instead lie became a candidate for mayor and \wIS vie torious at the polls. Again the a myor cilled upon hii and deliver- P ed himself of a tirade, at the con - sion of which the c * i meekly : ' our . .l < -,y m .,or, it's just this way : .I he shal - .iMi t you Stepl ouit I . tOp in, and then of course < our respect for the dignity of my t oleiee wvill protect me from vio lence." As Broad as it Was Long. I ILloyd M ifflin, the poet, lives in I retirement in a beautiful hou.e at Columbia, Pa., but iow aind then for the sake of change lie makes a short visit to New York or to PBos ton. Not long ago Mr. Mliflin attended a church service of a sensationl sort. The preaCher discoursed upon a delicate subject with had taste, and ir. Mi ill in for a whole hour sliuddered with disgust and yawned with lassitude. At the (nd some one asked the poet what he thoulighit of the seruoni. lie replied "It was as broad as it was long." The Transparent Man. A strantge humian freak has just died at 'o1p1ditz, Plolhmcmin, in tile person of "count" Orloll. This in dlividuat~l, whio was kntown as "the tranfs)Imrentt man i," anid wvas exhibilit ed all over Flurop~e, was ilmast en tirely fleshle Iss, htis fra mem being bit skini and1 hone, and his hmones pos sessed suchl a pmeuliar quttlity of tranmspamrency I imt one could read the dialI of ai wat ch thlrough hiis leg. .Needless to say, Orloif was a consid erale puzzle to th le medical frester nity when in thme ileshi, a term of strictly figurat ive ap~plication in his case. A Blind Man's Question. . Williamii dmes, whlo holds the chair of p)sychoalogy at IHarvard, is< a brother of lHen ry James, thle nov elisL. Professor- Jatnes is noted for the amny epigmms that lie utters exteumpore ini Ihis course of H arv'ard lectures. Onie day Professor James was talking to a class upon the sub ject of beauty, and a student in terrup1ted to1 ask a stulpid queist ion. "Why," said t his student, "is cv.. erybody fond of beauty ?" Professor James sneered a little. "Yours," lhe said, "is a blind man's ques tioni." Dressing a Speech. never wirote ai speech in my~ ul .., never but aonce used one nutothmer man had writ teni. I envy te mn who can sit dlown int cold blood and achieve a t hoaugh~t, then dIress it-put clothes on it, pants, coat, vest, shoes anid collari and turn it out in full attire, as Minerva sprouited from the brain of Jlupitecr." Nerve Racking Noises. Steamt whiistles have fallen under thme displeasure of thle p~hysicianms of Salem, Mash., and tweunty-four of fte doctors have petitioned the city council to adopt strict regla. tionus concerning th eir use within the city limtits. They declare that thme noise made by them is often "a matter of life and death to pcersons seriously ill" attd a nerve racking nd1 discomforting thing to most 01)10 at all times. ___ - 8 Our rnoney winning books written by meon who kulow, tel * you all'aboit They aure nieeded by oery mran who owns a field and au plow, atnd iiIo.slres to get: the tmost out of them.n h)ley arefre,; Send oota cardj - F (t'ERMAN ICALt WORKS - - tiork 98 Nnsadp Street, A ~~ L.. GREAT BARGAIN CLOTHING SALE. ..Dixie Bargain House.. For the Next'15 Days. We are going to movo to a larger towii and will sell our entire line of Clothing, Shoos, htLs and Gent Ifurnishing Goods at cost. w"0 0 l(t i's Suits wath b $7. 0 will Fell f(r *4 35. 175 Meis Suits worth $12 59 will go for *7.75 Children Suits worth $2.75 you got them, now A $1.6 5 Suits woith $2.00 for 98c, 4975 paiLprti ,iintts worth $2.50 will uoll for the il5 dvs at $l t . --9I ir of Mlen's pank isw'ofrin ViP50 .la t$2. Ladies Skirts worth $250 will ro at $1.24. Br.y8 Knee Pants worth 50c will go at 24c. Shoes worth $3.50 to go at $2.24. Shoes worth $2.50 to go at $1. 25. 200 pairs of Ladies Shoes worth $2.00 % ill go at ,'or 98. We are ovorstocked on trunks. We will sell 100 all lz..s ainld stylo at co-.t. Triinks worth $8.00 for $3.90. Truitks worth $1- 00 for $L..98. Tiunmis w.i th $3 00. Ev.'ery body com.) to the Dii., BaIrgain l-mso Sl fC r the next 15 d Ly i. Your 1 ,l.Ir vill go) twice is far horo a a Iy whore elbe. DIXIE - BARGAIN - HOUSE. LOUIS COPEL, Prop. Old Freoma, Bldg. Pickens, S. C. 6.000 ~ %p JJ 0 PAY!DF bJT cceptIwg. j ( Any one buying $50 00 worth of merchaidise (except Grocerfes) from Octorber 21st 1903 to January 1st, 1904, I will have ei largod any photograph left at my storo id placed in a hands:me frame and deliverf.d to the custom.-r absolutely fie.e. Tel f work of onilging the photograph is done by one of the verv artists in the, Unait vd States. The frame is handsome and durahle. The outfit is just what an agent Awill charge $5 00 for. Any one buying $25.00 will be given chice of framo or enlasrged photograph. SWe Uniderbuy and Undersell! Coats Spool Cotton 50 per Dozeni. Remme eveythng sold isgaa teed as represented or money refunded. everyc tore sells clot a t weal1 Good green coffee, 10, 12, 14lb for $1 .00 ~/ outings, percale, sheeting, drills, flannel, Arodcfresh roasted coffee, 8,1b for $1.. Schaam brey, cheviot, and1( madras, wve can rukearatd ofe 1 o 1 surely please you. If you want any. Brown's Mule Tobacco $3.05 por box. Sthing in wool dress goods, we have all Early Bird T1obacco, $3.65 "' '' colors ranging in price from 10c. to $1. 65 Schnopp's fobacco, .$3.65 " " Sper yard. Dress patterns in zibhelines, All kinds of fancy and staple grocer. Camel's Hair, Mohair and Urillian tine. es at the right prices. Fafteen shades of. Granite P'oplins from S12'c to 45c per yard. Dress flannels5 I also carry a complete line of bugg'es, 1p1aids and novelty goods from 15c to 75c wagons, harnaess, saddles, wh aips, laprIbes. Sper yard. Best values for tho money. Don't fail to g't my price.s. Yours for Business, R. C. CA R T ER,LIERV,S. C To cure a Cold in One Day i- s.o Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TabIets. ~~~, on every Seven MIllion boxes sold In past 12 months. This sgatre, .. .0. C tmas Baying Christmas Goods, o 'ed good warm C'l'thinug, warm ~rsvar. Just now I amn offering 11d in Wool Dress Goods, Wool r 25c, Duckings, Korseys, the at 50: the yardl, Canton Flannel amno price as when cotton sold for Cnis us asnadfut o h aiy ~lsfrteltl good goods att 25c arA 50c agil;Wgs rthboselgitpcueinrasudrglsfr at 5c. Nvrhv ogtagetrvreyo ieueu hnsf iks is now. I have a big lot. ofpeonbeyrwalslg r al Iclsitou , whichl enables me to sell them Evrbdwhhabogtycesekoho go tyae tnt Blankets and Comforts, ni ~f~oki edcdte oa ~. I customers stick to mne and bring ThfnetbocaesrpmeatS;abrgiinawlkon and if we can't save you moneybrn tobcot3c;JefrIopu, A rad owov r esentsth$500fo for90 A l leo $66.Adlo, nut oaisin s ad urausfo te mlDlls rthpit. girl(S o rte os elegant pi ocer tuhrgsin-famie fodr X ass or Brie hon thre omforchicens raing bhirs r nth goolkto NE~ V L.I~ *~* e vern haveRI bougthe ca getrvaithfni.ueu tig premoeey,,Sbeeyguodwanor lasse orsml, DI c anRISou brandV ot *oac a ,0; 0 o 150pu Bronchitis "I havc kept Aycr's Cherry Pec toral in my house for a great many years. it is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds." J. C. Wilifams, Attica, N. Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of 4l1 kinds. Thrco r.zes: 25c., 50c., $1. All dugelste. Consult yo r doctor. If ho -mys t.1:o it. thoul d10 tie 10 says. It 110 tells~ youl I ut to tako It, thon sluh 't take It. H1u kiowS. Leave It with him. W io williM. J. C. AER CO.. Low'1I, Mass. e TreNpiihs Notice. All persons are herohy warned not . hanit, fish, cut ti :mibr, (r i ant ray trespass on an of miiy t M-; u 0er penalty of the lia 9 Dec 4t .Je Or'einsiw'm. From South AMrlea. Mr, Arthur Chapmat ,-om )urban, Natal, 8 WrAric-1 -1-yfi "An proof th dmad ohRm P1u1610 ni (oumgd 1Rozn* MIa cu sutitablo for old and oing pen you the followiig: A neighbor of nino huad a child jist overt Iwo mno1itli dd. It, h1.4 it very had1 eolugh l th-A eII mreits did not lkow w'hnt to give it. .I niggested that. if they mould gt ia blottle it> (hamberrins ough Remedy ail >ut somo u1 ponl th di I lily teat the baby Va1 stIcking it. w'(rld m> dollt ore tl 1,ild. .'il tihey did an1d brought, Iahot .(qick relief aind mured thev baby. Thism emedy in for aile by Pickons Drug Co., Canrlo's Urng Stor e, Piokons and T. N lnter, Liberty, AUDIT0l'S NOTiCE. Por10 Taking Retun for,1 V6tI Tlie Yeaur 1004. 1 aisk fitha 0each anid onef Come, mipared to givo tue the Schol Distriet u wlieh he or fho may livo, 11 the jiumptrholer Giner.l Nwi I iot allow an.) I hit. mci for I'r son's wihero they gel it the wrong distr i H. I ilso atsk tioti 11t a11nd every pera -n muko their own 4turns1 , 1as .1 xpecot. to t.ko all t , tiulrnts ntysolf in ord. r- to pIrevent, gett ing to., nan v neres againt itany 0110 Ont 111y bo..k, his lu1s got. to be too goilwlmt i. No gav' r11 yo1rSel vex accordinigly. Fifty por eit. peunalty for non reotins. I will b,;o at the following named ulacom: Six Mile, Mon(day, Janl. 11, 11901. Ca11lhonn, Tueiday, Jin. 12. Central, Wednesday, Jin. 13. Catenchloe, Friday, Jan. 1,3. Libtv, M[onday and Tunexday, Janu 8 antd 19. Euloy, '2t, '21 and 22, Wednesday, I'h irudaty and+'r?2 iiy. Wi>.\tillm & F"reemuan1's Storeo, Mouiday H-Iogsed 's Store, WVeudnesdayv, 27. H uighex' Storo, lT h ursday, 28. Pumtlpkitow'i, Frid y, 29. Holly Springs, Monday, Feb. 1. 190 1. Aiken's Stoic, Tu'esda~y, Feb. 2. Oeorge H olombtto'x, Woudnieaday and 31 ilo Cireek, F'riday13, Feb. 5. Pratet's (Creek, Mlonday, .Feol. 8. I will bo in my (oilico duintg the time if tis nottico on) Sat urdays to take re uirts. Vory respecet fully, F. F". KEL li, Dec.21, 92. County Auditor. It Kteepti te Fee't Warn~h~ind D)ra As tednay foar .\nehn's loo 00Eas', a Jutawer. It~ 'urets thitlblaina', Sw.nen~a, sweaitng, sure', Aceh n g lhn p ret. AtI atlI druiggists ati sh I'hi 0(1 M~eait iMariket ..Moor'e.. I wisdom dwell with Pioduce, h1efo the loavos foll-d In ill itlat Ol'51 inmor, I wias therc. When it took tho profit to keep ice Thien I wats therie. When I the Sitmmer)01 comles 1~ agit I'll be there. Comec to me for' your ment I am theroe. You stick to me and i',d stich: to you Awvay Down i1 Di'x-o. A true Prover b. J. D. MOO I- E. Ini th10 midit of'i wntet rto will blankets, CIomf ort s, Shioes and Undli ameii,of the blesit alues$ that I have 'lanneitls, and1( (Can1ton Flannuelu. The host ,Jeans anybody solls f< ost goods over made for men's woai c, l00, and 12&c. Same goods at t 0. ' Undoiwear for men an~d women armnent. 40 inch Sea Idantfd still selimg Thie time to buy Capes and Clioi hem bought at "closing Out" prices )r und~er price. Don't give mo out whet) you wi My Shoes still stand the test, ol tOW (ones with them. OComo to see um ve woni't ask you to buy13. A.I1 W~est En<L.~ P. S.: More goods for san innev. Many of our lidy and getitlemlet patrons are fastidious dressers an can aftord and demand strictly e "High-0rade Footwear Shoes of exclusive quality. SucI Such shoes as are only possible by %comlbination of the best material bet esgners-best, workmiet stricly best quality, Shoes that ar imitated t never e(1aled, In showing a complete stock such "H 1-1 GRADE FOOTWEAR" 'we stand alone inl thi city. Til Iewest and best in the shoe creation to suit th pocket b1, awaiting you here. They are well worth seein You are x ome whether you buy or not, for we take gre pleasure i iowing this elegant to all callers. Don't Forget We have w er comforts in Felt Romeos and Slippers. Som thing nice t -ivc your friend for Christmas. Sole gelts for "The Dorothy Dodd Shoe." r eUp-o-Date Shoe Rouse, nmREENVLLE, S. c. hat Flies a Flag Is Barr's 1Yg Establishmen I & 116 1outh Maill Street. F.uir sirs il -every foot of spasao fi.led up and crowded with Christ masC Gaofl First flor---Dr. 'oods, C rsts, Glove , W h ie Goods, Hsiery Unidec wear. Socoid Floor-l n'-s, Chin lware, Glasswaro A..a'o and Tfin wa re, IHug.4, Lidwcs CI ki aniid Jaolkis :ai DolI ~. ,W\e imccpo:td ul ilr o~k of D olls irct f~.romt Germiany a'nd so of Cc ose cnfelI theiu e ajer tJha:: if wte b.>ugit, themu frmn a whuulo satlo dailer in tis e oun c v. \V., ar.1 ginug to give away a beautiful fl0 (doli to somce of i-n a-d cutoe nrs. Aniy one b uyin g aI doll, even if its otnly ai 5c01n, '.il b not ied~c to a ebantlce c t this one0 drawing to take .alaco ocn Christ iive. S.>mo th igs thacit nic .igist ive for Oh ristmasl proesonIs: Glove an md olar bokdcAlb iumsn, Wr iting Poioios 01, Vasos, Chii cna Cu ps anid Sauccrs, Tl'ecis Bibles, Picturtes, Kid 0Gloves, Z.'phyr Shawls, 'lmlnks. Paper and1( ic'Jolo4, Rutg, Kies Vandtii Forks, Ash rce~i vers, Maftc)os, U~m\ellIas, out hI CIs , ctamo Ware t We~dge woo)d W\are..8 niId inug Bloucihiquile~ BI oarlds, D..ll Teasetci Savinigs Bankls., Jairdinti,-rs, Pcirses, Pnat Ho ks, Wrist Ihcg?, Suit Oases, Chi na Dolls. IKiel Dolls, Stucffed ills, Dressedi D~ol-, UndressedI Dolls, 'lh imblcsi and Hooks. W\e haven't spa-so to qunoiprices on every ar'ticlo--ish we had--4 for then wo would be ceritain i cut youi niiong our customers. Whcen you are( inl Gremnvill e0 CO andi looik thIroughc, it will be0 an hour well spentl even if you do clot cy. BAR R'S OOS ST ORE. u14-11;6 Main St.~ GREENVILLE, S. C. Stradiley S.arr's old stand. Treasuires Notice. STATE OF SOUTH- CARO , County of Pickens. THEii TREASURER'S OFFICE LL BE OPEN FROM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15th NTIIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1903, WI OUT PENALT1Y. The Rate of State, County. School all Special TLax, Inllclinig One Dollar Poll Tax and One Dlar Commutation Road lVax. In acconlcdi'o will actn .Act to~ resso supl)ies the fitc--al year oommo~ Januatry 1, 1903, ncotico icc her by giveni that offico of' Conn ~j1 o Pickons C.,ountiy wiill ('recc fo.c theo coleion1 c taxese for sjflleitl~ - T[RURSD]AY, OCTOBER 15rrH, until -J'HURSD) , DEOEM1 ER 31s.laref per cenit.- of taixationi are as folows: Levy For' Stat Tacx - - .- 5 Mills. " "Ordiciary Concily lax - 4. a " "Constitutoncal Sccool tct -- 3" "- "' Paist Incdebtiedness - - 1~ " " "County Roads - - 1 " "Sinkicig Fund - - Total levy for State acid Conty Taxes - - 17 Mills. Lcevy for interest oin Pickens 1R. R. boncds, P'i na C. II.,T.Lownsibp 31 mill. Lccvy for miet rest on Pickenis R. 1R. biondl, 11ii no Tfohip,1 2} mills, Levy for intecest on Pickenis R. R. bonid , En 00 Township, 3} mills. Spe'cial Levy For' Scool Distiict . 8 2 Mills ~ 4]3 4 44 44 4 6 4 16 2 "4 46 4 *4 6 6619 2 " 44 44 44 t4 44 ~28 2 "~ 4 44 44 4 4 ,, 31 4 44 44 4 41 6 64 a 1 9 2 "~ A Poll Tax ofOne ]bolladpr caita oct nfl mrcfdc '51 1rtw oi the ag s of 21 and 60 years, eept such ats are exempt iby lawv, wil a collected. A commuiittion Roatd Tax of Oncc Doll r will b)0e c oted at the same time as other taxes from all male citizona bet weccn the ages of 1 nd 50yasecptati /s are exempted by law. Unless said tax is paid by tht lst of Dec. 190, iht datys work upon01 the puiblio liighways will be reqi'ired ui r a contractor. PTxes are payable only in gold and silver coin, U~ni 1 States currenc Na iona1l Bank Notes and Coupons of State Bonds which b >me'payable dur ng the Parties desirinug inforiation 'by mail in~ regard to Lb taxes wilt lease af ato the location of their proc eryu~d includo postagt for a ly., and thosep yg hives by cheick niust inco e charge's for colloeting.